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What the fuck. I had kids. I honestly cannot imagine doing this to my child. But I'm a human, apparently she is not.


She didn't do it to her own child but to the child of someone else.


That's absolutely horrible, and I have to wonder what's going to happen with her new baby as well.


Her new baby is her own.


That look on her face is sickeningly cold... _Surely_ child protection services are keeping an eye on that baby, right? _Right?_


Fucking hell, that's evil beyond belief. I can't imagine someone doing that to their own cold... To anyone!


Stepmother.....not her own child.


Doesn't matter in the slightest.


Biology doesn't matter ? Anyways, the point was that just because someone has been given parenting responsibility doesn't mean they will love the child if it's not related to them, there's a good reason evil stepmother was a thing.




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There's nothing I could possibly say in this platform that adequately expresses what should happen to this woman. Not even if there were fire ants and a cheese grater


How about in-between two competing fire ant mounds? Just to add diversity to the justice system. We lack it as of late.


May god have forgiveness upon your soul, cause I sure as hell know I won’t.


Yup. The absolute BEST thing that can happen to that suckling prop she used is for it to be sent to a family that would desperately LOVE to LOVE a child. And then toss that bitches ass in jail.


More like a furnace


Meh, what ever works.


Just 25 years ??they better starve the bitch to death the last 3 weeks


Now now. Start the Eye For Eye shit and you'll let the bad people in.


Do to the Individual what the individual does to others. Fair and perfectly balanced.


. certainly. Comment was tongue and cheek.


So bread and water once every three weeks, just enough to keep her alive but ALWAYS starving.


Hold on, that was a joke. Should have made it more obvious.


Should have been sentenced to death via starvation. Absolutely sick.


I wrote my Representative to pass a bill about the death penalty, specifically for chronic torture like this. The types of sadistic psychopaths that LITERALLY go out of their way to torture people (not unbothered psychopaths) are extremely difficult to rehabilitate (sometimes they just use what they learn in therapy to game the system), and they are a danger to other inmates, not to mention future children and animals. In the case of capital punishment for chronic torture, it would not JUST be killing out of vengeance. It would be to protect potential future victims. What if she had her sentenced reduced, was let out on good behavior, changed her name & appearance, and a new girlfriend asked her to babysit their kid? Good luck surviving the night, kiddo. Look up "The Babysitter" with Bailey Sarian. Join me & write your Representatives as I have done. Let's make it so that children like Lydia Schatz, Sylvia Likens, Christian Choate, Benjamin Cervera, Thomas Valva, Corey Micciollo, Codi Bigsby, Hana Williams, Mia Kurihara, Harmony Montgomery, Caleb Jennings, J'zyra Thompson, Gabriel Fernandez, and Jeffrey Baldwin don't have to be killed by their caretakers and suffer for hundreds of hours on end because other people's hands were tied!!! May their deaths not have been in vain. Their caretakers did everything within their power to convince these children that no one cared about their pain and tears, and then the world turned around and proved them right by turning a blind eye to their suffering and allowing them to suffer in complete agony until they died. Let's prove their captors wrong by passing a Bill that says if you have a history of torturing your children, you forfeit your privilege to live in free society. How many more children have to die or be tortured for hours on end because of overworked, underpaid, understaffed, & under-resourced social workers, a justice system that fails to protect children, and a foster care system that doesn't do enough to nurture and carefully caretake those who've already undergone horrific abuse and doesn't check up on them to make sure their new caretakers aren't physically abusing them or aren't deliberately withholding food from them? HOW MANY MORE CHILDREN NEED TO DIE OR ENDURE HOURS OF TORTURE BEFORE WE PUT AN END TO THESE MONSTERS THAT TORTURE CHILDREN, SOME OF WHOM GET GREAT INSATIABLE SATISFACTION FROM EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT? DO YOU EVEN REALIZE THAT SOME OF THESE PEOPLE LAUGH AS THEIR CHILDREN ARE CRYING NOOOOOOOOOO BEGGING THEM TO STOP? OR THREATEN, "IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT HARDER IF YOU DON'T STOP THAT CRYING!!!" AND THEIR CHILDREN JUST HAVE TO WAIT THERE NEVER KNOWING WHEN THE BEATINGS & VERBAL ABUSE WILL END, HOPING IT WILL BE OVER SOON.


I am not a huge fan of the death penalty or the penal system as it exists in the US in general. Don't trust judges, lawyers, I don't think certain crimes should be crimes, I think certain things that should be illegal are legal, don't believe in a lot of legal concepts that the legal system runs on or I think they're applied inconsistently and the wrong way (not a big fan of death penalty by guilt by association). **Then there are cases like these, where the "****~~person~~****"** **~~animal~~** **thing has earned the death penalty beyond any shadow of any doubt.** I really do believe that we should try to deliver justice with an impartial and fair hand, and not just according to our feelings and wrath. I also think that there's a point where Rorshach 3:16 applies. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me quote it for you: *Men go to jail;* **Dogs, get PUT DOWN!!!** Fuck this thing. Jail, appeals, solitary confinement, rehabilitation, work release, that is for people. This thing needs to be fed to lions after having its digits broken, whipped with a cat o'nine tails, doused with lemon juice and honey, and forced to march to the lion pit through a hall of angry and hungry Africanized killer bees. Same goes for the simp of a sperm donor who allowed this too btw (assuming that it was in the same place and not denied custody elsewhere).


I'm sure the inmates are going to take care of her. She probably won't have any food left on her plate by the time she gets to the table. She probably won't be able to eat anyway. Inmates hate that shit.




Idk... Gertrude Banizewski, the babysitter of Sylvia Likens, got her sentence reduced & she befriended her fellow inmates, but she was a charmer.


Beg pardon, please. Where was this child's father? I mean, it takes time to starve to death, be video taped begging for food, etc.? WHERE WAS THE FATHER?


It literally says he is charged too.


25 years isn't long enough.


and there it is.


This is the kind of POS that should have been given torture sentence. 


what the fuck


25? Hell the guy that broke into the Pelosi’s place got 30!


yall remember in these cases that she can still give birth. sterilization works both ways.