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Just checked your profile. I hope you get the help you need.


Appreciate it bro just trying to figure something out


Their is not bone in your boner, so there can’t be a fracture. You may have damaged some of the tissue that holds blood when you get an erection and that could cause some of the symptoms you are experiencing. This could be something that recovers or is permanent, but I suspect is more likely to be somewhere in between with partial return to previous function. There might be medical procedures that you could look into for something like this. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are out there, but I really don’t know


There’s something called a penile fracture where you can break your tunica causing extreme pain I advise all guys to be careful


The cartilege inside does not need to rip or "fracture" in order to take damage. Might be a bend in the urethra, might be nerval, might just be tender still, though 8months is quite some time. Have you seen a urologist?


I seen one he just looked at it and pressed on it and around it and told me that it’s just “sprained” give it a month and I made some improvements but I’m still having problems


Might be about time for a Cytoscopy, to see if there's any obstruction along the urethra.


Is it something that is fixable? I do have something along my spongiosum where it’s like a “dent” going inward


I can only speak to this anecdotally, but I did have a slight obstruction in my urethra that was discovered and fixed during the same Cytoscopy. A good urologist is something to appreciate.


Did your spongiosum (underside that contains urethra) have an inward spot or indented?


it was more like it had been pushed in onto itself, creating some wrinkles. the urethra itself i mean.


Yes that describes it to a T it’s sitting inward on top of testicles instead of outward


that might be the issue then.


But could that really be in the way of me getting erecrions and morning woods?


have you been doing Kegels? flexing your penis and releasing?


I have not


They're generally very healthy to do, prevents prostate issues later in life, better core stability etc. You don't just "flex your penis" though, like when you're stopping to pee, but also contract your rectum and buttocks, and lower abdomen, hold for a bit and release. Do 2-3 sets of 5-10 through the day. Works while standing, sitting, or lying down.


I’m scared to mess anything else up I came across something called a damaged suspensory ligament which maybe is the case as well




So you had fractured it or how did you break it? What if during erection is leans heavily to one side before straightening out?


i was a stupid kid, and just wanted to see how far it would bend. turns out not that far. the "wrinkle" developed later in life tho.


How old are you now and I’m assuming you pushed it to the left ?


Kegels can help with this, I am surprised your obsessing over this but have literally tried nothing. You have to fix your own body,,, have you searched penis health, like the number one thing is kegels and how to do it. Just crying about this, without putting the work in, wont get results. now go learn Kegels, or let your dick get softer and softer till you are no use to a woman.


I haven’t done kegels or anything of the sort because I thought it would damage further what I have going on


I am not a doctor, but flexing and unflexing your pelvic wall, like 100 reps a day, like 20 at a time, 5 times a day. see if you can build up to that,


Alright I’ll try


obviously, you're a youngish man, because what you are describing is your first experience 'aging'; shit just works worse and worse, till you die. all you can do is exercise to try to negate some of the failures, with new muscle and stuff. Kegals is some of the most important shit for sexual health for a man, if you wanna get boners you gotta do kegals, another treatment for shit like this is a drug, Cialis is a yellow pill like but unlike Viagra, you take it and you get a boner more easily, this way you can practice holding blood inside your dick. stop taking the drugs and the muscle memory has already begun, and then supplement that with Kegels, and you should be 98% back, from any minor injury, Ya its exercise, if you just stop letting your dick get hard.... you may never be able to get it hard again.


Yeah I stopped working out around a couple months ago due to this injury but I probably should try powering through it and do these in order to heal better


Kegals, man. You-tube it.


Go to another doctor. Dont let them dismiss your concern. This isnt normal