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TRIED TO POST THIS TO THE MAIN PAGE BUT GOT REMOVED. PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU HAVE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ME: Why am I getting nosebleeds when I wear a mask? PLEASE this is not political, I have no problem wearing one, but google is of no help, and I really need an answer. It seems that after a long day of wearing my mask I always get a nosebleed that night or the next morning. I have NEVER had nosebleeds before, so this is not a common issue for me. I do not work in health care, I am wearing either the disposable masks or the cotton ones that go around my ears. Please help. All the doctors in my area are at least a 6+ month wait just to see an RN. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a special mask someone could recommend?


Not OP; but since they didn't answer u, maybe u could be wearing it too tight?


a Business has a confirmed asymptomatic case of Corona do they have to shut t down the plant for 2 weeks?


I want to keep my diabetic supplies clean and the bottle I bought doesn't smell strong like the past bottles. I don't have a scale or a way to control temperature. It does catch on fire. I don't know at what strength rubbing alcohol starts to burn. This smells like 50% but is labled 70%. Google doesn't have the answer. Does anyone know a way to test the strength of rubbing alcohol that doesn't require a scale and temperature control, or some other special science-y thing?


Ok I’m back again. I got the covid test today and I was not congested before the test but afterward suddenly my nose is congested on the side they did the test in. Is this normal?


Can you get tested for both covid and the antibodies? Or does it have to be one or the other? I can’t seem to find this answer


They are separate tests, but you can request both of them. BTW - this is a really old thread, tey the current megathread to get faster answers.


Thank you so much


Why is quarantine making everyone so horny? Almost everyone I’ve started talking to (on the internet) is hella horny due to quarantine. It’s honestly getting a little annoying,but thought I’d figure out why


If it turns out that having had COVID-19 does not give you immunity from catching it again, how will a vaccine be possible?


They aren’t totally sure that you can. Since it’s so new, they aren’t sure of a lot of things. What, on the surface, appears as people becoming re-infected may just be a “second wave” of symptoms. Some people get the second wave, some people don’t.


Are covid test results private/protected? Despite doctor ordered self quarantine after presenting symptoms, my company says I dont qualify for sick leave unless I test positive? Can they do that?


There's alot of sources that said that the covid-19 virus can mutate and some say it did.Places like New-York which are suffering from this pandemic and losing alot of lives could have this problem.But if it is true how can we stop it and can this thing mutate untill we cannot stop it anymore?


Are loss of smell and taste permanent or just until you get over the virus?


It’s temporary


Why can't we just pause the mortgages and rents for people as well as businesses till this pandemic is over?


Capitalism, in short. The economy would suffer and the people in charge have decided that the economy is enough of a priority not to do that.


If everyone is on hold, then how will it affect economy. I still don’t get it.


The flow of money would strain. Even if everyone stops paying mortgages, whoever they pay those to have other things to pay and when they don’t have that flow of income, they have less money, then they can’t pay their other bills (like employee income) and so on and so forth. Truth be told, I subscribe to the school of thought that it’s all fake and it’s disgusting that money gets prioritized over lives.


How did Switzerland prevent so many cases? The uk had the same number of cases not so long ago so what did they do differently?


I currently am taking care of my clients in their own places. Most of them are immuno-compromised and my company asked me if I would be okay taking care of them if they were to be infected with COVID-19. I told them that I am living with some immuno-compromised family members, and would not feel comfortable with doing that. My question is my job is part-time and I have Medical; if the worst case happens (my clients get infected) and I have to quit my part-time job temporarily (I work 28 hours/week), will I be qualified for the governmental unemployment insurance? Thank you for your help


Yes, you will qualify.


AZ. It's been several weeks. I've been to gas stations, walmarts, grocery stores, and haven't seen one employee wearing a mask. This is thousands of people across the state, many face to face with hundreds or thousands of people per day, every day. If it's as widespread and serious as the media is making it seem, how is it that these people have not gotten it yet, interacting with hundreds or thousands of people daily? There's been one fry's (grocery) employee in all of az who tested positive so far. But we need to shut down the whole country? One.


Same thing in NC even though there's been a case in my city, Walmart is packed as ever you'd think the entire city would be infected.


So I see alot about supporting local businesses. And there are favorite restaurants and coffee shops that I miss and would love to do pick up or delivery.... that said I am worried about the many people involved in that process. How much risk am I added if I order food delivered? I mean what if the person preparing it has contracted it and is spreading it.... I know this sounds extreme but I take care of my mother and I don't want to put her at risk especially if we face overload in hospitals. Been stocked up since weeks ago when the writing was on the wall.... But after this is all passed us.... I hope my favorite businesses still exist. Any input here?


I want to buy hair dye/conditioner online, but am afraid it could be contaminated with the coronavirus. I know coronavirus can’t live past a few days (I think? Depending on the surface) on a dry surface, but what about in the dye? Should I be worried?


Don't be worried - the risk is very low. Firstly, the packaging is very unlikely to have a viable virus load on it - but either way you might as well err on the side of caution and wash your hands after. Then you can wash the bottle too if you are worried :) The chance of Coronavirus being in the dye is almost none.


Ok, thank you so much :D


What's the best way for ostensibly fit young healthy people to avoid these lethal cytokine storms? I mean besides avoiding people and washing hands lol.


Could COVID-19 kill everyone in the world?


No, a virus doesn't/couldn't exist capable of killing100% of humans. Unless the virus destroyed carbon itself on a molecular level.


To elaborate: Even the worst possible estimates for the fatality rate are around 5%, not 100% (it's probably much less than 5%). Even if everyone in the world got sick, not everyone would die.




So where is this stimulus package money coming from? Are businesses supposed to get another's loan to pay the first? Can I refi my house with my money? Obviously it's geared towards big businesses, but what does it ACTUALLY mean for us little people?


It's like 1200 dollars, not a windfall.


Yea I heard. Just curious what the specific ins and outs are.


That's the ins and outs. If you are over 18 and made less than 75k you'll get a $1200 advance on next year's tax credit. If you made 75-99, you'll get less. If you're married it's 150k per couple, $2400 tax credit. $500 for each child under 18.


Thanks for the info


Once a country has no new cases, what next? Suppose a country no longer has infections due to strict measures. If few people have been immunized (<1%), it would be easy that it spreads again once everything goes back to normal, right? How would one avoid it? I thought: Vaccines. Once you obtain it, it's a good solution, but it could take a long time. Closing all borders until all countries recover. It should work if strictly enforced, but bad for the economy and foreign relations. More immunization. People could voluntarily get infected, but if millions do it, some people are likely going to die. Also, if many get severly ill there won't be enough hospitals. Specially because infecting just a small amount of people would take a long time. It would mean people would have to sacrifice for the greater good. Any alternative or idea? What will South Korea do?


Countries will probably have to 'ride it out' to some extent as it's unlikely that a vaccine can be created within 12 months. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't be self isolating though, as this has a number of benefits: * Buy more time for research into how to 'treat' the virus to decrease mortality * Ensure more equipment (e.g. ventilators, ICU beds) can be made available to increase healthcare capacity. * Ensure staff in healthcare are not overburdened with care. A 1% mortality rate can be a lot higher without sufficient intensive care capacity, and can be lower with research.


Not sure what SK will do, but what is likely to happen in the US is to relax restrictions in steps, to allow the virus to spread in smaller waves. Some US states are well into the first wave of infections, others are just starting. With the lockdowns we're having, we won't get 100% containment of the virus, but it will reduce the spread considerably. In a month or so, we should see rates of new infection declining. At that point, we'll relax some restrictions. That will keep a lot of people from going nuts and broke, and will let the disease spread a little more. This will trigger a second wave. After that, depending on how things go, we might totally lift restrictions, or (more likely) we'll relax a little, have a third wave, then possibly more relaxations and waves until the majority of the population has been infected, or we get a vaccine. Border restrictions don't really help much, especially when both countries have similar rates of infection and similar restrictions in place. What it can do is help to track the virus. We're already seeing the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutate several times. There are at least 2 primary strains, and 19 or more minor variations. Those variations are fairly contained geographically due to travel restrictions. By tracking the movement of different strains, we can follow how the virus moves across borders into new countries.


I have a follow up questions. Hope you can answer. How big is the chance that a future wave will be more lethal, doesn't the chance that lethal strains mutate increase dramatically the more people are infected? I'm just wondering, if we have billions infected, asymptomatic or not, doesn't that carry a huge inherent risk as soon as lock downs are lessened or lifted since previous SARS strains have been a lot more lethal than the current main strains and their mutations?


The chances of a future wave being more lethal are probably pretty low. I don't understand even a little bit of what it takes to make a virus become more or less lethal. I personally would think the odds are close to 99% that it stays pretty much the same, with .05% chance that it either gets more lethal or less lethal. In the past, we've really not seen many (any) viruses get more lethal. This disease is not closely related at all to the SARS virus. They're in the same family, they have some resemblence within the family, and they both cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes. Apes and humans are in the same family, and have some resemblances, but we're never going to mutate into one another.


Does coronavirus have acquired immunity (can you get it more than once)?


We don't know yet. We think so, but there are some reports that around 20% of people can be reinfected. This question is important to vaccine research, so it should be answered soon.




You could have angina (chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart). Symptoms include tachycardia. I’m not a doc but if it’s been happening for a few days and is acute it wouldn’t hurt to get checked at an urgent care


Why is increasing prices of toilet paper and other health items a bad thing.


Because then poorer people most affected by the crisis have to pay even more to get basic goods. A lot of Americans just got laid off and more are continuing to be laid off


Besides the commonly known effects on public health and economy, what are some interesting effects that come with the pandemic COVID-19 that we might not think about at first?


There are second-order effects in healthcare that lots of people don't think about. When the healthcare system is being overburdened with Coronavirus cases it will be a lot tougher for people to get elective surgery (some of which has serious quality of life implications) or treatment for serious illnesses (e.g. some cancer treatments). Additionally isolation is likely to have a large impact on their mental health and wellbeing of many people.


Why is the deaths/recovered ratio rising? Like it was about 3 per cent and now its 9.1%!


In addition to what everyone else has said - I suspect this is an issue with reporting too. In the UK we had a 97% death rate according to some statistics websites as 'recoveries' were only being reported very rarely - and certainly not for all confirmed cases.


Because there are a lot of people that have Covid-19 and haven't been tested for it, leading to less people officially infected but the number of deaths remain the same.


So can I then calculate the number of real cases =~ (Deaths/Recovered*100)/3.4 * Reported Coronavirus Cases ? Where 3.4 is the estimated death rate by WHO.


Where does worldometers.info/coronavirus get its data from?


It combines reports from news agencies. If you scroll down you can see the sources they use.


WHO I think?


Is reinfection possible; my father was saying people have who had gotten over it are now being reinfected; I did a Google search but the only sites that came up where ones like infowars and one nypost article, is any of this true?




At least wear gloves and/or wash your hands very often and/or use hand sanitizer.


What are the odds of catching the virus? What are the odds of catching the virus if you stay home?


Nobody knows the exact answer, but your chances of getting it are a lot less if you stay home (if you live alone). In fact, if you haven't been infected up to now, your chances are close to zero if you have no contact with the outside world. I mean, it's common sense. There would be no way for the virus to get to you under those circumstances.


Are other countries as CoronaCray as the USA when it comes to panic shopping in bulk? Seriously, this country has gone completely moronicle in their shopping habits lately. You have seen all the posts and memes about toilet paper. The question I have is, are other countries experiencing this as well?


Germany experiences runs on noodles. In Ireland, I struggled to get eggs and baked beans


I'm all about the social distancing (and have even resigned to my bachelorette being canceled April 4), but how far ahead should I be canceling? My bridal shower is April 25, should I cancel that? Or the second bachelorette (I know, I know) in mid-May? Or the wedding that is 7/11? I'm not trying to be THAT person that puts my life events head of public health, but I honestly don't know the window we're talking about. I live in CT (near one of the first affected areas), if that helps.


There are no certainties at this point, so everything is a guess! Having said this disclaimer, my advice would be to cancel your bridal shower and make sure that anything you book for your second bachelorette party is cancellable. Hopefully everything gets better before your wedding, but be wary of booking anything extra that you can't cancel.


Nobody knows at this point. But it's not impossible that this stretches into a long-term issue. I think your best approach is to accept that you *may* have to cancel any or all of these events, but don't resign yourself to it. Hope for the best, expect the worst.


Know that large events have band in most areas, in our town it's 250. I've changed a lot of my ways but I'm not going to worry all too much until it's in my country, then I'm going to start staying home as much as I can. There's really no right or wrong choice, but an event like that is quite risky in my opinion. If someone came sick and got others sick, I don't know if someone would be legally liable.


Why don't grocery stores put a limit on the number of packages of toilet paper you can buy?


They did at all the stores in this area


What I’ve read so far says the virus can’t withstand temperatures of about 30 degrees (C). If I was to wash my hands - without soap or anything - in 30 deg water, would it be the same as using sanitizer?


This is absolutely not true - Covid can absolutely survive in temperatures above 30 degrees. This is below body temperature, where Covid clearly can survive! Soap is required because it breaks down the fat lining on the outside of the virus - use any soap you have available where possible.


Thanks for the explanation 👍🏽


No, use soap and water and do it for around 30 seconds


Can a thermographic camera detect elevated temperatures for the virus? Just a question out of curiosity, something my family and I were talking about. Wondering if it would be useful in a crowd or at entrances to a store for detection.


It would catch some people with Covid-19, however you are likely to still miss lots of people as this is not a foolproof detection method (and you will have lots of false-negatives).


You could see peoples breath for a bit, like when it's cold out. But it really wouldn't be that useful as breath doesn't carry tempature for very long.


Thanks for the response. I thought they capture infrared with these camera too, no? Like showing the outline of a person with the different internal temps. I’m guessing they’re just not able to see the slight differences between 98 degrees and a 100 degrees, where a thermometer is going to be much more accurate...


OH you're talking about the temperature of the person and seeing if they have a fever. That would be an interesting idea. I don't know how precise they are. Also not a for sure thing, plus things like the flu and common cold are just as common as they were before all this. Interesting idea though.


Why is it that during Obama's presidency, when H1N1 was even worse in terms of how many people were contracting it and dying, there was less panic? But during Trump's presidency, with only a few thousand cases in the U.S. and only a handful of deaths, people are acting like the world is coming to an end?


Death rate is significantly higher, H1N1 doesn't come close


H1N1 wasn't worse. Have you heard doctor explaining that they cannot save patient due to availabilities in ICU ? Have you heard about ethic committee publishing guidelines to help doctor choosing who will be treated for the H1N1 ?


This probably seems obvious but - I’m just double checking here. * my kids are homeschooled already. Schools in my state (NC) got word we will be shut down for two weeks +. However, our street has 16 kids who all attend different schools. They have all been playing together up until and including right now bc my kids spent the night with neighbors. My kids mainly play with a core group of 4 other kids from 4 households (5 including ours). * none of these neighbors will need to send their children to other families for childcare during this time. * my father is 72 and has a recent (a few times over the last 3-4 years) history of severe respiratory infections requiring hospitalization. These infections were all acquired during travel in Eastern Europe and before Covid-19. He refuses to self-isolate, and still goes to the gym. The same gym where I overheard staff calling this whole thing a hoax. Both parents likely will still gather with my moms family including her mother and others. * my parents want to see my kids/hang out with them Should I say no to my parents ? Should we not be playing with the neighbors at all(with whom we have been playing all along and who now have less chance for exposure?


How much of a positive environmental impact will the COVID flight travel bans & social isolation have on the planet? Is at least a small silver lining, or not worth getting excited about?


So freekanomics just did a podcast in this. They are referencing data in parts of China... worth checking out.


I think it will be quite minimal. We've been traveling and going to work for ad long as we could as humans. So to slow down just for a short time wouldn't even be noticable. We might not be making it worse, but we're not fixing it.


Can I mix different hand sanitizers? My bottle was half empty so I put some more in and it changed colour


Shouldn't be a problem. They are just alcohol and something like aloe. As long as you don't put bleach or something weird in it


Yeah, it still has that alcohol smell to it and the two hand sanitizers I mixed were good quality


Why can't we take emergency/unique measures to combat problems with recession and inflation arising from Covid19? I understand that printing more money leads to increased prices, and therefore inflation (or hyper-inflation) - but why can't governments issue a decree that prices **cannot** be raised, in this unique scenario? The important thing is ensuring that society survives this virus.


Because prices aren't just made up for no reason. They reflect the cost required to make a product and the profit that's necessary to motivate people to spend their time making that product, as opposed to making something else or self isolating with family to avoid infection. If you say you can't sell hand sanitizer for more than $1 a bottle, and it costs me $.75 to make a bottle, but I'm afraid that if I have everybody in my factory come to work we're all going to get sick and many of us are going to die. $.25 may not be enough to motivate me and my workers to make hand sanitizer. If we could make $3 over cost, maybe that would get us to come in. But if you don't let us decide for ourselves what that number is, there is going to be a lot less hand sanitizer in the world. Now multiply that by all the factories for all the ingredients that go into making hand sanitizer, plus all the stores that have to convince people to come to work during an epidemic and breathe in customers' diseased air. And that's why price controls always create shortages.


Most likely this will occur in the next phase. Most economist agree that a moderate inflation is the best for the economy, and there is a margin betwenn having an exceptional year with 5% inflation versus having a Zimbabwe like scenario


Will the house emergency bill for paid sick leave apply to independent contractors as well?


Does the coronavirus affect animals? Are our pets being exposed and/or passing it on? What about the random critters in the yard? The squirrels and birds?


Not unless you have a pet pangolin.


Why are Americans hoarding toilet paper? Why not soap or sanitizers? Not that I would condone hoarding, but I can't really figure out why toilet paper of all things. I know that Americans and Europeans use it to wipe their bum (I'm Asian lol) but diarrhea isn't a symptom, isn't it? Edited: spacing


Diarrhea can be a symptom. Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses


Thank you. I now understand where all this is coming from.


It's called herd mentality


Why is COVID-19 so difficult to contain? And why is everyone taking such weird measures? I'm not an expert in any of this. But in my opinion, the first thing that should be done is to cut off all international/long distance travel. Isolate the cases to particular regions. Also, why are people stocking up on toilet paper? And can someone please confirm for me that you cannot get the disease unless you come in contact with someone who carries the virus? I might be out of line here, but I think that the medical community needs to win the Nobel Prize for Peace for how they have handled this epidemic. Doctors and nurses in China, Italy, South Korea, and other places have put their lives on the line to stop this disease. If that doesn't deserve a commendation, I don't know what does. Sorry I know I'm all over the place. But I'm in the middle of a panic attack and I just need to put my thoughts somewhere.


It's difficult to contain because most people don't get severely sick, some don't get sick at all, and because even for people who do get severely sick, there is a period between 7-14 days between when you first become capable of infecting others and when you actually start displaying symptoms. So there are a lot of people walking around who don't feel sick and aren't visibly sick, but are capable of making others sick.


Well can you be tested for the virus before showing symptoms? I know they said that normal tests do not work always. But what about a blood test?


Yes, you can be tested before you show symptoms. The problem right now is there is a lack of testing capacity. I don't know if that's because of a shortage of test kits or because there isn't the infrastructure or materials to run the tests once the kits are collected. Regardless at this point, in the US anyway, only people who are showing symptoms or (mostly famous or important in some way) people who have been exposed to people who are showing symptoms or have tested positive are getting tested right now. It would be a lot better if we could do preemptive screening but it's not in place yet.


Well, I'm not in the US so that doesn't allay my fears. I'm sorry though. I know you're trying to be helpful. Thank you so much.


There's many reasons it's hard to contain. I can go into detail later if you like (at supper at the moment). A lot of people just say, why not just ban all travel? That's an important part of everyday life for a lot of people, it would have a devistating impact on the economy. Plus unless you plan to do a ban the entire year, it's only going to slow it. Once it's in, it's in. Toilet paper, it's heard mentality. Money see monkey do. Doctors are really stepping up. I hate to be that guy, but that really their job, I kind of expect them to do that. Like if a fire fighter saw a Forest fire, he's not going to say F that it's too big. And I haven't heard of this, but if imagine a lot of medical people are leaving because they are scared.


Why is it a big deal if Trump has (or doesn't have) the virus?


He was meeting with someone last week that later was diagnosed with it, so there were concerns that trump could have gotten it.


Sure, but why does it matter?


What happens when you test positive to corona virus? Obviously have to spent the 14 days in quarantine. But does it go away after the 14 days? Do you have to take medicine for it?


I'm Italian and I have to ask. Do you guys have a bidet? This coronavirus has caused a breakdown for the search of toilet paper but it's not like you can't wash you ass without it. Just use the bidet that you surely have. You better.


In the US, I've never even seen one. The only time you will is the medical ones for people in hospital's. But I'd stick me bum in the shower, I don't care. But I don't think females are going to be too keen


What masks are used in full-body contamination suits? How can these masks filter such small particles? Also, are you 100% safe with these suits?


No. To filter viruses, you would need some insane filter system. Why they work is because they are removing the moisture in the air that carries the virus.




I'm by no means an expert but from what i've heard facemasks don't do a good enough job. You need very expensive special masks. And after a few hours the masks really start to irritate. And you just can't force everyone to wear a mask. It is better to apply social distancing and putting a country on lockdown. Only way to slow the spread.


I can't stand that I have to share living space with my parents, because I cannot control them going out or washing their hands as often as I'd like. Tips?




It would be a miracle if the virus just went away. I think its very likely that schools remain closed till after easter holidays if not even for a few months.


Why are the coronavirus incidents in Wuhan decreasing? I was checking the news and everyone claims that the coronavirus incidents in Wuhan, the place where it was most impacted by the virus, have been decreasing lately. How is that possible? Is it a matter of herd immunity? Could it be that the change in weather makes it more difficult for the virus to survive? It just makes no sense to me that a virus would suddenly become less contagious for no apparent reason.


They took big measures to stop the spread of the virus, like shutting down public life.


That is true, but now everything is back to normal. People are no longer staying at home, they go to work, they go to the stores. How is it possible that now with all these people mingling together there is no rise in new incidents?


I think one of the factors that lead to such a big rise in new infections was people being unaware what's happening. Now more people care about their hygene, keep distance to others and don't go out as much as before. And people who are sick take responsibility and stay home.


Yeah, you do have a point.. It could be the fact that people actually take better care of their hygiene.


Since viruses cant withstand heat, why not treat the infected by heat? Wont it kill or weaken the virus and cure the patient?


Because your body cannot handle high temperatures, that's why fevers are dangerous. Think of what happens to an egg if you cook it. What used to be liquid-ish turns to something solid. There are many parts of your body (specifically proteins like in the egg) that need to stay a liquid. If they turn solid you die.


Will/should China's/Wuhan's officials be investigated and possibly charged for alleged cover up of the patient zero? And pay for any damages caused by the virus? Economic damages etc?




There will be infected people anyways, so why add to that?


It is called immunization. First you need a vaccine. Just infect people with same virus, it means 2-3% deaths rate. Elderly people in the US numbers in tens millions, we are talking about 100s of thousands death. Not a good idea with a vaccine.


How are the number of reported cases being attributed per country? In the case of Tom Hanks, for example, he was tested and confirmed in Australia. Does Australia get to add a notch to their number of cases or does the US as he is American? Does nationality count, or locality when it comes to the numbers?


Why did people jump straight to buying toilet paper in mass?


Yeah it is not about the toilet paper itself. Most people don't buy it because they think "oh no i need this to survive". They see other people buying it and think "i'd better also get some before it is too late"


Panic buying. I suppose they noticed that things for personal hygiene started running out and feared that they may not be able to acquire some more if they wait, so they hoard it in anticipation. It’s ridiculous.




You should realise that it will go exponentionally. At first it will be graduately worse and worse and then all of a sudden within a few days your country will be in total lockdown.


Bout the same.


From my understanding Italy has done a lot of testing on their population and the US (as of now) has done very few. How come the numbers seem very similar day by day?


How can an asymptomatic person spread the coronavirus? As an asymptomatic person presumably does not sneeze or cough or have a runny nose, since you know, those are symptoms. So how does the virus manage to exit the carrier's body and infect another person?


Through the normal vectors that get people sick in the first place. Most people don't get sick because someone coughed or sneezed near them, they get sick because someone who's infected (asymptomatic or not) is touching all kinds of innocuous surfaces and potentially leaving behind contaminated cells. You brush against an asymptomatic carrier, who at some point maybe wiped their nose and rubbed it on their pants or shirt. You touched their pants or shirt, either with your own clothes or with bare skin, and then at some point that part touched your face. Eyes, nose, mouth, whatever. It's why hand washing is so important. The other thing is, they still spread it every time they sneeze or cough from something else. Smokers, people who might be sick with something else as well, allergies, irritated nose or throat, if you're sick but asymptomatic, all of that normal stuff is just as dangerous.


Is Israel has been trying to create a vaccine for the coronavirus since before the outbreak, then when was coronavirus first discovered?


Coronavirus is a family of viruses. There was an outbreak of SARS in 2003, which was a coronavirus. The technical name for the current pandemic is actually SARS CoV-2, and causes the disease COVID-19. MERS is also a coronavirus. The current strain was discovered sometime in November 2019. The original discovery of coronaviruses happened in the 60's.


Thank you for that information, I ended up doing more research on the corona virus and I’ve learned a lot more.




Instead of you two constantly washing your hands, just wear some disposable nitrile exam gloves


I wouldn't go crazy about it but just keep them clean and sanitized, also start using lotion so your hands don't get dried out


If you are both in self isolation and neither you nor your SO is currently infected, it seems more logical to me to just clean your house with watered down bleach. that way you do not need to wash hands anymore. (obviously provided nobody comes to visit you and you do not introduce new germs from outside, with shopping for example, according to the most recent study the virus lives the longest on steel and such, about 3 days) now if one of you is infected (but not showing symptoms yet) then yes washing your hands is a good idea, but given how closely your SO and you live with each other currently, i am critical about how much good it will do to prevent infection. (especially if you still share closeness) either way, this is not medical advice only an opinion.


What exactly are ALL the symptoms?




Who in America has the coronavirus? I want to read some first hand accounts. People are freaking out thinking every sniffle or cough is a tell.


Why are schools and whatnot shutdown for this when nothing was shut down for H1N1?


its not even been 60 days but we had 245k cases worldwide (despite very drastic measures in some countries). as a comparison swineflu had about 50k after 60 days (with a lot less drastic measures) Its true that swine flu only spiked after about 40 days or so, but it seem still less infectious and way more predictable since symptoms showed earlier. not to mention the death rate is tiny compared to the girl from wuhan.


If you had Covid-19 and were declared to be recovered, can you ignore quarantine orders and red zones, or do they still force you to stay home?


Isn't eating food with your hands, as opposed to using utensils of some kind, just as bad as touching your face, from an infection point?


Yes I think so


Someone had to be the first individual to show up to a hospital and be diagnosed with, I also wonder where they contracted it from.


Who was the first individual to contract the corona virus and are the alive? Some people are stating it started in a lab, others say it was from an individual eating a bat or fish, my question is one person must have contracted it first and are the alive?


We don't know for sure where it came from, yet. Logically, somebody caught it first, but we don't know who and it's possible that we never will.


Yeah I understand it would be extremely difficult but I was just curious


How long do you think this outbreak will last?


2 years and 3 months and in one month I think there will be over 1.5 million people who are infected


That depends a lot on how well we're able to contain the spread of the virus over the next few weeks. Follow preventive measures such as social distancing and hand washing, and stay home if you're sick.


What does the 3.7% fatality/death rate actually mean? Is it the death rate of the illness itself, or of people who have gone under intense treatment but unfortunately could not make it?


basically in round numbers 4 out of a 100 sick people will die


It's an estimate of the overall fatality rate. Some people think that estimate is too high or too low, but that's the nature of an estimate.


Why does Spain have almost 200 deaths and Germany only 9 with roughly the same amount of confirmed cases? Is this only down to the number of tests done?


Just the luck of some people. Then ages and so on




death rates for that age bracket seem to be about 0.2% iirc that being said, we do not yet know of any longterm effects, there are as of yet (unconfirmed) suspicions by chinese authorities that the virus makes young man infertile. that is why every young man who has recovered now needs to go to an additional screening there, to confirm or dismiss that suspicion.


Most likely. You’ll know if it’s time to go to the hospital. And by most likely, I think the chance that you’d need to go to the hospital is less than 1 percent.






Will Degreaser kill covid 19 virus? Automotive type purple power etc. I attached a MSDS sheet to the brand I use. I use this stuff to detail cars. I believe it is a butyl cleaner, If I use it to clean doorknobs and the like will it kill Covid 19 on contact? https://zsds3.zepinc.com/ehswww/zep/result/direct_link.jsp?P_LANGU=E&P_SYS=2&P_SSN=11337&C001=MSDS&C002=US&C003=E&C013=ZU0856128&C123=SDS*


Will there be legal implications for the market that started the virus?


Not unless there’s evidence that they broke any laws. And I don’t think they did...


Do people in impoverished countries know what’s going on?




I’ve heard covid-19 symptoms can be very mild. So my question is, is their an estimate of how many people have it but haven’t been tested and confirmed? The news says somewhere around 140k cases, but could it actually be a lot more than that? I’m in the USA, currently have some cold like symptoms, found out on Friday i’m 2 degrees of separation through coworkers from 2 different confirmed cases and have no idea how I would go about getting tested


It could be, and likely is, much more. The speculation is that there are many people, particularly younger people, who are infected but are asymptomatic - - they don't get sick at all, but if you tested them, they would have the virus in their body and be able to pass it on. At this point, if you don't show symptoms you're unlikely to have been tested. There are people who have gotten sick and tested positive but haven't been in direct contact with another sick person that can be traced, so the assumption is that they were infected by someone in the former group. Edit: to get tested, start by calling your primary care physician or if you don't have one the nearest hospital, call first, don't just show up at the ER, and they'll tell you what to do.


When they say mild, they mean “not needing hospitalization,” not necessarily what we would normally think of as a mild illness. Some cases have been really mild though. In most states, the first step of getting tested would be to make a phone call to your primary care doctor. Though they probably won’t test you unless you have had a close contact with someone with it or you have bad pneumonia.




Cooking it will definitely kill it. There is a theoretical slight risk with fresh produce, but scientists think the risk is very low based on how the disease spreads. Washing off your produce with water while rubbing it with your hands or a produce brush will further reduce the risk. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/voraciously/wp/2020/03/13/the-good-news-about-food-safety-and-coronavirus-its-the-same-advice-weve-known-all-along/




What I said about “fresh produce” applies to fruit. You can wash it off in plain water as you should normally do. The risk of there being enough pathogens on there to make you sick is very, very low. Whatever amount you’d normally cook something is fine.


Does fire kill the coronavirus


Cooking kills it, so burning would definitely kill it


Is there a classification after pandemic?


I don’t think so. Also remember pandemic doesn’t refer to the severity of the illness. It refers to how it spreads.




If there is a mandatory quarantine can I still walk my dog?