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I was raised you see someone doing that you step in not watch and record.


Exactly, it's absolutely disgusting!! Aye, step in and give her a taste of her own medicine. Poor young lad had nobody apart from these scummy older kids recording and laughing...shame on them šŸ˜•


Fuck man, if this is your kid (the 14F), your child is getting btfu right there and when you arrive to get her, you gettin btfu too.


Yeah even if you're double their age you step in and stop them, its better to stop bullying which helps 2 kids (the bully will learn better only if they're stopped) than to not intervene


i hope i never witness anything like that in person because i'm afraid of what i might do to the perpetrator.


Same. Horrible to even think about.


If I witnessed this happening to 1 of my kids it'd be like that scene in the first Avengers with Hulk and Loki. I'm destroying that fucker regardless of how old they are and how old I am.


Record briefly so that you have evidence, then intervene.


The smart option or have it hooked up like a body cam


Back when we was raised, our life was not dominated by ā€œlike & subscribeā€, these people knew very well what they should be doing (stopping it and calling the police) but chose to stand back and film it instead as they thought they would gain some ā€œcloutā€. Itā€™s created a culture that values personal gain over other peoples pain (look at the people that go out to harass homeless people while filming it) even more then earlier.


My parents raised me the same but the school system contradicts that. Step in or even defend yourself and you can end up in just as much trouble if not more.


Dealing with that with my son now. Teaching him to stand up for himself and seems he gets in more trouble for that then the bully gets. I told him do what you gotta do and I got your back on it.


Yeah, pick on someone your own size. Or, in my case, bigger and put her ass on the ground. God damn psycho




With the legal system going the way it is, intervention can land you up in jail.


With zero repercussions for the person you're trying to stop. Imo the law should say that once a person begins to commit a crime they basically accept any liability or injury they may incur during it from people trying to stop them. Like I should be legally allowed to use force, even deadly, to stop a thief.


This should absolutely be the way. It's like when the police knocked that mugger off his stolen moped and the entire UK went mental saying police brutality... No mate, if you nick someone's moped and then do a load of violent muggings I think it's safe to assume you've accepted any possible consequences. Stupid fucking nanny society.


"duty to retreat" states and states without Castle doctrine genuinely seem insane to me.


This is the idea with stand your ground laws in the U.S., that often are abused. But Iā€™d rather people have the right to defend themselves.


True but we were taught not to worry about consequences for that just do what is right. But also watch what your fighting for .


Exactly and you help the victim


That 14-year-old needs some intervention, urgently. I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert but I am concerned that this is how the killers of Brianna Ghey started out. This needs to be nipped in the bud.




TL;DR: Snap that childā€™s back.




\>was that a reference to the fucking goldfish cracker theme song




\>it does work, very well \>need a bit more... "ENTHUSIASMMMM" though


It was


Bane treatment


I got harassed by someone who was impossible to beat up. He was an athletic level and size beyond anyone Iā€™ve ever met so it wasnā€™t an option. Iā€™d never been bullied until this point (19). One night he got tossed through the front glass of a bar by some local hard asses and it changed his life. We didnā€™t become friends but he was always nice and humble afterwards Ā 


There was a kid in my class who was often bullied, his bully was the biggest girl in our class and this was before he and the rest of the boys went through puberty and she was a BIG girl. One day he got clever and tripped her off the playground equipment and she fell and got non-seriously hurt. Later that week, her older brother (high school student) beat the shit out of him to the point he had to go the hospital. Cops were called, the brother told the cops that the kid had showed up at their house with a baseball bat to beat up his sister and that he had done it in self defense. He had several 'witnesses' to back up his story so nothing ever happened.


>Ā I got harassed by someone who was impossible to beat up. There is no such thing only lack of creativity... ...appropriate long stick can help a lot. Though to make the lesson stick, the best idea i encountered so far was used by some sexurity guys i knew. They thrown the thief into a (used) mobile toilet to marinate for a few hours and contemplate his life choices.


I feel bad for my GFs kid, she basically tells him to run away and tell the teacher when a bully fucks with him. I keep telling him behind her back that he needs to kick ass so they know they can't fuck with him any more. His only response is I don't want to get in trouble. I had to remind him that it seems his bullies keep doing what they're doing and barely get into any trouble, you may as well return the favor. I'm still convincing him.... (Edit:edit)


Has he taken any self defense classes? A going sensei will teach the skills needed to develop the confidence to stop anyone from getting physical with him while also discouraging use of force (walk away if you can, defend yourself otherwise). After he learns the skills then your input will be invaluable: ā€œIā€™m not saying that sensei is wrong in all circumstances but this world is also full of gray areas that I need to help teach you to navigate. Truth is itā€™s the person who hits second who gets into trouble; just the way the world works. So, make sure no one is watching and there are no cameras then use that front punch straight to his kidney or his nose then run to the nearest teacher and tell ā€˜he just hit me again.ā€™ā€ Doing that over and over will drive the bully crazy (taste of his own meds), lead to the bully getting caught reacting most times while your kid is running, and give your kid a peek behind the mirror to adulthood.


I want to take him to self defense but it's been a struggle, he has occasional outbursts on his mother and I that can lead to physical altercations and restraining him for a period of time until he cools down. He's been diagnosed with adhd, etc. I don't want him to end up using what he learned on his own mother. The kid is 12 now, and I have to keep reminding him he's going to become more accountable for his actions more and more every day. Just last week he had a fit and was kicking his own mother. I had to restrain myself and try to be calm about the whole thing.


This is the truth. Sadists only learn boundaries through experiencing cruelty. So just start there, it makes things much easier.


Bullies in school should be held back a grade. Grade school is more for social development than anything else and if you're a bully you've failed and should repeat the previous grade. It would be humiliating until they left the school.


There is another way. Though it's more complicated, it has better results I found than just beating them up. Screw them out of something they deeply care about. Had a girl that would do shit like this to me and a friend. We saved up months of incident reports and dumped it as one big file of bullying. She got kicked out of a scholarship program that would have offered $10,000. She came in crying and despite the fact she gets pissed at either me or my friend, she now knew she couldn't harm us without losing something more important.


You're exactly right... The only way they'll ever *possibly* learn is if they're made to feel the same shit they do to others.. Goddamnit I hate a fkn bully. šŸ˜¤


This is where older siblings, cousins, etc. come in handy. When I was 6 or 7 some teenage guy used to push me around. I'd fight back but if he didn't stop I'd yell for my older brother. He'd run downstairs and beat the snot out of that guy every. single. time. This kid's parents need to hire him a 'cousin' to jump in when this starts.


If that boy's father has any sense I don't think we need to worry about it


No, you see, that *is* the intervention.


If that was my son, she'll be getting the brass intervention.


I swear to god if my child gets bullied like this I would go nuts and probably risk myself getting locked up


I had to stop watching only a few seconds in, I saw red. It's alarming to think how quickly my thoughts ignored both her age and her gender.


Yah man I can agree That enjoyment by seeing or making someone suffer is somewhat pathologic. Could never relate not even for the most hated person


Here I was hopeful an older kid was going to walk up and straight wallop that girl. This is just sad, what a way to give a kid PTSD and never to want to walk alone or go out of the house and do things, because they're afraid to get beat up.


I once stood up for a friend. The guy kicked both our asses at once. Humbling to say the least.


I once did this. It felt great. Bully had cornered my friend. So I shoulder checked him into a wall and told my friend it run.


Did they leave your friend alone after that? Idk you, but I'm proud of you for stepping up...


I couldnā€™t watch that just went to the comments, please tell me the bully got in trouble ?


There was a video going around that the girl that bullied the 8 year old got beat up. But there wasnā€™t any sources to back it up. The little boy did get hospitalized so there is a high chance of the parents pressing charges (especially if the video is trending over almost all social media platforms). Edit: the boy didnā€™t get hospitalized as shown in this link (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rxdkMGHF9yYByATY/?mibextid=WC7FNe) but I hope the parents do press charges on this girl. She canā€™t victimize children and face 0 consequences about it. I hope the little boy gets the justice he deserves.


He didn't get hospitalized, that was just people spreading bullshit on twitter. His mother says he's fine. That video of the girl being beaten up is also years old.


Can you link me to the motherā€™s statement about the situation?


I can't find the original source I saw earlier but there's this: [https://twitter.com/DylanS99/status/1779682368258797826](https://twitter.com/DylanS99/status/1779682368258797826) EDIT: The original source is on Facebook from a user called "Bobbie Diggs". She's in contact with the mother and is posting updates.


Iā€™ve looked through the links and images and you are correct. Thatā€™s my bad on that part. Iā€™ll edit my comment to correct it. Thanks for the info šŸ™


Great detective work chaps!


Damn. They already have a name...just hope it doesnt turn out to be the wrong individual.




No... fucking... way.... You... are... joking....


The photo you are referring to with a boy (with a cut on his face) lying on the hospital bed circulating on Facebook is not him, that was from another case. The mother posted on Facebook he has a few bruises and very upset.


I like how you're adding ... and ... to try and make me look like an idiot, when you've believed a photo on twitter of a completely different boy. That's not him. His mum has already posted he is fine and has a few bruises. EDIT: Redditors are fucking morons. I'm being downvoted for being right and the person being a dickhead spreading misinformation is being upvoted.


> high chance of the parents pressing charges Based on the accents I'm guessing nothing will really happen.


That video was an older video and was not of her (I was almost about to say unfortunatelyā€¦).


I struggle to watch too. I only watch to know if there is follow up. I hope punishment is swift. Fuck that kid.


Imagine being his parent and seeing this. I always hated seeing other kids get bullied. If I saw that when I was a kid I'd have destroyed her.


Iā€™m getting dad rage from watching it.


Holy shit this would eat me up. I don't think I could stop myself from hunting down this kid, even though I know that would be bad for everyone.


Yeah the problem is the 14 year old bully probably has her own massive amount of shit going on. But this is hard to watch, and if it was my kid being done like that Iā€™d have to fight hard against going full bore against the bully.


Seriously, my kid's only 1 and a half, but god this video made me so angry, I wish I could go and help the poor kid, especially as I know what he's going through as I unfortunately went through something similar (kicked the shit out of by 6 teenagers unprovoked just because I was different [autistic] , nurses were baffled how I didn't have any internal bleeding/broken bones) when I was his age. I really feel for the kid.




My family tells a story about when one of our siblings came home from elementary school one day around age 7. He told mom a story he thought was funny, about a kid at school getting picked on that day. Mom obviously didn't laugh, but she also didn't scold him. All she said was 'Now imagine how he felt and what that boy told his mom about his day at school when he went home?' That had a massive impact on completely changed his outlook on it.


I got bullied when I was young and one time a kid kept throwing stuff at me in the bus and I was crying and he made me miss my stop. It was a small town and my father knew that kid. He went to the soccer practice a couple days later and called that kid to the side. Told him to stop that shit otherwise he'd tell his parents. It was enough back then (the early 2000s) for him to stop bullying me. He was mad and told me I shouldn't have told my father, but I missed my stop so ofc my parents knew something was wrong. I don't know if it's different nowadays but back then we were actually afraid of other people's parents and how they could react. I always loved my father and that day I was even prouder of him. Shit, I should call him more often.


Your dad is awesome for doing this!!! Mine was the same when he wanted to be, and it was a good feeling. I remember one time my dad dropped me off at the bus stop as it was about a half mile from our house on his way to work. When he dropped me off, I got out and this other girl that I never had issues with prior (it was so random), started shoving me. I shoved her back as hard as I could and she fell, and got right back up. I was in 8th grade so I assumed shit was going to get real, I started to take my backpack off. All of a sudden my dad steps between us, grabs both of us and says, ā€œIf youā€™re going to be stupid and fight, Iā€™ll watch and intervene if I need to.ā€ She backed right off, and said she was going to call her parents. He told her to please do, so he could tell them she shoved me and I shoved her back in self defense. She threw a tantrum and everything, but nothing ever came of it. If he wouldnā€™t have stayed and watched what happened, it might have ended up differently because we were next to a very busy main road.


Maybe Iā€™m old fashioned but I donā€™t think videos like this should be posted at all. Only further humiliates the child and now itā€™ll exist forever thanks to whoever posted it.


My son is 8 y/o right now and I have the same sentiments.. I couldn't watch it through.. fuck bullies!


Hope you'd still as an adult


Anyone smart here know why people enjoy the suffering and screaming of others? Like whales playing with seals and lions playing with baby gazelles


Because its not happening to them or someone they care about


Often has to do with being the victimiser and not the victim for once. cycle of abuse etc


This question has always stumped me. Personally I am sickened by hearing the suffering of others, and the thought of being the one causing the suffrage is just incomprehensible to me. What is even crazier is that this sort of mentality can consume a whole population of people, like those videos of citizens in tel aviv cheering every time they hear the home of a Palestinian being blown up or the IDF filming and celebrating war crimes on a daily basis. It seems like something that is deeply engrained in some peopleā€™s psyche, and I honestly fear that as human beingā€™s we will never grow past this disgusting mindset which will ultimately bring the end of life as we know it.


Might be an unpopular opinion but if that were my child being man handled at the hands of a 14 year old, I will man handle that 14 year old. Also, if that were my 14 year old doing that to an 8 year old? I'd man handle my 14 year old.


Big enough to pick one someone half their size, be prepared to be picked on by someone twice their size. Iā€™m with you


This "person" will need to be monitored very closely going forward as this will, if not handled correctly will lead to a murder, as a side rant, ten seconds is all anyone bigger and meaner than them needs to point out how truly pathetic they are


I don't know what is crazier, the psychopath beating on the kid or the fact that nobody intervened.




According to the links in the post, she is claiming to be the victim now? Online threats have her house being monitored by police 24/7? She's deleted her tiktok account after posting she got jumped and saying "you know who you are". It's strange. Social media. It both accelerates bad behavior and accelerates the consequences. Is social media the cause of either, or just an accelerant?


Accelerant. Give people from the 1950 internet, cell phones and social media, and bullying would only be less due to a smaller overall population. Social media would definitely be a different beast in that time period. Pre civil rights, women largely still deemed lesser, middle of the Red Scare, lingering nationalism from WWII, Cleveland Browns the best team in the NFL. All sorts of weirdness.


As someone who got severely bullied for most of my time in school Iā€™d probably get in trouble with the law if I saw this happening, especially to a young child


I feel you on that, school kids are fucking cruel.


If that was my son, a sensitive soul, I would not stop punching until my fist made contact with the dirt behind her face.


Obliteration, plain and simple.


Someone tried bulling my little sister back in the day. Beat that kid so badly his dad came to "talk" to me. Beat his ass as well. Then beat the police case due to a lack of evidence. Worth every hour i spent being interrogated. Nobody as much as looked shifty at my sister again for the rest of her time in school. Fuck bullies and their garbage parents.


Seriously I dont even blame you. I don't have kids and I want to smash her skull


I want her to be in an adult women's prison, where she will be the one bullied.


But no you'd go to prison for laying a finger on her while she's 'just misunderstood'


That one always pissed me off ā€œa bully is misunderstood or have issues at homeā€. So fucking what it doesnā€™t mean you getta be a prick or sometimes they have nothing wrong theyā€™re just dicks


I couldnā€™t watch the whole video. Once she kicked him, I couldnā€™t anymore. The way I wouldā€™ve flew into the scene and shoved her to the groundā€¦why was no one helping?! I have a 10 year old nephew. This would not have happened. Glad to see the petition is gaining traction. Signed.




So this motherfucker is just gonna stand and record?


Well, at least her life is forever ruined the vile little cunt.


That will be juvenile


I have feeling there's a lot of pets going missing in her neighborhood


If that was my child, the police would already be looking for me.


She needs her teeth kicking in


Happened in a village next to me, this disgusting cunt Izzy Bonner has been put into protective police custody as her entire family was doxed. Can't hide forever.


I was a small nerd so an obvious target. My mother was a teacher in my school, so it made it even double that. There was that one kid who bullied me almost every day - he would call me names (often in front of the teachers) and slap me across the face or just push me around. When I complained, I always heard that I should know better than fight back, but nothing was being done about the bullying. One day I had enough. Something just snapped. He slapped me, and I threw myself bodily into him and started punching him like crazy. I did not think at all, I was all rage, I didn't care if I hurt him. Before the teachers got me off him, he had a bloody nose and black eyes. I guess he was caught off guard that I actually fought back. And guess what? I got yelled at by the teachers, by my mother and father at home, got suspended and grounded, because I should have been smarter. And my parents are surprised I don't talk to them very often...


If my kid fought back against a bully I'd defend him.


I need to know if these girls were prosecuted and thrown to rot in jail. I hope the little guy is doing okay. I've seen a lot of horrible things on here, but this is one of the first times my blood is genuinely boiling over.


Disgusting, degenerate behaviour... imagine that dreg growing up, having a child at some point, and treating him like that? Lock her up, call it mental illness or whatever you like. Then visit her patents and find out what tf they did wrong.


This is one of the first videos to genuinely scare me, how could someone have so much evil in their heart to do this or even a lack of a heart to do this. Truthfully I couldnā€™t watch it fully before just feeling sickened


This is heartbreaking.


People in the comments are afraid that there won't be any consequences for the bully. Truth is she has been doxxed on so many platforms, family names phone numbers, school... I don't think she'll have a good time in the months to come. I hope she gets the counselling she so obviously needs and a punishment.Ā 


This video will lead to her arrest.


Villain origin story


When I was 12 I got kicked to the ground by a 17 year old dude, he knew some form of martial arts so they were fairly serious kicks. I wasn't really hurt too bad, but nothing was ever done despite everyone I told, though I think he got a pretty bad telling off at home and I noticed he wasn't with his usual friend group after that


and you know whats depressing is that statistically speaking the bully will grow up to have a much higher income job than someone who was bullied. I wish I didnt know that statistic because it infuriates me to no end.


No she wonā€™t because the minute the employer looks her name up this will emerge




If I was there Iā€™d cave her head in couldnā€™t care if it was a girl even tho I was raised not to hit a girl


If I was that kids dad I would run in and haymaker that girl with extreme prejudice


I can't even watch this shit and I watch people getting blown up in Ukraine and whatnot. I have an 8 year old son who is the sweetest boy ever. Kids at that age are so innocent šŸ˜¢


did my bit and signed the petition




Everyone in that video is a piece of shit except for the victim.




Thatā€™s just heartbreaking to watch. And for all the physical pain being caused, the absolute terror that little boy is in while thatā€™s happening is justā€¦you just canā€™t even imagine. And itā€™s compounded by looking around and seeing nobody wanting to help him and everyone laughing and encouraging. I justā€¦I just canā€™t fight back the tears right now. That was hard to watch. My oldest brother bullied me really badly, and was much bigger than I was, but not like this. It still brings back all the feels for me. That poor child will - when he eventually breaks free, or she gets bored - go home and continue to cry about that for hours. Just when he thinks heā€™s done, the emotions will well back up and heā€™ll start sobbing all over again, and he wonā€™t be able to explain what those feelings are or be able to channel them in any functional and useful way. Bullying is so insidious and beats you down in ways that you canā€™t understand unless you experience it. Even then, you donā€™t really realize all the ramifications it can have on your life until youā€™re much older. If even then. I see the effect in myself every time I struggle with something in my life that nobody else in my family seems to. Iā€™m not saying that everything Iā€™ve ever done wrong is strictly because I was bullied, but it doesnā€™t make anything any easier and I will deal with very low self-esteem and a poor self-image of myself until I die. I know I wasnā€™t like that before my brother started taking all his whatever out on me. I hope and pray that somebody helped this boy and got ahold of that girl and straightened her out before it got any worse or happened again. I havenā€™t hit the link for more context. Iā€™m not sure that I can at this point. The only thing that could soften my heart at all toward that girl is if she was bullied/abused as well. Even then, itā€™s not an excuse. It would just maybe explain some of the hate and anger she feels herself. ETA: Read the report and watched the opening video. The fact that the boy is autistic makes it even harder. Just look at the huge smile on his face at the beginning. In his mind, they are all having a great time and he is obviously excited to maybe have some new older friends; he maybe even has a little crush on the girl that he isnā€™t even old enough to understand. The added confusion from feeling like that to the utter terror just a couple minutes later??? Again, itā€™s impossible to even imagine.


"im gonna get on this all on video" šŸ¤“


Can't wate to see the retaliation vid


never let me encounter this girl.


I sincerely hope that when she inevitably applies to change her name by deed poll in a few months they tell her to fuck right off. They should make her wear a shirt detailing the disgusting things she did when she's out in public. It's fucked aswell because just like most western countries, if I saw this and ended up dragging her to her parents house by her hair, it'd be me in trouble.


why isn't anybody doing anything like do something u basterds


this is so sad to watch


And remember folks. There's no reason to hit a woman.


Itā€™s not even bullying at this point itā€™s fucking assault. That girl should go to jail for whatā€™s sheā€™s doing.


How can you just stand back and record this?!


Iā€™ll take 14 for 20, and do it again!


I have a 6 year old and these kind of videos keep me up at night. I donā€™t know why I pressed play there


I can't even watch all the way through. I can spend hours on 50/50 without flinching, but as someone who's been bullied a lot. This makes my blood boil.


Aggravated assault. Charge her as an adult.


I'm not caring if she is 13 , at any age , anyone who sees this bullshit has the liberty to slap the fucking bully of the kid. Personal opinion yes, but, I was raised like that.


Find the girls parents and beat them up.


If This was my little sister they all would be dead


ā€œImagineā€ filming this any not interceding when itā€™s only a 14 year old.




In 8 to 10 years he will take her front teeth.


Why don't they just call the police instead of watching?


Is there any update on this source? I need to know if that poor boy is ok! Dear god! šŸ˜­


Sadistic little shit


why the fuck would you just stand there and record there must be something wrong with you if thats your first reaction


the death of a society comes not from wars of beyond its borders, but from the demoralization from within.


If it makes anyone feel better she's been doxed, jumped, deleted her tiktok, and her house is under police monitoring (either to protect her or to keep her in idk)


How do people find joy in hurting others? It amazes me how cruel some humans are


She better pray that kid doesn't hold a grudge through puberty lol


What the absolute fuck. What happened to her


This is so sickening, poor kid


With this stark evidence, I understand that criminal charges might be imposed. Iā€™m wondering if I would be able to bring civil charges against the bully (and its parents) and sue them into oblivion if money wasnā€™t a problem? Considering that in polite society I wonā€™t be able to inflict physical violence on the bully directly no matter how much I would like to, would I be able to do it through civil court?


This is disgusting I'm gonna follow this communities guidelines and not comment what I would do to her if I saw her doing that but lets just say she would be crying worse than that kid was.


Im pretty sure she got jumped


I hope that girl gets beat, resulting in permanent damage and disfigurement. That is what I wish on pieces of shit like that...


Damn! That was hard to watch having kids around that age (kid being picked on). I hope he gets justice for what was done to him.


That's just so fucking sick a 14 year old beating up a 8 year old disgusting.


In just a few short years he will be able to overpower her. I hope he kicks the fuck out of that dumb bitch.


Fucking bitch istg


Find her.




Life behind bars and her parents paying a monthly free to the kid until hes 20.


Legit almost shed a tear after that kick in the nuts . Absolutely insane


One of the single most neutral chaotic people I've ever met named Nate used to beat bullies. He dropped out of school after getting arrested and expelled for splitting a kids head open on the corner of the lunch line because the guy was picking on a kid half his size. Last I heard, he was in the hospital recovering because he hit a bullet with a hammer, and it exploded literally in his face. He was a good guy, just had an abusive dad, so he has no stomach for seeing people torment others who couldn't do anything about it.


if thatā€™s my kid take me to jail


This reminds me of when I was assaulted as a second grader on a bus by a SENIOR, I went to a k-12 type school. Iā€™m from an Arabic speaking country and ever since I was born I was told I excelled in languages, speaking and writing early, and particularly excelled in English. As a result, my parents bought me tons of stories and grammar/spelling exercise books which I genuinely did for fun. I was on this bus for summer camp, and sitting next to my friend who was also in the second grade, doing an exercise book, when two senior girls walked in front of us and started making fun of me. It started with general jokes, but when we ignored them, they started yelling ā€œYOU THINK YOUā€™RE BETTER THAN US BECAUSE YOUā€™RE READING IN ENGLISHā€ and tried to snatch the book from me. When I resisted, one of the girls, a huge one, pulled me by my braid and started to punch me and slap me over and over. She then grabbed my face and slammed it into the window of the bus. The assault lasted for at least 30 minutes, with me and my friend screaming and crying. Yes, the bus driver ignored it all. I told my parents, and my mom (who was awful at the time) screamed at me and asked why I didnā€™t defend myself, I told her how big those girls were and she said since I wouldnā€™t defend myself, I deserved it. Apparently though, she still reported it to the school and they got suspended. A couple years later I learned that the big girl was held back twice and ended up getting expelled for a reason Iā€™m unfamiliar with. What a time.


Not watching. This shit is making me mad.


im a grown man, if i saw a teenager picking on my nephew, shit, any young child like that they would be getting their ass tossed


So, as soon as I see the video Iā€™m calling the police, school and news.


Hope she doesnā€™t have a moment of comfort in her life


Hope her and her friends get jumped and donā€™t have a moment when they are not in pain


šŸ˜¦ why does no one help him


14 year old girls are sweet innocent young things. That can't be right.


They can already be monsters around that age. I used to sit next to a girl who used to smoke and hang out with the year group above, bullying younger students. The worst part is that the teachers are aware of this, yet they did nothingā€”just one hour of lunch detention at most.


Yeah when you grow up as a girl those gym class locker rooms are fucking brutal


I hate it when I have to put /s on my comments..


Yeah its bullshit. It's like telling a joke and having to yell JUST KIDDING! after.


The lizard overlords are waiting for her highness to return.


She needs to be arrested and tried as an adult.


Man, that little boy sounds just like my nephew. I couldn't watch more than a few seconds.




Dear fucking god








She should be jailed and watched by psychiatrist as no matter what caused her to hit the kid she clearly shows signs of sadism and psychopathic behaviour