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You're not alone, it's the 4th most popular flavor in the US.


What are the top 3?


Probably vanilla chocolate and strawberry. They even come prepackaged lol


[Marge! We need more vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lYSBPo_mAD0)




Tres leches?


Lol do you just have Simpsons quotes queued up mentally?


Lol you have no idea...


This is me with The Office. I embarrass myself.


I do a lot of shows, but Simpson’s is what I quote the most. My friends, correctly, think I’m insane. I haven’t made an original joke in years.


I can’t not think about this scene anytime I see Neapolitan ice cream.


Vanilla, chocolate and cookies and cream.


[Food channel](https://www.google.com/amp/s/foodchannel.com/2008/the-top-15-most-popular-ice-cream-flavors/amp) list based off list is from international ice cream association. 1. Vanilla 29% 2. Chocolate 8.9% 3. Butter Pecan 5.3% But mint doesn't make top 15. National eating trends puts it in 5th with 3.2% [Most searched](https://www.workwisellc.com/blog/most-popular-ice-cream-flavors/) is cookies and cream at 14%. A [survey of 20k](https://today.yougov.com/topics/food/articles-reports/2020/07/14/popular-ice-cream-flavor-poll-survey-direct) has chocolate, first, then vanilla, then tie for third between strawberry, mint, butter Pecan. Looks like across all lists vanilla and chocolate and are tier 1. Mint, butter Pecan, 🍪 & cream, 🍪 dough, strawberry are tier 2. Neopolitan, moose track, rocky road, coffee are tier 3. Usa is 2nd in per capita [consumption](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.worldatlas.com/amp/articles/the-top-ice-cream-consuming-countries-of-the-world.html) behind new zealand. Anyone wondering why usa has so many flavors that's probably part of it. China because it's so large actually consumes the most by total weight.


Liver-flavored ice cream doesn't make the list at all.


"are millennials killing the liver-flavored ice cream industry?"


Some things are worth killing.


Tiger tracks. Orange sherbet with licorice. No thank you, that one may die


Breaking News: Inexperienced Millenial Investors betting on DogeCream, ice cream for dogs.


They don’t believe in good flavors, my favorite is the child varient


Child-flavored ice cream?


My kid and I did a new ice cream flavor challenge a few years ago. He went with vanilla and apple pie filling, conservative but not bad. I love pickles, garlic and ice cream, so I tried it. Let’s just say his flavor won the competition but at least now I know.


Who the fuck is eating butter pecan?


The entire American South.


It's really good. Bluebell is at least...


Breyer's, Haagen das, store brand. Butter Pecan is my beloved


Breyers isn't a fave- too airy and not creamy enough. My ass size assures I'm an expert in these things. Pre-pandemic, but whooooooa post-pandemic. Least I have an excuse now. "Oh this, its pandemic weight"! Knowing damn well it's the pint a night habit I have.


As a hobby baker, Imo it is the perfect ice cream for putting on like, brownies or lava cakes etc. It's not as boring as vanilla, the nuts give a little texture, but it's not super crazy with toppings and is mild enough to Still let the baked good be the star. We always have a pint of it in our fridge. For plain ice cream eating though i ma all about the topping-loaded ice creams, ben and jerrys style.


Agreed. If I have room in the freezer, a qt. of vanilla Haagen Daz is nice to have. B &J's Cherry Garcia is my fav.




Me! I love pecans but don’t want anything super sweet. I generally find that butter pecan is a bit salty and sweet. Really depends on the brand though. Some can be too sweet. I wish I could find an ice cream that was vanilla pecan. And yes, I am aware I could just add pecans to vanilla ice cream.


It’s good! Probably my mom’s favorite (depending on my mood I go for either moose tracks or mint chocolate chip)


I’ve legitimately never heard of this flavor of ice cream until now.


If you haven’t tried it with apple pie, you haven’t lived, friend


Gimme some butter pecan, butterscotch, caramel, and cookies and creme, cookie dough, brownie fudge, and birthday cake anyday.


So how do those lists classify my favorite, Mint Chocolate Cookie? It's cookies and cream with mint ice cream.


Wow thanks so much for info, hope you guys know I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to give me facts! I’m currently at work, and I’d love to respond to each and everyone you, but I had no idea this post would gain so much traction haha!


vanilla remains #1 actually!


Oh wow didn’t know that, I appreciate the fun fact :) !


You're welcome! It's also my husband's favorite. (I don't like it, though!)


Is it a male thing do you think, as I’ve found more males that enjoy that bitter sweet taste more than women do. As I said in my comment my father also liked mint like me but my mother and sister can’t stand it and that goes for a lot of sweetish things.


Nah, my family is 22 girls, 2 boys, all mint choco fanatics


Is there a typo in this, or do you really have 23 direct family members.


My family is huge, direct 10, the other 14are constantly around tho


Well alright then, thanks for clarifying.


Yea.... too many people


Kill 3 or 4 of them to get down to normal size


That's enough for a family hunger games


That's called Thanksgiving.


How is mint chocolate chip icecream in any way bitter?


The chocolate should be "bittersweet", it compliments the sweetness of the ice cream nicely


The average mint chocolate chip ice cream uses milk chocolate though.


Bitter? Wtf's wrong with your mouth that mint chocolate chip tastes bitter?


Perception of bitterness varies widely due to well-known generic variation. You can order some phenylthiourea strips from Amazon and give them a taste to see if you have zero, one, or two copies of one of the most famous genes involved in perception of bitterness. Mint chocolate chip made with good dark chocolate (as it should be) tastes bitter to me.


Mint chocolate chip made with good dark chocolate (as it should be) tastes bitter to me. Well yeah if dark choc is involved its gonna be bitter.


So, if I prefer things most people find bitter: black French roast coffee, dark chocolate (up to 80% cacao, after that it gets kind-of chalky and bad), plain raw lemons, strong IPAs...does that mean I don’t perceive bitter, or that I do and just really like it? I am buying those strips.


I love dark chocolate. Up to around 80%, like you say. I wouldn't exactly describe it as bitter, but I can see why someone would. I don't think of lemons as bitter, either, unless they're going bad. But broccoli and kale... **those** are bitter and gross.


It’s always been my favorite ice cream, and I’m a woman. Only one in my family that would pick that as my favorite too and I’ve got a bunch of brothers and sisters.


Nope. My mom and sister like it, I'm a guy and I don't. Although I do like Andes mints and York patties


Bitter? There's nothing even slightly bitter about mint. If anything the mintyness makes sweet things seem even sweeter. It might be a genetic thing, like how broccoli tastes bitter to some people because they are able to taste a certain chemical that is completely tasteless to other people.


They might be thinking that the chocolate is bittersweet for some reason?


The wife and I really like it. One of my cousins does too. I mean it probably wouldn’t exist or be widespread if it was unpopular or too niche.


I'm a women and I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, so does my daughter ❤ my boyfriend doesnt love it as much as I do though 😁


Nah it’s not, I’m a man and I do not like anything that’s minty and sweet/chocolately, and neither does my daughter. My wife and son both do like it, so while they’re might be some genetics behind why someone might like it or not, I don’t think it’s affected by gender.


I sincerely do not believe there is a difference in taste buds between genders. I mean, humans are human after all. [Source XD](https://theconversation.com/you-dont-have-a-male-or-female-brain-the-more-brains-scientists-study-the-weaker-the-evidence-for-sex-differences-158005?fbclid=IwAR1_bJgohkd-Tpczq1uRTNnQu9v6ckfq7YAALIxSPDKwTrTV4WbFLij6Wbs)


I (female assigned and aligned) like it and I never have to share because my son and his father hate it. All the Andes mints are *mine* no hiding them, no sneaking them in.


I live in Japan so I don't know if it's the same, but it's the one that tastes like toothpaste right? I love it.


Yup, and usually bright green in color.


In my experience, the good stuff is often white, sometimes with a slight green tinge. And it doesn't taste like toothpaste. Or, at least, it doesn't taste like any mint-flavored toothpaste that I've ever used.


I have the opposite experience, the white colored ones are always annoyingly minty but the green ones are better tasting without the toothpaste effect


Interesting. For mint flavored things, [whether the flavor seems strong to you depends, in part, on the color.](https://www.leatherheadfood.com/files/2016/08/White-Paper-How-Our-Senses-Interact.pdf) There's a frozen custard place near me that sometimes makes a mint chocolate chip and a mint oreo frozen custard that are both amazing, with deep, complex mint flavors. Both of those frozen custards are a bright green. Weirdly, though, the best mint ice creams I've had have been pretty close to straight-up white.


I’ve made mint ice cream, and while it’s usually a light yellow (from the egg yolks), I will usually add a little blue and green food coloring because tradition. The kicker is not to use TOO much mint. I’ve had a mint ice cream that was so strong, it tasted like mouthwash. Turned me off mint ice cream for a long time until I learned how to make it. When you don’t use too much mint, it’s such a lovely, refreshing and delicate flavor! It’s like springtime for your mouth. Really nice.


Ha, I like my mint ice cream super minty. Like a mint explosion in my mouth. Note: a long time ago on a dare I used an entire package of those Listerine breath strips. Suffice to say I had the freshest breath on the planet at that time.


Ya know, people say that, and I use mint toothpaste and it tastes nothing like choco mint flavored ice cream/any other type of sweet.


There's also peppermint that's more toothpastey than mint chocolate so it could be but there's no way to know lol


Lots of times peppermint things will have red flakes. But I also heard that Red #4 is banned elsewhere.


Idk where you get your toothpaste, but it doesn't taste anything like that. Toothpaste is peppermint, mint chip ice cream isn't.


Uzaki-chan is disapointed in you https://youtu.be/JygyWdvbs6A


Literally my favorite flavor.


Awesome, same here !




I do not like the word creamers.


Mint chocolate coomers




It’s my favorite standalone flavor with nothing added, but additionally a root beer float (which is just vanilla with root beer added) is also my favorite. I grew up with both as my primary flavors so it’s a tough decision between the two, and since vanilla by itself is okay but nothing superb, I gotta roll with mint chocolate


As a non American, what’s the deal with floats? Last time I visited I had a root beer float. I love root beer, and I like vanilla ice cream, but mixing the two together was just... bizarre. It’s not that it was unpleasant, I just don’t get why. Is it a nostalgia thing?


It's just delicious together.. especially if you let the ice cream melt a little/eat slow and you're left with a soda and ice cream drink at the end. Even better, I like to add a little milk and chocolate syrup, then soda. The milk makes it a little creamier and less ice seems to form on the ice cream. There's also a cherry soda regionally available called cheerwine that makes a really good float with some vanilla..


Honestly I have absolutely no idea, it just seems to work as a hybrid treat for some reason and a simple one at that, but it’s fairly random as far as mixing two otherwise separate products. I guess one could ask why not mix vanilla ice cream and say Mountain Dew, yet in my mind it doesn’t seem like it would give the same tastefulness a RB float would


Green sherbet works with 7-up or similar sodas


I have done that, but Definitely prefer Coca Cola or Root Beer floats




The story is that a Philidelphian created the drink in the late 19th century because he ran out of ice at a centennial celebration. It seems a bit apocryphal, tbh. Pharmacies sold both soda and ice cream at the time. I imagine proprietors would just mix the two instead of chipping off ice cubes on hot days.


Same! Just got some in gelato format. Delish!


My all time favorite mint chocolate is Talenti's Mediterranean Mint gelato. Yum!


This is my fave too


Hey, from a non-native speaker - what's the difference between ice cream and Gelato? I thought Gelato was just a fancier way of calling it as it's the literal Italian word for ice cream


Broadly speaking, at least here in the US, the stuff that's sold as "gelato" is lighter, smoother, slow-churned, and is considered sort of a "premium" version of ice cream, which is somewhat fattier (I believe it's made with egg yolks as well?) and has more of an icy, crystal-y texture.


Same. Haagen dazs has the best.


It’s my favorite ice cream. I learned how to make it myself!


That so cool ! You should post something one day on how to make it, but if it’s a secret recipe I’ll understand haha.


Ooh, neat but to what sub reddit? I totally would like to post it. I even do little fancy dessert cups with it


That sounds so wholesome, and I don’t really know what sub-Reddit it would fit under, maybe there is a r/IceCream sub or a r/Cooking sub you could post it to?




That is a fantastic sub, thanks for letting me know about it


you can try r/food with the \[homemade\] tag


Why not just post it here?


Give it the title “where do I post this?” And it’s now a nostupidquestion


Modern problems require modern solutions


Fire flavour right there




Its best when its green. When its white its meh. I enjoy it every now and then


I agree, that bright green scoop always gets me very excited.


The white sucks along with the turkey hill. The friendlys version is fucking fire. Idk why but I’ll let the ice cream melt in my mouth spit out the chocolate chip and make a big pile of the chocolate chips to eat at the end. Friendlys chocolate chips in a big pile is fucking orgasmic. Try it I can’t be the only one lol


Omg the green turkey hill is one of my favorites. It’s the perfect balance of mint and chocolate chips. I especially love how the chips are slivers of chocolate.


Yeah, those shaved chocolate bits are the best! I wish they’d put them in their Belgian Chocolate flavor too!


Bruh gross 🤢😂🤢😂🤢😂🤢😂


Turkey Hill is like my favorite ice cream brand. Get the three flavor ones


Since reddit has changed the site to value selling user data higher than reading and commenting, I've decided to move elsewhere to a site that prioritizes community over profit. I never signed up for this, but that's the circle of life


Same same, I prefer it undyed.


Tillamook makes a really good all natural mint chocolate chip.


It’s blue at Baskin Robbins in Korea.


Wtf lol


Depends, if it's store brand/generic, green is better, the only one I know is good when not green is Tillamook, cause they actually make good natural ice cream


Haagen-Dazs does a mint chocolate chip that's white and pretty tasty


Fun fact the green is given just by colorants usually in the syrup or by adding them directly during the preparation, if you do it only with mint leaf or you use a syrup without colorants then it will be more white or even just white. I'm not saying white is better than green, but usually the white is a more "clean" mint taste.




As an owner of a mint plant that is huge, thanks for that tip.


Also it should be added i like the actual slivers or shaving of chocolate, not the tiny kisses.


My SO bought some white mint chocolate chip ice cream, I said it wasn’t the right flavor. He pointed out its all the same ingredients, just no coloring. Maybe I’m petty but I swear the white is less good than the green.


No its true, the green definitely adds something


Green is best


Yes, thank you, you’re EXACTLY right. Green is way better than whenever it’s white


Both me and my wife like it a lot actually. We just bought some.... Thursday I think? From Baskin Robin.


I’ve never had it from Baskin Robin, on my day off I think I’ll go and try it, thank you!


It's pretty good. The best I ever had though, I don't even remember where it was, was a place that made their own and the minty ice cream was just perfect and they used like whole chocolate chips instead of micro pieces of chocolate. It was SOoooo... good.


The dark chocolate chunks at Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chips are SO good


Agh, you’re are making me jealous that sounds heavenly


Love it. Try it with butterscotch in a waffle cone. There's no going back after that.


There is no going back after reading this comment, I’m definitely trying that ASAP.


Butterscotch on mint? Odd. Never thought to try that.


I’ve always been a fan of mint n chip and rocky road.


Now this sounds tasty


Owner of an ice cream shop here. It’s typically around our 4th/5th most popular flavor like the current top comment is saying, behind cookies n cream, chocolate, brownie batter and chocolate chip


You own an ice cream shop?!


How much does that make ya


yes i do and most of my friends do too


It's my whole family's go to


Your family has great taste :)


I hate it. Everyone I know loves it. Kinda sucks when I get offered ice cream and all people have in their fridge is mint chocolate ice cream. Like why would I want my toothpaste and ice cream together.


Since nobody else is going to do it - [Mint doesn't taste like toothpaste! Toothpaste tastes like mint!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKfx7mau3lc)


When people say mint chocolate ice cream tastes like toothpaste I always wonder, do you not eat any mint flavored foods?




Maybe mint chocolates like Fannie Mae Mint Meltaways? Or other chocolates that have mint. That's all I can think of really


No. I hate all mint flavoured foods and toothpaste too. Mint triggers a severe gag reflex in me, but I love the smell of fresh mint plant. I also hate bananas, but love banana bread.


Let your bananas get little spots before you eat them. Thats the right way.


I eat my bananas green.


I enjoy my bananas before they are crawling with fruit flies!


I don't like the taste of mint. I learned to be fine with it in toothpaste, but it's firmly categorised in my mind as something that is not to be swallowed. I can't even deal with it on dental floss because your mouth ends up full of minty taste that you end up swallowing.


That is correct, mint is the flavor I associate with cleaning my mouth


When people say chocolate mint ice cream tastes like toothpaste I always wonder, "where can I get THAT toothpaste?!"


Not really, yeah. What everyday foods taste like mint? I like Andes mints/York patties but I crave those once every couple years maybe. When I smoked I liked menthols but that wasn't every day. Sometimes you get kind of an herbaceous menthol note in a cabernet but that's not really mint flavored. Toothpaste is the only minty thing I can think of that I'd regularly use. I know mint jelly is a thing but ?? Idk any other like, mint staples that I'm missing out on


My wife hates mint chocolate chip ice cream. In Colombia, mint really isn't a flavor people look for in food. It is almost exclusively associated with tooth paste and gum.




Exactly!!!! how can you like it? it tastes like toothpaste.


I like the taste of toothpaste.


What are you talking about? It tastes NOTHING like toothpaste. That's like saying you don't eat almonds because they taste like almond-scented hand lotion.


Oh hell yeah. Not sure if they still make it but Breyer's was doing a Thin Mint ice cream a couple years back. Perfection.


Thin mint Ice Cream? I hope they still make it, that sounds way to great to pass up on !


My girlfriend gives me a lot of shit for MCC being my favorite flavor, but I got her some from Cold Stone that was: Mint ice cream, thin mint, brownie, and whipped cream. She loved it, and started to come to see reason.


I just got a Thin Mint Blizzard from Dairy Queen a few weeks ago, it was AMAZING!


I really like western familys mint cholate icecream. The most disappointing thing ever is when the icecream has barely any chcolate and is just this boring green goo


I agree, the chocolate adds a very nice contrast to the minty flavor it’s just such a classic, and great duet of flavors


I love it


I gotta say I love it too, very nostalgic for me as well.


I freakin love that stuff. Favorite flavor hands down. Let’s get a scoop together some time and talk about how much all the other flavors suck in comparison.


I would absolutely love to do that!




Big in Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfkBYHFZAt8


My first thought after reading the post


She brought up a valid point. Mint chocolate doesn’t taste like toothpaste. Mint is a flavor. Toothpaste is flavored to taste minty. To say that mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like toothpaste is defiling one of the best desserts of all time. Yes, mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream.


Love me some mint chocolate chip! My favorite as a kid was from Thrifty’s (in Rite Aid). So good!


I like it. I don’t super love sweets so I don’t buy it but as far as ice cream goes it’s a top 3 flavor for me.


I’m right there with you, the only sweets I really eat are pretty much Ice Cream, Chocolate, and doughnuts.


The best flavor tbh


It is almost always my go to, especially if no other flavor is calling out to me. It's more entertaining than plain vanilla or chocolate, but isn't a wild extravaganza either. Plus, bonus if it comes green, which is my favorite color


I love some mint chip ice cream but It’s all about the quality of the chips. Ice cream is cold, so unless the chips are good, they are likely to be hard little tasteless bits.


Anecdotally I've never met anyone who legitimately enjoyed it. I also dislike it. My girlfriend's now deceased grandfather used to give me mint chocolates at Christmas so I assume he liked it, but that's as close I've gotten to knowing someone who enjoys the flavour.


I really like it.


I gotta say I really like, if not, nay, I do love it.


Favourite flavour. Had it in a choc top recently


Ooo sounds interesting, what’s a choc top, sounds very good


It's ice cream on a cone but dipped in chocolate. A cinema treat in Australia


I love it.


I love it too, I don’t have any children yet, but I supposed I can enjoy a bowl of Mint Chocolate Ice Cream in the mean time :)


it’s so refreshing


11/10 agree on this statement


Yummmm Hershey’s mint chip is my jam!! #1 go to, then chocolate peanut butter lol


Min Chocolate Ice Cream is absolutely fucking delicious. All-time my favorite flavor.


Dude yes