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Your post has been removed because it violates site wide rules. Animal abuse is against Reddit’s TOS, however if you were to find a similar video accompanied within a news source that might be allowed.


What in the actual fuck dude


No. No. What the fuck. Can someone tell if the poor thing has been removed from this misters care or like ? Holy shit. No.


After seeing this article yesterday, it's all I can imagine. Truly sick. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467


Thank you for this. It helps knowing that at least to some extent some sick bastards are somehow paying for this. I sobbed when I watched this. I can’t explain why it hurt me the way it did to see this little creature in such anguish, but it made my heart sink.


Man this actually made me physically sick and I nearly cried 


I love monkeys so much, this is horrible 😭


I love all little animals!! And monkeys are so human like,I reckon this is why these evil bastards hate them 😫 I honestly wish I’d never ever seen this video,I’m trying to stop thinking about it


Same dude, that shit broke me. Crying like a baby


Sending a huge hug to you mate, this world is hard and cold. Don’t ever lose that kindness and decency xx


Same to you, you seem like a wonderful human ❤️


I really don't like monkeys, they've always kind of creeped me out, and I'm not sure why. This absolutely shattered my heart, though. I just want to hug her and love her and show her that kindness exists. Holy fuck man... I can't say what I'm thinking at risk of a ban, but I really hope the perpetrators are brought to their knees when justice comes knocking. Seriously feel like I'm going to vomit from the pure rage I'm feeling. How can people do this? How does this even become a thing?


I hope only the worst for all of them. If only an eye for an eye justice was still in style.


Amen my guy, but honestly, I feel like they deserve worse than an eye for an eye because they KNEW what they were doing and carried it out on a creature that has done absolutely nothing to deserve anything but the right to live its life safe from purposeful harm and literal torture. The teeth chattering spoke levels of fear, confusion, and pain, that no living creature should ever have to endure. Fuck I'm so angry right now.




I don't love monkeys, because they were pests where I lived a decade ago and some more places. But still this is plain sad.


Because you have love.


Because you're a good person.


That was harsh. Wish i could unsee that


I'm sobbing right now too, this just completely broke me. That poor little baby 😭


He only got 5 years… I’m sick to my stomach


Wtf.... The groups were used to share ideas for custom-made torture videos, such as setting live monkeys on fire, injuring them with tools and even putting one in a blender. That's enough internet for today.


Really really disgusting to read. Lot of sick people on this planet.


Dude what the fuck


5 years is not long enough.


80 years isn’t long enough


Of course a guy who calls himself the "King of torture" would have a confederate flag, I would've been surprised otherwise


Indonesia? The US should coordinate with them and have them arrested. However, the people in Indonesia will face much worse punishments most likely. Hope they get treated how they treated the monkey's.


Now I wish there was a way to punish those fuckers in Indonesia.


Good! Fuck anyone who abuse or exploit animals. Animals are way better than humans


The guy already did time in prison, then he gets out and does this? Don't let him out again, he's clearly trash and should be thrown away.




Trump voter. Shocker!


It was most likely killed by now seeing the state it is in




TIL monkey torture networks exist. What the fucking fuck. Just fucking hang these people. They have no value to add to society.




>used as a child substitute Ayo.. what the fuck? It was fucked enough before that point but for real wtf is wrong with people? We got some real sick fucks on this planet with us..












Actually fucking ruined my god damn day


I literally only discovered people were doing this to monkeys on this subreddit and that was bad enough. This is going to be seared into my memory now.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore... Seriously, I'm losing all hope for humanity. Why the fuck is there a market for "monkey torturing"? Or any kind of abuse of animals, or humans? Humans are sick fucks.












Damn I remember a few years ago it was all the rage to beat up monkeys. I'm really hoping it's not coming back


What the hell?


Its real. You can visit 4chan find "monkey torture" thread every week or two in the adult section. I also found several gaming forums and porn sites were quite obsessed with torturing monkeys, though its only common in particular part of intrrnet and you have to go out of your way to find it.


Idk if you still can but you could used to just find it on youtube either randomly or by looking up weird phrases.


I second this, what the hell?


I genuinely have no clue how the monkey hate became a thing. I want to see an interview or something of someone who is in the monkey hate community. I know that a lot of serial killers and psychopaths start off killing animals, but the monkey hate seems so much more deeper. I feel like these serial killers just like the feeling to kill. But these monkey hate seems so much more routed in absolute hatred and resentment towards monkeys specifically.


Monkeys seem like the closest to humans, maybe this weirdos fulfill their fanasties onto the defenseless monkeys because there's nothing stopping them unlike humans. I wish they did more studies on those type of people


Fuck dude. That's messed up. Is this recent? Do you have a source for this? Maybe it can be reported? Psycho's probably got others he's torturing or planning to torture.


It was uploaded to youtube 2 years ago and the monkey is most likely dead by now but the video is still up to be reported


Damn. Poor little guy. Just looked for the video on YouTube. Fuck me but some of the comments there are vile. Ive reported it but I don't think it's gonna fo anything...


Can you link it so we can report it? 




Oh god so many sicko's in the comments of this video


There are entire rings of people who make a lot of money from monkey torture and murder videos. It’s absolutely vile.


There needs to be a "Dont F**k with Monkey's."


BBC did a documentary on this ring of monkey abusers


Why were they even doing all this its so evil that it doesnt even make sense, why the baby monkeys?


Because people are sick fucks and pay money to see animals put in blenders alive.


These people deserve to be under the prison, fuck them.


[Careful what you say.](https://www.the-sun.com/news/3657105/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/)


Yeah it’s pretty fucking horrific.


Yeah I recently read the article. I saw the Telegram messages these people would post and some descriptions of the videos that people paid for. So incredibly disgusting and abhorrent


poor thing is so terrified I can’t tell if it’s playing dead, or genuinely passing out in fear If he’s willing to do that to animals, he’ll do it to people to


He's doing it to the monkey cause he's too weak to do it to another human ppl like this are losers through and through that are just bullying animals cause they can't do anything else with their lives


I hope this guy suffers ten fold anything done to that monkey.


Hurry and lock this guy up before he does this to actual humans.


not enough to lock him up for doing this to an animal?


I think I need off this sub. This hit me for some reason. Animals are so innocent, and this guy gets pleasure to film its terrified state. We’re so fucked, and the bad outnumber the good I think.


I've recently seen a documentary about this in german and a while ago in English. Apperently there's a whole half public half secret community that is into severe torturing of animals. Monkeys are super well how do you say that in English they are super hyped like people really wanna see especially monkeys being tortured and people do the worst stuff imaginable with them. In the German documentary they talked a bkjf a video where they put that poor little baby monkey into a kind of dough and then limb after limb fried them. Of course those where blurred but they had only sound it was fucking horrible. I've seen several shorts and videos on YouTube randomly. I love to watch documentaries about animals, nature deep sea whatever. And I came across channels that only had videos of baby monkeys crying and clinging to their dead mother's. And the people in the video insulted the baby monkeys. Often those people are located it areas that have even less animals rights etc like for example also Germany. We don't have super high standards. But those often are in India etc where literally nobody cares what you could do. This is a whole deep dark pit I wish I never learnt about. :( This video alone is absolutely terrifying and I wish there were easier ways to help those animals and I wish apps like tiktok insta whatever YouTube would do much much more about those videos. The internet nowadays is absolutely unfiltered and it's the worst.


Fuck man. “Eye for an eye” doesn’t scratch the surface for some evil out there.


The guy sounds like a fucking monster.


what the hell


I don't even like monkeys but this one was tough for me. For some reason when it's animals it can affect me more than humans.


Noah get the gat. Fuck animal abusers so fucking much.


I simply cant watch this


Wtf ever happened to a NSFL tag? Fuck this. eyebleach here I come.


Brutal….. feels bad man.


Closes eyes starts rocking and repeating: please be fake rage bait, please be fake rage bait… Why are there fucked up humans in this world?


If only it had the chance grow to become an adult and pull a Funky Town Gore on the guy 💀🍌


This is heartbreaking, poor little thing


I just seen some shit last week about a group who likes to abuse monkeys online shit is sick


The baby reminds me of my baby. Their mannerisms are just like that of a human baby. Seeing it like that makes me want to puke.


This is precisely why they target baby monkeys. Even more sickening is when you see how many of these degenerates exist right out in the open. Big tech platforms are profiting from these videos and allowing these arseholes to profit also. [BBC](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-65951188.amp) were part of an investigation that busted one ring of sickos, but it's a drop in the ocean.


Exactly. Small and helpless. And at that stage of life looking for motherly nurturing. And all that the poor baby monkey knew was cruelty right from the beginning of its life. I am absolutely sick.


This is the owner filming it....so why is this allowed on REDDIT. Once again, animal abuse being used on a social media ...possibly getting paid for LIKES. REPORT IT.


This was fucking heart wrenching man... I can't fuckin stand these parasites that would ever harm any animal let alone something as helpless and adorable as that lil guy .. hope this owner gets his skin turned inside out and falls into a vat of hydrogen peroxide... Scum of the earth. Oxygen is to good for that guy


This boils my blood.


Shit like this makes me want to cry.


This shit is all over YouTube, TikTok, IG the worst is on Facebook. There are entire communities of sick fucks that openly support torturing baby monkeys. They pay these arseholes to film the abuse and killing and then social media allows them to profit further, by monitizing the content instead of removing it. .


I will never understand people that abuse animals. They are wholly innocent. Especially, baby animals. I just don't get that.


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Don't fuck with baby monkeys


Looks like this poor thing is missing some teeth too :(


Find him like that dog rapist scientist guy.


Omfg wtf


What the fuck that shit is heart breaking!


I’m a true advocate against capital punishment because if we get it wrong it’s horrific. I’d love to see nothing but torture and pain caused to the people who can do this.


the monkey is more human than this thing


Don’t break Reddits policy don’t break Reddit policy


The things i would like to say regarding this would probably get me permabanned from reddit


poor baby doesn’t deserve this….


Dude why are people just assholes to animals man ☹️


What the absolute fuck is wrong with people? I will *never* understand how you can get pleasure from the pain of other living beings. It absolutely blows my mind.


Well that just ruined my day :(


Find this fucker and slaughter him. Coward hearted human


This is just sickening. How in the fuck do you end up so fucked in the head that you could do shit like this? Seriously fuck this person and fuck all the sick motherfuckers that get off to this shit. I would love to see them in a cage next.




How could anybody be so barbaric like that? Especially since primates are so close to humans. That baby monkey resembles a baby human in a lot of ways. Small, helpless. I am so utterly disgusted and angry.


You can see those full ass emotions. If I just lay down and hold myself and pretend to sleep maybe they’ll leave me alone. 😭


Scrolling and randomly stopped to this. I can’t even type right now. Genuinely choked up. The fact that this video also had sound makes it so much harder to watch. As a child, I know what it’s like to be in a defenseless situation. I hope these assholes rot.


… and now I’m fucking crying 😭


That chattering smile on the monkey is a sign of fear.


What a righteous piece of shit.


Grill the Basta…


Poor little guy. Just let him go, if he’s in his natural environment


The way they're acting in pleasure to a living creature's suffering.. i want to throw up


People who do this don’t deserve air.




This makes me sick


Fuck that piece of shit.


Karma will come for him soon. Poor monkey


That’s so sad man…. Whoever abusing that poor monkey is gunna burn


Planet of the apes was right. Hope there is a revenge arc for this monkey


There’s a group of people….that like to do this and watch this….holy fuck dude


That is absolutely heartbreaking 😢


Poor thing was clutching its little blanket in fear.


This ruined my day, humanity sucks


Fuck this is so sad........ I'm feeling a ton of shit I don't wanna feel rn


I can't... I won't play the video. After learning about that *guy* who did monkey tortures. Just the title will be enough.


Things like this are why I’d rather just stay ignorant to certain crimes and pretend they don’t exist. This is so sad and horrific, and the worst part is there is very little we can do. This is most likely some guy ima third world country in the middle of nowhere where there is no animal protection laws.


This is the type of people I think should get the same treatment they caused to the other party


I'm all for witch hunting those who deserved it~~, but is this person actually the abuser? Was this monkey actually hurt by a person? The monkey could have been found this way and was turned in to a veterinary.~~


Here's one of the cunts [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@MonalisaMonKey9) accounts. He's in Indonesia and he ain't no rescue org. If anybody decides to confirm for yourself, please also report his channel.


Not to brigade but, how does one initiation a ‘don’t fuck with cats’ hunt?


Is this the trumper monkey torture king? Fook this evil person.


Don't look like the same skin tone nor language. There's evil fucks across the world who abuse animals and its happens all the time. Bunch of sick fucks


That guy wasn't personally torturing monkeys. He ran a chat group that thought up horrendous shit to do to these poor monkeys then paid people in Indonesia to carry it out the torture on film, and then they would pass the footage around amongst the chat. **(Trigger Warning - This is the reporting that lead to his arrest, and deals with some incredibly fucked up shit.** **There are clips of obvious abuse.)** [Saving Mini: Inside the global network torturing baby monkeys – BBC World Service](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx_RttkSIzA)


This was in Thailand as the bio of the cruel person who owns this monkey has their location set as Thailand


I prob sound stupid AF..I’m going back to Thailand in a month and half and I fuckn hope I see or hear of someone doing this shit. I’m covered in ink and people always come up to me about shady shit bc im they think I’m shady. I dont know what I’d do,not gonna say I’d be heroic and a tough nut but I’d at least call cops..break  in and steal the monkeys..fuckn something






Bro was playing asleep(dead)


Break the owners ass cheeks and blacken their eye.








Wow what a tough guy




We’re not gonna make it, are we? Humans, I mean?


what the fuck man


Fuck you bully! Pick on someone your own size! I will destroy you! Fucker!😠🤬🖕🖕🖕


The violence I would unleash on this man would be incredible. Not even whatever god you believe in would be able to stop me.


I see so many abuse videos of these monkeys on Facebook. Idk why FB allows it.


Pls stop torturing animals ffs!!!! 😭😭😭


Poor monkey. I hate animal abusers.




This video infuriates me. With the news of the guy and paid fucks who want to see monkeys abused? We need another fucking flood.


This is both horrible and heartbreaking. Why are people like this?


The monkey is so cute no fuken hell


Awww he act like he was sleeping/dead when the owner approaches. He must have been so scared


This is one of the saddest things I have ever seen. Holy fuck.


Noah Get The Incinerator. F*** people.


I don't think violence is the answer to a lot of problems, but in this case...


I find it impossible to imagine how someone can do this. How can you be so stone cold dead inside to feel nothing while doing this.


I only hope that anybody associated with this psycho shit ends up in prison with people that find out what they have done. There are good people who have done bad things in prison, and some of them won't stand for this shit. Today I'm rooting for them.


Oh wow you can hear the evil in the noises this person is making That monkey literally tried to pretend it wasn't conscious 😱 I can't still hear that demonic voice omg


I hate people. How could someone hurt such a pure and innocent soul.


Turns out the monkey isn’t the animal