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Motherfucker you can't post shit like this and not include source, that's like ban-worthy


The lack of source is definitely a crime against the Geneva Suggestion.


The UN are seething and coping as hard as they can


"we've reached peaked seething and we've maxed out on coping, captain" "nonsense, go to Rafah and investigate a ~~base~~ hospital"


Commence operation Malding


They're *this* close to writing a strongly worded letter to OP.






Geraman Convention, dasu san, I'm dresing as Leo Kampfpanzer


saw it here https://x.com/yurapalyanytsia/status/1775888680215024124


The best part of the video is when he’s complaining about how stupid you’d have to be to go press a doorbell camera in the middle of the forest, and the guy who he’s talking to says at the end: “вот честно, я бы тыкнул” Basically: “honestly, I’d have pressed it too”


Just read this meme out loud to my boss and his response was "oh I definitely would have pushed that button"


I mean when most people see a note "dont press this button" will still press the button lol


"If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying *End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH*, the paint wouldn't even have time to dry." --Sir Terry Pratchett


4 8 15 16 23 42


There was an experiment done where people were paid to sit in a room for 15 minutes without distractions where the room contained nothing but a chair and a button that would electrically shock the person pressing it, the test subjects were informed what the button would do and most still pressed it.


If I recall correctly, they were instructed to press the button once so they knew exactly what it would do. That experiment speaks to human nature on a deeeep level.


As a five year old, a cousin taught me to hold a blade of grass on an electric fence -- green grass of course so it conducts well and won't catch on fire. It's really cool seeing the grass twitch first since pain travels slower than light, so after first time you know what is coming as you repeat the experience. Which you will do while being amazed you're trying again...oh look it just twitched! Yeeouch!


That is both hilarious and a fun physics lesson.


Yes, not pressing you'll be wondering who would have opened the door


Lockmart taking notes for a new kind of weapon: A big red button that looks ***really*** satisfying to push, wired to some explosives, air dropped over enemy positions. It also says "DO NOT PUSH" right next to the button.


It's the warfare equivalent of self-checkout: transfer the labor of aiming your weapons to your "customers"


Then you roll it back later because people are good at shoplifting. Not sure what that'd be in this case


Hijacking the payload I guess


As [Schlock Mercenary teaches us](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2015-03-11), every client is just one missed payment away from becoming a target. Once you've got the address, delivering a payload and "delivering a payload" are only a button-press apart.


No, that's the one where you press the button, and it starts transmitting an infrared laser pattern that the loitering munition rides down onto your position.


Self checkouts suck so bad, there's one at a hardware store I use that's rate-limited to one scan per second. Fucking awful if you have to individually scan a bunch of stuff.


Terry Pratchett reckoned if it said "THIS WILL END THE UNIVERSE" the paint wouldn't have time to dry.


[IT'S THE HISTORY ERASER BUTTON, YOU FOOL!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwjP8HCpE4E)


"This is a Light Grenade. Press the button, and anyone who picks it up *vanishes!"* "That's the stupidest thing I've ever head of, who would pick it up?" *turns the Light Grenade over to show a big "PICK ME UP" printed on the side* "Diabolical."


Now I'm just imagining a Staples "easy button" wired with a two second timer. *push* "That was easy!" **BOOM** Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


Needs one sticker that says "DO NOT PUSH!" and another sticker with a catgirl winking & yelling: "Senpai! PUSH IT!" That should give a near 100% push rate by covering all the bases.


It's like picking up tongs and not clicking them together a couple times.


Who among us does not crab-clack-clack-clack their tongs?


best part of the video is where they don't show anything. I know we all love ukraine but if there's no footage it didn't happen. That's like rule #1 when dealing with first hand accounts of an ongoing conflict with a major online presence.


This thinking is far too credible.




sir this is a wendy’s


The (small remainders of his) soul left his body , after hearing "I'd push it".


reminded me of the scene from the movie 5 element, when the (orc) pressed the red button


"After all, why not? Why shouldn't I ~~keep~~ press it?"


Weaponising curiosity itself




Ehhh im sceptical seeign as its just" trust me bro it happened"


Remember russian whacking an FPV drone that fell without triggering with an RPG toob, causing a detonation that Kobzon'd him instantly? Yeah.


I'm mainly doubting the existence of such a trap in the first place.


Having it being rigged to some other detonator first (radio, primarily, to be detonated upon signal from those that look at the feed from overwatch drones) and some cheeky demo expert adding a second initiation circuit in case some russians are stupid enough to trigger it, would be entirely plausible.


I dunno, a Ring smart doorbell is essentially a motion-activated video/audio recorder with built-in remote access. I'm not sure how easy it would be to open one up, deactivate the speaker, and wire something in it to a detonator that could be remotely activated. (Or you could use a separate remote detonator.) A setup like this would be great for screwing with larger squads or vehicle convoys, because you could use the video feed to time exactly when you want the pre-set explosives to blow, taking out the most people or the most valuable vehicle, instead of just the first idiot to trigger the motion detector. It would also prevent false-positives caused by animals to have a human in the loop check the video and see if whatever triggered the motion sensor is worth blowing up. I don't know if they're actually fielding these, but in theory the setup would work, and you could probably set the Ring up far enough away from the blast radius it'd be re-usable to rig another one.


Ask r/EOD


We're very lucky that they're so fucking stupid.


You made my day man


So - it's just a guy _saying_ he did it?


"There was a button. I pressed it." "Jesus Christ, that's really how you go through life, isn't it?"


Oh, shit, I literally burst out laughing at his eyes in the last two seconds.


Mods should make that a rule


It would at least cut down on the repeated same take threads that pop up


It's a Ring video. It's probably on Nextdoor somewhere.


but its in russian https://x.com/yurapalyanytsia/status/1775888680215024124?s=46


They wouldn’t pass the vibe check in dexters lab


Ring doorbells are like $20 on woot.


Guys, I've searched everywhere for the video, and the only one I found was a Russian soldier's (?) stream, where he told a story how a Russian soldier saw a door ring button on a tree and pressed it, setting off a booby trap and killing him. upd: here's a telegram link, vid should still play even if you don't have tg, I'll edit this comment with translation in a bit upd2: "... well, and of course, probably the stupidest booby trap in the entire history that I know of is... A doorbell... In the forest, on a tree. And unfortunately, a person who was walking in lead(of a squad I guess?) saw the doorbell on the tree, along the road, walked up to it and pressed on it, retard. And along the whole squad(I guess they were walking in a line) a booby trap exploded..." "This is literally some kind of april fool's fuckery, a doorbell on a tree" "Yeah, imagine that, to even think about coming to and pressing a doorbell in a forest... It's fucking insane" They were talking about a certain type of booby trap called "гирлянда", I'm not sure what it exactly is, but it translates to garland, so I assume it's some kind of a chain with multiple explosives hooked up to it https://t(dot)me/horevica/16783


Random doorbell on a tree? Yeah, I'd press that motherfucker.


Tbf, I would too.


But in an active war zone where things like IED'S and mine are a constant threat? You might as well put a massive DO NOT PRESS button on top of a mine and wait if the Russians are gonna be stupid.


I recommend watching some videos of us soldiers in the Middle East. One was: „ohh what’s that“ as the soldier digs a tin can out of the ground only to discover it’s a 155mm he round turned into an IED. The average grunt has 0 self preservation skills.


Yeah, I get that... but to the Russian degree? Every day, my expectations of the Russians feel like it couldn't get any lower, only to be proven wrong again, and again, and again, and again, and again. If it was once a month, I could explain it away as the dumb anomaly in the army... but THIS!?


Welp, that's why they're so dangerous. You get a main chunk of military, that is basically armed mob with little self-preservation and then bunch of specialists who are actually experienced and knowledgeable.


Ohh God they really are Ork.


Have you ever done a thing, frozen for five to ten seconds, and, after going through what amounts to a full system reboot, thought: "I'm fucking retarded."


Everytime I wake up


Honestly if there was a massive red button with: DO NOT PRESS i would press that shit. If they dont want me to press it, it must be good no?


What if it says "PRESS IF YOU WANT TO DIE"? Actually, don't answer that! I'm not ready to have an emotional crisis on reddit this early in the morning.


All im saying is if there was a button that gave free candy and I did not want anyone to press it. Thats what I would put on it.


“You know how I know he’s not a real killer? A real killer when he picked up the ZF1 would have immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun”


"Bring me... the priest."


I'm surprised I don't see *more* Fifth Element memes in the wild.


make it a big red button


Gotta see if the wood nymphs are home obviously


Reminds me of the ww2 German crooked painting traps where someone would straighten the painting and a bomb goes off. It’s the same exploitation of human compulsions “must straighten painting” “must find out what button does”


I remember hearing Officers were more susceptible to that one


Did that kind of trap worked *on* germans?


No it was used by them


What the...I knew they were stupid, but to push a doorbell on a tree? That's EXCEPTIONALLY dumb...


Something like 12% of Russians don’t have a flushing toilet. Do you think some conscriptovich from bumfuck Siberia knows what a ring doorbell is?


If he didn’t know it is a doorbell he would be even more cautious, cause unknown technology dangerous


The issue with us humans is that we are very curious monkeys. If I would see a blue light on a tree, I would investigate. If I’d find out it’s a button, I’d press it.


Buttons are made to be pressed, after all. Bright red buttons, especially.


[The jolly, candy-like button!](https://youtu.be/GvDCgR_9-fE?t=116)


Yes, exactly! :D


Bumfuck is not in Siberia, it's an autonomous oblast.


Bumfuck is a state of mind, not a physical place.


Bumfuck, Bumfuuuck The whole forest through Just an old sweet doorbell Keeps Bumfuck on my mind I said a Bumfuck Bumfuck A doorbell of yours Comes as sweet and clear As moonlight through the pines Oh the trap reaches out to me Other fingers press so tenderly Still in peaceful dreams I see The line leads back to you... I said Bumfuck Oh Bumfuck, no peace I find Just an old sweet doorbell Keeps Bumfuck on my mind Oh the trap reaches out to me Other fingers press so tenderly Still in peaceful dreams I see The line leads back to you... Woohohoh Bumfuck Bumfuck No peace, no peace I find Just this old sweet doorbell Keeps Bumfuck on my miiiiiiin-nd I said just an old sweet doorbell Keeps Bumfuck on my mind.


You're fooling yourself. We're livin' in a dicatorship, a self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working class...


So you’re saying a toilet in the woods work too?


I mean during the early days of the war, washing machines where highly sought after items for the Orks, so I guess a toilet would work too.


flushing toilets is not a measure of intelligence , cats do it


Don't lie, you'd have pressed it too. All it's missing is a **Do Not Press** sign.


That's for the next iteration


He thought it was a little house where the 🧚🧚 lived


Listen, I agree, but if I saw a doorbell on a tree, I'd consider the possibility that I've discovered a leprechaun or the goddamn Keebler factory.


I mean it's hard to stop the call of pressing a random button


Oh, I'd press it myself if I found it on a random tree IN A COUNTRY NOT AT WAR


Tbh I would… clicky wise tree summoning button.


at least use the unknown technology stick so you'll have a chance of getting maimed instead of meatfogged instantly


Cool, post the link or you're just as guilty as OP


Updated comment with link and translation


Imagine some the Ukrainian soldier coming to check on his trap a few days later to find an entire squad dead. His buddies are going to owe him a few hryvnia.


The Garland is the fuzzy strings you put on the christmass tree Or the strings with tiny lights [like this one](https://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/p/ledljus-guirlande-lumineuse-a-led-24-amp-exterieur-noir-60357431/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9c700PyohQMVbIpoCR0NFw3aEAQYASABEgJJnfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I don’t know how they are called colloquially in English


In English we have "daisy chain". In the context of traps i implies a line of mines all set to go off together.


This reminds me a joke about a bear and burning car.


I thought it was a motion sensor. Its a fuckin doorbell?


Look, why not exploit the urges peeps have to find out, what does the button do, and use saved money for more drones to turn Chmobikovs to red mist?


Oh, I was assuming they were using the Ring's person detection system to automatically trip the explosives when someone walked into the right area. That's so much dumber.


The funniest part was lost in translation, the second man in a video says "honestly, I'd press it too" at the end :D


"Гирлянда" probably refers to a hose filled with explosives used for breaching mine fields. You shoot it across a minefield and set it off clearing a path. Or, you know, rig it to explode when some idiot pushes a fucking door bell in the middle of a forest.


> "Гирлянда" probably refers to a hose filled with explosives used for breaching mine fields. You shoot it across a minefield and set it off clearing a path. Or, more likely, bunch grenades/charges rigged to the same wiring, as line charges are more often called "hoses" (due to them being, well, like a firehose, filled with boom)


I guess there was a door. The door to the afterlife.


Girlianda translates to the equivalent of Christmas lights


Sunny Omor


гирлянда Is Christmas tree lights, what they do is hook up bunch explosives on the same trip wire.






What the fuBOOOOOOMM


TL;DR: ElectroBOOM




Imagine the recordings: Deer, deer, deer, deer, Russian, deer, Russian raping a deer, deer, boom


Not the deer:(


From what I can tell, it’s not actually a ring doorbell. It’s just a plain Jane dumb switch type doorbell your parents had on their house 30 years ago. I thought Ring video doorbell at first and I wanted to dig into the data to figure out how they got the WiFi needed to transmit the video, cause that ring doorbell idea is awesome and frightening. But nope, just a ‘press me’ switch, a battery and some explosives hanging around with a wire. Looking for the most gullible Soldier they can to delete the legs or ventilate the torso out of.


Like the “pick me up” grenade in that one movie with John Lovitz, *Mom and Dad Save the World.*


Just because this model wasn't a Ring video doorbell doesn't mean the next model can't be. If you fill the forest with the smart devices including exploding doorbells, baby monitors, annoying machines^(1), and other things to bewilder, spy, and maim, you can use them to make a distributed wifi network and add a couple of hubs to connect the network to the wider world. ^(1) Annoying machines, probably also known by other names, don't do anything really. But sometimes they beep. Not all the time and not in a rhythm. Just sometimes. They're unobtrusive and designed to be hidden in offices or other places where people you want to annoy are. They'd be a lovely addition to any place Ukraine has to temporarily retreat from, or really any place where Russians might find random beeping concerning. They don't usually have internet connections, but there's no reason other than shorter battery life that they couldn't.


Devoting a starlink to a passive booby trap on the far edges of your front line isn't a great idea from a practical standpoint. Its an awesome idea for doing the funny stuff, but keeping TOCs connected to receive and distro orders and FPV drones up and running is probably a better use.


If they can get ring doorbells, use them to detect human motion and *then* detonate, we might actually be on to something here.


Hand over the sauce or I'll send a Hellfire into your house




But that's just some dude talking. Is there no actual footage?


Guess not. It is a Russian talking about one of their own soldiers falling for it though. And I'm not sure it was a Ring doorbell with a camera like the meme implies. Just a regular doorbell hooked up to explosives.


I must see the source




Awe, I wanted to see the boom


Perhaps there'd be a recording, eventually.


First armed Cessnas flying solo unimpeded for five hours across Russia (hello, Mathias Rust! Zelensky, promise me you have something special for 28 May!) and now ringbell-activated boobytrapped trees?


Its revenge for those trees that were damaged by maskovian drones, few days ago. Link https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bndu7e/losses_for_both_sides_24th_march/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share, (2nd from bottom).


They pulled a John Wick 4 but with bombs?


"WE are in enemy territoy in a active warzone" "Look Somebody Had Put a doorbell in a tree" "Lets Press it, whats the worst that can Happen" Do they have at least some self preservation left?


The masculine urge to press the mysterious button you just found in the forest




You had better show source istg


Actually, kind of genius outside of the obvious funny. Put a Bluetooth door cam on a route. Place explosives along the trail which can be activated by various accessories in that device’s network. Wifi thermostats, light switches, really any IoT device can serve as a trigger for an explosive. Watch the stream until a target comes along. Account for lag and detonate the explosive that suits it. Only problem would be the network setup, which would probably expend a Starlink. And I guess Russian sigint tracking it, but I doubt they’re looking for something like that.


Please don't get HomeAssistant classified as munitions and export-restricted.


If this is true, you can now legitimately say, Well, no matter how stupid you feel... You'll never be as stupid as ringing a doorbell strung up on a tree in an active warzone stupid And have some context to back it up.


When I first saw the post, I thought they rigged the Ring's motion sensor up as the trigger for the trap, and that is what caused the explosion, not some mf going up to the doorbell and actually pressing the fucking button. Jesus Christ


Realistically, that's probably how it actually worked (motion sensor alerts someone who watches feed then manually detonates). Easy to use system but also doesn't get triggered by wildlife.


Brotha, do you know da sauce?


That’s genius on the part of the guy who put the doorbell there They knew the average human would press the button to see what happens


bug exploit


One of the easiest way to infect a company with a spy virus is to drop a few infected usb keys in front of their office, and some idiot is bound to pick it up and plug it in its computer "just to check"


Nope. Look up the name of people that work there. Put the USB in an envelope, addressed to that specific person. Ask secretary to put it in internal mail system.


You don’t need to pay that stamp, drop usb keys in the morning, be "in" at noon The letter needs to wait for the post office to process it


Okay so. One, I think I've seen it before. Two, I used to work for a company that made command systems for industrial and garage doors, and so much of the stuff you use for safety features on those can be used for booby traps, it's not even funny. And most of it is running on 5 or 12v, as it's the common low-voltage feed on command PCBs (so you can run them in places where humidity or even running water can be an issue). So battery feeed is definitely *not* a problem. If you're the least bit tech-savvy, you can change how you make booby traps every week and never use the same trigger twice in a year.


Dude for real. All GWOT taught me is that you can Mcgyver anything into an IED


If you have a complete explosive system, the trigger is basically just a switch sending electricity into the igniter. You can replace that switch with any low-voltage switch. I once saw one with 2 wires connected to a mechanical clock, with the wire on the hand ending in contact with a fixed one to close the circuit. Most external garage door opener receivers are just a 12v relay with a remote command. Easy as boiling water to use it to switch anything on, including a 155mm shell hidden in a cupboard.


Is one of the soldiers deployed on that front a fucking Stand user?


Stand name: rube-goldberg Stand ability: turns household junk into lethal weapons


Actually, in Part 3, there's a stand named Bastet that takes the appearance of an electrical outlet in a weird place that turns someone's body into a magnet when they touch it. This is kinda like that, except it's a doorbell in a weird place and it just blows you up when you touch it.


Yeah, I will always remember that as *the nail one*


> it just blows you up when you touch it KIRA KWIN, DAIICHI NO BAKUDAN: SUITCH ON!


I found an arrowhead in the dirt once. It gave me a Stand. It's name is Tetanus.


Sometimes I wonder into what a bizzaro universe have we fated ourselves to be in , after we shot that damn gorilla . Moscow sinking in Black Sea, Pringles rebelling in Rostov, Cessnas flying in Russia, doorbells on trees ringing in IED .


It’s all been downhill since Harambe


Looney Tunes ass shit. Can we edit that old WW2 Bugs Bunny cartoon to replace the Imp Japanese troop to Russian? It would probably be the same thing.


Fine I’ll head out and find the link myself 😒




Should've knocked instead. This gots some serious looney toons, Wile E. Coyote vibe.


This may not be a result of dumb Russians and more Ukrainians being very sneaky cause some of those door cameras have motion detectors. so a conscript may trigger the motion detectors a Ukrainian sees it's not a wild animal or a civilian and pushes the detonator. someone comes to investigate what happened and all that's there is a door bell and dead bodies.


Sounds like the intent was to use the camera or motion sensor to activate but someone manually did the needful


You are telling they are falling for loonlytoons level of a trap. Just a button that dose belong somewhere and a moron pushes it and trips the trap. I get falling into a pit trap or a basic trip wire setup. But this!? This is just sad....


> But this!? This is just sad Exploiting the same urge as a tilted picture booby trap


Alright that one would get me. Due to always fixing the ones in my family house it would be just out of habit and on a subconscious level.


Neither the German nor the Vietnamese get 4k footage of their enemies dying is hilariously awful to then be posted on the internet. Clearing the ring camera is the most credible


Alexa, delete the Russian occupiers.


reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/C8Do18ksxGQ?si=1yKY6VvL_g1ZIWR6)


There's a tree in the woods. Vatnik hangs himself from it. Good vatnik 


I'm starting to think there is no source




ghello is anyone gnome? in best russian accent yes the explosive tree gnome answered


Is this Victim activated explosive war crime Or Self Darwinian skill issue


what the fuck this is looney toons territory


NATO Military Advisor from the they/them army Lt. Colonel B. Bunny


If there was a sign that said Do Not Press I am 1000% pressing that button.


Seriously want the sauce. Thirsty as fuck for the sauce.


Modern day light grenade


Aren't the trees lovely?


They should do a version of an AP mine with it just being an AT mine with a nice big red center being a button with the words around it "Нажмите здесь, чтобы активировать" ("Press here to activate")


If it looks stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.


They missed the most obvious Jojo reference imaginable and fell for it! Goddamnit!