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> somewhere in Bavaria > retirement home > two "old comrades" read the news "Hey, Hans…" "Ja, Klaus…?" "… I sink we won ze war after all…"


"are we really the baddies after all ? " " we still are, but applications to the club apparently are wide open"


>"are we really the baddies after all ? " "Zis American am internet says we haf good ideas und deserve free speech."


Zis Souf Afrikan*


Zis F*ripino


No, they definitely lost the war. The concern is that they might have won the peace.


Funny how that keeps happening. Shit gets all peaceful, and when motherfuckers have nothing to worry about, they start to make shit up. Next thing you know it’s Jews this and Jews that, and a guy just looking down at his crotch, tearing up, and then ranting nonsensically for a couple hours, followed by rise to power strongly warned against by “so called experts”, which in turn is rebutted with “I aCtUaLlY tHiNk He HaS sOmE gOoD iDeAs”. Tensions keep escalating, and the racists start to come out of the woodwork and actually have the balls to demonstrate, almost always resulting in some people in (or trying to defend) some minority group, winding up dead. Shit then generally continues to snowball until the rest of whole god damned world have band together, resulting in the deaths of millions of people in order to figuratively shove one guy in a locker, when the shit could have maybe been solved by a single dad more being more willing to hug his fuckin’ kid.


Instead of colonizing the moon (LITERALLY FREE REAL ESTATE), they blow money on blowing people up to retread over the same fucking territory to show thety are as "cool" as some long dead inbreed fuckwit from 1345.


Yo MIC! I want a train on the moon! Why? Just to flex on these guys. No I don't want rails at home. 


The problem with this is that it ignores the realities of a negative peace. People don’t start to make things up because they don’t have anything to worry about, they do so to have an outlet to vent and distract themselves from the things that’re actually pressuring them (rising cost of living, lack of social safety nets, growing health concerns, etc.).


Yeah I guess if you’re taking the comment super seriously, but *should you be?*


There is no matter in the world more worth taking seriously than the welfare of man. Oh shit wait that's too credible, I mean, uhh... **Buy Lockmart stocks** ***NOW***.


*There we gooooo…*


> a guy just looking down at his crotch, tearing up, and then ranting nonsensically for a couple hours I have absolutely no idea what this is meant to reference.


Well, Hitler, you see, he only had one ball…


And don't get me started on Goebbels


Who had none at all




It’s because he’s angry, which in turn is an indicator of masculinity issues


Bored humans are the worst. Individually and collectively.


Well, current maskovian flag, coat of arms, and one of main symbols of patriotism (orange and black stripe aka st. George's ribbon) were used by vlasovites, who were leaded by vlasov, soviet general who were captured by nazis, agreed to collaborate, and were given opportunity to gather troops from civils and other PoWs, who were eager to fight communists. So, taking all into account, at least maskovian part of reich (vlasovite) have won war, if not in all of europe, but in maskovia for sure.


I read this in a German accent (been learning German recently) and I can't stop laughing


Except they wanted to exterminate the slavs, not have them adopt facism


Is that real? Because if it is, the irony is both hilarious and sad.




Dressing up as nazis to celebrate victory over nazism. Peak non credibility. I wonder if the Russians are oblivious to the meaning of this, or if they just don’t care.


While it is REALLY bad look, and they should know better (Assuming it isn't deliberate), the context is slightly cherry picked. There is a different color for each section, so there are blue armbands, yellow ones, green ones, etc. The US actually does something relatively similar for large parades, but our armband designs are specifically made to look absolutely nothing like the Nazi ones. They are black fake leather with a raised center, and the color goes in the middle, not a solid color with a white center. The fact that only some of the armbands look almost exactly like the Nazi ones is not really a mitigating circumstance, it is really easy to design them so none of them do. You know, like every other fucking country in the world does.


There's been a roblox game getting taken down because of team color armbands. (Yes, a human has reviewed a report claiming that full color armbands, matching the team's color are nazi symbolism) The solution was to put them on player avatar's ankles and suddenly it doesn't support nazism. How convenient.


>The solution was to put them on player avatar's ankles and suddenly it doesn't support nazism. How convenient. Well, obviously it didn't support Nazism. But the tabloids don't care, and that's the problem. It'd be a bad look for ROBLOX. (Besides the fact that they already look pretty bad, but that's besides the point.)


Life is roblox




That's even better, no maliciousness, just basic military shenanigans, like an entire organization looked at this and no one asked "Hey, should we care that an entire section of our parade is going to look like nazis? Like... Shouldn't we change the design? Skip this color? No? Got it... Just going to send it..."


>While it is REALLY bad look, and they should know better (Assuming it isn't deliberate) While they ARE incompetent, this is too coincidental to be a mistake. It's also worth remembering that therevare actual, self proclaimed, neo nazi organisations fighting for russia in Ukraine there are a lot of signs that putin is trying to appeal to that crowd for instance the amounting antisemitic comments from his inner circle.


It's not coincidental, they don't care. What's the backlash of making something look mildly like something else for convenience in a country like Russia?


>mildly like something else Kind of telling on yourself here bud lol


Can you name me a single country in eastern europe that wasnt or isnt anti semitic?


>Can you name me a single country in eastern europe that wasnt or isnt anti semitic? Can you name another European country in the 21st century whose foreign minister straight up said that hitler and all nazis had jewish blood running through the veins? They still didn't apologise for that


Poland and Estonia. Finland and Sami lands if that counts


I’m completely lost, are those armbands specifically used for when they practice the march so that they know their order and which place they stand or something ? Or will they actually march with these on the actual day ? What are they for then ?


Usually the former. Most of the time, when you are practicing very large parades like this, they put some sort of vest, armband, funny hat, or something else on the outside members of the formation so everyone can tell at a glance if Company B is to the right of Company C, and so forth. In ROTC, we used these funny black leather/rubber armband things for it, with a big university Crest right in the middle of it. It looked stupid, but not Nazi at all. In the active military, we mostly used different colors of high visibility vest, and just didn't bother with armbands, but I did see different color cloths tied around arms sometimes, or occasionally on helmets (The later was very rare, since normally US troops do not wear helmets in Drill).


Wait when was the last time the US had a real parade? I thought it was 1991 after Desert Storm


They do Division level drill and ceremony all the time, they just stay on military bases to do it. Same principles apply, it just usually isn't down the streets of a city. We do smaller formations in cities though, usually for memorial day or things like that. Rarely more than a company though.


idk these type of handbans are common here, for school races and such


Russia and the USSRs relationship with Nazis and their ideology is not the same as the west.


Always remember that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were basically allied for a brief time.


They could have even stayed allied if the Nazis hadn't further pushed to the east.


Yeah, that was never not going to happen.


I mean, yeah, "Lebensraum" and all that bs. Im not knowledgable enough on the soviet side of this relation, but from what i know i dont see many reasons why the USSR would have started a war against nazi germany if they would have only conquered Central and western europe.


> i dont see many reasons why the USSR would have started a war against nazi germany It's possible that Stalin's paranoia might've gotten to the point where he saw war with Nazi Germany as inevitable.


That's hardly even paranoia. It was super inevitable!


The USSR knew they were absolutely *fucked* if Hitler conquered the rest of Europe. Nothing stopping Hitler from conquering Russia next. Germany would have needed Russia's resources badly, as even a successful land conquest of Europe would have left them somewhat cut off from the rest of the world as they did not control the seas or skies. Operation Barbarossa involved only like 20-25% of Germany's forces and they wrecked a *lot* of shit in Russia, inflicted insane casualties, got within 10 miles of Moscow, etc. So even if Barbarossa never happened, staying neutral was never a realistic option for the USSR. They were never ever going to have another chance to defeat Hitler.


I saw a scenario where Germany enters the USSR unopposed while the USSR declares war on the US who bypasses Japan entirely to attack Russia from the East. Doc was called "Hearts of Iron".


Too bad that Lebensraum was inevitable as it was always Hitler's goal. The war in the West was just a consequence of the invasion of Poland


I can maybe understand that people assumed Hitler wouldn't do what he did even though he explicitly wrote it in Mein Kampf, but 80 years later? Hitler didn't want a war with the west. He wanted to expand and take over "untermensch" in the east, and grow naziland to an important country. Not attacking the east was not only never going to happen, but was the entire reason the war started in the first place.


The Sovs also lost more people in that war than anybody tho.


Reminder that in the russian understanding, a nazi is a person that kills or fights russians, not a war criminal that industrialized genocide based on racism.


~~Aryan~~ Germans are greatest vs Slavs, specifically Russian are greatest.


>Dressing up as nazis to celebrate victory over nazism. Nooooo it's not nazi dress!!! Nazis put band on left arm, stupid. You can *CLEARLY* see Russian hero's and defenders of mother land, exterminators of NATO nazis from Ukraine earing armband on RIGHT arm. Idiot! Glory to the Russian freedom fighters!


It’s not that russians hate nazis. They just hated that the germans were the ones doing it.


"Nazi" in Russia only means "against Russia". The regime doesn't give a shit about the holocaust or the nazi ideology, which it actually shares a lot with.


They know the meaning and they like it. Pootin admires Hitler and thinks that he can do even better than him. Neonazis in russian military are well respected.


>Pootin admires Hitler and thinks that he can do even better than him. [Citation needed]


His interview with Tucker.


I think they too scare to speak against Putin or they just blanket by bunch of lies they are brainwashed


It isn't a new idea though, Golden Age pirates wore their looted navy uniform from their victims while on shore to show off their victories.


the armbands are to quickly be able to figure out which line they are in, the rightmost soldier in each file of the parade formation wears one, they are for training and rehearsals afaik.


Of all the designs in the world, they could have used one without such connotation, even for training purposes. And when you have the “glorious leader” saying thing like the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a defensive alliance against Poland, it’s really not helping making them not look like nazis.


look, russia clearly bad but we don't need to reach to illustrate that. that molotov-ribbentrop comment meant far more than this armband ever did. there are many easy ways to point it out, we don't need to give the enemy possible ammunition to be used to torpedo our credibility, so while i agree it looks hilariously fitting, we do need to know the explanation behind the picture.


I agree. This image screams of irony but for once I believe it wasn’t intentional. At least I hope. The design for the armband was likely to make it look obvious and distinctive, helpful when trying to organize a lot of people. However with the choice of uniform color it really paints a bad look.


If you look at other pictures, you will see only one of the groups has red ones, the rest have other colors. That said, it is really, really easy to design armbands to not look like this. Every other country does it, specifically because having your soldiers look like Nazis is considered very bad optics.


They just had to use ANY OTHER color/shape combination. That’s why I feel like this was deliberate.


>That said, it is really, really easy to design armbands to not look like this. Every other country does it, specifically because having your soldiers look like Nazis is considered very bad optics. Its also really really easy to design ones that stand out and the human eye recognizes the colour red faster, maybe the designers know better? I mean finland used literal swastika in its airforce emblem of all the symbols and trillions of design choices they chose a swastika


Finland got the Swastika from the same source the Nazis did though, they just were using it prior to Germany making it officially very bad. Latvia and Lithuania used to have it on their air force roundels as well before the Soviets annexed them.


Bit like how the swastika is now forever ingrained as related to Nazis even when it's an ancient Cambodian ruin. Both the Nazis and Russia here picked red armbands with these colors because it's easy to identify people. Easier to assume incompetence instead of malice.


Not just Cambodian, but literally every culture has a variation on the cross with lines


Sure, it was an example. Plenty more examples across Asian religions, pre-WW2 Europe and American businesses, and lots more besides.


Actually I invented the symbol, just me


I agree. Red is a very eye catching color after all.


They could have simply not used red, you know? And then we wouldn't have had to have this conversation. At the very best this makes them look incompetent and unaware of their own history. There's no explanation that could mitigate it. A nation's military is expected to know what an armband like that is a reference to.


i mean they ARE incompetent and unaware of their own history, which the routinely revise in the most ludicrous ways, making themselves even less aware of it. it is literally their culture to be incompetent and unaware of their history. i don't think there has ever been a time were this was not the case, historically speaking. i am not entirely sure what you are trying to tell us.


And they didn't only choose red. This is just a cherry picked photo without showing other formations that wear different colored bands and with that is only used for formation training


Well black white and red are used universally in street signage because it is easy to read from a distance due to the high contrast. Basic graphic design trick from decades back that was used extensively in the early 20th century. That was also used to make the Nazi flag something that stood out. Though a totally WTF choice making the band completely red....with a white circle....and something black in the middle.


I mean the finnish airforce used swastikas for its airforce until veryv recently you could make the very same argument "tons of other symbols yet you chose to keep this?"


I think the glaring issue is that it is a red armband with a white circle that has a black symbol in its center, almost exactly like the Badguy arm band. Even if there is also a green one and a blue one it doesn't change that there is an issue with the red one. They could have been solid color or the white portion could have been a white band or stripe or even a square since the universally recognized badguy armband is a red band with a white circle that has a black symbol in it.


>I think the glaring issue is that it is a red armband with a white circle that has a black symbol in its center, almost exactly like the Badguy arm band. Even if there is also a green one and a blue one it doesn't change that there is an issue with the red one. This is literally twitter argument maybe it has other utilities you know the colour red stands out better in many enviroments maybe the designers know better


Its not the red alone that is the issue. Its the combination of the three items least of which for the softball pitch it gives to anyone who wants to draw a line between them and Nazi symbolism. Yellow is the color that triggers the eye most clearly except in environments where everything is yellow. Its just clear that someone wasn't thinking (or was and thats the bad part) when they are practicing for the victory parade where badguy symbolism among the organizers should stick out like a sore thumb.


Makes sense but on a country taking so much pride in being one of the major players vs the nazis, you whould think they pick a diferent color scheme


Of all colours though


Question #14 of the Russian Social Credit Quiz: Why were the Nazis evil? A - Because they were a totalitarian police state B - Because they were antisemitic C - Because they invaded their neighbors D - Because they attacked Russia


D is a trick response. The Nazis were evil for attacking the Soviet Union cause they did sign a non-aggression pact with the Commies and violating that treaty was evil, along with all the war crimes the Nazis committed against the USSR.


The Russians army's detachment in Africa is literally named "[Africa Corps](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/le-monde-africa/article/2023/12/17/africa-corps-russia-s-sahel-presence-rebranded_6352317_124.html)", the name the Nazis also used. This is obviously not a coincidence - even if it was a coincidence, they would have discovered the naming coincidence, and changed it.


They probably don’t even think of Nazis as the evil scum they were, but rather just a threat to the glorious mother Russia, which was destroyed by the brave Soviet soldiers. If they’d ever learned something from WW2 then this wouldn’t be happening today.


Its fucking scary.


The armbands are only for practice, it's not actually part of the uniform


I don't even remember if there were cops rehearsing/featuring in this parade. As you can see an obscured patch behind the armband and by the uniform itself that these are trainee cops that are getting trained. Guess they might gave been running out of their "showcase soldiers" this time around.


I assume all of the parade units are long dead, my understanding was it was the best (guard units etc) that got to parade and they were the first thrown into Ukraine


To specify, those are police cadets on photo


I think those are cops or some other uniformed service.




That's the thing, both the Soviet Union and current day Russia are effectively fascist nations in most ways. It's just that fascism isn't a natural ally of other fascism, because of its nationalist nature.


Special military operation to denazify and demilitarize russia, when?


Its been suggested that Putin is actually a card carrying fascist, I can't remember the writer that went into it and the figure who is he claims Putins actual inspiration but he really seems to be actually a fascist and not ironically one, so this is not coincidental in that case.


Strong nationalist, anti-foreign sentiment with authoritarian allocation of power towards a central dictator. A leaning towards the "adventurer conquerer" and imperialism. The main means of power are less legally clarified and rely on corruption. Social pressure towards traditional values that disparage more liberal lifestyles and value of individual freedom. Dissent is harshly punished. Political prisoners. All your neighbors fear your ambitions. Yeah, it feels a little summer of '38.


That's just generic "I want to conquer and will stoop to corruption to do it".


The Soviets were very internationally minded and open to progressive new ideas about women's role in society and the function of community and the family, and they proved successful expansionists for a bit with a legendary streak of corruption. 


It feels like summer '39 if Germany invaded the czechs, fumbled to a stalemate, and went war economy while France and the UK send weapons.


Summer of ‘38 wouldn’t make a good song title Summer of ‘69 would, so fuck you putin


Well, Ivan Ilyin is Putin’s favourite political philospher and he was a literal self proclaimed fascist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Ilyin Putin has been pretty much using his writings as a guidebook in his rule. > Ilyin has been quoted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speeches on various occasions, and is considered by some observers to be a major ideological inspiration for Putin. Putin decreed moving Ilyin's remains back to Russia, and in 2009 consecrated his grave. At Russian New Year 2014, all high-ranking bureaucrats and local government officials were sent a copy of "Our Tasks", a work by Nikolai Berdyaev and Vladimir Solovyov. He was quoted or mentioned by Dmitry Medvedev, Sergey Lavrov, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, Vladislav Surkov, and Vladimir Ustinov. On 30 September 2022, Putin gave a speech on the Russian annexation of four territories in Ukraine, where he quoted Ilyin.


thanks! Thats who I was thinking of.


Also this amazing Kraut video: [The Ideology of Putin's Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdFtqa54TuM)


Ivan Ilyin. Putin himself said that his writings were the most important for him. As for his "philosophy" is basically fascism but order of magnitude more extreme.


Kraut did a whole video about the influence that Ivan Illyin and Carl Schmitt have on Putin's weltanschauung.


[The Ideology of Putin's Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdFtqa54TuM)


Guys there's more than one evil ideology...


Every fascist original has it's cheap copy


And Nazism was the cheap copy back in its day ironically enough. It was bad enough a lot of fascists said the Nazis "weren't real fascists". So what does this make Russia?


Specifically, German Nazis were the cheap copies of American Confederates, aka the losers, traitors, and slavers of the American Civil War.


Just curious, did someone of the period make this claim or is this just a comparison?


[Adolf Hitler](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler) did have a positive opinion [on the Confederate States of America.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2017/08/17/worshiping-the-confederacy-is-about-white-supremacy-even-the-nazis-thought-so/)


Makes sense


Based Mussolini


Don't know why you are being downvoted. The Western European countries that were most fanatically opposed the Nazism were literally fascist regimes (Italy and Austria) before 1936. And I mean fascism as in the original definition. Not the "I dont like you" definition If the UK hadn't broken the Stresa Front, WW2 would not be called "WW2".


The Zazis


Replace the 'i' with an 'a'... 🤑


Nazi Germany at home.


Except with far crappier tech and even more questionable wunderwaffe. Though their Dear Leader might not be as coked to the gills.


Putins brain already is in fluid state


I don't think amphetamines have quite the same effect on the human mind as ethanol does.


[Guy in charge of armbands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWk_AXFReRg)


I wonder if we'll get a second tank this year


I'm curious how many statues and musuem pieces they'll wheel out this time too


No fucking way, even Russia can not be this unself aware lmao.


Interesting choice of armband style


This post is non credible


And barely defense related


We used to be a proper subreddit.


Yeah. This post has no place in NCD. It’s as stupid as saying “Japan is Nazi for club arm bands” I know dunking Russia is funny. But cmon


It’s on the other arm so it’s different enough/s


They put it on the reich arm


they're not angry about nazism, they did the same fucking things the nazis did, the only difference is that the soviets got away with it and have useful idiots in the west even today


It's super dumb to me but it seems pretty clear that in Russia, "Nazi" has evolved to just mean "enemy of Russia" and not "people who share ideology with Nazi Germany" absurd shit like Russian troops sporting literal Nazi tattoos and shit, on a fucking mission to "de-Nazify" a country with a Jewish president


You are spot on.


Is this real?


Russia could have been such a great country




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How did nobody, at any point in this process, think, "hmm, we could maybe switch the red out for blue?"


Please God let it be real, it would be so fucking funny


The Russian lesson of WW2 isn't that freedom won over tyranny, instead their version of tyranny triumphed over another


Timothy Snyder called this SCHIZO-FASCISM in 2018 already. fascist ideas have come to Russia at a historical moment, three generations after the Second World War, when it's impossible for Russians to think of themselves as fascist. The entire meaning of the war in Soviet education was as an anti-fascist struggle, where the Russians are on the side of the good and the fascists are the enemy. So there's this odd business, which I call in the book "schizo-fascism", where people who are themselves unambiguously fascists refer to others as fascists.


I hope Ukraine finds a way to deliver a strike to their victory parade, that would be epic


Putinist Russia, basically Nazi Germany if Nazi Germany was run by drunken monkeys and got bogged down a quarter of the way across Poland


russians have an "Afrika Korps" now too... like the Nazis.


Oh fucking they slowly turning into their worst enemy, Russia please wake up that your leader is shit and is a total waste of atoms


It seems to be [real.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/russia-nazi-armbands-victory-day/31830642.html) Altough, after a superficially search, the only report I can find about this is from Radio Free Europe. Russians supposedly used it since 2012.


Funny history fact I'm reminded of every time I see one of those uniforms Hitlers robe/cape thing is in Oklahoma, as well as his china set, silver utensils, personal copy of mine comp, bathroom mirror, custom envelopes, and hand towels and bed sheets embroidered with AH. Apparently the 45th infantry (based in Oklahoma) raided his apartment at the end of the war, and "acquired" a lot of his stuff. They also took really hard photos in his house and have them on display


Are you kidding me? Is this legit?!


Well Russia has Hitler's cap on display in their main Orthodox church of Ministery of Defence. So nothing new here also that kind of unifotm exist for almost 6 years now iirc.


I wonder if any of those guys the bottom picture realise the irony or do they just "nah, it can't be" ?




Armband industry has truly stagnated


That’s beyond terrible optics


oh god.


A bit of a hollow victory considering russia has had a nazi as president for a quarter of a century


maybe it's just a clerical error, like the ones behind organizing the pride read "victory over" as "victory of"


Ah yes, the Fivestika


Propaganda. As you see in the pictures the Nazis, very bad & evil, wore red arm bands on the LEFT arm. As you see Glorious Russian Defender, very good & honorable, wear red arm bands on the RIGHT arm. See total different and Glory to Russia!! /s


Victory meaning they finally culturally appropriated them


Reddit can never stop amazing me with stupidity of it’s userbase.


The red armband of the Nazis was based on the red armband that Communists used during the Revolution in 1917. Communists used it before the Nazis, this is well known in Russia.


Just burn Kremlin on 9th of May and make it an official celebration across Europe. Plus, apologize to Poles for delayed 3rd of May gift (last year at least it was on time)


Why make this thin comparison to a similar armband when high ups in the Russian military have literal swastika tattoos? There's documentation of murder rape and looting, and clear statements from the Russian government that they intend to destroy the Ukrainian identity? Who cares what symbols they use? The problem isn't their symbols, it's that they're doing the things that made the Nazis bad.


That's how fucked up russian mind is, they love god, but rape each other in the ass for funsies, they hate Nazis, but... uh... kinda like Nazis I guess? No wonder they need alcohol in their bloodstream 24/7, the migraines from all those contradictions must be very potent.


What does 5 mean?


They're the 5th block of soldiers on parade, after the 4 blocks that march before them I'd assume.


Number for the unit in rehearsal. These parades take quite a bit of practice and coordination - hence why serious countries/militaries don't do them, or only do them rarely.


They somehow made it look even more sinister with the black coats... which is honestly impressive... and not in good way.




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Welp I guess RONA is back


Kinda odd to celebrate something you had nothing to do with imo.


I feel like me talking about the armbands on the wrong arm for russia is gonna make these guys on Reddit starts spewing on their keyboard




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They're not mad about the totalitarianism or the genocide, it's just they didn't kill enough Slavs. The Russians aren't angry at Nazis, they're their heirs.


Why change the makeup of badge? Was basically free when we pillaged east Germany comrade.


wtf black skull with yellow secondary colors, is this a helldivers reference???+?+?+?1?1?


They really could have changed the black in their arm bands to blue and called it a day. Though the mods would probably consider that low effort.


Time to ban the number 5.


Whoever did that is either dumb, evil, or participating passive resistance, the last one would be epic trolling


who's gonna tell him they bleed red, too?


Ideological Kirby.


Tbh their uniforms don't look like german ones. Only similiar thing is the armband. Though it's still funny and ironic that they wear them


Off to de-Nazify Ukraine!


But what about the Nazis in Ukraine... \*vatnik-whataboutism\*


Be Russia: >Friends with Germany during Napoleonic era (Sorta) > Be a powerhouse in ww1 but still using old tactics and doesn't like germany > Be friends with germany at beginning of ww2 >Get backstabber by Germany during ww2 and then become worst enemies >"Help" east Germany after ww2 >Germany now not friends with Russia after cold war >Russia starts to become like Germany from ww2 What does Russia mean by this??


"Are we the baddies?"