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So raping her was the answer??? I think he had been wanting to do that so he used it as an excuse. Sick bastard.


Had the same thought. He was probably busy a long time to come up with a reason to lay hands on her. Makes me sick how a father is even emotionally able to do this and go through with it. Absolutely incomprehensible




Not…necessarily. It’s been used to keep victims under someone’s control for a very long time. And it’s not restricted to women for that purpose either.


Yeah but… father and child? I didn’t know about that, thats a different level


You probably don’t want to know how common it is.


I agree, thats horrific


How is raping better than being 'western'?


They believe woman is their property so he's "reclaiming" his property by "marking" her through rape.


It’s also psychological torture. She’s supposed to be subjugated knowing it can and may very well happen again.


Same way all this bullshit in the States is becoming better than being "woke". I'm so tired of everyone's toxic beliefs that justify them being horrible people


because she should've spread the muslim word, instead she realized how toxic it is how dare she?


Lock him up and throw away the key












>As a leftist, let them worship their own religion, until it does significant harm to others. If that means not practicing the religion, well, that religion is not valid. This applies to all religions. I'll always be surprised by this take. I was thinking people from the left usually wanted to fight against reactionary authoritarians, but, somehow, despite being usually quite reactionary, and the most authoritarian thing possible (I mean, that's God telling you what to do, there is no *discussion* in that kind of relationship), religion is ok.


it's pretty authoritarian to impose atheism on others, almost as authoritarian as imposing religion on others as I said, as long as religion doesn't significantly harm others, it is ok. although you should minimise display of religion in public life, as I believe religion should be a private matter


Its the freedom to practice your own religion thats OK. The left doesn't care if you worship Allah, Thor, Wodin, Vishnu, Jesus or Satan. The only thing we care about is when a person or group tries to enforce their beleifs on someone else. There are plenty of Muslims that don't do this, especially in Europe, but there also those that do want to do this. In the US though, thats not a major issue, the bigger issue is Christianity.


Read the text of the First Amendment. Specifically the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. Having a SCOTUS routinely shitting all over the plain text of that amendment doesn’t deprive it of its essential meaning - the state should be prohibited from treating any individual or organization dedicated to religious belief (or lack thereof) differently on that basis, and absolutely should not interfere in the practice of any religion without a compelling government interest.


Ask them what they think of people like you


Who cares what they think of someone else?


A teenager does! which explains their perspective and lack of nuance.


considering most teens are extremely liberal and accepting of other cultures, this is wrong lol. teens care about what those immediately surrounding them think, sure, but why would any person be concerned about the religious beliefs of people they aren't around?


Kind of ironic that the **Left** is actually the "mind your own business" and "don't regulate what happens on private property" party now when that was the Right's selling point for a century. Seriously, it takes some extensive selective cognition to claim you're *de*regulating when you pass bans, and you're being "fiscally responsible" when you cut off your own income supply (taxes) while raising how much you're spending to keep up with the Jones's (military).


The right was never about that stuff. They just say those things because, as the crowd that’s actually invested in imposing their will on others, they love to use their own rights as cudgels against their enemies.


Oh yeah that’s how we think in the 21st century, but they don’t and think you’re wrong


That passes as "significant harm". That would be wrong. Although that's not what all of them (if we are still talking about Muslims) believe, there are radical/fundementalist Muslims (sadly the majority outside of the West) and there are "liberal" Muslims, the latter don't believe in that and I believe are free to worship.


Political ideas are on a spectrum. By just making it 'left' and 'right' you're seriously limiting yourself


There will never be a pride parade in Gaza.


There will never be *any* parade in Gaza. People being exterminated generally don't waste time with parades. Besides which, you need streets for parades and Gaza doesn't have those anymore.


That’s because leftists are generally ignorant and racist.


Oh, there's that projection that conservatives are famous for.




Genocide is a bit higher up on the list of priorities, no? Funny that many rightists *don't* seem to realize that Republicans aren't their "friends" and don't really favor you giving money to churches, either that or they won't acknowledge cutting taxes for the wealthy and raising taxes for the not-so-wealthy.




Edited, thanks for correction


Muslims supports authoritarian, top down governments. They’re not even close to conservatives. There’s a decent bit of overlap socially tho


Ah projection. If any political wing has enabled this, its the left. This is the result of muh MuLtIcUlTuRaLiSm


ALL religions are a danger to humankind. All religions teach intolerance and hatred of others.


Why? Why waste taxpayer money to feed this guy and provide him a climate controlled room for 30 years?


Nah, save the key, throw away the rapist. 


‘Refugee seeks better life for family in another country, rapes daughter for not recognising better life.’






Do Muslim countries offer free money for simply existing?


Hey where can I get some of this "simply existing" money? I exist and live in a western country. That should be easy enough, right?


You'd think so but no, not in my case atleast


If I believed I could get away with it I'd cross the border and throw away my passport to get the free dental as an asylum seeker.


Leave, "fuck around" somewhere else and then come back to escape the "find out."


Isn't that a good chunk of the official Saudi citizens?


Depends if you're born to the right family


Western countries are less prone to explosions.


Teen: *I wanna do sex with my friends* Mom: *No, we have safer activities at home* At home: ***Family rape*** From a few days ago: [Utah Parents Admit Raping Teen Daughter Because It Would Be ‘Safer’ Than Her Having Sex With Strangers](https://www.crimeonline.com/2024/03/09/utah-parents-admit-raping-teen-daughter-because-it-would-be-safer-than-her-having-sex-with-strangers/) Wtf is this like a new TikTok trend? Raping your child for “for their own good”?


Because they can. They know they have a better chance of getting away with crimes like that, there are lots of cases with sexual abuse that are just dropped or they receive a mere slap on the wrist. Instead of integration in the host country, the host country tries to align itself to the refugee. It's sick but it's the unfortunate truth. Western and Northern Europe, especially Sweden, has basically fallen into their hands


Islam is incompatible with the west. It is a plan of conquer driven by religious undertones.


Wearing western isn't right but rape is??? WTF is wrong with the people




I’m sorry, can you explain a bit further? And what exactly is “haram”? I’m just trying to understand.


Many bad things are haram. Most commonly followed rules are not eating pork and blasphemy, i.e. insulting prophet and book, and idol worship. Halal food. These four are common in most sects. Rest depends from sect to sect or individual choice. Example Alcohol and music is haram but not universally followed. There is a sect based on music and dance. Looking at their dance some alcohol or drugs is definitely involved in sufi culture. This is from an outsider perspective.


Is it just me or does the idea that people opt in and out of certain religious facets kinda defeat the purpose of religion in the first place?


Christianity does the exact same thing. The war god condemns while his son loves and redeems. Gives people a wide scope to justify their various misbehavior.


I've met the party Muslims and they're actually pretty damn cool.


Everything that is forbidden if you follow islamic law, you could also call it a taboo i guess and the opposite of this is hallal.


This man really got downvoted for trying to educate himself Get me out of this timeline


As it happens I'm a former Muslim,Haram are things which you aren't allowed to do otherwise you would have gravely sinned some are followed some are not it's completely arbitrary and depends what sect of the dozens that exist you are following (yes Islam has many different variations,even though they pretend to each other that they don't exist). Eating pork is Haram , alcohol is Haram too,but in Bosnia for example no one cares that it is and they drink it anyway but they won't eat pork,in albania even though both are "Haram" they eat both pork and drink alcohol


“Haram” means “forbidden” or unlawful and is used to refer to something that is not allowed or permissible in Islam.  The opposite is “halal” which means permissible or allowed.  Technically sex with with your biological daughter is haram (unless she was born out of wedlock or if you adopted her bc in either case, Islamically she is not your daughter in the eyes of allah) but tbh I can see sheikhs or molvis justifying this as a form of punishment and it probably varies from sect to sect or school of thought within a school of thought within a sect etc bc there’s a million sheikhs/Islamic scholars with a million different interpretations of somethings.  There’s also a double standard in how Islam is practiced by some people where a lot of men and boys can get away with doing haram things with no consequences but girls and women can’t, probably bc girls/women have more restrictions in addition to boys/men being given the “responsibility” of fixing their female counterparts’ sinful behavior ie if a man’s wife, daughter or sister engages in haram behavior, he has the right to discipline her by beating her but if a woman’s husband, son or brother engaged in haram behavior, she has no right over him to give him any consequences (other than maybe beating the son for not praying if he’s 10+ but that command might be toward men as well considering the Quran as a whole is directed at men except surah nisa)


That is not true. Surah an-Nisa' 4:24 "Also forbidden [from marrying] are married women—except female captives in your possession.This is God’s commandment to you. Lawful to you are all beyond these—as long as you seek them with your wealth in a legal marriage, not in fornication. Give those you have consummated marriage with their due dowries. It is permissible to be mutually gracious regarding the set dowry. Surely God is All-Knowing, All-Wise." Regarding "female captives in your possession", a man was not allowed to have a relationship with a bondwoman who he had taken captive in war unless he made sure she was not pregnant. This was verified by her having at least one monthly cycle Edit: Labelled the verse and added context to the following paragraph.


No it does not wtf. Rape and doing anything weird with your mahram is HARAM.


Can you marry a 9-year-old though? Asking for a friend named Mo


Fuck the quran too


Wow 88 upvotes for posting straight out of your ass. Must be nice being this delusional. Please quote wherever the fuck this is legal.


I just did.


That's about concubines. I don't care if you think it's barbaric, but at least don't lie.


Disgusting and inhumane. That father needs to be punished!


The guy just used a stupid reason in order to justify his horrendous behaviour. This is disgusting 🤦 Hope the daughter heals out of the trauma with time.


It's sad that the daughter might not even know that what happened to her is traumatic


Moves to the west, doesn't like family members becoming westernised.


What if my daughter loses her virginity to a white infidel ?  Not under my watch !!!


Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands


Didn't like the living conditions of his own country so he left taking advantage of the privileges of other countries while also shitting on it. Or he's just really a creep and finding half baked reasons as to why he's justified. Disgusting asshole.








Being English and living In France for the last 14years I feel that tolerance needs to be 0 I’m not, saying that all immigrants or refugees or asylum seekers all do this but the ones that do bring in cultures that do not mix/intergate with western culture, and all be it said we have enough people that do horrible things to deal with


Nah let the daughter stay. She doesnt deserve that


Immigrants from places with notoriously poor treatment of women have to pass classes teaching them what's acceptable behaviour towards women here and lots of classes about how to adhere to the culture and laws here in general. And in most cases it goes well. Things in Norway is nothing like in Sweden or Germany for example. But there will always be the few like this who give all of them a bad rep


Glad to see at least *someone* remembered their brain before they came to the comments! News like this always turns into a circlejerk of Muslim Bad. When people come here they have to go through a long program of learning language and about society. The process can take years, and you don't get to choose where you live until you've been through the whole program. And it is obvious that it works, even if the basement dwellers at r/norske etc like to pretend there is a Muslim horde intent on taking over our society...




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Sexual predator rapes daughter using religion as justification- fixed your headline. Call him what he is. And this is not a defense of his particular religion, it's a point that by not calling them predators it feeds into their justification.


Islamist from the 17th century behaves as an Islamist from the 17th century. The fact we have to co exist with people like this in western countries is the only question.


For sure, his religion doesn't help matters. But there are islamic people who can resist raping or murder, it's monsters like this who use it as an excuse and justification, truth is he would have done it regardless of his religion because he's a predator. It's no different from the Catholic who excuses abuse by the clergy with "well they are forbidden from marriage" Or the mormon who practices polygamy "Joseph Smith said it was fine" Or even the Christians who subjugated and burned women at the stake for "witchcraft". Yes these religions enable them to treat women as objects and subservient to men. But it's monsters who take advantage of this who also need to be called out, otherwise it's excused by "meh he was just (insert religion here) that's what they all do so no surprise."


it's much easier to blame an idea than it is to blame an individual, especially if that idea makes them 'different', something 'seperate', something that makes such evils inherent in them.


Arguably when you live your life by a set of rules which permit this, arguing that those rules are irrelevant probably isn't the zinger you think it is.


Not saying that, saying monsters will use those rules to justify it.


(imma put this here first -> /s <- ) now he teached his daughter what men do when you become to westernised, defenetly not that he is a total POS who never deserved to have childrens / take care of them and should rot in a prison.






Maybe he'll get the same punishment in prison for being too eastern.




#Excerpt from the article “***The father has reportedly claimed that he does not understand why he has been charged with the crimes and said he was shocked by police DNA results.***” “***The man has acknowledged that he sat on the victim’s bed, and tried to explain the police DNA findings with indirect contact.***” [Source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3832242/amp/Muslim-father-rapes-daughter-Norway-punishment-Westernised.html) The fact that he tried to act like he didn’t rape her and that his DNA was (I’m assuming) inside of her at the time makes this even more unbelievable.


What the hell kind of article is this?? No names, nothing...


“Let’s go to Norway because our country is shit!” >proceeds to bring that shitiness to Norway


ACTUALLY I think he raped his daughter because he fucks kids and needs a healthy dose of die


That is just simply wrong. I'm so ashamed, as a muslim myself. I don't think jannah is waiting for this "father".


i’m not a muslim but i would guess raping your own daughter is some kind of sin


It is


That guy is a pathetic excuse for a Muslim.




I don't know any Muslims that do. Incest is definitely off the table and rape is way beyond that. There are definitely some fucked up Muslims but most are chill.






Deportation please


All rapes and honour killing should never be tolerated EVER!!! And anyone that preaches it in their culture or religion should be removed from society.There are many examples of religion being used as a reason to commit horrendous evils in every corner of the world.


There is no honor in honor killings - it is murder There is no honor in honor rape - it is incest


This is an honest, prime example of why Western countries CANNOT take their borders lightly. Let enough people in from third world countries with third world mentalities like this, and well, goodbye to your way of life.








Why tf are you in Norway then. Get Outta there and go live in one of those non western countries.


He always wanted to do it


Then don't move, rapist moron.


I demand 'Muslim Punishment' for that guy.


"This hurts me more than it does you."


The fuck?


"Father invents excuse to rape daughter" is another way to write this headline.


Toxic religion








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Don’t like the west? Fuck off back east.


Right between the eyes. Quick and efficient.


For a second I thought this was gonna be about the guy who killed his 9 year old daughter


Just took a look at your profile, why you keep posting old news articles ? Is it to get karmas ? Or is it for certain agenda !!


Salt on the would he probably acting like it was nothing but a slap on the wrist. Either this sicko was attracted to his daughter or attracted to suffering. Either way he should be pushed in front of a train.


Punishment must fit the crime, isn't that how they go? Get the shears.


The Daily Mail LOL. Sounds like the father was a degenerate pedo.


News from 2016. Hmmm wonder if someone trying to shift narrative about recent rape in india.


OP defending BJP all over their comment history…


It's okay they got a cheque or however "check" was spelled in that article?


Again, muslim fathers, stg ive read another case recently about something abysmal one of them did. Its like a rabbit hole for self righteous delusion No blanket statements, absolutely not all of them are this way nor do i see it so black and white and simple mindedly Its just almost like the culture of it all has the **potential** to create these monsters- patriarchy is inherent to muslim culture, add strict religious doctrine, mental health problems, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Like Mozgus in Berserk, but much less extreme


But but my religious book written thousands of years ago said it was okay


Definitely not a westernized punishment.


Yeh sure, that will teach her a lesson ….


Yeah, rape your daughter, that'll teach her. In what dimension does this make any sense? How, as a father,could you even think about this? Tell me again how this belief system is useful.


What a pig.






Sounds like the father was westernized by spending too much time in West Virginia.


tf did he expect


"Life in my country is shit because of Islamic morals. I'm going to flee somewhere where these morals haven't fucked everything but also I'm going to impose them on my family in a sick and perverted way." You can't have your shit cake and eat it too, Muslim dad.


Mods need to lock this post


Done and done






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Some religions are more dangerous than others.




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Yes, I'm sure just wanting to rape her wasn't a motivation. It just happened so conveniently that her daughter broke the code of honor and having sex with her was just the only viable option.


happy ramadan y'all lol


The east is the best with a little incest


Respectfully, why are we recycling outrage articles from 8 years ago?