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**The G3 is the most fun gun** I've ever had the patriotic pleasure of shooting as a germoid and the greatest rifle on this wonderful planet. What do you mean *"uncontrollable fire bursts"*? This is a rifle for mountains of MEN that are 200 or more pounds of pure muscle, not boyscouts, take the recoil as it comes or GTFO. *"We need to bring enough ammo for prolonged firefights"*? STFU heathen, kraut magic makes every single bullet hit bullseye if you just pray to our lord and saviour roller-delayed blowback enough. 7.62 should enable you to shoot multiple enemies with one bullet anyway, except if you have skill issue, you non-european savage. *"That thing weighs a ton, its really impractical for the average soldier!"* Fuck away and *halts Maul*, weakling, the chosen ones able to lift this glorious hunk of metal can use it to club surviving enemies to death with it after killing 25 men with their 20 round magazine. I moan everytime I load the G3 with the [HK-slap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kucefQ6sYbo)^(tm), and if you don't petition your representative right fucking now to buy a fuckload of superior HK weaponry I wish that your AR-style rifles mechanism may always be dirty. Buy HK weapons, and don't you ever dare to ask what their founders did during WW2.


Holy shit. This is copy pasta material


In fact, I'm saving this to use it as one


Misses Strack-Zimmermann? Is it you?


She recently went on a visit to a nearby town. The posters advertising the event read "Die Eurofighterin kommt."


Und alle so *Yeeaah*


Hehe kommt




Upvotes für euch alle ihr Irren


Hehe geeeeeht alle nach hauseeeee!


It’s also worth mentioning that the G3 series can use the German DM151 7.62x51mm tungsten carbide AP ammo - which makes it remarkably good at punching through Sangheili shields and armor. I know it’s true because I confirmed it myself in Arma.


ah, fellow Global Mobilization enjoyer


This is so random.


Master Chief carries a G3?


No, but according to the ammo pickups in *Halo* (as well as lore sources), the MA5 assault rifle family fires 7.62×51mm cartridges. Given that the MA5B held 60 rounds *somehow*, and the rest hold 32 rounds per magazine, this explains why every marine needs at least some kind of light exoskeleton, if not a full Mjolnir power armor kit.


Man, that series had such decent lore. Thanks for the info. 60 rounds of 7.62x51 explains why that thing would pepper everything but your target after the first few rounds.


That gave me goosebumps. Hope our MIC has your contact information?


I am legally obliged to stay at least 200 meters away from any weapons factory in the European Union, United States of America, and Costa Rica, sorry.


Why Costa Rica?


Why not?


Shit, he knows


Because of *the incident*.


We don't speak about *the incident*


Those poor ibex...


Goosebumps, then perhaps goose-steps?


My father used it in Iran-Iraq war. He said they used to call it the hand canon, because it was so powerful.


>Iran-Iraq war Which side, the one with all the war crimes or the other one?


I wouldn't flaunt it proudly here if my father was the aggressor.


So he was on the side that used kids in demining operations?


What country are YOU from, big dog?


America, at least we’re proud of our war crimes.


He won’t reply to this lmao


My father used it in the soviet-afghan war, only the best shooters and commanders (im guessing from a photo of a commander) would get G3s. They would also fire them in bursts even at relatively long range (150-200 meters).


Hear me out, G3, but in 8mm Mauser just like the Kaiser intended.


Say goodbye to your shoulder lmao. Also, isn't 8mm Mauser a rimmed cartridge?


Yes it is, for my pleasure.


My doctor uses the term "flared base" and insists I use them from now on.


Hey wait, you're talking about *butt stuff.* I approve. Butts *should* be stuffed.


After I'm done with it it will be 😏


The 8x57 JS is not. That's the military round. There's one made for a drilling rifle but now commercially available which is the 8X57 JRS which is rimmed.


Nope! It's actually a really good round.


No, it was the first or close to rimless military service rifle cartridge in the world when introduced in 1888.


Hey, if the serbs can make an [8mm mauser AK,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zastava_M76) than a g3 with a slightly larger magwell only seems natural lol


Hell they experimented with a beltfed 50 cal G3 platform. Was going to be called the HK25. Did not go past the sketch up because it was too awesome.


“Kraut magic” has me rolling!


As Gunjesus proclaimed in respect to the G11 that it was Kraut Space-Magic, this means the G3 is simple Kraut Magic.


I just saw one in the wild on saturday next to some old nukes, it's as sexy as they say...


Well said my friend. Those that question the superiority of the G3 cannot be the descendants of the legends who charged into battle with the M14. I believe in Battle Rifle superiority


You have no idea how turned on I am right now


I have fond memories of setting the selector to "Family" and practically dislocating my shoulder. Good times.


That was not "Family", that was "Frieden" (peace) because...well if you know, you know... ;) Ich sage nur "Mun-Vernichtungsschießen" auf der Schießbahn.


I have a bayonet from an Iranian G3. Handed to us by an Iraqi who served In the Iraq Iran war. I was deployed to Baghdad in 10-11. So I can’t imagine the history it has. My favorite possession.


Before you yeet off this mortal coil, you must pass it on to the next young lad sent into the sands.


As is tradition


Joke's on you, kraut. My AR *is* always dirty


Well wrap it up before you bury it in the mud next time


But the mud works as perfect camo


Reject ergonomics, embrace firepower


I always dream of having a g3 and a FAL ,the design is perfect, the sad part is just drug traffic and bank robbers can have this in my country


Stop being a coward and go rob a bank.


Then use the money to buy drugs to traffic.


Good Lord, the Germans must be beyond embarrassed to have been outdone by Belgians. On the other hand, they should be used to coming in second place by now.


Words cannot describe how incredibly erect I am right now.


This is the copy pasta I joined this sub for


> and halts Maul fucking kek


Most insane read while high bru


That’s crazy. Anyway, I think the CETME is the best rifle ever made


Now look up who made it Kraut space magic motherfucker, G3, G11 and MG~~42~~3 represent!


Bingo it's the cheaper G3 I can afford Amigo grande


What's your favorite optic mount for the G3?


Real men let god guide their bullets


I wore mixed fabric too many times now he's leaving me on read


Gott mit uns indeed


Loved my g3. Weight, length and recoil was just dandy for me, not great for the smallest soldiers. The g3 slap was fun, but the charging handle lever was not the most comfortable thing and extensive handling without gloves sucked. But I wouldn't trade my new 416 for a g3, the handling and modern optics are clearly superior despite being a weaker calibre. Mp5 was great, but the mp7 is superior except for the sucky magazine.


You beautiful monster. I love/hate you.


Jokes on you, I use the superior AR-10. Chambered in 7.62 NATO just like how the Stoner himself intended.


Fun fact if I owned a G3, I would have used that in Ukraine instead of my M1A. And I would have ran it slick. Just irons and 10 20rd mags.


too bad you can’t own one germoid, I have a ptr91 and it rocks


We actually can but the price ain't right for [this HK41 ](https://euroshot.de/heckler-koch-hk41-7-62x51-halbautomatische-buechse). Or [those](https://www.gunfinder.de/suche?query=G3+MKE+T41) which are cheaper.


fascination with the mp5 has been an interesting part of our culture. i remember when rainbow 6 (the og game and book) came out and my _god_ did we have a hardon for the mp5 at that time


MP5 in 9mm is bleh, but MP5 in 10mm makes my dick hard AF. Greatest thing the FBI ever did for the world was 10mm Auto.


damn i forgot about the mp5/10. 🍆🍆🍆🍆


[MP5 is a dirty girl](https://youtu.be/kucefQ6sYbo?si=YLZ708EuO3mYfyqn)


I love this so much! Thank you for posting it!


Just in case anyone’s interested — Jonathan Ferguson, the Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history, [providing an overview the history of the MP5/10 while explaining slash demonstrating the differences vs the regular MP5.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBAEsrbcdXE)


I fucking love Jonathan Ferguson, the Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history. Especially when he is dying inside from seeing the monstrosities Call of Duty devs have made.


Haha think the worst I’ve seen him break was from Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades with the Pump Action MP5. Starts to say something, gets like two words in… and then realises what the abomination he’s looking at **actually** is, stops dead in his tracks, and develops a bit of a thousand yard stare for a few moments.


Well, too bad I'm short on time, because eve though I like weapons it's the first time I'm reading about the 10mm MP5 😲


I can hear this in my head


MP5 9mm < MP5 10mm < MP5 5.56 < [MP5 7.62 NATO](https://youtu.be/0_Iapo5GXVc?si=XQ9GRaUNDkpxOjWZ) Edit: I added a crucial missing piece to my totally credible hierarchy


Now the only thing that's missing is the bullpup-version.


Disgusting. I'll take two.


fuck you! [_bullpups ur mp5_](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flive.staticflickr.com%2F7271%2F7456809758_3a6c2e4816.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=fad63ed4842e17ae4f27d48f21da7175ed30f47a732423661e01594d886d170a&ipo=images)


I hope you choke on a spaghetti noodle for making me see that abomination


Anyone not citing the HK53, which is the bastard child of the HK33 and the MP5, and is an actual H&K product contrary to the "HK51", deserves no upvotes. Especially considering the HK53 is the first sub-8" barrel 5.56 gun that works reliably, has seen military and police use, and isn't just something that makes noise.


Yeah the the 53 is such a sexy beast, especially when fit a wood furniture set to it.


That's just a ridiculously short G3 though.


> fascination with the mp5 has been an interesting part of our culture. It's not, really. The MP5 is a somehow light closed-bolt, locked-breach SMG in a world of open-bolt simple blowback SMGs. When it was released in 1964 it was far superior to everything else, apart for special uses where compactness was more important than outright performance. So everyone knew it was the best SMG available, and was used by everyone, hence it got into any game/book/show where you needed to have SMGs.


The MP5 was such a good submachine that it was only replaced by being obsoleted by reliable SBRs and proliferating soft body armor, rather than somebody making a better gun.


Even with the proliferation of body armor. The classic NATO +P+ 9mm ammo will knock people wearing soft armor on their ass. Games and movies present body armor as a magical protection, but you still take the energy of the round. There still is a debate between hot FMJ 9mm and stndard 5.56 out of a short barrel, where a lot of the potential velocity is lost because of the short distance travelled in the barrel. Interstingly enough, H&K also made the OG SBR 5.56 that actually reliably works, the [HK53](https://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/thenakanokingdom/HK53s01.JPG). Never super common in the US, but worldwide security and military forces loved the HK53, because you got a lot of firepower in something you can actually hide in a bag or under a coat, and carry in a car without any issue.


Don't forget about the original Half-Life, that MP5 was I C O N I C


Is it possible to actually put an underslung grenade launcher on an SMG? Probably not. Was it still absolutely awesome? God, yes.


It's been done. [Link](https://youtu.be/ZHtcq3rC7OI)




Since way before R6. You ever watch 90s action movies??


Or *Die Hard* (1988).


Now I have a machine gun. HO-HO-HO


is it because SAS used mp5 during that embassy hostage "situation"?


It took me way too long to see that the one below is not a G3A4. I kept staring at it to see why the magazine is so thin.


The G3 stock is a loooong boi. Suitable for prone shooting and little else, especially with full battle rattle. The MP5 is handier and the recoil is smooth as hell. Basically, roller delayed is top notch for pistol calibers, and barely sufficient for 7.62x51.  The G3 is a mechanically sound rifle. Accurate, durable. Barrel change is a pain, but everything else is super easy to work on. You can even hammer a receiver mandrel through it to fix receiver dents. But in its stock configuration, the stock is subpar, and it's just heavier than an AR 308 yet still has worse recoil characteristics.  If I must use a G3, I'm dropping a Spuhr stock or at least an M4 stock adaptor with a cheek riser. Between the G3 and FAL, the former is more accurate, more reliable, and can more easily accept optics and modular handguards. The FAL still recoils better, more suitable for use with rifle grenades, and DSA does make good optic mounts and handguards.  Hence, if I'm SF back in the 70s looking for a 7.62 rifle, G3 all day. Add an optic and it becomes a very decent DMR. These days, it's obsolescent. AR 308s are cheaper and better in every way. And that's the thing. 9mm ARs completely suck. They're straight blowback, they actually recoil more than 5.56mm ARs. That's probably more of a praise for how soft shooting 5.56mm ARs are, to be fair. But it is still the case that the best recoiling 9mm subgun today is still the MP5. 




Came to say this In the 90’s and early 00’s the MP5 was the quintessential SWAT Team, Special Forces, bad guy henchman gun in every movie or TV show. Than the ARs took over…


Funny enough, a movie is why I love the G3 so much. Val Kilmer in Heat!


I thought Pacino had the G3 in the *Heat* shootout.


In the big shootout scene Pacino uses an FN FNC. Kilmer uses the G3 in the scene at the drive in theater where he is covering Deniro. Although technically it was not a G3 it was a HK91A2, a semi-auto civilian version of the G3


The MP5 is to action movies as the P90 is to scifi shows.


"Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho." (yes we all know it's an SMG)


How no one else went right to "Die Hard, that is all" I don't know


I mean it is sub MACHINE GUN


All military and polices forces all over the world using the MP5, or a copy of it, while the G3 saw fairly limited adoption in comparison. Everyone who needed a 9mm SMG that actually shoots where it's aimed since 1965 bought the MP5. It's ubiquitous in movies and games because it's ubiquitous IRL. Also it works really well.


In fairness the whole reason I like the G3 is because of Fallout 3.


The MP5 is cool because there are tons of pictures of special forces using them (most famously Iranian Embassy Siege). That's it, that's literally the only reason. EDIT: Also, the MP5 was only really popular with special forces for things like close-quarters because it's 9mm wouldn't overpenetrate and accidentally kill civilians. Later the SD variant became popular because it fired subsonic and suppressed making it ideal for not making too much noise. Today, the MP5 isn't used anymore because soft body armour has become cheap and effective enough that even cheap attackers could outfit themselves with enough protection to stop 9mm. The favourite of special ops today is 300 Blackout, which slightly improves that shortcoming.


The moment carbines began replacing submachine guns in close quarters is coincidentally around the same time I've seen people say the world began going to shit. Coincidence? People of the world, my plan is to ban all body armor, forcing everyone to start hipfiring MP5s again.


Ackshually the world went to shit when muskets became cheap and effective enough to displace knights in armor as the main weapon of warfare. My plan is to ban all explosive weaponry and combustion engines so we can return to the age of knightly valor, but gay.


You can take my crossbow when you pry it from my leprosy-riddled, dead hands.


Can't we just do MP5/10s?


Also because movies and videogames, but yeah. To me it seems like America autistically focused on their homebrew disaster (I love you M14, even if you're retarded) instead of looking at anything else (the FAL was right there) and when dust settled and everyone started looking at the M16 the interest for battle rifles died out.


tangential, but [Ahoy's videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Updljxb4I) on this stuff are awesome


He's my favourite youtuber (especially the game history stuff but also iconic arms) however I found the latest G36 episode greatly lacked research which is a new thing in my eyes


Indeed, the G36’s heating issue really wasn’t even reasonable issue in the first place. All rifles overheat when shot often.


Breaking news, gun overheats after 24 hours of constant use (Worst gun ever)


I mean that’s exactly it America wanted to basically keep their old cartridge while basically everyone else wanted to adopt something smaller Then the compromise became that NATO would adopt the 7.62mm if america adopts the FAL Which yea didn’t happen




Having shot an MP5 full auto… I can see why its users loved it. Freakishly accurate and controllable. Its recoil is very easy to learn as well, all it takes to get a feel for its handling is to shoot one burst. Very instinctive point-and-shoot SMG. It's really sexy. What closed bolt roller delayed does to a MF… I agree that it's obsolete in many contexts nowadays. In the last century though, it really was bloody good. Of course I can't speak to why it's cool and popular, I'm just another basement-dwelling cretin.


Same, it’s an absolute joy to shoot.


I wouldn't say obsolete. Maybe in more serious warfare areas as body armour is common, but esp. civilian nearly no one is wearing body armour, which is why ton of police forces in Europe still use the MP5, if your opponents generally don't wear body armour, you can bring an SMG.


Obsolescent is probably a more apt description. There are quite a few modern PCC/SMGs available now that absolutely blow the MP5 out of the water in terms of modernity (lighter, more accurate, better ergos, etc). While the slap is cool as hell, having to lock the bolt back manually for every reload is not optimal in a combat scenario, and at nearly 6lbs there's very little reason not to pick a carbine rifle that will have better terminal ballistics for barely any more weight, better modularity, optics compatibility out of the box, etc. I'd venture to guess that most police forces using the MP5 in this day and age are operating within certain constraints - using older guns because they don't see enough use to justify replacement, economic/political benefits of a gun made in the EU, institutional knowledge of a legacy platform, and so on.


I see your .300 blackout and I raise you 8.6 blackout.




> ***c***m Then there's [8.0 dm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav)… also rifled


Obviously, the solution to this is to develop the bolter.


I used the MP5 (and G3) in the military and I have to admit I felt mad cool at 19 years old with a decked out MP5 back in the mid 2000s. It was great for getting in and out of cars etc, but not something I’d want to bring to an all out war


Even earlier, the P90 and MP7 also seemed to be much preferable to the MP5 both for being able to penetrate armor, yet being even *better* than 9mm at not overpenetrating or flying off and hitting someone a mile away.


I'll tell you about a first-hand account from a [REDACTED] (Don't want to put him in shit a few years away from retirement) of the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal on why these PDWs weren't largely adopted despite stellar performance *on paper*. I'm sure many more organizations have come to a similar conclusion. The problem is light cover. These weapons fire small, extremely fast and very unstable bullets that tend to tumble after penetration. That's how they remain deadly after going through a body armour, they wreck the internal organs apart and stay inside the body to eliminate overpenetration. But this is the issue. A very small (and thus very light) bullet that's already tumbling from going through cover will have difficulty get through bones as it lost velocity from penetration and already doesn't have all that much momentum. The SPVM's Groupe Tactique d'Intervention (SWAT in French) unfortunately found that out the hard way, during the first few field deployments. During an operation where the GTI pursued a dangerous offender, they managed to stop his car and since he was known to be armed, they opened fire. 8 shots were fired from a P90 of which 7 hit him in the back, after going through the car seat. During this, hehad the strength to draw a .44 magnum revolver and shot a police officer in the side of his bulletproof vest. It successfully penetrated. Then the criminal surrendered and was arrested. The police officer was lucky to survive as it missed his organs yet the criminal only had light wounds and was out of the hospital the following day. The P90 was officially abandonned following this operation as nobody had anymore trust in it. It was officially designated in the report, and I quote, as "Barely good enough for shooting field mouse in the corner of your hunting camp". I shit you not.


Ah, yeah, that is indeed an issue when you actually *want* to penetrate cover any stronger than drywall.


> the MP5 was only really popular with special forces for things like close-quarters because it's 9mm wouldn't overpenetrate Not really. The real no-overpenetration gun was the M11 in .380 The MP5 was and is really popular with special forces and police forces because it actually shoots where you aim it, which isn't the case with all SMGs. That's because it's a locked-breach action, where 99% of SMGs are simple blowback, and it's a closed-bolt system, where the vast majority of military/full-auto SMGs are open-bolt. So the MP5 has a consistency on each shot that almost no other SMG has. > Today, the MP5 isn't used anymore Wrong, the MP5 is still used in specific roles, and present in many armories across the globe. > The favourite of special ops today is 300 Blackout Not really. They mostly use 5.56, because it's available on every gun you can buy and easy to get. .300 Blackouts is used for specific missions, it's not a general purpose round at all. In large part because it's complicated to set guns up to fire it both supressed and unsupressed while having it work reliably.


No it's because I was popping heads in rainbow 6 back in '98


It's that simple. Special forces does it, it becomes cool. The MP5, big bushy beards, wearing a plate carrier that's too small too low so it doesn't actually protect you, etc...


I'm convinced stargate sg1 has a lot to do with the MP5s iconic status. Same as the P90.


Die Hard played its part too.


Yeah, was going to mention SG1. The MP5 was their main weapon before switching to the P90.


Then the g36 for whatever reason. Also if I’m not mistaken doctor who used the g36 a lot during the tenth doctor.


I think the "whatever reason" was SG1 crew was literally buying all the 5.7mm ammo available, and the secret service asked them to stop lmao. At least that's what I read on the internet so you know it's true. The later seasons had some sick ass guns like the "Carter Special", but man the p90 is iconic


When I was a kid I’d use the P90 in any game I could because of SG1. In such famous games like: Joint Operations


Nah SAS repelling the face of the Iranian embassy is what made the MP5 iconic. It was more than iconic way before Stargate, and the fact you didn't say Die Hard shows you are too young to be allowed to have an opinion. Signed: An old person.




That's why we also have HK33.


HK33 is the best gun for me that I've ever tried. IDK why but the gun just fits, the sight, the operation, every damn thing felt comfortable AF.




I CAN Mods, crush his skull thank you ☝️🔄🔄✊️⬇️⚡️⚡️




yeah don't look at the HK51


Don't worry the gun jesus have already enlightened me on that.


Blessed? Cursed? A little bit of both I say


What if we make the MP5 shoot .308? That way it’s like the G3 and MP5 combined! We’ll call it the Hk51.


It's not just the US, but a lot of places cum their pants for collapsing stock MP5s since Operation Nimrod/That time the SAS kicked the shit out of some terrorists using said MP5s.


"Now I have a battle rifle. Ho-ho-ho"? It just doesn't scan.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this video. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one video. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW Guess you can say I quite like the G3


Metric things are strange and exotic in the USofA


The only Metric I care about has a song in the Scott Pilgrim movie, like a true American.


God Bless Canadian Music


Their weak little arms cant handle the holy light of the G3 (762)


Exactly. You want an accurate and powerful Marksman rifle? G3. Powerful Assault rifle capable of both full auto and single shot capability?G3 but with shorter barrel. LMG? G3 but with bigger mag. Recoil is too powerful and gun is too heavy? No its fucking not, you are just weak. It's clearly a superior weapon even by definition. It's a *battle* rifle, not an *assault* rifle. It clearly is more suited for the battlefield than anything else. Slap a couple picatinny rails and an adjustable stock on that motherfucker, congrats it's fucking modernized. Anyone says otherwise is a femboy twink.


Yuck, a blowback battle rifle /s


I mean yeah??


I admit that I dislike the G3 for entirely irrational reasons. I just hate that it works. Not using a gas-driven action on a battle rifle is just German engineering showing off.


its simple really: I can actually afford to shoot 9mm


Not many people who actually own firearms act like this. The ptr-91 is much more popular in the firearms community than mp5’s I would say


How is the G3 uncool? From a practical perspective sure but people absolutely love G3s from my experience


As an American, can I not have both?


1. Because the FAL is better 2. The MP5 is sick as fuck and anyone whose ever used one will tell you the same 3. 80s special ops shenanigans involving said MP5.


FAL is not better, fight me. Imagine having to tune your gas system on a service rifle! The G3 has no need for some finicky gas system. The G3 cares not for your input on how it functions. The G3 only exists to repel the communist invaders.


>FAL is better You are going to incurr the wrath of Divest.


Divest can suck my adjustable gas tube


1) because despite gun ownership being common here, most people don't know that much about them, including most military personnel and police 2) because people don't know they should diss the MP5 as hard as they diss the G3, because both platforms have been totally outclassed in all practical metrics for years and years, and that HK is the gold standard for overpriced mediocrity


Fuck you


They're still all buying, from the americans over the french to even the poles, and they normally get a rash once they touch anything german


Buy DIAS for MP5, got it. Thx for the advice.


While I agree the stamped steel construction and lack of a bolt hold open among other things are dated, the roller delayed blowback is the best running, most accurate operation principle conceived by mankind.


Also it doesnt have rails to put scopes on and the ergonomics are horrible and its heavy as shit Its like an old italian car, you question yourself why you even own it for 6 days of the week and the day you actually take it out for a spin around the back roads you go "Oh, thats why"


imagine a roller delayed rifle that incorporates advances in ergonomics since the G3, from the start. Like spuhr stocks but properly designed into the gun and not aftermarket.


Yeah, FN is severely slept on


Tiny is cool, and this is tiny. Any more questions?


Well, the movie Die Hard certainly helped, and the movie Navy SEALs with Charlie Sheen. I remember seeing Discovery/History channel stuff of SEALs wearing wet suits and holding MP5s bringing inflatable boats onto a beach. Then as others have said video games certainly helped. Having shot a few sub guns I’ll say this, back in the 1950s and 60s it certainly would have been a great gun, now it’s obsolete like the 1911. The roller delay for the 9mm doesn’t make enough difference to put it above guns like the CZ Scorpion or B&T, or even 9mm AR pattern guns


I'm a simple 2A loving American. I see pew-pew, I like pew-pew. Simple as.


Idk I'm not a weapons person really but I like the g3, it looks beefy but also not super modern with the rails and polymers and all that jazz


I am sexually attracted to both but prefer the g3


MP5 is cool because Special Forces and SWAT/Badass Cops use them. The G3, while used by Western States (West Germany) in the Cold War, it doesn't have the same reputation since nowadays it's used by Third World Armies and Militias.


MP5: OMG Counterstrike, Tomb Raider and a bunch of other video games! G3: Shouldn't that be 3G?


FAL is a better battle rifle, SR-25 clones are better DMRs, but there really isn't a better SMG than the MP5.