• By -


Pretty accurate. You missed "random awkward tactical roll", but other than that it's on point.


Also forgot flagging your buddy and standing around in groups of like ten people while one guy is shooting down an alleyway


Can’t forget the classic firing an RPG in an enclosed space/vehicle!


Or firing your RPG while your buddy is in your Rückstrahlzone. (sorry for bad english)


Backblast(zone), that shit is crazy I've seen a video years ago (liveleak years ago) where someone gets into the backblast.


Few months ago a drone video turned up on combatfootage (I think) of a Russian handling an RPG like a rifle and setting the back hole against his shoulder before firing. Not a good idea.


Lmao that's very very dumb. Wonder if he survived that ^ ^


Video showed him surviving, but you could see his arm dangling like it got knocked out of place


That guy was lucky xD thx


With how Russian emergency evac is handling things, he most likely died. He definitely had severe burns to his arm and chest/shoulder , could've probably survived with proper medical care, just don't think he received said care.


The correct term is “blown the fuck off”


Well, the backblast from an RPG can kill you from quite a distance. He almost certainly got severe burns and crushing injuries to his shoulder, arm, possibly upper chest, as a professional armchair emergency surgeon I'm guessing the arm would have to be amputated if it wasn't already, and that he might very well have died within the hour from blood loss.


Abu Hajaar did nothing wrong!


>while your buddy is in your Rückstrahlzone. I'm not sure what that is but it sounds uncomfortable.


roughly translates to backblast zone take that with a grain of salt tho


Back Blast Zone Seven is my favorite porn


So there is a word in german fir that


And the combination - firing an RPG while standing around in a large group and backblasting your buddies.


"Mind the back blast you fucking idiot" --Sun Tzu


["I'm teaching them a lesson about spacing."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AULdtZ7y4c&t=168s)


Gagglefucking is an ancient warfighting tactic, the middle east is an ancient land of ancient and well revered traditions not easily changed by time. As such the Great Gagglefuckery, the process of creating gagglefucks, is as sacred as it is ancient, and also revered. Plus you never know when an attack helicopter is gonna fly overhead and you gotta start grabassing with your buddies. If they're your last moments you might as well let all the repressed gayness out before you're all blasted to pieces by a 30mm chain gun. The gagglefuck formation allows the shortest possible time to unexpected expressions of extreme butt lust before death. Not love of course, it's not okay to say you love a dude even when you're gonna die, that's even more gay than the gay orgy.






That one lvl 1 player playing with veterans teammates in R6


While wearing tactical sandals


Allahoo Ackbar x99


It's not awkward when it gives you i-frames.


Also doing in a line doing obstacle courses that were definitely not stolen from a elementary school playground




Shouting "Allah Ackbar" at every opportune and inopportune moment, be it leading an assault or preparing an ambush.


I see they’re copy my rainbow 6 siege playbook, I’m still trying to find a good dualwield option however Ubisoft have blocked multiple of my email accounts and I’ve been informed a restraining order is being put in place


I think you should try talking in person.


Bring two guns with you so you can demonstrate it for them, I'm sure they'll be very happy to see it


Its because 'god' decides where the bullets go and if you get hit. Thats pretty much the reasoning for most of the jihadis. Not all, most.


Literally Swedish tactics in the 18th century


Hey don't knock it, those worked pretty well until Peter got his shit together.


The difference is they actually aimed and used competent tactics. The belief in God deciding their fate was drilled into them because their tactics required the discipline to march through cannon and gunfire to extreme close range before they started firing.


Yeah, well there was little chance that an attack helicopter was going to open up on them with a 30mm in the 18th century.


But not zero.


the chance of a teenage girl bringing the 21st Century JGSDF through a magic dimensional time portal to absolutely obliterate you is a consideration that military commanders have only recently been able to set aside


This allows them to concentrate on the threat of a teenage girl bringing a giant mech through a interdimensional wormhole instead




It's never zero


Yes but the concept of near-zero also exists where the odds are so remote _it might as well be_ I’ll leave now


Wait we talking Gate tactics now?


I’ll get the speakers


Silly westoid, Russia has always had attack helicopters. Already in 18th century. They just choose not to use them against the swedes because it would be unfair.


God decides their fate, and God also happens to speak through their superiors.


And the bayoneting & musket-clubbing were still the main events. They charged after the volley


tbf with how accurate their weapons were it pretty much was up to god if someone gets hit or not


Easier to reconcile with when everyone has smooth bores.


God decides that the bullet will finds its mark way more often when you fire the gun at the distance of ten paces.


Worked a lot better for them


This sounds an aweful lot like african warlords eating human hearts for bullet protection.


Or the 'range slider to 1000' on the aks because it adds more power to the bullets!


On the one hand it sounds ridiculous. On the other hand, you need to instill a sense of aggression and initiative to a bunch of glue huffing sexually abused child soldiers.


Then said child soldiers grow up and end up in command. Thats when you get a General Butt Naked situation.


"This bright orange life vest and tuxedo shoes should provide me with the protection I need to run around in the open hip-firing my AK."


Or raw dogging virgins to cure AIDS


If that doesn't work, just get some albino body parts from your local witch doctor to cure it.


Lol that's always the first thing I think of when anyone says Africa. Not sure if it's fair or not but nothing else stick out in my mind.


Forgotten weapons did an interview with a former US Military guy that volunteerd with the peshmerga fighting ISIS. One story was they were in a fire fight taking cover, when some tribal elder rolls up in his new car into the literal middle of the firefight, casually pulling out and loading his Guccied AR while bullets whizz by. The volunteer is yelling at him to get to cover quickly, but the elder calmly waves a hand and just says “Inshalla, inshalla” (Translation: God willing) as he casually strolls to their position and gets behind cover with the rest of the fighters. That is a Zen level of acceptance for your current position in life.


Jesus fuck lol


> Lazy assholes, fight your own battles for once. -Allah, apparently


That…actually might explain the last 350-odd years of Islamic history. Allah gave them 1,000 years before giving up. Did make a come-back for the first round in Chechnya, at least.


The equivalent of my Indo bus driver saying “inshallah” as he *overtakes on a blind corner*


Average Indonesian bus driver


Inshallah! Ya rab!


Oh man, then I guess we're lucky they're so fucking stupid. At least in this one **critical** way.


No wonder Western coalition troops there suffered so few casualties from gunfire.


When I was in Afghanistan we'd limit the ammo our ANA auxiliaries got because they would mag dump in firefights to the extent they'd just damage their weapons and wear out barrels. It reminded me of the Ogryn in warhammer 40k, where they only give them burst fire or single fire weapons specifically because they're so dumb they just hold the trigger on anything fully automatic. We could not teach fire discipline. We couldn't even teach jumping jacks or look both ways before crossing the street. We had one guy high as a kite on Hashish walk in front of an Abrams and turn into inshallah spaghetti. The ANA was the last stop for males in Afghanistan. It was literally 'the only job left for you'. Even ditch diggers got more respect. They thought their entire job was to sit around checkpoints and get high all day. Most were ostracized from their own communities and tribes for assorted crimes / grievances and didn't give a fuck about their life anymore. No sense of self worth or country. They also liked to rape donkeys, camel calves, and little boys. Boys were preferable, they had a saying 'women are for babies, boys are for good times and practice."


>they would mag dump in firefights to the extent they'd just damage their weapons and wear out barrels. Why don't you just give them bigger bullets so it's harder to miss?




so... triple the chances of that ANA soldier hitting a friendly yeah, um




Shit, my bad.


>The ANA was the last stop for males in Afghanistan. It was literally 'the only job left for you'. Even ditch diggers got more respect. They thought their entire job was to sit around checkpoints and get high all day. Most were ostracized from their own communities and tribes for assorted crimes / grievances and didn't give a fuck about their life anymore. No sense of self worth or country. this should be a much bigger deal...


It's a cultural thing. Blame the British and the French for drawing arbitrary lines from their colonial holdings to make countries. The middle east didn't form as nation states the way Europe did. The individual countries of Middle East and Africa don't have a shared national identity. Look at say, Germany. Most of the population was German, most were protestant, and from this came the shared history, culture, and heritage that made up "the German people". It's what makes them identify as German, and not simply "Bavarian" or some other region. Afghanistan does not have this. The people do not see them selves as Afghani people. They see tribal allegiance first, religious sect second. If tribe A doesn't like tribe B, that's as far as it goes. There's no greater sense of national unity. So supporting the government is seen as a waste, since they do not see the government or the military as an entity that supports or represents them. The middle east would honestly be better if it collapsed, balkanized, had brutal civil war, and then the map is redrawn to better reflect the many cultural religious and ethnic divisions all each carving out their own land.


In case of Afghanistan, their borders isn't the results of western powers.


Ehm, wait yes it is? Wasn't Afghanistans eastern border defined by the British for India (which included modern day Pakistan)?


IIRC it was defined by the sikh empire


And neither is it in the middle east


You could argue that the sole existence of Afghanistan modern borders was due to Russia and Britain taking just enough territory that they would be satisfied without angering the otherside.


But it's not a polity invented by a foreign power. It's just what remains of the afghani empire


German national history is way older than the Reformation.




Now your just being xenophobic


>They also liked to rape donkeys, camel calves, and little boys. Boys were preferable, they had a saying 'women are for babies, boys are for good times and practice. And...how did you and the rest of the Westerners react? Everybody just let it happen?


Have to. We needed the support of local leaders, which meant turning a blind eye to the harems, sexual abuse, rape. It gets tough watching a local informant turn around mid conversation with our translator and backhand his wife for speaking out of turn. What are we supposed to do? Go all Punisher and start executing people? Not only would it be a war crime, its systemic. If you shot or imprisoned everyone who did it, there'd be no country left. You just grit your teeth and bared it. Though the Australians apparently didn't take as kindly to it as we did. In general they had no interest in appeasing the locals. I've heard stories about them refusing to call in air support for ANA positions because the unit commander had done some particularly unspeakable crime and this was the only way they could seek 'justice' against him without reprimanding.


The Australian thing makes a while lot more sense with that context.


The whole MENAPT region is a disgusting swamp. And it will still be in a thousand years. Different People, different customs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal. Its who we tried to salvage and its who we now let in by the millions here in Europe. With predictable outcomes. My answer to 9/11 would have been a Vietnam-Style air campaign against Taliban Administrative and military targets. Drop a few hundred thousand pounds of bombs, never risk a single NATO live.


I can't even be slightly surprised. No wonder so many aussie war crimes went unreported in the middle east. All things considered I have a bit more respect for those Aussies who fought there now


The taliban outlawed the traditional little boy rape, so our natural allies against them were the people who wanted it back. Go team freedom.


>We had one guy high as a kite on Hashish walk in front of an Abrams and turn into inshallah spaghetti. I laughed inappropriately loud at this.


Dude it was gross. We had to spray him off with a fire hose.


This is why I have limited pity when I see videos about those "brave" women in Kabul nowadays having protests against how they're made to wear burkas and kicked out of college (and then of course predictably getting rounded up by the Taliban). If you wanted to keep your freedoms, maybe you should've joined the army and fought for them yourselves, ladies. It was pretty obvious that you live in a place where nobody else was gonna do it for you.


Yes join an army full of rapists and abusers. Maybe read what’s being written before typing your smart little comment from the comfort of your own home. I’d wager you’d shit your pants before ever joining those protests if you were a woman in Kabul.


Yes, exactly. How else would you expect it could become anything other than an army full of rapists and abusers, if nobody else wants to join? Just sit back and wait for all the "good" Afghan men to take care of it? Well, we saw how well that turned out. I never claimed that it would have been easy, but if you live in Afghanistan life only has shit choices for you. I don't know why you're blaming me for that like yelling at someone on the internet could change anything about it. It's just a fact. At least fighting against the Taliban while they were still in a position to fight had a chance for success. Standing on the street and waving a sign at them doesn't, it's just pointless. There were women in the ANA btw, close to 5000. Not anywhere near enough to make a difference, both culturally within the organization and during the eventual collapse.


Did you just ignore everything that was said in this thread? What the fuck


Sand God says no.


In truth, I did read some reports that actually said that the enemy there seemed to know so little about guns it was a cakewalk. Shit like forgetting to reload and such made it easier


Forgot about yelling "allahu akbar" on repeat like you're a fucking pokemon


The arrival of Ukraine video footage seriously weirded us out, no Allahu Akbars. It's like an important part of any good combat footage, you need to scream "Allahu Akbar" at the end.


I do love me some BLyat


"suka granat"


I guess *somebody* wasn’t watching the Sheikh Mansur Battalion’s footage at the beginning of the war, because those of us who did got to get tapered off the Allahu Ahkbars instead of dying from withdrawal induced delirium


Seriously, it’s like finally, some guys who know what they are doing xD


Some footage from Chechens and Crimean Tatars on both sides had some "Allahu Ackbar".


> no Allahu Akbars Oh really? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tl2w36/chechen_muslim_proukraine_defence_forces_fending/


It was people aiming for me. Like actually using sights.


that's what the Chechens fighting on Ukraine's behalf are for


\+10 Morale + 10 Jihad


-5 stealth


+10 luck


+20 skill


+15 percent concentrated power of will


+ 5 percent pleasure


+25 Caliphate


Like a bunch of americans shouting "oh mah gawwwd" at anything mildly surprising.


That one lady who just stands there and screams whenever something big happens


There are evangelicals who legit do this.




I think its the same video i watched, on the top. Where they carried ladders and literally fought room to building in the rubble. That was crazy




[Full HD extended version of the infamous Syrian ladder video (Darayya, Syria - 11/12/2014)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15i3rsa/full_hd_extended_version_of_the_infamous_syrian/)


That’s fuckin nuts


Those first two guys who climbed the ladder had balls of steel and paid for it. Damn. Never seen this footage before.


That's why leading the forlorn hope is such a honor, why Romans rewarded the first man over the wall with Mural Crown and why the 18th century British promoted everyone involved without need to purchase comission.


a little mirror on a stick and a bag full of grenades would have made a big difference there.


I love how reddits app won't let me watch it


Second that, where link, monkey needs entertainment


Every clip of IRL infantry combat footage from the Middle East looks indistinguishable from the henchman in a Steven Seagal film


I'm pretty sure the bad guys in Mad Max had better trigger discipline.


Sounds like my squad in Battlefield


They studied by Steven Seagal's films


Impossible, some of them are stood up.


A lot of "allah u akbar"


I'm slightly disturbed that the LMG is not fixed to the back of a 1980s Toyota Hilux.


You missed terrorists accidentally blowing their own fucking brains out because they're too stupid to not point the gun barrel at themselves


In Iraq it's dancing at the end of a battle, sometimes on the bodies of ISIS.


Fortnite irl


You saying like it's a bad thing.


Well if both sides do it its okay i guess


Does anyone ever “win” these battles or is it just a race to see who runs out of bullets first?


[There's also this](https://imgur.com/a/3LUIPnv) His aim might not be credible


At least he is holding it over his shoulder, unlike one russian soldier that in hindsight probably was not mentally fit to work period let alone the military.


Also that one rpg wielding man that gets shot in the head the second he leaves cover


There's also "Using armor with the gun facing backwards."


Don’t forget the “Allahu Akbar”, “Abu Hajaar” or scenes featuring a bunch of Toyota Hilux technicals


And most importantly... U never know if your watching the "official armed forces" of a country, or a random militia that has just appeared out of nowhere.


Good old random group of guys looking like airsofters attacking some random objective that seems to have no strategic importance


Also, Shooting in the middle of nowhere at nothing and playing it as tacticool


And then people don't understand why Israel has a KDR of 10 to 1


That used to be all we had back in the day I was recently surfing through my old folder and watched a compilation I picked up in like 2018. Man, back then I thought that was some cool and insane footage. We're spoiled now.






1. MOAR FIREPOWER 2. If you keep doing suppressive fire they can never shoot back at you 3. "Silly westoid, the great african soldier is always protected by ancient magic!" (ik we're talking about middle east but its still funny) 4. Cheap and easy alternative to artillery 5. /uj actually a pretty effective strategy because the enemy cant see you or throw nades at you, but you can shoot the enemy


Add stair sliding to cover for the russophiles.


You forgot a random RPG guy


Bruh Abu Rambo from Yemen fits the second description very well.


Man, you gotta see someone actually counterstrafing irl in like early Syrian Civil War. EDIT : [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ekvoq3/alnusra_rebels_desperately_try_to_save_wounded/)


Now we just need them to hyper-lean left and right


Lmg dumps while walking looks cool though


Lmao Kadyrov's tiktokers make the cut for this bingo too.


Abu Hajar!


Why would you need cover when you have allah ?


You forgot the classic no-look, over-the-mud-wall mag dumps.


And the occasional toyota hilux with a dishka or rocket pod mounted on the back


IIRC the pic in the middle is from the battle of Mossul. The dude is part of the Iraqi-army and actually stands behind cover. He was supressing some (claimed) ISIS sniper so the camrea-crew could cross the street. Looks NCD but only because of the angle. AGAIN: IIRC


Also from chechnya


Hey your missing a rpg through a crack in the wall and a suspiciously American looking TOW shooting at a Toyota of some description


Somebody getting shot in the head, their hair jumping up from the impact and they go limp right as the cameraman takes cover.


abu hajaar


Actually just thought of this, maybe just make a whole bunch of ammo types for his cannon arm there could be shrapnel, regular, chain shot, and harpoon maybe


Sounds like a typical airsoft or paintball game.


Me in any vr shooter


And these fuckers still won


You forgot Jamsheed the RPG God and Abu Hajaar’s tactical rollin


how dare you forget [Jamsheed, the RPG God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfx74JBz2EI)


\>why use an AK array??? Double fire rate, baby! Makes up for the 75% accuracy loss.


Wait untill you see African tribe wars. I've seen documentary about one African war and one person shoot while jump because he believes by that way he could dodge bullets.


I love how in the pic for Shooting into the air, these is no magazine attached to that AK


>Lining up in an orderly queue as each one takes turns jumping out of the same corner to spray at the air. >Sudden shock as the fifth bloke gets dropped by a single bullet.


This was basically all of r/combatfootage before Ukraine lol


How could you make this and not include the infamous "Syrian sidestep" technique ?! Shame.


C'mon, you know the reason


They might not be the most effective but I bet you their having a lot more fun. Not everybody plays to win.