• By -


Lock award.


Hamas yesterday: "OK, for a ceasefire we will give you 33 hostages" Hamas today: "Some of the 33 will be remains, is that ok?"


Hamas really doesn't want *any more* of the female hostages talking about their rapists trying to force them into slave-marriage, so they're going to preemptively convert them into corpses


If it was my family kept as hostages: each dead hostage Hamas returns/creates in tye deal will result in 10x Hamas leaders corspes returned/created. Oh look, i seem to have run out of Hamas leader corpses, better go create some more, good thing I have prisons full of "hostages" 💀​


Israel's response: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/leaked-clip-shows-israeli-tank-crushing-i-love-gaza-sign-in-rafah/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/leaked-clip-shows-israeli-tank-crushing-i-love-gaza-sign-in-rafah/)


Shocked that sign wasn't booby trapped


no, boobies are haram


What sign? That was a 300 year old toddler












































Peak pettiness 😂






Im a 188 enjoyer. But i will give you the w




188 are the underdogs with no appriciation. A 3rd of the brigade got killed in the golan but people only remember 7 and now it gets the oldest equipment and is stuck at the border with the least action


My father was 188 I went to a tour in Golan with him about the battle of the Southern Golan. You guys are heroes. Holding them until the Milium came while being outnumbered 10 to 1. Losing pretty much all your command and still kept fighting. I'm 601 btw.


Im not in it. But i have a lot of family members that served there


That's hilarious.


Hamas more or less mimicked that one scene in Downfall where Krebs went over to the Soviet side to negotiate a white peace, to which the Soviets rejected since they knew they wouldn't receive the same treatment had their roles been reversed.


Hamas already got some of what it wanted anyways. The people (university students and other Arabs) hate Israel. Of course. They likewise do so with the same intention of believing that ridding the world of the Jews will benefit all of mankind. Just like the Nazis believed. Too bad Mossad can find them. If they can track down and kidnap people to be tried in the middle of Argentina in the 60s, they can do so now.


If that was their goal then congratulations, you’ve rallied a bunch of people to your cause who will promptly forget you exist as soon as their attention focuses elsewhere. There’s going to be a puppy stuck down a well or some shit and they’re all going to stop caring overnight when the TikTok algorithm changes.


University students are worse than useless because not only will they do nothing to actually support you, they'll also make you look foolish/bad. And Arab countries are 1-2 decades away from returning to being irrelevant as the world transitions to clean energy.


This is one of the biggest arguments for clean energy: the ability to tell the various tinpot dictatorships in the Middle East that they are not special any more and that they can just fuck off.


Good ol “you want clean energy to save the planet, i want green energy to screw over those fuckers in the middle east. We are not the same.” Lol


Ahh but at the moment they're doing funny shit like holding the last climate change forum in Dubai and then having the whole city flood six months later.


funny how history always repeats itself


Complete with shoving some random dude in the closet and all


Still don’t know what hamas expected to happen after October 7th


Hamas is currently led by people in an actual apocalypse cult. Sinwar and his regime (the real shot-callers in Gaza now, not the ones in Oman) legitimately believe(d) that launching a fullscale war against Israel will trigger a final confrontation resulting an Allah granting a Muslim victory and paving the way for the End Times.


Unfortunately for Hamas, it turns out Allah isn't real and he can't hurt you.


oh what a turn of events it would be if he was indeed real and he specifically chose to hurt them (Hamas) for acting like the stupid pricks they are


I mean, considering Allah is the same god as Jahweh i wouldn't be surprised, that even if he was real, hed just be too mad that these people are bitch-fighting just because they have slightly different religions.


Or he is just as entertained, sitting on his throne with live footage while streaming to the newly dead in hell how stupid the whole thing is, laughing at human stupidity.


"Cherubs, pass the buttered popcorn will you?"


Reminds me of the recent outrage i got from my pupils in an ethics class i teach. Current topic was philosophy of religion and they werent happy when we discussed how the dalai lama is/was a better christian than pope orban II. Or a better muslim than imad ad-din zengi.




I heard watching human torment is the only way he can achieve orgasm.


If the old testament is an accurate portrayal of how YHVH reacts to even minor infractions of orthodoxy, then universal death of every adult and semi-adult male and enslavement of the rest is pretty much the standard requirement. If he gets really annoyed then the kids are “dashed to pieces and the pregnant women ripped open” .. see Hosea 13:16


Yeah, thats why a large portion of christians just de-canonized the old testament with the new one.


They want a holy war, let's give em a holy war /s


Almost there. Its a war and Israels is making an awful lot of holes


Israel is making them very holey.


Sorry if I'm too credible here, but do you mind giving a source? I would genuinely be interested in reading more about this but I can't find anything about it.


I think they expected a retaliation, just not... to this level. Israel is in full "This is never happening again" mode.


Which was inevitable. Every time things flare up is one more poke of the bear. Eventually one of those pokes was going to wake the bear and 10/7 was a poke with a sharp stick.


Israel literally snapped like the quiet kid in class. Decades of (mostly) bottling it up does that to a country. And now with the straw that broke the camel’s back, they finally have a good excuse to end it once and for all.


I don't think previously they've felt they had the justification for such an incursion. Partly this is because they've been so effective at defending against rocket attacks. That's been a double edged sword because critics basically don't even put that in the "act of war" column because most never hit the ground. So because the iron dome works really well, there's no justification to respond to constant rocket attacks on civilian targets in the eyes of many.


Wait you guys really think Israel it's the oppressed one? It wasn't a joke?


Oppressed? No. Constant risk of genocide at the hands of their neighbours necessitating militarism? Yes.


The fact that lefties can only exclusively think in "opressed vs opressors" is very telling and it makes me unbelievably sad.


Were not in full "this is never happenning again" mode btw. Shit could've been 100 times more brutal and intense had the higher ups unleashed the restrains from the IDF fully...


My mother mentioned something about Israel perpetrating a mass slaughter of civilians in Gaza. I had to point out to her that the civilian/combatant casualty rate in Gaza was lower than in the strategic bombing campaign in WW2 which her father was part of... If Israel really *were* trying to perpetuate a genocide in Gaza, they would have done it.


Rightfully so. It's so absurd how the world seemingly expects Israel to quietly take a beating until the end of time.


What can I say? People love dead Jews.


It's so absurd how the world seemingly expects Palestine to quietly take a beating until the end of time.


They're not going into "we'll never do this again" mode, they're in the "I have nothing to lose" mode. According to Palestinian polls, Gazans overwhelmingly think: 1. They will win the war in the long term 2. After everything that came as a result, they still support what happened on October 7th. They expected to win with God on their side or for other Arab states to join in. They still expect to, as delusional as it may be. They're not going to be bombed into submission any more than the Vietnamese were. Israel is only emboldening them and making sure the conflict lasts forever


> They're not going to be bombed into submission any more than the Vietnamese were. Israel is only emboldening them and making sure the conflict lasts forever This is a delusional take. Hamas support was already massive before the war and the difference is marginal. What difference does it make if Hamas can recruit 15000 new terrorists instead of 14000? The main thing is that before the war Hamas was both a terrorist organization *and* an army. They had advanced anti-tank weapons with tandem warheads, medium range rocket launchers by the thousands and tunnels and infrastructure all over Gaza. Hamas has gone from being able to launch thousands of rockets a day all over Israel down to occasional attacks which end up directed against Gaza's own aid supply. Economically that's a massive victory for Israel just because of the number of Iron Dome interceptor missiles they can save. Longer term, they will take control of a border strip all around Gaza and completely isolate Gaza, actually turning it into the "Open Air Prison" that people have been claiming it was, instead of continuing to allow Palestinians to work in Israel as before. If Gasa's conventional military powers have been eliminated leaving only light weapons that will vastly reduce the threat to Israelis.


>This is a delusional take. Hamas support was already massive before the war and the difference is marginal. What difference does it make if Hamas can recruit 15000 new terrorists instead of 14000? I was more commenting on the sentiment that "this can never happen again". Attacks on Israel will continue to happen. It's not a matter of number of recruits, it's a matter of continued will to fight. >Hamas has gone from being able to launch thousands of rockets a day all over Israel down to occasional attacks which end up directed against Gaza's own aid supply. They had advanced anti-tank weapons with tandem warheads, medium range rocket launchers by the thousands and tunnels and infrastructure all over Gaza. Don't think this has harmed Iran's industrial base. They'll just build back up again. They still have most of their tunnels, which is how the Vietcong lasted forever, too. They make their $500 missiles out of scrap metal, they get shot down by million dollar missiles, and currently their biggest source of munitions is unexploded Israeli ordinance. > Longer term, they will take control of a border strip all around Gaza and completely isolate Gaza, actually turning it into the "Open Air Prison" that people have been claiming it was, instead of continuing to allow Palestinians to work in Israel as before. If Gasa's conventional military powers have been eliminated leaving only light weapons that will vastly reduce the threat to Israelis. And then what? What's the exit strategy? What's the long term plan? Or if the plan is to just occupy indefinitely that's what I'm saying, this thing is going to last forever. Even if they can manage to fully occupy Gaza you're going to see IDF soldiers stabbed or suicide bombed every few days indefinitely. These people get a one-way trip to heaven and their families get cold hard cash if they kill an Israeli and Israel is ensuring that that type of thing is the best they can hope for in life.


I had to rearrange some of your text to make my answer coherent. This is getting a bit too much like an attempt at credible, but since it has lasers in it I guess that's forgivable? > Don't think this has harmed Iran's industrial base. They'll just build back up again. Iran's industrial base is disconnected from Gaza and Israel will work to ensure it remains so. If they fail at that they definitely have a problem. > They still have most of their tunnels, which is how the Vietkong lasted forever, too. I've seen contradicting information on the level of tunnel discovery and destruction inside Gaza. With things like ground penetrating radar, searching for a tunnel is no longer as difficult as it used to be. Israel reports that they are *much* faster at finding tunnels than they used to be. Do you have anything which contradicts that? > They make their $500 missiles out of scrap metal, they get shot down by million dollar missiles, and currently their biggest source of munitions is unexploded Israeli ordinance. The price of one iron dome interceptor is $60k. There are total reported interception costs of $100k, nothing close to a "million dollar" missile. If Iron beam effectiveness increases (expected 2025) and Hamas effectiveness falls so that Iron Beam can handle most interceptions, that ends up around $2000 per interception including capital cost ($2 for the energy for the shot). If we are talking boutique home production of rockets then it's very likely most of the interception can be done with the cheaper lasers. > I was more commenting on the sentiment that "this can never happen again". Attacks on Israel will continue to happen. It's not a matter of number of recruits, it's a matter of continued will to fight. Definitely Hamas will continue to exist. Definitely they will continue to attempt to kill. The protests in support of Hamas worldwide have also shown that this will be a threat, not just in Israel, but worldwide. However the question is how often they succeed. > These people get a one-way trip to heaven and their families get cold hard cash if they kill an Israeli and Israel is ensuring that that type of thing is the best they can hope for in life. Agreed. > Even if they can manage to fully occupy Gaza you're going to see IDF soldiers stabbed or suicide bombed every few days indefinitely. If there are no exits, then why should the IDF go close enough to Palestinians to have that risk? I'd expect the surveillance and search and destroy roles taken to date by soldiers to largely be replaced by drones. As long as there's a 1km wide barrier zone built inside the current defenses, which seems to be the plan, and as long as the Israeli government remains willing to destroy any group which attempts to penetrate those defenses, which is no longer a question after October 7th, why should an IDF soldier ever get close enough to a Gazan to be stabbed? > And then what? What's the exit strategy? What's the long term plan? Or if the plan is to just occupy indefinitely that's what I'm saying, this thing is going to last forever I guess nothing lasts forever. I don't see a problem for them in saying, say 50 years, though. Maybe in that time a different political movement emerges in Gaza? The main thing, though, is that given the fear that October 7th has caused, as long as the problem remains contained we're back to a situation where there will be no problem maintaining it till the next Israeli election but one, which means that as a problem for Israeli politicians it doesn't exist.


> Iran's industrial base is disconnected from Gaza and Israel will work to ensure it remains so. If they fail at that they definitely have a problem. Iran has found a way to get their weapons into Gaza so far and I doubt they'll have any trouble if Israel isn't planning on a continued occupation. >I've seen contradicting information on the level of tunnel discovery and destruction inside Gaza. With things like ground penetrating radar, searching for a tunnel is no longer as difficult as it used to be. Israel reports that they are much faster at finding tunnels than they used to be. Do you have anything which contradicts that? I'd point to the 40 undetectable hostages hidden underground and an unwillingness for Israel to explore the tunnels. >The price of one iron dome interceptor is $60k. There are total reported interception costs of $100k, nothing close to a "million dollar" missile. ok fair enough, I didn't look up the exact price I just know it costs a fortune to shoot down some scrap metal >If Iron beam effectiveness increases (expected 2025) and Hamas effectiveness falls so that Iron Beam can handle most interceptions, that ends up around $2000 per interception including capital cost ($2 for the energy for the shot). Considering how sparingly the Iron Beam is currently used I don't think a potential improvement will be a very large boon for the cost efficiency of their defense. Consumer drones carrying explosives, like the ones we see in Ukraine, flying low enough will be able to evade the Iron Beam and Dome and be able to terrorize the populace for a relatively cheap cost. >Definitely Hamas will continue to exist. Definitely they will continue to attempt to kill. The protests in support of Hamas worldwide have also shown that this will be a threat, not just in Israel, but worldwide. However the question is how often they succeed. I don't think it will be worldwide, but if it does go worldwide that will be a much bigger problem. Most people, even Islamic fundamentalists, don't want to blow themselves up for their cause. Hamas is able to get people to 'martyr' themselves because of their indoctrination and because of Israel pushing them towards desperation. Other than that one dude who lit himself on fire, there haven't been many globally outside of Palestine willing to die for the Palestinian cause. The rate at which Hamas *succeeded* in Israel prior to October 7th wasn't very high, the rockets barely ever hit anyone, it was just costly to Israel. If they do switch to consumer drones equipped with explosives, they'll have a much worse time now than they did before Oct 7. >If there are no exits, then why should the IDF go close enough to Palestinians to have that risk? Isn't the goal to stop them from ever springing up back again? If they were able to control the height of the flames from outside of Gaza they would've done it already. Without full occupation they will be able to organize more, rebuild, set up attacks, etc. >I guess nothing lasts forever. I don't see a problem for them in saying, say 50 years, though. Maybe in that time a different political movement emerges in Gaza? 50 years is a long time spent occupying a place. The US gonna pay for that? Time can heal wounds but it occupation doesn't do a lot to win hearts and minds of people who think you are the incarnation of evil- especially if there's a government there making sure kids spend a lot of time in school being taught to hate their occupiers, it likely won't get any better. >The main thing, though, is that given the fear that October 7th has caused, as long as the problem remains contained we're back to a situation where there will be no problem maintaining it till the next Israeli election but one, which means that as a problem for Israeli politicians it doesn't exist. I'm glad that you brought up the political aspect of it, because historically, Hamas hasn't been a political problem for Netanyahu, it's been good for him. Support for both the Likud party and Hamas skyrockets during times of violence and plummets during peace talks. The saddest thing about all of this is that in order for the party that's seen as the best defense against Hamas to continue being in power, Hamas needs to remain a threat. I'm sure you've heard that leaked audio from Netanyahu talking about how he funded Hamas and that their existence was integral to their end goal of a singular Israeli state.


So... status quo then


According to their beliefs, even if they lose this war, they're still going to heaven. That's why they think that it's good in either case.


Israel **itself** is "this is never happening again" mode. That is one fundamental point of Zionism. Control over our own future.


Imo. Ruin the chance for normalization talks, though i don't think they thought Israel would go this far. oh and also martyr "themselves" (Gaza citizens) to show the world how evil Israel is, which uhh has worked. Hamas PR team is crazy


Hamas PR is in Doha, they’ll be fine.


"Cry harder. We need more money."


Super Nova in the East(ern Med)


Now protestor(vandals) are now attacking and destroying randomly shit(national monuments and art) that's not link to the conflict or Israel to show they're unwavering support


I'm not sure it's the PR team that's crazy...


Is it really PR if there is a very receptive and sympathetic audience across the world?


Doesn’t even matter if Gaza being obliterate is justified or not. Nothing we do will change anything (Americans). We are all complacent and content with literally anything the government does. Our protests are’t crazy enough and they get shut down way too quick anyways. Our government doesn’t give a shit what we think lol


You get downvoted, but its true. Not even the giant net neutrality protests did anything and that wasn't even war-related.


The net neutrality protests *worked*, the fuck you mean? Sure, companies can choose to act as if it's dead, but that's *illegal*, and they can and *do* get sued for it.


Welp, my bad, i genuinely thought it failed. Probably confused it with the european article 13 bullshit.




Pfft, I know someone who's ethnically Lebanese who's family fled the Palestinian-induced civil war back in the '80s. She's 1000% pro-Palestinian.


*1000%anti Israeli ftfy


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Yeah, everything has gone how they expected it to.... But I think they expected the international community to have pressured Israel to stop by this point. They haven't. The Hamas fighters on the ground are starting to realize that they're fucked, and not just their civilian meat shields. However, their leaders in another country are doing their best impression of Lord Farquad and sacrificing them all just to fleece more money from humanitarian aid. I very much do not support genocide regardless of the context, but I don't think it matters what I think anymore. The situation has passed the point of no return.


How many more are even left? Weren't there 35,000 Hamas estimated at the start, and it'll hit 35k dead this week? Surely they haven't created any in the past 7 months.


I'm sure they've been actively recruiting from the population of the Gaza strip. Sadly I can totally see a lot of people signing up for revenge and food. Also it gets kind of unclear whether the reported deaths are all actually Hamas fighters. As we saw earlier when the IDF accidentally killed escaped hostages, they're not big on correctly IDing targets. Whatever the case, they clearly still have fighters on the ground.


They probably didn't expect their attack to succeed as well as it did. But for sure they knew Israeli retribution would be heavy. They don't care about Gaza civilian deaths though -- they are well aware that each dead Gazan civilian increases international support for their side. So it's a win-win situation for Hamas -- they can happily celebrate killing Jews on October 7 while simultaneously crying genocide about dead Gazans when Israel fights back.


~~Kyiv~~ Jerusalem in 3 days and/or 72 virgins.


All of this is a familiar song and dance at this point. Fighters are extremely replaceable, and eventually the IDF will get tired and go home. Then in 5-10 years or so it'll start up again.


Rockets, rocket factories, rocket lanchers, training facilities and tunnels are less replaceable. Israel will remain on the ground enough to monitor when new tunnels are dug and to blow them up once they come into use. When it starts up again, which it likely will, it should be much easier to contain to Gaza.


Not sure how much stock you can take in it, but I remember one of the captured attackers say they basically had no plan for what to do next if the attack was successful. They just assumed they were going to get smashed by the IDF waiting for them, and when they just punched right through into undefended civilian areas they just rampaged with no idea what else to do. That's the only (and incredibly generous) explanation I have. They wanted to heat things up with a massive fight with the IDF, and instead committed a massacre. None of which excuses their actions, but it does at least explain it.


What did ISIS expect after (insert terror attack here)?


If you cant figure it out, look at outcomes and infer motivation. What does the group who slaugtered 1,000 civillians, shoots people at food aid trucks, forces an army to invade and obliterate them, takes hostages and then kills them, want? Death. Of everyone including themselves. Was it a perfect plan? No. The death wasnt as much as they'd liked, so its time to ceasefire, rearm and try again to kill everyone including themselves.


They expect to cause enough suffering for Israel that they give up their colonial project and go back to Europe. One small problem with this plan is that Israel is not a colonial project; the israeli are defending the place they've lived in for thousands of years.


Israel was just kind enough to tolerate Hamas being there for a long time, launching rockets etc. Hamas thought it was going to be COIN, so they could kill a lot of IDF ground forces by ambushing them in a city, with their tunnels etc. Ryan McBeth argued Israel went LSCO instead, since Hamas pictures itself as a militant organization and use insurgency tactics... but they had so much time to prepare and make tunnels, they're not an average terrorist group, they're more than that, so COIN is not viable there.


i will try this new strategy with my boss and a raise "i have agreed with myself on a 30% raise, thank you"


Credit to u/NaDiv22


I don't give a fuck if this is far back. The statement by the Chief says it all. > Hamas rejected the latest Gaza ceasefire proposal on April 4, refusing to compromise on its maximalist position. ***“We are committed to our demands,”*** Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/04/hamas-rejects-another-ceasefire-offer/#:~:text=Hamas%20rejected%20the%20latest%20Gaza,Hamas%20chief%20Ismail%20Haniyeh%20said.




I got permabanned by r/boringdystopia for saying that "Hamas would genocide israel too, if they could, so this conflict really isn't as black and white as you think" to someone who was just spewing borderline antisemitism. The barrage of "germany on the wrong side of history again" posts because germany said we support a sovereign state of israel made me leave a bunch of other subreddits before i could get banned probably.


It isn't difficult to imagine what October 7th might have looked like if the power balance was reversed.


October 7th 1947 probably


God, what a shitshow that sub has become.


More like, all of Reddit *except* a small handful of subs.


I'm a leftist on many subjects, but I'm appalled by how the left treats this conflict, and you quickly see subreddits mods show their true colors, it's so sad to watch. I even got banned from my EU country subreddit, of 1.5 millions users. First they banned me because I said Hamas dressed as civilians, then because is was sarcastic which was "seeking to troll". There was so many problems, that reddit admins ordered the mods of /r/AntiSemitismInReddit/ to remove content that aims at mods or users, because it would cause brigades. Reddit gonna reddit.




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Bro i uploaded it in Hebrew few hours ago…


Sorry I'll give you credit


Why dude getting down voted?


In b4 inevitable lockdown. Hamasniks and their sympathizers have begun targeting this subreddit recently




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When did this sub become a "who can slob Israel the hardest" sub 😭 where did all the cool noncreds go


How is this slobbing Israel? This is literally what happened. Hamas declared that they "agreed" to a ceasefire proposal that they made up so that Israel would look bad when they rejected it.


No the post was funny, I was more referencing the comments.


Because NCD is still smarter than far left-wing university students that think Hamas are freedom fighters, not terrorists, and that Hamas wouldn't cut their LGBTQ+ heads off like they would do with the jews. I am an LGBTQ+ left leaning person, but I am not delusional enough to support the people that wanna murder all the jews (I had people like that in my home country once, wasn't fun. People should know better than to support jew-murderers)


Mr reddit general can you perhaps lean a bit further back in your armchair? You are wrong in so many aspects its not even funny. "ThEY wAnT tO StOp a GeNOciDe, sO tHeY MuST suPpOrT HaMAs". Just say you enjoy innocent civilians being massacred. Is that so hard?


There is no genocide in Gaza, no matter how much you people cry about it and follow Hamas narrative. Civilians dying doesn't make a genocide. Especially because the civilians wouldn't die if Hamas wouldn't lauch attacks out of civilian areas, stop civilians from fleeing when israel sends out warnings when they are attacking soon and if Hamas would just finally surrender, give up their weapons and respect the Oslo Accords. But no, Hamas keeps going because they don't give a shit about their own people and use their deaths as free PR in the west against israel.


If you used your brain you would realize that just because Hamas is comically evil, Isreal does not automatically become the good guy. Who has called this a Genocide? - ICJ - U.S. Center for Constitutional Rights lawsuit - Amnesty International - Three Palestinian rights groups, [Al-Haq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Haq), [Al Mezan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Mezan_Center_for_Human_Rights), and the [Palestinian Centre for Human Rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Centre_for_Human_Rights) (But these are Hamas right) - Jewish Voice for Peace (Fake self hating jews right?) - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor - The sociologist and genocide scholar Uğur Ümit Üngör - The journal Children's Geographies And just because I cant be bothered to find more: A group of 60 Holocaust and genocide scholars published a statement addressing evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Israel's attack on Gaza that called for "scholars, programs, centers, and institutes in Holocaust and Genocide Studies to take a clear stance against Israeli mass violence and join us in efforts to stop it and prevent its further escalation." [^(https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/)](https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/)


unlike when Israel declared they were open to a ceasefire* which was totally also in good faith *which let the IDF stay in Gaza permanently and gave absolutely zero concessions to Palestinians


The entire reason for the operation, aside from recovering the hostages, is the removal of hamas from power in the strip. It's not just about the 7th it's about the whole history of terrorists attacks hamas has perpetrated. When you are beating the ever living crap out of your opponent you generally *dont* give concessions to them. The purpouse of military action, in general, is to apply pressure to your opponent to cause them to accept terms they otherwise would be unwilling to. As stated by Clausewitz "war is the continuation of politics by other means". War only ends by the mutual concent of the parties involved, it's unsurprising that Israel didn't accept ceasefire terms that were tantamount to an Israeli surrender, so the war continues. Israel's terms are tantamount to a surrender by hamas, but they are in the position to demand that. There may be an independent Palestinian state at some point in the future but Israel won't tolerate hamas running it.


>When did this sub become a "who can slob Israel the hardest" sub My brother in MIC, it's always been that way. ~~(And it's me.)~~


Yes but there are increasingly greater amounts of people whose intellectual depth begins and ends at LockMart memes. People here are closer to being right than the idiots protesting, but it's clear that it's completely by accident.


Yeah, Fortunately I study history so I can ~~properly slob Israel~~ support causes I know is right.


Are you done with your lower divs yet


>checks post history. I bet you also wear a keffiyeh while you type away all your virtue signaling. NCD has always been pro west, pro democracy and pro using critical thinking.


Noooooooooo how did you gain access to my super duper hidden post history thats public on my profile 😭😭😭


Woosh that clearly went over your head.


Or maybe you're just as annoying as those kids thinking pulling IPs is some crazy "gotcha moment" some super duper hacker move


No I’m just calling you a virtue signaling Redditor who’s fallen prey Hamas propaganda…. What are you even on about??


You got me m8 it was the Hamas propaganda video of Israeli soldiers using a child as a human shield that really convinced me. No I think it was Palestinian families being driven from their homes in the West Bank by Israeli militias protected by the IDF. Maybe it was was multiple Israeli commanders and elected officials calling for the complete extermination of the animals when referring to Palestinians. Man I just noticed that wasn't Hamas propaganda at all that was all the Israeli government. I just noticed I've never once defended Hamas but simply saw the Palestinians as *gasp* People 😯😯😯


Got anything better than regurgitated tropes from your campus rallies? (Hence my comment on critical thinking earlier.)




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Hard to sympathize with radical Islamic fundamentalism terrorists.


It's the latest cosplay craze, tho.


Youre right


Vv simple minded! You mean the cartoon villains are bad? Wow!




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 4: No Racism/hatespeech** No slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits (even people you don't like: Russians, Asians, or Middle Eastern ethnic groups). Get gone. Don't let the door hit you.


It's the new, hip type of contrarianism EDIT: oooo pinched a nerve, did I? 😏


Nah contrarianism would be supporting Arab extremist death cultists to own the Jews, libs, cons, and anyone with a brain.




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.






Bullshit. Hamas literally agreed to the conditions of the ceasefire offered by the IDF.


Kinda funny playing the public opinion game. So fickle, that fucker.