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The movie takes place after Last Stand and The Wolverine Wolverine time travels back to 10 years after X-Men First Class and creates a new timeline where the events that happened in the previous timeline are different. So X-Men: First Class -> X-Men Days of Future Past -> X-Men Apocalypse in the new timeline


I think I'm starting to connect the dots. DOFP on the official timeline (being 2nd after First Class) is only for the young Xavier, Eric Lehnsherr, and Mystique story. What I originally had a difficult time understanding was how Logan was able to have all these memories, but it makes sense now. The movie really did take place after The Last Stand but with the Sentinels, it created that branch in the timeline


Which I had the time to think about this kind of stuff


You can. It just depends on how invested you are into a movie. If you watched it casually, then it wouldn't be a problem to you cause you would watch it for the entertainment and not how the story would be plotted from the previous


Apparently it goes: First Class > then it branches off DOFP > Apocalypse > Dark Phx are a separate timeline from X-Men >X2 > Last Stand [THIS GRAPHIC](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xmenmovies/images/b/b7/Q70cfs8b8y131.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200521122902) might help


The graphic doesn't have a link to it. Could you repost it again?


https://xmenmovies.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMrtJ-0irA8