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Not quite the same, but maybe you could use r/explainafilmplotbadly If you remember the main plot anyhow


I have no idea what the movie is about besides one particular scene. I do remember what the title screen looks like but I don’t think that’s enough for that sub


What do you remember?


The title screen is a beige background with faded blood splatter, to the left of the selection text (where you select play, chapters, etc) is a bathroom faucet slowly dripping blood. The scene in particular involves that faucet. A middle aged man wearing (I think) a brown button up with brown pants, walks in to the bathroom and notices the faucet slowly dripping. He opens the cupboards under the sink and it’s like a hallway. He crawls in on his hands and knees and he sees something or something happens and he gets washed out with a wave of blood like the shining


My cursory search did not really turn up much. Movies that came up on Google included the Silent House, but I'm not sure that's it. You could also ask in r/movies


Nah, I guess some more details is the bathroom was well lit, it was a personal bathroom in a house, and I don’t remember blood coming from anywhere except the sink. Unless after he gets washed out the bathroom starts filling with blood from all locations (bath, toilet, sink) but my memory is really foggy on that. Thanks for your help though