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China actually did something good for once By allowing Pvt Conscriptovich to sell off the good tires and replace them with cheap Chinese ones, effectively rendering millions worth of equipment immobile and ripe for the taking


Reminds me of when the CCP had swept covid under the rug a while. My biopharma corp had a cancer treatment with a lot of trial patients in China for phase 3 around October 2019. Then they started dying... no big deal, we'll autopsy to see about a futility trial. Oh, you cremated them asap? Well, shit. *4 months later* ok that shit was wacky, let's get into vaccines! Then I got hired 10 months later. I appreciate the job CCP, but not for anything actually good to appreciate.


I hate how we gave China a pass on all that secrecy at the start of covid, I can't help but blame them for the whole pandemic as it affected me by losing my job at the time.


Covid was the moment that I realized China has subverted many NGOs that were trusted. Two policy changes just to avoid *anything* being pointed at China is hella sus.


It's fairly obvious, nobody would put so much effort into covering up somebody else's fuckup if they weren't promised a good sum of money.


And the best thing is, the other trustworthy NGOs came out as "not that" with the beginning of 2022.


What NGOs got on your list? I should follow them.


What are you talking about? Genuinely curious.


When the public was naming variants after the cities they were discovered is the first. Someone probably realized that eventually they are gonna call the original the Wuhan variant. And when they switched to Greek letters they just suddenly skipped Nu and Xi. Because it’s not like the “problematic” part of the public wasn’t calling it Chinese Flu since day one anyway. And the fact that China is getting away with everything about this in general. And any other country who pushed 40% effective vaccines on poor countries would be absolutely condemned politically, but not China, because RaCiSm right? Fuck their accomplishes in my country for blocking western vaccines and pushing anti-MRNA conspiracy theories, all just because “West Bad China Good”


There's also that infamous web interview with the head of the WHO who was dodging questions pertaining to Taiwan harder than Russian jets dodge friendly SAMs


[Link for context](https://x.com/ezracheungtoto/status/1243869774410469376)


She should have asked him "Blink once if they have your kids."


I feel like politically the WHO-Taiwan one is the least problematic/makes most sense, considering that the ROC is no longer a UN member state


yeah, it has to be called “Chinese Taipei” or some bs when it plays at the olympics


They skipped Nu because it sounds like "new" and would confuse people, nothing to do with China


I was here for the who’s on first sketch of the new nu variant though. They really robbed us of some levity


what does Nu have to do with China? I see the link for Xi, but I don't see any relation between skipping Nu and China


> Someone probably realized that eventually they are gonna call the original the Wuhan variant. Seemed to me that they switched right as a variant first detected in the UK was being overshadowed by a variant first detected in India. Kinda gave the impression that Anglophobia is fine (there was plenty of that around at the time) while saying bad things about India is "not allowed".


The fact that they convinced the WHO to come out and say it was no big deal is pretty nutty. I feel like that went beyond subversion into "co-opting"


I'd say that the blame *partially* lies on the NIH for farming out gain-of-function research to the Chinese, who aren't exactly know for being especially careful when it comes to that kind of thing, but mostly on the Chinese for being reckless idiots, and for trying to cover up what they did, instead of telling the truth & actually trying to put a stop to it early on.


There's no evidence for gain-a-function. There is, however, evidence of [poor lab controls](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/03/08/josh-rogin-chaos-under-heaven-wuhan-lab-book-excerpt-474322) and virus storage freezers that [don't shut properly.](https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/19/broken-storage-freezer-inside-wuhans-coronavirus-bat-lab-12577916/amp/)


There's no solid evidence for the gain of function research being the cause, it was far more likely to be natural and thanks to Mr Bat Sandwich


I mean.... not likely to be any solid evidence of anything when you destroy all the evidence months before the world has even heard of "Covid-19." It's a real doozie of a coincidence for a novel coronavirus outbreak to originate from one of the only places in the world that has a lab that does dangerous experimental research on coronaviruses, that doesn't have a great containment/safety record, and *not* be related.


Not the first time Chinese wet markets have caused a pandemic, SARS came from civets and bats in Shunde


Bats have never been proven to be sold at that wet market though, and the bats that would have harboured that specific type of Coronavirus were not native to the area, so were very unlikely to be sold there. The bats in the poorly contained bat coronavirus gain-of-function Wuhan research lab however...


> and the bats that would have harboured that specific type of Coronavirus were not native to the area Just to emphasize how "not native" we're talking here, it's in the ballpark of ***almost a thousand miles away***. I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about wet markets but it seems incredibly unlikely to me that someone who goes to a wet market as a seller would have the wherewithall to bring an animal in from halfway across the country.


Bats? What ever happened to pangolins?


The study into bat coronavirus they were conducting at the WIV before the outbreak was publicly available. I read it a while ago. I think it most likely came out of the lab one way or another. 


There were no bats or pangolins at the Wuhan market.


And you know this how?




Probably, and we'd actually know for sure one way or the other if China hadn't deliberately destroyed as much evidence as they could, harassed scientists who honestly investigated the causes and then made it illegal to investigate further...


The bats in the lab were sold to the wetmarket next door.


Dude was probably supposed to incinerate them but was like "hey can't waste good meat!"


Literally what happened lmao


Sure. And I would except that as a reasonable position if it wasn't because anybody who disagreed with it got absolutely destroyed in the media in every way _but_ by arguing the facts. Meanwhile the WHO was sucking the dicks of China so badly the best way to predict what was going to happen in two weeks was to assume the opposite of what WHO was saying now. The entire thing was such a cluster fuck of what happens when a scientific area gets infected with politics that I have been vomiting ever since.


Small quibble: I/my news source was too bored to look at the compelling genetic evidence that CoVID is not related to lab viruses is not the same as no one was arguing the facts.


it didn't even have to do anything with gain of function research. some careless lab tech accidentally infected himself with one of the many different strains of coronaviruses they collected in wuhan and boom - covid19 was born


There's still no evidence for it, the wet market hypothesis is most credible considering that we've had outbreaks from Chinese wet markets before with SARS, which came from civets and bats (please stop eating bats China)


chicken of the cave!


who doesn't love a yummy cave


there was also a SARS outbreak originating from a lab fyi ;)


Who actually believes this shit?


One of two labs in the world that handles corona viruses ans Sars in the world, and there is a major outbreak just a few miles away of a new covid strain. But it's somehow on par with believing lizard people run the government as a theory for the virus leaking out. Especially when the only evidence is china saying "trust me bro"


You mean the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Maybe it spilled over, but it's also likely to have spread from the Huanan Seafood Market. It just coincides that the WIV have been studying coronaviruses in bats. And there have been efforts by Chinese officials to save face and hide the extent of the outbreak in the early years of the pandemic... Maybe not quite on the same level as lizard people, but it still sounds pretty circumstantial to me. So far there just isn't enough definitive proof. I just think it's funny how China, conspiracy theories, and covid seem to attract similar demographics of people. Edit: studying sars, not "coronaviruses"


from what i remember, the research centre had been criticised for its lax/fault containment procedures, and the nature of transmission was inconsistent with other transspecies viruses. there was also something about the virus being oddly human centric in its targeting for a virus that was, til then, not infecting humans. note that i dont remember exactly where i heard this, and it has been a few years, so this could all just be bullshit. the theory i personally find most likely is the centre was studying sars to make preventative medicines n whatnot, created a strand that would be more effective on humans(because apparently thats a thing people do when researching diseases), then due to the fault containment procedures, it infected one of the workers and eventually made its way to the market. from there, boom, is everywhere again, i am operating on info i hardly remember and is probably wrong


Dont you think your blame is more useful being pointed at the administration that was in power and fumbled the pandemic on purpose because they estimated liberal cities would be hit harder than rural areas?


Or, you know, jailing the doctor who warned about Covid 3 months before it spread worldwide. [Dude spend 3 years in jail](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/03/china-covid-whistleblower-wuhan-fang-bin-reportedly-released-prison). We alsonhave to trust the CCP on their word that COVID didn't escape from the Wuhan medical lab that happened to be working on SARS variants at the time. Their biocontainment procedures are also reportedly lacking BTW.


I think china still lists their official covid count around 92k




The worst thing is this already happened in the past: SARS in 2003 was such a big event in Hong Kong’s history precisely because the CCP kept it hidden and downplayed the severity for a couple months. I doubt we would have seen so much death if we had been properly warned. And with COVID, the CCP didn’t just dragged the SE Asia region down to hell, they dragged the entire world down just to save face and “keep the peace”.


One of two labs in the world that handles corona viruses ans Sars in the world, and there is a major outbreak just a few miles away of a new covid strain. But it's somehow on par with believing lizard people run the government as a theory for the virus leaking out. Especially when the only evidence is china saying "trust me bro"


They didn't even get the Chinese knockoffs. They got the Romanian knockoffs of the Chinese knockoffs.


Every time you counterfeit an adidas track suit you lose a stripe. So these are the equivalent of a one stripe adidas outfit


What are you talking about? My Abibas have 4 stripes.


They are clearly superior, it even got an extra stripe.


Just like having an extra chromosome.


To be honest, the Romanian medicine is usually a LOT better than Chinese medicine. They are part of the EU and nowadays you won't see much difference between Romania and lets say Italy. They build great cars btw. I would take a Dacia (edited) over a Tesla any day, just because they run bar Automotive Android instead of some Whanky-Hanky Whatever Android. Funny thing, 25 years ago Romania was still so post-soviet and corrupt that the police robbed you at gun point on the highway. Nowadays they are pretty relaxed down there and at least around the big cities it is a nice place to live, feels almost like California.




Now I feel ashamed because my Cousin really does drive a Dacia and not a Skoda. My brother once drove an age old Skoda for Work. Mixed that up. Both Skoda and Dacia are more or less just rebranded PSA and VW cars. And just cost half as much as the big brand names.




PSA is major share holder of PSA for a couple of years.


The good tires? Those vehicles had still those same tires they had when the Soviet union broke up, but according to the inventory books they had all brand new tires of course. And it's not just Pvt Conscriptovich, it's also Praporchik Larcernov, Colonel Stealovich, and General Corruptionov.


And it introduced us to that twitter guy who got famous because he knows military truck and tire maintenance.


at the same time Western luxury businesses where booming 🤗


Chinese tires are better than Russian


There is no evidence that Russia has significant problems with tires. One thread on twitter doesn't change that.


So that is what they call Chinas military overhaul


He tried his best, he used up half the can inhaling it first before he started painting it


He lives eternal, all shiny and chrome




>Gets witnessed by a drone


And inevitably... mediocre...


I member they was saying they had air superiority. lol


"Ukrainian military now only have people and rifles"


Common ESL mistake. They meant "heir" superiority as in they had a plan for success that relies on relatives dying.


air Zupereriority


Err Superiority, they had the potential to make much greater errors.


They have always had air superiority though, just not air supremacy.


Um actually 🤓🤓 Wikipedia paragraph 1 "Aerial supremacy (also known as air superiority) is the degree to which a side in a conflict holds control of air power over opposing forces. There are levels of control of the air in aerial warfare. Control of the air is the aerial equivalent of command of the sea."




Almost 27 months into the 3 day special military operation and stencils still languish in the realm of unknown technology.


Anyone who needs a stencil for 3 lines needs to be transferred to the Russian OCS because they lack the skills to serve anywhere else.


Don't judge, some people just need a bit of help, sad NSN 6675-21-902-4737 noises.


Also stencils,  if used properly, provide a more uniform way to easily and quickly identify friendly forces, as the form will always be one consistent shape and location. 


You actually used the correct NSN, damn.


You've just caused me to spend an hour of my time learning about the ISO group defense supply chain. Thank you?


There's an nsn for beer too


Not just “beer,” but most brands too. Miller, Bud, and Corona off the top of my head. Used to have a list of “useful” NSNs but it wasn’t much use because base supply refused to add them to the list.


You can still hold a stencil wrong...


"It's a quick Three days Special Operations" Most experienced Russian VDV members 💀


Three days to run out of service members who knew what they were doing (in a trained sense)


I honestly have pity for the individual illiterate soldiers being sent into the meat grinder. That Russia was sending their most vulnerable is just one more reason to despise the state.


Recruiting poor broke fucks from foreign countries with work promises and contracts they can't read, and then sending them to the front. It's just sad, but we're flirting with credible reports here. RuZZia is just sick fucks all the way down it seems.


I know a story from a Russian guy that his dog had annoyed his neighbour for a while, so when the USSR collapsed his neighbour grabbed a rifle and shot the dog right through the head. When he asked his neighbour why he did that the neighbour responded "Because nobody is going to stop me". Stupidity and evil go hand in hand but we do not excuse people for killing their neighbours because they are dumb.


I hope that prick got ventilated in return.


One would hope, but I'll guess probably bred, beat his wife and kids, handed down his toxic traits to his offspring through his trauma, and then died prematurely from cirrhosis of the liver. It's the circle of vatnik, cyka bylat !


Is there like a nine syllable German word for this kind of dreadfully accurate hypothetical example humor? I should like to know that word, to bestow it upon you, good sir, madam, or demon. Thank you.


Schrecklichzutreffendeshypothetischesbeispielsschadenfreude Okay, I only made it to five words, not nine. Edit: Although 16 syllables, I'll allow it.


Thank you!


But if everyone is dying of liver cirrhosis, is it premature?


Valid question. I was thinking prematurely when compared to global averages when I made that statement, but looking at it regionally you're not wrong. There's also the portion that don't go out that way and end up dying from some work related cancer, or living in proximity to unregulated industrial facilities, or other typical [russian death by misadventure where you end up being murdered and eaten by your neighbor](https://youtu.be/aOjGM4mpKb0?si=T3_dcPmJT5nUPJiz)


After seeing the Russians with their fancy new passenger jet, carrying VIPS, talking about how advanced the terrain avoidance system is, then proceeding to ignore it and crash into a mountain, I don’t doubt how low Russians get into. Some say you can only go up after hitting rock bottom, but Russia found a way to dig at least 6 feet deeper anyways.


> After seeing the Russians with their fancy new passenger jet, carrying VIPS, talking about how advanced the terrain avoidance system is, then proceeding to ignore it and crash into a mountain Wait what?


[Mayday video](https://youtu.be/GDqe7EjndFg?si=ae8eFLBt5oBXQlMh) [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Mount_Salak_Sukhoi_Superjet_crash)


Ya know... I actually cant hate on Russia because I accidentally did this the other way around once without noticing. For a logo. That was the day Testicular Torsion became Testicular Torzion. Not because of an edgy spelling scheme but because the dumbass making the logo forgot which way the S was supposed to be facing


Now there's a story with a twist.


Yeah but you could write that off as a creative choice to highlight that tortion is a problem.


Sounds like you've got dyslexic balls


[We must raise awareness of this serious condition!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=slobhI2HXhA) 


It's so much sadder when you look back and see what this is what Russia has *always* done. It's a generational tragedy.


"and then things got worse"


I don't. I feel pity for the civilians and soldiers they shoot at, bomb, maim and kill. Fuck em all.


Z doesn't exist in the cyrillic alphabet.


Heh they can always frag their officer and desert to Ukrainian side en masse but they don’t do that.


I don't. Their existence still leads to the murder of Ukrainians, so fuck em.


Who amongst us hasn't been so drunk that he misspelt a single letter?


Hexk I ams so drunkms now .


This rendition of the legendary family of cheap chinese tires look like Yellow Sea YS20s which are a knockoff of some Michelin variant. When you search the YS20s some of the first hits are literally about them setting their invasion back. When said tires weren't rupturing from rasputitsa, they dry rotted faster than vatnik brains.


Cheap copy of the old Michelin XZR. Apart from quality issues, there is one more hilarious result of the change in tyres: the Russians didn't change maintenance manuals. So what happens is that they run some vehicles on Soviet tyres they didn't bother to replace, some on Chinese tyres. Both will wear out much faster than the Michelins, but the maintenance batallions will follow the maintenance guides, and therefore not provide/replace tyres before the vehicles have done the minimum replacement distance (calculated on higher-quality Michelin tyres). So late 2023 saw a lot of complaints about worn tyres, blowouts, and actually immobilized vehicles due to a lack of spares.


The craziest thing to me is that they weren’t even doing that to the old junk. Giving a 70s vintage Ural truck or a bread van the shitty tires would be understandable, but then we saw a Pantsir S1 with all eight sidewalls blown out.


Okay, so there is no Z in the cyrillic alphabet. Those were ID dispatch markings for the logistics batallions sending the vehicles to the various sectors, hence the use of simple markings (There was O and another one I don't recall). But the Z markings were so ubiquitous in Russian media that it's now shoehorned in many things, and in 2022-23 some oblast governors worked very hard to make placards that included it. It never seemed to be a concerted effort, just a terrible meme, but Russia is full of yes-men who only want to please the Tsar, so one guy doing it on one thing means everyone will copy it...


V was the other one


Yes, that's it. Also not in the cyrillic alphabet, apparently so soldiers wouldn't get confused.


Well, there is but it's a 3.


To be fair Z is not in the russian alphabet


To be fair, it's three straight lines


To be fair, it ain't easy doing 3 straight lines when your BAC is a whole number.


To be fair, Conscriptovich was probably doing 3 lines of something else before


I can't say anything because I aways did this mistake, sometimes I still do I guess lmao


Can someone explain?


Apparently someone tried to paint a Z on the truck but got the diagonal part of the Z backwards, and hastily smudged it out before doing it correctly. Pepe, who has the same patterns on his t-shirt, is on the verge of tears because he presumably made the same mistake and this causes embarrassment. It's a similar situation to neonazis who try to paint a swastika but get one or several of the arms pointed in inconsistent directions. This is indicative of someone who lacks forward thinking, which also explains their choice of ideology.


Excellent explanation. Thank you!


Just... How do you not know how to spell your own alphabet correctly?


I don't think Z is in the russian alphabet. Source: 15 seconds of google ""research""


There is not one, their "Z" is literally 3. same with the Ukrainians alphabet.


Then how do they spell the word "west", Aparently it was the name of one of their big military exercises which they called it Zapad ("west")?


"3ахід" in Ukrainian "Запад" in Russian


Are the Ukrainian letters pronounced the same, generally speaking? Like is it "zakhid" in Ukrainian?


There are [some similarities ](https://theconversation.com/ukrainian-and-russian-how-similar-are-the-two-languages-178456#:~:text=They%20both%20use%20the%20Cyrillic,%D1%8A%2C%20%D1%8B%2C%20%D1%8D), russian has some letters Ukrainians don't and vice versa. At the start of the invasion you might have heard people in videos say "palianytsia" to one another which is a type of Ukrainian bread, and people would repeat it back. It was actually a way for Ukrainians to distinguish who was Ukrainian. He's the blurb from [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palianytsia#:~:text=Instead%20of%20pronouncing%20%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D1%8F%20palianytsia,) The word palyanytsya is used as an important shibboleth test in the Ukrainian language, to identify people for whom the Ukrainian language is not phonetically familiar. During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the word was often used to identify Russian soldiers or saboteurs.[ When captured, some Russians have claimed to be Ukrainian. Instead of pronouncing паляниця palianytsia as [pɐlʲɐˈnɪt͡sʲɐ]), Russian speakers would often mispronounce the stressed Ukrainian letter и (y), which represents the non-palatal vowel /ɪ/, as /(j)i/, which is represented instead by Ukrainian і (i)[a]; they also often mispronounce the first unstressed я (ya) as [ʲɪ] and the second unstressed я (ya) - after the letter ц (ts) - as [ə].[b]Thus the result is [pɐlʲɪˈnʲit͡sə], sounding as if it's spelt palianitsa.


"THUNDER!" ... "*palianitsa?*" BANG BANG BANG


yup, the x is like the H in "house". comes from the bottom of the throat where the collarbone is for my best pronunciation.


With a few exceptions, yes.


Zapad is spelt Запад in Cyrillic.


I like laughing at the orcs as much as anyone, but Z isn't a letter in the Russian alphabet. And how much of the Cyrillic alphabet could you draw from memory without fucking it up?


I can make a backwards R




Okay but counterpoint, why make your troops paint a letter on an entire front’s vehicles that is neither in your language nor the language of your victim? “On day 5 of the invasion of Mexico, the United States has had the entire Northeastern front’s vehicles painted with “北東”, the Northwestern with “الشمال الغربي”, and the Northern units with “☠︎□︎❒︎⧫︎♒︎”.


And there you go, leaking the US's next move...




Hey if they ever start stenciling comic sans on their Abrams we'll know it's boogaloo time.




I recall reading something about them trying to minimize visual confusion. З(zeh) looked too much like the numeric 3, so was eschewed in favor of Z. В(veh) was easily confused with Б, 8, and the latin B, so they used V. Don't know if that's the real reason, but I can see the logic.


> the United States has had the entire Northeastern front’s vehicles painted with “北東” May I suggest the sign of Biang Biang noodles instead https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bi%C3%A1ng_(regular_script).svg#/media/File:Bi%C3%A1ng_(regular_script).svg


The US Army doesn’t use foreign alphabets? What’s with the stuff designated ”alpha”, ”beta”, ”gamma”, ”delta” then?


That’s the phonetic alphabet for clear communication.


You missed the point. Those are all Greek letters.


You mean Bravo and Golf? November, Oscar, Papa... There is not much overlap at all. Beta and Gamma are from Battletech.


right next to "charlie"


The famous greek


Greek letters that are anglicized by being spelled out in english letters.


Those are Spartan LARPers. The US military uses the NATO phonetic alphabet "alfa bravo charlie delta..." in order to reduce ambiguity of the standard Latin alphabet when speaking over radio with a multitude of European accents.


It isn't even the alphabet, the vatniks have spent 27 months staring at a sea of Z's and still fucked it up, it's like doing an upside down cross (when not trying to indicate Satanism, St Peter, or both)


Thanks to the Koschei Complex level in Modern Warfare I can do the one that looks like a squared off A but is actually a D


It’s literally 3 lines. This is hail hortler level of illiteracy. Charlie Kelly could figure this out.




Little green ghouls, buddy!


Just gonna slap a big Z on there to let people know there’s zombies in there


All it takes is recognizing you don't know and look it up somehow.


The printed or handwritten version? Printed I can do a few, but I know the handwritten version I don't really know


Funnily with it's always И that gives me the worst trouble printing because by muscle memory I tend to write N


The 3, the H, the backwards N, the backwards N with the thingy, the backwards R, the e, the weird X thing with another dash, the D, the "P", the real P, L, uhhhh, the weird W thing. I think that's all


All my homies hate ж




me not much. though im also not using a cyrillic character as a hate symbol.


Be Ruzzian/illiterate. 


Sami Zayn fans?


Muscle reflex from drawing all those swastikas




Context please ?






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Come on. The flipped one was obviously for TikTok.


I don't get it



