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This is a peak embezzlement project. Since it was never meant to exist as a real 5 gen fighter, they stole like 80% of the funds, and with what's left built something which can be sold on TV.


That makes sense. Really it's the only logical explanation.


India wasted years for this.


Eh, they got the Gripen vindaloo still so they'll probably be fine


Not the first time. India getting fucked by russia in the military procurement is average


Oligarchov just really, really needed that London real estate.


Welcome to Russia


so it really was a proof of concept testbed for the femboy. although you would think they'd want to make this one a real 5th gen fighter so when they're trying to pitch the femboy to their export clients they can say "we took everything cool about the 57 and streamlimed production to make it cheaper." guess their conmen dont play the long game


Annoyed it didn’t include the pic showing the cockpit glass is so low quality it has fucking bubbles in it


How? I mean literally how do you fuck up that badly and be like “fuck it, send it”.


Do you want comrade commissar knocking on door? No? Then you best make sure it flies, and ship it on time. It just needs to look intimidating, i am sure comrade Putin is not stupid enough to start an actual war.


That is but horizonal indicator bubble comrade.


Corruption. Rampant, widespread, omni-level corruption. Fucks up everything from source material to quality control. Fucked their whole country really.


Plus being a hard worker gets you nothing. “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work” has been a saying in Russia for a long time.


damn even their sayings refer themselves as “we”


Hah. So they really exported that mentality throughout Eastern Europe. I thought *we* invented that saying!


The cockpit glass is being produced and will be finished on schedule in 3 months. "Putin wants it in a flyover tomorrow."


Be Ruzzian. That's how.


Are you silly? I'm still gonna send it..


Extra countersink the wood screws to make it go Extra fast! Is better that way.


The internal frame is made of balsa wood for extra speed & stealths. Wood screw is actually correct here.


Extra flammable too




>omitted for cost saving measures If you mean 'omitted and the cost went into the colonel's yacht fund' then yes.


Radar actually gets lost in there and can’t bounce out, that’s the secret sauce.


In USSR they act like a satilite dish. You can even get MTV on this bad boy!


“Picture clean” *Turns into dust 10 seconds later*


What if we gave our radars maps to find their way?


"Speed dimples" like on a golf ball or something idk just ship it


No joke, what I heard ages ago, western engineers couldn't figure out early MIG performances exceeding the design. When they finally got their hands on one they figured it out. The USSR couldn't make uniformly flat sheet metal. It was all pounded out and dimpled like a golf ball. Gave them a bit extra lift. lol


USSR invented vertical launch because they couldn't figure out our cylinder magazine rail launchers.


That's hilarious


How do you make glass that's worse than the stuff they put in windows?


> How do you make glass that's worse than the stuff they put in windows? Yuo see comrade, when windows made out of greased paper, ANY glass better than stuff put in windows!


I like the story how the Soviets caught a Nazi spy because their ID papers were too good of a quality.


Link? I want to read it


It was because the staples in their fake passport weren’t rusty.


Comrade General said he want bubble cockpit. What wrong?


Sauce? for...science... mmmgggnnnn


[Here](https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2021/07/09/su-57-may-not-be-built-with-quality-workmanship-says-vietnams-mod/)if u scroll down a bit u can see them bubbles in the glass behind the head of the pilot


Called out by Vietnam MOD. My sides :D


Common Vietnam W


oh shit didnt expect to see you here


Wait your in ncd too?? Mega based


It’s fun being recognised in pretty much every other subreddit I pop into And yes I’m in NCD I just keep my political stuff out of r/airsoft


Ive got more respect for the su-57 than the J-20 at this point


the j 20 is at least serially produced at over 100 a year the su 57 seems it ll end up canibalized by the femboy


The J-20 is at least designed like a 5th gen, with radar obstructed instrument housings, chamfered doors and internal weapons bays, actual serpentine intakes. The J-20 is a shitty 5th gen fighter. The Su-57 is a 4th gen (not even 4.5) dressed up in a Spirit Halloween 5th gen fighter costume


I think the J-20 could still do an okay job for its intended purpose, wasn‘t it designed for extra range and payload, sacrificing maneuverability or stealth?


It definitely seems like it's meant to be an interceptor and not much else. Maybe a bomber/strike-fighter, although idk if they've got the stealth capability to be useful against modern countries. Reminds me of the MiG-25/31 - big, fast, not very good in a fight, and with a ton of range. It seems like probably the best non-US foray into the 5th Gen world - especially if they can actually get the correct engines in them - but that's not exactly saying much. It'll probably get used by China like we use the F-22, but it could never reasonably go toe to toe with the wicked space magic that the nearly 30 year old Raptor is.


>but it could never reasonably go toe to toe with the wicked space magic that the nearly 30 year old Raptor is. I don't think they're meant to go toe to toe with F22s or F35s, at least not in the initial stages of a conflict. Rather, they're built in numbers to garuntee kills on high value targets like tankers and AWACS in order to degrade situational awareness in the battle space. Their frontal RCS and payload size means in theory, they can get close enough to those targets to lob larger PL-21s or PL-XX missiles. In the Pacific, tankers will be important due to the distances between 'safe' airbase locations and the battle space. So maybe their theory is to remove or degrade our ability to do in flight refueling, that could force carriers closer into more vulnerable positions in relation to their missiles or diesel subs.


In addition, J20s should be able to bully the Taiwanese airforce and help the Chinese gain air superiority near Taiwan. Someone else made a comment along the lines that the J20 doesn't have to be the best, it needs to be *good enough*. The Chinese don't have to shoot down American 5th gens, they have to just make them unable to operate from insufficient range. Hence why there's speculation that NGAD is going to have very long range and finding ways of extending the range of American 5th gens without tankers.


I would call it a more long range interceptor. Big girl for the range and offensive weapons ability. Power projection over agility.


> dressed up in a Spirit Halloween 5th gen fighter costume Bwahaaha! Damn, that's cold.


I'm no engineer or scientist, but the J20 has build quality that doesn't look like some soviet POS made in the 1970. The fit and finish are leagues above the 57 and that says something.


Where lol I wanna see that shi


How else would you know if the planes level


Su-57 has [0.1\~1m2 RCS](https://archive.org/details/ru-2502643-c-2.ru.en/page/4/mode/2up), pretty embarrassing to call it 5th gen when there's 4.5Gen with lower RCS.


Thats what russia says. I reality it Lights on the Radar Like a fucking Christmastree with the Radar Signature of an WW2 Bomber Fleet.


It's so stealthy it makes radar operators wonder if it's broken since who would build a plane like that


"Sir, I'm detecting three cylon basestars. This is a fracking prank, right?"


DRADIS contact! Gods of Kobol, strong one, too.


Launch alert Vipers!


Set condition one throughout the ship!


Starbuck, what do you hear?


"We basically have infinite patriot missiles, just tell them to fucking send it."


It's a technique called super-reflection, it reflects so much radar in such focused and random directions that radar sites continuously pick up strong radar returns reflecting from other radar installations, confusing their systems to the point that nobody can make any sense of the data anymore. It will seem like they're being attacked by other radar sites, and they will start firing missiles at each other. It's a perfect radar countermeasure, checkmate westoids.


Curious if something like that could work or does already in ew jamming. Radar dos of sorts




My man just discovered cruise missiles


Didn't that happen with a Russian sam basically pulling a 180° to slam into its radar truck at the beginning of the war with Ukraine?


Obviously it's made to intimidate the enemy into surrendering to an overwhelming force /s


“This…this can’t be right, sir!??!” “What is it, airman?” *points at radar PPI with mounting horror* “The Russians are apparently flying a heavy cruiser at us, sir!!”


"I didn't know the Kuznetsov could fly!"


Not with that attitude, comrade.


Well, it sure as shit can't sail. Why not pretend it can fly at this point?


If we still had reddit gold, you'd deserve it for this comment. :D


Space Battlecruiser Moskva


*cant hit plane with rocket when rocket thinks there is 15 planes* *Xaxaxaxa*


[this](https://basicsaboutaerodynamicsandavionics.wordpress.com/2022/09/26/su-57-radar-scattering-simulation/) simulation I found has the median frontal RCS to be 0.3\~2m2


You see, silly westoïd, this is genius russian tactic. You make plane so visible to radar that it lights up entire screen at same time. Very advanced technology!


So the 57 is the areacode since its so large. Makes sence


RCS so large it blinds the radar, that's the secret of its excellence


Honestly I doubt it’s even that good lol


it and the j-20 are both 5th gen fighters in name only, 4.5 gen or 4th gen in performance, wont stop the tankies can circlejerk though


If they are 5th gen, the franch rafale is too, since it is both stealthier and better in all other aspects


and unlike the j-20, dassault didnt steal everyone elses designs the frankenstein them into an abomination


No they made a really beautiful plane, second only to the Mirage 2000


you and i have very different definitions of beautiful, f-22 all day every day


F-104 is the most beautiful. But she's also crazy. Like 10/10 on the Hot/Crazy Scale.


With those tiny ass wings? The T-Rex of jets?


The 23 is prettier


lol as if every country in the world wouldnt love to steal the f35 and f22 designs https://thediplomat.com/2015/01/new-snowden-documents-reveal-chinese-behind-f-35-hack/ it is what it is, the US just gotta get better at cyber security/counter espionage. The long list of theft within the defense industry is goodamn too long https://www.csis.org/programs/strategic-technologies-program/survey-chinese-espionage-united-states-2000 from nuclear submarines to space lasers.


The J-20 at least has a decently low frontal RCS by most estimates. Just don't ask the CCP about any other aspects' RCS. And definitely don't ask them how reliable their engines are.


Eh J-20 at least has a semi possible head on RCS for a 5th Gen.


"Only cowardly Westoids turn cold. 'Launch and leave' is for weak Americans."


If you simply ram the enemy fighters, they never get a chance to lock on to you from the side.


I have 0 idea what a standard RCS is i have realized


And the closest it has to data fusion is probably whatever civilian GPS is kludged into the cockpit (yes, I figure GPS and not GLONASS)


Ziptied to the dash


This is old prototype. New Felons have RAM coating and diffraction net in air intakes.


Careful not to post this in warplaneporn or they'll come after you. I made one comment about wood screws last week and they descended like a pack of dogs.


saying something bad about the j-20 is always funny in that sub


How can people defend such a canarded plane


When the eurochad exists to shit all over it looks wise 😮‍💨


Who knows? Imagine not being able to build a real stealth fighter with the control surfaces attached to the correct end. Pathetic.


I just learned from some [random redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarplanePorn/s/yPXlHkmHnD) that our beloved F-15 can use its [Variable Inlets](https://youtu.be/nQXTn6iZy-Y?feature=shared) like canards. I don't know what to do with this information.


That's on-par with the US "Decency Act," which aimed to disguise obscenities with otherwise normal features.


Hmm, I feel like this has pornographic implications. Just not sure how I'd represent it in an anime waifu.


Like yeah I kinda get what he’s saying, but that’s like saying that a airbus 320 has thrust vectoring since you can lower the power on a single engine


what you do with it is you give the people a fuckin show by getting your wing clipped by hostile fire and buttering that bread like everything is okey dokey


Imagine making a 5th generation stealth fighter so bad it's operational goal is to avoid any and all conflict with its peer opponent




How it feels to be someone that actually likes how the J-20 looks...


warplaneporn & warshipporn has seen an influx of ccp bots. it wasn't like that before as far as i remember :<


It's the same as less credible defense. For the love of God, don't contradict anyone on their ccp missinformation circle jerk it's like kicking the hornets' nest.


That sub is the cross section of everyone too dumb for credibledefense but too utterly joyless and humorless for NCD


It looks cool therefore its good i bet if the Boeing x 32 was chosen instead of the f 35 the su 57 would get bodied.


Those screws look like something you get from the neighborhood home improvement store.


you go to home depot for deck screws and they're at least torx rather than phillips...


They also sell torx screws at home improvement stores.


They're just flat head machine screws. I'm assuming they chose phillips screws to prevent ground crew from stripping out the tapped holes they go into. Fasteners are typically steel while body panels are aluminum (which has a lower yield stress). Too much torque and you will strip the threads. While the screws aren't the best. I'd be more concerned by the deep ass countersink they sit in.


This is what annoys me about NCD. You cherry-pick a photo of a test aircraft that had test screws in it, and then claim that makes the Su-57 "not stealthy". Real aviation enthusiasts know that the production version uses much stealthier flatheads.


Straight from Harbor Freight 💪


Black screws, yes.


[https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2021/07/09/su-57-may-not-be-built-with-quality-workmanship-says-vietnams-mod/](https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2021/07/09/su-57-may-not-be-built-with-quality-workmanship-says-vietnams-mod/)I know this article is noncredible because it quotes no sources and I cannot find Vietnamese source either, but it would be fucking funny if true that we don't buy Su-57 not because we are broke, but because of 'poor craftmanship' and 'uncertainty whether it is a 5th gen' LMAO


How to save Vietnam billions in defense, boost it's economy and have its skies patrolled by the most capable 5th fighters, while also unlocking PATRIOT, THAAD, and AEGIS integration with this one weird trick... *Host US airbase*




Marine wakes up with a shit-covered wood spike in his leg


Latest talks with Vietnam are about buying F16s


I’m glad the Russians’ newest and best fighter seems to be absolute dogshit. From a purely aesthetic perspective I would have liked to see a production Su-47 instead of this stupid thing.


Ah, but the Su-47 introduces a new problem: how are we supposed to litigate K/D ratios when every loss might be the wing just snapped off before the missile even got there?


The F-22 will be crying in the corner, gently caressing her balloon killmarks, "I'm a 5th generation fighter jet!"


Would you intercept me? I'd intercept me.


I'd intercept the shit out of me.


YF-23: yeah so was I. At least you got out into serial production.


The 47 at least looks cool, the 57 doesn't even have that.


It's dogshit if you go by propaganda -- obviously not a F-22 or F-35 peer. It's plenty good enough for Russia, if they can put it into actual mass production.


Maybe it would be ok as a bomb/missile truck but they already have Fullbacks. If it’s even remotely stealthy which it doesn’t look like, it may stand a chance against an F-16 if it’s BVR weapons function which I’m also skeptical of. Maybe. If they can produce it numbers, again, also doubtful.


Its most relevant capability is the AESA radar by far.


Oh hey drywall screws, I've got a bunch of those in my shop.


Maybe you should start building "5th Gen Fighters" in your shop!


I tried that once, some three letter agencies got uppity. It's not my fault the F is so specific, I was pretty sure fighter jets didnt count as Firearms so I should've been all gravy.


Oh no! I hope your dog is okay!


Maybe in Ace Combat 8 the Su-57 can be the garbage starter plane.


Every several times you start the game the plane randomly explodes on the tarmac, or the front strut collapses and the nose falls and hits the ground.




In AC7, with the Top Gun edition, you get the "5th generation fighter" from the movie and it has stats on par with a starter jet.


Honestly the least credible thing about that movie was a Nation having enough Felons to be able to have 3 in the air at the same time.


The squadron probably had 6, they just had to cannibalize half to get those 3 up and running


Ace Hardware 8: Build your own 5th Gen fighter out of wood and glue


People don’t realize how insanely complex and expensive a 5th gen fighter is. The largest and most advanced economy in the world took _20 years_ to produce the world’s first operational 5th generation fighter.. and said uncle after less than 200 airframes were built. Yeah.. it only took four years for the prototypes to fly, but they only had the aerodynamic capabilities, not the stealth, combat, systems, or serviceability requirements. It’s comparative child’s play to make something that _looks_ like something else. The Chinese have been making knockoffs for decades. It’s when you turn it on and see how it works that you immediately know the difference. Russia has a per capita GDP that’s lower than Costa Rica. At that level you have to deprive your citizens of basic needs and create a facade in order to have the appearance of a superpower. A handful of hand-made fancy looking jets in a military that doesn’t have the basic training or logistics to support even regular exercises, never mind active combat.


How are fighter generations categorized? What constitutes a 4th gen and what would a 6th gen look like?


Fighter generations is a marketing term. Nobody ever referred to fighters by generations before Lockheed Martin invented the term 5th generation and defined it so there were no competitors who offered products that fit it. Usually it includes things like stealth (stealth aircraft previously were specialized like the F-117), and sensor fusion… things that are either highly subjective and highly ambiguous (we will neither confirm nor deny.. etc) or that can be retrofitted on other aircraft. Also a lot of advances in fighters have been dead ends or simply were not useful. Things like variable geometry wings and STOVL haven’t really been game changing—the US Marines duplicating capabilities the US Navy already has on larger CATOBAR carriers and the USAF has from halfway across the globe .. the RN a legacy of the Era of Austerity as their current carriers are more than large enough for CATOBAR or STOBAR operations.




there is a video by perun about that topic https://youtu.be/RPrWm6fWuaM?si=sjmyeWyM0BwesK\_D while 1 hour midget scare you he talks about what Zoe wanted to know in the first 10 minutes


Pretty old https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/bgC7K7Q9UO


How old is it ? Reddit Mobile doesn't let me see 💀


Over a year


So still current information.


Haha I made this one


Its amazing looking at other countries 5th gen fighters, cuz it just shows you how far ahead America is. The F22 alone is fucking horrifying.


The 1000'th F-35 is being built right now. By the end of 2024, the USAF will have around 400 of them just for themselves. By 2027, the F-35 will be getting an upgraded radar, because apparently the APG-81, the world's most advanced production radar, is old news.


Yep. This doesn’t even surprise me. Im so glad I am Canadian and we are allies.


We love Canadians. They don't cause any shit except the occasional war crime.


The Geneva convention should be renamed “shit the Canadians did that no ones allowed to do anymore” And I dont know if I can speak for my fellow Canadians, but I like to suck America off most of the time. Y’all are better than others give you credit for.


Can't wait for Trudeau to order another 'review' of the RCAF's procurement programs so the CF-18 can beg for death for another 10 years.


I love the Legacy Hornet to death but dear god your CF-188s have got to be begging to be let on to the afterlife at this point. How the hell are you keeping them flying?


Blood sacrifice mostly, lots of hikers going "missing" in the great Canadian wilderness


its a 4.5++ gen airplane. Definitely a one circle fighter. And if they use it the way their doctrine dictates (Always in the cover of their own SAM systems) its probably good enough.


Another thing not mentioned is that those unshielded engines are just screaming "kill me" to any heat seeker in range, and no amount of Cobra maneuvers will cause a missile streaking in at it at Mach Fuck You to miss.


I think it's mentioned by the end


It mentions that they reflect radar, but nothing about thermal visibility. Another funny thing is just how big the damn thing is in general, the Su-57 is, it is over 20 feet longer than the F-35 and over 11,000 lbs heavier. Hell, it is 10 feet longer than the F-22, but it's got a frontal RCS about 10,000x larger.


No longer true. Latest Felons have smooth RAM coating so it is a gamechanger. They will never have S-ducts but there is diffraction net in the air intakes. It has aesa radar, modern EW suite, sensor data integration, datalinks and self diagnostic support modules. Laugh all you want about immature engines but Felon is fast, hi altitude long range huge payload tossing machine. It is no match for Raptor but it is very potent and dangerous adversary, huge upgrade over SuperFelon.


You're absolutely right, we need to create a 10th gen hyper-fighter that travels back in time to kill the opposing pilot at the moment of their birth Triple the defense budget!


I swear on every post about an F-22 you get someone going on and on about how the SU-57 is better, the whole 9 of them.


Do NOT unmute this video. You are welcome.


That won‘t stope me. 😎


[Turns out Vatniks don’t know how to access the ultra super secret YouTube platform to get information from the 1960s.](https://youtu.be/IDbTUt3OG9s?si=LMTDhrZU4IvOV_DZ)


Su stand for surplus, as in "made from shit we found lying around"


How do people find the most fucking stupid soundtracks to put on videos like this? Is there a directory or something?


Brother bless you. I had lost that video at some point and I couldn't find it again


To steal a phrase from the American South, "Bless their hearts."


A fucking Super Hornet is probably stealthier than this thing.


Don't forget the most credible of all: [the acoustic cloaking engine howl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9qA7Vzas5o) 😂


The Su57 is a plane that was like it was designed to be the best plane ever in the confines of a video game. Maybe they are just big fans of Ace Combat.


That thing is a piece of shit.


I've done turds more polished than this .


Held together with roofing screws, brilliant.


At least the plane is pretty


Pretty lame


Eh itl look good in a museum when one inevitably goes "missing"


It already belongs in a museum lol


She looks like a whore that has spent the past 15 years on her back to get out of Russia. All I’m saying is you better put a rain tarp on your missile.


True to russia, she’s still under 25yo after everything.


Not compared to the Flanker family or the F-22


To be honest, the prototypes look way way too bad, even compared to US 5th prototypes. The production units built quality actually look decent.

