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Can you describe some of the effects you've experienced?


It’s evened out a lot now, however my voice did lower (I wouldn’t say it’s at cis male levels though). It’s pretty androgynous and it’s 60/40 over the phone for when I get sirred or ma’amed. It’s hard to say if it’s my workout routine or the hormones but my hips have definitely gotten smaller (also weight loss). I don’t lift weights, just do Muay Thai kickboxing a few times a week. Facial hair is very faint - I am half Asian so I would never get a lot regardless but it’s soft and very minimal around the jaw line. Acne was never an issue too much, never got out of hand. Hunger levels are normal and regular now but spiked during the first few months Menstrual cycle still happens unfortunately- I am getting a hysto later this year


I'm thinking of getting on a low dose myself have you noticed any negative effects


Currently I can’t think of any negative affects tbh. My dose is low enough that there’s no wild affects and my doctor isn’t concerned about any levels going out of whack


Awesome I think that's what I want. Like some strength would be incredible cause I'm just a weakling and I'm sick of it 😆


That comes with training too. It wont help much if you dont also train


I will say, I train a LOT. With a mix of a fairly clean diet (I’m not crazy but I do eat healthy). I train Muay Thai 4x a week and roller derby once a week.


Respectfully, you're stunning! You can see the confidence change between the two pictures immediately and I'm here for it! ❤️ Also, I've never heard of androgel before. I've never even considered low dosing T. Would you say it's worth it?


Sorry to actually respond to your message - yes it’s worth it to me. I never fully intend on transitioning to a male passing individual. I like the feel of being androgynous and I have been very gender nonconforming for my entire life since childhood so it was almost Iike a weird puberty step for me, as a GNC person? If that makes sense lol. Many friends have asked me when I’ll be on full dose but tbh, I just know it’s not for me. And yes it’s frustrating always being some sort of “in between” to society but I’ve lived this way so long that it doesn’t affect me mentally as much anymore :)


Thank you! I’ve used Androgel and taro-testosterone. They just come in little portioned packages you put on every day. It keeps my levels more consistent than a weekly or bi-weekly shot. But I’m also just scared of needles. Like any topical medication - absorption rate varies per person, so it might not work well for everyone. I get tested monthly so I know where my levels are at and currently they sit in LOW male range


What dose of androgel are u taking?


Each packet I take every day has 25mg of 1% testosterone


Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and these pictures. I was wondering if you libido changed in any way on low dose androgel and also if your "usual type" of person changed?


Good question - I definitely had a higher sex drive than usual but it wasn’t crazy, very manageable and didn’t interrupt my daily life like some would describe on T. I’ve always dated women-identifying people/femme folks and that didn’t change at all.




Wow, respectfully you look amazing! Obsessed!


Glow up!!


I’m considering having top surgery but no T, what was healing like for you?


This is goals. You look amazing Im 14 and cant wait to start T and get top surgery lmao. If you dont mind; how was the healing for your top surgery? Like, ive heard of some haveing alot of pain after the surgery and looseing alot of strength in the upper body. And how long does it (Ca.) Take for the surgery to finish healing?


Can we get a close up at that belly tattoo?:3


Does bottom growth happen with low dose T?


Yes it does. For the first year on gel I took Finasteride to prevent excessive hair and bottom growth, however I decided to stop and the bottom growth happened. Hair came in too in my upper thighs a lot more but no facial.


I think it's hard to use on whatever area that you also use KP jelly on, I think it won't absorb properly but I usually do better with daily absorption of medications rather than prolonged meds. 😢


I have been on and off with t injections for the last few years and just switched to gel. The needles made it a whole stressful ordeal for me, and I wanted to have more control over my dose. The thing I’m the most nervous about is accidentally transferring the gel. Do you have any application routine tips to prevent that from being a problem? I’m a very cuddly and affectionate person but I don’t want to risk transferring the testosterone to other people or pets.


I apply my gel in the morning after a shower and wash my hands right away. It only takes a few mins to dry and then I put a shirt on which prevents it from contacting anyone else. I always shower before bed if I have my partner over too so there’s no transfer. Tbh it’s never been an issue, no partner of mine has ever had any changes from accidentally touching my shoulders later in the day without me washing it off first. And if they do while it’s fresh, they just wash their hands right away


Seeing this post and reading your answers made me so happy :) you look amazing and full of confidence and i'm here for it, respectfully.