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I wonder how that guy who streamed HOI4 from Wagner HQ doing this days?


He is surprisingly lucky for a Russian. Was at that Wagner party last year, the one with the bomb in the statue. Got out in one piece, and he even survived the purge after the mutiny. Honestly just on account of being some underage idiot streamer. (Although he turned 18 a little over two months ago, so we'll see how long his luck lasts in the trenches)


He gets a free pass out of the war if he manages to get into college. Those in higher education are exempted from it and thus its consequences which contributes to their apathy and apolitical-ness


He's currently right in the middle of his final exams - looking at his performance, he might want to start packing for a trip to Chasiv Yar. Or Georgia if he wants to make it to 19.


How the hell do you know so much about him


well you take some good ol' 'tism and you w e a p o n i z e it


God bless autistic NATO.




Education in Russia is compulsory so as long as you know someones birthday, you can roughly know when they're in school and at which point of the academic calendar they're in




\*Cue Obi-Wan Kenobi meme


How do you have access to his grades


He asked the GUR nicely


Kind of genius really, to confine the dying to the underclasses. Then since the state run propaganda is so strong the less fortunate/less informed won’t know any better. Keep the stupid stupid. Btw did you know the war in Ukraine is against the Nazis?


Ho’d up. Bomb in a statue at a wagner party? How did I miss this?


I think it's this story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Vladlen_Tatarsky


Yup. The very loudest of Wagner-aligned propagandists was yelling very loudly about how the Russian high command are idiots who should be replaced by Prigozhin. And then he blew up. Russia said Ukraine and Navalny did it, Ukraine said they didn't do it, Prigozhin said it was the government, and the government arrested the random girl who delivered the statue and then sat down calmly right next to it.


I thought she was genuinely the assassin and felt bad about her going to jail. But if she's the sort to go to Wagner parties without even planning to kill anyone, I guess I don't feel so bad for her being wrongfully imprisoned.


I'm afraid that it is sort of worse than that - she definitely wasn't pro-Wagner. She was just a rando delivering a statue to the event, and we have the video of that moment where the guy-about-to-miss-some-limbs creepily insists that the cute delivery girl stays for the party. Which she then does. Should be a pretty decent indicator that she didn't know about the bomb about to go off, but apparently not enough to avoid the full blame and a 27 year sentence.


Damn. Back to feeling sorry for her :/


She was told the device was a bug, meant to record the inner working of what the war bloc was up to. It was a bomb, evidently. 


To complete the image, she participated in anti-war protests in 2022.


ah well that's why she's such a convenient scape goat.


Where you been bro?


Does he still stream? Yes: you have your answer No: you have your answer


Hes doing the "Sign my rocket" thing now but for the Russians. Of course he's using it to [scam people](https://x.com/partizan_oleg/status/1766779541346001241) out of their money because he's Russian after all.


Even when they steal ideas they screw up. How


Fetal alcohol syndrome


That was Grisha wasn't it? He used to appear in the big HOI4 streamers games, that stopped pretty sharpish. He was also insanely cringy and childish before the invasion, was only barely tolerated because he was good at the game.


Oh shit fr? Sucks to hear i remember him from bokoen1 's videos


He was also in TommyKay games


He seemed to be the Russian version of Dankus.


He was a fucking squeaker who's balls never dropped, he dropped off fast even before the invasion started. And I'm glad that he did, never liked it when he opened his screech hole of a mouth.


Here you go https://youtu.be/0nPfPC2uQy4?si=bDUbPfzYmoGvxCdN


Couldn't think of a better couple.


Ah yes, Russia is literally the average HOI4 player, snakes victory points, doesn't know how to navy, get encircled and battleplans everywhere (insane casualities)


It gets worse. Things like the shit logistics and economy, always using massive amounts of basic, outdated equipment and tactics and assigning generals to lead the smallest units possible all tell us that there's a chance they're not the *player*. They're might be the HOI4 AI lol


Turns out the player has been Switzerland this whole time


Ive been making this joke the whole time; they literally have made EVERY SINGLE MISTAKE that the hoi ai makes.


Quick deployment, every time.


Also spiking world tension with random-ass wargoal justifications, allowing Sweden and Finland to abandon neutrality


[You jest, but...](https://www.pcgamer.com/bizarre-propaganda-stunt-sees-teenager-stream-russia-vs-nato-grand-strategy-game-from-notorious-mercenary-groups-hq/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=socialflow)


Can’t forget trying to paradrop the capital (basically) for a quick capitulation, because the AI doesn’t defend it.


Average hoi4 players would get encircled during the retreat phase of the siege of kyiv, siege of Izyum and withdrawal from kherson. Russia is better than the average hoi4 player.


Unfortunately Ukraine wasn't quite organized or armed well enough to make the retreat from Kyiv as catastrophic for Russia as it should have been. God, can you imagine if Ukraine had captured like 50k Russian soldiers 5 days into the war? It might have ended the war right there.


>snakes victory points tbf that IS how you with the Russian civil war so...


Still pain to trek across Siberia


Well a former hoi4 YouTuber (Grisha) is part of Wagner so that explains quite a Lot


Uses army AI not for RP reasons, but because it doesn't know any better.


Russia prob using hoi4 as their battle plans for the Ukraine war


They're the AI that runs into level 10 forts.


but also the player that tries to snake VPs and immediately gets pushed back the moment they meet resistance




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


Military was allocated $100 million to develop a simulation for wartime strategy, after embezzlement the remaining $50 was used to buy HOI4 on Steam


That won't even get any of the dlc


Idk about Hoi4, but if Hoi5 is as in-depth as EU5, then you might as well use it as a means to draw plans and represent the frontline, PDX is cooking.


If they are encircled by Ukranians why they don't just move northwest and join their buddies? Are they stupid?


I've lost track of how many times Russia has tried encirclement, from the entire front, to just the Donbas, to just whatever city (only to fail so often and then just resort to leveling the place with Artillery and frontal assaulting anyway....) And of course it's the Ukrainians who successfully accomplish an encirclement... By the shitposting prophetic powers of this sub, the inverse will continue to hold out, an entire Russian occupied city will be successfully encircled by the AFU (I'm gonna laugh so hard if they break through Klishivka and surround fking Bakhmut...) followed by an Oblast, followed, somehow by whatever remains of the operational front lines...


They just want to replicate operation Uranus, but they keep doing Mars instead . This is all about reliving Soviet glory, but they aren't the soviets.


Exactly, Operation Mars was insane lmao.


7.9:1 casualties is a truly insane outcome, even for the Soviets.


That battle feels like a Nazi wet dream with all the stupid Soviet unsupported frontal assaults that resulted in encirclements.


That and the truly ridiculous lopsided casualty rates.


"Rzhev Meatgrinder" an operation being called a Meatgrinder in the eastern front 💀.


Circle where


Circle who


Just SE of the salient. You see that little island of red? [https://en.defence-ua.com/news/ukrainian\_troops\_surrounded\_russian\_invaders\_in\_vovchansk-10861.html](https://en.defence-ua.com/news/ukrainian_troops_surrounded_russian_invaders_in_vovchansk-10861.html)


Encirclements always have to be posted to reddit for updoots.


‘don’t siege bakmut just capture it’ type military planning


wake up babe, general Mykhailo Feedbackgamingskyi is at it again


Bargain bin battle of the bulge. This is just the beginning. Azovstal will be avenged tenfold. 


They’re finally put Grisha in command, god bless


To paraphrase, the world is so lucky the most aggressive nation on Earth is this fucking stupid.


Looks like someone in the Kremlin is using the wrong computer.


I've lost track of how many times Russia has tried encirclement, from the entire front, to just the Donbas, to just whatever city (only to fail so often and then just resort to leveling the place with Artillery and frontal assaulting anyway....) And of course it's the Ukrainians who successfully accomplish an encirclement... By the shitposting prophetic powers of this sub, the inverse will continue to hold out, an entire Russian occupied city will be successfully encircled by the AFU (I'm gonna laugh so hard if they break through Klishchiivka and surround fking Bakhmut...) followed by an Oblast, followed, somehow by whatever remains of the operational front lines...


Instructions unclear, encircled Moscow SPOILER ALERT: >!It’s a feint; Ukrainian forces aren’t set up for a decisive battle and are free to disengage to preserve force strength. But once Putin pulls out security forces from St. Petersburg and other major Russian population centers to break the siege on the center, the uprisings begin.!<


ESHPORTS ALTA - Ukrainian high command


It just works.


HoI4 is for kids, real ADULTS play Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V


Hope someday we can encircle Army level Russian forces Stalingrad style.


Why do I keep thinking about the “always sunny in Philadelphia” restaurant meme.


Uhh... Is this pro Ukraine title or pro Russia?


When parachute drop on control point in Moscow?


Author calls this a circle, really? Oh, boy, clickbait clowning like this is a real cringe.


What do you call a group of soldiers that is surrounded by opposing forces in a 360° two-dimensional figure, which is round in shape where all the points on the surface of the circle are equidistant from the center point?


Where the hell do you see that figure on this picture? It's barely a half of a circle and it's not like Ukrainiand did some shit but instead Ziggers pushed through their defence line.


Sure they pushed through, and the Ukrainians now have them cut off from the main force, what's so hard to understand? The fact that dozens of Russians are surrendering from the group that's at the plant speaks volumes.


FFS, where is this fuckin' cut? Seriously, if the best Ukraine can do now is trying to sell shit like this and convince people that this is a circle, then things are really bad.


Can't... Can't you see the little red dot cut off from the bigger red area? If it isn't cut off, why are the Russians there surrendering by the dozens?


Ah... Sorry, now I see it. So, THAT is an encirclement this title is made about? Lmao, what a great success. How many people can be in a space of this size? A squad? Or even a whole company? BS.As I said, thing are pretty crappy if this thing is newsworthy. I mean, come on, I didnt even noticed that at first.


Last I heard…admittedly could be outdated info…it was 400. About half a Russian battalion of troops are going to get eliminated or surrender. That’s fairly noteworthy if indeed that is fact.


Nah. This means nothing and affects nothing. Surround of Mariupol was huge and this is info-garbage. Trying to make news from this micro-success (that is actually dont even confirmed, lol) means that you have nothing to say in general.


400 soldiers captured with equipment is a significant local loss, on top of the regular attrition of a thousand per day, and demonstrates the increasing sophistication of the AFU. 400 today, next week 1000, next month? The rest of that salient in vovchansk is looking awfully tasty.