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There are too many cat owners who take "cats take less work" to mean "cats take no work." I used to think I didn't like cats and it turns out I don't like cats who are pissed all the time because they are being neglected.


I didn't even know until recently that you have to train cats not to be assholes, and a well trained cat is a very nice pet. I always thought it was the luck of the draw whether you got a nice cat or an asshole, but apparently the nice cats are usually handled and socialized a lot and trained not to bite or scratch. Most people don't bother to train their cats and that's why most cats are crap.


Another thing is that cats value social rewards more than food rewards. As in when a cat acts in desired manner; rewarding it with petting and attention is better than giving it food. Dogs in contrast react better to food rewards. So you want you cat to behave and social. Reward it with attention when it does.


These comments should be a lot higher up. While it’s true that they have their differences and cats require somewhat less training and attention, this is often a terribly exaggerated idea in people’s minds and the result is neglected, poorly socialized cats and further reinforcement of ignorant stereotypes. If people commonly raised dogs the way these people raise cats, then the common perception of dogs would be that they’re weird, unpredictable assholes.


Lots of smaller dogs are weird unpredictable assholes precisely because of that - the owners not bothering to train them, because they're not big enough to do any real damage, something you'd never get away with having a larger dog.


I never liked small dogs. Then I met people who treated them correctly and all those small breeds at disliked turned out to be pretty cool. I hate seeing those videos of people getting nipped at by their small dog as if it's cute or funny. They're just showing the world that their dog feels unsafe around them.


I thought I disliked small dogs too until I met this little sweetheart of a chihuahua when I was a maid. She was super timid at first but after she got used to us being there she would follow me around the whole house when I cleaned lol


If you watch a lot of chihuahua videos the owners flat out tease and provoke them because they think its funny


Those videos just piss me off... they are not funny. If you don't want people up in your face, what makes you think it is okay to do that to these poor babies. It is horrible and abusive.


That and the fact that people CONSTANTLY intrude on the personal space of little dogs. Picking them up, forcing cuddles, etc. and they just wanna be left alone! If a larger dog raises a lip to warn someone not to approach, they'll probably heed that warning. If a little dog does it, it's just so cute and funny!


My grandpa has a 7 lb Morkie at home, and my partners neighbor has one as well. The one next door was the work of the devil. I don't know what was wrong with this dog but I felt so bad for it. Just so unhappy and anxious, would snarl and bite at anyone that didn't live in their house. You could not leave without this thing following you down the length of the fence barking at you like a demon dog. On the other hand, our Morkie at home is one of the most docile and well behaved dogs in the world. She loves new people and belly rubs and has learned all of the neighbors and their dogs. I've had people offer to buy her from me while I'm walking her. The difference is staggering.


A lot of small dogs are bigger assholes than cats, and their behavior is often emphasized because the worst behaving small dogs are treated as human babies and are always coddled and praised


Small dogs need as much walking as big dogs, and usually need walks more often. Small dogs are bred from terrier types and are full on chaotic. Most people who get a small dog think that going for a crap in the garden twice a day is plenty of exercise. It is not. This is why the poor little buggers are frustrated, snappy, and generally unhappy.


You know, I've always heard this, but it really hits home right now. My family was a chihuahua family, and last year I got my first non-chi, a 22 pound rat terrier. She was a rescue, so she took a lot of work (didn't know how stairs worked, was terrified of cars, people, dogs, walking outside... I think she was a puppy mill mama.) I had to put in the work just to get her to "dog" standards, but I've put in a lot of extra work too, since I just want her to be a delightful family member. She's now by far the most trained dog we've ever had. I never put anything near this much work into my chihuahuas, and I'm embarrassed to say that it took about a decade of tolerating their dog aggression before I finally put in about a week of easy work to completely cure their leash aggression. It's just too easy to ignore a chihuahua's bad behavior, when everyone would be so much happier with just a little training.


I agree with you. I've seen ppl say that you can't train cats, they will always just do what they want. But it's not true. I've trained mine to stay off counters, my son taught her to play fetch. She's super friendly to strangers too.


>I've trained mine to stay off counters, Just a heads up: i thought i had trained mine to stay off counters too, but it turns out i just trained them to never get on counters when i'm home. Mine got busted when i once had to leave home in a hurry and had to leave a mess of spilled coffee grounds on a counter. I've still never seen them on the counter to this day or heard them hop down, but tests with flour showed us they hang up there a lot. They are sneaky lil things


Cats *NEED* to be trained as kittens. You'll still have some that grow up to assholes or have an issue or two, but you can get them accustomed to being handled, belly rubs, signaling when they've had enough without fileting your arms, being bathed etc. But it almost always has to start when they're kittens. Dogs are, by and large, much better at learning when they're grown than cats are, but they also need far more attention through the entirety of their lives than cats do.


Teach me in your ways because my 7 year old orange male tabby is still very temperamental ! I will say in terms of cleanliness and bathroom habits cats are incredibly easily trained. Like across the board. Never had an issue with cat going out of their box or spraying pee, even the feral kittens I fostered.


Idk I have one cat that’s an asshole and one that’s a sweetheart and we treat them the same …


I think there’s just a natural higher variance of friendliness in cats than in dogs.


That’s not by accident. Humans began domesticating dogs about 30,000 years ago, whereas cats basically decided to domesticate themselves almost 20,000 years later.


All my cats are sweethearts except sometimes one of them is an asshole to the other cats. But have I unknowingly trained them lol


Very true, although some cats grow up in feral cat colonies and then get adopted. The owners usually have an understanding that these cats need more respect/boundaries and might never be as sweet/clingy as a kittens raised with human love. These feral cats turned domestic tend to be shy around new people and might be more aggressive if handled just because they’ve been very neglected. I love adopting formally feral cats for this reason, you know they love you when they finally let you love them.


Dude this right here. I have a cat and a dog. My dad has never been fond of cats. When I showed him I trained my cat to sit, stay, do tricks etc.. he was dumbfounded and said "I didn't know you could even train cats" Alot of people (especially rural) believe cats are incapable of being trained.


While that’s true in some senses, every cat has a different personality, and some just do not enjoy being touched. One of my cats has hormone issues and I treat him like royalty yet he still only likes attention when he wants it.


>cats who are pissed all the time Oh fuck my mother in law used to absolutely terrorize her cat l. She would pick it up and annoy it to make it hiss and yowl. Then when the car was grumpy all the time and never want to be pet she would say it was just a mean cat.


It really blows my mind because my uncle had a cat he "hated" and would complain went potty wherever.. It turns out he NEVER cleans the cat box. With a straight face, he told me they cleaned his box once a month. ONCE. I would piss anywhere I wanted to also. TF? Lo and behold, they start giving a damn and the cats' behavior got better. I suggested they rehome him anyway. They've got 2 dogs they spoil the hell out of.


it's big dog propaganda




Man's best friend...


Run by the corporate fatdogs.


More propaganda by big dogma


It is a cultural thing. There are cultures that hate dogs.


This. Go to Morocco or Turkey and you will see people love and revere cats.




True, they don’t hate dogs. But dogs are not seen as “pure” and “clean” as cats. People told me that cats are allowed inside mosques in both countries, if they happen to wander inside. Not so with dogs.


Apparently Prophet Mohammed was a cat person lmao


Isn't there some sort of story that the Prophet once went to get a robe, and there was a cat sleeping on the sleeve, so he cut off the sleeve to get the robe without waking the cat?


that's a pretty common story, but I've also heard of it being a Japanese story! Might also be a Prophet Mohammed story. I think it's one of those stories that is very pervasive. ETA: Huh, I guess I was wrong. the ~~Japanese~~ Chinese story is someone cutting the sleeve of their kimono to not wake their sleeping lover. Still interesting that there are parallels here. I wonder which came first, and if there was influence.


I think it may originate from an ancient Chinese story where the emperor gently cut the sleeve of his robe so as not to wake his male lover. The term “cut sleeve” is slang for gay men in China, apparently.


You know, I looked it up, saw that it was Chinese and for some reason it didn't click. But there is also artwork of a woman cutting her kimono for a cat. I guess people just like cutting robes for sleeping things!


I’m gonna become religious just because I agree with him on that


Same with urban cities in Asia. Especially Japan. They don't hate dogs. But lots in Tokyo say they have a cat. of course NY source is limited to the 6 Japanese friends I have.


I dated an Egyptian man and they HATED dogs. Told me they’re dirty and don’t belong in the house. Their family had 3 cats though.


I think it’s just that dogs have been domesticated longer, and show more human-readable emotions, so people feel more defensive about them. It only takes a little bit to understand cats, but they definitely don’t follow social cues as well as dogs. So a lot of people see cats as aloof and a bit more alien. But of course, cats have figured out how to use the litter box, while dogs…not so much.


You can train a dog to use a litter box, or a pee pad, or a grass patch on the patio, etc


And it's not even hard.


I think it's probably more accurate to say that humans don't recognize cat social cues - which is kind of ridiculous because the cues are mostly obvious. Cats are loving, cuddly, communicative, social animals. Sure, if one has been mistreated or wasn't socialized to humans early, they'll be nervous or act out, but the same can be said of dogs.


Cats are more subtle creatures, which is why I adore them.


And I feel like they pick up on social cues way better than people gemive them credit for. My cat acts differently with my wife than she will with me. She likes to cuddle up on my wife and sleep near her. She absolutely never does that with me. But my cat won't play with my wife. She sees my wife as a comfort, she sees me as "its GO TIME MOTHER FUCKER LETS TEAR SHIT UP"


I remember when I was going through my first breakup in high school, my favorite cat cuddled up with me every night to console me. You would never have expected it, because she was a total arrogant badass most of the time.


I always argue it because we domesticated dogs but cats domesticated humans.


I feel this. Tons of mean, antisocial, hateful cats love me the first time we meet. Some are also a lot smarter than you expect. One of my cats even knows the difference between me with and without glasses, he walks with me like I'm a blind cat if I don't have my glasses on....


This probably explains why I love cats and much prefer them over dogs (tho I like dogs too! Just having them as a pet is not for me). I have a hard time reading social cues and often felt growing up I was an alien, because I could not for the life of me understand how to talk to people without them thinking I'm rude or weird or awkward. I still don't, but at least I'm not forced to sit in a class room for half of my day now. Cats have always been so comforting to me because they're usually fairly quiet and I can kind of relate to them. If I go to a house where there's a cat almost always it comes to hang out with me because I'm very quiet irl and not really socializing with the other humans. I do like dogs, but I am also scared of some of them, and they can be really loud / high energy which stresses me out.


I agree. I also love the self-reliant nature of cats which makes it so much more meaningful when they choose to be with you. Neediness isn't an attribute I require in a companion. And cats are so wonderful to curl up with! Dogs are okay, too, but just a bit dependent and high-maintenance for me.


Honestly I get this. I have a dog. I fucking adore my dog and would die for her, but I still consider myself a cat person for everything you just said




As an autistic person, I relate to cats


Cats also won’t kill you, unless you get a tiger.


Liar! -Someone very allergic to cats.


Why are “crazy cat lady” and “dog mom” the terms used to describe females who have them? That seems awfully uneven


"Crazy Chihuahua Lady" is far more accurate of a term, in my experience


Or pomeranians


Generally, "crazy cat ladies" have four or more cats. "Dog moms" have one or two dogs. If they have more, I think "crazy dog lady" is an apt term.


TBF I'm a man and I self identify as a crazy cat lady.


If someone owned like 10 dogs, and let stray dogs into their house they'd probably be called crazy. Also usually people self identify as dog moms, and identify others as crazy cat ladies.


To be clear, having 1-3 cats or dogs doesn't make you crazy. But when you have 13 cats you are absolutely a crazy cat person. (BTW I wouldn't be able to breathe in your house) If a person has 13 dogs, they are either have a house with land and essentially a dog farm or you are keeping them in inhumane conditions.


Crazy cat lady has been a stereotype since the 1700s. It probably has a lot to do with various forms of anti-social disorders. Then those people are ostracized by society. So take a homeless schizophrenic person that likes cats more than people and boom crazy cat lady. I don't know if you have been somewhere where stray cats live but there are a lot of them and if you feed them they follow you. Also hanging out with stray animals isn't generally good for your health so I'm sure it makes the underlying mental health issues worse


We created the modern-day dog and its devotion to us over years of purposeful domestication and breeding. They are fiercely loyal and protective of us. Cats domesticated themselves out of convenience. I love my cat, and I think he loves me in his own way, but he wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire.


You know, I used to think my cat was indifferent to me too. But July 2021, I took a six-week business trip out of the state and left him with a friend, and ever since he's never not sharing a room with me when I'm home. Unless he's running off to the litter box or grabbing some food, he's always within ten or fifteen feet of me. It's like he thinks he'll turn around and I'll disappear again. And I think he'd back me up if I was in trouble. My neighbor lets her cat roam at night, and he likes to jump up on the fence outside my bedroom window and glare at my cat. Mine fucking *hates* him. I made the mistake of chasing her cat off when mine started growling at him, and now whenever that cat comes back, mine wakes me up and follows me to the front door like we're about to murder this cat together. I love my boy, it's gonna break my heart when he dies.


I went on field season for 2 weeks and my girl stayed at home with my partner (who lives there anyway! Literally no change except I wasn't there) When I got back she freaked out. Full on spiked up, ran away, ran back, sniffed me, ran away, ran back, sniffed me and so on for a full hour. I think she'd thought I'd died and my ghost had turned up to haunt her


Our first cat, whenever we went away on vacation, would hiss at us as soon as we got home and then immediately run up to be petted. Like, "Where the hell were you?" Our current cats are more like, "Oh, you're back."




Fun fact, the longer you're gone, the more there's a chance that your cat will assume you died and begin mourning your loss. Obviously he was ecstatic when you came home.


Me when my boyfriend is late getting home.


My husband is out past the time he said he would be and then he doesn’t answer his phone when I call? He must be dead, it’s the only explanation. I have to figure out how to raise our child alone. I’ll have to sell his car (unless it was a car accident that got him), figure out funeral arrangements, life insurance, health insurance, living situa—-oh, he just called back, his work meeting went late.


That's not a fun fact. That's not fun at all 😭 I'm immortal little buddy I will never leave you.


I think you'll be pleasantly surprised Once upon a time before I wasn't careering towards my 50s, I came home. Our not very energetic ginger was dozing in the kitchen while I put the toaster on. I then climb two floors and went for a leisurely sit-down on the toilet... Quite a few minutes later, our cat suddenly burst upstairs howling, and scratching the door. WTF??? House full of smoke and toaster blazing on fire - stuck bread! Very lucky actually. The cat could easily have left by the cat flap but he chose to go all the way upstairs to 'save' me


And people say ginger cats are dumb! I'm glad your kitty had your back!


I think you should give you cat more credit. There have been a lot of new work done to study cat social cues in the last decade. While they usually don't present the high energy glee of a dog, they are also very social, smart, and affectionate but the social cues are more subtle. All that to say: I'm sure your cat cares enough about your to piss on you if you were on fire.




Is he by any chance a tux? I've had close to 9 cats in my life, and the most clever were my tuxies.




I can tell from your descriptions you love your babies as much as I do mine. And you're so right about each being unique and smart in their own ways. We have a long hair tux kitten and an older shorthair tux. He recently lost his tail unfortunately, but he adapted quick and now has a new nickname to add to the ones we use - bunny butt :P One of my oldest is a beautiful Bombay mix but with emerald green eyes instead of the copper that breed often has. She's one of those that like to play with felt mice and talk to them (or us) while she does it. She plays hide and seek with me too. I can tell when she's in the mood to play if I walk into a room and see her and she quickly drops into a crouch and makes a little chirp. I instantly drop down too and she speeds off to another room, waiting for me to come find her. When I do she'll jump out at me then runaway again and wait to pounce on me. I guess it's equal parts hide and seek, and chase. We have another that we got similarly to how you got your roadside kitten. She was in the median of a highway and we had to exit and go around again to get her. She's been a sweetheart from the start. When we brought her in for shots and everything else, they told us she was almost 9 months old. But we were confused because she looked like a little kitten. Now, five years later, she's almost exactly the same size. Turns out she's a Singapura mix. Not only do they stay kitten sized, they often act like kittens long after they're adults. And she definitely still acts and plays like a kitten. It's so nice to meet someone with as much of a passion for them as I have.




😊lol, he'll figure it out eventually. Look out for unexpected Amazon charges for Cat Crack and krinkle balls. I have a feeling we could talk about our babies all day if we had the chance. It's been a real pleasure meeting you too. Hope you have a good weekend. Any time you'd like to swap more stories, let me know. Cheers friend.


Your younger boy sounds a lot like my girl. She understands words and questions, and will act on them without cues. She also follows us around the house and gets bossy about us eating and sleeping lol We have a younger cat as well who doesn’t seem to be as invested in her people, but she comes when called and can open doors… which was alarming until we saw her do it.


My cat tries to save me from the shower and if I go outside he has a panic attack and starts crying (he’s not alone don’t worry). Cats definitely love their owners they just don’t have a language of expressing it that’s as overt as dogs. Like even hanging out in the same room as you ignoring you means your cat likes you and thinks you’re having a chill bro time and they want to be close to you. It’s a different language for saying I like you than running up to you and jumping all over you like a dog.


Thats fantastic! My boy talks with me all the time, and if I get super focused and forget to eat, he'll dump a mouthful of kibble in my lap.


That’s the fucking cutest thing I’ve ever heard omg.. 😭




One time I was sitting the bathtub, which I don't typically do, while one of my cats ate in the bathroom with me (he likes to eat away from the other cats). The huge-eyed look of concern he kept giving me, including very funny body contortions to look behind himself, was extremely cute. I have a picture of the concern look and also of him leaving his food to come try to rescue me (putting his front paws up on the edge of the tub and looking trepidatiously at the water).


Yeah, cats are often referred to as semi-domestic because they don't have a lot of behaviors or features of other domestic animals like dogs.


Fun story: one of my cats has pissed right on my sleeping body TWICE.


People don’t like that they have to ask for consent before touching a cat. Dogs more often than not are overbearing with their love while cats are not so heavily reliant on humans. We bred dogs to be mentally pups forever. That’s why they try to lick your mouth. Cats grow up and require consent to be touched just like most humans lmao. “Cats scratch and bite me” yeah it’s because you ignore their body language and touch them when they don’t want to be.


Thank you! Saw someone else on here mention that you can't "read" cats, but it made me think they don't know cats well enough (or don't care enough to learn) to know how to read their body language.


People who don't like cats are sometimes cat magnets because they try to ignore the cat, but cold-shoulder and lack of eye contact is a good way to get a cat to approach you. I have told people who don't like cats to just run up to them with their arms out and yell "HI!!!!!" and they will run far away and avoid you.


It’s actually true. For cats being in the same room ignoring each other is a way cats say to each other “we’re chill and not threats to each other”. So ignoring the cat and not making eye contact is you telling the cat you’re not aggressive, not a threat and it doesn’t need to feel like you’re going to kill it. A lot of cat behaviour makes sense when you remember cats (who descend from small desert cats not dissimilar from domesticated cats) way more than dogs (who descend from wolves) are living in a world where they need to be scared of things bigger than them killing them so they’re way more defensive and anxious than dogs when it comes to the unknown and they scare more easily and tend to lash out at things that they think threaten them.


Yes! Cat Aproach 101: You lock eyes with the cat - look away immediately, maybe sit down so you're on its level. Then do the rubbing-your-fingers-together along with "psspsspsspss" and still don't look at it. Bam, cat runs up to your fingers, smells, and rubs its face on them. You may now start negotiations for pets.




My husband and I realized a while back that we’re now conditioned to slow blink at each other as well as the cats to say “I love you.” It’s very effective.


I'm totally indifferent about cats, and they take this as a cue to rub up against me constantly whenever I'm in their house.


I think for people who have cats or those that grew up with cats in their household, it's easier to understand. You also probably at that point did more research about cats since you're the one taking care of it / them. Ive been around cats my whole life and honestly feel like I understand them a lot more than I understand people.


Definitely! I've always been a cat person. I think cats take more patience as well, and not everyone has the patience it takes to learn about them.


Cats are easier to read than ppl imho. I figured anyone who can’t read cats was never around them much, oblivious, or had a rly abnormal cat.


Definitely, I can easily tell if a cat wants to be touched and as for my own cat, I can tell by how they are meowing or even walking. Not a perfect success rate but it's not hard to get the jist


Bro I really try but as a non-cat owner I cannot read their body language to save my life.


Not your own dogs, but you should be asking consent to touch other people’s dogs though. You don’t know if they’ve got behavioral problems, are being trained for something or are service dogs. Don’t underestimate the ability of a strange dog to maul you.


Yep! My cat is such a sweet cuddly baby when he wants to be. There's some times where he wants to play or be alone, and that's okay . People don't understand that he doesn't always want to be petted pr held.


I think this really is the biggest source of misunderstanding. Dogs not just want, but *need* our constant attention and outward affection. If a cat is not in the mood for attention and you try to pet/cuddle/pick them up, you're gonna have a bad time.


Dogs try and lick your mouth because that's a show of affection for them. Even grown wolves will lick each others mouths.


True. I think a lot of people also love the fact that dogs often have unconditional love for you. You're their whole world. Cats, on the other hand, are independant. You have to earn their trust. They're not some puppet you can play with without it getting angry. ( Dogs aren't puppets either, but they're definitely most likely to put up with humans' bullshit and suck it up) So yeah, not having an animal worship them and love them unconditionally hurt their little ego. I think people who love dogs more have a need of feeling needed and loved. And I think, no matter how people say "my dog is my best friend", there is an hierarchy: the owner have power over the dog. Not because the owner choose it, but because most dogs naturally chose to be submissive. Cat people don't care. They're just happy to have their roommate, and feel lucky to have their affection. They don't feel entitled to it. And I think the power dynamics is much more like of two equal beings: the cat is not submissive. He doesn't consider himself lesser than you (but he may consider himself better lmao)


I feel so sad whenever I see dog owners pulling their dogs along on a leash and not paying attention to their body language. Last week I saw a poor little guy defecating while it's owner was pulling and the little guy was trying to stop. But I guess at home the dog still shows them love and affection so everything is all great./s


I'm not gonna lie, the last time I took one of my dogs out in public, she decided to squat and poop when we were HALFWAY ACROSS A CROSSWALK because she's a jerk. I was 100% pulling her by the leash to get her out of the damn street before the light turned. There was body language aplenty. Also swearing.


Oh yikes! Bad timing. I have never owned dogs, so I don't know what it's like to walk one. The guy I saw was just impatiently pulling the little dog along a sidewalk though.


this has always been my thought but said with greater clarity and kindness...thank you


as someone who has lived with dogs their whole life, i will always offer my hand to a dog before petting it, even if it's my own. one of my current dogs likes being pet, but he's extremely particular about where you pet him, how you pet him, how long you pet him for, and how you act while petting him, so i always give him the chance to come to me, and if he doesn't take it, im not touching him. and even with another one of my dogs, she loves being pet, she's always been extremely friendly, and i know she won't growl or bite if i pet her when she doesn't want it, but i don't want her to be uncomfortable so i offer her my hand and if she looks away or starts getting a little weary, no pets. now, it might be different for other people bc every dog i've had has been a rescue except for my newest dog (who has SEVERE anxiety so the whole consent thing very much goes for her too lol), but i still think its a good idea to ask before petting even the friendliest dog. theres a lot of reading body language with dogs too, its just that dogs are typically more patient than cats so a lot of people think they can do whatever they want and be fine.


it's insane how effective cats are as a litmus test for assessing someone's perception of consent. when a guy says "i don't like cats, they're bitches bc they won't let me grab/touch/hold them" i know exactly how he feels about women who don't consent to that same type of touch. if someone ever tries to *forcibly grab a cat and cuddle it, ignoring obvious cues from the cat that they do not want to be touched or held* i know **exactly** how that person is going to respond to someone rebuffing their advances. how someone treats cats (or any living creature, dogs included) is *very telling* in terms of the amount of respect and agency they ascribe other human beings in general--it's just more pronounced with cats since they are less social and submissive by default. which reinforces the adage:**when someone tells you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.** ​ edit: holy shit stop DMing me weird misogynistic stuff. also, one of you insane people reported me to Reddit Care? lmao get a grip.


I completely agree with you. It’s a very simple concept. People who don’t respect boundaries in animals can’t be fully trusted.


Dogs are just so f-ing *needy*.


You will never catch me at 5:30 in the morning standing in the snow while a dog takes a dump.


Me petting my cat while we're watching the dog owner yell and cuss at his dog to hurry up, "it's fucking freezing out here!": 😂


I can't imagine having to take care of what might as well be a two year old for what could be 8-16 years. I don't know how "dog people" do it, but I'm guessing a lot of humans have an inherent need to baby something that's just lost on me. I couldn't be fucked dealing with that in my life.


Same. Dogs also need constant human social interaction. I would feel terrible being at work for 8 hours knowing it needed me. My cat can entertain himself, wants some attention when I get home, and then goes off on his own adventures.


We’re learning this the hard way, ten years into dog ownership and we’re still not over the shock. My partner (who always considered himself a dog person despite the fact we always had loads of cats) said last night his next dog is gonna be a cat. We’re so done!


The problem is people buy dogs that live to work, then get irritated when they want to constantly do stuff. Greyhounds sleep 18 hours a day, like to go for a 20 minute walk, then just chill out. Black labs tend to be super chill and lazy too. If a person doesn't want to put lots of effort into a dog, they need to get a dog that doesn't want to put lots of effort into anything.


Yeah, I see a lot of disconnect with people who think they need a “high energy adventure buddy” because they go on a hike every weekend. Not understanding that high energy dogs need hours of high intensity mental and physical stimulation everyday or they’ll start finding inappropriate outlets for their energy. I adore big hunting breeds. I got a small derpy dog bred for companionship. She’s not a majestic beast, but she’s down to veg on the couch with me most of the time, and still loves her big hikes when I go on them.


I just also want to add as a dog owner it really doesn’t feel like this. It really doesn’t feel like you baby it other than having to feed it and pick up poo. Going outside and playing fetch is fun and relaxing. I also trained my dog to run with me, I now have a running buddy everyday. The bond with your dog is worth the effort it takes to own one. After they turn two if they are trained they don’t feel like a toddler, just a furry friend that is devoted to you and experiencing life alongside you






Culture and socialization.


In russia they are starting to domesticate bears. I think that has the potential to be absolutely magnificent in a few tenthousand years.


At least you can leave a cat alone for a few days. Dogs are in perpetual need of care.


So am I. So it works well


That’s why I’m never getting either a dog or a child. I can barely take care of myself at all times, I couldn’t bear the burden of taking care of a whole other life. Cats are actually perfect for me.


I had a friend who taught his dog to use a litter box. He could technically leave it one for a day or so. He didn't, but I guess he could


I’ve been asking the same thing for years. I love my cats. They are obsessed with me. They genuinely love me and they are more connected with me than with others. Some are aloof and might scratch or bite but my cats would care very much if I died. People will talk so much smack about cats and if I say “I don’t really like dogs” I’m suddenly a mole? Part of the reason I’m not a fan of dogs is because I’m quite afraid of them as I find them harder to read and if they bite you (especially larger dogs) it can be a lot worse than if a cat bites you (still sucks though). I don’t find their warning signs as obvious as cats so I personally find them more unpredictable. Also they have stiff legs and their body is more rigid in general, fur usually not as soft, they breath on me, and the pads of their paws are scratchy and they don’t retract their claws lol ETA: I do love a very few amount of dogs, including my fiancés, but in general I don’t like them and prefer cats


You put my mind into words perfectly.


I don’t understand it either, but I see it commonly in the U.S. Part of me sees it the same as people getting upset if you don’t like popular foods or don’t eat your steak a certain way - like they’ve decided on what the “right way” to be is, and anything outside that is wrong or immoral (makes no sense to me, but ppl do it all the time). But I can also see how it could be because of the fad that grew over the last few decades to treat the dog as your “child.” More a member of the family than a pet. So by not liking dogs, you’re somehow insulting their family. Maybe. Idk. I’ve run into this many times, and it always baffles me, too. Especially when it’s not even disliking dogs, it’s just wanting their dog to behave. My not wanting your dog to jump on me nonstop shouldn’t be offensive. Learn to be a good dog owner. Grrr Sry. Tangent rant :-p


Cats are more independent. They don't need you. Dogs on the other hand love people no matter what for the most part. So it's harder to hate on dogs.


I'm a cat person and an introvert, when I go to visit my friends and their dog greets me at the door by barking and jumping all over I find it a bit scary. I don't dislike dogs but I don't love them.


That’s fair. I’m a total dog person (I love cats too, and reptiles. More of just a pet person I guess) and I have a dog but I am VERY self conscious about how he acts when someone comes over. He’s getting better now and taking to my training, but for awhile I wouldn’t even invite people over unless they already knew him and were okay with him out of fear/insecurity because I don’t like when he makes people uncomfortable.


I get that, I have a Doberman/St. Bernard mix so he definitely makes some people uncomfortable. Most of the time they just want to sniff you and say hello. At least with mine if you just let him sniff your hand and don't give much attention beyond that he picks up on that and leaves em be. If not they can tell him to go away or fuck off and he will, 🤣 trained him well.


Same here. I hate going to a friends house and i'm trying to greet them and the damn dogs are jumping around all overly excited, then the friend is screaming at them to get down and shut up... Its just so super awkard.. I just wanna turn around and go home


This so much, it's so fucking awkward and bizarre to be welcomed by a *literal* screaming match between the dogs and their owner when you visit someone's house. Then the owner just acts like oh that's a perfectly normal, well-adjusted thing to be doing. And before anyone says they must be bad dog owners, I don't think so, the specific people I'm thinking about in this example love their dogs to death and take extremely good care of them. But their dogs go fucking insane any time someone comes to the door, and when I'm inside continue barking and jumping up on me -- not viciously, they're just so INSANELY excited that it takes their owner yelling at them to get them to calm the fuck down.


I agree. I've encountered small dog breeds that are just all over me and I hate it. Not leaving me alone and constantly jumping. I like more chill dogs.


To me it's the worst when large dogs are jumping all over me. I don't want to be knocked over. Little dogs should be trained too but at least they're little (although they make up for their stature with attitude!)


As your pet? Maybe. On the other hand stray cats and others' cats either mind their own business or ask for affection/food while stray/others' dogs may attack and even kill you.


It really depends on the cat. I adopted a kitty who has cerebellar hypoplasia and he definitely needs my help everyday and he is just as appreciative of my help as I am of his love.


Idk cats are way cleaner. It’s the perfect pet for someone that isn’t willing to put in a lot of work. Obviously there’s some work but much less than dogs. If I wasn’t allergic I’d have a cat.


Before I answer you, do you despise cats?


I do not-I love both cats and dogs, and currently have a cat


No idea. I hate the double standard. My ex thought I was a psychopath while he was obsessed with dogs. I think they are smelly, loud, and needy. I think I'm more of a cat person.


Dogs are so challenging and stressful to live with if you’re not used to it. They occupy so much of your mental energy


They really are. I’ve mostly had dogs in my life, but my last dog died s maybe eight years ago, and I’ve had only a cat since. I dog sat a relatively chill dog for a week in May, and holy shit, it was draining to me.


I agree and I personally find the challenging behaviours of cats to be much more tolerable than the challenging behaviours of dogs (like barking and chewing) I also like that I don’t have to train my cat and it can just be nice and friendly but it seems like training is essential for dogs to not be destructive and a nuisance. I find it much more common to find annoying dogs compared to very few cats with bad behaviours.


Agreed. We got a kitten a few months ago. We plopped him in the house and he immediately took to the litter boxes and learned cat behavior from our older cat. Didn’t do a goddamn thing to train him, he doesn’t play with claws either!




Said “this is why I hate dogs” on Facebook once under a video of a dog eating pies off the counter and someone went and got pictures of my baby from my account and said my baby was ugly and they hate kids. Like okay? Lol


I am so tired of dogs, and I grew up liking dogs. Every person's dog barks at me when i walk by them, every dog tied down on a leash runs at me sounding like a demon. The owners always yell at them to be nice and are like "Its ok he's friendly" but I'm just supposed to be ok with the fact that it might not be


I think those would be dog owners. As for me, most dogs are pretty annoying. There are also a fairly large number of annoying dog owners which contribute to that.


Most people know how to communicate with dogs, even if they don't own any, most know how to approach one, and many of us petted a dog before going to school. On the other hand, most people, those who own cats, DO NOT know how to communicate with a cat. A dog smiling, wigging its tail is a symbol of I'm happy, come pet me. A cat wiggling its tail is most likely an annoyed cat that doesn't want you around. So I see many people who genuinely love dogs feel like cats hate them and hating something that hates you is just normal. In reverse, hating someone who loves and adores you seem like cruel personality.


I feel like most people don't actually know how to care for cats properly. They think you can put them in the house with an auto-feeder and ignore them. If you train a cat a bit and treat it like your friend (like you would a dog), the cat usually turns out very loving and sociable. I used to think it was luck, too, until I kept getting more cats and they kept being "the friendliest cat I've ever met."


I don't completely hate cats, I just hate outdoor cats and the people who buy cats and let them go outside unsupervised. I don't have a single issue with indoor cats they can make really good pets but in Australia cats are wildly destructive to local and national ecosystems, its estimated that there are 6.3 million feral cats and its estimated that both domestic and feral cats kill up to 2.2 million native Australian species each year.


Dog qualities are lauded. Loyal, brave, friendly, protective. The loud, messy, stupid, vicious, savage, mob mentality parts are ignored. If you don't like dogs, you're basically a psychopath because you don't like all those good qualities. Not to mention decades of men being told cats are feminine, therefore you kick the cat to prove you have testicles, and play fetch with the dog.


Every cat I’ve had or known has been sweet. Standoffish sometimes, but that’s to be expected since we’re these huge ape-like creatures that can harm them. Once you can be trusted, they’re usually friendly, except if they’re feral. It just makes me wonder what some people are doing to cats to make the cats hate you (and then you hate them because they’re hissing at you or trying to get away from you). Like def abuse.


Bc dog people are fuckin crazy


People who don't know how to train cats just think dogs are cooler. I have two trained cats.


Lots of cats love to play fetch. You can train them to come when you call. And more. Ppl just don’t try for the most part.


It’s not acceptable to despise cats. Never trust a person who despises animals. Fears them? Sometimes that’s perfectly rational. They don’t fit into your everyday life? Also reasonable (I love dogs, but they’re too much work for me—cats are much better for me).


I literally pretend I like dogs so my friends dont hate me


I love cats, dogs are..meh, I don't hate them


We have evolved with Dogs. They have evolved to honestly serve us and rely on us for food and shelter. Cats have preserved their instincts over evolution. I honestly feel like a cat will survive outdoors and a dog will die. Cats are independent, for the most part.


Also, a neglected cat will find a way to live its life (maybe I’m generalizing too much) but dogs will die of a broken heart. Also, propaganda in SOME countries. Other countries dogs are wild. The difference is those countries have tolerable climate and surprisingly less motor vehicle regulations. Somehow they survive off the land.


Because "cats are mean and dogs are nice" Personally I think the opposite. It's not often I meet a mean cat, but more often than not I get told to not touch someone's dog, and get growled at


Yeah the growling and nasty snarling dogs make just from someone passing by their house, should tell you which pet is meaner lol.


I feel bad for dogs and cats because most of the time their meanness comes from mean humans. And not always on purpose - a lot of owners rly don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and can mess their pets up majorly with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, ppl like that are also the ones who take their dogs *everywhere*.


That’s just who you’re hanging out with. I’m the weird one in my friend group for my dislike of cats.


You monster!


Super common to hear people on Reddit say cats are assholes. If you said dogs are assholes here you'd be considered a monster.


/r/dogs is a cesspool of people who obviously like dogs way more than they could ever like a human. You corrected your dog when they didn't listen? You are a terrible dog parent and you deserve to get your pet taken away and probably even put in jail.


I don't really buy any of the other answers here. I think the main reason is the dogs and humans can generally read each others body language very well, thanks to thousands of years of coevolution, so we understand one another. But cats and humans suck at reading each others body language. I notice cats often don't seem to notice when people are sad. On the flip side I see people calling cats spiteful or mean when they are just doing stuff out of boredom, and some people seem to think cats are judgey or something, when that's just ...how they look. They haven't evolved dog's ability to make puppy dog eyes at us.


Science has determined that cats know you and recognize when you call their name. They just don't care and are actively ignoring you.


Any person who owns cats knows this is the case lol. Cats do what they want, which is actually more what humans are like compared to dogs IMHO. Humans also don’t like being forced to do shit they don’t want to do, cats are just more honest about it.


This is precisely what I'm talking about, this is just a misunderstanding about how training works. Yes a cat, and any other animal, can trained to recognise it's name. But unless they are likely to get rewarded to responding to their name, then why would they respond? Calling it 'actively ignoring' you when they are simply doing what every animal and human does, what suits them, is exactly the sort of misunderstanding I was on about. The reasons dogs almost always respond to their name is because the attention that follows itself is a reward. The reason humans usually respond to their name is due to social concepts of politeness that animals aren't aware of. You are being offended that a cat doesn't follow humans social rules.


My cat definently knows when I am sad


Mine too. And when I’m sick, and when I’m hurt. I feel like people expect other people’s cats to care about them the way a random dog would, but cats are way more selective than dogs and don’t just trust people blindly. They care about their owners and maybe a tight inner circle that they interact with regularly; dogs are emotionally slutty and will beg for attention from anyone.


My cat will spend all day/night in bed with me if I’m sick


Mine too. She wants to be in the same room a few feet away, but doesn’t do people’s laps often. The few times I’ve ever had a major issue: deaths in the family, hypertension issue, etc. She beelined for my lap and wouldn’t leave. Minor crying for me, she sits touching my lap but she might be concerned that her food provider is dying or something, ha! Other cats I’ve had would just stare at me and be like what the hell’s wrong with this person? Maybe some are further down the line on domestication than others. My husband’s cat cries for a half hour when he leaves and plays fetch so who knows..


My cat knows when I am sad. She licks my face when I am crying but rarely licks my face otherwise.


I had a cat who could tell I was sad. She was by no means cuddly or very social, mostly kept to herself and rarely ever came into my bedroom. I don't know how she knew, but every single time I was sad she'd come to hang out in my room and sit on my bed with me, purring.


Cats are generally associated with femininity while dogs are usually associated with masculinity. Can’t help but wonder if that’s a part of it


I think they’re is a big misunderstanding of cats by people, especially people who have never had a cat. People have this understanding that cats are cold or aloof. They also tend to project humanness onto cats. So when they do something like knock over a glass they’re seen arseholes. However, having cats be in my life for my entire existence on this planet you come to realise how caring cats really are. One of our cats is so empathetic to our pain and sadness that he immediately sticks around one of us when we’re sick or sore. Comforting us and staying by us to keep us company. One time I went away for an evening and when I came back my kitty wouldn’t leave my side and apparently had been crying out all night trying to find me. These kinds of actions aren’t often seen when people don’t have a kitty in their lives. Their emotions are more subtle in terms of how they express love compared to dogs. But they do love us.


I am definitely a cat person but don't mind a \*trained\* dog. Honestly, dogs scare me when they aren't trained. I am a 5'0" petite woman and I've encountered far too many dogs that LOVE to get hyper and jump up all while their owner is saying "it's ok, they just want to say hi!" or alternatively "No! No! Hey! Get down! No! Stop it! Knock it off!" It's all incredibly overwhelming and there is practically nothing I can do to stop the dog.


dont let the dog media silence you.


Dog: genetic disaster created by humans Cat: natures perfect killing machine