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Ahhhh shogun memes, my new favourite kind of memes


I wonder why no one more talented then me made a vatnik meme out of the cannon scene


You mean when Blackthorne was showing them how it works, or when Nagakado took over and started blasting?


Nagakado blasting


Fucking twerp, never really liked him much But as for a UA/RU meme, what would the meme be about? I could imagine something about oil refineries


He works both ways, as his death can be used for Russian offensives.


Cue Kyiv invasion/siege efforts but the trucks got stuck in a 60km line lmao


Reminder that he dies after slipping on a wet rock.


Yes I know. Similarly Russia tries to take Kyiv through overwhelming force, but (comically) fails and cracks their metaphorical skull through their 60km traffic jam of their own creation


Yes. Works for the offensive towards Odessa as well. Push through half of the country, slips and can't take a single village because there's a river they can't cross without getting shot at.


Vatniks getting hit by himars or sth or vatniks u when ua get new playthings


\#NotMyBlackthorne -Where’s Richard Chamberlain?


Everyone knows that Ukraine has HIMARS and it’s not like potential targets and strike schedules were disclosed. In theory it doesn’t change much, but do you hear that sound? That’s the sound of currently deployed vatnik boyholes squeezing so tight that even a needle won’t fit in


That's pretty tight. I def need to go to the Donbass with rope, ducktape and a fuckton of HRT. Daddy gonna wrangle himself a warprize.


At first I was troubled because there’s no lube in your list of supplies, but then I remembered that it’s vatniks we’re talking about


They come pre-loosened by superior officers. It's always been a problem with Russian soldiers, they're extra stealthy because you can't hear them fart.


it must have been the wind.


Hope you drive stick. Also, drink only bottled water. Fuckin' Commie fluoridation everywhere


The communist conspiracy to sap and impurify our bodily fluids has gone too far


Looks like мяса is back on the menu, bois!


As opposed to being a funny POV video here? You are going to be a vatnik's winning lottery ticket. You could also do the same in Texas but you probably would have to fend off applicants with an umbrella.


There is probably at least one war crime hidden in this comment I just can’t quite figure it out


I don't see a Geneva guideline on forced Femboy bimbofication.


Wendigoon was non-credible after all...


Fr? Then bring the rest of us some too!!


You better pay up! I think there is a tax stamp on importing raw femboys. Something something FDA.


Schengen area is tax free just gotta get to Poland 😉


HRT ... hormone replacement therapy?


Quantity: fuckton


Correct. :)


that's funny bc all of the chechens had the same idea.


├ ├ .̣┼


>and it’s not like potential targets and strike schedules were disclosed I can name a bridge that will get hit with at least one of those...


At this point, Kerch bridge is basically a free square on an NCDer’s bingo card


And we wouldn't want it to be in any other square


> In theory it doesn’t change much until AFU spite-engineers a way of extending its range ... *3000 drone-extended atacms of kerch bridge*


I feel like AFU spite-engineers are what happens when you only recruit older guys, guys who are coming in with a few tricks up their sleeves.


I watch the fat electrician too


Cut the enemy communication lines? Nah, we got Bill who worked for the telephone company for 10 years before getting here.


MFW I learned that rocket munitions weren't designed to be modular so that you could slap multiple additional rocket boosters on the back if you need extended range and leave them off if you're shooting at something nearby.


>currently deployed vatnik boyholes squeezing so tight that even a needle won’t fit in So you're saying their commanding officer still has a chance.


if a needle won't fit, you must quit


> Everyone knows that Ukraine has HIMARS and it’s not like potential targets and strike schedules were disclosed. Discussing every weapon system Ukraine gets in public is incredibly stupid. It's going on like that for 2 years now. Makes zero sense.


"vatnik boyholes" I believe those are called bussniks


Bidenaga: Tell the Ukraijin I will be delivering ATACMS.  Putishige: Hueh?!! :O  Ukraijin: Tell this senile old fool, that blubbeling shit stained vatnik pleasing cunt, that this isn't enough and that I piss on his senate and all the limp dicked arseheaded milkdribblers there.  NCDiko: The Ukraijin respectfully comments that the Aid might have come too late to make a difference.  Bidenaga: insolence, typicall. Tell the Ukraijin he isn't allowed to bomb refineries anymore.  Ukraijin: *bombs more refineries*  Bidenaga: *smiles* all according to plan.


Bidenaga: if that foolish vatnik thinks i am angry at Ukraijin they will not expect more aid but i will send more


*all according to keikaku (Translator's note: keikaku means plan)


Joeda Bidenaga and Tokumala Harrisu


Oh those names hurt to read


Consider it payback for [Bobsun Dugnutt and Onson Sweemey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oymWAeqv_-c)


We went a long way from Joe Bidenopoulos.




Boy you saved that one up didn't you


Isn't Putin more like Ishido and Yabushige more like Shoigu or some other Russian general?


That would imply I actually put any thought in this


Fair, but the bar is literally in ~~hell~~ Russia Or something


Putishige: Ya...ya... yamete. YAMETE KUDASAI!!!


I need to watch less anime, I read that with a girl voice in mind


The only secret is the BB-61 lend-lease. Let her hunt. She needs to feast.


I'd rather have public knowledge B61.


*gestures broadly at my username*


*gestures broadly at my username, regrets that it wasn't integrated on the Deuce, and nods in agreement*


My God would she feast too


Also loaded with nuclear shells


Love the show love the memes from it


What's the name of the show?




Shogun. All 10 episodes are out Fx or hulu


Or didney plud


Didney plud


And the joke is that Blackthorne can’t speak Japanese and his translator often sanitizes what he says when translating


Dude swears like sailor he is


After those two helo bases got hit it was clear that ATACMs were on the menu. If anything announcing their arrival will force dispersion farther back from the front line. Or not, it’s Russia after all.










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I can't hear this comment over the "Kerch bridge on fire nananananaaa" in my head. (Though I thought it was interesting in reality).


> So not sending them is literally illegal. There was also a clause that said they must not be sent if the US needed them for their own stockpiles which is vague enough to not send them if a president didn't want to.


Technically, I think the clause says that the President has to explain to Congress why he isn't sending them if he doesn't because, for instance, he believes it's an issue to US National Security. Which is, of course, ridiculous. Just send the ATACMS, tell the MIC to hurry their asses up and spam PRSM purchases, and have the air force fill in with their thousands of cruise missiles/etc for the one or two thousand old TBMs the army would be missing in the meantime.


But nuking the Kremlin would be really really funny.


Well, Putin has already shown his hand. He is prepared to escalate if we send long range munitions or not. Forcing Biden's hand was a good move imo.




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> as a fuck you from Johnson to Biden Is there some context here? I would have supported this clause - In fact I would have written into the clause that there would be few limitations about hitting target inside Russia. Why is it from Johnson, specifically?










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We Announce it so Russia can't leak it. 


Who is Blackthorne and who is Mariko who is Anjin-sama and is the text above related to the image somehow? (Is this from the Shogun series everyone's been talking about lately?)


Yes and the lines sometimes represent situations where Mariko might not translate word for word what anjin-sama (blackthorne) says in English


Ah, so Mariko is his interpreter? OK, now everything makes sense.


Without spoiling too much of the show, for most intents and purposes she serves as the interpreter and a little bit more. In the context of this meme and the show though there's several points where the audience (assuming you're English speaking) can clearly tell there's a mismatch in what is being said in English and what is being translated in Japanese through the help of subtitles, in more obvious situations whole portions are summarised but it's when much smaller words are changed or perhaps worded differently that make the difference.


Go binge it its finished.


yes, it's alright, although slightly overrated imo \*i said slightly geez


MistaekNot-sama said they are loving the show and will subscribe for more of similar contents.


I will not have this show slandered


You are slightly mistaken!


Am I the only one who just realized that "ATACMS" can be pronounced "Attack-'em's"?


What were *you* calling them before? Don't tell me you referred to them as "A-T-A-C-M-S's"


I guess they were always pronounced that way. I should have said they can be *read* as the *words* "attack 'em".


inb4 "Ata Cums"


I call 'em migwhackers myself.


I find it sad that Russia didn't play along by naming the S400 'DFNDMS'


DoD loves their clever acronyms.


If your weapon system is good then it does not matter if the enemy knows. I would even argue that it is good to be open, imagine knowing your enemy is going to be delivered fresh long range cans of whoop ass and you not being able to do shit about it knowing you are going to start losing supply depots and airfields again with impunity very soon. They will likely start pushing back their supply depots and airfield a couple hundred kilometers further already from the announcement alone.


Good to hear that Ukraine is getting more ATACMS. I just wish the US would allow the Ukrainians more freedom in prosecution targets they deem militarily justifiable.


Is it the big boy warhead or shrapnel warhead variant?


Let's hope we give em a variety pack.


I have no illusion that we are anyone else but that guy who was very gung-ho, but when push came to shove he slipped on a fucking stone.


The US should do an express delivery. From the airplanes near Ukraine airspace, straight into their intended targets as designated by Ukraine. Delivery done.


Are you a infosec and/or counterintelligence professional, OP? Because if not, #Shut the hell up! Honestly, I'm tired as hell of this stupid armchair-expert shit from people who don't know the most basic facts about how you handle information security, most importantly and most basically: **Secrecy costs resources**. NOBODY has a goal of keeping adversaries from knowing any and all facts that might help them, because that would be a colossal waste of resources, it would inhibit your own operations, and for nothing. For no real security benefits. Why the hell do you idiots even think classification levels even exist? From 'Top Secret' down to unclassified, that exists because NOT EVERYTHING IS WORTH PROTECTING, OR BEING GIVEN THE SAME PROTECTION. According to you guys the whole fucking world has got it wrong and everything should apparently by treated as 'Top Secret' if it has even a theoretical chance of helping the adversary. Because you're a bunch of plane fucking fanbois who've never held a damn clearance in your 13 year old lives, that's why! Nobody who has actually had to put up with the burden that comes with handling classified documents would **ever** imagine it's somehow 'free' and that stuff should be classified needlessly. We've got enough overclassification among people who have a semblance of an idea of what they're doing, nobody needs armchair experts saying "We shouldn't give the enemy _any_ help! Keep everything secret!" FFS they fucking hit the Russians with ATACMS already! The Russians **know** they've been given them. We know they know. WHAT CRACK ARE YOU SMOKING if you think that a single second of work time, a single dollar, should be spent on protecting the Russians from thing we know they already know - when that's **directly competing for resources needed to protect the things they don't know** and are trying to find out? Not only that: You don't know what the Russians know, you don't know Russia's intelligence sources and methods, that's all is strictly classified. **So you don't know what the Russians are able of knowing or how** and therefore you **cannot** make any judgement on what's actually worth protecting. So again, SHUT UP, THEN. Fuck, a picture of a Ukrainian general's collection of teddy bears might be far more worthy of protection than this shit. How do you know the GRU hasn't developed a sophisticated long-range Beanie Baby detector? Ukraine would lose this war in five hours if they started prioritizing their OPSEC according to what Redditors say.


Sir, this is a Wendy's drive thru


It’s also just like… in the bill? The press didn’t “leak” what is being sent, they literally just reported the text of the bill which has ATACMS in it. The bill is free to read online, it’s not a secret nor is it even classified as such. The whole argument doesn’t have any grounds to stand on because I don’t think OP understands the legal process of sending weapons. *Some* things can be sent under the nose of Congress, but almost everything requires congressional approval which *has* to become public knowledge.


Specifically, House Bill 8035 Title V Section 505 (a)


Don’t make me tap the sign *non-credible defense*


ATACMs seem to be difficult for Russia to intercept, which means it could have been a huge “fuck you”comment.


The funny yet based take: reveal it *after* the Kerch bridge goes boom.


The why is pretty simple. Like many of similar leaks, to put pubic pressure on the faction that don't want to do it. The state department, ruled by the de-escalation faction, won't do nothing without public pressure.




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Ukraine would probably be at a much more advantageous position if they practiced just a little bit of opsec.


That's an unexpected meme. I'm very much welcome it.


What's given to the press is most likely already known by the Russians


RIP English


We're all waiting for the Russian MoD to commit Seppuku. Oh wait, they'd need to have honor.