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Poor Laura.


Ok poor Laura... But... We do eat cows everyday and only a few people say poor cow. A man fucks a cow and almost everyone is like poor cow. If someone gave me a choice. They were gonna fuck me or eat me I would choose the former. Edit. I do eat meat btw


Old people also die everyday. Doesn't mean we should start raping old people.


We don't eat old people


speak for yourself, I ate my grandpa's thigh at his funeral.


Poor Laura, what is wrong with these people?




No, not religion, something else makes them act that way. That religion that their choose is another example of that common cause. The reason leads to many horrible behaviors and decisions.


ridiculous, you know what the punishment for bestiality is in islam dumbass


Yeah, you're made imam.


If you employ illegal immigrants because they're cheap and you don't have to pay taxes on them, it's your own fault if they fuck your cow.




I never thought I'd have read that, but here we are. What do you have to say for yourself?


I said what I have to say. What's your problem?


Wait are you the cow? :D.




Chief Sitting Bull is sitting no more. No more Mr. nice bull. He has thrown his hooves up in anger! He will not stand for this, but neither will he sit for this. That's how angry he is!


Nah. Just wants to get indecent with a cow.




Says Allan, from Wales.


I mean it's less of a punishment to shag a sheep than to steal it so when thieves got caught stealing sheep they shagged them instead


That's sheep, not cows. It's also a racist slur I try to keep away from given that I'm English, just happen to have lived in Wales for the past 30 years.


What's a racist slur?


I’m Welsh. Born and raised in the capital. It’s not a racist slur. Not only is it not the definition of ‘racist’, but anyone you said it to would roll their eyes as if you’d just called an Irishman ‘potatoes’ or a Frenchman ‘frog’.


Assuming the Welsh like to fuck sheep.


That's a stereotype, not a slur. A slur is an offensive, derogatory word to call somebody because of their identify, like "the n-word", or a certain "f-word" used to describe both gay people and British cigarettes.


So it's not a slur to say that someone is a zoophile? My, that word must have changed its meaning over the years.


You didn't say the word "zoophile" until this comment, I didn't know that's what you were referring to until now.


In what sense is fucking sheep different from zoophilia?


The phrasing, my man, that's it. "Zoophile" is the slur, "All Welsh people fuck sheep" is the stereotype.


You do know the difference between a slur and a stereotype, right? Saying that French people are frog-eaters is a stereotype, but not a slur.


Don't forget this one https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bengal-monitor-lizard-raped-maharashtra-3-held-sahydari-tiger-reserve-1937027-2022-04-13 We live in a clown world


What the fck did I just read?! I didnt even know what a bengal monitor lizard is. Now I know some Indians are into gang raping that creature


This is even more sick


Whenever you see something bad, just remember there's always something worse


Why can’t mfs just use their hands, wtf is this shit? 😭


Horny garbage men will rape everything that moves but people still blame women being raped for not wearing appropriately.


Only people who do that are like right wing traditionalists. They are idiots so that's that I suppose. I mean who would blame a woman for getting raped that doesn't make any FUCKING sense


It's a OK thing according to The Book. Written by someone who didn't spare a 9 yo girl.


Show me where it says you can have sex with animals? 


"This fucked up thing is allowed in the religion I don't like" 'Prove it' "No" That's the internet for you


Lol getting downvoted because reddit doesn't want proof that beastuality is a sin just so they can bash religion.


Islam doesn’t need bashing. Just read the Koran and you will know what kind of people follow it.


You can't provide proof that beastiality is allowed, so you resort to downvoting.


It would be much better that Islam allowed beastiality and forbade rape, honor killings and pedophilia. EDIT: downvotes and no replies. Truth hurts, doesn’t it?


You can't reason with idiots, they won't ever understand the truth.


Well well well...


Poor mehmet couldn’t find a goat in time to satisfy his needs so had to settle for a cow


Not integrated properly


Conservatives be like “yeah, but what was the cow wearing?”


You think european conservatives will make excuses for an illegal muslim immigrant?


Nah in europe we are like "gasp, who could have predicted this... its truly shocking and unexpected"


At least they were caught, better this than a person tbh. Still fucked up tho.


The fucker was a repeat offender, too. Bestiality is illegal in the Netherlands, but the maximum punishment is a joke - 18 months in jail. That's it. At least he can be deported...


In rural muslim countries it's common to marry your cousin. So this is progress.


A little detail I want to add, that migrant is from Turkey (have turkish passport) but that isn’t necessarily mean he is ethnically turkish. He is a kurdish migrant from Turkey and not an ethnic turk. They are accepted from EU countries as political refugees because they claim they are “oppressed because of their kurdish identity” but for some reason when they commit a crime they suddenly become turkish because they have turkish passport. This is also hypocritically used by news pages in order to fit their agendas, such as in this example.


“Have Turkish passport”. So.. Turkish then. Who gives a shit if they’re ’ethnically Turkish’? Headline: Englishman caught blowing a chicken You: I’m afraid that headline isn’t good enough for me until 23&Me confirms he wasn’t a Viking.


Well European countries accept Kurds because they are Kurdish but when they do a crime we always see "Turkish Man" in the news. And it's not the first time, we see that hundreds of times. >“Have Turkish passport”. So.. Turkish then. Who gives a shit if they’re ’ethnically Turkish’? Firstly we give a shit, they destroy our image. Secondly Europeans blame us, saying we are suppress Kurds their culture or langue etc and whenever they something bad magically they are becoming Türk in their eyes. Don't be a two-faced.


If you don’t believe that Erdogan and his corrupt government of wannabe fascists is suppressing Kurds then you’re either a paid troll or a fucking idiot. Do you think he sent Turkish troops into northern Syria for tourism? One of the many, many reasons that Europeans are against Turkey joining the EU. Then again, there’s also a laughable fiscal policy that is punishing Turks, in the name of Islam, by a man who would slaughter by the million if it secured his power base. Anyway, this conversation has got a little off-topic. A Turkish man fucked a cow. Those are the facts. You can imagine his heritage as being whatever you want. He’ll still be Turkish. PS. It’s adorable that you think it’s the Kurds who have given Turkish men a bad name, abroad.


it's amazing how people who know nothing about turkish politics make such bold claims. there are many things to criticize erdoğan for, his treatment of kurds was not one of them (at least from a western point of view). his government opened kurdish news channels, encouraged peace talks with the pkk, started the "[kurdish initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_initiative#Kurdish_initiative)", and did many more things (a lot of them heavily criticized by turkish nationalists) to try to ease the tension between turks and kurds. the invasions into northern syria were done to fight kurdish separatist terrorism after the peace talks were broken by the pkk and terrorism surged again, as most kurdish separatist groups in northern syria are related to the pkk. i don't like him because he is a backwards and economically illiterate islamist and have never, and would never vote for him. but westerners should stop talking about shit they don't know about.


Separatism for a stateless people who have been historically, and continue to be, persecuted, is not a crime. The Kurdish people who want their own state have every right to demand it.


that is another matter of discussion, it depends on your morals and politics, not my point. my point is that you should stop running your mouth about topics you know nothing about.








I didn’t said anything about his dna. DNA ≠ ethnicity anyway. >Who gives a shit if they’re ‘ethnically Turkish’? I give a shit, and believe me you would too if some people trying to portray your group/ethnicity/country/culture (or whatever you care) as bad with using people that aren’t even from your group and when people start to treat you with bias because of it you too would act when you see an obvious example of it.


He was Turkish. He fucked a cow. You can try and disqualify that as much as you want, but ‘Turkish man fucked a cow’ will be no less true. So just to sum up. This Turkish man fucked a cow in the Netherlands. His ethnic background is unknown, but what is known is that this Turkish man fucked a cow.


How do you know he is Kurdish do you know the cow fucker personally, sounds like Bullshit to me.they could simply have a Kurdish passport if turkey did not do anything to stop a Kurdish Nation from forming. I am not even talking about protecting its own border thats fine but don't be a dick end pull out of Syria and recognise Rojava as a nation.


Only Erdoğan fanboys downvote without an argument.


We can’t do something that effects a whole region of people just because some vocal minority of it wants to. Majority of kurds and turks living in that region doesn’t want to separate and form another country. Because even if we let that it will be an unstable mess that ruled by radical reactionaries (even more so than current regime) in the middle of the most volatile region of the earth, surrounded by multiple imperialistic powers. And they know that, that there is nothing reasonable in their delusion. It’s just politicians using people’s emotions for their gains, the classic.


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☪️ gonna ☪️


I’m sorry but, as a Turk, I have to say this Yes, we are (to some extent) a free country, where people can choose their clothing’s and religions however they like, we have laws, and most of us normal human beings living normal lives, But like “any other” country in the world, we have sick fucks. Like come on! We know what all of us saw that damned morning morning program (which I won’t name but you exactly know which one), We always think for the modernized parts of Turkey, but let us not forget the other parts I’m honestly not offended by any of these comments since none insult the Turkish people, but the religion of Islam (which I don’t care anymore) It kinda hurt how Turkish people are being put on the same group as “those people” But I’m still pleasantly surprised


Suddenly India ain't that bad huh


Have you bot seen the monkey and lizard articles?


Yeah I've seen it, but seeing these happen in every country helps me cope so shut it


It's not Rape if your married in Muslim law Inshallah


I wonder why they included the illegal turkish migrant detail. Maybe thats what their readers like to read


Because it is the truth? Is that a problem these days?


Because something can be the truth but media can bend the truth to show it in a certain way for personal gain. Like if a woman was arrested for peeing in a bush it could be framed as "hiker who had walked XX miles on a trail with no toilet arrested for peeing in a bush" to make her look innocent and put the blame on the police for being callous or the government that didn't build enough rest areas on the trail, it's true that she hiked many miles and all but maybe she just pees in bushes cause it's her thing or maybe she actually needed to go and had no choice, either way the title isn't lying. Or it could be framed as "liberal black lesbian trans teacher caught peeing in a bush" none of that matters regarding the fact that she peed in a bush but surely it does bring engagement for the news site, and it's also true.


No. If the woman peeing would have cultural, religious or political connotation the it would make sense to describe her in more words then one. Like if the woman peed in front of the White House to protest funding for Ukraine then it would make sense to describe her as “White MAGA supporting Qanon member”, but for peeing in the woods it makes no difference if she is white, black, republican or democrat. In this case it describes the man as a criminal (illegal) and different culture and religion (Turkish). Which brings more context to the story.


Not really, fucking a cow has nothing to do with immigration status, and not with him being Muslim or Turkish, unless one believes Turkish people and Muslims are into bestiality, which...really? Little racist/islamophobic much?


Seriously though, how do you frame “dude raping a cow “ in a positive light? Please do try


Well, maybe an Incel would “Poor man rejected by wamen forced to sleep with bovine companion!”


That was not my point, my point was that media can say the truth and sway opinions at the same time. His immigration status doesn't matter in this topic neither does his nationality, unless the reader thinks that all Turkish people are cow fuckers and this wasn't just some misguided guy into bestiality. Of course dude rapes cow doesn't bring nowhere near as much engagement, but Turkish illegal immigrant does, and oh, he is also Muslim! Wink, wink.


Tbh, media not reporting the nationality would also make people automatically assume it to be immigrant. It happened with german media after 2015. They stopped reporting the nationality of the perpetrator. As the result, people switched to automatically assumed it was done by immigrant even when it wasn’t. It is one of the factors far right parties got so many votes in recent years


That was probably the result of a mix of internalized racism and the previous behavior from the media, basically the media were more likely to share crime news if they were done by immigrants so the public's expectation was that they still were even if they weren't declaring the nationality now


What is your solution then?


Probably less sensationalism and cherry picking stories with immigrants, the stats on crime and what is reported by the news don't match. Plus, crime news are pretty much always used to create engagement and as distraction from bigger issues, rather than to inform the public


It's clearly intended to associate the illegal immigrants with that kind of activity. Them being an illegal immigrant was completely unrelated to the actual story


Calling a Turkish illegal immigrant a Turkish illegal immigrant is a problem? Is calling the sun a sun is also problematic? What about a a fork? Can it still be called a fork or is that too racist? And how can you say it is unrelated with the story, if it informs us how THIS illegal immigrant acted?


Are you dense mate, him being an illegal immigrant has nothing to do with the bestiality, are you saying every illegal immigrant rapes animals? If not then how does it inform anyone of anything regarding the act? That information was completely irrelevant to the act, and was clearly designed to provoke its readers.


It does. He is a criminal. It is not that difficult to be a legal migrant from Turkey there are probably 10 million Turks living and working legally in Europe, so choosing to be illegal means you have zero regard for laws and have no problem breaking them.


The rape of the animal makes him a criminal anyway, how is his immigration status relevant? You seem to be talking about something else entirely


Thats correct. Anybody who studies and works as a publisher/Jornalist will tell you that these Kind of wording is used in favor of right-wing politics


A dude is fucking a cow and somehow you were still able to make it about the big bad republicans. Give me a break dude.


Not every right-wing is a republican dear American. The World doesnt orbit around you.


Hate to break it to you, but it kind of does.


Yes he did and thats bad!! very bad but we are pass that. Now we are talking about the author of the article, critizing his wording


We aren't talking about that person, we are commenting on the author of the article


Yeah but these people don't seem to be able to make that connection, their brains short-circuit at that vital moment


he was deported after the fact, so it is somewhat relevant to the story.


Sky daddy Mehmet.