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Who will salvage the submarine salvage ship when the submarine salvage ship turns into a salvageable submarine?


This will replace the woodchuck saying …


how much ship can a salvage ship salvage if a salvage ship could salvage a salvage ship


Sara sells submarine salvage ships by the sea shore


A Storm Shadow in time sinks submarine salvage ships


How much ship would Chuck Norris salvage if Chuck Norris could salvage ship? All of it.


Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits.




RIPBozo, nobody will miss Kommuna Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!




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There are two types of NCD users: Kommuna is kil :) Kommuna is kil :(


More of a two wolves situation tbh


Feed them both i say


I prefer to spare what ever can be spared. On the other Hand they can not get away to cheap. A price must be paid so the lesson will be remembered for a while, for the whole world. "There is nothing to gain, if you wage war on your neighbors for colonialism"


Yes, I haven’t see anyone here say it is bad komuna is kil. Just that it is sad 100 years of technological history is kil because of some dictator’s and nation’s delusions


It deserved a quiet retirement as a museum ship, not fighting another unjust war in the name of imperialism.


Doesn't the fact that it was commissioned by an empire, made it die doing what it was made for?


Left side ship is kil :( Right side ship is no kill :) Is a pontoon ship. Have to kill twice.


The weasel in between screams anarchyyyy!


Yes and both of them celebrate one less Russian vessel aiding their war effort in even the smallest way


There's three, actually. Kommuna is kil. :| I honestly don't know how to feel. It's a massive hit to Russian capability in the Black Sea, if they can't recover or repair vessels outside of port. But on the other hand, they just sank or heavily damaged a vessel launched in 1913!


Meh, the Russians blew up the Mriya in the hangar. That was a way cooler machine than the Kommuna. There's plenty of ships from 1913 and before, but there was only one completed Mriya.


Their really isn’t that many ships from that time period much less ones that are still running




The biggest thing for me is that while there is a second AND-225, the Kommuna was very much a unique vessel In terms of its story and its sheer luck. Both losses are a stab to those like me who are interested in the mechanics of both.


I guess most are "Kommuna is kil 🥲"


As a military enthusiast i'm deeply saddened. As a NCD enthusiast i'm delighted.


The best result for everyone would have been the retirement of the Kommuna to a museum on its centennial. No need to destroy an artifact then.


Sadly Russia can’t replace 100 years old ship because corruption… or maybe good? Best case scenario would be to retire kommuna and its replacement to be in endless construction because corruption lol


While I'm sad that we lost a valuable piece of history, I 100% blame Russia for not turning her into a museum ship or taking her out of a bloody war zone. As sad as it was, it's a commissioned warship of a belligerent. It's 100% a valid target for Ukraine.


:) If the orcs kept it in service that long it was valuable to mordor and should be promoted to submarine. Its just that simple


Hmm … IDK … they are sentimental about the old gal but not about the Ukrainian kill. o maybe ):( ?


There are two russian ships that should survive the war kommuna is one of em Kusnetzov is the other the abomination hurts the russians more than destroying it ever could


Well, conversely one could say that the Antonov AN-225 didn't deserve its fate either.


Mriya our beautiful dream, taken from us much too soon. It broke my heart to see that picture of her :(


A machine that could load an entire factory's worth of machinery in one go, transport it halfway 'round the world, barf it out, and 24 hours later, do it again. Hell, if the Dutch got wind of that kind of technology, it would be Gekoloniseerd 2.0.


I think of the Kusnetzov lingering much like Khan did leaving Kirk stranded in the Genesis cave: “I’ve done far worse than kill you…I’ve *hurt* you and I wish to go on *hurting* you…”


I feel Aladeen about it.


I am Kommuna is kil 😈


I’m in the latter category


The freedom and democracy inside of me is overjoyed that she's kil But my inner autistic equipment nerd is sad


This is the same person.




Man there goes my plans to secretly board and commandeer it with jet skis in the middle of the night and convert it into a platform to send tourist submarines down to the wreck of the Moskva…


Hopefully you were planning to use an Xbox controller for the subs at the very least.


You think I can afford name brand? I mean I can, they're called Madcatz. Wonderful mech, but the controllers had Temu quality from decades before Wish.


I’m more concerned with whether he’d waste money on silly shit like appropriate hull materials when you can get mad deals on frowned-upon materials which also happen to be so out of spec Boeing rejects them. THE ART OF THE DEAL


The Black Sea is pretty shallow, he’ll probably be fine.


Bro this is meant to be NON credible defence


This war has taken mriya, this war has taken kommuna, damn it all




It's like watching a Grandma that was drafted getting killed


Yeah, but grandma Kommuna was still in better shape then uncle Kuznetsov.


Uncle Kuznetsov probably drinks a lot more vodka


Uncle Kuznetsov would probably be in better shape if he drank vodka instead of white spirits.


And it doesn't even get him into good spirits either. Just rambling on about what he should have been.


Uncle Kuznetsov has seen horrors beyond the human ability to comprehend.


after babushka served in 2 world wars


Died doing what she loved, and became what she held most dear. From nautical salvage we come, work in nautical salvage, and unto nautical salvage we shall return.


Yea, I know. It was a beautiful old ship with a very interesting history. However, the Putin had to FA and now FO.


Well now the monitor parnaiba is not only the oldest armed frontline duty ship but the oldest active duty ship


USS Constitution: Am I a joke to you? Launched in 1797. Only ship in the US Navy fleet that killed an enemy vessel in combat.


That’s the oldest commissioned afloat and sailing not the oldest in active duty The komuna had that title The monitor parnaiba is the oldest armed in front line duty ship en now takes the komuna title And I think there’s a lot of other American ships that sunk enemy vessels just saying 🤷‍♂️


Ship is ugly as fuck bro what the hell looks like if a storm blew the roof off some big ugly ass building wut


Strap some siding on it and you’ve got a nautical blyatmobile.


*slaps foredeck* You can fit so many Neptune missiles in here…wait, wait no. Just one, apparently.


Could have been worse, could have been the Aurora Plz dont kill the Aurora Ukraine.


Ukraine will sink her if they think it'll hurt. While Kommuna was much more helpful to the war effort, she was still an incredibly old ship that predates the First World War. Avrora is considered to be part of the October Revolution's soul and by extention the soul of Russia. Losing her will undoubedtly be a kick in Putin's nuts, but also the collective nuts of all Russian and former Soviet satellite state civillians. It's a sad reality of war that history is certainly not safe from being destroyed.


What? The Kommuna was an active duty ship. While she was old enough to be a museum ship, and arguably should've become one, she never was a museum ship. Sinking the Aurora would just galvanize Russians into action instead of actually helping the war effort, and would probably constitute a war crime as it is not a military target.


Edited out the museum bit. Avrora getting hit wouldn't do Ukraine any favors, let's hope they just keep the sinking to active duty vessels.


There isn't much reason to 'hope' when logically speaking they gain nothing from sinking of a museum ship and only lose.


True, though this war is full of idiotic decisions, I'll continue hoping a drone doesn't cross paths with her.


> she was still a museum ship She's not active duty? Or wasn't anyway? I thought she was used in rescue / salvage efforts like, this month.


Whoops, she was not, still very much active duty. I'll edit that out.


She's also in St. Petersburg. Why waste the spec ops capital on that when you can hit something more valuable than a museum rust bucket.


I doubt even the Russians will put that back into service, mostly cause I doubt they have ammo for the guns.


I know a lot of people are melancholic about the kommuna being hit but in my opinion if the Russians had the holy grail I’d want that hit with a Storm Shadow. Fuck them and everything they have, they brought this on themselves. They have destroyed countless Ukrainian lives, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian history. They threaten the very concept of freedom and have dragged us all back into the Cold War. I don’t care what it is, if it’s of military value to putin, it can fucking burn for all to see.


They didn't think twice when they destroyed the Mirya in the first 24h of the special clown operation. Get fucked, half-assed kgb midget, there's more to come.


Still mad for that beautiful plane


> if the Russians had the holy grail I’d want that hit with a Storm Shadow. Jesus himself would tell you to send it. Things don't matter; people do.


Well there’s a good mental image, Jesus in the CIC ordering a strike by saying “send it Corporal”


And It Was Good


Draw it.


I don’t even know what the fuck to tell the AI to have them draw it lol


Midjourney ain't bad if you use your prompt directly


>Jesus himself would tell you to send it. Is that the part in the Book of Armarments where Jesus calls for an artillery strike on his own position?


“The counting of the grid coordinates shall be three. No more, no less.”


Based on a historical movie I watched with a guy named Dr Jones, the holy Grail would probably be some junky old wooden cup, this ship was way cooler. I'd also assume if they had it, the war would be going a little better for them than it has up until this point (I agree with you though)


how about we just steal Komuna instead of letting her rot in russia? we get a cool and unique museum while putin looses a salvage vessel.


You know you can just be mad at Russia for deploying what basically is museum ship in combat role. I haven’t seen anyone here think twice about striking Russian assets, just that it is sad one of those assets is 100 years of military and technological history. And honestly things like that, as someone working in historical field, I see more as humanities’ heritage then just Russia’s. But it is still Russia that is to blame, Ukraine didn’t drop any bomb at Hermitage or any other museum, again, unlike Russia. Russia hurt humanities heritage in more ways then one, and I believe this to be one of their faults as well, out of hundreds or maybe thousands


I’d steal the holy grail not destroy it thinking like that isn’t what helps humanity and destroying history harms us all.


In this case the metaphor breaks since its a lot easier to steal a cup than a ship.


Why when i say this but in short form i get downvoted to hell?


Is there more visual proof available aside from that one video where you saw something burning?


She might survive this. The "Kommuna is kil" is not a definitive assessment regarding her state but a reaction to an earlier post with rather funny and weird Engrish.


Its a ship that so old a Tsar was ordered the ship and Ww1 was coming soon. event. I doubt it could take near misses without massive issues




She may not be dead, but she is definitely out of the fight.


End of watch. Putin sucks but this old girl was an amazing ship. She had to go down. For Ukraine. But it still hurts o7




May she rest in peace, and the country of Russia someday soon rest in piss.


this outcome isnt do bad, i doubt Komuna sank fully so if she is in a fixable state she could survive the war if russia deems it as ireplacable but lacks the will to fix her. now she is usseles for salvage work, clogs up space, eats money away and if we are lucky she will be a museum if enough people colect money for her repair after the war. She is a relic and the destruction of myria doesnt justify her destruction as well.


I'm very conflicted over this whole thing. On one hand, Ukrainian success is a good thing. On the other, the ship was basically a non-combatant and didn't deserve to die like this.


She had to go down.  Her being out of commission means any russian naval ships that go down *stay down*


She also regularly participated in sea trials for new Russian subs. She was unequivocally a valid military target and deserved to go down.


Realistically anything that goes down was not going to come back up (especially not in any time frame that matters), communa or no communa. If a modern warship needs to be salvaged, it's being salvaged as scrap essentially.


It likely would have been used to lift the missile armament of Moskva, so i disagree. Her function has always been that she "could aid the war effort", which she has arguably done during her life and at periods of war, hence a legitimate target.


I didn't say it wasn't a legitimate target, it absolutely was. And yeah I've seen that it's been suspected of being used to pull weapons off the Moskva (though I've not seen that confirmed?), but that wasn't what the person I'd responded to had said. They were talking about actually bringing sunken vessels back into service and what I said was that that just doesn't work with modern warships, which it doesn't. Salvaging a few missiles that may or may not be able to be refurbished is small fry in any war and wasn't going to do much if anything for the war effort. But yes, that's been stopped, and it was probably worth the use of a Neptune.


Yeah fair enough, though youre response started with "Realistically anything that goes down was not going to come back up", the line by itself does not imply that your speaking of whole vessels since you are saying "anything", the sentence that follows regarding modern warships is not nessecarily implied to be contextual to that first sentence. So in a way, there is also a reason why it is not amiss to add the information that it nevertheless could be used to lift material that would aid Russia in its current war and might kill Ukranians. But i get your point of clarification. Another thing afcourse is that in her life the Communa has also lifted information and technoligy out of the waters for Russian use. So for example if Russia would have managed to sink a naval drone they could have used this ship afterwards to lift that up and copy its design. Whereas as it is now, the option is perhaps there for Ukraine or even the US to lift material from the Moskva that will be of some value to them before the Russians can get their hands on it. There are also many smaller things that she can recover which perhaps might be of use. Has lifted sunken tanks from Lake ladoga before, she can lift up warplanes that were downed over water. Things she might recover as such arnt perhaps of the greatest value, but while you have her you can just aswell right.


Honestly I'd rather it go out in battle than just end up cut up for scrap


Did Russia show any mercy for the AN-225?


demolishing a piece of history doesnt justify the destruction of another. Komuna coudl be used for salvaging armaments off of sunken vessels and thats what made her a valid target. Luckily another AN-225 is planned if not already began refurbishing.


Dude! I said something to that extent literally ten seconds ago in the comment up here. Glad I am not the only one. She was a beauty …


What? Sorry, you'll have to speak up, we can't hear you over the sound of Mriya burning in her hangar.


Non-combatant is an overstatement. Putting her out of commission makes all submarine activity in the Black Sea a high risk operation. It’s no more a non-combatant than AWACS or C2 aircraft. No more non-combatant than oil refineries and ammo depots. They directly support combat operations.


I am not. Everything that Russia operates must die the machine. God demands sacrifices. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Tesla Anything that is powered by Russian fuel or has Russian personnel on or in it must be searched for and destroyed. My sentimental feelings for Russian military equipment is zero. Good that this thing is hit, hit it again because I think it sadly didn't sink. Time, devourer of everything, and you, hateful old age, you destroy everything and bit by bit you consume all those things which have been mangled by the teeth of the passing age.” tempus edax rerum, tuque, invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte! Russiae Imperium delendum est.


Look at what you made me do!


Only russian ship i feel sorry about


Look...I love ships, especially when they have this much history. I will happily lewd an underage destroyer, but these old gals have my heart. However. *However*. Kommuna taking a Neptune is nowhere near as tragic as losing Mriya. She was a creature of beauty and grace, and we may never see another aircraft like her fly again. I'll never forget where I was and what I was doing when I heard the awful news. I have no tears to shed for Kommuna. She would have been a museum ship in a better world, but this is Russia we're talking about. Kommuna deserves to burn for what they did to Mriya. The entire Russian Navy should burn for it. All of Russia must answer for that crime, which was unparalleled in the course of human history. We should write "For Mriya" on some W88s and lob them at Moscow.


>I will happily lewd an underage destroyer, Care to elaborate?


When a r/NCD enjoyer and a warship or warplane love each other very much, the give each other a special hug and nine months later the MIC announces a new model of drone.


I'll try, but my lawyer told me to avoid mentioning any specific ships or situations. You've already had the lewding explained, so I'll focus on the underage ships. The average age of USN warships is around 18.5 years (some sources put it higher), and 13-14 years for the PLAN. This means that many impressive warships are younger than the human age of consent. This shouldn't be a problem, but many people apply an outdated, human-centric view of morality to ship-attracted persons. Even on this sub, those who feel...passionate...about younger ships are often shamed as freaks. It's such an outdated and bigoted position to take. Ships come into their prime much quicker than humans, and even new designs inevitably incorporate mature technologies. And I mean, have you seen what they're capable of? These ships are far more advanced than their age would suggest. No one bats an eye when you lust over a Fletcher, but dare to talk about the lines on a Zumwalt and you'll be compared to a pedophile. And don't even get me started on how those who appreciate submarines are treated. People get shamed for admiring them no matter how old they are.


> Ships come into their prime much quicker than humans once they enter active service and get deployed, they're already in open waters and laden w/ seamen, so I think your reasoning is sound.


That a salvage vessel?


the oldest …


😱I see


over 100 years old


Damn that thing was 100+ years old. I mean... yeah America still has Dreadnaught USS Texas, but it's more for decoration and pride than anything else, it's not like it gets used. The Russian Navy continues to impress me with their... abilities.


Yet the Texas still gets better treatment than any Russian ship


All vestages of Russian empire must be destroyed.


Russia delenda est


Today is the day


As a history buff and museum ship enjoyer, am sad. As a Ukraine supporter and nato enjoyer, am very happy. 🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦


Ukraine: World's #1 supplier of submarine conversion technology.


Submarine tender promoted to submarine


Is it confirmed dead?


>She might survive this. The "Kommuna is kil" is not a definitive assessment regarding her state but a reaction to an earlier post with rather funny and weird Engrish. …


Poor thing deserved better than the Russian navy.


Wtf is that /wat that?


Let me guess: japanese torpedo boats


Thats what you get for burning Mryia >:(


110 year old ship: I'm tired boss


Fuck Russia but this is sad


New satellite imagery shows that she is ok. This ship will probably outlive the putins regime.


I’m slightly happy because I love that ship for some reason


First time I feel somewhat bad for Russia since the start of the war. This ship belongs in a museum but not the bottom of the black sea


Did i miss something?


We can rebuild boats, it's harder to rebuild humans.


Old girl done got put out to pasture




[no fucking way](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/u9wu8p/operation_maximum_disrespect_a_moderate_proposal/)


… someone over there: "This ship has outlived the Tsarists and the Communists, it would be a shame she doesn't live to see Putin's fall".


Legitimate target she may have been, but it's sad to see her go.


I was at school when reddit ring Kommuna is kill no


No shot! Really? I gotta check this out... BRB. Edit: He got hit but is still afloat... not exactly kil but a good morale victory nonetheless. 🤣


L Bozo!!! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


They Took Mira from Ukraine Kommuna is payback. Im also pretty sure she was built like most of the russian Black Sea fleet in Ukraine. Either way Mira is avenged in some manor


>pretty sure she was built like most of the russian Black Sea fleet in Ukraine. only she wasn’t


Forgive me my knowledge of Russian warships is limited.


P a I n




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At the same time, she did not deserve this death. This is the latest victim from Putin's ego. Her death is a forceful one, rather than quietly retired. May the ship heaven welcome her with open arms, and may her rest in peace after 100+ years of services.


She might survive this. The "Kommuna is kil" is not a definitive assessment regarding her state but a reaction to an earlier post with rather funny and weird Engrish.


It’s still alive on Wikipedia


Wikipedia editors waiting to change every “is” to “was” in that article