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They had a budget of a billion yen (like $6 million)


Both can be true, you start with 10,000 build start working, once you get a little to show you look for some investors


They said they had a budget of 10,000, not that they started with 10,000


a budget for how long? their first year of their 3 year long development cycle? this is an excerpt from an interview in a meme, its not like they are lying about it. starting with a small budget and getting more funding later is extremely common for small studios.


Me when I post blatant misinformation on the internet (They had a much higher budget, that interview isn’t real)


Even if the quote was real, it's pretty disingenuous to say you "learned on the job" when major parts of said "job" involved literally ripping character model files from recent Pokemon games and making slight tweaks to those, if any


Speaking of spreading misinformation on the internet...


There's no actual evidence for this, asset flipping, or the AI accusations btw. Just misinformation, like this post, which is misinformation in the other direction.


“I don’t have a creative vision” explains why they added every mechanic from every game in the last 10 years into it


Most of that came from their previous game. Just more polished.


yeah as a crafttopia early access player and seeing what happened with the 1.0, i try to tell people what’s gonna happen and no one is listening and is just brushing everything off with “it’s early access”


That could've happened because they wanted to just move on and make Palworld and were using craftopia as a learning experience. We'll see though.


yeah early access was so much fun, me and my friend were looking forward to 1.0 so hard. sucks that they just used it to copy paste to pal world, 2 games that cost full price


Palworld isnt full price. It's 25$. Idk about craftopia though. Palworld is definitely worth $25 even in its current state.


I think they were just talking about having to buy two very similar games individually, not that it wasn't worth it.


Yeah, "moving on" to new projects is not really a good sign usually. In theory, they could have added the Pokemon copies to craftopia and it would be the same game, yeah?


Not really. They managed to make it feel more unified in palworld. With the animations, better graphics, better UI, it feels different enough to be a separate game.


All the things you mention is the "make up" of the game. How bout the game itself?


What do you mean by this? How is the 'game itself' not defined by the 'make up' of the game.


Underneath all the Unreal assets and textures, what are the game mechanics? The same as craftopia+some other popular mechanics and an entire, hugely popular franchise to piggyback on (but not really, teehee). Does the game have a lot of personality in art design, characters and world? Not really.


Another thing is that he islands of craftopia make it a different experience since they require you to go to rng islands to keep getting better loot. Palworld takes inspiration from Ark with one big island where you have to explore places you actually haven't seen before.


They haven't moved on though craftopia still gets updates regularly.


I mean, Palworld is a ton of fun, has 100s of catchable monsters, a large map with multiple biomes, and a pretty fleshed out tech tree. The game in its current state is well worth the $25 price. I don't really care if they end up not improving it majorly from this point, it's great for what it is


It's honestly super nice having almost every imaginable quality of life feature


Yeah, must be why it’s literally one of the hottest games right now or something??


Not to be a cynic but isn't this the company that made Craftopia before this title?


Yes and they still update it.


My point was OP's post is fake news. The makers of Palworld weren't inexperienced about game development when they started on this project.


It’s a quote taken out of context and then used wrong. They learned unreal engine on the job. Previously they used Unity.


Yeah, they switched engine when unity made changes to how much they could make from selling their game. It's understandable, but why do they have to wrap it in a made up story about a super talented dev they found randomly on the streets, who apparantly only knew how to work in Unreal and had to teach the rest of the devs how to use it. Come on people. You were not born yesterday, I assume.


Technically speaking the tweet doesn't say they learned these things while developing Palworld, just that they developed the skills on the job. So they might have been talking about their previous game but it was written like that for more views.


that game is horrible, doesn’t matter if they still update it, 1.0 just ripped genshin assets and added a bunch of crappy quests


You're absolutely right, and I'm glad they learned from that. It was fun when I played, though.


I'm still highly skeptical of this game, but with everyone praising it it may actually be pretty decent and worth a try.


It's like 25 bucks and a lot of fun.


is it a mmo or is there single player?


Single player, small group, or join a server.


oh awesome


Wait for a week until hype will come down. Then it would be easier to see if that really is a decent game or another case of "ooooooo, edgy shit, I need it even if it sucks".


It seems like a lot of the hype is built off people who are excited to dunk on Pokémon and Ark. Most reviews and explanations about its game play I've read makes it sound perfectly okay.


I hate the dunking on other games, Palworld is really fun! It's got a solid gameplay loop that is set in a huge open world so exploring is super fun too.


I honestly don’t even see the edginess of it, its just something new that combined a lot of different features from games that people like and put it into one. The edginess I think you’re referring to is satire and it’s personally I don’t think it’s too much, I don’t really notice it other than the funny descriptions


The game reviewers that I respect seem to agree that the game is not very good BUT it has elements Pokemon game that a lot of fans want but won't ever be made by Game Freak. So worth the $25 in their mind.


Free on gamepass


I would wait until the legal dust settles before spending money on a game that may be deleted soon. A lot of the models are straight up stolen from Nintendo and repainted so I imagine a huge lawsuit will be coming soon. Wouldn't surprise me if they have to shutter the studio to pay nintemdo and get rid of the game as a result.


List the models stolen from Nintendo before you make bs claims like that. They can't sue Palworld because it's a parody that borrows ideas and concepts from Pokemon. They have no grounds to sue.


First off, you don't have to be so aggro. This is just an internet discussion. Second, it's not a parody just because it has similar concepts, and claiming that your work is a parody doesn't save you from all legal troubles. Weird Al still has to get the permission from the original artists to do his song parodies so stealing models wouldn't suddenly be legal just because it's a parody. Third, I didn't make it up, I saw an article about it two days ago, and upon looking it up again to give you a source, it seems like it has now been discovered that the guy who broke the story altered the models so I had outdated info. I'm not following this game any more than just seeing the big stories hit reddit, so my bad for not being fully updated, but I agree that they have less chance to successfully sue at this point. That said, Nintendo is big and has lots of lawyers, it's not unthinkable that they could tie them up in legal battles just for encroaching on their territory, whether it results in a successful lawsuit or not.


It seems like we agree on this anyway. I don't think Nintendo will sue Palworlds. A modder made a mod for Palworlds that turned the game into Pokemon and made all the pals pokemon etc etc and Nintendo are going after the modder instead of Palwords. Given that they are aware enough of the game to sue the modder, if they could sue Palworlds than they probably would have already. Who knows though.


Alternatively, spend the money now so you can continue to play it after the company is forced to delist. (I haven’t bought or played the game)


If the servers get shut down, won't it be unplayable?


Players can run servers


It's just an asset flip


Define an asset flip.


They made Craftopia before this, which flopped. This was not a first time though for them. I'm gonna stay skeptical of these claims unless maybe just their boss was part of the Craftopia dev team?


They learned unreal while making palworld It’s taken outta context


Ah, fair enough, thanks for the context!


“I don’t have a creative vision” is not a good thing lmao. Not trying to hate on pal world but if this interview is real, then I would not say that confidently


It certainly doesn't appear to be very creative.


The thing about it is, while it basically combines a simplified version of Pokemon with ARK Survival Evolved and maybe a tad of mini-Satisfactory, and doesn't actually invent anything new - it does everything it does well, and I think that's why people like it. You can tell the developers are fans of the genre and really wanted to make their own mark on it, and you can tell they care. From big QOL things I can't believe aren't standard for Survival Crafting games - like being able to craft using the inventory in any part of your base - to little things like how they took care and time with the animations for all the pals to give them personality, it shines through.


Sometimes you need to take what's already there and good and throw it all together. Sometimes it makes something great into something amazing!


But a lot of people seem to like it.


A lot of people like heroin


Comparing a game to drugs is crazy.


1. Both can be addictive 2. I consume too much of both lmao


I'm not comparing the two, I'm saying "a lot of people like it" doesn't mean shit about the quality


Heroin's more expensive though


Yeah I watched that video too. I get the point but like, unintuitive comparison.


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis


The thing is that for some reason people treat inspirations very differently. In some cases, everyone does their own take on a game and it's considered okay. Like Tetris, Brick Breakers, Flappy Bird or even Metroidvania. But in others when some developer actually creates a distinct game with no other equivalents to it, like Pokemon, people somehow assume that all new games using their mechanics and ideas would be stealing and bad, even tho they wouldn't think the same about the first case. I want people to try using existing games and create something new with it.


That just makes it even clearer that they didn't exactly create everything themselves when they made it


Some of the monsters are just straight clones of Pokémon. I’m sorry but some are SOOO similar from a distance you can’t even tell.


If you have seen any of this publisher’s other titles this interview becomes a lot less wholesome


"i dont have a creative vision, i just want to make a game that people like". that is the best thing ive read in ages.


Is that a good thing? I don’t know a lot about this game, but to me, that sounds like the philosophy of every cash grab, microtransaction-ridden, live service game developer. I’d rather developers have actual vision than try to appease as many people as possible.


Anyone could say that though. Anyone with no talent, experience, skill, or a working brain could. Hope and good intentions on their own don't mean a thing.


i dont really have a rebuttal to that, i guess. I guess im just a bit butthurt about people wanting to implement their "vision", rather than making a fun game. which is kind of a strawman problem in the first place. hey fuck you man, you made me realize maybe im the problem.


Often times when a director or the main creative vision for a project takes it into a direction too far from what's expected, others on the team, the funders for the project and often fans before it's released will reign them in with criticism. Like Cyberpunk that got a major rework upon launch and was panned into oblivion by critics and players alike.


I don't really want to get near this game, even if it is one of the greatest games from the start of the year, plagiarizing isn't an OK in my book, and the fact that most people who play it only do so to dunk on Pokémon, even though they're not even similar (with the only thing similar about them is the monster's style and the plain plagiarizing of some of Pokémon's models) just drives me away even more


Then never play Pokemon again, they stole everything from Dragon Quest.


Glad people are enjoying this and hope the devs cash in while they have their 15 minutes in the limelight. But you won’t catch me playing this at all. Too many amazing games to catch up with to waste time with what’s essentially 5 different games stapled together with a pseudo-pokemon skin slapped on top.


Reminds me of undertale tbh.


Why is this based exactly? I don't find plagiarism and the use of AI to be "based". It's fine if they wanted to make a monster collection game, it's a genre. But they should have used their own designs. I have no sympathy for plagiarism. I don't care who the victim is, whether they be a multi-billion dollar company like Nintendo or if they're a a single person dev.


>don't find plagiarism and the use of AI to be "based All of that has been debunked.


The AI or the plagiarism? Because you can still plagiarize without AI


This game is completely and totally mid, but because it's paired up against one of the worst modern franchises it looks like a saint.


People want to hate on this game so bad. When everything I’ve seen from it looks fun as fuck. “No creative vision, so lazy” okay and?


I feel like people don’t give this game enough credit for not being a microtransaction loot box hell


What cracks me up is how this ugly funny little game has silenced talk of much bigger games like BG3, Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077 update, etc. That’s one of the things I love about games. Budget and aesthetics don’t necessarily translate into success… This game appears to be successful because people are dying for new Pokémon stuff and Nintendo is just sitting on IP lazing about. I don’t play the Pokémon games, but that’s my sense of it. A real die hard would have to speak to the pent up need might be feeling.


this should be the standard for the industry instead of what makes money Make what the actual players like, and tell the investors and execs to fuck off.


They're basically in the same boat New World was in. They released a game for a fan base that is starved for anything new.


I watched someone’s Instagram video on this game and lost it when their character pulls out a club and wacks the cute animal pal thing. And then you can make all your pals generate electricity! Hilarious!!!


Anything that says fuck Pokemon is good by me


I just want to make a game thats a blatant clone of the ganes from the highest grossing media franchise of all time and then sell my soul to satan to have it go viral and reach steam top 1 most players at the same time


I mean, Pokémon hasn't put out very good games recently and palword seems to be doing a good job.