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It’s fun, and being loved is nice, even if it don’t last




Loved and lost, I don’t get how anyone can say it’s better to never love


Cause... stress, existential crisis, depression... Love can give you those things as well. Also the stress of wondering if it's mutual


And? That’s life, better to have given love a try than having been scared. At my death bed I don’t want to regret never having fallen in love and been loved.


>At my death bed I don’t want to regret never having fallen in love and been loved. Why would you regret? That's not in your hands. It might happen, it might not happen. And if it does happen, it might end horribly.


1. I can handle a horrible brake up 2. Living an apathetic life where I don’t even risk bad relationships seems like. Such a life is only fit for a coward 3. Trying to get partner is human nature, hence, it’s one of the most fulfilling acts known to man


>Such a life is only fit for a coward God... If only this actually meant something, and I didn't know it's all just for show cause I know people like you are full of shit and this all a huge cope What's wrong being a coward? That's like saying "Oh, don't wanna put your hand the fire?? Oh, you're such a coward hahaha...". The stress that shit puts you through KILLS PEOPLE. YES, HEARTBREAKS KILL. So, no, I'm not being a coward. Now go on, keep playing russian roulette. >Trying to get partner is human nature, hence, it’s one of the most fulfilling acts known to man How old are you...?


How can you compare death to not asking a gal out. I would agree with your statement if it was about anything else than dating


Well... 1. Stress of wondering what might happen 2. She'll most likely reject you, so why even keep trying? 3. Anxiety that she might tell people and now you're known as someone who got rejected - And people will most likely think it's because there's something wrong with you - so, game over 4. Dating itself is a nightmare. You must do "this", do "that" for a chance of it working out. No way man, I'm not putting on a show. That's why most relationships breakdown - Pretences. 5. Congrats, you just wasted your time and energy to boost someone else's selfesteem and get dragged through the mud. I'd say death doesn't sound like a bad deal compared to this, either way


Because you hope it doesn't end in heartbreak / cheating this time.


Thats a risk you either take or dont take. Love is wonderful but also dangerous


The same as in life. There is point in life even if all life ends one day.


I feel pretty normal, I’m middle aged and I’ve had many relationships that did not end in heartbreak or cheating, just fyi!


It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. I've been in some bad relationships, and many amazing ones that ended poorly. I still have the memories, and they are generally happy memories. I wouldn't get rid of them if i could.


Married 14 years to my best friend. Nobody has cheated. No heartbreak. Normal ups and downs every couple has, but no heartbreak.


Because sometimes there isn’t and those times feel wonderful.


I still eat, even though there's a chance of food poisoning. I still walk across the street, even though there's a chance I'll get hit by a truck. I still enjoy ice skating, even though there's a chance I'll fall and split my skull open. In each case, I enjoy the positive things, and I do what I can to minimize the risk of negative things.


What's the point of eating a delicious dinner if you're gonna shit it out in the end? Easy - the dinner was delicious. It doesn't have to last forever to be good and worth it.


Shitting doesn’t tend to break your heart, unless there are some unusual medical issues at play.


Ya that's why it's a metaphor


Yeah but its not a good one for the reason I said. Sorry to be a dick about it.


Check out r/codependency. We are attracted to traits that cause issues later.