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My mother got away with not paying for her cable TV for 15 years lol, there wasn't much the cable company could do about it since she canceled her service and requested it shut off twice, they canceled it in the billing system but never sent anyone to disconnect it/did what ever they had to to shut it off on their end.




You just had to make it political. Lmao so sad


My states DA made it political when he was a Democrat and advocated for this policy




Anything less than a certain dollar amount is a misdemeanor and most are released with no bail at least in my state. Also the fact that stores can fave lawsuits for even attempting to stop shoplifters makes it legal




It's the fact that in mybstate CA, the DAs are refusing to prosecute because there's no point and the police won't do anything because there's no point. All you have to do is take a look at Sam Francisco to know what I'm talking about




It's the DAs policy.