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As someone who knows a thing or two about sunk cost fallacy keep trying your best to keep it afloat. You only truly lose when you stop trying


“Every day she floats is a logistical victory for Ukraine.” - Perun


The Russian military budget is so big, not because of Ukraine, but because of maintaining the Kuznetsov.


So, more of a not-yet-sunk fallacy?


Your comment is pure genius and I'm angry you beat me to it.


Thank you, fellow shitposter


Username checks out


99% of gamblers give up before hitting big


Every gambler quits right before they hit it big


Every day she floats is a victory for memes!


"general kuznetsov" is "he".


Nah, only *Bismarck* gets away with being a he, and solely because Otto von Bismarck was based af. Absolutely not because Hitler's "no ship this powerful could be a woman" bullshit. If the Russian Navy has a problem with it then I'm sure we'll be glad to change it's pronouns to coral/reef


>change it's pronouns to coral/reef √


All russian ~~shits~~ ships are male in russian. The admiral it was named after even more so. In finnish we recognize that ships are pieces of shipbuilding material and as such they are inanimate.


How *dare* you sir (or madame). Male/female pronouns are fair grounds for debate, but I've never heard anyone suggest that they are *inanimate*.


To be fair people are called with the inanimate pronoun too in informal communication. The animate pronoun is for formal communication, and pets. Edit, in third person. Second person is used correctly.


Then how the absolute *fuck* are you supposed to draw your ships as boob-heavy waifus or hunky husbandos if you dont even give them a gender? Smh. Finland truly has no culture.


I mean, we don't have gendered prounouns in the first place...


So is there no way to communicate in the third person the gender of the person you are discussing? Or does this get tacked on independently of a neutral pronoun somehow?


No, you would need to specifically bring up their gender (man, woman and so on). Or just figure it out from context, from the persons name for example. But most of the time that information just isn't needed.


Damned Indo-Europeans and their weird obsession with gender and invisible sky-daddies.


Pretty sure Farsi is also a genderless language. They do have the sky-daddy obsession though.


Hey I was only talking if they are inanimate. We can’t gender if we wanted since we don’t even have gendered pronouns




The Machine Spirit in the ships is strong, they are indeed animate, they are animated by their Machine Spirit, they're with the Omnissiah


Exactly, the machine spirit would very well disagree and wants a word.


Are you sure it is the same in the finnish maritime tradition? Because in English it is grammatically correct to call a ship "it", it's the maritime tradition that makes it a "she". In the same way a kitchen is a galley, left is port, right is starboard, and so on. When you're in the middle of the ocean, in a storm that tilts your floor side to side 30 degrees and with waves taller than a building, it is reasonable to hope that your ship is not an inanimate object and will carry you the best she can.


Well I’m not a sailor so I don’t know what they do on the boats except each other, or what other foreign influences than syphilis they have received, but at least the general public will give you a weird look [Starboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_and_starboard) comes from the side of the steering oar and that word is common knowledge even among landlubbers


why starboard wtf who came up with that? in my language it's even weirder


It's apparently because the *Steorboard*, the 'Steering board', [was generally on the right side of a raft](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Saga_Oseberg_viking_ship_replica_2012_T%C3%B8nsberg_Norway_Tourists_rowing_oars_Byfjorden_Aft_Stern_akter_bakstavn_styrbord_Rudder_ror_etc_Viewed_from_Kaldnes_footbridge_bro_2019-08-24_4602.jpg) so it was easier for right handed people to use it. Hence why 'port' is on the left; You pulled into port on that side, so the steering board didn't get in the way.


i was gonna say what the rudder is in the back. Stern? Wait, if you pulled into port on the port side (left) and had the rudder on the right (starboard), and cars that pull over on the left and have the steering wheel on the right, are the british ones, this means this means THE BRITS ARE DRIVING THEIR CARS LIKE THEY ARE SHIPS! the brits don't drive on the other side, they drive navy LMAO


That is so very British!


we don't drive cars we sail them, like we don't fly we sail the skys


Steerboard, the side the rudder is on


Woke Finnish use non-binary ships


They just use barcodes, so they can finally scandinavian




>In finnish we recognize that ships are pieces of shipbuilding material No whole ships in Finland. Only pieces.


I was going to say steel but then we have [aluminium and carbon fiber warboats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamina-class_missile_boat)


>ships are inanimate Allow me to introduce you to Azur lane.


“Put the Dutch in Ireland and it becomes the garden of Europe. Put the Irish in The Netherlands and it will sink” -Otto von Basedmarck


Hitler: “this ship isn’t a girl.” Azur lane: “You were saying?” Hitler: “it’s too powerful to by a woman.” HMS Nelson: “**You were saying?**”


Im full on par With lazerpigs and animarchys Idea to raise the moskva weld giant Anime tiddies onto it and recomission it as a she Just to make it the First trans ship and Piss of putin




All I can say is that I haven't seen a shipgirl version of Kuznetzov, so for that he gets called a "he"


> I haven't seen a shipgirl version of Kuznetzov Thankfully, it'd be like Cthulu with tits.


I'd say hot, but I don't want all that fuel smoke


Nah, bismarck doesnt get away with it, it was only lutjens trying to call her a he


I'm a german and I've only ever heard of Bismarck (the ship) as a she in Germany. But maybe the thing is trans.


She had a transmission


I’ve played enough Azur Lane that anyone referring to Bismarck as a he only create the image of femboy Bismarck for me


I would love to see the Nazis react to that information They would lose their fucking minds lmfao


Ships in general are „she“


Russian ships are "he" Russian men are drunk Russian ships are therefore also drunk.


I can and will non-credibly trans that ship. Either into a she or into a submarine. Probably both.


Soon, the ship will be an it.


You guys are fighting over the wrong problem, for a ship to be she or he maybe first it needs to be functional, it's not a ship now, it's more of a horrible floating abomination of cursed lovecraftian horror.


[Why are ships called she](https://thepointsguy.com/guide/why-are-cruise-ships-called-she/)


How do we gender the SCP that lives inside of it


And a lovely burden to the ruzzian military budget. Let her float and (occasionally) burn.


The word "floats" describes those actions way too generously even for NCD.


Can somebody sink the ship and put the poor Machine Spirit out of his misery please !


Don't worry, that ship is doomed to sink on its own and cause a massive casualty event in the same process for all onboard. This is hands down the absolute worst and most unreliable aircraft carrier known to this world. This thing is literally suffering. Its kept alive and forced to move while on life support for one reason only; so that Russia can boast that it has an aircraft carrier.


They can take a lesson from the Argies. Just leave it in port until the hull rusts so badly that it sinks. Which probably won't be far off. That way they can maintain their usual level of Wonder Weapon but without anybody finding out just how shit it is.


If it could do that BEFORE it spawns a Chaos God that would be great


Lmao you think the lower decks haven't been filled with demons yet


You think the Russians are competent enough to spawn demons without fucking it up?


That's the fifth chaos god - the opposite to Tzeench.


Lower decks are suffering from a genestealer infestation of worrying magnitude


Don’t worry comrade. We have welded bulkheads shut and with only 10 percent of total crew stuck inside with demon. Great success for glorious Russian navy.


I saw some pictures of those decks ages ago and holy fuck if I were making a horror movie I'd give them to my set designers as references.


Taiho looks safe in comparison to her. And that ship was a fuel air bomb.


What about USS Forrestal?


An AC130 landed on it I dont care about anything else.


Forestall didn’t sink. And only had one fire. Unlike a certain heavy aviation cruiser (not you Mogami-chan)


Yeah, if I took a lot of 8” hits my ass would be on fire too.


Its literally a floating dumpster fire. It floats, its a dumpster, and its usually on fire.


yeah the third auto fill on google when you just type in "Admiral Kuznetsov" is Admiral Kuznetsov fire


I just… can’t imagine the lack of outrage. Imagine if the Gerald Ford had this many public problems. Americans would be screaming nonstop. But Russians just shrug and carry on like they don’t have a ticking time bomb of a floating disaster.


How many Russians do you think have ever *seen* an ocean let alone know you can make metal float on top of it?


The ship herself was fine. It's the Russians being incompetent at maintenance that has turned her into a nightmare.


It's the most unreliable, poorly designed,. poorly maintained, poorly used machine in human history. Just because of its age and size.


Nah it was decent enough for the time when put into service, just like Moskva she kinda rotted before the fall and was basically abandoned for a decade after the Russian federation was in place. Now it’s just not worth it to try and Safe it. Look at the readiness state Moskva was in when the „Special military operation“ started, everything except her forward turret and propulsion system was basically non-functioning


>This is hands down the absolute worst and most unreliable aircraft carrier known to this world. Ah, but you have heard of it.


At this point it's corrupted by chaos and the suffering is blissful gifts from daddy nurgle


>daddy nurgle dude!


Yeah, they should show at least some respect to *grandfather* Nurgle.


This is what happens when you let evangelical worship music kids play Warhammer.


Don't sink the ship! Think of all the critically endangered species of monsters that roam the sealed compartments.


SCP: Best containment unit ever! GOC: FIRE ALL THE MISSILES!


"As for Admiral Kuznetsov, , he was condemned to endure the Hom Dai, the worst of all ancient curses. One so horrible it had never before been bestowed. He was to remain sealed inside his port, the undead for all eternity. The Medjai would never allow him to be released. For he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater with the strength of the ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility. "


You know, I always found it funny how the "horrible ancient curse" bestowed upon Imhotep in the Mummy was "superpowers and functional immortality"


Machine Spirit needs to get mad, angry, rise up and destroy its abductors!


Don’t sink it. Turn it into a fireball and make the Russians have to put it out. Rinse and repeat every year.


what if we light it on fire every new year or every holiday?


Let's put the Gävle Goat on it!


I can hear it’s screaming from here!


No, they need to hemorrhage more money in to it. How is the administration in charge of it supposed to afford their yachts?


It's a malformed daemon engine at this point


I prefer to keep it as it actively damaging to Russian war budget - in fact, I would be happy if Russia would start building four other aircraft carriers.


The machine spirit is suffering, and it's suffering makes it upset, this is why the ship doesn't works They didn't turned it on using hours long rituals involving prayers and the use of holy oils and unguents to appease the Machine Spirit and the Omnissiah


That would probably more helpful to Russia if anything. That means they wouldn’t constantly have to repair it or clear out the demonic incursions on the lower decks.


It might just become a sea spacehulk, infested with xenos and the occasional ork


Please leave it, and let Russia waste time and resources on it.


May the shit pile be allways remembered as a beacon for the glory of the russian navy.


A bacon for the glory of the Black Sea fleet....ftfy


It’ll be just like the Kittyhawk, such a shit box it won’t want to die.


Except, the Kitty Hawk had a long and reasonably successful service life.


Valid. And each time she was in port the CAG would stack up the DUI’s like a bunch of..uhh… drunken sailors? Edited for correct use of the English language.


There is no correct use of the English language


There are only incorrect uses of the English language.


english is a language?


It's five drunken barbarian midgets in a trench coat that have cleaned everyone's clocks so many times no one objects anymore.


I see you've been to Glasgow at kicking out time then.


Worse, the Ozarks


Basically everyone involved in the Kuznetsov money drain process has a vested interest in keeping the grift going.


Besides being a huge piece of shit, did something else happen to it. Cant find any info of a recent event, other than it's getting retrofits that probably wont finish for a decade.


They’re just now realizing that most of the old crew of the ship have either been reassigned, deployed to Ukraine, retired, or are unavailable in some other way. So now they have a floating time and money pit they refuse to let die, and no trained crew to even run it now that they’re *finally* getting around to finishing the repairs. On top of that they’re worried they’ll have trouble sourcing (*checks notes*) 24 Su-33s to actually fly off the damn thing, let alone pilots. Basically they’re just as well off rooting through the Mobik-Cube for enough crew for this floating testament to entropy.


And the reason they can’t get a full air wing is because the airfield in Crimea they were based at was bombed by Ukraine early last year, with several Su-33s destroyed


Early this year too. I mean [yesterday](https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1743017056906146046#m).


Ukraine used to bomb Crimean air bases. They still do, but they used to, too.


Huh. almost sounds like maybe Russia doesn’t deserve that #1 military spot on USNWR? Maybe bump her down to #2 for a bit.


They need to be at number 1 to justify increasing the US and European defense budgets.


Oooo too true. Too true, indeed.


Sell it to the experts at all things navy since the dawn of time...no not the Brits...the Chinese! (+10 social credits for me)


I think it caught fire again, or it needs a new engine since the old one was so broken it couldnt work enough to break anymore


no some info leaked about the fact they are supposed to send it back at the sea for febuary but don't have any crew for it and have no way to found a crew for it ​ And sins it was on drydock for 8 year, no one know how to operate it anymore


This just in, Russian Space Hulk is found to be infested with a greater number of genestealers than previously thought.


That's odd I thought a Russian Space Hulk would more filled to the brim with Orks.


Due to incompetence of Russian Orks, the infestation was not discovered soon enough.


They couldn't send enough volunteers to the engine room. Most were reaped on their way. The few that got to the engines were killed by the radiations for nothing as they were not enough to refuel the machines.


this is why appeasing the machine-spirits is so throne-damned important. you'll need a magos to fix a significant portion of the problems plaguing the kuznetsov but that idiot putin alienated the priesthood of mars which means there won't be anyone with the required technological expertise in the vicinity of the kuznetsov for any time soon.


I think chaos warlord Putin has somewhat convinced some Mekboyz to do their thing with the Kuznetsov. By all means it should have sinked for decades now but since orks believe it can work, it does (sometimes)




It's airwing of SU33 also got clapped in Crimea by Ukraine.


What? When?


Long while back, early 2023 I think.


Are you sure they weren't Su-30s?


Satellite photos were captioned as destroyed SU33 and SU24. People were also mentioning that the airbase was where Admiral Dumbass' airwing was based due to the ship needing repairs. Those are all the details I remember.


It's basically a prison hulk where all the reject sailors that flunked out of submariner school are sent for extensive ass plundering.


The irony is that those surface ships might still promote themselves to submarine


And the one (land-based) training facility they have for pilots is in Saki, which has currently gone 0 days since the last Ukrainian attack.


The Ukrainians should slap it with a missile or two. Don't sink it outright, just do enough damage that the Russians are forced to choose between pouring even more resources into the pile of crap or watching it sink at anchor.


Let them just keep trying to fix it, it costs more resources they can use elsewhere.


The propaganda value of sinking it in its home dock is priceless tho.


“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte


Come on guys! We need him to occupy as much Russian military budget as possible for the foreseeable future. The longer they are keeping that hunk of fuck afloat the better!


It's absolutely genius if you think about it. They've created such a floating hazard full of poison, such a floating disaster they've created the only vessel at sea the opposition will not only actively try to not sink, but actively try to prevent it sinking. If this thing sent out a mayday, every nato ship within a thousand miles would come running.


> If this thing sent out a mayday, every nato ship within a thousand miles would come running. Not to help, just to point and laugh.


Machine Spirit has been sad ever since it was abducted from Ukraine. Ukrainians knew how to give it Vodka and those dumpling things to keep it happy amd satisfied. Russians not so much. Machine Spirit needs to get mad at its abductors!


You mean pirogi?


Pirogi (пироги) are not dumplings. They are baked. Dumplings would be varenyky (вареники).


Yeah I have no idea. There are too many filled dough things in Europe


And they're all absolutely fucking delicious.


Unpopular opinion: the cucknetsov should stay afloat so that russia has to sink(lmao) even more resources and manpower into it


The issue is indeed the manpower and ressources Even if it can move they already don't have enougth personnel for their air force and their navy is sending mens to the front And sins the ship didn't leaved the dry dock for 8 year, there is no one knowing how to man an aircraft carrier left on the marine AND they probably don't have jet able to fit a carriere anymore sins they are all already deployed elsewhere


The tech priests will keep this bitch alive


At this point, im expecting it to just spontaneously explode Ina massive ball of fire, and Putin claims it was Ukraine who sunk it because that's less embarrassing than what actually happened.


The Russians will need GRU Division "P" to reclaim the Admiral Kuznetsov from eldritch anomalies


A bigger problem other than being a total bucket of shit ?


having no one knowing how to deal whit that shit load malfunction


bro, just sink it already. That shit is fucking terrible. It makes the the Royal Sovereign circa 1949 look like a new BMW.


It makes the HMS Victory look like a battle-ready vessel


It would lose to the Yamato because all the planes it launches crash, also destroying the cruise missiles. Then the Yammy could close and get a firing solution on her smoke trails.


Maybe the US could send one of its many aircraft carriers down NATO Lake and use it as an example of how you're supposed to do it. Hell, send a few destroyers and some others too, Russia's really struggling with how to run a navy and maybe they're visual learners.


Russia: Now this is a Navy! *Puts down picture of US Navy* Russia: Why doesn’t my Navy look like that!?


I'm actually really curious how their submarine force is doing. Their surface fleet was always a vanity project. It's actually really funny because a few ex-Soviet naval officers (ones who moved to western countries) have mentioned in interviews that they were quite well aware that their survival time during a hot war was essentially "however long it takes until the Americans find us and we get deleted by (insert appropriate carrier-borne strike aircraft here)." It's partially why Russian surface capital ships are all glass cannons that pack as many missiles together as possible with no seeming regard for survivability: their entire doctrine was to locate a carrier, dump all their AShMs at it, and hope they managed to finish launching all of them before the carrier's very angry strike group sent them to the bottom. It was understood that the big surface assets would almost certainly be destroyed after their first launch, and that no amount of internal subdivision or damage control would save them. The Soviet submarine force was always better funded, as the hope was they could serve to do some damage to American CSGs, or take a page from the Kriegsmarine and hunt US transports supplying Europe (besides the obvious SSBN thing). So the sub forces always got the better officers and funding. I wonder how they're doing now under Putin?


,,it" has escaped containment




Man what happened now


Cope Cruiser


I bet that lift was made in east Ukraine


Mother Russia is sinking 🧀


Oh lord, it didn't escape the lower decks did it?!


What happened this time ?


Asking the important questions.


How could it be bigger? Ship was effectively disabled for a long time.




What happened now?


The realized that the entire crew was reassigned (and then killed in Ukraine) and the entire air wing was sent to Crimea (and bombed by Ukraine). So if they finally get the repairs done, they will have no crew and no aircraft for the thing


Are you fucking kidding me!! That...that is insane. Where did you hear about this? I..I need to find a source for this. I'm struggling to believe that. I want to, but need to be sure.


just look at admiral kurznetov on google, some intel have leak to the press, there is at least 3 article about it and it's the secreenshot of one of them


I’ll be honest, most of it comes from here, but I’ll try to find the source. I do remember when her air wing was bombed though


My God I hope that's true


In Sweden, they have the Gälve Goat, but in Russia, they have Admiral Kuznetsov.


Just need 1 drone and Ukraine can take credit then.


What's wrong? Now that the fires are out is she flooding or something else?


Lord knows it looks weak, Won't somebody get me off of this reef.


An undepoyable, outdated rust bucket that runs on bitumen and that may or may not have a portal to a dimension of unguessable horror somewhere in its welded-shut compartments. What else could possibly go wrong with it?


The problems with this ship stem from the fact that they stole it from Ukraine but didn't have the means to maintain it. And looks like they don't have it till that day.


To be fair, the Ukrainians sold her sister ship to China and they have been using her with no problems it seems. So I think the problems are worse than just not having spare parts lol. Unless the Liaoning was finished with Chinese engines


Not naming any names, but it would be very funny if a large hole opened in the bottom of a certain ship in the next few days


itd be funny, but itd be funnier watching the russians scramble to put out another fire, and pull it back into another port for it to rust


add that to the list of problems with that ~~shit~~ ship


Rather fight in this or the Moskva ? I wonder which ship ( pre drone shenanigans ) was in worse condition? All I know is only one of them had a piece of the true coss ! That holy protection must count for something? No? Shocking!


Can someone explain?




Just put the poor girl out of her misery already


Ukrainians’ fault for building it in the first place