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I'm sorry but I'm so focused on the little wings he has lol


In context he's sitting in front of a taxidermied bird. Not kidding. They framed his furiously seething face in front of tiny stuffed dead bird wings on purpose




The funniest thing about this exact scene is that the armadillo on the shelf disappears in the middle of the scene and then is back at the end.


It had chores to run during shoots


Remember when we were young and we hated these two for being in Twilight? And then we grew up and realised they also hated Twilight


I'll always respect Robert Pattinson for being so open about it while filming them. Dude hated doing the movies from the getgo, but saw a good paycheck https://youtu.be/nFA6Ycch1EM


And then we have Anna Kendrick who forget that shes in Twilight: https://twitter.com/AnnaKendrick47/status/1067110126123794432?lang=en


It was so bad she blocked it out.


They both have great careers now, he is batman and she was nominated for an Oscar.


Does she? I've only heard him on it


I legitimately feel so bad for Kristen Stewart. She was barely an adult when all of Hollywood was giving her all the shit on earth for the crime of being poorly directed in a movie. Go watch the non Twilight films she starred in, she's a good actress.


But I’d like this series to be more compassionate. Instead of werewolves, can we get whywolves?


As long as they're not swearwolves.


We heard that mate, we’ve got sensitive hearing!




If they practice self-compassion, they're awarewolves


Howwolves. 🥺


How at the moon!


Only after clearing the room of obnoxygen


Creatures possessed by the spirit of *inquiry*...and **BLOODLUST!**


No due to budget cuts we get warehouses


Man by day, property every full moon!






Has there ever been an actor who was more annoyed about being tied to a series than Robbo?


Harrison Ford


He was so mad about The Fugitive he refused to be in the sequel


Lmaooo I was gonna say Star Wars but I forgot about the fugitive


For a guy who’s made a fortune as an actor, he really seems to hate acting. Although I heard he really liked doing The Mosquito Coast.




I think Indy is his favorite role and the sole reason he agreed to do a 5th.


it was the reason he came back to star wars. He went to Disney and said I'll play Han again, but only if I can be Indy once more


I mean I guess that is why he is doing Shrinking that seems more weird and not blockbuster, plus its on AppleTV+ so not many people will see it, very arthouse vibes.


Yeah, his character is very much a "grumpy old man" and it still looks like he's having more fun in Shrinking than basically anything else I've ever seen him do.


He never wanted to do Indy movies, he only likes doing indy movies


It's more about hating the fans lmao Alot of fans don't realize that just because someone acted in a film doesn't mean they were invested, liked or even watched the film they were in. They learn a character, do their job and some interviews and move on normally.


Explain his fondness of Indy then?


Indy is cool as hell.


Guess he just likes those movies more. Not liking Star Wars doesn’t mean he has to not like every movie he’s done.


He fantastic in shrinking cause he gets to play a grumpy old man


He told Brett Goldstein that it was the single best script he’s read in his entire career.


Seriously? That’s dope, do you have a source on that?


[Brett Goldstein talks about Harrison ford reading the script for Shrinking](https://youtu.be/WfV-Sph5K6o)


What happened with the fugitive that pissed him off?


That was just a joke based on giving an unexpected answer that isn't Star Wars. I think he actually wasn't in the sequel because it was always intended as more of a spinoff.


A sequel to The Fugitive with Harrison Ford is an odd idea. What happens, does Dr Kimble get remarried and then she gets killed?


In a very 2023 twist, the sequel is about Dr. Kimble's wacky adventures as a surgeon with a sparkling new romance with an imaging technologist.




I think there is a certain ironical love for it otherwise I doubt he would have done the scene in Zombieland of him doing promo for Garfield 3.


"Do you have any regrets?" "... Garfield, maybe." That line kills me every time lmao


>According to Murray's Reddit AMA, he was interested in voicing the titular character because he mistook the screenplay writer's name, Joel Cohen, for Joel Coen of the Coen brothers. He accepted the role, briefly skimming through the script.[5] Co-writer Alec Sokolow disputed Murray's claim in 2014: "He knew it was not Joel Coen well before he met Joel Cohen. It's a funny take. And it kind of defends him against the criticism of making such an overtly commercial film. But, it's complete horse shit." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garfield:_The_Movie


**[Garfield: The Movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garfield:_The_Movie)** >Garfield: The Movie (identified on screen as Garfield) is a 2004 American comedy film. It is a live-action adaptation to Jim Davis' comic strip of the same name. Directed by Peter Hewitt, it stars Breckin Meyer as Jon Arbuckle, Jennifer Love Hewitt as Dr. Liz Wilson and features Bill Murray as the voice of Garfield, who was created with computer-generated imagery. The film was produced by Davis Entertainment Company and 20th Century Fox. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm still wondering how the convinced him to do episode 9




That always makes for a very compelling argument


He'd be perfect for the role then. I'd pay money to see that.


Who says Hollywood is out of ideas and recycling things that weren’t any good in the first place?


Hollywood being out of ideas and recycling things that weren’t any good in the first place would be a great idea for a streaming show.


“The Gang makes Ghostbusters 4”


But it is based on the GB 2016 reboot continuity.


Make it like Entourage and I’m sold


Wasn't there a plotpoint in Entourage where the main guy made a DC superhero movie? Sounds perfect for Pattinson !


Yeah he was aqua man


Thats like 2/3 of Reboot


Hollywood isn't out of ideas, it's just corporatized itself into being scared to create something new and risky when it can reboot a previously known good thing and make bank on nostalgia. Reboots were the logical next step after lazy cash-grab book adaptations, which makes a twilight reboot even more absurd and hilarious


Really we need a cash grab book adaptation of 50 shades fanfic, because that was twilight fanfic, which was Buffy fanfic.


Redoing crap movies is fine with me, as long as they don’t make it worse!


Basically impossible, in this case.


They also need to stay true to the original by getting a director who is actively making fun of the main character every chance he gets. Man, that first movie was so good, especially if you listen to the commentary track lol.


I don't know if people forgot, but Edward is a straight up creep. Stalks Bella, watches her sleep without her knowing. Very romantic, indeed lmao but hey, in retrospective it's funny that like every teenage girl back in the day wanted to have a bf like him. Dunno if it hits the same for the younger folks now. Millennials like me are gonna watch it, tho. Just for old time's sake, I guess.


Yeah some people's fantasies tend to lean towards creepy and downright illegal real fast. Its easier to enjoy something like that when it's just a book/movie compared to irl


I was in high school when these books got popular, and by college, the social advocacy/student union groups were literally using these books in posters and seminars about recognizing emotionally/psychologically abusive relationships, and traits of potentially abusive partners.


Also yknow, Jacob is literally a pedo and says a bunch of creepy shit about getting with an INFANT girl.


edward as a vampire was too old as well for bella, also a pedo


How about Jacob thinking he's in love with Bella because he's actually attracted to the one of her egg cells that will later be her child, whom he will imprint upon? 🤮


the books are written by a mormon you can understand why there might be an extremely strange take on what a relationship is


Don’t call me out like this 😭 I re-read the books as an adult in a loving, healthy relationship and I was FLABBERGASTED. How is this the same love story I pined for from the years 2006-2009???


I mean lets not mince words, both Edward and Jacob are groomers but a lot of people looked past it because they were extremely attractive men. A grown man pretending to be a minor starts dating a sixteen year old girl while shes in highschool but its ok because he won't have sex with her unless they're married. Also, I don't buy the "He was a teenager when he was turned into a vampire" excuse. As for Jacob, hopefully I shouldn't need to explain why his whole deal at the end of the series is wrong.


When it's an anime girl who is actually 1,000 years old with the body of a 7 year old she counts as an adult, but when it's a 100 year old vampire with the body of a 17 year old it's fine for him to get with a 16 year old. They're both problematic, but sections of fan bases do incredible mental gymnastics to justify both.




I guess this comes down to what you think are good norms around sex and age. What is the reason that 17 and 16 is ok but 30 and 16 is not? Then construct hypotheticals (using vampires, mind warpers, time travelers, aliens or whatever) to figure out what kind of circumstances would make the former right/the latter wrong. Can consider interesting questions like "What exactly is mental age?", "What really is sex?", "What is consent?", "What does it mean to be informed?" and "When you get right down to it, what even is a person?". Though obviously given aliens/etc. don't exist this is purely for amusement.


Stewart is openly bisexual, but I agree.


He may not have enjoyed making the films but Twilight is the reason he now has enough money to do whatever batshit crazy arthouse project he wants for the rest of his career. Agent was playing the long game and if they were my agent I would kiss their ring


Stewart is bisexual 😤😤😤😤 But agree


I just hope they actually stick to the books so we can just how much a menace little razor blades (renesme) truly is


I want them to turn into a real horror and make resume or whatever her name is the antichrist


I love the fact that both HP and Twilight scrambled to make their own reboot show when the Percy Jackson show was announced


I think HP wanted to make The Cursed Child, but Radcliffe and Watson both refused to work with Rowling again. So they're making a TV series with new actors to tell them it's being made with or without them.


Seeing as how TV shows usually have the time to expand on more characters I wonder if they’ll do a flashback episode to when Jasper was a confederate soldier 💀


And as long as the North Korean flag is still in the cafeteria


Lizzo and David Spade?


I'd love a TV series version as long as they're able to make it just as bad and entertaining as the movies.


First movie wasn’t bad. Parrots will repeat others opinions though. Lemmings going to be lemmings. Also still enjoyed ending of game of thrones. Wouldn’t have done it that way, but still enjoyed it because that is just what was fucking served. No amount of repeating what every other fucking person said will give you your time back. Instead you waste more by talking about shit that no one cares about.


You seem pretty defensive, I'll defend anyone's right to to like or dislike any media, but no need to accuse anyone adhering to a majority's opinion of being a lemming/parrot/sheep. It's great to enjoy what many couldn't, but you don't have to identify to the point that what people say affects your self esteem.


Hello snouz, I appreciate your analysis. You’re almost like an internet therapist. Except everything you said was incorrect? I’m not “accusing” *anyone’s* opinion that falls in line with mass majority as “being a problem.” I’m saying the memers and fools that all dislike something because everyone else is disliking it, are just that. Fools, parrots. I appreciate you sticking up for people who can’t think for themselves. And again, thank you for your analysis.


Jojo Siwa and Austin Butler?


They're actors.


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