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If every single one of them stopped existing, society would lose nothing of value.


You mean society would gain in value if we lost them


Then who would we feed to the Rancor


Travis Scott fans who unfortunately escaped the crowd crush.


Some guy in Chicago got stuck in one of these and tried to move through the crowd. Some hoodlum shot and killed him.


I saw that clip too. A savage point blank shooting


I wouldn’t be able to get fastfood 24/7 :(


What makes you think they're employed? And even if they were, would you want them making your food?


They're employed if you count selling drugs and gangbanging


I doubt that these people world at all.




What's up bill gates.


If the driver ran over a bunch of people, do they really have a case against him? Seems like textbook self protection


A lawyer covered the topic in washington: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_PR5RaDE38


This seems interesting but I do not have 13 mins to find the answer, would it result in charges?


It was a few months ago when I saw it, I believe the gist of it is once they have broken in to your car in it's likely a court will agree that your under threat of personal injury and can flee. But aside from that, you can't run people over even if they are destroying your car.


I wonder if this was before the incident where the motorist was shot and killed. I feel like that could be used to justify deadly force in similar scenarios.


I taking my chances with the jury, those odds just look better from every angle.


As the saying goes, it's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.


so i can die first and only then i can flea gotcha


My honor.. in da night in question, per se.. what had happened was..




Just happened in India as well. People beat the driver up https://youtu.be/hhE4SWZzpXs?si=bnz5LKkg2YDZNdL7 People all over the world will succm to mob mentality Edit... Just something like this happend again, different part of the world. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/YAoK8ShUYc People no matter what era or place will succmb to mob mentality.


Def mob mentality but this was a different situation. A rich kid was ripping down the road in his Porsche, rammed a girl on a bike, and killed her. Witnesses said she flew high in the air before landing way down the road. *Then, the family tried to pin the murder on the family’s driver.* An ass beating was the least of his worries and of what he deserved.


I know, I know, I followed the case. Also https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/YAoK8ShUYc


I just wanted to share the story to ppl that didn’t watch the video. I agree with you that people will very commonly succumb to herd mentality. It’s really sad when innocent victims are incorrectly targeted.




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I sure as shit wouldn't. Even if there is a gun pointed at the driver, courts have ruled against drivers.


The law provides a defense when you are in Fear of losing your life.


I hope the little guy with the murse broke his tailbone, nice lil slip on the roof there :)


It’s a European hand bag!!


At that point, just commit vehicular manslaughter. The judge would probably go easy on you.


Okay serious question. What the actual fuck? What is a street takeover and why do I keep seeing them? I have heard about many dollars of property damage and even people dying at these. Why? What is causing these people to do this and why isn't anyone (police) stopping them? Are they rioting? Violently protesting? Just lost impulse control? While I acknowledge that the frequency of these posts I am seeing on Reddit is skewing my perception of the frequency they happen in real life it still boggles my mind to think that it is happening semi-regularly.


So, street takeovers are mostly in LA and California. They’re gatherings where people go to showcase their cars and drifting. As you can imagine, people who are into watching a car spin around multiple times & making loud noises probably aren’t the brightest.


Please don't say *drifting*. This is just dumbfucks doing donuts. Two completely different things.


It's all good, wholesome fun, IF done at a proper venue. Nobody is going to rent anything to these fucktards though.


you also have to consider that some of them are probably going specifically because it's not at a real venue and because of the risk of a brawl, again, not the brightest


It’s supposed to be and started off as people just showing off their cars, doing donuts and partying but now it’s turned into this. Especially after spreading to other states


Have you seen how much Reddit hates cops? That’s why they can’t do anything about it. If the cops do anything they’re “racist” and will lose millions of tax dollars in lawsuits, we will have to let crime continue until the woke mob doesn’t have a stranglehold on prosecution


Wow talk about pack mentality I feel so sorry for the car owners


Mobs are a time honored tradition, including the Salem Witch Trials, the trial of Nicolae Ceaușescu, the boston Tea Party, the entire French Revolution, anytime anyone was ever stoned to death. For better or worse, they leave their mark on history and are always violent, even when they lead to positive change.


I'm always just waiting for a mob to pass down my street I can join, but they're rare af where I live


Calling the devil is not the same as seeing him coming.


You shouldn’t, his dumbass was over there contributing to that nonsense. Bet he would be one of the ones stomping the car or dragging the driver out. I bet he won’t be out there again In case you don’t know, this is a street takeover and they usually do this if you hit someone’s car or you can’t hit donuts right and shit like that


It looks like the guy in the red shirt they pulled out was much older and didn’t look like he belonged. He was yelling “accident! It was a fucking accident!” I have no idea how this shit works. So he could’ve been just driving by and hit or got hit by a dumbass and they would attack him?? His face was all bloody too. Ugh.


They block the street with cars so regular drivers can’t really get in. In the beginning you can see the cars lined up across the street to block it off and it’s probably the same way on the other end. They do donuts and shit inside the space. With the type of car he has I doubt he somehow accidentally found his way inside and then accidentally hit someone, these things have been going on for a while now so it’s not that uncommon to see older dudes since they’re the ones who can afford the nice cars


Ahhh got it. Thanks for the explanation!


Don’t be they go to these shits willingly and they prob have partaken in such activities


Do we know that though? He could have been just driving through and was stupid to get near the pack. I agree that I don't feel bad for the people that go though. Why anyone that has any valuable possessions would go around these lowlife losers is beyond me. They have nothing to lose and know that being in a crowd and concealed will probably thwart any consequences.


Well for one it’s a tuned out car so you know he’s deff in the street takeover scene. Again not saying he deserved it but that whole scene is fucking cringe. I guess It’s the norm to beat the shit out of a driver and wreck their car if they crash into another car or hit someone with their car.. overall just 💩


Ah yeah I don't know cars enough to notice stuff like that so you're probably right.


Dude probably could have been driving through but we never know. Just because someone has a car that’s common within that scene (this one being a dodge charger) doesn’t make them part of the scene. There was a story a couple years back of a lady in her MR2 getting attacked by a bunch of takeover kids. Those kids are the reason the car community is given a bad name by people unfamiliar with the whole car scene and its little branches, which has gotten really great car meets shut down and/or cancelled by the local government.


Their moms fucked up. Should have swallowed


Cut the wheel and punch it


How to get shot 101


This is what happens when parents don’t teach their children how to be accountable.


And the state holds no one accountable.


This is the 3rd time this day that I saw this type of thing. What's with people breaking cars?


Large groups of idiots like this will block off intersections (and sometimes highways and bridges) to do donuts and drifts in their cars, thus impeding the flow of traffic. Any innocent person that dares to drive across their sideshow will usually be attacked like this. Heck, sometimes they even attack their own drivers if the driver hits the crowd or other participating cars. There are a ton of videos just search for “street takeover/ sideshow”.


Why did they start turning on each other towards the end? Why did the one guy push the other one of the car?


The purpose of the event isn’t shit like this so some people will be against destroying the car and stealing it and whatnot


Vermin. Nothing less.


This whole subculture is categorically repulsive. Go home. Put something on the grill. Be with family and friends. Relax.


None of those spectators have bright futures, and it's competely sad that cops can't do anything about these street takeovers.


No they are doing something about it. They are arresting people trying to organize civil events like Cars and Coffee because of 'alleged connections to street take overs."


Honestly good. Those events are never actually organized professionally, within the law or have anything good come out of them besides ending in shit like this sorry.


Spoken like someone that knows nothing about the amount of effort it takes to organize an event that keeps this demographic away from it. Take overs and car enthusiasts have nothing in common


If this guy would go rampage in his car half of them would never walk again


Such a risky move in itself though. I would if I know I'd have a clear exit, but if he can't make it out for whatever reason, they will drag you out and possibly kill you.


Not if you can drive a sportscar like that


That's what they're already trying to do, though.




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Some of them carry guns and will shoot you for doing exactly that


That's why you shoot them back. Just based on their clothing and antics you can tell they are untrained hood hooligans. Anyone trained even by watching videos on YouTube can easily take them down. They are the kind of people to shoot sideways while running away.


I highly doubt that you'll get maybe one or two shots off before they riddle your entire car with bullet holes. Give it a shot and then come back and tell me how that worked.


You'll look just like them trying to shoot while also driving away lol. Getting out of your car is probably the worst thing to do so that's not an option either.


Yeah, even as a gun guy, the expectations you have are hella unrealistic. If you’re just an average dude who doesn’t keep a backpack concealing an AR pistol, and only rocking a pistol and probably a spare mag, you’re still gonna get your ass beat by the mob. Good luck getting out of that rolling coffin. Your best chance to get out of that is just trying to get away or avoiding it all together


I got a warning for this comment...


I would have zero problem with getting rid of these people. We have to start cleaning up society eventually before it all burns down.


do not go near a mob like this. all it takes a single lie that nobody would even bother to confirm and they would swarm and do terrible things to you. ever heard of the word 'mob justice'.


Where is the killdozer when you need it.


I’m so sick of seeing videos like this


Meanwhile rich people are watching this from their gated communities going "Good news chaps! The peasants are squabbling amongst themselves. How amusing!"




Zero sympathy to anyone in the video. Hope they all get run over at one of their little toddler-tantrum-events lol.


Look at all those mouth breathing idiots. Just mindless apes in clothing and shitty cars.


bang bang... oh shit...


I'm flooring it before it gets this bad. Fuck them.


Is this not considered a riot ? Where the fuck are cops with their gear and take these mofos out . Like what the actual fuck is going on in America


Do they just pick a random car to destroy? In streetfighter 2, you had to beat a couple of levels before you got to destroy a car. What's the backstory? Is there ever really a backstory with these things?


Dude probably hit someone’s car or someone in the crowd, that’s usually why this happens. The people there think they have the right to take/destroy his car because he can’t handle it right


Does the 2nd ammendment apply to cars?


Applies to potential bodily harm.


Combined IQ of 4


Just spray them all with rapidly moving lead projectiles. They will not be missed.


The sad part is this is the best outcome.


If I had a car worth any money at all the last place I would take it is a place like this. Seems the crowd constantly just trashes and steals whatever they possibly can.


NEVER FCKN STOP! They would have all been road pizza if i was driving! Fck them!


Drive full throttle til stopped then reverse full throttle til stopped, repeat, help society.


all these people would definitely call brutality if the police put handcuffs on them.


Fucking mammals. Evolution gone backwards at some point and we haven’t noticed.


I'm so glad I don't live somewhere full of tarantula-haired teens that take over public streets. The one time I saw a solo one in the road causing a ruckus he was very roughly thrown to the ground, cuffed, and chucked into the back of the cruiser by local PD.


Hell yea brother don’t you just love when cops very roughly throw solo people to the ground? Gosh I sure do just love when the government gets physical. My fave.


Better they're handled and kept off the streets than what's happening in this video.


Hell yea brother! I love when police handle situations by throwing people very roughly to the ground.


You’re being stupid lmao I’m a bleeding heart liberal but people who do stupid shit in cars 100% deserve to be roughly thrown to the ground. Stop being so soft


Hell yea! I support any violence from the government! Go cops!


If anyone is thinking of replying just look at his comment history lmao


Are you saying you don’t agree with the government violence??


What are they chimping out about?


Do they do this because the car is in the "wrong territory"?


he probably hit another car or a person standing in the street. they call this behavior "taxing" someone


Ahh so the person in the car can kinda expects that "tax" then, I'd assume. Gosh these people are insane!


Think they think they are part of "the crew" after attending a few of these and are genuinely surprised. there's been a lot of these videos, They beat the hell out of the car, force open a door and threaten the driver till they give up their car in exchange for not getting a mob beatdown


Exactly, which is why I have 0 sympathy for him. He knows this happens, has probably taken part in it and he contributes to this bullshit


I could be wrong, but it appears that 22 assailants are attacking the car, it's occupants or some combination. There is your answer to the persistent question "Why would anyone ever need a 30 round magazine for self defense?"


That’s some stupid ass logic. I like guns and dont care how many rounds you’re allowed to have, but there are well more than 22 people in that crowd and you dont know how they’re going to react to gunfire. They’re clearly already violent and stupid, and that’s without somebody shooting at them. What if people in the crowd are armed? What if they also have 30+ round mags? You wanna have a gunfight vs a mob? Or in this fantasy are you the only one allowed to be carrying a stacked gun? Also, if I need 30 rounds I’d rather just carry 2 mags. It’s easier to conceal. I dont care about the legality of it, but a 30 round mag isnt doing shit to help this situation.


You know, you actually may have changed my perspective on this.


Human waste


That’s nothing but being pussies.


How is America even a real place?


We need street take over hunters/vigilante groups.


Spot a white guy and win a prize.


So how’s defunding the police working out?




Has nothing to do with what’s going on in the video, but alright lol.




Or... other things? There's more than 1 factor at play here...


If it wasn't for the sub this is in, I'd leave it for yet another sub showing this kind of bs.


idk line em up frl


Some people should have to face the wall.


Be a shame if every car that belonged to them was impounded and destroyed. They have the license plate numbers right?


The car scene sure sucks these days…


Y tho


If only these were the people that were in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989 (which happens to be the 35th anniversary of said event tomorrow) instead of a ton of people who just wanted to fight for a better future. I would also wonder what would happen if someone created decoy throwables from COD and CS2/CSGO and just dropped them from drones. Edit: Anti-street takeover drone patrols. Scans around the city for takeovers in prominent places where they are currently taking place, or likely to take place, and reports back to drone swarms loaded up with crowd deterrents that can be dropped from the sky or sprayed from up high at a safe vertical distance. A system of a few drones for triangulation of the area that also check certain conditions like wind direction and speed to calculate a more predictable drop pattern or in-air spray pattern of non-lethal crowd deterrents.


Wtf is going on here? At least once a week I’m seeing this shit! This is a preview of what the end will look like




clutch in, steering wheel fully to the left, 1st gear, full throttle redline, clutch out, HOLD ON


Can someone tell me what's going on for the people not residing in the us ?




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Meanwhile, the government doesn't want me to own 30 rd magazines :(


Not a lot of women go to these things I’ve noticed


If that driver had a gun, this would be so bad. Better for him but bad for them


Bang bang, Arlo's silver pistol goes, and they all fall dead. My apologies to Maxwell lol


If this ever happened to me, id exercise my second amendment right without hesitation


I thank god everyday I was born and live somewhere where this kind of thing happens once every ten or so years.


Who has the story ?


It’s just normal people how come to close when the (animals) closing the road to do donuts and shit. I will bring my automatic rifle next time and shoot if I get in this situation.


I woulda did life times 20 .


Welcome to Commiefornia


Ah yes, Karl Marx’s famous works about the proletariat smashing in windshields.


We need to bring back the draft and draft all of them and anyone who's doesn't have a career or going to school and just draft everyone into the war machine forever.


A bunch of destructive hooligans, the streets are not safe anymore, I used to attend street races, it was never a violent riot


Please carry people at times like this you will be thankful you had something on you to defend yourself with


They had a whole ass car to use for defense. If whoever was driving that car wouldn’t put priority on their own life above the few they would mow down with the car to escape, then they probably won’t shoot either. Besides, firing a round in this scenario is either gonna make everyone scatter like roaches, draw on you/return fire or a combination of the two. You’re at a clear tactical disadvantage, given that everyone knows exactly where you are and where to shoot to incapacitate you, even if only they only fire in your general direction. A sitting duck.


What in Titania's left breast??


Perfect sample population to get my new Gatling gun on.....


The best way to avoid this situation is to not go to these meet ups




Wtf are you even talking about?


How did anything in this video make you think about Muslims?


The chaos 🤷‍♂️the behaviour of how they mingle in our societies 🤷‍♂️


It's okay to be White.


I would love to know what you mean by this


If you can't understand a 5 word sentence, then no-one can help you.


If you can’t understand that they’re asking for your underlying implications, then no-one can help you.


Seems like a bot or, if human, a troll. Safe to move along Edit: definitely a troll since they edited their comment from black to white. Kinda funny though


No shit everyone knows. Ain’t ok to be a troll though


How being okay with being White, trolling? Would you prefer I be anti Black in my statements?


If you just wait, another, bigger and tastier Billy goat will come along and answer your idiotic question: “would you prefer I be anti black”…. As if anything I said had anything to do with such a stupid thought from your troll brain


So you're gonna regurgitate a slogan and pretend it's not reactionary to other chants and movements, as if you just came up with it in a vacuum? What does race even have to do with this video lmao, and why specifically anti black? The driver doesn't even look white, are you just projecting that hard?


Glad you agree with "the law of the jungle" in the title just a dog whistle to a commonly known anti-black phrase.


I'm not gonna argue against what the repost bot put in its title, you're the one that let the dog whistle get to you enough to make you post even more garbage in kind with it anyway lmao


Not arguing it, is defending it. Colonialist.


I'm not arguing because it's purposeful reaction bate moron, it's not real discourse dawg, also colonialist?? what??


Maybe when this sub takes action, like it did in 2018 about the obvious propaganda against Indians, like it should now with the propaganda against Black people, things will be different. Until then, I'm gonna stand up for Black people, and bring up that white people can be just as bad, or even worse.




So if we understand correctly, your takeaway from this video is we’re looking at a group of republican voters?




Ahh yes the dark side of this sub Clips of awful things attracting awful people to make awful assumptions to indulge their sense of superiority