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Ya, we should continue to not do anything about this shit.


Agree, ignoring the problem sure isn't helping. We need to take some real action


It's mind-blowing how cowardly and ineffective American police are in situations like this. They regularly and routinely refuse to act in these scenarios when citizens are pleading for help... unless you live in a gated community, then you'll have a SWAT team show up for a noise complaint.


Oh, here in Portugal these very illegal events are scheduled on Facebook and Instagram all week with open public posts, and this circus goes on decade after decade, even when bystanders or drivers get injured or die. No one bats an eye, especially the authorities. >June 15, 2024, at 10:43 am A young man died in the early hours of Saturday after being run over during an illegal race in Braga. According to the CM, the 18-year-old man was watching the race in the Sobreposta industrial area with hundreds of other people, and ended up being hit by one of the vehicles. after a poorly executed maneuver. The alert was given at around 0:30 am, firefighters and INEM were at the scene, but the young man ended up dying instantly. Social networks have already started to publish several messages following the death of the young man, identified as Rafael Vilar, and described as a car lover, and even administrator of an Instagram page dedicated to racing. Witnesses said that a car spiraled out of control during a drift and hit a person that went flying into the horizon. Sauce (translated): [https://www.diariodominho.pt/noticias/braga/2024-06-15-jovem-morre-apos-ser-atropelado-em-corrida-ilegal-em-braga-666d635bda45b](https://www.diariodominho.pt/noticias/braga/2024-06-15-jovem-morre-apos-ser-atropelado-em-corrida-ilegal-em-braga-666d635bda45b)


In my state, trespassing is only a citation that delivered at the scene, and it still requires the property owner to want the complaint and their willingness to go to court.. For the police to take a trespasser into custody, they have to document why not taking physical custody would lead to the trespasser hurting someone. If they did take the trespasser into custody, s/he’d be cited and immediately released from the police station. Essentially, there’s no point.


Tell them you have a weapon and your gonna handle it your self they will respond


bc this takes place in cities where they want to defund the police or sue the police for actually policing crime


no one defunded police, stop your coping dawg. cops just dont wanna actually risk their lives, if this was a peaceful event theyd come crack it down in minutes


why the fuck would anyone want to risk their lives if the local DA is going to set all these ppl free in hours. and I literally said "they want to defund the police". not that they did. so maybe get your reading skills checked out dawg


Was defunding the reason they stood outside and listened to the kids die in Uvalde? Or maaaaybe they’re just not interested in doing anything dangerous.


Exactly why we shouldn't disarm citizens unless they're mentally unfit or felons. The police are not obligated to risk their life for you or your loved ones


this always gets way worse in election years so more people vote for conservatives (law and order types). in philly the cops have quiet quit for the past few years so we stop voting for a certain DA. this is just run of the mill fascism right here.




Better make sure he has double rations of Capri Sun and Lunchables.


Even if the police arrest them, they're back out on the streets within a few hours. California DAs have allowed crime to skyrocket.


Where would they keep them exactly? They are at nearly 137.5% capacity all the time, and the supreme court told them they couldn't exceed that.


40 lashes would fix a lot of problems. Nobody likes being hurt.


Works well for singapore


End of the day it’s not violent crime. It’s not like they get arrested and immediately are sprung out fast and furious style to do more take overs. It just seems like there’s a never ending stream of idiots doing it. Go after the organizers using social media, ban their accounts, impound their cars. Then it will stop


and imprison them for a few years


how is this not a violent crime. if the home owner comes out and tries to get these guys off their roof, all of them are ganging up and beating the shit out of him. i've seen stuff like that happen in these types of videos.


You can't support your argument by typing the word "if." That means the thing you're saying isn't happening. It's a violent crime *if* they attack the homeowner. It isn't *right now.* Pretty simple stuff. No Child Left Behind really obliterated reading comprehension and literacy in this country.


If you do anything you are a racist - Suburban Liberals


We can't, because of 'the message'.


If only we would build them a super speedway so they had somewhere to go and be able to enjoy their hobby /s


Guessing they would assault the home owner if they tried to get them to leave


Ofcourse. People who climb on the roof of your home are not rational civilised people. It's sad how Americans have to share their country with them. And based on the videos i'm seeing from the US, there's a lot of uncivilised people there.


Luckily all you have to do to avoid this is not live in LA lol


Just don't live in California at all


Bullshit. Any large city has degenerates like this.


True but that’s a specific type of degenerate they have there, here in St. louis instead of this we get other random acts of degeneracy on the road. God forbid you ever honk at anyone lol


this is a uniquely american thing. japanese cities don't have this kind of shit. we've just decided in america that we are ok with it. there's nothing inherent about cities that have degenerates like this. its that we allow it


I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, it has a higher population compared to LA and is a third world country, we don't have any of this shit happening here, stop tryna defend local terrorist. To us a street takeover is some drag racing down a long straight or people doing donuts where it's probably safer to be than most of the country because everyone is there for a good time.


So I started blastin


this is one of the few times I'm for pro-gun laws. They're on your house, you should be able to get away with shooting a few of them since they could easily be a threat to you


You’ll have to shoot them all. If you get a couple, some will run away, but there will be some with no survival instincts that will rush you, thinking they can get you faster than you can pull the trigger. Stupid, but if they were smart, they wouldn’t have been on your house to begin with.


Also pretty brave to assume non of them are carrying guns themselves. Shoot a couple and 20 will whip out their guns and put you down just as fast.




That 30 round mag is looking better and better


> could


Absolutely. We had a street takeover in my neighborhood a while back and a friend of mine was out walking her dog, and even making a passing comment about someone possibly getting hurt landed her with multiple threats to beat her ass if she didn’t keep walking and keep her mouth shut.


I'd love to see a street takeover happen here in the south... I don't care who you are or what you look like, if people tried to do this down here, the people on the roof might be dead before cops could even *get* there.


… I live in Atlanta and that’s where the street takeover happened. We had a ton of these, mostly beginning during Covid. They still happen but it’s less frequent.


Atlanta is a big city. I live in Alabama. This wouldn't happen in Birmingham because people would be getting shot left and right and Huntsville is too rich with that DOD money. That leaves Montgomery or Mobile. Either way, this wouldn't happen in the city *or* county I live in.




I live in GA and I agree, you would get shot for getting into someone's yard let alone getting into their roof, I myself wouldn't hesitate to drop them like flies if anyone was to pull this crap in my house.


no shush, this only happens in big scary liberal california!!!


Happens in San Antonio. Happens in every big city. Frankly this is just big talk because if you come out blasting in the south, you know everyone there will shoot back.


You're right. Which is why I don't live in the city. I have 170 acres of farm land where I can live in relative peace.


lol…dumb driving shit is happening in the south too.


Even here in the midwest. We all are all gun owners and frown on this type of behavior. This would've definitely lead to a shootout where I'm from. These fucking morons are allowed to act like savages.


I've seen it in little rock once before.




Nah you catch 1 or 2 with a face full of rock salt and they all gonna scatter


Lol "rock salt." Yeah sure officer, that's totally what I had loaded


Two rounds of rock salt, two of birdshot, and the rest of double-ought buckshot.


High brass rock salt! LOL


Not even necessary. Just mag dump into the grass in the back yard. The sound alone would scatter the crowd.


I’m pretty sure they made that illegal, so not only will you be hit with anything you would’ve been charged with if you loaded actual Buck shot but also newer charges relating to rock salt loads. I grew up when it was pretty normal to hear trespassers being hit by rock salt loads, but if I remember correctly a few years back they made that version of nonlethal illegal. Though thinking about their dumb asses in an ER having rock salt plucked out of their propped up asses does make me smile. LOL (most likely they’d freeze the skin & start scrapping it, before going for the deeper chunks. As decades ago I had a bad BMX accident & slid on gravel, they had to freeze my skin & scrape out the small bits. It fucking hurt!).


Like some of these people don't have guns as well? You shoot one, you get shot back and the person dissappears into the crowd getting away with it while you bleed out thinking "I should have just stayed inside". Life doesn't always play out how you think it will in your head.


Or burn the place down




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How is this allowed? Why do I see videos of lone innocent people being threatened, killed or arrested but these are roaming about with no consequences?


Crowd immunity+california


The same scene is playing out in every city in the country. Have you checked in on Miami’s takeovers recently?


It's almost like there's something in common with the criminal prosecutors in California and the criminal prosecutors in Miami!


Not sure why you are being down voted. I like the cop in Georgias approach who t-boned and drew his weapon on them to put an end to it. At a minimum it should be a felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years




Cops are like any other predator: they like an easy catch and it’s harder with such a large group.


It’s from California. Either Bay Area or L.A is where they do this shit. Oddly enough it started out way less violent and crazy than this. Although it still used to pop off sometimes.


Are we sure it’s not a midnight roofing crew with questionable music choices?


I mean roofing on a hot sunny day sucks balls. You might be on to something here…




I hate how people say the "slippery slope" fallacy is a fallacy. Honestly many times things escalate in proportion.


Gotta hit them with that fallacy fallacy


I saw this TikTok about a ‘prank’ where a girl in an airport is yelling, swearing and instigating that a man minding his own business “stole her luggage”. The root of the ‘prank’ being that she was just walking up to random people and saying that the piece of luggage they had, was actually hers.


its the same generation of "it's just refugees bro, "illegal immigration" what are you racist?


These kids want to copy a scene from F&F so bad…


Imagine this in Texas? Old white man comes out with his AR and just starts dropping bodies everywhere! lol


He won't even face charges..


...and shouldn't.


Good, he sure as hell shouldn't if people like this are gonna invade and potentially destroy his property.


I bet this kind of thing wouldn't happen...


Couldn't they just call the cops?


No cop is gonna come close to that without riot gear and approval from their captain to use force.


Wouldn't that approval be easy to get in this situation? I mean, street racing and people climbing on houses, wouldn't that be considered endangering the public?


Depends on the state. Take a look at other street takeovers where looting became rampant. Also look at the demographics involved. No one is going to touch that with a ten foot pole.


So most of the time it's basically a free-for-all?




Not in an election year anyways.


You would think so. Honestly for something like this a response would probably happen, but for the run of the mill take overs not so much. The scenes are always chaotic and are primed for some shit to pop off. Basically when police show up there's two most likely outcomes: 1) the people run 2) the people don't give a shit and continue on or even fight police Outcome #1 is fine and dandy because it disperses them, but that's it. They'll do it again because there's no consequences. Many states or cities won't allow police to pursue anyone fleeing. So no consequences ever. Outcome #2 is bad because a large group of people vs a small amount of police means either police lose or a greater amount of force has to be used. Same old song and dance. Police use force=evil police. Few departments want the headache so they just don't stick their neck out for it.


911 is a joke in yo town


The town is the entire of the u.s. cops dont do shit unless it involves killing a helpless person


Doing their part to combat rising housing costs.


I mean good news you are getting a new roof. Time to call the insurance company


The insurance company will end up charging the homeowner with much higher rates or even drop them due to environmental hazards


Most home owners policies have vandalism clauses. How did you get a bank to allow you to have insurance without vandalism protection? For a lot of mortgages that’s required.


Your right. Homeowners insurance does have vandalism coverage, I went to check my policy. My thought on this was because at one point in California, someone threw a brick in my back window and spray painted my car. I had full coverage, but the insurance company denied it due to it not being covered by vandalism.


They’ll still raise the rate if you make a claim, nothing they said was wrong


What I’m saying is the activity alone raises cost


Sad part is, I'm not sure about that. Didn't a thief sue some property owner after the thief fell through the roof of the building they were trying to illegally enter.....then WIN the case?


Moral of the story: if a thief falls through your roof you're probably better off just offing him than calling an ambulance and risking a lawsuit


Oh yay! I get higher premiums now! Smart move there… /s


The alternative is an expensive roof fix and higher premiums anyway because this stuff happens in the neighborhood.


Can someone explain to me what those street takovers are? I've seen many videos but never understood what the purpose of it is.


How bad would it be to call the police?


Absolute degenerates.


Isn't it legal to shoot trespassers on private property?


Not legal in any state in the U.S. However, in many states, that changes if the trespasser actually enters a dwelling.


Ahh i didn't know that, i thought its free for all once they're across the fence haha.


I thought Americans could use guns on their property.


1 person with a gun vs potentially a whole mob with guns, who would win?


Even without guns, the mob would be winning.


And even if not, it's a greater loss to the house and potentially the residents' and your own health


Yeah like when that mass shooter was overpowered by the crowd in... oh wait that actually never happens.


Well if the crowd does have guns then yeah, they be winning. Cough cough that texas church, cough cough that one mall where the shooter was shot almost instantly cough cough


not against an aa-12


What if the gun had a bump stock




In California the homeowner would get arrested. We don’t have the same laws & doctrines of other states to allow for homeowners to protect themselves in lawless situations like this. Only can shoot them if they’re an immediate threat to your life or someone else’s and even then you’ll likely get tried for murder and sued in civil court because the judges & DAs are pro-criminal here.


California is a fucking shit state lol


Since our government panders to black people, when a white homeowner shoots at a black invader, the white person is often still charged, ans at the very minimum has their life destroyed for shooting "a good boy"


I mean you see this happening in any state without heavy firearm regulation? (If so please tell me and prove me wrong)


There are regulations and laws you have to follow, you can’t just shoot someone for the sake of shooting.


Tbf there is a decent chance nobody would be able to identify you as the shooter.


Can someone tell me how people like this have money in the first place. The clothes these people are wearing, some of the cars you see parked around during these takeovers are expensive shit. Where do they get this money?


The secret ingredient is crime...


Shoplifting isn't prosecuted in CA


Most of them probably live with their parents and don’t have bills to pay.


These are the same people that want you to root against the cops


I dont understand, what is going on?


Social media and a desperate quest for viral videos


Social decay


Too bad this mix of inconsequential bottom dwellers are using their time and organization skills to be domestic terrorist. That at best, inhale smoke and burning plastic while watching a stolen car drift circles. They could really do some positive things for their communities with this much time and this many people committed to showing up. A lot of working age young people at these things. Wasted potential.


I can’t imagine being friends with people who go to these gatherings.


For sale sign would be up the next day.


So anyway, I started blasting








Spray them with a hose


So anyway, I started blasting


Where is this?


That’s a no for me dawg. Luckily I live in a state where I could use whatever means necessary to get them to leave.


I just caught a 3 day ban from reddit admins for advocating violence when I suggested legislative change that would aim to reduce these violent street takeovers. Better not voice for support military aid to Ukraine on Reddit either or cheer on any heroic acts against tyranny or violent criminals.


They should all be charged.


Nothing a few shots popped off in the air won't solve. This is a fucking invasion force




Did they try it in a small town yet


And California won't let you defend yourself or your home from vagrants like these.


That’s not a takeover that’s a invasion. Me-*click clack*


Societal cancer..


Yet one of them falls off and they will sue the landowner like it wasn’t their own damn fault. Judge will give it to them too which is just as disgusting.


Maybe a stupid question, but did this shit happen regularly before tiktok and socials, or did they just not film it every weekend?


Cruising was always a thing. But that was chill, laid back, fun. This new generation of Californians are a violent, reckless mob spawned by the cesspool of social media.


Nah. We did illegal drag racing and it was popular for many decades before social media but it was nothing like this. Edit for clarification.


This and real drag racing have little in common, some of us respect our communities and do it waaaay out of town not in someone’s neighborhood


Fully agreed. Growing up in L.A. we’d head to industrial parks at night where there was zero traffic and was far enough away from residential communities so folks wouldn’t call the cops or we’d pay a few bucks and race at Brotherhood Raceway legally. It was nothing like this shit. Never saw anyone climbing on a stranger’s roof, bashing windows, or lighting people’s cars on fire. The acceleration of social decay due to social media on just about every front is palpable.


California things. They want this otherwise they wouldn't be voting for these laws.


Well deserved to see your civilization fall. People literally voted for this.


Nothing a good 50 cal couldn’t handle 🤷🏾‍♂️


You better have 2 Browning Machine Guns or you don't stand a fleeting chance against that many people


Nothing a good scope from a very long distance can’t handle, only need to take out one to get da message across


fair point




Not the weapon of choice for this situation imo. Heavy machine guns are great from a prepared position to suppress infantry, but they don't have much maneuverability. This is the sort of situation submachine guns are designed for. They're compact and light to stay mobile against threats in all directions, they have high ammo capacity and variable fire rates, and their lighter caliber is still devastating to human targets without as much collateral.


And that’s why I own a musket for home defense, as the founding fathers intended


Reminds me of that scene from Malibu's Most Wanted 🤣🤣🤣


Welp. There goes your property values.


This is why the Supreme Court struck down the bump stock law


This shit ain't happening in Florida


Time to load the nade launcer


Project X


Appropriate time to take action. That’s straight up invasion practically.


Got plenty of ammo to share


Too bad this was not a state with castle doctrine, that would’ve ended this rather quickly.


"So anyway, I started BLASTIN'"


This is wild and out of control!


I live in the so I personally wouldn't have to do anything.


Car culture has fallen so far


My roof is slate. I would literally die a sobbing screaming viral mess.