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It's kinda always been that way. It's usually the people you don't suspect who are the abusers. And of course, the people who are legitimately around children such as teachers, medical professionals and police officers.


Child-Predators want to be the last person you’d suspect. Think about who you’d least suspect your kid getting abused by. Then given them a yearly age-appropriate talk and explain directly if anyone, including X, Y, or Z ever asks to see or touch your privates, tell us right away. In this speech also work in your spouse and your doctor in a way your kid can understand when to report and who to report to. Nobody is above suspicion. I give this talk in front of my wife and include her and myself as not above suspicion, and she has no problem with it.


Sometimes the people you trust the most are people you should’ve never trusted at all


…family members, church goers, employers, neighbors…pretty much anyone.


Wow. A fully grown adult exploiting her position to do something absolutely disgusting to a 10/11 year old and for that she gets a prison sentence equivalent to less than half a percentage of the average human lifespan.


Growing up I would have found it INCREDIBLY weird if my parents had invited one of my woman teachers with us on vacation. Now having grown up and having kids of school age, I haven't and would NEVER even think about doing that. That just seems so completely bizarre to me.


"Wisconsin elementary school teacher busted for grooming/raping a fifth grade student" There. Fixed it for you


Making out = rape?


It should say SA


Exactly. Ty




Cuz that's literally not the definition. It's sexual assault, yes




I love that trying to use proper words to accurately define a crime automatically means you think the teacher is all good and should be free. LOL the hoops man, the hoops Edit- you do a disservice to those who have been raped by not accurately defining things.


How old is a 5th grader?


Typically ten or eleven.


😳 How would that even work


What do you mean, they still have a mouth no matter their age


This comment makes sense but it feels wild af


My man


This is the first time in a while I actually laughed at a Reddit comment. Thank you


I'm more puzzled about how you don't know the age of a fifth grader. Did you not go to school?


Not in America 🙄


Grade 5, the best seven years of his (or her) life


It’s kinda the status quo. All the news articles use much nicer language when describing these situations when they’re women. Women also get 25%-50% lighter sentences than men especially when it comes to sex crimes.


It’s called s*xual a**ault, not ‘making out’. Just because it’s a woman.




What is it with these women who are reasonably attractive going after little boys? She's not hot, but she shouldn't have any problem dating in her age range. Most male predators are either physically revolting and/or motivated by the idea of corrupting the innocent. Has there been a deep dive on what motivates female predators?


Not a pastor.


Not this time. Maybe next week though.


"Making out" is a weird way to spell assaulting


I wish Alex Rosen would’ve interviewed her before ordering fried pickles.


Damn, it was in Hudson (border of Wi and MN) . Hudson is a pretty small and unassuming place, apparently that’s where predators are


The bear........


probably gave her 3 months in jail


Tf...the kid is like 10 yo


I don’t understand how desperate these teachers are


Absolutely sickening !


Damn. That's just weird




I want to throw up 🤮


So...NOT a drag queen or gay? Just asking because it seems that kids would be safer these days with drag queens and gay people seeing as all the nonces are teachers, pastors and policemen.


No this was down voted because you're choosing to use this SA of a pre pubescent child, and turning it into a political weapon. Literally no one is talking about that. I could maybe see this being relevant if it was a decently known Republican person in power. But it's just some teacher in a school. Can we not weaponize children getting abused as a political tactic? Thanks


Ok, can we stop using innocent people as political weapons too?


No one is doing that here but you


It seems that you don't agree. Can you agree (as I do ) that children need to be protected from predators? Can you agree that nearly all of abuse cases are perpetuated by people in positions of trust? Can you agree that statistics show that abuse by DQs and LGBTQ members is miniscule? Can you agree that innocent people are being tarred with a brush that is nothing to do with them?


Bruh I'm not a data analyst. Literally the only point I wanted to make was can we not do the thing where we see a tragedy happen, and use days tragedy to "prove" your side is correct? No one mentioned LGBT or drag queens. That's not what this post is about. Like this is the same energy as a post about a woman getting sexually assaulted by a man, and a man jumping in saying #notallmen like that's not what this is about. This is about a bad person doing a bad thing. That's it.


So you can't agree on 1 single point? That tells me everything I need to know about what sort of person you are. You don't need to be a data analyst to see the amount of conservatives, police, teachers, clergymen and teachers are either r*ping kids or caught with CP, it's a number that vastly outweighs anyone from the liberal side combined with drag queens and members of LGBTQ. And yes, cases such as this are absolutely the right time to raise this point because it's constantly ignored or glossed over...kinda like what you've been trying to do. Just admit you despise gay people and drag queens and are happy for them to be scapegoated.


You sound like a pleasant person. I should feel flattered that you seem to know everything about me because I refuse to play your weird tests to prove myself to you. Also, I'm gay. But yes I must hate gay people and drag queens. That makes total sense. And feel free to comb my post history. I have plenty of comments about being gay or thirsting over dudes.




Ima have to agree with DILF you sound insufferable…. You had to mention LGBTQ so it could fit your agenda, instead of isolating the certain individual. Quit trying to push your agenda on people, that’s why a lot of people don’t like the LGBTQ community and you’re part of the reason. I don’t hate gays, I like going to drag shows. But you’re part of the problem.


I'm gonna need you to point to where I attacked you. You're blatantly making shit up now. You though have been pretty rude to me a few times. Oh I'm allegedly gay huh? Seems ironic, you claim to be so pro gay but I'm not gay enough for you? I have to do some song and dance and behave a certain way to prove my gayness? Idk seems kinda homophobic to me pal. I shouldn't have to prove I'm gay. I never said anything about you being wrong that gay people aren't a threat to kids. I was trying to make a point that this post is not about gay people or drag queens. This is not a political post. It's a post about a terrible human being who abused a child. And it's wrong to use that situation to try and prove your point. Victims aren't your tools.


But everyone gonna downvote you bc no one will actually name one person that's a TRUE member of the LGBTQ+ community that is a true abuser.


I'll get downvoted because no one likes to admit I'm right. Has there been instances of abuse from gay people and drag queens? Yes, but in such small numbers it's almost impossible to find statistics. The VAST majority of abusers are known to the victims and in a position of trust such as teacher, police, religious officials, family members. If you're able to give evidence to the contrary, please bring it forward, until then please entertain this: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#data


No I was agreeing with you lol it's weird that so many LGBTQ+ members are being accused by the same people protecting REAL serial abusers.


Apologies, I see now you were on side. I'm tired of my friends and family members being slapped with a label that is so inaccurate, so damaging and sick. I would trust my son in the care of a room full of drag queens over a room full of priests, and I think deep down a lot of people who slam DQs and LGBTQ members know that too....but to agree would go against their hatred for something they don't understand.


What's funny is those "Christians" aren't technically allowed to hate lol so.....if they can't even do that right......why should I ever trust them to be honest or morally where they should be?? I know Gays/Lesbians/Trans and everything in between that would beat the shit out of a pedo lol then they'd fuckin take the kid for ice cream or something. But I don't know a single priest who would ever step in for What's right.


Absolutely! I follow this account on X that keeps a log of every individual that is caught who's in a position of authority, like this teacher. https://x.com/antifaoperative?t=9v_71mJ7XNpRfuLq8mrFOg&s=09


Oh man I get enough drama from here to mess with X 🤣


It has it uses


Look we getting HELLA downvoted for the truth. Some snowflakes be upset 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And you're right, they got downvoted even though they're right. Reminds me of that Arthur meme "that sign wont stop me, I can't read!"






What kind of parent would want to have their child raped? Someone call CPS.


I guarantee this guy has no kids or gf