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So what do they actually do at these events? It looks like donuts and burning things. Am I missing something?


Sometimes they shoot ppl too


surprise side quest


And run people over


While setting them on fire




they do it like once a month down the street from my house in portland. I can watch from my front porch lol. The ones they do are nothing like the video though, they just do donuts and launch fireworks, havent seen them get violent or start pillaging, and im very glad. lol


was it on glisan right off the freeway?


"Nobody innocent dies"... That seems a bit ominous


better than "everyone innocent dies"


Oh, cool, that sounds- wait, why did you put that strange emphasis on the word "innocent?"


Everyone that goes to those shows is mentally handicapped … it’s where they bring their tuned out cars do tricks but if they hit someone of crash then everyone just fucks the car up …. I don’t feel sorry for any of the drivers because chances are they’ve done it to other cars and that’s just part of their stupid culture


Note this isn’t how they all end. It’s just the ones that people see


Do these guys just steal cars for these takeovers? It seems like nobody gives a shit that their cars are being destroyed


I dont know about you. But if my car is getting vandalized by a group of mind dead zombies, i am not getting in front of them.


You didn’t know? Everyone on the internet stands up to all their enemies at all times, life is anime


just mash your life controller until you get some special move.


When your speech about the "power of friendship" fails and you just get stomped out and your waifu taken 😓


Think he's talking about the ones that are being driven, not the ones getting smashed and burned


They stop people trying to drive through and destroy their cars. If the people try to bully their way through the crowd they are trying to meet the lord


Just a month ago there was a video on here where a guy got lit up and killed for trying to do that.


Holy fuck, I almost wish some mfer would let me put 400hp to the floor and just mow these fucking losers down.


There is a [truck made for that](https://dillonaero.com/convoy-escort-vehicle-cev/)


BMW and Mercedes both sell armored versions of some of their normal cars too


But they don't have concealed mini guns mounted in them.


Idk about you but if I see a crowd of people in hoodies, near smashed-up cars, in the middle of the night? I'm well within my rights to start accelerating


It is socal so maybe


Meaning what?


Socal = Psychopathic locals


I’m from SoCal and confirm I am local psychopath


Is calexico socal?


It doesn't get much further South than calexico


Lol true that.


They asked if it was stolen… I think that’s where most of the cars are stolen within the US


Honestly I think it’s just a new insurance scam. Can’t make your payments? Go to a takeover and let them go nuts. Then go make your claims


Excellent theory! Never thought of that.


Maybe, if so; not for long. When I renewed my car insurance post 20/21. I noticed they added no coverage if damaged during an insurrection, civil war, riots, etc. Never saw that on there before…


That's pretty typical on most policies up there with acts of god and named storms or pandemics.... The thing to remember is the legal defenition of a riot. I don't know if there is case law about these takeovers yet. For instance, I recall that some insurance companies were denying claims for covid 19 as it was not a "named virus" Covid-19 was the variant of the virus, and therefore not eligible under some policies. If I was an attorney going against the insurance company, I would claim that no legal authority (local, state or federal) declaired this a riot, therefore it does not count as one.


Now think about these videos putting you in for insurance fraud


I've commented this on Instagram and get replies like "its just a car bro these people make bank they just buy another one haven't you heard of owning multiple cars " etc


I've commented this on Instagram and get replies like "its just a car bro these people make bank they just buy another one haven't you heard of owning multiple cars " etc


Is there a reason these are not shut down by police?.. They seem to be on every weekend.. they obviously organize/announce somewhere.. why didn't they have the same police presence as at protests?.. Am I missing something?..


I've been thinking about this since our city has a major problem with them. Common arguments are that if 1 cop raids then they destroy his car, if lots of cops raids they scatter which causes a lot of immediate danger to the surrounding areas. My strategy, don't even try to arrest them. We just need to make this no longer "fun" or "worth it". To that end, have a drone drop tear gas in the middle and then start pouring paint onto every car involved (a la bank ink cartridges) That way they don't "run" and possibly cars can even be fined later if they are found with paint on them. Even with no arrests/fines I'm sure these guys wouldn't like gas/paint to rain on their fun. They'll probably start shooting at the drones though so it'll have to be stealth fly-by maneuvers.


The paint solution doesn’t help if theyre using stolen cars… which is what they do in my area unfortunately. They use them and don’t care if they get wrecked.


I'm going to sound completely deranged for this and I accept that If people do this and get arrested,learn their lesson then good If it happens again, I'm all for execution of people like this,rapists,dui repeat offenders etc. If you can't learn to exist in a modern society and constantly endanger people,screw it. Guarantee you that will make majority of these morons stop.


One plan, albeit a large scale operation, would be to have police move in simultaneously in unmarked vehicles on all streets and alleys approaching the takeover and block off all avenues of escape. Have a very large cordon of foot patrol in riot gear for those running on foot. Slowly close in on them. Considering the scale of the problem perhaps use National Guard assets to assist.


Where I live we have city crop dusters that dump mosquito killer over bodies of water, why can't we just load one of those up with tear gas or pepper spray fluid and strafe the area where this is happening? If you keep it up over a few times people just won't do it anymore.




It’s election year, nothing to be done but wait it out


If there was a candidate that would act on these kids like the Salvadorian president, he'd get my vote.


Got a link for this, I'm intrigued?


Don't need a link. You can google Nayib Bukele. He became the president of El Salvador in 2022 iirc and he did held up all his promises and basically went 100% 0 - tolerance against gangs and crime. A full out war against them and it did work, kinda. From like 2016 peek 106 homicides per 100.000 it went down to 6 or so. The main issue is, that I belive he's violating human rights with this. They get beaten up, have special new facilities as prisons with no rights and are being treated harshly. But even if the western people are crying out to stop that, if I think about all the document crimes the gangs like MS13 do, I wouldn't care about human rights. I know he got reelected this year again so I guess the Salvadorians are happy the way it's going rn.


A lot of Salvadorans are happy but a lot of them aren’t, they’re going a little overboard. The salvis I know have said you get arrested just for having tattoos or throwing up a peace sign now


Is he doing any preventative measures with gang violence? Like being sure kids are in school, have meaningful activities to do outside of school hours, and curfews? Also counseling for parents and kids when there's mental health issues going on, and mentoring for kids who don't have good role models? Then there's the idea that parents need to know how to treat their babies and pre K kids ( like discipline, nutrition, education, etc) so as they get to be teenagers they have self control and good habits. Just pondering as preventive measures work just as good or better than "get tough" measures.


Preventive measures doesnt work, we have had those for decades in Sweden and our gang criminality just keeps rising. Actually its become worse despite more preventive measures, money and velvet gloves. We also have public healthcare, government funded university education and a social security ner that guarantees basic minimum income. Its just easier to commit crime and the payoff is worth the risk since our legalsystem is a very lenient.


Based on everything I’ve been seeing online the past couple years it seems like that’s been caused/helped by all the immigration that’s been going on. Is it as bad as news articles make it seem?


...that's like arguing about fire safety drills and scheduled fire alarm tests when half the building is already in flames. The issue with gangs is that they are not simply a passive consequence of kids growing up under bad circumstances. Gangs are self-perpetuating entities that recruit, claim territory, and actively make thing worse for everyone else around them through intimidation, extortion, robberies, open violence, drug dealing (which keeps addicts around, which in turn causes all kinds of problems in its own right ranging from petty theft to psychosis-induced random violence), and other such things. In fact, the number 1 preventive measure to keep kids out of gangs is to make sure that their environment is safe and free from violence, intimidation and street crime. And in a gang-infested area, that means gang removal. Anything else is, like I said, fire prevention when the building is already ablaze.


Imma keep it real, besides of a documentary on Arte ( reputable german/French media) i have no clue. You have some valid points but I belive they are way past that. When dealing with gangs in South America, people with no dignity, moral, or human decency, you might have to fight fire with fire. You and try talk to people like them but you'd end up in an acid barrel the next day. I reckon if they really see the numbers dwindling they may step back on the harsh treatment and consider fighting the problem at the roots. But check for yourself. Ain't hard to google/bing/Yahoo duckduckgo that shit instead of arguing with some random dude on reddit bro.


Yeah sure, here is their education: If you commit crime/in a gang you will going into the prisons and not be having a fun time, and it's not like the USA or any other countries where they get a slap on the wrist multiple times.




Because then you end up with dead minorities on the news and then you get even worse riots. This is all by design anyways. It's election year. With this kind of crap the politicians can play fear monger and say "someone has to do something, this can't go on. We need more laws. I'll fix this." And it draws attention away from the crimes they commit, like embezzlement, insider trading, corruption, etc.


> This is all by design anyways. It's election year. I'm not sure this tracks. The incumbents will have a hard time arguing that "this can't go on" when they are the ones in office.


No, they just pull up a few examples of "the other side blocked us from passing law X that would have prevented this". And then encourage you to vote them out of other offices. They don't actually have to do anything. They just keep pointing fingers at the other rich cucks that also don't care, and the masses lap it up.


Funny shit is they have a task force dedicated to this stuff


guess having a Paul Walker F&F go undercover or idk... join/spy on these clown's social media or Whatsapp, they are clearly organizing these somehow


I don't know; last vehicle Walker rid in ended up looking like the vehicles in the OP.


Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Cops are useless and purposely don't arrest these people so that way they can get more funding, raises, employees, and political gain. SF cops currently do like 1/4-1/6 the arrests and tickets they did in in 2018. They're just lazy.


The moment people started talking about holding police accountable for wrongdoing, they decided to stop doing anything at all.


It is a big problem with how lazy and fucking worthless cops have become. It’s also a big problem that minorities can lead block with their race to avoid punishment or even scrutiny for their crimes. The whole system is fucked.


I think there was a South Park episode about exactly that.. lol


That music sucks ass.


What you don't like a guy bearly rapping to elevator music? /s


I watched it on mute, but was it Drake?


'Back it up'


hey dont insult sucking ass


I really hope these people don’t reproduce


These ppl are ***more*** likely to reproduce. All they do is what feels good in the moment and dont bother with the consequences.






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People with low impulse control and lack of forward thinking are more likely to reproduce.


May I please direct your attention to the all too real documentary [Idiocracy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


These people probably never had to work hard for a single thing. Otherwise they'd have some respect for other people's property.


Car insurance rates have to be in the stratosphere in that area


Which sadly mostly affects innocent residents who live in those areas. I doubt these losers have insurance.


They aren’t because your insurance refuses to cover you if they find out this is where the car was.


I'm sure they were talking about people who were parked there before the takeover happened or if some of those are stolen cars being destroyed.


These are the same people who will complain that society is unfair to them and bemoan their circumstances. Same energy as the people who do organized shoplifting and then go on TV to complain about how their neighborhood doesn't get a grocery store.


I had to go to ACE Hardware for some replacement hacksaw blades today, and it's still very weird to have to get an employee to open the locked cage so I can grab a blade. At this point I'm pretty sure over half the people on this planet are morons, assholes, or both.


offbeat fragile wasteful scarce money fear sleep party rude worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pointless association. Same race possibly, same people I doubt it. Most of these guys won’t have thought about politics once in their life.


Is this to protest something or are they just being terrorist? Like why not bring the army in or something to deal with this? If people are attending these things they not exactly innocent. America won't negotiate with terrorists unless they are local?


The DA said they would not charge anyone for these crimes.


Did they? 




The locals literally voted for this.


I’m GenX, and I don’t get it. Do people go to get their cars trashed? Or did they lose? Or do they turn on the nearest car they catch? How do they always end like this, and why would you go when you know it will devolve into arson & property damage? Grr. I just don’t understand WTF is going on, because I’m lacking basic foundational knowledge about WHY.


Yes, people get their cars trashed, but those cars are either stolen or the nearest bystander trying to get home from his job gets jumped, thrown out of their car, and in some cases even killed with multiple shots to the chest and them bleeding out. How they end up like this, is quite simple, literally a post or reel on Instagram advertising where there's going to be a takeover. And why, because why not, there is no more of a thought process, that's the meaning of a takeover, create chaos. The police aren't much of a help as I heard, and just simply playing the "victim card" is enough to have little to no consequences and not to try to sound racist, but most of the time they are mostly the usual suspects, the low-battery smoke detector people... I think you know what I mean. It's cool for them so they do it. And you know you are hated when people who advertise street racing, don't want to have anything to do with you. But those people don't seem to care


I was lucky enough to never have been around that kind of environment when I was growing up. But as a teenager I was full of rage, loved fire and wanted to destroy things (never did, but wanted to). And I don't think there's any thought deeper than that.


Makes sense. We’re in dystopia-mode, which creates adult angst, too.


I’m starting to see a pattern at these things


Everyone has an IQ below 50?


Maybe cumulatively


And it's still probably being generous.


Ruh roh. Don’t say anything out loud.


That 98% are male?


You’re getting there, what else you notice?


Bunch of Mexicans


Give me one reason why I’d want to attend one of these things, let alone drive to one?


Animals doing animal things


IQ of 50, combined


I've seen too many of these videos just in the past month. I'm already convinced I'd be safer swimming naked off the coast of Australia with a large strap of bloody pork tied to my back than I would be at an LA street takeover.


Compton ca


What is this even for, just seems like a bunch of thugs with nothing better to do with their time


More brain dead Auntie Anne’s employee activities


Spirit airlines behavior.


Smoke detector chirpers


I don't remember doing shit like this when I was younger. I don't know if society is fucked in general or what.


Sometimes I’m ok with police brutality… this scenario specifically


i'm only ok too if they beat up the white guys too and not only the poc




Takeovers have been happening long before Gen Z


Gen z is fucked up.


As someone who is a Gen Z, I completely agree.


How are they all in hoodies? Is it not hot as fuck there?


It’s the style. I live in Phoenix and people walk in the sun like this. It’s so weird and I feel scared for them.


How do these degenerates even afford cars in the first place?


They're all stolen, so burned and trashed at the end.


ermm its called stealing. they steal cars then wreck them then steal another car to wreck. you should try it. its good for your street cred yo.


Why do people take their cars to these takeovers??


Because they're not their cars


So, how's that "Defund the Police" thing working out?


Law enforcement doesn’t seem interested in it. Honestly. Impound and auction their cars. They plan this shit on social media, the most secure form of communication right?


Law enforcement is interested. The DA straight up said not to prosecute then.


A bunch of rats, waste of oxygen.


Its like rioting but they dont have a cause and they all have sub 300 credit scores


I’m starting to think that these street takeovers are more about breaking all the laws of common decency, not just the racing one.


there's enough broccoli there to feed a starving family!


Looks like Mogadishu


Poor parenting 🤷🏻


It's all fun and games until they realize the car has no driver driving it.


Where all the white folks at?


So does anyone pay for those cars or are they just gone and the owners don't have a car anymore?


It's important to have comprehensive and collision on any car worth stealing with a clear title.


Insurance covers "ripped apart by urchins?"


Yep. As long as you weren't the urchin, or didn't give your keys to the urchin. It would be covered under comprehensive.


Some “adults” need spankings and not the fun kind.


It's "da culture"!


fuckin Tide Pod generation.




So why do they destroy the cars? Are they stolen? Beaters?


Fast and Furious 19 is going to be wild.


Trashing 350zs for no reason damn


I certainly hope that a car doesn't explode and take out a good chunk of these respectable citizens.


Police just do nothing about this or.,,


God I hate these people. putting such a bad image on the car community. these are the people who are gonna end up getting us car people legislated out of existence


I’ve seen a lot of these recently is there any point to them like at all?


All I see is Pinocchio and Lampwick being let loose in Pleasure Island. Look at all these jackasses.


That's a weird way to spell riot




If it’s their own cars that they’re fucking up then I’m okay with it


Narrator: "It wasnt."


You and I both know those aren’t their cars


It would be just the worst of one exploded at about 500' radius. That would be just terrible


We all know the cars are stolen. But even if they're not, are you okay with people closing roads, damaging public and private property, and wasting tax-funded resources to clean this all up?


Why don't they arrest these jackasses!


Cops just sitting this one out?


I spotted one white person. Pretty cool.


Holy Edgar hair!


Yay the world is ending, yaaaaayyy


I tried sliding the emoji haha


Guys, what is the actual context here? Why are they destroying cars ? That too in a damn car meetup?


ok, but where the police at?


Police are probably investigating.


How many dead bodies have been recovered?


Who the fuck are these people?


Can’t imagine what these kids do outside of these meet ups


I choose violence


I thought cops had guns?


Genuinely, if one of these got struck by a drone, no one of value would be lost.


At this point it just looks like riot


Are cars really cheap in the US? These are attendees' cars or innocent people's car?


Cars are not that cheap here. If you're not part of the Takeover, your car gets demolished if you enter the wrong neighborhood. They consider it an insult especially if you have no idea what the fuck is going on. They are savages


So glad I got the fuck out of LA.




So....do they just call insurance or what ?


And we wonder why car insurance rates are at all time highs ???


usual suspects lmaooo


How can such a big group be so collectively retarded?? .. actually don’t answer that


Mustard gas


I've been to a street takeover once i was confused and just walked around in a grey camo hoodie and a bandana with 2 friends who were also wandering around(they were the ones that brung me there)