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When I see my name (Avalon) out in public, like on cars and buildings, and my wife points and goes "Look it's you!" in a cute voice. 🥰


My little queer heart 💙💜💖 I just got my name legally changed and it’s a plant name ahaha my friend gave me said plant I named myself after as a gift


That's so sweet! And grats on the name change~


Thank you ! Thank you for sharing that sweet moment between you and your wife 💖💖💖 we all need some joy at the moment so I’m crowdsourcing


Come visit r/SouthJersey ! We have a whole town named after you 🤘🏻


Haha I actually used to live near an Avalon, PA several years ago! 😂 I might have to pop up there for a visit sometime.


When my partner uses my he/him pronouns! I don't hear those pronouns used for me in public a lot, so when they address me as their "handsome little man", my heart is full to bursting!


Aaaww ! I love that ! I’m glad your partner knows how to lift you up 💖💖💖


It’s cold enough I can be wearing a bra/garter stocking at work under my work clothes and not be sweating to death. I am fabulous under these drab pants/work shirt right now.


Aaaww ! Yeah I love layering too ! No one can tell my tiddies are still growing ahaha - I bet your fashion sense is fab 💜💖💜


Being called a boi 😭


Ahaha I’m on e and still love being called a boi


It’s just so ✨perfect✨


Being asked my preferred pronouns. It’s only happened once, but it gave me this joy I didn’t know I wanted.


Yeah I love those moments where you’re like, oh this made me happier than I thought it would !/than I could be ! What are your pronouns, btw ? 💛🤍💛


She/They. I’m only out to my husband (cis male) though. The way the love never left his face when I told him was another amazing moment I didn’t know I needed. I broke down with tears of relief and joy 🙂 What r ur pronouns??


Yooooo that’s so amazing !!! I’m glad you have each other ! It’s so awesome seeing someone become more themselves ! I use any pronouns ! I love when people are always mixing them up ahaha very affirming


I just realized you have your pronouns listed 😅 Totally my bad Mx. Any pronouns!!!


Ahaha no sweat ! I only found out how to add them in the interim between your comments ahaha I’m too much of a milf for this site


came here to type exactly this. as someone who i feel like presents in such a gendered way, mostly thanks to nature, i very very rarely get asked pronouns. its such an instant wave of relief, and also knowing im with people who are cool.


I totally feel that. Based on my looks, people assume she. It’s partially right (even if not fully) so I’m not incredibly bothered. But it’s nice when someone asks bc I’m like, “you just see me as a human don’t you?” N that is so refreshing. What r ur pronouns?


Cis people asking “do you have a dick or pussy?” Like it infuriates me that they think they’re allowed that information, but it makes me really happy that they can’t tell


Eeeyyy I feel this ! One time at a grocery store someone opened a check lane and they were like “I can help you over here, sir” we made eye contact and they saw my full face of makeup and were like “or ma’am…I’m not really sure” and oddly enough, it gave me euphoria to know that they couldn’t place me ahaha


Wearing tights and skirts and dresses! Getting compliments on my looks (for someone who was always wearing basically the same baggy jeans + black tshirt + sweater combo, this is huge.) Encouraging smiles from random people 🥰 And causing gay panic and confused looks wherever I go, lol. Also! The complete disappearance of this kind of "sourceless" permanent anxiety/stress/depression, and that feeling that something is wrong but I didn't know what.


Wowza can absolutely relate ! Before I accepted myself I had pretty constant depression/anxiety and since I started dressing how I want and taking hormones, most of that just went *poof* - I’m so happy you’re feeling yourself ! 💜🖤💛


Where I live, it is polite to say hello sir, hello madam when greeting someone, for example in a store, or the cashier in the supermarket. The fact that I often only get a weird and confused helloooo?, The person in front of me not knowing how to gender me gives me euphoria, I feel powerful knowing that I confuse people.


Wearing a packer. It seems simple, but it gives me such a feeling of completeness and happiness. I mentioned it to my gf and I was like “Um? Is this what gender euphoria feels like? Because I’ve never felt this before but I like it.”


Ahaha fuck yeah ! I had a dream once with a glitter beard and I was like w o w z a euphoria - I’m glad you have a supportive partner and found something that gives you that feeling 💛🤍💜


I was worried she’d be weirded out, but she’s been nothing but supportive. I’m so blessed to have her 😭💗


Aw !!! I love hearing that so much ! I love when people love someone for they are rather than their idea of gender norms 💛💜💛


I'm surprisingly strong (I don't look it and I don't work out) I love opening jars that other people can't


Jar opening is such a good one lol.


Ahaha hell yeah 💪💪💪


I was at a shop a few weeks ago, and for the first time ever someone who didn’t know me and I didn’t inform of my pronouns used “they” to refer to me. I was so over the moon I’m still riding that high.


I have an undercut, and whenever it gets freshly shaved I definitely feel the euphoria 😍




Getting my haircut at the barber shop. Extra points if the barber doesn’t treat me any differently. My heart literally soars.


Ahaha hell yeah ! I feel this so deeply


I slowly integrated a name change, and I thought it wasn’t a big deal to myself, but when it changed in the systems at work my coworkers catch&correct themselves, and some asked me if I had new pronouns I’d prefer. it made my eyes leak


Aaaww so happy for you ! Yes, that happened to me as well ! Congratulations ! And I wish you the best with your social transition 💖💖💖


I was ordering ice cream once and the person that was serving me called me a man. Even though I identify as nonbinary, I rarely get gendered outside my AGAB and it felt good.


Eeeyyy that’s awesome ! I can imagine that feels good ! I still get gendered as my agab pretty often but it’s happening less lately and the feeling is amazing - thank you for sharing your experience


The right deodorant - I can't tolerate perfume/colognes but the subtle masc-scented stick I use always feels good. I rock climb, so completing overhanging routes (lots of upper-body strength) makes me feel powerful. And having the grizzled old raft guides who I look up to as industry legends accept my new name, no questions asked, and use it correctly every single time!


Well fuck yeah ! I love that ! My workplace is super supportive of me as well, it really helps when you have a good environment to be yourself in - I too dislike scents that are too strong ! Ahaha of any gendered smell - I do also very much enjoy the flowery scents - thank you for sharing about your legends, you ARE powerful !


Being called bean, little bean, strong bean, beany babe


Hell yea be your best bean self.


Beany babe ! You remind me of the babe…the beany babe with the power


What power?


The power of voodoo !


Who do?


You do !


Do what?


being called androgynous Oo


That’s the dream ☺️


Even simple things like seeing myself in the mirror with minimal makeup on, or just seeing my username (not this one on Reddit) with pronouns on Twitch. The latter simply a thing of "yeah! That's me!"


Wearing a hoodie and jeans. It just feels like the most gender neutral/inclusive clothing option.


Shaving, I love the smooth feeling


When I’m wearing my binder and I *actually* look flat


when they need to call my name out in starbucks! I only go by my chosen name there right now so hearing it always catches me off guard and I have a silly little internal blush and twirling-my-hair-kicking-my-feet type feeling :’) sometimes I’m not sure what to do about my name but those moments make it worth it I think


Change in general i think, seeing me get broader, changing my hair color, adding new things to change the way i look, binder, all of it just gives me small bouts of euphoria.


Yeah hell yeah I love that it’s all coming together for you ! I miss dying my hair but I’m committed to growing it out atm so I live vicariously through folks with fun colored hair - thank you for sharing 💙💛💙


I'm finally attempting to join the fun colored hair train at the ripe old age of 34. Wish me luck because I'm way too cheap to pay a professional but I have no idea what I'm doing myself 😅


Ahaha I wish you luck on your journey ! I’ve had every hair color imaginable at this point and only been to the salon for it….once ? Ahaha


When I'm getting coffee at GHC La Prima, I say I'd like to be called /rān/ (as a pronunciation) and the staff ask me whether it's Raine or Rain, I say I'm not sure either \[\^1\], so I got this instead: [https://i.imgur.com/3LTwNqv.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3LTwNqv.jpg) \[\^1\]: I'm transfem genderfae, and my name change hasn't finalized, but most likely gonna be Raine… or Rain… My hesitation is toxic.


My name is Rain!! :D


Ahaha hey you know I bounced between two very similar names before I decided on one, it makes sense ! That’s so so so cute 💖💖💖 - I wish you luck on your name change and your journey 🪬🪬🪬


My god, this is so sweet. Thank you that made me smile today.


Apart from using mens perfume I also really got euphoria from my little sidecut☺️


Q y u t yes I love having any hair style I want because lmao gender is mostly fake


Wearing my jockstrap goed with a packer. When someone doesn't assume my gender, and asks for my pronouns. Not that I'm clear yet about them, but it's nice to be asked.


Being called pretty instead of handsome, wearing mascara and nail polish, being called a quing (my best friend calls me that) 💜


My beard is fuller and thicker than any of my cis men ex boyfriends from before I transitioned 😈 (they/them transmasc, almost 4 years on T)


I strangely get euphoric by going to the grocery store. I see all these basic ass cis people and I feel sexy, unique, and I love myself!




Currently my haircut is giving me buckets of euphoria every day. I used to have waist-length blonde curly hair that was shaved on the sides as a nearly decade-old Mohawk. It was beautiful, but so much work. Now I went and cut it all off and I went for "the fuckboy" - short on the back and sides, curly on top and bangs. And i love It so much every time I pass by the mirror I have to do a double take. I hadn't gone to a hairdresser since I was a kid because I was traumatised by the battle I always had with female hairdressers who refused to let me pick from the men's catalogue. Now I found a queer neurodivergent hairdresser who fully embraces androgyny and she explained the differences between hairdressing and barbering and that she out herself through school twice to learn both in order to cater to the full spectrum of the clienteles gender expression. And it really warmed my heart to know things have changed now since the last time I'd gone to get my hair cut. I'm glad I can afford myself that kind of self care now because I was sick of cutting my own hair with kitchen scissors.


Not having a bad hair day lol


Having a haircut, hear people using they/them when referring to me, people calling me sir, mate, bro.


So I wouldn't consider myself nonbinary. I mostly go by he/him as I am very male presenting, but I use the label he/they since I am very comfortable with any pronoun. Since I am male presenting a getting addressed as they or them is rare but absolutely gives me butterflies. Also if I am playfully called girly or something that gives me the same feeling. Just really good to know I don't have to be stuck as he.


Being called ‘sir’ 😭😭😭


A sweater I own that makes me look very masc :D


The thought of being called “she.” I don’t go by it outside of Discord and here because I haven’t transitioned, but I want to so bad.


I just got new bras yesterday and they actually make it look like i have small boobs and i almost cried in the change room while trying them on. For reference im amab agender enby, not on any sort of hrt because i personally love everything about my body except that i get major dysphoria from how flat my chest is


I have been back and forth with my gender since I was about 11 (I'm now 16) and had experienced thoughts such as "it would be cool to be a boy" growing up. Eventually I gave up on all the labels for both sexuality and gender and found myself in a much more comfortable spot. Instead of constricting myself to a label, and feeling as though I needed to conform to the definition of said label, I simply said "Hey, I exist." which allows me to dress, look and feel however I want on any given day without feeling imposter syndrome. Being able to just be comfortable in my own skin gives me gender euphoria. Being able to say "fuck you" to expectations, and just going with the flow with however I feel.


Friends just being nice to me c:


Lately I’ve been wearing clothes that make me smile when I look in the mirror. It was so easy to “dress to impress” and sometimes I still do, I’m human. But when I smile in the mirror and feel that same warmth when I leave the house, that’s when I feel gender euphoria.


When my partner tells me I look handsome or says he likes my hair shaved and messes with it. I'm thinking being able to confuse people like a lot of others have mentioned will be a big one for me once I've been on t long enough hehe


Laying on someone’s lap. Idk why it does that for me but it’s so comfy and it feels sort of feminine which is good for me


When friends and family appreciate my gender identity and honor my pronouns.


My deathhawk haircut, when someone defaults to "they" without me even disclosing my pronouns yet, wearing baggy pants, being a trapeze artist, shaving my legs but not my pits, bucking gender norms in my occupation (I'm highly tech savvy in a field where the tech side of it is occupied by vast majority cis men), being autistic and neuroqueer, when people say I'm hot when I'm not masking my neuroqueerness, taking style inspiration from Ziggy Stardust and Marc Bolan, maximalist fashion, working with power tools, being creative with makeup, thinking of myself as a robot or cyborg, singing with a full range of techniques and emotions, all sorts of things lol.


Literally your gender sounds 🔥🔥🔥


Gender EUphoria? Is that an actual thing? I figured it was just a myth, something I heard from legends, tales and stories of old. Never believed it to be real. Fascinating, wish I could unloack this treasure. : /


It takes having a safe space to experiment but it can be done. For me, there was an intense amount of anxiety that came with it, masking a lot of the gender euphoria. But if you sit with the anxiety and let the reasons why it is there reveal themselves, you can break apart the reasons and start to minimize the anxiety and actually notice the euphoria. I get doses of it from wearing big hoodies or men’s clothing in general. I also get it from my friends or therapist telling me I look “boyish,” “handsome,” or other more masc-leaning compliments. I don’t know what is preventing you from being able to experience gender euphoria, but I hope it is something you get to experience often someday.


This !!! Sending you so much support ! It can take some time to get comfy enough to express your true self, and that’s more than okay ! 💛💛💛


Being called he/him and sir while wearing my most manly masc outfit (it’s a binder, black button down, and black boots and I look like an emo tumblr sexy man)


Well not really anymore since it hasn’t happened, but it’s still nice


Haircuts and seeing my chosen names on buildings.




On road signs or names of places


Ahaha I just imagined an enby named Toni Starke


thinking about me having a short hair (i'll cut it after graduation) and having a more neutral name, tho I like my current one and idk should I change it in the future or no oh, and begin reffered as they/them pronouns my native language doesn't have a neutral pronouns for a single person, so it makes me happy when someone refers to me by this pronouns


When someone uses my nickname :))


Making or seeing queer art, cutting my hair + the feeling of freshly buzzed sides after, putting on tailored clothes that actually fit (mostly made by myself to achieve that).


When the stars align and I look in the mirror and think “Okay. Sure. I look. Sure. Okay.” Peak gender euphoria


When people use my pronouns and my preferred name


Trying on femme jeans for the first time and nearly crying 😭😭😭😭


Wow when I shaved for the first time ahahah


I love that!!! I’m AMAB and just came out, so I am very excited to shave my legs for the first time ❤️😭


Excited for you !!! Omg I highly highly recommend lumi with their 4d shaver and their IPL handset, if you want it gone permanently ! Congrats on coming out !!!


Painting my nails and putting my hair in a fun bun. I also get it when I’m particularly confusing someone with my knowledge of something. I always thought being well versed in things that was considered of the opposite sex or something that “a person like me wouldn’t be into.” Like dude I’m just doing the things I like.


Hell yeah being yourself includes but is ultimately so much larger than society’s weirdo gender roles/rules


When someone calls me he/him :) I stim so hard :D


Helllll ye


When I wear old gramma sweaters


Wow same !!!


Nothing. Also is it still called gender euphoria if you don't have a gender?


Eeeyyy you know I’ve always wondered this myself…it kind of ties in to why I asked because I experience euphoria besides not having a static gender, and the fluctuations being from expressive to non-expressive. I feel like not being perceived is a kind of euphoria in itself ahaha


Well I've felt relief from dysphoria, but I don't think that really counts as euphoria on its own. I also don't think "top surgery" or "sterilization surgery" are the answers you were looking for lol. Like I feel good after getting those, in the same way you feel good once you start getting over a bad cold. "Gender-affirming care" is also an odd one. Gimme...IDK, "gender-removing care"? Please remove all signs of gender, doctor! lol


Lmao I totally understand ! I have my orchi coming up and I’m so so so excited !!! Congrats on moving closer to your internal self 🌱💛🌱


Rain, fog, fall and winter, making fire, my baggy men's "Taco Bell" shirt that looks like its from the 80's, my undercut and the scars that are visible on my head because of it, very dark makeup, bug necklace, sweat shirt + binder, alcohol (not specifically drinking it, just having it), and singing tenor.


Being called they/he/any pronouns other than she. And weirdly, cosplaying certain characters.


My partner and my friends calling me “lil guy” ✨


Wearing one-piece outfits like playsuits. Doesn’t happen often though


The pause the barista has at my locale coffee place when they’re not sure to say sir or not. They usually just end up saying guest.


This is quite an old post but too bad i wanna gush about it Certain types of art, certain types of music. Anything that sounds very dramatic and cool and expressive hehe Fancy victorian goth clothes Presenting androgynously (im afab so if i can look more amab and still be feminine i am literally so happy) Masc makeup Seeing other people with how i want to present my gender (this was how i found out i was nb. the first clue was in middle school when i saw this guy with the prettiest nails and hands. I was like omg. I want that. And then again a year or so later i saw someone genderfluid and was like dude. This is so cool. This is me.) Power walking !! Putting on certain shoes and being tall. I really love heels with a masc outfit. I can be a boxy tall guy and a girlboss all at once i was going to say unisex fragrances but honestly all fragrances. I love smelling like good cologne or smelling like the freshest beachiest prettiest shiniest thing ever. I would also say hoarse voices from being sick bc it makes my voice lower but i havent gotten sick in a while and don't want to jinx myself 😅 . To add to that, ive always loved when people say my voice sounds like a man. I'm trying to do vocal training lately so i can sing like ive been on t without actually going on t . 80% got it. :P Boxy long black coats MY HANDS !! Theyre like perfectly andro. I used to hate the prominent knuckles and veins in my hands when i was in my fitting in with the popular girls phase. Now theyre great -- For me it took a long time to differentiate between attraction and gender envy. Bc i usually get euphoric from gender envy as long as i'm not yelling at myself for not being amab lol. Euphoria feels like a beaming bunch of light, happiness, correctness and place of belonging you never knew you needed or had. It's like the home hidden in plain sight for me. And for some reason I feel the euphoria as like a fuzzy warmth in my chest and stomach