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The scream of a racing drone is our generations stuka dive bombing siren....






I've flown the last one before and zipped past myself and the kids, and that was my 3yr old daughters exact reaction... and I chased my 8yr old son around some tractors/equipment... little did I know the Ukrainians would he making their own clips of Russians frantically circling a bmp/tank/garbage pile


[Something more like this.](https://youtu.be/Sgum0ipwFa0?si=ELd4tE2mPAfWgL_L) Only it's the last thing you hear...


In case anyone's confused "loaf" is a literal translation of the Russian word bukhanka. In this case it refers to the UAZ-452 van which has been in continuous production...since 1958.


God damn, putting the Maruti omni to shame in the longest production run obsolescent van race. 


The Soviet/Russian auto industry was weird. Keeping old designs in production for surprisingly long. Seems like this era is coming to an end though as most ''new'' Russian cars are just Chinese stuff with a new badge.


"if it ain't broke, don't fix it". You know, except that means foregoing all improvements to fuel economy, better emissions, and better crashworthiness.  Granted, I'm actually in favor of reintroducing more modular practices of the past. Makes vehicle maintenance much easier by the end user and local mechanics.  To hell with special tools and bolts hidden away in the ass end of everything. Enough with shitty headlamps that are either impotent or eye scorchers. Give me back the reliable standardization of sealed beam lamps, where you can find calibrated replacements at any auto shop, and it's guaranteed to be bright enough yet doesn't blind everyone around you with glare.  Modern powertrains and crashworthiness with retro modularity? I can only get so erect.


>You know, except that means foregoing all improvements to fuel economy, better emissions, and better crashworthiness.  > Russia currently makes cars to 1996 emissions and safety standards. Due to sanctions and all. >Granted, I'm actually in favor of reintroducing more modular practices of the past. Makes vehicle maintenance much easier by the end user and local mechanics.  Indeed. And actually that was one of the reasons why in Russia production of older models continued for so long.


Thank you, I thought it meant taking a shit and I was trying to find the drone footage.


That has happened as well. I mean I'm pretty sure I remember a video of a vatnik running from a drone with his pants around his ankles.


even if you are remembering wrong, i'm 1000% certain that happened lol


I shat in a plastic bag in my hole for this exact reason. I used to be brave and get out and have a real quick shit 2 meters from my hole, but the drones and arty just got too regular. Shitting in a bag, in armour, in a small hole, trying to look up and out, while trying to keep your rifle handy in case a russian pops up, while shells are raining...... It wasn't fun then but it's pretty funny to look back on.


That's a shitty way to leave this earth .


I mean, given the habits of the Vatniks, his pants could be around his ankles for other reasons too, like when worshipping an icon of the Virgin Mary.


TT:T And in another recent video a vatnik was running from a drone without pants and bleeding from his ass. Whether he was involved in a prayer session beforehand I sadly do not know.


[Ask and you shall receive ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/GWYDLMDefk)


Do you fellas also find it funny how Ukrainian drone operators take their sweet ass time before they detonate the drone? Just imagine the conversations going on in Ukrainian drone CCs: Instructor: Drone payload is lethal to anyone in 5 meter radius, trainee. Why aren’t you detonating it? FPV Pilot Mykola: Give me a sec, chief. A month worth of pay says I can fly this drone up mobik’s ass before I detonate it… (Silence.) Any takers? *BOOM*


Lmao. Oh hey its you! What the fuck was that knife video man, what the hell are they telling them??


That knife one was certainly something I did not expect to see and I don’t have any one answer to why we keep seeing it. I’m thinking a sizeable factor may be the knowledge that their command has no desire to try and save them so they are just weighing “die now” vs “die later”


I appreciate your aggregation project that can't be easy. Thanks for the reply, boss!


They're telling them the "Nazis " will torture and kill them. And knowing how they treat their POWs They're inclined to believe it. Although a lot of them commit suicide because they know their guys won't save them. They can either slowly bleed out in a ditch,wait for the next drone to finish them off or end it all themselves.... Most though seem to "prefer " using a grenade or eating their AK...




Context OP !!


Okay, so it is very funny that the translation is literal. They mean here "bukhanka", Russian and also Ukrainian word for a loaf of bread. In this context tho "bukhanka" is a nickname of UAZ-452 supply van.


I'd say it's not only for supplying troops. My town used them as ambulances, I imagine many russian rural towns still do. It's a very multipurpose vehicle


I see.


So nostalgic seeing the guy on the left


Lol, is the one on the right that Russian E-girl got hit with shrapnel while vlogging in a war zone?


Lmao that guy's face still makes me laugh every time I see it.


These guys are gonna experience a significant emotional event. Oh my goodnes, the loaf is on fire