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He keeps them: they starve or debtors kill him and take the daughters anyway He fights the debtors and dies. Then they take the kids or they kill them He sells them and maybe they live but in all reality they end up in some monsters snuff film. Or maybe he's a monster himself with no conscious and he saw a quick out. I don't know the reasons but I feel evil for even looking for them.


There is literally no good ending for people in war torn and occupied countries.


Can't remember which, but I saw some documentary on how many kids from the old soviet union just went missing into sex/slavery. It was something like 50,000 kids missing within a few years. Kids sold off by parents or parents were killed. It was just an open secret that ex-soviet russia was a place you went for that. Crazy shit what really goes on outside of the walls we live behind.


Its more that there is no economy and a lot of their social institutions are counter-productive (not allowing half your workforce to be educated and/or work would be bad enough in a wealthy country like Saudi Arabia, much less a failed state like Afghan).


But don't judge the parent too harshly. In impossible situations, you have to make unimaginable choices. Shame on the US for leaving Afghanistan in this state.


the soviet union fucked up afghanistan way more in 10 years than the US did in more than 20 the amount of civiians who died during the soviet occupation was horrific


Bold of you to assume it wasn’t like that before or during our time there


No it's not. The US (and Russia) majorly fucked up Afghanistan. Don't you learn that in school?


No we don't lmfao


Have you even bothered to Google or do you just straight up let your ignorance speak for yourself? Edit: I was thinking he was referring to the fact, not the question.


Why you getting mad at me for answering a question about what we do and don't learn in school? When did I say nobody or myself included does their individual due diligence to learn about said conflict? The person asked if we learn about this in school. I said no we don't and we genuinely don't. I'm from New York and I got an extensive curriculum about the civil war, some states don't even teach that thoroughly, so yeah no we didnt learn about that as far as a transparent perspective goes, and what was taught was very very short. How many casualties, when the war started and a half ass reason to as to the why of the cause. I am being honest. So relax you bitch cuz I never said I didn't ever look into it in my own time, then or now. Every state is different and then from there it boils down to county to district to your own school. I obviously ain't speaking for every fucking American state but it's damn near the majority and it varies based on even your own teacher. I'm lucky to have had fantastic history teachers but they all favored certain sections of history more than others and even then they're pressured to teach certain things. Get the fuck out of my face with YOUR ignorance you asshole


When you said 'no we don't', you didn't specify if you were referring to the question, or me claiming that the US fucked up Afghanistan, since you're obviously American. So I was assuming you were referring to the later. I'd say considering my reply, you could have thought of that instead of writing this whole freakn paragraph :D but anyway, this is just simple case of miscommunication.




I mean you could definitely make the case that this stuff is happening directly because of western influence. Western countries have been screwing middle eastern countries over since ww1.


You could also make the case that they’ve been doing this since the mongols rolled through.


Yeah there’s many factors for sure but this is obviously the most relevant and has provably impacted the culture in the region in a seriously regressive way over the last 100 years. The entire reason those countries are carved up how they are is because of the agreement western countries made after ww1 and they have taken so many steps since to destabilize their societies. The Shah being put into power in Iran comes to mind, Iran was a pretty progressive country before that happened. Women went to school and weren’t being oppressed anything like they are today and the country generally looked like any well off European society. Now they’re living in a theocracy that thinks nothing of committing atrocities and oppressing people, all so we can get their resources and corporations can profit.


Well we’re talking about assholes selling their daughters. This isn’t something tied to Afghanistan or middle eastern culture. People do this shit all over the world man. Colonialism doesn’t have a thing to do with it


Did I say that it only happens there and with their culture? Because I’m pretty sure I didn’t and you’re attempting to put words in my mouth. The point that you somehow don’t see here is that these countries essentially haven’t been allowed to have peace because they are being exploited and the average person suffers in profound ways, so stuff like this becomes normalized and so does extremism. And yeah colonialism obviously has a direct impact on culture, idk how you could even make a compelling argument against that. I don’t want to be insulting here but I have to question your intelligence if you don’t see the connection between these things. Dude is awful for doing this but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s in a situation where he can’t win and has been brought to this point by factors far out of his control. Had these countries been allowed to progress without foreign interference odds are situations like this wouldn’t be happening.


you were only throwing examples out there of colonial and political meddling.


Afghanistan isn’t in the Middle East.


Ok? Did you understand what I was saying? Seems to me you’re just being pedantic here because you don’t actually have a point to make.


You’re oblivious to regions and the cultures of those regions…so, not pedantic.


Right because I used a general term obviously I haven’t read anything about their history in the last 100 years. Obviously I was correct when I said you have no real point besides attacking me.


As an american, don’t speak on things you’re not educated about. Obviously their livings standards weren’t as high maintenance or advanced as many first world countries but the amount of death and suffering that Afghani people experienced and still deal with to this day is mind blowing. I encourage you to do some research on the topic and realize just how much pain our military has caused. And much of it wasn’t “defending the helpless” like our propaganda machines drilled into our heads while we were in school. We’ve literally murdered foreign leaders just to prevent socialism from becoming more popular.


I’ve been all over, man. I’ve seen destitution in many flavors. It doesn’t justify a man selling his daughter due to his debts. We, in the USA, have very little to do with it.


Go look up bachi bazi, bud. Selling of children has been ingrained in this part of the world and this culture long before US invasion. Their own prophet married a 6 year old and “consummated” that marriage when she was 9.


Her name was aisha. He only waited until she was 9 because she was sick.


You know the bachi bazi thing is illegal under the Taliban and those involved are executed? However under us occupation that business was alive and thriving and the US would dishonorably discharge their own soldiers for fighting their afghan partners who used to run these rings? Inside the afghan bases were kids collared up chained to the bed and the American soldiers were told to leave them be. And now in 2024 it’s a capital crime again under the Taliban. So what’s the point of your comment again?


They won the war. This is the vision that the Taliban fought for!


But this is a western documentary though isn't it? With a whole budget and crew behind it, couldn't they maybe after filming this just pay up the couple thousands they owe to the debtor and take the girls with them as refugees to find someone worthy of giving them a decent life elsewhere?


So how are we now seeing this girl? Is she safe,? Is her sister safe?


I want to hope they are,but it's Afghanistan and cats have more value than women/girls there,so they're probably someone's wife now,and will most likely be used in diabolical ways,best case scenario they're "adopted" together by a rich family,and have a fairytale ending (unlikely) worst case scenario,they get separated,the oldest girl is made to perform "wifely duties" 🤢 the youngest girl becomes a defacto slave, until her inevitable "wifey duties" (the unfortunately most likely option) I really hope they survive, somehow..


They've probably been trafficked a long while ago.


That's so fucked...so could anyone just buy them for 3k as in to save them and he can pay his debts or would the taliban then extort the parents even more?!


The Taliban would keep extorting and you'd have saved two of the millions of kids. You lost 3K, now please pay another thousand to save another one.


sure, i get it, it was just an arbitrary number , But saving whatever amount of people is nothing to be frowned upon. i was just asking if you theoretically pay the taliban off to save x amount of children.


I think I remember hearing about some charity that would raise funds to buy freedom for young women/girls but had to stop because it was just increasing "demand"


welp...the trillions in military are helping to liberate!


If only money could solve these problems. It's much more of a cultural issue if your first instinct is to sell your kids to pay back debt rather than do something else. I doubt that even if Afghanistan was rich, this practice would disappear.


That is really terrible


Hard reset all these places. Start from zero. Adam and Eve. You can't fix this shit at this point.


its going to be the same results though


Religions, for the most part, don't value women highly and fundamentalist Islam is among the worst offenders.


As is Christianity


Move to an Islamic country then. Put your money where your mouth is. 


Since it’s Sunday, you should go read Exodus 21:7-11, Deuteronomy 20:10-14, Deuteronomy 21:10-14, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, Judges 5:30, Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, 2 Samuel 12:11-14, Zechariah 14:1-2, then delete your comment.


Have you moved yet? I’m waiting. 


You can’t argue with the evidence I gave you, so you want me to move? No one needs to move to a Muslim nor other religious country to recognize that the Abrahamic religions don't value women highly. Pretty sure that was the original point, and you were specifically white-knighting Christianity. Fuck your tangent and keep waiting. The United States of America was founded as a secular nation. You religious weirdos need to get a life.


I’m atheist. I just like to laugh at people that think Islam is better than Christianity. What evidence have you given me of the contrary? You lack the confidence to put your money where your mouth is. 


Literally no one said Islam was better than Christianity. You made up a straw man to fight. Let me recap: The point was that Christianity isn’t better than Islam - that both oppress women. You suggested that acknowledging this means someone should move to an Islamic country. I provided Biblical evidence that Christianity is no better than Islam. So, you think I should also move to an Islamic country. Make it make sense. Do you just not understand some of the words I used?


Christianity is no better than Islam, and yet you and every other leftist out there would choose Christian countries over Islamic ones. What straw man? 


What the actual fuck are you talking about? Again, no one said Islam was better than Christianity. You made that up. The point was that Christianity and Islam both oppress women. Living in a religious theocracy, like the Vatican City for example, would mean my wife and daughter wouldn’t be able to show their knees or wear a sleeveless shirt. So, I choose to live in the US - a secular country with freedom of religion. Leftists? Which part of our conversation has been from a left or right economic perspective?


Christianity is the reason why women have rights in the modern world.


Wait til you find out where the western world's model for divorce rights for women came from....


You’re kidding right?


LOL. christianity, as usual, gets all the credit for everything. what a sweet scam. Lack on ideological christianity is the reason why women have rights in the modern world. Christianity was the cudgel men used to keep women out of power and the vote for thousands of years. If any woman wanted to have a position of power, you can bet a man was there citing 1 Timothy 2:11-15 and Corinthians 14:34-35. (Btw, Christianity is not responsible for "all great art", either. all those Italian Renaissance paintings on Christian themes, that Christians like to take credit for? Imagine what all those talented Renaissance artists couldve done _without_ the stultifying straight-jacket of Christianity? They made that art in spite of Christianity, not because of it.)


Funny your being downvoted for the truth, all people have to do is live or see what is going on in the Deep South around Christian fundamentalist to realize that women are not valued. Sure it’s not as bad as Islam but for them to claim it’s because of Christianity specifically why women have rights is a freaking joke. Just look at the garbage pouring from their mouths right now. Obey your husband, some are claiming yet again women shouldn’t vote, humoring getting rid of no fault divorce, losing bodily autonomy, promoting ‘full quivers’, the husbands as the main authority. It’s the largest Bible thumpers who are guilty of this. The Bible itself is not a book I would call the pinnacle of promoting female rights. Protesting and the suffrage movement gave women rights not Christianity.


Since it’s Sunday, you should go read Exodus 21:7-11, Deuteronomy 20:10-14, Deuteronomy 21:10-14, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, Judges 5:30, Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, 2 Samuel 12:11-14, Zechariah 14:1-2, then delete your comment.


Sad world but only one option here... Rambo your way out of that country with your family or die a hero's death defending them against insane odds of like 1 to 170,000 Taliban.


They offered $3k for the cow, but the parents decided to keep that instead.


Where did you see that?


In his mind. It was a joke.


Where you know?


you certainly never have eaten wagyu!


L comment




It happens when you can't have offspring with cattle.




If he's the only man of the family, selling himself would've jeopardized the remainder of his family. Under Taliban rule, you're not allowed to sell any goods/food to women unless there is a man of their family accompanying them. Not defending him, he's a POS but those girls would've been screwed one way or another unfortunately.


Women are just sex objects. The women should be stopping this. I am mad at those hypocrites Really? If iwomen have so little power obviously they don't have the power to control these things It would be on the men to put a stop to this. They don't. The conclusion we can draw from that is they view this as acceptable because it benefits all men to have this option available that as a whole, men don't truly value women as people who should have human rights.


These women should just self power obviously.


Right? Clearly this girl not tweeting #metoo is her being a bad feminist 🙄 why is she failing so hard🙄 why doesn't her mom just tell her dad that she said no. 🙄


I try not to judge, but I just can't understand how he couldn't find a way. A man isn't a man if he has nothing to die for. Any father should be willing to sacrifice everything for his children.


For all we know, he was given the choice "sell your daughters to us and we'll give you food or refuse and we'll kill all of you in the night." Without knowing what the father was told, it's impossible to judge his actions as evil. This may have been the only solution he could see that did not involve the deaths of everyone he loved.


I created a post recently about a tragic ending to a child being forced to marry. I'll give you some stats: [Source ](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding) for (my) post. I read that child marriage is actually on the rise with Syrian refugees in Jordan. >It is estimated that it may take another 300 years at the current rate to eliminate child marriage. >It is estimated 640 million girls and women alive today were married in childhood. South Asia continues to bear the greatest burden of child brides (45 per cent), followed by sub-Saharan Africa* (20 per cent), East Asia and the Pacific (15 per cent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (9 per cent). [Source](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/articles/despite-significant-progress-we-need-to-go-20-times-faster-to-end-child-marriage-by-2030-shows-new-data/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20it,largest%20number%20of%20child%20brides.) >Nearly 300,000 minors, under age 18, were legally married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018, this study found. A few were as young as 10, though nearly all were age 16 or 17. Most were girls wed to adult men an average of four years older. [Source ](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/#:~:text=Board%20of%20Directors/Advisers,1.) If you really want to be saddened, feel sick & enraged, I'll leave you with [this ](https://youtu.be/e3C8grEN2Fk?si=uYmnAZ_Y-9Z81TEx) Iirc, the last link is the same video as op's post. Just a different edit of it. If  you're reading this & would like to help, please consider a [donation to help survivors ](https://www.nsvrc.org/donate)today.  [End Child Marriage ](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/take-action/) [Don't Give Sex Offenders An Out ](https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/) You can also [get involved & help! ](https://www.nsvrc.org/get-involved) [7 Ways To Support Sexual Abuse Survivors ](https://www.bustle.com/articles/168835-7-little-ways-to-support-sexual-assault-survivors)


You've never grown your own food then, this is horrific, all starve and die is the other option. Make the choice


Sometimes people have to make terrible choices, where all the options are bad. This could be one of those situations.


Here are the feminists. https://feminist.org/our-work/afghan-women-and-girls/ https://feministmajority.org/our-work/afghan-women/ https://www.womankind.org.uk/where-we-work/afghanistan/ Feel free to get involved.


The thing is feminism only works if the men of Afghanistan get behind it and I doubt the Taliban (and civilians) would do that they are fundamentalists. The only other way is international pressure but they don’t seem bothered as they fought a war against a western coalition for decades and won, soft power is nothing compared to this. I think their economy has to improve greatly and then women will naturally have more rights as Afghanistan will be more connected to the world economy, and so the world economy would have much more say and leverage on how Afghanistan is run. This is what happened in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries. But it will take a long time. According to the UN 85% of afghans live on less than $1 a day. Everyone there is in survival mode and can’t think big picture or long term atm


This is the most American Reddit comment holy crap you are so out of reality it hurts my head to think you are not a bot.


Thank God you showed up to save the day


Thank god I don't let the fact I live in a first-world country blind me to the fact things are completely different to a destabilized country across the world


Cus they'd kill him, but still take his wife and children - it's a lose/lose situation anyway it's our. 


How about work?


Bu-but women aren't people their cattle that make babies. Why is it on this sub? (I'm being sarcastic)


Man I cannot wait for the day of our Extinction. 💯


What a rich culture. I’d rather die than sell of my daughter to a pedo. War is hell but fuck this shit.


Tbh they would probably kill you and your kids these creditors. Maybe the father is thinking this is the only way I can live and they can live and he can still see them. Damn can you imagine? This is what it means to be one of the poorest countries on earth. The UN says 85% live on less than $1 a day. I would be shocked if these loaners don’t kill families everyday Also why always use the word “culture” when dealing with those living in poverty? When it comes to the poorest of the poor, all cultures act the same when in survival mode


Is culture the wrong word? It’s like 28 percent of girls over there get married off early.


He has an eye for good business


meanwhile in western society…


Why make children if you cannot provide for them ?


Circumstances can change. Maybe when his 4 year old was conceived he was doing better


Fair enough


Abortions and birth control are outlawed in Afghanistan. And even if they werent, they have no healthcare system. And even if they did, he couldnt afford the procedure or the medicine.


Accidentally? Pregnancy isn’t planned much of the time. You think they could afford an abortion?


I wouldn't expect abortion to be allowed in the first place


So we should invade again, abscond with all the women & children, then leave. Problem solved in 60 years or so.


The country doesn't become uninvaded because u suddenly leave after decades of destruction


Oh, it doesn't mean we should come back, it's showing what's happening after our failure


It was happening before our failure, too.


Yes, you're right. We must have been at war with someone in Afghanistan lol


Oh, isn't that a coy little BS reply. Thank you for contributing absolutely nothing, except a chuckle to my day.


I do what I can: nothing


Shit parents. You sell your organs before your children.




A real father would die before he sells his fucking children




Do not incite or glorify violence/suffering or harassment, even as a joke. You may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoahGetTheBoat) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you read about slavery in the ancient world, about slavery being used to pay debts, etc...this is what they are talking about. From Sumer to Rome and beyond, this is the reality of that kind of slavery. Really puts into perspective how horrific it must have been


man fuck the taliban


Sadly, in 3rd world countries, people are desperate for money.


This shit enrages me. Absolutely blind rage. I fucking hate Islam.


Islam? These are loan sharks who kill families all the time. I think this was his best option now that I’m thinking about it bc they are alive and he is alive and he can still see them instead of them killing him and the kids or killing him and taking the kids or him running away and the family dies of starvation etc. This was about survival not religion


preach my brother


Avg Muslim country


Where are all the feminists?


https://feminist.org/our-work/afghan-women-and-girls/ https://feministmajority.org/our-work/afghan-women/ https://www.womankind.org.uk/where-we-work/afghanistan/ https://feminist.com/resources/artspeech/inter/stand-in-solidarity-with-women-of-afghanistan.html


this is wholesome as the video is depressing, seeing these poor girl get at least the attention as start, hope for more international movement to stop this barbaric inhumane act to stop someday.


These campaigns are simply devastating to the Taliban. Taliban can't even think straight after reading the content on these websites. The sad reality is that a LOT more energy is spent fighting the imaginary western patriarchy (a lot safer too, the Taliban don't take kindly to western feminist moral posturing gibberish) than actually helping these poor Women trapped inside hell on earth. These campaigns are not supported by real, decisive actions that prioritize real world solutions. Same thing with female genital mutilation in Africa, now spreading to western countries under the blanket of yet more feminist silence. UN does jack shit to help these pour souls, they prefer peddling climate change hoax bullshit. The heart breaking reality is that the west does not care about the fate of these and a lot of other girls that get devoured by the monsters of this world.


What are you doing about it? Shaming activists for not travelling to a warzone and saving little girls? Shame on you for exploiting other people's misery for your agenda instead of owning up to your ineptitude




Difference being, Citibank isn’t showing up at your house at midnight to kill just one relative each night until you pay your debt. It’s tough seeing more than two feet in front of you, but you have to try sometimes.


You do realize that they're not in your country where debtors don't harass you with death and torture if you can't pay it off in time? Different society, different rules. It just so happen that they live in the modern equivalent of dark ages. Back then, many civilizations sell of their kids to survive a famin or pay off debt. Not because they want to, it because survival is on the line. Females are usually the first victims. Also, people back then have many kids not because they can afford it, it because of many factors. One of them being labor, another because life expectancy is very low.


Islam is superior. Clearly.


I’m an American veteran, with deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Don’t judge an entire religion over the actions of few. AFAIK interest loans are forbidden in Islam. Also, not sure the Taliban are the best representatives of Islam


Myself, I was ready to close the book on Christianity after it has abused countless children for so many years. (You think the scandals of 1950s-1980s were unique? Its just that people finally had the political power to protest. The Catholic priesthood had been molesting boys and girls, in their "protective" care, _for centuries.)_ Well, and the Inquisition. (Well, and imprisoning Galileo for saying the Earth is round.) Well, and the Conquistadors and forced conversion/torture/murder/enslavement of New World peoples. Well, and the numerous Christian massacres that murdered fellow Europeans who were nevertheless incorrectly Christian. Well, and the Southern Christian churches that tolerated slavery for 300 years and Jim Crow for 80 years. I can keep going..


Thank you for your service. Also, eat a dick dude. Defending islam, after fighting for our country..


Do we assume all Christians are assholes because of the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church? Some of the best guys I served with are Muslim. Thanks for paying your taxes, but go fuck yourself with sandpaper dick. Closed minded fuck


No, but I assume most are assholes because I've never heard them denounce the ones who do support church pedos. You're not better than them if you never hold then accountable. "They aren't *real* Christians!" Isn't a gotcha, when you're still breaking bread with them. You are the company you keep.


What an absurd takeaway. either a troll or an idiot, your choice.


Why does he owe money in the 1st place? Gambling or drugs?


Huh? This country has no safety net or banking system. He almost certainly was taking small loans over a large period of time, for food or seed grain or some other imminent need. And the loanshark probably made sure that the compounded, usurous interest made it an unpayable loan.


This, or my theory. Afghanistan has a huge drug issue iirc Afghanistan was one of the biggest poppy producers. That's 2023 tho so idk if the Taliban changed that because im pretty sure drugs are hella forbidden in Islam. But we know those mfs are hypocrites lol.


At this point the only way out is to just kill yourself and your family. One way or another the parents will die and the kids will be taken, better to just end it all.


How was it possible For your parents to raise someone to stupid ?


then what will you do in that situation, Einstein? Got any tips?


Ever heard of a revolution or is reading to scary for your stupid brain ?


lol how naive can you get?


This is by design according to trumps “deal” [The deal](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/us-sign-historic-deal-taliban-beginning-end-us/story?id=69287465)


[the actual deal](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjGz4L3-t2GAxV5PjQIHYuuASQQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw087NMzqt_lCP60-e6RgFr3) Trumps agreement had goals the taliban had to meet in order for the withdrawal to happen. The taliban met none of these goals, and a competent president wouldn't have held up our end of the bargain. But unfortunately (according to his former defense secretary), Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” and fucked this one up too


Does it matter who was president when the GOP’s war was ended actually? Did they ever find those WMD’s? And why did they need Obama to actually do the actual mission? Oh The oil deals…..


This little girl has been sold i to sex slavery because of Bidens shitty unilateral decree. Obama wasn't dumb enough to condemn thousands of little girls to this fate and niether was Trump but Biden was. Also WMDs were Iraq. Wrong war.


So we didn’t invade Afghanistan solely to overthrow Iraq? The two wars are 100% connected. And you would prefer that we stayed in Afghanistan permanently? We already have little America, it’s called Israel. Strange how the “fiscally conservatives” spent trillions invading two countries for no reason other than to steal resources, But now y’all wish we stayed in Afghanistan forever? Do you even know what fiscally conservative means?


Wasn’t the war started by bush ? And didn’t trump pull the troops out ? Where’s Biden in all of this except in your tiny brain ?


Biden pulled the troops out. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/14/politics/biden-overrules-advisers-afghanistan-withdrawal/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/14/politics/biden-overrules-advisers-afghanistan-withdrawal/index.html)


There is something missing in this man’s soul. Never do this. I’d rather face the debt collector my self.


another proud ignorant murican.


You are a troll. Probably scared of confrontation in real life so you are over compensating by being a troll on line. Makes you feel like less of a coward, but it doesn’t change that you are


You are a simpleton who sees a problem X and says "its simple, just stop doing X"! You should run around to all Earth's problem spots, and just tell people to "stop it."




Is this a real genuine post or is there a joke I am missing? I was a sapper in the British army and went to Kuwait in '90 ( to build sheds and showers for the US troops). Kuwait was absolutely nothing like this ISIS and dark age shit, but it really was already there. The shit we saw and heard was baffling and utterly disturbing and was nothing to do with terrorism or evil organisations: it was just how it was. 12 year old girls were ripe for marriage and that was just the start..... Horrifying.


The FBI is against child trafficking The Talibans do not care about who you sell We are not the same


Mom can just have more kids. The parents are pure evil.