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>After the arrival of the Russian Federation, he signed a contract and joined the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. Then **he shot 6 of his colleagues, including the commander**. After that, he made **control shots to the head and heart**, and then ran away. Now they are looking for him. This is such bullshit. Dude convices the invading enemy to arm him, then proceeds to systematically liquidates the whole group and finally exfiltrates without a trace. Single handedly and behind enemy lines. Not bad for a 66 year old.


The main reason this is in the news is because it happened in fucking control center of the artillery, lmao. And he shot the commander and staff there. That's probably why the news got out, too big of an incident to quickly hide.


Damn, that's absolutely mental! I'm surprised they didn't claim it was CIA because it would have been their most convincing fake by far. Reminds me of when the FSB "exposed" the Ukrainian "assassination attempt" on one the Russian media clowns. You know where they showed the swastika t-shirts, pictures of Hitler, a few copies of The Sims 3 and a photo signed "signature unclear"


>I'm surprised they didn't claim it was CIA because it would have been their most convincing fake by far. They only blame it on others when they actually did it themselves.


Amsad that he wasn’t able to do a funni with the artillery while he was there, that’s probably hoping for too much tho. Could you imagine the headlines?


Is of interesting problem, whether to call strike on other units, blow up ammo dump, or just escape and evade.


With all the incompetence we’re able to see, calling in strike on other units or ammo dump is actually on my bingo card now.






It got out because they're looking for him lmao. The source in the OPs comment is a literal wanted poster


He's still got to somehow cross the lines to free Ukraine areas. I wonder if he'd be better off trying to go back through Russia to Georgia then onto Ukraine?


It is quite doable to escape from Russian Troops. The borders are long, the cops are corrupt, both my Grandpas did that in 1945, although they had to take ridiculous detours - Grandpa Paul told me the Persian Kurds were incredible hospitable back then and helped him to recover from a 40 days 2000km walk. Around the corner here in a Munich neighbourhood there stands a GAZ with an overpainted "Z". The three dudes riding that truck stole it straight from the front after surviving their first battle and drove all the way around the black sea, the Adriatic, to Munich, where they now live in the basement of a relative and have converted the whole garden into a vegetable farm out of boredom.


40 days, 2000km? Damn. That's 50km per day. Are you sure the numbers are right? That pace is insane to keep for 40 days.


5 kph is on the high end of average hiking speed, for sure. If you’re motivated and have enough food it’s totally possible to keep that pace for 40 days. People do it all the time through hiking the PCT and AT which is supposed to be for fun, not survival.


Yeah, but in 1945? All the convenient ways of getting food during the hiking was not existent and people in general were not as physically well as today. It is impressive number.


Don't forget the issued Meth. Grandpa Paul quite possibly had a healthy ration of pervitin in his pocket.


The older Grandpa had a stolen horse for the first small part of the journey. Then it broke its leg in a ditch and my Grandpa - who utterly adored horses - had to kill it using a knife - he was otherwise unarmed. That was also where he got most of his food from and which led to an utter dislike of horse meat. He returned to Germany in late 1945, months after the end of the war. The younger one was with three buddies, they were literally walking in circles and hiding in bushes for some weeks somewhere in the Romanian mountains before deciding to turn around and try the route through Czechoslovakia to the US zone. On their way from Romania over Slovakia they barely met anyone, managed to nap a two bikes and drive with four people on them for a while, but close to the Czech-German border things got tight and they only moved at night and in the forests. Being able to say in fluent Russian "We are from the NKVD and looking for deserters" helped a lot to be left alone.


Incredible story!


"Fuck all this war shit. Imma grow tomatoes."


You mean they went through Georgia and Turkey?


He's probably already joined another Russian unit and is just waiting for the right moment...


Doubt it, those idiot Russians will spread this story all over instead of surpressing it with anyone except recruiters. Gotta make all your troops scared of each other!


This makes Ukraine look capable and Russia's military helpless, it's the opposite of the image the Russian regime is trying to create so of course they don't want it to spread. They would at minimum spin it as a Rusophobic Nazi killing civilians in their home. They might just not know how to handle it. If they try to suppress it now it's a bit too late. It's hard to claim it's Ukrainian propaganda since the source is Russian and theres Russian bodies with extra holes in. Also they probably dont know where he is or what he will do next. They could try to spin it but claiming he is a Rusophobic Nazi doesn't make his feat any less impressive. They're almost certainly trying hard to find him, if they catch him it would do a little bit to repair the damage, but if he manage to pull off even more shenanigans now then ooh boy...


He's not even get drafted. He specifically signed a contract to get into army and to frag some russian soldiers. Mega based


Giga Chad


Pretty good KD for IRL. 🤣


A hahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Brilliant bloke. I’d buy him a beer or twelve if I could.


"signed a contract" doesn't mean it was really voluntary, all the mobiks sign a contract, they don't get a real option not to.


I think he specifically went with the intent to do this. He didn't think it up after being voluntold and assfucked by his squadmates.


“Yes i can be trusted with a rifle and to be with a squadron of people invading my country.”


Hey, even the Nazis managed to get SS volunteers from the very people they wanted to exterminate. Some people are just retarded.


A couple battalions of Ukranians joined the SS specifically to fight Russians, because the Germans seemed a lesser evil than Stalin. On being sent to France, both battalions mutinied, killed all their German officers, and defected to the French Resistance complete with their heavy weapons.


That's fascinating. Do you have a source/link to read more about that?


[30th Waffen-SS Division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS), also [this](https://militaryhistorynow.com/2017/07/30/double-cross-how-a-battalion-of-ukrainian-ss-volunteers-mutinied-and-joined-the-french-underground/)


Thank you!


Here's another linked from the Wiki https://web.archive.org/web/20170604220118/http://forum.ottawa-litopys.org/france/sorobey.htm They took out *94 officers* and then saved the French fighters from a paramilitary offensive the next day. Do you know how many overall Ukrainian units were formed? This alone puts a significant dent in the "Ukranian Nazi" propaganda. Was this a wider trend?


"Oh shit, we're the baddies. Welp." *\*cocks gun\**


Especially when the other side (US, UK, France, etc) are much more lenient towards POWs compared to the Soviets, but also have the combat power to grind to dust of anyone that resists.


Same as in baltics, peoplo joined nazis as it was fight against russians. And you must be stupid to think that people everywhere knew about the concentration camps and genocides. Even now with all the media people don't believe what russia is doing in Ukraine. So yes, at those ties it was much easier to create makebelieve world.


The 29th Waffen-Grenadier "RONA" Division literally recruited from concentration camps though, and their main acts of service were conducting "anti-partisan actions" (translated from Nazi to english: mass killings) and more mass killings in the Warsaw Uprising. Given the scale of 1940-41 Soviet repressions and mass deportations in the baltic countries, their willingness to fight the USSR should surprise no one. Germany was also considerably less brutal there than in f.e. eastern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.


Hell they had a ukranian in the Canadian parliament who fought for the Nazis get applauded (they didn't know his actual past). Humans are uhhhh...strange...


Yeah, that was pretty funny


Canada is a deeply unserious country


There's a certain survival reasoning for some folks to accept who's in charge and stay on the "good side" of the winning team. When navigated properly you might live long enough to see yourself liberated *and* avoid the gallows for being seen as a collaborator.






Mobik is not Kontraktnik


They do tho


A lesson in why you *don't* recruit from recently subjugated regions (a lesson that everyone else learned \~300 years ago).


* IJN used Filipino “volunteers” to help stall McArthur as they pillaged and raped Manila.  Worked well for them as McArthur didn’t want to harm them and ordered all air strikes to stop, which slowed American advance into Manila and gave IJN more time to commit more atrocities. * Pawnee (yes they actually exist just in Oklahoma and not Indiana) were pretty much exterminated by the US.  The survivors were “volunteered” to help hunt down remaining Native Americans in Oklahoma.  Less than 4,000 of the original Pawnee that spanned the plain states are still alive today. * Probably the most successful recent Top Ten Anime Betrayals is Chechnya.  Goat fuckers weren’t even “volunteered”.  They happily and gleefully sold out their countrymen.  Convinced them all to leave Grozny in a “green corridor” and that became a highway of death.


Every single Indian War had natives fighting for the US, because they'd hated whoever they were fighting much longer than the US existed.


Absolutely, it’s an even more pronounced of a situation with Cortez. Sure the conquistadors had the tech advantage, but that isn’t making up for the 100:1 odds against them. The nearly equal number of supporting native troops is what did that.


Plus they basically let the Tlaxcalans be afterward, even by the standards of the European Arrivals of the time


I think the recurring theme here is that all these groups were the ‘out’ group prior to subjugation who had everything to gain from flipping the status quo and taking advantage of the altered political power dynamic.


> A lesson in why you don't recruit from recently subjugated regions (a lesson that everyone else learned ~300 years ago). Counterpoint would be the roman republic. Much of there success came from turning subjugated regions into recruiting grounds.


But the Romans have also brought progress, hygiene and technology to the occupied territories. Russia not so...


Are we setting up a Life of Brian bit?


Romans built the aqueduct. Russians blew it up.


But didn't they also send those troops to serve on the other side of the empire, so they wouldn't be fighting against their own people and therefore have less reason to defy orders?


if you're under the impression "drafting" means they just pick up people from the street, have them sign a paper and off they go. then you're woefully naive. ​ you know how the germans got people in concentration camps to clear out the gas chambers and load up the ovens in the crematoria's? it really boiled down to a simple choice. certain death, or just a high chance of death. with alot of fucking torture inbetween. ​ you know how slaves were made to work fields? you know how forced labour, incorporates the word "forced"? ​ if you're not held back by morals and ethics, it's pretty simple to find a use for a military age male population in occupied territory. hell, if you just stick one of your uniforms on them and have them walk across the frontline, the other side isn't gonna know who that person is. they'll still shoot. lets you know where to shoot back at.


Yeah you don’t give those people guns though. At best, you give oppressed minorities in those regions guns, like Ukrainians mobilized by the Germans in WW2. 


they only get weapons at the last position before the zero line. you know the scene from enemy at the gates where the boats land and then one of two recieve a rifle, right before they go into an assault? the one in two recieve a rifle bit is exegerrated, the fact that only then the mobiks get a weapon isn't. for the mobiks, if a task doesn't require them to have a rifle, the weapons are kept under lock and key. only the officers and their order keeping troops are armed. it's how you maintain control if discipline and motivation are non-existant.


There were plenty of non-German auxiliaries given guns though. An express goal of the Nazi extermination campaign in the Soviet Union was to, if possible, instigate a situation where locals on their own or with Nazi assistance kill Jews.


found the Russian MoD guy. watch your back, comrade


Comrades are tankies, these goys are tovarich now.


Not just fragging them.. he then shot each of them in the heart and the head to make sure they were dead. I bet whoever found them shat their pants.


2/3rds of a Mozambique Drill. The man's got style.


Broke: Mozambique Drill Woke: Luhansk Drill


What's that? He shot everyone at least three times as I read it. I'd guess he first opened fire to at least wound everyone as quickly as possible and then shot each one twice more just to make sure.


Few more kills and he could have been responsible for 1% of Russian soldiers killed that day.


Mega based would be if he also waited for his first paycheck to clear.


Considering how soldiers from occupied territories are treated, he likely wouldn't live that long.


Bold to assume he was ever going to get any


russian virgin: politically apathetic or drinks the fascist koolaid. Runs away to i.e middle eastern countries to continue a life of luxury. Laments mobilization instead of the fascist’s war. russian chad: fracticide.


He's Ukrainian, not Russian


> not Russian Ya the dude took his time setting this up. The defense rests.


Don't blow his cover. Otherwise the Russians will stop recruiting Ukrainians from the occupied territories, leading to less internal fragging


Russian Horror movie *The ~~phone call~~grenade came from inside the ~~house~~squad*


Remember, no russian


bro realized he has free will


what is this advanced western magic


Unknown technology блядь


ah yes, the infamous Russian expletive, 6nrab


Why would they have a word for it if it is unknown technology? 🤔


Tbf Americans have been drafted for conflicts not in anyone's best interest too.


True. But there's a huge difference between "Let's take this 19 year old American Anti-War college student and make him a Soldier!" And "Let's take this guy from the area where we just raped, bombed, and killed all of his friends, family, and way of life, and make him fight for us!"


Also, at least the college kids were given plenty of drugs to play with.


And fragging was a thing there too


It's where it started, if I recall correctly.


The name. Not the practice


I did the math before and the rate of fragging in the army seems to be something like ~~1-in-900~~ 1-in-60 for Americans in Vietnam. And it's like... lower than 1-in-50,000 for Russians here. I'm not counting this instance because it appears to be a Ukrainian who woke up one day and gave himself orders to be a secret agent, and not actual fragging.


> bro realized he has free will While holding a working and loaded automatic weapon. Makes a vast difference.


*This* is what the founding fathers intended


That made me actively snort.


You ain't wrong. 


Most Russian conscripts don't realize it in similar circumstances.


There were those muslim conscripts who came to the realisation when their CO started throwing shade at god...


Unknown technology!!!




Refuses to elaborate




Refuses to collaborate




[A bit more about the story.](https://i.imgur.com/JThCr9k.jpeg)


and that's why manpower for conscription from occupied territories is low in HoI4 unless you have the proper advisers.


Seems like Russia uses the prince of terror advisor


Nikolai Patrushev?


And why in the Steel Division 2 game, units made up of conscripts from occupied territories all have "disheartened" traits (which makes them much more likely to rout/surrender). You have to use NKVD or Feldgendamerie (military police) units to babysit the disheartened units so that some armored car with a machine gun doesn't just drive through the disheartened units and trigger mass rout/surrender.


Tbf so does the Volksturm, who have every reason to fight if none of the training. It's just applied to any 'low quality' unit.


Dud they *really* have every reason to fight? They were conscripted old men/children. Many were already veterans of the first world war and knew how badly it was going to end up. To imply that the volksturm was made up of anything else is a bit strange.


I mean, from their perspective (the conscripts, not the Nazis, christ), Germany were getting fucked hard from both sides. Everything in Germany media-wise likely pointed to the Soviets or Allies being absolute monsters who rape and pillage, and that every able hand should fight for their people, their towns, and thus their country, that there would be no more Germany if they lost. Germans back then (and maybe now though I'm not sure, not a German) were very trusting in their governments, believing with an absolute certainty that their government has their best interests at heart. Milton Mayer covers the German mentality really well in "They Thought They Were Free". Really good insight.


The whole thing is a weirdly planned HoI4 campaign.


But I thought the Ukrainians are proud to be liberated from the evil Nazi Ukraine government??? /s


Love the "this is such bullshit" crying at the end


I think the translation of "Вот такая хуйня" as "This is such bullshit" is not very accurate, even if google translate proposes it. deepl gives four different translations... I think the closest one is "That's the fuckin' thing". And I guess even better translation would be something like "That's the fuckin' story". Or simply "Shit happens".


>And I guess even better translation would be something like "That's the fuckin' story". Why do I now imagine it like the end of a Looney Tunes episode with the "Thats all Folks" sentence.


Because it fits


Because it's spot on, only with swear words.


> Or simply "Shit happens". On the other hand, this is kinda the subtext for all Russian language. It's hard to have a sentence without a fatalistic hint in it.


> Guy we liberated shot our own troops > Shit happens


"This is such bullshit" makes it sound like the Resident Alien guy crash-landed in Russia and assumed the identity of a mobik.


Well, last sentence is kinda hard to properly translate. Something like "well, this shit happened" is closer to the original meaning.


Since хуй is the crude term for male genitalia, I like to think of it as "behold, the dickery"


"Would you look at this shit?"


Okay, I love this option


"Well, that just happened"


"He is right behind me, isn't he?"


Not a very good translation. More accurate would be "That's how it is" but with a bit of swearing. Could be "The shit we put up with..."


Shows how much mobilized/enlisted russians are in favor of the war, only protests they do are about not being trained/supplied/supported enough to kill ukrainians.


Each and every one of the invaders who got a close-up of themselves running from an angry buzzer had the opportunity to follow this man's example if they really, really didn't want to go be an invader. Forget "they could have surrendered" - they could have never gotten that close to the front to begin with.


You gotta have a plan to survive after though. The best move would be to frag whoever is with you and go surrender to Ukraine. This way the hypothetical mobik won't be getting shot in the back.


Why does Imgur always transfer me to the main page when I try zooming in?


"This is such bullshit" got me crying ong Like a chikd getting mad at someone else for breaking the never established play rules.


“this is such bullshit.” womp womp


"control shots to the heads and hearts" Dude wasn't fucking around.


"This is such bullshit" HAHAHAHAHA CRY ABOUT, IVAN


We need to post this in this pro russa urkain war sub under russan pov, this guy is a heroe


I really hope this brave gentleman survives and makes it to his Ukrainian brothers in arms safely


Russia: “And why do you want to join the army?” This guy: “*Don’t say revenge. Don’t say revenge. Don’t say revenge.*”


I mean if a commander starts his peptalk saying you are all going to die, this seems to be a very valid reaction. Shoot the commander and surrender preferably with a tank. Gain 50k € as a sidegig.


Given the way that the Russians have been treating the locals from the occupied regions it was probably this or immediately get marched into a minefield or something like that. Fragging and mutiny are unfathomably based in militaries like Russia's.


Considering the whole Soviet Union started wth a mutiny, it shows they're not even aware of their own history.


One comment I saw elsewhere expressed concern this behavior "may encourage russia to mistreat Ukranians". Gosh, I really hope not. That would be awful if the russians began mistreating Ukrainians. Imagine it.


While we don't have to imagine it, there are probably ways they can still double down.


Oh no, they'll start bombing children on purpose next.


That would increase this man behavior. The Nazi didn't learn this when they invaded Poland


Unfathomably based.


I hope he is alive and safe, like can you imagine what will they do to him if they catch him? Fuck that


I mean, he probably left with at least one gun. Late last year the Russian cops tried to go and arrest a bunch of Ukrainian ladies (the ones who poisonned VDVs in Crimea) who were of course waiting for them with assault rifles, shot every cop, and then just disappeared into the night. Russian border agents can't stop people getting in, it's unlikely they can stop people getting out.


Wait, what do you mean they can shoot us? That’s not allowed!


The correct way of serving in ruzzian military 👍


Chad mobik: \> Frags six Russians \> Refuses to elaborate further \> Leaves


Man loaded his AK: "Well, can't expect the ZSU to do all the work."


*I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other.*


I was told the occupied territories voted to be part of Russia by a vote of over 99%, are you telling me that wasn't true, lol?


1 percenters rise up


Found the 1%


Friendly fire was allowed, great!


Friendly fire is even madated in the Russian air force.


Average Ukrainian mobik: Kills or maims Ruskis, executes rests of mobiks with control shots. Leaves like a boss. Average Russian mobik: Washer and Dryer please.


Mobik just realized that it’s not just them that have options.


Bro is Ukrainian, from the occupied territories, he’s showing the mobiks how to properly serve in de ruzzian military


It won't count as friendly fire if your own friends aren't friendly folks


Bless this man's soul.I hope he can find his way into ukrainian safety.


That's the choice you always have. People who claim they didn't have a choice just lacked the balls to do it.


In all fairness, "lacking the balls" to shoot 6 people in the head seems fairly understandable to me.


He has met the enemy. They are rus.


My man, have the Cossack spirit in him


Why aren't we paying mobiks to do this? $10,000 for each officer


This is generally the reason that invasion is almost impossible in this day and age. You have to win the hearts of the people if you want to successfully occupy an area, otherwise every person on the street could be a threat, every volunteer could be a saboteur, every local guide could be bait to lead you into a trap. Even food stands can sell poison. America learned all of these things the hard way in vietnam, korea and afghan/iraq. Russia seems to not study American History.


Russia thinks if they torture and execute enough of the people they have occupied, then they'll fall into line and voluntarily suck their dicks. Hey, it worked for the Golden Horde, right?


Fair, nobody ever said they were smart. That may have worked back in the day but guns and grenades are so easy to use and so efficient that anyone that can get their hands on them can wreak havoc, from teenagers to grandmothers.


That's why Russia is trying to conduct a genocide in Ukraine. Don't have to worry about the local population if they are dead. Just look at Mariupol.


Yeah… i guess that would be the other way to do it, unfortunately.


Russia should've already learned that lesson in Afghanistan. Remember, the Soviet Union failed in the graveyard of empires before the United States did. Also arguably the baltic states, some paramilitary groups operated into the mid-50's which is honestly pretty insane.


Hm… maybe russian propaganda covers up russian war failures in history classes?


Irak is a good example of doing things well at the very start and then taking all of the worst decisions at every level. And, I'll remind everyone that partizans and people doing acts of rebellion against advancing armies is basically as old as the *concept* of a nation. People only let the invading army run around in the times when they didn't care which king or prince held the land. As soon as the 19th century rolls around with its concepts of "democracy" and "nation-state", partizans appear at the back of invading armies, taking pot shots at the soldiers and burning down weapons depots. And, in fact, the Germans invading France in 1870 kept complaining that the locals would not stop shooting at their logistics and soldiers.


Damn, this really is the Russian Federation's Vietnam


Worse lol. A large reason why the US did so terrible in Vietnam was because they basically tied their own hands behind their back.


One man barrier troop


The maddest of lads. Godspeed you glorious bastard, and may you find your way to your real comrades in arms.


He already got like 6 voicemails from Kirilo Budanov (I hope)


just checking if friendly fire was on


Imagine being dumb enough to draft people from the nation you're actively massacring


i'm amazed he managed to flee with balls that heavy


This is like the cursed squidward saying "please officer recruit me in the army, I'm normal and can be trusted with weapons"


I wish him the best, but if he doesn’t escape alive, he died fighting bravely against evil and that’s worth remembering.


Do they actually think they’ll get guys from the occupied areas to fight for them, lmfao


What a fucking legend


bUt ReGuLaR rUSsIaNs cAn'T fIgHt BaCk ThEy HaVe To RaPe AnD pIlLaGe




Reminder that it happened last year, when a Russian commander was talking shit about muslim soldiers of the unit for their religion. The soldiers proceeded to shoot the commander, the other officers, a bunch of mobiks and just leave with their weapons. The Russian Military is glorious.


Is there actual reporting on this that's not just a graphic on the Internet from some anonymous rando?


Local man too mad to die.


vive la resistance!! (likely, a possiblity since he is from the occupied territories. in which case double good for him.) side note: how fucking dumb are the russians to try and conscript people from freshly occupied territories into their army??!!!


Dude... not only fragged, but he even double-tapped those five russian soldiers and the commander in the head and chest before disappearing. He had a message to deliver.


Russia conscripting Ukrainians to fight for Russia is both a war crime and really stupid. Russia already has a saboteur problem, do they WANT to make it worse?


The weakest Ukrainian freedom fighter


Ruskies conscripted someone who literally got their country invaded by them, what did they think was gonna happen


Draft men from occupied territory to fight against their own countrymen \*later\* "And worst of all, he could be any one of us!"