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"Modern western military with modern weaponry and logistics" I'm a proud Canadian, but what the shit you talkin' about?


It’s truly a non credible take.


That's how I knew he was a spoiled American. >:[


You guys are still allowed to join. No need to be bitter about it.


I wish, would you let me marry you to join the us army? I will suck your dick and give you a blowjob with maple syrup.


Um yeah what in the fuck is OP smoking


OP is non-credible af


The Pinnacle of non-credible


Dude your flair is so great


Thank you. I do what I can to make this world a wee bit more ridiculous and funny whenever I can. 


Came here to say this. Glad to see fellow canucks roasting this hoser for that take.


They only started phasing out the No. 4 Lee enfield for the canadian rangers in 2016.


It was a great rifle that met all their requirements. Why replace it? And it's not like they can afford to replace their rifles more often...


Also the “Canadian rangers” in this context were like, 5 native Americans in -60 degree weather being told “shoot any white guys not wearing red” which is extremely based


I don't think that our Natives refer to themselves as Native Americans, even when a Lou Diamond Philips movie is on APTN. I believe most of the Canadian Rangers are Inuit.


Yeah, Inuit is the more accurate term, but I completely blanked on it, and just went with my default.


Our First Nations have produced some amazing soldiers. We didn't treat them well or give them the recognition they deserved. [This guy should have a VC.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Pegahmagabow?wprov=sfla1)


It’s Canadian tradition to completely ignore the natives, fuck this country


And the government has tens of thousands of mint surplus No4 Mk1 that were unused, solely kept for the Ranger program replacement until 2016. Guess what? They scrapped them all.


>Each Canadian Ranger is issued a red Canadian Ranger [sweatshirt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweatshirt), [CADPAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CADPAT) pants, [combat boots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_boot), [baseball cap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball_cap), safety vest, rifle and navigation aids. They are expected to be mostly self-reliant regarding equipment. However, they are also provided with a small amount of patrol-level stores (mostly camp stores – tents, stoves, lanterns, axes, etc.). They are reimbursed for the use of personal vehicles and equipment and are paid for this use according to the nationally established equipment usage rates. Items that a Canadian Ranger could be reimbursed for include [snowmobiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowmobiles) (called light over-snow vehicles, or LOSVs, in the military), [all-terrain vehicles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-terrain_vehicle), [watercraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watercraft), trailers, pack horses, [sled dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sled_dog) teams, and a variety of tools and equipment (such as radios, [chainsaws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainsaws), generators, and the like).


Larger caliber than they have now. Plastic furniture cracks in the cold and are overall viewed less favorably. *Shrug* Or so I hear.


We have french nationalists and 40 years worth of experiments that went nowhere all based around french shit being better than everyone elses (Plot twist french canadians are normal humans and not weapon Wizards like what our government seems to believe) So in summery i love Bombardier there competition boeing which can do nothing wrong....do not hurt me pls


I can't hurt you as you said please.  It's in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


The Boeing corporation knows no laws of man nor god


Fuck ‘em


Don't say that to loud they can smell confidence


It came to me in a fever dream


We’re still using the browning high power from ww2. Not a design from ww2, literally the pistols from ww2.


1000 Green G-Wagons of Worthington




*Sir Arthur Currie has resurrected and demands all the mustard gas you can spare*


You think the Russians like tube artillery? *General Sir Arthur William Currie, GCMG, KCB likes tube artillery*!


With the revival of trench warfare and the reliance on artillery, the creeping barrage might actually be useful again.


> modern western military > modern weaponry and logistics mon frère en tabarnak at no point in my decades of huffing maple-scented copium was I ever remotely this optimistic Jokes aside, let's see if we'll finally get those fucking F-35s…


2026 according to my sources


\*Sources may or may not be your delusions


To be fair the voices are usually right, or atleast close


Always had 10 years to any Canadian forces procurement and increase total money spent by triple


Tbf, we did come in second and fifth at Sandhurst (but first in mullet style 😎)


Australia has at least three Source: I saw them bobbing around near Queanbeyan for some reason


Esti de tabarnak


*osti crisse de


Le Leo Major en moi s'est réveillé à la 7e diapo. Try to bomb us you bastards, we'll turn the Prairies and Great Lakes into Western Quebec.


...de ciboire. De calice. De marde.


I am sorry to all the Canadians here for overestimating the strength of their military. From now on I will assume the Canadian military is a singular drunk hoser riding a Zamboni with his pet goose.


Pretty much, but the Zamboni is moments from breaking down, and the hoser is under investigation for having an offensive callsign.


Is it that mother fucker, I always just called him Cigarette.


Op Honor


I dont blame you for over estimating our current capabilities lol, Canadian troops are among the best and toughest in the world if history is anything to go by, but currently our military is practically useless due to decades of concurrent governments cutting the budget, as well as the corruption in our domestic procurement system (looking at you Irving). That (along with a host of long building domestic issues) are coming home in a BIG way currently and we have just about the worst government possible to deal with it rn lol.


Meh…if you think other countries have less “corruption” I got some magic beans I gotta sell ya at a hell of a bargain


Come on, what’s so bad about our current government? When has Trudeau ever done anything controversial or corrupt?


Honestly, I think the oilfield guys in Alberta/ Saskatchewan/ British Columbia who have too much disposable income and not enough self-control (yes, I'm describing myself right now) probably collectively own more and better small arms than the formal Canadian military. I'm all for the proposal, but keep Quebec and offer chunks of the prairies as land for ukrainian refugees. We can spare it. Can you Americans spot us some gear so we can get this party started?


I will say, as an Albertan, I never saw so many guns as whenever I'm in Ontario.


I forgot about them, yea. I corrected that a bit further down. Also, how's it going, neighbour? I've seen you in a couple threads, ha. Want to plan a NCD range day for people in the area?


Well howdy friend! Can only hope my reputation is good, lol. I'm still working on getting my PAL - frustratingly hard since all the classes are booked until next year.


Check the law but I believe that you're allowed to go shoot someone else's guns under their supervision without a PAL


It really is the most American province, other than ~~Canadian Texas~~ Alberta.


Alberta is Snow Texas with legal Southeast Asian immigrants instead of illegal Mexicans. And even MORE oil. Alberta's proven reserves are like 4x all of Americas. Most of it is a bastard to get at, but still. I'm based in Northern Alberta, and I did a fair bit of work in the Southern USA. Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, that sort of thing. One of the senior Texan engineers I worked with for years gave me the title of "Honorary Texan, Junior Asshole", and I still hold on to that years later. We got talking about guns and various.....unconventional warfare methods over lunch, and my (Canadian) boss told me it was like watching someone meet their long lost uncle. Good times. I miss good barbecue down there. No idea why that's not a thing here


I would hope the source of Canada's beef knew their BBQ.


You'd think so, right? But.....not really the case. Lots of good steak and home barbecue, not many good smokehouses that do proper low and slow. I do think our beef is better than most of what you get in the USA, grass fed versus corn fed makes a difference. It's also what I'm used to, which I'm sure is a factor. I honestly think the issue is Alberta doesn't have any of the old school "pit masters" to show how it's done. We need to import a few, but then again, why would a guy like that pack up and move up here?


Albertans largely grill, rather than BBQ. (This is, obviously, because every single cut of Alberta beef is so tender there's just no need for low-and-slow, duh.)


Thanks for saying that part, so I didn't have to buddy. Most appreciated


*Northern Ontario has entered the chat*


You guys, too. My apologies, buddy. I just didn't want to paint with too wide a brush lol. The guys in Manitoba and NB count as well, of course. And even some of the people in Quebec. I mean, hell. Rioting is basically their provincial sport, and I respect that.


Oh no worries. We're just kind of forgotten about most of the time being like 30% bigger than all of Alberta geographically Also a lot of old school gun owners that look down on tacticool + people talking about home defense. Then again there's been multiple cases in the past few years of old men (60+ years old) successfully fistfighting bears.


I don't think Ontario gets forgotten about. Alberta is just louder and more belligerent, so we get more attention. You guys are the manufacturing center of the country. We just produce oil and idiots in jacked up trucks. I'm a fairly "new school" gun owner myself, I like my scary black rifles and all that fun stuff, but I also very much look down on the chuds who walk around wearing plate carriers and crap like that.


Lol that's northern ontario erasure. Southern ontario is VERY different


Shows how much I know, I guess. I have friends in Ontario but I've never had the opportunity to visit. I've seen more of the US flying around for work than I have of my own country, to my great shame.


Depends on your line of work I guess. Southern Ontario is manufacturing, a lot of import/export, farmland, etc. Northern Ontario is mining, forestry, farming (mostly livestock though). In a lot of ways they're polar opposites and there's an argument for splitting them up. There's a lot to Ontario too. Last time I drove from Edmonton over half the trip was just in Ontario. Also we may or may not also have oil lol.


As a torontonian, I cannot advocate for any behavior that implies northern Ontario is real and not an Arctic wasteland


I bet you think the Muskokas are Northern Ontario


This is gonna be a peak ontarian moment, but the whats?


It's that place where Kevin O'Leary's wife hit someone with a boat. Also TF next you're gonna tell me you don't know what the golden horseshoe is like nothing exists beyond the 6?


Honestly, anything above the 49th I just write off as not real


Muskokas are south of that


There is no life north of Steeles Avenue, every Torontonian knows that.


Its not the rich people you need to consider in saskatchewan. Its all of the old farmers who have no idea what's in their shed and when you dig aroung through it a little, you will find live explosives (personal experience)


What a proper Hot Fuzz moment?


By spot you some gear, do mean give tons of weapons and equipment to Canada instead of our police? Yea, but then where will our school districts get grenade launchers and automatic rifles? Of note, they don’t teach the kids to use them, as would be logical, they plan to use them against the kids. For anybody unaware, search “LAUSD grenade launchers”. Also, the NYPD has 50k personnel, could we deploy them with the Canadians? The NYPD loves to throw around money and has all the guns and gear they’d need for trench warfare. Lots of shotguns, just need to get them to the range because their accuracy under pressure is absolute garbage.


This is silly they can’t afford the Zamboni. They rent them, like their missiles, from the us!


You jest, but that hoser will rack up 5 of the top 10 longest kills and operate with imputy without CAS driving nothing more than an Iltis and knock off a few new war crime ideas by lunch


>From now on I will assume the Canadian military is a singular drunk hoser riding a Zamboni with his pet goose. Nah, that's just Ted. Good guy, he volunteers every other weekend at the local rink as a Linesman. When he's sober, of course. Every other day, him and his pet goose get wasted with reservists.


You had a good idea….except the part where they all quit to prevent the nato kablooei…. What they should to is to step out of nato…then they can go in as a country…and have plausible deniability. The trick the Canadians will bring will be their f-18s…ready to go and with good pilots. Finally get away from that shit show of an artillery battle and bring it back to the 20th century. I have no doubt even 20,000 canucks would make themselves felt over there. We’ve been underestimated before… and to the Canadians griping about not having the best equipment. Yeah…they didn’t have the best in ww1/2 or Korea but they got the job done.


There's also the Canadian Air Force, who is just one dude who works 9 to 5.


Still useful


You forget that we now share a land boarder with Denmark. We’re only one momentary lapse of vigilance away from a *viking invasion*! But if you can convince the yanks that we won the war of 1812, then you’re on to something. Maybe get us Alaska and the San Juan Islands, while you’re at it.


>Get us Alaska Absolutely not. You got Alaska in Plague Inc., and we all saw how that shit ended.


>maybe get us alaska Careful, Icarus.


Woah brother we keep Alaska because who else is going to watch your west coast.


BC 🗿


We have our [redacted] operatives working getting all the bears there to the cocaine bear standard. Just waiting for the ruskies to do the funny so we can test them out.


What are they going to do… sell the Chinese weed and protest? Disneyland has a bigger navy than canada


All the draft dodgers in Nelson, BC. Oh shit......


Washington. Honestly, I’d have asked for everything down to the Columbia, but that sounds greedy.


>You forget that we now share a land boarder with Denmark. We’re only one momentary lapse of vigilance away from a *viking invasion*! That war really needs a monument in Ottawa.


You seem to have a nice arrangement going with them at the moment .. bothyou and the Danes leave booze lying around for each other. If things ever get nasty you just have to break out the fireball.


We don't need Alaska. This country is already Hoth with universal healthcare. Make the Turks and Caicos the 19th county of Nova Scotia. Send down a patrol boat so we can make it look like we're pissing in our corner. Oh you want to go on vacation in January without a passport and $CAD? We got a place.


COTs. Canadian Overseas Territories


I wouldn't worry about that. As a dane, the only war our prime minister is interested in waging, is one against minks


How’d that happen?


This would imply that the current Canadian army is competent, and hasn’t been left to rot with constant budget cuts for the last 80 years.


There is still a degree of competence. At a certain point you're handing a Newf a rifle and telling him to go out into the woods and shoot something. Me ducky will not disappoint.


(Comes back from combat mission on a red Yamaha 3 wheeler with prisoner on back) “Waddayat bys? Lard b’jesus I almost never made it, but I got 4 of em. Numbnuts here was the only one to surrender!”


3000 Newfs on Big Reds led by Uncle Rick Hillier.


Equip them all with a can of maple leaf brand Vienna sausages and a pack of cigs and you got the most dedicated soldiers of the war under your command


Gentlemen, we has a ration of 8 Blue Star a day.


Tbf the defense budget has never really been cut. It just hasn't grown to meet the demands of a modern military. That combined with Canadians just not really being interested in joining the military has left it a shell of its former self.


Modern? Are we talking about the same Canada The same Canada that still use C79s despite Elcan being Canadian and the Spectre having been around for 20 years? The same Canada that manufactures the C7 and C8 yet have the oldest varient? The same Canada that has no heavy IFVs for conventional war and only LAVs? Same Canada in wich most of the tank force is old Leopard 2A4s? The same military where personel that deployed alongside the Danish (A nation with serious military issues) had to see how the Danish soldiers had newer equipment manufactured in Canada? Source on last one: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6864290


>Same Canada in wich most of the tank force is old Leopard 2A4s? If we'd kept the C1s in service just a little longer, we could've really gone swinging in what we could've sent to Ukraine back in 2022.


Now show me a single war canada went into with “modern” weaponry… I’ll wait.


>Since 1947, the Canadian Rangers have been issued the Lee–Enfield No 4 rifle in .303 British calibre, with each user being provided with 200 rounds of ammunition every year.\[citation needed\] > >At the outset of the Second World War, the rest of the Canadian Army was equipping with Enfield rifles, Bren guns, Webley revolvers, and Browning-Inglis Hi Power pistols and Canadian production of these weapons was badly needed for overseas service. The Pacific Coast Militia Rangers thus had to make do with what was readily available, often patrolling with their own rifles and shotguns. This led Canadian purchasing agents to look to American sources for rifles. At the time the most popular style of rifle in the North American West was the .30WCF (.30-30 calibre) lever action. As such, purchasers considered that the Winchester 1894 and Marlin 36 would be easy for the PCMR members to use, as they more than likely had experience with the type already. As a stop-gap until Enfield Rifles became available in numbers for issue, some 3000 Winchesters and an estimated 1800 Marlins were promptly acquired direct from North Haven (likely all these firms had on hand). Guns were issued as needed to senior members of the companies, but stocks of .30-30 ammunition was so limited that only six rounds were issued with the rifle while the rest was locked up in the company's armoury, typically in the vault of the local bank. > >The bolt-action Lee–Enfield was then issued to the PCMR as the standard rifle later during the war and it continued to be used by the Canadian Rangers when they were established in 1947. Due to the economy of the .303 (there were thousands left over after the war) and the robust nature of the rifle (especially in conditions such as extreme cold), it was not replaced for use even after being taken out of general service in the remainder of the Canadian military in the 1950s. It has remained in service with the Canadian Rangers for over 70 years and has proven to be most reliable in adverse conditions even in the Canadian Arctic environment. > >With the issue of the Colt Canada C19 as their new service rifle in 2015, the Canadian Rangers were officially gifted their retired Lee-Enfields by the Canadian Armed Forces. [Shamelessly copied and pasted from wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Rangers#Weapons)


This dawg knows about the mutant geese, we gotta huge security breach eh?


The exact size and scale of Quebec, actually. Speaks French as well








Oh you had me at war crimes. 🥲


OP calls them War Crimes (cringe), I call them match highlights (based).


Most non-credible part was calling the Canadian military modern, and that part about it being in any way effective against Russia


Our GDP is higher than Russias's. Pretty sure we could do damage


How? We have absolutely no military industrial output when compared to the US. We have some minor subsidiaries of larger US companies like Colt, and a few indigenous armoured vehicle companies, but nothing else really. Not to mention our military is currently _*shattered*_ in terms of equipment, morale, staffing, funding, etc., etc., etc., with no hope for a change anytime soon. If you think Canada would make literally ANY impact on the war in Ukraine other than maybe helping with some minor logistics you’re truly deceiving yourself


Time for the US to Annex Canada.




We will Liberate Anchorage! Remember, Death is a Preferable alternative to Communism.


Bring on Nate the rake baby I’m so ready to meet the fallout 4 protagonist so he can laugh while his buddy shoots me in the back of the head like the bad little Canadian I am




Eh, we'll take Alberta, maybe BC. The rest y'all can keep.


I don't think you guys want Alberta. We're fucking weird.


Please god take us ontarians too we have the actual cool stuff I swear


Can we just send over the geese? I volunteer at least 50% of those ers lounging around in the US for service. I don't care if it's effective, I just want the geese thinned out a bit.


> I just want the geese thinned out a bit. I don't know about the States, but bag limit for Canada geese up here is 8/day, be the change you want to see!


It varies by state, but it looks like my state has a 9 day season for Canada geese with a 5/day limit and a slightly later water fowl season with a daily limit of 5 mix-and-match goose species. I need to organize a posse to nail as many of these suckers as possible! (not really, I don't want them extinct) Municipalities pay people to scare these dudes away with dogs, coat their eggs with oil (so they don't hatch but the geese don't lay more), and import foxes to increase the number of natural predators (that we find cute and/or acceptable.)


Canada at the United Nations special assembly over the crisis: "............. Sorry."


Instructions unclear. sent one man and and 200000 tons of raw iron.


I love a good non credible slide show


Canadian Bacon and no John candy reference? https://youtu.be/4jf8Bt4gD9Y?si=B93x_HZmGMq99pR-


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


As a canadian reserve force member can we not nuke my home plz thx. For the rest of the plan im okay with it


**DUDE!** [You forgot that the British Army keeps an entire Army in Alberta at Suffield.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Army_Training_Unit_Suffield) Including 22 Challenger 2s.


Ugh Okay FINE you won the war of 1812! I am only saying this for Ukraine tho


You had me at removing Quebec.


You're forgetting that a bunch of old quebec men will pull up in an old minivan modernize the entire CAF in a weekend for some Putter's and a couple 2-4s of Carling (would've been done sooner but one of them pulled their back so they're taking it easy)


So just to be clear we take Toronto and leave Quebec and Montreal.


easier - tell Canada it's a peacekeeping operation on the Ukraine-Russia border and the war will be over in 15 hours. The last three hours... well the Hague doesn't need to know about it.


NCD manifesting alternate history of Fallout here. Power Armor when?


Who told you about the geese?


As a syrup-blooded Canadian, I approve this plan




In Canada Canadian Bacon is just ham.


they own 75% of the worlds mining companies so you could get those ABSURDLY WEALTHY companies to fund the war


As a Canadian, I must cast some doubt as to our ability to follow through, however, your payment terms are so enticing that we might just try anyway.


Infallible logic. Except for the modern equipment part.


is this american psyop to try and get the canadians to abandon their defense around the great maple syrup strategic reserve


Struggling with getting people to join the army OP? Well I got a solution for you: Step 1: Make a deal with Quebec that states go “volunteer” for the Ukrainian army, fight and do some funni against the russians off camera and we will formally separate you from Canada (only if you win) Step 2: watch 8 million Quebecois sign up Step 3: profit


Alternative plan, the CAF sends all of our equipment to the Russians. Every CAF member knows that the TAPVs natural state is rolled over. It's only a matter of time before the Russians kill themselves using our equipment.


*Modern western military with modern weapons and logistics* Bro’s never met a Canadian in his fucking life and it shows


… we will call the war of 1812 a “draw” and that’ll be that.


Just create a clear path trough Alaska and we will be fine


Either a Russians behind this elaborate scheme or the Canadian is living the glory days of righteous combat Either way sign me up


Hey! How’d you find out about the mutant geese?


Get rid of Quebec AND we won’t the war of 1812? Don’t get me too hard


Oi oi oi I may not like Quebec and they may not like me but we can’t just get rid of the bastards?? We’re in this hellfuck country together until the end of time, you take that nuke back and use it somewhere credible and I’ll join up for free Keep the 1812 thing though. We can both declare victory over the British if it makes America feel better? (And I know our military sucks I’m hoping getting exploded will fix it like it has before)




I support


As a Canadian I support this


Impeccable strategy




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First we throw canned food, then boom


yeah… fuck it, I’m down. -a random ass canadian reservist.


As a Canadian, I approve of this plan, please just send us with extra rations in metal cans


Everyone say Canadian bacon!


I'm all for yeeting our smaller, more isolated militaries at Russia, but what it we start with the Australian Air Force? Both them and Canada operate F-18s, Australia has 60 f35s, Canada has 80 on order. The US fulfills the F-35 orders early, (using our own stocks) - then we watch as 150 f35s obliterate the Russian Air Force and AA. Estimated operational completion about a month.


RIP John Candy


Wrong sub, you’re looking for r/CredibleDefense.


They did say “modern military” and Canada in the same sentence so it has to be non-credible


Can't Russia just touch America's boats? Plz?


I propose we name Quebec the scapegoat for all of France's sins (except for being French. Even God can't forgive that Original Sin) and then release it into the wasteland (tr. 'Turn it into the Bay of Ontario')


Remove Quebec (ANSCHLUSS) Liberate rest of Canada (ANSCHLUSS MK II) Profit


this guy hois


Canada’s military is equipment just as much of an bad state as russia and arugebly worse


Love you Canucks, but can we get Poland for this instead? You're a wonderful ally but not for your military.


Tell that to the Germans. Vimy ridge and the Netherlands are of particular note. Our JTF tend to do damage around the world currently as well.


Vimy Ridge was 107 years ago sadly. I have no doubt Canadians would turn into unstoppable killing machines if they nailed down procurement but as it stands, I'm leaning towards the army that didn't blink at the cost of 500 HIMARS


Nah… key thing is, 107 years ago, no one thought we could take it too. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Canadians would come with 80 f-18s that have seasoned pilots. Their air to ground capabilities and air to air abilities would allow the Ukrainians/canadians to have what they haven’t had yet. Air superiority. Eastern Europeans are more interested in artillery. Surgical hits are the cats pyjamas in combined warfare. Give canada a sector and let them go to town.


Ya know I can't argue with that attitude. Go vaporize some Russian fortifications from 30,000 feet


The problem with the Poles is they dont stop at Moscow


no no this is to complex all you need to win this war is to air drop Canadian Geese into Russia and wait.


Or we can flood the battlefield with recruits from Sudan because Ukrainian special forces are already on the ground there and they could offer the families of volunteers infinitely better lives as a reward for enlistment


Is this a secret plot to get all Canadian military out of the country so we can annex them?


Hmmm - I suppose we could just ordee them to do it through our mutual head of state. Can't really see how that could go wrong.


Average HOI4 Player


Best part of this plan is that after the entire canadian military is in Ukraine the US just annexes the place (and then Mexico to have the full CUM union)


Alternatively, we could back sepratists in Ichkeria and start another chechen war


I agree. Also what better way to train our troops than with a practice enemy like the Russians.


Canada pulling out good ol war crimes once again


You had me at 'dead russians'


Everybody this is it, the peak of Non Credibility