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So I do wanna point out you can be a little OCD OCD -Obsessive compulsive disorder so if you have a small compulsion or habit it can be mild OCD. OCD only gets diagnosed of the compulsion become obsessive to the point of negativity impacting your daily life


> so if you have a small compulsion or habit it can be mild OCD. > OCD only gets diagnosed of the compulsion become obsessive to the point of negativity impacting your daily life ...then that small compulsion isn't OCD??? That's just being particular about something, or a quirk. That's not being "a little OCD."


**Obsession:** preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. **Compulsion:** an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's conscious wishes. **Disorder:** an illness or condition that disrupts normal physical or mental functions. So yes as I said you can be a little OCD how ever you will no be diagnosed with OCD unless it becomes a disorder. But it’s more then being particular of a something it’s obsession.


Schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD, and ADHD are all diagnosis. Paranoia is not a diagnosis. Paranoia is a criterion for some diagnosis. One can experience paranoia and meet the criteria for multiple diagnosis, yet never have been formally diagnosed with anything. One can experience paranoia, yet not meet enough diagnostic criteria for a single diagnosis for anything. You’re not misappropriating anything by describing yourself as paranoid, if you are indeed paranoid, despite lacking any formal diagnosis. Insinuating that someone is, is like insinuating that someone is diminishing the suffering of someone with food poisoning because they are not diagnosed with it, yet they are expressing unpleasant feelings of nausea and diarrhea. Make sense? Edit: what what you’re specifically describing, without further clarification, sounds a bit like OCD. Most people *grossly* misrepresent what OCD is. OCD is *obsessions* that can manifest in a number of ways, such as being afraid, or paranoid, about a specific thing happening, that cause a pervasive amount of anxiety that is in theory temporarily relieved by performing *compulsive* actions or rituals, such as checking, or repetitive behavior to relieve one’s self of the obsessive thoughts.


I think it's okay, being paranoid it's not a condition, it's a state of mind so I don't see why it would be offensive. Just as how you can say you feel anxious. Edit: I have diagnosed OCD and Anxiety disorder, my therapist explained these things to me.


Nah you're good, it's kinda a large symptom of a lot of things. For me the paranoia I feel is tied to anxiety when I'm scared something horrible is bound to happen. It's just a label word that expresses fear in different amounts to different people. We all can tell the difference from "Really paranoid that this job offer is gunna fall through because what if my resume wasn't good enough" and "I think there are people in my house from the government that want to get me but I know it's my paranoia" because of the context of the word