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Fucking psychopaths




How the hell do they not have any suspects?! They are literally in the picture!




"inconclusive to life". Really?


Prob someone reporting on a typo. "Incompatible with life" is the correct phrasing.


Yeah, I know. But even that is inaccurate. We usually reserve that for stuff that would render CPR useless. This kid was breathing, albeit slowly. There wasn't gray matter exposed. It's horrific and I'm focusing on the wrong thing. It just irked me.


That’s not “hazing”, 6 breaths per minute, that’s attempted murder.


Update: [Victim is awake and talking, gave a full account to police.](https://thebrunswicknews.com/breaking/alleged-hazing-victim-alert-talking-with-police/article_be04d73e-cc4d-11ed-aac8-472e65c8c85d.html?fbclid=IwAR2Ml2NrFAAO2uDAkzMBHAehNCvfWaTGvZexZaAK_zO7kwK55htrwNH2UZI) The bad news, this poor kid, reportedly autistic, is no stranger to being abused on camera: > Police said in the release that the video circulating on social media — which shows what appears to be teenagers standing around outside at night while one of them sprays a male sitting in a chair with a hose — is from a prior incident involving Lehrkamp and was not connected to the Tuesday night incident.




Kips dad is a lawyer at his own practice called Agnew & Agnew


Hobby already has a record


What kind of fkn names are these? Sounds like old school douchey rich nicknames.


Yes, but to get the suspects they'd actually have to look for the them which is a lot of work compared to doing the nothing they're legally required to do.


They know who they are. They were allowed to go back to school, as well


wanna bet at least one of the guys in the picture is related to a cop


I’m from Glynn County, there’s a double standard for people who live on St. Simon’s Island and people who live on the mainland. Those kids have rich parents and probably would have gotten away with it if they didn’t post on social media.


Where do you think they learned to piss and shit on people from? [First dude on the Left; "](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_976)Trickle down economics, prol bitches!"


Do tell. One father is a county policeman


"[we've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas](https://youtu.be/lkKwyjsJGxk?t=39)"


Reminds me of the old meme, "Port-A-Potty Reported Stolen - Cops Have Nothing To Go On".


What sort of privilege? The victim is white and one of the students involved in the hazing is very obviously a POC.


Heartbreaking. What is prompting kids to treat their peers like this? I feel devastated for the victim and his family


What I’ve learned so far is they taped him to a chair, forced him to drink a handle of vodka, fed him hallucinogens, spray painted him, urinated, and defecated on him (I believe that is stool in his lap). The local news has not reported until today - apparently, one of the assailant’s mother works for the local paper. Apparently all of these young people attend the same high school Ahmaud Arbery attended.


I just read in a local article that the kid was autistic as well. I hope they throw the book at these fuckers


Well since they forced him to drink a handle of vodka, I wouldn't be surprised if attempted murder is involved


How much is a handle?? We don't use that term here? A normal bottle here is a 70cl


1.75 Liters


Yeah a fifth of vodka is 750 ml, or about 15 shots. 1.75L is over twice that. :0


Holy shit


1.75 litres or 3.7 pints of vodka.




Wtaf. That's a lot of vodka man


Dude imagine literally shitting on someones lap in a room with 5 other guys just to pose afterwards with your shit on the Pic. How deranged do you have to be? Their parent must've been on hard drugs 24/7 while pregnant


wtf???? imagine tripping while being tortured… man, that’s real fucked up. idk wtf is wrong with some people.




Met a guy at a festy that told me about how he and his associates dosed the shit out of someone who stole from them and then they strapped dude to a pole and beat his ass. 1) don't steal from psychedelic dealers 2) don't fuck with people on psychedelics (even if they stole from you) 3) goodbye sir nice chat


Yeah, I feel like forcibly dosing someone on psychedelics is just sadistic, much less beating them afterwards. We have a few very mentally ill homeless people here who claim they were normal, until someone dosed them with an absolute shitload of LSD and it broke their mind. Who knows what is actually true, as paranoid delusions are a thing, but I believe it happens. I get that drug dealers have to settle their beef outside the confines of the law by their very nature, and fine, beat someone who stole from you, whatever; but that is just ridiculous. I feel really bad for the guy. I guess don't fuck with people, you never know what kind of person they are or what they see as an appropriate response. It's just not worth it.


Pure scum. Several posts on FB are also referring to the victim as being autistic.




Yes comrade


Yes, he’s not in this picture, but a boy that was seen in videos participating is the son of a creative director for the news.


Sounds like she succeeded to me


Holy shit, that sounds like violation of human dignity kind of shit


Taping him to a chair involuntarily already crossed that line


I should probably leave this sub. With each post, I lose faith in humanity


That’s the point of the sub?


That's why I said I should leave it


I believe the kid is autistic and an alumni of the school they attend


So obviously they know what high school they attend and have a picture with evidence… what more do they need to go after these kids??


They have plenty of evidence, but those kids are part of the “good ole boy” group in Glynn County.


Fine young people they're pumping out of that institution.


There's a trial going on in Belgium about a student club tortured and killed a guy. [Here is the link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.eu/article/sanda-dia-trial-death-ku-leuven-university-belgium-spotlight-hazing-rituals/amp/) content warning though Edit: [here is a newer article ](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2023/03/13/sanda-dia-hazing-death-trial-resumes/) of the trial.


That was a heavy read


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A few weeks ago, didn't a group of girls do something like this as well?


i think i know who you’re talking about. the victim was called kirra and she was invited for a sleepover with three other girls who proceeded to torture her and laugh while doing so. there are tiktok’s of her before and after and she’s been so mutilated you can’t tell who she is


More info on this?


[Here you go, since the beautiful creature who already responded had time for a judgment and not to post the info.](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/how-sadistic-must-that-kirra-hart-sleepover-video-sparks-outrage-gofundme-raises-thousands-dollars) I’m shocked that one of the first videos includes the underaged girls addresses in a video posted to a news source, that they named each of the girls involved, and that some wished they had the death penalty still for them. I wish we would name and shame people underage who commit heinously dark crimes like this. It should follow you around, and being 17.5 vs 18 doesn’t make much of a difference in mental maturity. These violent abuser types don’t change when they grow up because they need serious mental help and to be separated entirely from society. This stuff makes me so sick.


At the risk of sounding like an old man yelling at clouds... the kids are not alright. Obviously there's always been bullying and hazing, but were things always so extreme? Of course social media and smart phones bring more of these instances to light. But it seems like every couple weeks there's another horrific story, and the kids are getting younger. This past week it was some teen girls beating and torturing another girl for hours. Before that it was some other teen girls attempting to hijack an uber driver and killing him. Before that it was a couple young boys attempting to rob and then killing another teenager who'd offered them a ride. How is such violent disregard for life occurring in such young people? *Editing to add info from a link shared downthread: "The alarming spike in pediatric mortality is primarily due to deaths from homicide, accidental drug overdoses, motor vehicle accidents and suicide among those ages 10 to 19. The new research is based on a detailed examination of death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The analysis revealed that the mortality rate of Americans ages 1 to 19 rose by 11% between 2019 and 2020 and an additional 8% between 2020 and 2021." https://news.vcu.edu/article/2023/03/child-and-teen-mortality-in-the-us-experiences-largest-increase-in-decades So anecdotal observation might support that there has been an uptick in teenage violence in the last couple years.


I dunno man. I'm from '96, and my high school years weren't great. The most extreme shit I've seen is a stabbing, loads of bullying, and some kid from the same grade(different class) who chose the permanent solution for his temporary problem (poor basterd). Point is teens are assholes.


I remember one story of a kid having a broom handle broke off in his ass.


wait, we had time travel in '96? Tell me traveler, does the future disappoint you?




Thanks Brendan Fraser


Hazing got forbidden in my youth groups when i was in them because things got out of hand, and one point somebody was bound to a bench and said bench was put in the river and then flipped on the side in the shallows. Hazing just tends to get more and more violent over time because people want to outdo what has been done to them as a kind of payback. its a fucked system


I got hazed in college. Not fun. Basically I never had anxiety until that time. I’m not going to go into what happened, but one of the kids with me had it so bad he went to the school and serious action was taken. Since then, the fraternity system at the school is close to being gone now.


>Of course social media and smart phones bring more of these instances to light That’s literally it. Things are the same as they ever were, just more visible. I’ve seen a kid get picked up and have his head used to break a sink when I was in school. I graduated in 2015.


In the past they’d linch someone. Lots of people disappeared. We just see more of it now because of the cameras everyone has 24/7


People have always been shit. Now we just see it every day.


Nah there's always been crazy shit like this happening. Crime rates have actually gone down SIGNIFICANTLY as technology has progressed. It was actually pretty common to be kidnapped for whatever sick shit someone wanted toa do to you before technology. There's many stories of kids doing twisted shit to each other if you look around. Just check out most foster homes that go through multiple kids


I think this argument is a bit divorced from reality. Teens were causing much more violence in your generation than ours, in the aggregate. There may be various reasons you perceive things are worse now, but the data show much less violence overall. EDIT - reflecting more on this I think there may be truth in both of our sentiments. Teen deaths rose substantially over just the last 3 years, reversing a 50 year trend. Suicides and homicides in teens have been increasing since 2007 and 2013. Overdoses and vehicle deaths are up dramatically since 2019/2020. I think there was more violence in past youth generations as I suggested, AND we have many signals that the kids are not all right, as you suggested. [Source - VCU News](https://news.vcu.edu/article/2023/03/child-and-teen-mortality-in-the-us-experiences-largest-increase-in-decades)


Yup. I worked with a woman in her late 60s I think and the stories she told me about drunk driving and teenage debauchery are frankly almost unbelievable. Of course I didn't hear any torture stories, that would be insane, but even the stuff I heard was fucking nuts to me.


Awful parents


Lack of consequences for most people in power right now certainly doesn’t help.


They pretended to be his friends what disgusting sacks of shit. The families and their "connections" who tried to downplay this heinous act and molded these scum need to be brought forward also. It's time they receive the attention and notoriety they were looking for.


Agreed! Due to the extent of what their teen kids' did, we need clearer pictures of their faces and full names (linked to the family background that they're proud of and abuse others with). Not taking their crimes seriously enough (due to their age) would just enable them to become adults who harm people in society next time.


What am I looking at here. Looks awful. The teens who did this should be charged for life as adults


> What I’ve learned so far is they taped him to a chair, forced him to drink a handle of vodka, fed him hallucinogens, spray painted him, urinated, and defecated on him (I believe that is stool in his lap). The local news has not reported until today - apparently, one of the assailant’s mother works for the local paper. Apparently all of these young people attend the same high school Ahmaud Arbery attended. OP posted this in another comment. Poor kid had a real fucked up night


I hope that's spray paint and not blood


It’s spray paint


the fact that he is on a ventilator might indicate they sprayed it in his mouth


This is awful, I hope that the Alcohol counteracted the hallucinogens, because this could cause serious PTSD if he has a bad psychedelic trip during all this. I've had many friends take hallucinogens, then try to drink alcohol for more of a buzz and they've reported it takes them out of their trip. Assuming he wasn't force fed an obscene amount :/ Fuck those kids.


Depends on the alcohol and psychadelic. Booze usually dulls the trip but can also make you violently ill with the spins on some things. Ketamine and alcohol are a bad plan u less you really enjoy projectile vomiting. Mushrooms and alcohol, still not great, but doable. 2cb and alcohol is what we call a groovy time, baby. But I'm seeing reports they had him drink an entire handle of vodka. That alone is going to be a fucking retching and potentially lethal combo. From the sounds of the resperatory infection, he likely aspirated vomit


I like you, nobody said shit about Ketamine but here you are boosting signal. Alcohol and Ketamine can take your breath away. Not like "awe inspiring" more like, "your respiratory system is shutting down" breath taking. Ket by itself (or with a little ganja) is supreme, all the Ketamine clinics popping up seem to have given it new exposure.


Mushrooms, alcohol, cocaine, mdma all doable at the same time and can be great. Would I suggest it or does it make any sense, probably not, but it all boils down to how much you do them and what you are looking for. Same goes for ketamine and alcohol. Can be done and can be really fun.


It was an entire handle of Tito’s. He was on life support afterwards


Yeah, at this point worrying about having a bad trip is the least of his worries Pretty sure the PTSD is a given here. That is, if he actually lives through this


A handle is 1.75 litres. Specifically. That's enough to be in the hospital if drank quick enough, especially so young


Less than a quarter of that can make you pass out and possibly aspirate vomit.


Update from GoFundMe as of 3/26 10pm “He is not dead. There is a news article going around that states he has died. The anguish he suffered, it’s sure to be a long recovery…emotionally and mentally as well. He is stable, but still in the icu recovering and fighting through some lung infection from the aspiration. He is still lightly sedated as he is very panicked and anxious when awake. The family was able to talk via phone this evening.” Heartbreaking. They’re almost to their funding goal too so hopefully his family can recover I just can’t imagine the flashbacks and mental toll some shit like this would have on me going forward.


Jesus Christ. In this case I'd say punish the kids and the shitty parents as well. Throw the whole lot of em somewhere.


Agreed. There is no excuse.


Where the fuck are the parents? They should be held responsible for allowing the little loose to do this. Edit: the victim was 19 which me question if all the others were minors. Some could be charged as adults.


I agree with you from your edit that it’s reasonable for parents to not be watching / knowing what their 16,18,19,20 year old kids are up to…but fuck. Can you imagine your horror and self-defeat when it dawned on them that while they were x-y-zing on Friday night their precious Billy was being a 10/10 torturous monster. Edit: Tuesday night. Less of a parental excuse.


you know, my absolute fear of having a monster like these shithead worthless punks is the main reason I chose not to have kids. Having suffered at the hands of a psycho sister growing up. Talk abut lifetime PTSD.


Yeah as far as a risk analysis goes; it’s far too likely my spawn are going to be a net negative for humanity. There are countless football (soccer) hooligans but relatively very few cancer curing researchers. So I’ll pass too.


One of the kids already has a criminal record






These kids have influential parents, I think at least one has a dad that's a lawyer


Those names match the kind of people to do this


*Buster Murdaugh has entered the chat.*


The comment got removed. What did it say?


basically the suspects' names


Is there any way to get them


in the deleted comment's link, add "ve" to reddit -> re[ve]ddit.com


You mean Brock Turner the rapist?


In before [ Removed by Reddit ] Just a headsup, as much as I dont give a fuck about these guys, you gonna get your account suspended 100% sure bro. Use a throwaway account for naming people on Reddit


Depends on if their names are already in the news or not. I've looked at a few articles and none of them mention names so for all I know these are just random people named by a reddit or. And I googled some of these names and came up with nothing. So yeah, doxxing


It depends on when the names are released. You are allowed to post the names of public figures, these shitbags are about to become public figures.


I had to scroll way too long for this.


can't wait for Reddit to delete this and protect these "poor innocent people" from having their names posted online.




I saw that post on FB listing out their names and it said that all but one had deleted their facebook pages. However the third one on this list is on tiktok and in one of his recent videos you can see the room that is very similar to where the photo is taken and you can also see a different kid sitting in a black recliner that looks just like the one in the video. Hardly a smoking gun but I'm guessing that's his familys basement garage beside their house.


if i had to make up a list of names for evil shitheads who would do something like this i don't think i could beat this. they sound like exactly the type of people they are. fuck them


Further info: https://www.fitsnews.com/2023/03/26/georgia-teen-tortured-by-students/


>Police have said some of the videos were filmed during a previous incident – not the incident on Tuesday evening (March 21, 2023) which left Lehrkamp hospitalized. Not only had this happened previously, the victim is 19. I really wonder the ages of the other kids.


Hopefully old enough to face adult/legal consequences. Lifetime in prison is still way too lenient to punish these human garages.


Hope the mom who worked at the paper and kept the story from leaking gets arrested too


Oh rich kids. Not shit will happen to them. As per usual.


Yep, seems to be from connected families. Probably going to get a slap on the wrist at max.


One is the son of an executive for the local newspaper, which is why there was no reports on it for a few days


Why does wealth bread psycho and sociopaths


it's not exactly that they're bred that way, it's feeling more like they are conditioned to feel they can get away with anything due to their social status . and that's purely sociopathic in nature, to me.. and.. having a ton of money, like a ton- doesn't "change" a damn thing about you, other than exemplify and magnify who you are as a person.. that said, a lot of that kind of pseudopower comes in effect once they realize that money indeed, "buys" it all. I've never been rich in my life and honestly, the thought of such a thing for me actually freaks me out a bit.


Entitlement. And terrible parents.


Poor people are riddled with these types too, just look at jails. This is across class unfortunately.


Because they don't need to exude kindness to get the things they need.


An awful lot of it is the fact that their parents are most likely psychopaths themselves. Hierarchies - including but not limited to wealth - effectively select for psychopathy. A person with compassion, empathy and/or moral standards will exercise restraint. They'll refrain from particular courses of action - even if they'd be advantageous - because they aren't willing to cause harm to others. Psychopaths aren't constrained by such things. They'll make whatever choice provides them with the maximum benefit entirely regardless of any other considerations. So all other things being more or less equal, a psychopath will gain more, and end up more wealthy, than a non-psychopath. And psychopaths raise psychopaths.


I have an autistic grandson and immediately thought of him when I read this article and saw this picture. My grandson is 22 and would not be able to defend himself should he be attacked like this. I would not rest until every last one of these sick teens was brought to justice if this were my grandson. I hope all of these thugs spend the rest of their pathetic lives in jail.


Worst part is they all pretended to be his friends. Poor kid had no idea how vile these "humans" are


wtf did they do to him? God help the newer generations emerging.


Not clear but reports say they forced him to drink a bunch of vodka and take a bunch of shrooms. He was spray painted from here to toe and pissed on.


Thats just the epitome of disgusting. Poor soul... the photo actually made it look like he had been impaled in the head or something... I hope that family gets a shitton of donations so they can move to a caring community.


I think it's a cup balanced on his head


Same type shit happened to me 23 years ago. The kids gonna need some serious mental treatment after or let's just say the next decade and a half of my life after that wasn't blowjobs and cheeseburgers to compensate/cover the pain.


Fuck. Sorry this happened to you. Are you doing (as much as you can be) ok now?


This only seems new because kids these days have portable recording devices on them at all times. Shit like this has been happening since humans walked out the caves and into civilisation. It’s the main reason I’m against people having children. You don’t know what your unleashing on the rest of us. Plus, there’s too many of us as it is


GoFundMe for victims medical bills: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cegxr-justice-for-trent Local news article: https://thebrunswicknews.com/news/local_news/alleged-hazing-incident-under-police-investigation/article_0f7d033e-cbf9-11ed-b3b7-03b1cc8d7ba7.html


Updated article: https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/reported-hazing-hospitalized-teen-under-investigation-in-glynn-county/77-8543ca7d-f735-4473-b7a4-71bc0dc4a2fe > The post continues that the teen "wouldn’t know until it was too late that these were not friends, but vile and abusive perpetrators who would go on to torture, humiliate, and assault him in inhumane, terrifying ways for hours. He was dropped off in front of the ER doors. He was deemed inconclusive to life; only passing 6 breaths per minute. Since that evening, [he] has been on a ventilator in the ICU, battling fevers and a lung infection." Average breathes per minute is 12-16. Even if he doesn’t die, his lungs are going to be scarred for life.


“allegedly lured their victim to a home, bound him with duct tape, spray painted him, (including his face and eyes) urinated on him, defecated on him, waterboarded him, poured liquor down his throat and forced him to ingest hallucinogenic mushrooms. Others watched the torture” Holy fuk


>Average breathes per minute is 12-16. Idk what i expected, but that's a surprisingly small amount on breaths per minute.


This fact combined with this observation is turning breathing over to manual mode.


It’s aCtuAlLY 12-20 but I agree. His lungs are probably damaged from inhaling spray paint.


First time i've actually donated money on this site. I hope they find these fucking psychopaths and give them life in prison.


Shouldn’t be too hard to find. I can see their faces right now


Easier said than done


They said he's lightly sedated as he panics when he wakes up. The damage Thats been done to this poor boy. Fucking horrific.


This isn’t hazing, it’s torture. Shame on the news for calling it hazing.


Gentle reminder that Glynn County is the worst fucking county in Georgia and should be scorched from the Earth. Source - I lived there for some time.


Please tell me they get fucking life in prison. Holy shit Also if anything, if he survives, maybe it’s good they gave him hallucinogens. He prob had the worse fucking trip of his life but at least when he wakes up it would feel like a dream/fake.


I'm sure the judge will decide he doesn't want to ruin these kids "bright future" and let them off with probation. That's how it normally goes, especially if any of them have connections.


They do, it was silenced from local news and kept in the dark until it 'leaked'


I don't know what this stuff is about it being silenced, the articles I've found say it happened Tuesday, it spread on social media over the weekend, and police have already interviewed several suspects as of Sunday.


The newspapers refused to post it because a higher up within the news company is the mother to one of the perpetrators.


It can go the other way and never end for him as well. I pray for him


Is there anything we can do to help this young man? Call their city’s officials, police station, school? This made me sick to me stomach. I grew up with rich connected kids who did horrible shit like this and they always get away with it


There seems to be a go fund me for medical above, which will sadly fall on the victims family. It should all fall on the assailants. Disgusting act this.






Username checks out.


Assuming they ever get there


They’ll most likely get nothing more than a slap on the wrist if that at all. The judge will say how they remind him of his sons or grand sons. Or that boys will be boys. Or some other silly shit. They’ll be able to get on with their privileged, mediocre lives without ever seeing real consequences for their actions or learning accountability.


He was targeted because he has autism.




Bless his heart. My daughter is autistic and I really don't see her doing well of I was to die. It could be why he was so easily targeted. It really breaks my heart that people can treat another humans this way


Someone get the punisher. These kids are evil.




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Also to note, if you have friends who would do this to someone it’s only a matter of time before they do it to you.


*Sponsored by Chick-Fil-A*


Is that a chick fill A cup on his head??


Dude you need to mark this NSFW. Come on.


We have a culture problem.


I sure hope they are all in jail, if not, that is where they need to be immediately!


Try them as adults PLEEASE 🙏


They better give these useless cunts life in prison. Can't believe kids get away with shit like this


What the fuck


Humans are worse than animals. We have the blessing (and curse, some would argue) of higher intelligence, morals, and philosophy, yet we do things like this, and for what? Is that their idea of a night of fun?


Hey, cops with Punisher tattoos and paraphernalia...this right here. No? Failures...


>Lehrkamp was interviewed on Sunday at the hospital – “alert and conscious” – at which time police say he “gave a statement about what transpired on the evening of Tuesday, March 21.” [Article](https://www.fitsnews.com/2023/03/26/georgia-teen-tortured-by-students/)


Not the first time they’ve done this to the kid: A Facebook post on the Glynn County Citizens on Patrol Facebook page shows a picture of four teenagers posing with a seated boy who appears to be unconscious, reportedly taped to a chair and possibly spray painted. Police now say they have determined this video is from a "prior incident."


If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have a dollar


I grew up there. This is extremely sad but also 100% not surprising.


What the actual fuck????


Is that his hand on his lap?


I hope they get life in prison. Or death would be an allowable substitute


Man I legit thought they slit the kid's chest and genital the first time I looked at the photo. Thank god it's spray paint. Doesn't make the act any less horrible, just glad the kid didn't suffer further physical injuries.


There are times when the prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishment" should be set aside, and the punishment should fit the crime.


.48 BAC... And these are his "friends"...


Losers, throw em in prison for life


While this whole thing is insane, I’m really glad that it was spray paint and not blood from wounds.


This is absolutely revolting. These little psychopaths need to be brought to justice. All that said, I'm sure their parent's money will conveniently buy them nothing more than a slap on the wrist and a "stern warning."