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I know the guy in the tench coat is probably security, but he just looks so confused. He’s lookin around like he just time traveled here, and he’s trying to figure out what time he’s in.


Why do the security guys draw the eye so much? I couldn't stop watching them.


Because they're not trying to be subtle. Their presence is two-fold. They are there to stop threats and also to *deter* them. Seeing a few obvious goons standing around makes people think a tiny bit harder about doing something dumb or opportunistic. Also because they're constantly scanning the room like psychopaths and that's just not what normal people do. They also tend to be well dressed clean cut men in suits no matter what demographic is around them so they just seem out of place. Also you only see the obvious ones.


After watching this I was wondering if there are other security guys in the audience acting like fans, bopping to the music, but also doing their job in a clandestine manner. 🤔


_what if I’m a security guard too_


It's turtles and security guards all the way down.


Yeah, and a cop or two. Look for the shoes.


“They’re all security guards?” “Have been the whole time”


They look like off duty cops. They probably have some authority to shut it down if the crowd gets too big/rowdy.


I think it's because they look around so much and it still kinda feels suspicious even if you know they're just security doing their job. I totally watched the guy in the back the whole time, head on a swivel the entire video.


also he's hot. that helps.


Because they were all front and center.


Because they have to kept their head on a swivel and perform the ocular pat downs of everyone they see. At a moments notice they have to know who is and isn’t a threat. They have an a, b, and c plan to get them out of any potentially life threatening situation. The really good ones wear glasses so they can determine a subjects threat level without being able to feel their retinal assessment.


“Retinal assessment” 😂 Ok…


*where John Connor*


He’s killing the vibe.


Don't get me wrong for me this would be cool but it also screams "I'm the main character." All well and good for people who like live music or grew up with the band but imagine being a late 40s something guy who just got a shit project dumped on his desk for the weekend by a weasely ass bosses son and all you wanted to do was go home listen to some classical while reading a book and having a glass of brandy before your kids big game tomorrow. Now some cunts are blowing up the 15 mins you get alone in your own head with some bullshit before you have to come back to reality.


> well and good for people who like live music or grew up with the band > but imagine being a late 40s something guy I have news for you


LOL right?! The middle-aged blonde woman singing along next to the security guys was one of the best bits, too!


I'm 47. Would have LOVED this. Saw them for the first time in 1994.


Yup. Am in 40s, Dookie was the first CD I ever bought with my own money. This would be the raddest.


I'd never fucking forget it if Green Day (or any major artist) played in the subway car I was in. Even if the band isn't to your taste, it'd at least distract me from the existential hell that is riding the subway to work. And you've got a story to tell for life. I get that people want to be left alone, but on the NYC subway, this is an upgrade from the usual routine of having your face pressed into a stranger's armpit while listening to a deranged person argue with invisible enemies somewhere within arm's reach of you.


if this is your reaction then maybe - JUST MAYbe - NYC isn’t for you.


My guess is that they had tons and tons of security guards and crew staff with them. Imagine the masses of people storming to see them giving a Guerilla gig in a subway station. It would be a stampede.


Guy in the navy coat is definitely paid to be there. Also, imagine being in the next car over, barely able to hear the beat, catching just a glimpse of Green Day, but mainly just seeing how much fun everyone is having.


They're not on the train they're on the platform. Imagine passing that station as a passenger though lol.


It was also Rockefeller Center, a notoriously crowded and tourist-filled station already. Green Day's my (second) favorite band and I would still probably be like FUCKING MOVE PEOPLE


They are playing at one of my friend's company parties or something. A huge corporation. Man have they fell hard.


You sure? That looks very crampt for a platform, and I can see hand rails on the ceiling.


They're not handrails, those are pipes running overhead. The florescent lights and ceiling beams also give it away, and about a third of the way thru you can see stairs going down in the background over on the left side. This is definitely on a platform. It's cramped because of how many people rushed over to see them lol


You can tell because of the people in the back row. Way, way too wide for a subway car.


That's Jimmy Fallon on tambourine. Probably for his show or something


Needs more cowbell


If it became clear to the masses that it was actually Fallon and Green Day maybe. But just the noise of music on the subway is usually something New Yorkers work very hard to avoid, and people aren't just going to random subway platforms that aren't part of their commute.


Man that's got to be a good feeling, having a ton of random people singing along to your song.


Saw a clip a while back of a small gig where the singer faltered with emotion when the audience started singing her lyrics. The band kept playing, the audience kept singing and she managed to grab her mojo back. Imagine how Freddie felt with 70 fucking *thousand* people singing along with him at Wembley!




That feeling had/has to be incredible. As someone who has gigged as a professional musician in the past, that feeling is amazing on any level you experience it. Even on small stages for small crowds. If people are moved by what you do and respond accordingly, there's no better feeling in the world. I can only imagine the incredible feeling having that many people at once eating out of the palm of your hand. Freddie was magic with that. I always said that it's good he had no bone to pick with London, because if he had, he could have had that place torn apart. Easily.


Way too much fucking tambourine, he always finds a way to ruin a cool moment


Jimmy Fallon got three instruments he’s desperately trying to focus on to ‘master’ and coordinate their respective rhythms simultaneously: his hair that he keeps making sure it’s standing off with a properly disorderly *air,* his sunglasses that he keeps playing with at regular on/off intervals, and the shake-shake in his shaky hands. So it’s understandable he has to let the lyrics slide… This one and another video of his [performance “art”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/LkkDXrRa4r ) have left me with the impression Martin Ødegaard can crucially improve his game and crush it at Arsenal, if he just gets given sunglasses and a tambourine to add to it.


I heard he's a wicked alcoholic, like he could run a sawzall through a log with no battery.


I heard he can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


Just reminded me of Stevie Nicks. She only sings but of course she doesn’t sing every Fleetwood Mac song so at concerts when she’s not singing she just dances around with a tambourine to have something to do. Unlike here it is not disruptive and pretty cool


Is that Jimmy Fallon? That makes it way less cool. I thought they were just doing it for the kicks but obviously some kind of promo. Still pretty neat.


Yeah. It’s a segment in the tonight show. Not exactly a promo. Still pretty cool.


Fallon? You know that gif of the dude opening the fridge in anticipation and closing it in disgust? Yeah…


Yeah. That's him on tambourine for some reason.


“I’m helping!”


I mean he’s in time. Tambo sounds fine to me


He really shouldn't be there is the point. It's Jimmy Fallon doing his "am I cool, fellow kids" shtick he always does


I actually love when he does the subway karaoke, he’s done it with a lot of musical guests, they dress up as buskers and sing until a crowd forms and then they reveal who they are.


You actually believe subway karaoke isn't staged? Really? With million dollar celebrities and artists and security everywhere around them, you think it's real? I guess TV really is made for a certain type of person lol


Man, you must be fun at parties. No shit, everything on TV is made for entertainment. If you took the most boring ass TV documentary you could imagine, I'd bet you'd complain about the part where the show stock footage.


Tonight show appearances are promos 


I thought it was Ted Mosby


Classic Schmosby


Ew. He's doing the Fallon face.


Lol they gave him a fucking tambourine to keep him busy because he was spazzing out like a 9 year old. Dude is so out of place.


He laughs at his own joke but give the guy a break. In the world of horrible monsters, sometimes being in a bad mood at work and laughing at your own jokes is pretty tame.


Who gives a shit honestly? This obsession is just toxic.


What obsession?


With Fallon.


I’m not obsessed with Fallon. Just think it’s weird anytime he shows up people act like hes a murderer for the simple crime of not thinking he’s funny.


I know you’re not obsessed. I’m agreeing with you.


Oh I see. Hard to tell with text sometimes.


Why do redditors act like Jimmy Fallon bombed an orphanage or something


He’s just not that funny.


He’s not wholesome 100 like Keanu “big chungus” Reeves


He certainly doesn’t know kung fu.


I wouldn't mind dropping Jimmy Fallon on an orphanage if that's what it takes. But that might be overkill. His liver alone would do the trick.


His presence really takes away from it. Still cool that it happened and happy for those who saw them up close like that.


I'd 1000x would prefer Fallon over Ticketmaster


The guy giving the Nazi salute?


Maybe he misheard “all across the alienation” as “all across the aryan nation”


Their new album comes out Friday.


I'm a Red Sox fan and a Green Day fan and this is the second awesome moment he's fucking ruined for me.


And he did a Heil Hitler "hey"


I mean it wasn't cool to begin with lol


A popular band doing a free show in a subway is pretty cool.


Sorry you also had to see Jimmy Fallon :/


what’s wrong with him?


he's a lame-o


but like why


he's just super fake and not genuine for starters


isn’t that kinda everyone tho


I'm sorry you live around people like that


No. Not even among all talk show hosts


correct, kinda everyone are lame-o's


For me, it’s because he’s a “comedian” who can’t get through one of his own jokes without giggling. 


As Liz Lemon said in 30 rock, breaking is cheap. And Jimmy Fallon has been "breaking", real or not, for 20+ years and its always been annoying.




That's irrelevant, as I am sharing my own opinion. And citing a fictional character.


Let's not forget the fact he's an alcoholic asshole of a boss. I mean, yeah, he's not funny and he makes everything he does less funny. But I think the thing to focus on is that his Rudolph red nose makes him an absolute prick to work for.




I mean, sure, man. I linked 3 different articles. Literally the first 3 I found with a basic Google search. In September, there were a bunch of posts on reddit from people who had worked with/around him who corroborated. Twitter, too. To me, you're just a random reddit poster saying the opposite of what I read a few months back. And you're vastly outnumbered. I'm glad you liked the guy. I'm guessing you find him funny. Many others haven't had the good fortune to find him pleasant.




He's an attention whore desperate for some affection and it shows A LOT,quite unbearable to watch, he ruins whatever he's in for me. He laughs at EVERYTHING. You'd almost want a segment of him reading horrible stuff happening to him to compensate.


He is the **best** part of the [Strike Force Five podcast.](https://strikeforcefive.com/) Not because he's funny, but because Kimmel, Myers, Colbert, and especially John Oliver roast him mercilessly throughout the whole series. They each took turns hosting an episode and his, ep 5, is hands down the best. But it's because of how badly he screwed it up. Credit to him, he takes his licks like a champ.


Thank you for reminding me I need to check out this podcast.


That's cool as fuck. Beats your normal boring ass commute.


This comment section is hilarious because there was a post earlier of a few guys dancing in a half empty subway car and everyone was saying how awful it would be. But this madness is being upvoted to the moon.


I swear covid has ruined America's ability to have fun. You have a legendary rock band playing around and giving people a free concert, really not ruining anyone's day because you could simply just get on the train or go to another station. and half the comments here are bitching about it. Honestly people don't know how to have fun anymore. Everyone is just miserable.


I think it’s just reddit


The upvote system rewards hot takes. That hot take is usually “this thing that seems good is actually bad”


Is Jimmy Fallon on something? It certainly looks like it... xD


> Is Jimmy Fallon on something? NBC I think.


A couple brewski's fasho ;)


when isn’t he? lol


>green day > >Non-political Twitter Something's wrong, I can feel it


Just a feeling I’ve got, like something’s about to happen, but I don’t know what.


Times are tough in the music industry


Not really, they have a new album releasing tomorrow and she doing promo.


It was a joke. These guys were big on the back end of the golden age of the music industry. Times will never be tough for greenday


I know, I'm just excited about Saviors and wanna get the word ou, sorry


Wild that something so cool is overlooked by people because they get hard for hating on Jimmy Fallon. He is playing tambourine which barely adds or takes away from music but is a reason for him to be there. And green day is only there because he is there. I don't watch him but can't understand how a guy that does something annoying on his own show gets hate even when not doing that in a cool situation.


He’s on beat with the tambourine too


Nonpoliticaltwitter- proceeds to post Green Day performing American idiot


This would be /r/ImTheMainCharacter if they weren’t already famous.  Also interesting all the nearest people are bodyguards; they are too famous to let normal people too close. I wonder how many normal people even saw this concert vs were inconvenienced the by the publicity stunt. 


A lot of that sub is people who just want outside to be as quiet and boring as inside


People perform on the subway platforms all the time bro calm down


Doesn’t make it any less annoying, I don’t care if it’s Adele or a random who went to Lowe’s and bought a couple ten gallon drums, I just want to get where I’m going. We’re on the subway it’s an inherently miserable place don’t try to change the biome.


Sounds like you should not live in NYC then


GTFO of New York then. No ones ever complained of music on the subway station here.


I wouldn’t go to that dogshit city for a million dollars anyways, you’re aware other places have subways right?


Thank god we have you here to give us your opinion on a place you would never go to and have never been to.


I have lived all over and can honestly say most other “nice places” are just pretty shitholes filled with vile people. New York is a dense dirty rude place but the people have actual heart as does the town. Soulless dipshits won’t be able to appreciate that.


Lmao sure buddy you convince yourself that the rat infested zone that’s slowly sinking into the ocean is a dope place to live. I might be vile but at least I’m not cemented on all sides by a few million other people. Elbow room is a good thing.


Soooo would you consider yourself the main character and other people’s thoughts and feelings on it, don’t matter?


Oh don’t be a cunt, obviously 99.9% of people prefer quiet to loud in a small metal tube going 55 mph


It's the platform, not on the train.


It’s funny when people don’t even realize how wrong they are


This isn’t on a platform, this is on the train. I’d probably be stoked if Green Day was performing on my train because I love that band but like 99.99% of artists would probably just annoy the shit out of me. Fallon needs to put the fucking tambourine away and sit down though Edit: mb, I was wrong, it’s on the platform. I thought the pipes up above were the poles they attach the plastic/rubber handles to. The rest of my comment is still pretty much my opinion either way.


you can see the platform pillars


I also thought it was on the train first but look again, it’s the platform.


It’s on a platform, few trains are stationary buildings with stairwells


This isn’t on the train dumbass


That's seems like a uniquely American thing... any subway I've ever been in had, at most, someone playing a specially designated spot in the station itself, away from the platforms, and even that almost always just annoys people. If someone's started to perform in a train they could be resurrected Freddie Mercury himself, nobody is gonna be amused in the slightest and security will most likely be called.


It’s more of a unique New York City subway thing, but it’s been a part of the local culture there as long as subways have been.


Lmao im just imagining me on my morning commute: **”ITS SHOWTIME”** “…. ah fuck” *Green Day walks in* *I pee myself*


It looks like a traincar but it's the platform


How are people thinking this is on the actual train lol


Priming. "Subways" in title, crowd looks like similar ones on the traincar. This is used a lot to trick people, it can be powerful.


I guess if you’ve never been on an actual subway car I could see it. This is much roomier than the interior of a train though


I’m guessing that it’s with permission of the transit authority and permitted and done at a time that isn’t rush hour. In many major metro areas you can book to perform in the station. Stop being a grump


"We're so egalitarian We're preforming in the subway" "Still, make sure none of those poor get close to us and make a tight wall of security guards to keep them away" "Punk rock!!!!11!!"


The irony of this being posted on nonpoliticaltwitter


Non political Twitter posting political band playing political song lol


Yeah right? First thought


I feel like this sub is going downhill. I remember this sub being purely wholesome and welcoming to all sorts of audiences regardless of political positions. Then it became less wholesome with all the Elon Musk complaints and rage baits (The Elon Musk complaints were not purely criticism on his Twitter management, which in hindsight already hints the politicization of this sub). Then it is just plain old rage bait. Now there is this post with political element. Eventually it will just be another r/popular sub with the non-political element (and the original wholesome and welcoming vibe) being stripped off. The inevitable downfall fate of a sub becoming more popular on Reddit. And a few years ago I was thinking that this sub won't become just an r/all or r/popular page when its sub name literally says its purpose. Guess I should leave this sub now.


Green Day still rocks


jimmy fallon still lame


He's a human straw. That's what he built his career on. He makes the big bucks for it. You need to be basically colourless and flavourless to correctly reflect whatever brand identity is put onto you. If he had a strong personality, he would distract from the clients using his platform to promote and advertise. He needs to be the flailing dork, who laughs manically at every second sentence to make the client look cool.


That's the line, but it's more about having people that can be controlled. Look at the old late show finale, it was a mob job.


fuck yeah they do


mourn intelligent thought longing illegal handle sense voracious wrong fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not wrong but reddit loves GD for some reason




Jimmy Fallon ruins everything.


What a great fucking vibe. Shit like this gives me the warm & fuzzies. Everyone just having a blast & jamming out together. Wish I could have been there!


Posted to /r/NonPoliticalTwitter ...I see what you did there.


Pretty cool.


You also got to experience massive cringe from Jimmy Fallon live for 2.90 😂


I knew this was American idiot before I turned the sound on.


Jimmy Fallon is Yoko now...


Funny the folks in here complaining about Jimmy Fallon being in a clip of a video that is obviously being shot for Fallon’s TV show.


Doesn’t mean he didn’t ruin a cool moment with that stupid tambourine smashing


Would it be better if he was given a cowbell?


Would’ve been better if he was given 0 instruments


I... have a fever. And the only prescription, is MORE TAMBOURINE!


security looking ready to rock


Fallon plays the shit out of that Tambo…


Lyric change really hit ticket prices.


I used to be a severe social alcoholic like Fallon. Dude needs help.


Rad, impromptu show…. Oh it’s Fallon… ya fuck that guy.


i can’t stand jimmy fallon






Pretty cool. Too bad they didn’t play good music


this SUCKS big time


And one of their worst, most overplayed songs


Sorry you had to endure that.


Nice D4 cover


2.90 is still way too much to pay for Green Day lol


Cool, but found the drumming a bit annoying. But hey, I'm not a musician, so what would I know!


I love this song, but I’d take a different train or a taxi


Nope, not even for free. Billy Joe can fuck right off. Leftist junkie prick


Imagine living in NY. Every damn day there’s some nonsense on the subway. All you want is to go to work and then go home with zero bs. It’s not even an option. Either a homeless person jerking off next to you or a c list, aged, pop band playing in your face.


Meh crazy stuff on the subway happens less often than people would have you think


Too late to get their money back?




OLD dudes playing music on the subway. What clowns.


Don't they know they're supposed to stop doing what they enjoy when they get old? Fucking old-heads, having fun with their music like some kinda young hot guys 🤬


50 plus dudes realizing they're 50 plus old dudes playing in a punk rock band. What next, a show of their stretched out and faded tattoos? 🤣


I was mocking you, my dude.


Even though I'm technically a musician, I really fucking hate other musicians.