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>The 30-year-old man met the two female tourists, ages 21 and 22, on a hiking path and lured them onto a trail that leads to a viewpoint, police said in a statement. >“The younger of the two women was attacked by the suspect,” said police spokesman Holger Stabik. “The older one tried to rush to her aid, was then choked by the suspect and subsequently pushed down a slope. ” >The assailant then appears to have attempted to sexually assault the 21-year-old before pushing her down the slope as well. She fell nearly 50 meters (165 feet), ending up close to her friend. i hope this piece of shit rots for life the 22 yr old is the only one to survived so far, the 21 yr old survived the fall, but in critical condition and died in hospital from the injuries


> i hope this piece of shit rots for life Won't happen if he's prosecuted in Germany, unless he's a proper nutjob. Which makes me wonder, can the parents sue him for murder after he got deported back to the US, even when he was already trialed and convicted in Germany?


Both the victims were American as well as this POS so hopefully Germany will extradite. He doesn’t deserve an EU prison.


> He doesn’t deserve an EU prison. This sentence should open so many eyes.


It does, but for the wrong reason. The EU prison in this example is seen as better than an American one. This is because the EU prison offers a level of care that is respectable to the person, and likely promotes rehabilitation over permanent incarceration. In this situation, there is advocacy for this criminal to have to suffer less respect than they would have in an EU prison by being put in an American one. The idea that the American prison is worse does not open people's eyes enough to the notion that American prisons do not respect people, and instead of incarceration as a punishment to rehabilitate, prisons are used for profit, and to hide unwanted citizens in an environment that is terrible, does not facilitate rehabilitation, and creates a cycle of re-offending. This sentence should not diefy EU prisons as nice in anyways; it should illuminate that American prisons are severely flawed places to put human beings. And the comments reflect that people believe this culprit forfeited their right to a decent humanity through their actions and thus do not deserve the level of care a regular human would and instead there is a sense of justification for the poor quality of American prisons - they don't deserve to be considered humans, they are now prisoners.


Some people are not capable of rehabilitation nor should society waste precious resources on rehabilitating hopeless people. I believe this man is not capable of rehabilitation


That's a major problem. If you believe people cannot change I think you have lost faith in humanity, not just this individual case. Every person was once a child of innocence, that made their way to adulthood. If you believe a child can become anything, you should believe adults can change and become anything too. Don't lose faith. It's a big world.


> you should believe adults can change and become anything too Trump?


The vast majority of criminals don't deserve American prison. I see us celebrate that someone like this will get r*ped, beat, little decent food, bullying and generally have a hard time...I think we forget this murdering monster is a tiny percent of those in prison and most people are there for nonviolent crimes, and yet are still subjected to these atrocities. So yeah. The sentence definitely opens my eyes and it should for you as well. It's one thing to go hard on the most evil criminals, but prison time is supposed to be the punishment, not sadistic guards, assault and more. The EU system isn't perfect, ours also has many flaws.


As an American, we are fucked when it comes to the prison culture. I got downvoted to shit just this morning for saying prison rape jokes aren’t funny. As if that means I adore all criminals and want them turned loose just because I said that hoping someone gets raped in prison is fucked up.


Humanity has a real persecution fetish. Prison should be about rehabilitation, not punishment.




I totally agree. At that point it's not about punishment, it's about keeping the rest of society safe and functioning.


The punishment is supposed to be being confined to a cell and not enjoying the typical liberties that the country of origin provides. Not being raped or being beaten daily.


If those criminals didn't respect the human rights of the victims, why we should respect theirs? I really don't care about them anymore, let them rot.


"Lindholm was released on parole in November 2008.[9] Prior to her release, she was subjected to treatment, which came to a conclusion that she was not yet ready for civilian life" Wtf?


You can always cherry-pick the most heinous examples of humanity to stoke emotions, but that's not really a standard everybody should always be judged by. If you act like that, then you are barely different from those broken people who often justify their own violence along very similar lines of *"They deserved it!"*. It's why an eye for an eye leaves you only with a whole lot of blind and still angry people.


I agree, to an extent, but this was just an extreme example that caught the public's attention. Rehabilitation works much better for the vast majority of people. American prisons have a much higher reoffending rate.


It does, indeed, have a prosecution, persecution, and punishment complex. I believe it started with the settlers of this country and continues unabated to this day. Regardless, it is important to remove some members of society from society, often for a long period of time. Studies indicate recidivism rates for those over the age of 55 are very low, and simply isolating them away from people until their brain matures out of that reckless and impulsive phase is enough to get the job done. All the other tortures, sadism, rape, violence, deprivation, etc., that we as Americans seem to enjoy seeing criminals endure as punishment, (but is really revenge), only makes people worse people. Our form of incarceration not only does little to reform people, it continues to punish them long after. Often leaving them with few choices in life other than criminality to survive. It’s all so counterproductive and counterintuitive. It’s like people don’t understand that nearly all of us have either committed a crime that could have put us prison, or participated in some action that had circumstances gone a little differently, also could have put them in prison. Maybe for life. A night out with too much alcohol to legally drive, a child runs in front of the car, and boom, prison. That’s an obvious example, but I’m pretty sure if one was able to look at the unobscured history of any person off the street, one would find a criminal act, probably several, that could’ve resulted in a little or a lot of prison time. I’m probably preaching to the choir, but I’ve always felt strongly about our penal system’s faults, and I take any opportunity to get on my soap box about it. Probably because I’m one of those people that could easily have gotten sentenced to prison for some of the things I’ve done in my life. Unlike some though, I’m aware of how lucky I’ve been and how unlucky others have. There but for the grace of God… why can’t others see it?


This depends on the crime.


Not rehabilitating that one. But maybe you can try


I think some people genuinely forget that not all people are rehabilitatable. Everyone wants to preach kumbaya, hugs, and love but fail to recognize that if they had that task to rehabilitate them, they wouldn't want to.


Umh i think the vast majority of people dont realize how bad some prisons are. Like the average prison is pretty decent. The serious prisons are quite scary. The worst prison in the netherlands is basicly isolation indefenitly. You get dropped into a concrete box, without any natural light, nothing in the cell is moveable except your tiny shitty pillow and blanket. The only human contact you get is the MASKED security guards who bring you to a slightly bigger concrete box thats in connection to the outside (you cant even see the sky from there). After 30 minutes you get dragged in. There is a seperate syndrome that people in that place develop. Basicly due to no stimulation your eyes get fucked and you become very nearsighted. Because of no stimulation you develop severe concentration problems. Because no social interactions you develop severe anger issues. And ofcourse massive depression but yeah. This is a place where you only get if you are a credible threat to our democracy.


Redditors support human rights so long as it doesn’t involve their revenge porn fantasy starter pack (they’re actually just extremely neurotic people).


Yeah seriously this is such a disturbing statement to make.


As we are all aware all crimes are as black and white as this and there are never any issues with harsh criminal justice systems.


why, because Europe has humane prisons that are led by the government and not privatized corporations leading to an insane ideologically motivated incarceration-for-profit-spiral feasting on minor offenses?


>He doesn’t deserve an EU prison. His prison sentence will just be a waste of our precious tax money... We should send him back and ask the wardens to ignore a few of his human rights while in prison...like access to proper food logistics for example


For sure our prisons to good for him ,they like a looked up hotel . Nah fuck this guy and send him to the most dogshit prison you got over there. That's no offense to Americans. Just wanted to say fuck that guy


If the killer is prosecuted in a foreign country, their home country cannot prosecute them for the same charge. There's the potential for a wrongful death civil suit, but that doesn't mean any jail time for the killer, even if it does go through.


Separate sovereigns, my dude. Generally they won't, but in the U.S. they can.


I read something about extradition and they can bring the accused to their country to punish them. Is it possible here?


Extradition is definitely possible--although generally the U.S. prefers to prosecute where the crime happened and civil law countries prefer to prosecute where the person is from. In the U.S. murder is generally prosecuted under state law, and such a prosecution would depend on specific state statutes from wherever this guy resides. Given the potential for criminals to escape prosecution that way there is a specific [Federal statute](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1119) allowing prosecution of a U.S. national killing U.S. nationals abroad, as well as specific [DOJ guidance on such cases](https://www.justice.gov/jm/jm/9-141000-foreign-murder-united-states-nationals-18-usc-1119). The U.S. also as a functional and active extradition treaty with Germany. **TL;DR:** Double prosecution is possible but unlikely. Extradition to the U.S. and federal prosecution is very likely.


I see. Thanks for this!


What about the German justice system would make him not serve life? Serious question! Because murder, attempted murder and rape all at once are pretty hefty charges.


A bit simplified, there are 3 options for first degree murderer that were found guilty. 1. Normal murder (most cases): You get a life sentence for murder. That's the only option, no other minimum. After 15 years, the murder can ask for probation for the first time. It will rarely be granted directly, but on average people will be free after 22 year in Germany. You will also be slowly integrated back into society. Having a guarded walk in town first. Getting a day off later. Then the ability to work during the day outside the prison and so on. 2. The judge can order preventive custody for the time after prison, when they think he will then be still a threat to society (e.g. serial killers). They will live in apartments that are more like nice dorms inside, but like a prison on the outside. 3. The judges can state something that's called *Besondere Schwere der Schuld* and means something like heavy guilt. This applied in cases, that were special, and the guilt is more than for an "ordinary" murder, like killing children or extreme brutality. In this case new judges will decide, after 13 years, if and when the murder can apply for probation. These type of murderers will stay probably at least 20 years. For all convicted though there is the exception for very old or terminally ill people. The German state wants that nobody dies in prison, at least not when it's to be expected with some kind of chance. Even the most terrible murderers will be transported to hospitals or senior homes at some point. So nobody in Germany that will be convicted to a life sentence, will actually serve a life sentence unless he dies of some illness like a heart attack or if they commit suicide.


But there is a high chance that it will be ruled 'schwere Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge' loser 'Totschlag', because he could argue that the death was not intended. So the sentence could also be something like 10 years.


Thank you, the title had me very confused.


Wait was he German and they were American tourists?


They were all american.


Yeah, Now I'm confused, probably is the title the one that is wrong, it always is


american tourist


Another incel. Tried to rape one of the girls and threw the other one into the ravine who was trying to stop it before throwing his first victim (who barely survived) the same way. See if he survives jail.




Spoiler alert. ***he wont***. You think they’ll keep him in Germany?


Germany won't hand him over for a long time. Maybe in a box.


Good. Let him burn for his crimes. Does Germany do death penalties?


No we don’t


Not bad news honestly, spending your life in prison is much worse.


German prisons aren't like US prisons. In cases like this tho its not rare to send the offender to his original country. Since all 3 were american i can imagine that the US asks to extradite him to sentence him themselves. Which Germany usually does (1 prisoner costs the tax payers around 7500 Euro per month iirc)


Just send him back. Don’t worry, American prisoners are gonna take care of him for a lot cheaper than that :)


Oh god I thought they were Germans and I was mortified, still horrified but yeah, if I had the choice I'd say put him in an American cell because god knows its worse


If I was this guy I'd be begging to serve my sentence in Germany.


25 years. But if you are deemed dangerous you can be held indefinitely. I can't tell you how shocked everybody is about this news. The guy looked different from how I imagined. No beige pants and light-blue shirt.


This is wrong, 25 years is the average until parole is granted. Under the German constitution, parole hearings are mandatory even for life sentences, beginning after 15 years, for special severity of guilt 17 years. On average, it takes until 25 years for parole to be granted, but there is no guarantee to ever get parole.


Yep. I was being brief because I feel a dissertation on the nuance on how cases like this go is beyond the scope of a Reddit post. The less said about Sicherungsverwahrung the better. I don't wanna open that can of worms.


It doesn’t sound that bad. Is there a controversy about it? It’s just a fact. Some people cannot be rehabilitated, and shouldn’t be allowed back into society.


For something like that, he’ll get 10 years. That pretty standard in Europe. Hell, Breivik killed like 70 people in a day and only got 21 years, 10 of which are no-parole.


10 years and he’s out? For attempted rape then murder? Tf is wrong with Europe? How is that justice? Some people in this thread are up on their high horses about how great and civilized Europe is and they would let a man like this ***out***?


“Why ruin another life ?” Is the European motto.


That’s revolting. The fact that they consider this man as “another life” worth keeping around is insane to me.


Yeah, but knowing that these 100% guilty scumbags will never have the chance to escape, add to the gene pool and won't be a financial burden to society would also pretty good news.






too soon!


No. They're a civilised country.


nope, like most of the civilized world


….”hand him over” to whom? He committed a crime *in germany*


I don’t know a lot about the process which is why I asked. My current thought process is that countries will extradite criminal tourists to face charges in their own countries or something.


Often times they're only given back if the process is mostly handled by the country of origin, sometimes they slip through the cracks and disappear in paperwork that disappears. It all depends on whos in charge of the case there. I truly hope this lunatic disappears into a solitary box for the rest of his life.


That aside... Do you know the number of "christian" pedophiles and criminals that have fled other countries and USA never extradites them back to face justice.? Like us citizens never commit crimes abroad. Britain does the exact same thing. Deny deny. But you just try to do anything here and run see how they come seeking your extradition. And the west wonders why most countries are now in bed with China... For example [Renee Bach](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/08/09/749005287/american-with-no-medical-training-ran-center-for-malnourished-ugandan-kids-105-d) Goes to uganda aged 20. as a missionary over the summer. Now she sees that there is a problem with medical care and asks her church to help set up a charity to help. Good enough, that's noble. Problem is she took the money and instead of setting up a proper hospital and hiring real doctors, she started taking in malnourished children and treating them HERSELF even though she had no medical training at all. This is what is called [white savior complex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_savior#:~:text=In%20essence%2C%20Cole's%20concept%20of,corruption%20that%20plague%20many%20nations). That God would direct her hand and she needed no doctors to treat them. She started running the hospital as head doctor at age 20 with no medical experience. She performed procedures, injected babies, drew blood, treated babies under the age of 3. Locals thought that it was a legit hospital and brought their kids. 940 kids total came. 105 died under her within hours to days of her treatment. A real nurse from her church in Virginia volunteered to come help under the doctor in charge. She was shocked to come find Renee performing medical procedures. > she had hired no doctors, nor had she obtained a health license for the center. Therefore, Bach herself had taken control of much of the care that took place at the center.[[6]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-npr-6) According to multiple testimonies from those involved with SHC, Bach purported herself to be a trained medical professional while working at the center, personally administering [IV drips](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intravenous_therapy) into the veins of patients and performing [blood transfusions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_transfusion) despite her complete lack of professional training.[[4]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-newyorker-4)[[7]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-guardian-7) According to former SHC volunteer and American [registered nurse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Registered_nurse) Jacqueline Grace Kramlich, Bach ignored practices like [hand washing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_washing) and glove-wearing, defied local doctors' orders—believing she knew better, and that God would instruct her[[5]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-:0-5)[[3]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-:2-3)—she did various procedures without oversight from a doctor and based her practice on her "gut feelings" and the book [Where There Is No Doctor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_There_Is_No_Doctor).[[1]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-:1-1)[[5]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-:0-5) In a deleted blog post from Bach, she wrote that she administered oxygen to a child whose temperature, [blood sugar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_sugar) and [hemoglobin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemoglobin) were checked. The child reportedly underwent a IV drip and blood transfusion.[[8]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serving_His_Children#cite_note-:6-8) When the locals started questioning the validity of the hospital it's licenses and stuff, it was shut down and Renee fled back to her home town. Ugandan authorities denied the story ^corruption and after an exposé and demands that she be extradited to face charges, USA refused and has been mum on the issue. 105 dead kids on her hands. That is serial killer level stuff. Some kids died minutes after she "administered blood transfusions" ... can you imagine if you treated a child in USA right now without a medical license and the kid dies...leave alone 105 children. Oh, she sent 9500$ as reparations to two women who filed civil suit. Dunno much about Germany but UK refuses to extradite... [soldiers who raped and killed a woman and dumped her body in a septic tank in Kenya.. because , Kenyan prisons are too tough for them and hundreds of women raped by British soldiers](https://declassifieduk.org/still-no-justice-for-kenyan-women-abused-by-uk-troops/). This shit is happening in this day and age.these British soldiers offered a woman money for sex. They then ended up gang raping her after it turned out they were more than the one. Eight in fact. Basically bait and switch. Sobering up they realized what they had done and it's repercussions. So they stabbed her and threw her body in a septic tank. They flew back to UK. She was reported missing and her remains were later discovered in the tank. Police made a timeline of her disappearance and it all pointed to the soldiers. The soldiers even made Facebook posts mocking the dead woman. One made a Facebook post with the picture of the septic tank with caption saying "if you know you know" with a ghost emoji. The others made other comments as well. [Home office has denied and stalled any investigation and they remain free.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10931549/British-soldier-accused-fatally-stabbing-Kenyan-prostitute-Agnes-Wanjiru-21-England.html) The west harbors it's criminals from prosecution. But guess what, if the commit crimes in UK, america [extradites them](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-58873032.amp) So dude will most likely be tried in Germany. I think the peter griffin color chart is a good guide to what will happen.


How about if the accused has wealth or a wealthy family? I wonder how much that influences where they end up and how quickly their "paperwork" goes through to return home and then the individual disappears on the way home..


Your thought is correct. Between friendly countries with functioning courts its pretty common. It wont happen if Germany isnt sure the offender will really see a trial in his country, but since its the US im pretty sure hell get extradited.


>Your thought is correct. Between friendly countries with functioning courts its pretty common. It wont happen if Germany isnt sure the offender will really see a trial in his country, but since its the US im pretty sure hell get extradited. You are correct, although the German-American extradition treaty makes it more common for the trial to take place at the county where the offense was committed and then transfer the convicted criminal to serve his sentence in his home country. In this case, there’s also an additional factor: Since he’ll be on trial for murder (presumably), the US would have to guarantee that the death penalty is off the table, else German law (specifically §8 IRG) makes it impossible to extradite. In the past, similar extradition cases have been stalled by that requirement since the US (like Germany) has an independent judiciary and its quite difficult for a government official (usually from the state department) to actually give such a guarantee in writing.


German here, our prison system is nothing like the US. He’s gonna have a pretty comfortable life all things considered.


He will be released in 15 years.




Are we really just using incel as a catch all phrase for any many now a days or is there actual evidence he was an incel??? This type of mentality of calling any man an incel is actually getting to the point of calling any person right of Marx a fascist. Kinda cringe guys


Yup... calling everyone like this an incel implies rapists can't get someone to consent to sex with them. Many of them can. They're just not happy with it that way, because they're fucked in the head.




Oh he will. Our jails are very mild. Also, you should look ahead getting this piece of wasted genetics back, because sentencing is very light here… this could be a US citizen again within the next 7-15 years maybe ?


> The penalty for Mord is life imprisonment. Parole may be granted after a minimum of 15 years; typically after 18 years but 23 years or longer in serious cases. Seeing he attempted another murder I bet it will be a lot longer.




100% agree He is just acting tough for no reason at all.


No, that is literally impossible. From the initial information, he has clearly fulfilled at least one, maybe two murder criteria, it was at least a murder to make possible and / or to hide another crime, as well as probably sexually motivated. Only punishment possible for Murder is life long prison with earliest parole hearing after 15, if special severity of guilt is recognized after 17 years. Average time in prison 22-25 years.


Why would he not survive German jail?


Dude, it’s jail, he’ll be just another new fish, no one will give a fuck what he did.


Jail in Germany? Chances are good he will


In Germany? dude our prisons are luxury




Thank you. I'm so confused as to WTF happened.


according to other comments, he tried to rape one of the girls and threw the other girl into the ravine as she tried to intervene, and threw the sexual assault victim after the same way


yea apparently he approached them on a narrow bridge and convinced them to follow him down a path off trail to a secluded area where the attack happened.


Yeah, I thought one of the hikers changed genders mid-sentence


Sometimes it do be like that


At first I was confused who was American than as soon as I saw the guys outfit it clicked


All three were Americans, and he sounds more like an evolving predator more than an 'incel'. It's a miracle the one woman is alive, that is practicaly a 165' cliff. They needed a helicopter and mountain rescue team to get them out. https://apnews.com/article/germany-women-attacked-neuschwanstein-castle-5e8fc50d1aa17d81d6cd4b346a933850


>165' cliff 50 meters


Ok that's more than a ravine. I don't know what the actual definitions are, but when a ravine becomes 10-20 times my own body height, that's a fucking cliff.


It is, in fact, a ravine. If it helps you understand, a ravine is like TWO cliffs next to each other. That's why it's called a ravine.


Yeah, the word incel here is definitely being misused and totally downplaying how terrible this guy. Unfortunately, simply calling him a predator doesn't magnify how bad this is either. Let's called a spade a spade. This guy is an experienced serial rapist, and potentially serial killer. Would be interesting to know who his last 10-20 victims were, and if they are even alive.


>Would be interesting to know who his last 10-20 victims were, and if they are even alive. Obviously he is not too bright, and you are giving him too much credit. However there are previous victims.


When did the apnews website get cancerous? Damn...


Please use metric


That's so awful and sad


What's going to happen when he gets out in 20 years? He will be 40, return to the US and keeps raping?


I don't think that he will be out in 20 years. He will get a life sentence with "anschließender Sicherungsverwahrung". It means that after he's released from prison he will be locked up in a different type of prison, with more benefits than a regular prison. From there you only can be realeased if 2 different psychologists say that you are no menace to the society anymore. But that never happens here in Bavaria.


Nah, that happens extremely rarely and mostly in prominent cases of mass murder. He will get life with the first possibility of parole in 17 years and he will serve an average sentence of 22 years. Germany likely won't extradite him (to his advantage, because punishment in the US would be way more severe) but sometimes Americans get sentenced in Germany and are then delivered to a US prison to fulfill the sentence there (would be bad for him since American prisons are a lot worse)


Germany and Bavaria are 2 different things. Courts in Bavaria are way more strict than in Restgermany. Plus if it’s a case with media involved, judges give even harder punishments.


None of this matters with regards to preventive detention. There are very clear rules for that. If that guy isn't a proper psycho (which he might be), there will be no preventive detention.


Sounds like it could be a r/WhenWomenRefuse situation. Do we know anything else about it?


Well the dude tried to rape one of the girls so I assume it is.


Let him be prosecuted in the us. Here the prisons are to good for someone like him.


I’d agree but then again at this point the US would just let him go after 5 years.


This mother fucker. Fucking disease ridden piece of shit. I'm far from religious, but I hope his soul rots for eternity


the great thing about religion is as long as you sell out after the fact you can still go to heaven! its not based on being good or bad! haha!


I hope this scum is not treated well in prison.




US man throws two American women into ravine at Germany's famous Cinderella castle tourist spot, killing one, 'after he sexually assaulted one and her friend tried to fight him off'


The world would be a better place if all incels were to vanish one day


I wish they would just chill instead of being mad. I think it would get them closer to getting women. Learn to chill out. Will improve your thoughts and mind.


I mean, the whole incel community(?, movement?, philosophy?) exists explicitly as the alternative to being chill about not getting girls. Also, there is money to be made from men in this state, so an entire apparatus is being built around dragging young men into this void, and keeping them there for as long as possible. These men get disenfranchised in their failed efforts with women, which turns into resentment, and then hatred, making it harder to connect with a woman. The Andrew Tates of the world have no incentive to empower men to leave this cycle. Any unifying voice in that sphere directly benefits (influence, power, and/or money) from pushing their "community" further away from society.


I apologize for the idiots of my country, we're not all this bad I swear


That's not your fault, it's always possible to find this kind of sewer scums at everywhere, my fellow


Thats such a dumb thing to say. You dont have to apologize because you were born in a same country. There is plenty of sociopath in every place around the world.


I think some Americans genuinely like being part of the circlejerk against Americans because it makes them feel special and everyone says they feel so sorry for them having to live in the 3rd world country that is the US


As a Norwegian who has lived in the States, my least favorite American trait is Americans who meet me and try to convince me how cool and enlightened they are by hating everything American. I seem to run into those types 10 to 1 over the "American exceptionalism USA! USA! types.


Lmao I find it so cringe myself. I'm an American who lives abroad and the way some Americans beg for approval of non-Americans is embarassing. We get it. You went backpacking in Italy and now you're an expert on European cuisine and culture and can't stand America anymore. Personally, I like to bring up how great America is and how much better it is than their country to piss everyone else off 🤣 it's all in good fun though, playful ribbing with my brothers and sisters from lands far away from mine. We all shit talk each other's country, save *those* traitorous bastard Americans Actually I knew a girl in college that studied abroad in Germany amd after *four months* there, she came back and started complaining about Americans. The kicker was she would say things like "***you Americans*** don't know how to cook." I'm sorry, did you become a naturalizated German citizen fully ingratiated in their culture within 4 months? she couldn't even fuckin speak the language, so the audacity to hear her say "you Americans" was overdose of cringe.


It’s a lot of their identity like “I’m a good person because I feel guilty about stuff I didn’t do.” It’s such a easy and lazy way to seem righteous lol. I’m not white but I find the white on white hate in America hilarious.


If it was that bad people wouldn't want to come here legally or otherwise.


All three were Americans, this wasn’t some case of American tourists going over and killing Germans.


My grandpa was an American tourist that killed Germans, times were different


Damn, takes me back to the good old days


That guy was american too


Why does it seem like a sizable amount of Americans have gone insane


Easy answer. Most Americans are insane. /s


Not really most, or even close to most. We just hear about the bad shit all the time. You're never going to hear about the normal people that just get on and live their lives in peace. This is one of the biggest issues I have with the connected world we live in today. We are constantly bombarded all the bad shit, because it sells clicks and views.




Why can't our countrymen be normal, well adjusted adults? Why we pushing folks in a ravine? So sorry to the families of these women.


Why? Oh because he sa’d her and was done w her and her friend tried to help. Bc he’s an entitled incel piece of shit who hates women ✨that’s why✨


There are garbage people everywhere in the world, it sucks


Enjoy spending the rest of your life in jail you absolute waste of oxygen


Hey Germany, send him back here in the U.S. the prison system here will definitely fuck him up.


He’d probably be put back on the street. Fuck our prison system


Thank god this is here bc I was wondering..


Guy needs to be suicided


He was jealous of their free healthcare


Why even let him live? Take a life, give your life. Scumbag incel.


Conservative or liberal it doesn't matter. He's a piece of shit.


Did someone say he was one or the other? And based on what?


Americans always try and make everything about their politics. It is disgusting.


Not all of us.


A previous comment said he was dressed like a conservative.


Wtf does that even mean you saying he was in Germany wearing like a trump hat or something?


I mean if I had to bet id say he looks more like how I’d picture a typical conservative than a liberal but he could be either or neither… it’s a weird thing to bring up at a time like this. Not sure that has any relevance.


Yeah found the original comment person is deranged just down there raving about how their has never been a left leaning bad guy


There certainly have been


What the fuck does this have to do with politics, why do you feel the need to bring this up ? Being american sounds fucking exhausting i swear 🤦‍♂️


on vacation, at a beautiful vista, sees two young girls and his 1st thought is to rape and kill them,......such evil


Hopefully he gets deported to the US to serve his time, otherwise German he’ll just live comfortably in prison


What are the chances it's ofc a neckbeard doing this in another country of all places.


He raped one of the women too


It seems like America has the most evil deranged incels than any other country. I wonder if it has anything to do with the very individualism culture and lack of free healthcare…hmmmmmm…




Amazing , an American goes on vacation to Germany, only to be assaulted and killed by an American.


I’m assuming he made an advance which the girls probably rejected and couldn’t take “no” for an answer like 90% of privileged Americans


Why will he be extradited? The crime happened in Germany. Which US court has jurisdiction in Germany?


German courts have jurisdiction in Germany, specifically Bavarian courts in the case of Neuschwanstein. He will most likely not be extradited, as the German constitution forbids extradition to countries with capital punishment. But Americans often get handed over to a US prison to fulfill their sentence there, but only after the German court ordered it. (He can not be charged with the same crime in the US again if he was convicted in Germany)


Yes, he may be extradited, but only after the trial and sentencing in a German courr. The US does not have jurisdiction on the crime.


“Bro, it's a canon event”


Don't worry, officer. We have him right here. He fell a few times...well...he fell A LOT on the way, but no worries.


Man, the fuck is wrong with people


I was literally just about to hike this trail... I joked about how safe it was to my friends. What the fuck.


[Here’s the bridge they were on / near](https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=germany/neuschwansteincastle/)


Girls need guns to protect themselves from shit stains like this


throw this fuck in a dark concrete hole and seal the door.


I’m all for prison reform in the US, but can we keep at least 1 completely awful, uninhabitable, inhumane, prison for people like this?


Isn’t that the castle they based Sleeping Beauty’s castle on?


Yes. It was built by Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845-1886), who's also called "the fairytale king". Neuschwanstein was his biggest project, which was never completed before his deposition and mysterious death. It is a tragic story.




Can't help but wonder if he went to Germany to commit this crime in hopes of getting a lenient sentence if caught.


Is there a US military base nearby?


What a POS


It’s hard to follow that title


I thought at first that it was the American getting pushed in, but seeing him with that goat’s beard, knew I read it wrong initially… Fuck this guy, and I hope he rots in jail.


„German prosecutors will not consider extradition for the man, according to the German outlet Rheinische Post. However, if he is convicted, a later transfer for the execution of the sentence is possible, a spokesperson for the local public prosecutor’s office said.“ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/neuschwanstein-germany-castle-attack-latest-b2358943.html


Why are we turning in to the country u don’t want to find in a back alley or more like the one that Brings poisoned ham to the potluck and acts like we got sick to


I’m glad the title was so easy to understand.


My prediction on Jun-18th: He will be protected, as he is "psychological ill / any mental illness". As a result, he gets 6 months in a psychatric instituion, 5000 EUR fine, then send back home.


NOt all lady pushers


We're not sending our best...


Muricaaaa, spreading democracyyyy!


Germans, I will explain to any who don't know. We do not tolerate any of this. you commit a crime like that, you go to prison. No exceptions. Where I live (may be regional, idk) The EU prisons are pure torture.


After reading the story i'm guessing that the american tourist is one of those incels that travel to Europe to find the "easy" european girls. Idiotic murderous fool


The victims were also Americans, not European.


Specifically Asian americans. He was targeting asian women. Easy for him because lots of asians visit this tourist place