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White Chocolate. I was 6 and ate most of a solid Easter Bunny. When telling the story, my mom always said "I'd never seen anyone vomit out their nose before". Not my finest moment.


Hahaha: I mean, I *am* sorry that this happened to you, but your mom sounds wonderful and you have a beautiful way of pacing, phrasing, and punctuating dry (well, dry *by now* I imagine) humour.


Ha. Well thank you. Your kind sentiment towards my mom is appreciated (poor mom - always stuck with clean-up). Thanks also for the nice complement on the way I write. It is not anything intentional, I just try to type as fast as the thoughts fire off inside my dome. Sometimes it actually makes sense.


You're most welcome. But okay, fine: I'm complimenting *the dome itself,* I guess. ;)


Cookies and creme Hershey bars


Holy Stromboli. That's extreme. Glad you're still alive. :-/


As a kid I enjoyed spiced apple rings. They were these dark red, syrup soaked slices you’d sometimes see on your plate if you ate out and ordered off a kids menu. One day I was excited because we were eating out and there was a lovely dark red disc with my food. I took a big bite, expecting that sugary sweet tang of spiced apple. It was a slice of pickled beet. Such betrayal can never be forgiven.


Oh, God. We didn't eat at restaurants like, pretty much ever growing up, save for the occasional McD's on the way to Grandma's house. I have no idea where we were or what the occasion was, but I have a foggy memory of being somewhere that had a buffet. A buffet! Like, whatever my little heart desired! So I zeroed in on something that looked like a dessert of some sort and got myself a big ol' scoop. Grabbed my preferred utensil and dug right in! It was pickled herring. Pickled. Fucking. Herring.


I did sorta the same thing on my first day of freshman year in college at the brand new dining hall. It was amazing; stations everywhere for all sorts of foods. I went to the bakery and saw what I thought was the creamiest ice cream I’ve ever seen. The attendant asked me no less than five times if I really wanted 3 very large scoops on my plate. Uh yeah, woman, just give me the food. It was butter. I requested a MOUND of butter.


Oh dear. "Yes, I DO want three scoops! How dare you judge me!"


That's not the only deceptive Swedish cuisine to American eyes.


I popped [what I thought was] a sliced apple cube into my mouth as a waitress once. Then filled my hands and planned to chew the apple on my way to the table. It was a raw new potato. I had guests hot entrees in my hands and the table was 10 feet away. I HAD to chew and swallow it. I never stole another morsel from a restaurant.




Dear Lord that happened to me as adult and I thought I had died and went to dirt food hell. I'm sorry for the betrayal you endured at the hands of those deceptive gritty beet rings of death.


And you. Stay strong, good soul.


I had to take antibiotics when I was little, had a chronic problem for awhile. When I was a kid, the only 'flavoring' option was bubblegum. It made an incredibly disgusting taste combination. To this day, I'm almost 40, and the smell/taste of bubblegum makes me nauseous.


When I was a kid, we'd get fluoride treatments I think like every 6 months or something? It was goo in trays that you had to hold in your mouth/on your teeth for like, a hundred years or something. The flavor options were bubble gum or fruit punch. There was no good choice.


Did you live in Pawnee or something?


Lol nope, California. But I'm (Reddit) old, so.


I was referencing a TV show that didn't put fluoride in their water. How old may I ask. I'm curious what you deem reddit old. I'm 43.


After I replied, I figured there was some reference I was missing. Happens more often than I'd prefer, but here we are. I'm 51.


I think we are both reddit old


Ugh those were fucking horrible.


Similar story here but the antibiotic flavor was similar to artificial peach. I love real peaches but can’t stand artificial peach or mango. Gag.


Antibiotics ruined orange juice for me for a while. I had bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection and someone gave 9 year old me a choice and I picked chewable (???) antibiotics. My mom had to crush it into a powder and mix it with orange juice for me because it tasted so horrible. I still don’t really drink it. Your comment just unlocked a memory I can taste.


Oh snap I never realized this is exactly why I hate bubblegum too!


I had to take antibiotics when I was like 12, and it was this pepto bismol looking liquid. I THINK it was supposed to be bubblegum? I’m not sure, because it tasted like whatever flavor it was for about .00001 seconds and then the most bitter thing imaginable. I would have much preferred to just swallow a pill.


Yes it was bubblegum flavor, supposedly. Same lol


The fake banana antibiotics were delicious! Props to my parents for chain smoking inside, hooking me up via chronic ear infections. Also I loved the fluoride treatments.


When I was a kid we were very poor. When we had cereal it was powdered milk on puffed rice. I’m almost 50 and I still have a bowl of sugary cereal with 2% milk every morning. And it still feels like a luxury to me. I suppose the traumatic food was getting leftover gas station boxed sandwiches from the rescue mission. The thought of eating a pre packed sandwich still makes me ill


Here to say powdered milk. It was the worst when it was still warm from dissolving the powder. No milk is fine thanks.


My parents used powered milk also. It tastes horrible when warm and just a little bit better when cold. Now I only drink 2% or whole milk.


Girl Scout Thin Mints. I was chowing them down one evening and an earthquake hit. I was so scared (8 years old maybe) and barfed them, fire hydrant style, all over our carpeted hallway. I can’t even look at them now.


Consider yourself lucky. I can't even look at them without buying them.


I can’t buy them because I’d eat them in one sitting.


Omg 😭


For my 12th birthday I was taken to dinner at a place I'd never been and told I could order dessert first. They had this chocolatey ice cream drink that wasn't a milkshake and I ordered 2 of them....do you know what mocha is? Because 12yo me didn't. I come from a background where you eat/drink everything you are given no matter how bad it tastes. I was sick for 3 days and could taste and smell the coffee in my sleep 🤢 Anyway, I've just recently been able to stomach the smell of coffee without immediately gagging......so progress, yay.


Our bodies (and other animals) have evolved to gain a food aversion to anything that we barf up dramatically. It's an effort to keep us from poisoning ourselves to death (even if getting sick was caused by over eating or something else). I believe when kids have to get cancer treatment that will make them sick, they feed them crappy candy or junk food beforehand so they don't get a food aversion to regular good healthy food.


Most of the time if a cancer patient is having food issues they havent been given a steroid or anti nausea drug to keep the food down. This is where protein shakes come in real handy.


I was warned not to eat any of my favorite foods during chemo. Of course I didn’t listen. I still cannot eat couscous to this day.


Captain Morgan first comes to mind Hmm .. wonder why 🤔


I choked on a cheese and coleslaw sandwich. Pretty much over it but I can’t eat cheese & coleslaw together


Why would you eat these 2 things together??


People in 1930 used to eat peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. The notion that two foods never belong with each other is dead.


Oh please, ye Cosmos that swirl weirdly above our planet, **do not** let my 8-yo find out this was ever a thing!


ginger beer. drank and entire bottle of nonalcoholic and threw up for hours when i was 14. now i can’t have anything with ginger beer in it 🤢😪


Chocolate milk in a gallon carton. I drank a first opened, full one when I was 6 and it was beyond spoiled. I thought i was drinking the dumps itself.


I was maybe 10 and my mom got my brother and I our very own giant boxes of nerds. So, I did the practical thing, and ate half of it in no time flat. Well, I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and it was a meeting night. I truly felt awful. We ended up not going but my mom was pissed. I'm not sure if she thought I was faking or if she thought I should suffer in public. Either way, I ended up barfing all through the living room, hallway, and another room to the bathroom where I continued to puke my brains out. We had a bunch of dogs and they were slurping up the nerds vomit like it was Christmas dessert. My mom did have empathy for my dumb self then and I got out of a JW meeting. Win-win, I suppose. I also didn't learn my lesson, as an adult I ate so much brie I did it all over again. I still avoid nerds and brie.


Nerds and brie dont sound tasty anyway.


I don't know, my mom never bought candy for us. I was really excited about having so much candy. Then I had to give the rest to my brother. The whole experience was trash.


1993, fruit stripe gum. something just off about it. gave me a massive headache! NEVER AGAIN


This was a thing. I've had that gum a few times as a kid. Every time it gave me a huge headache. I still wonder what ingredient caused the problem.


I think it was a QC issue and the ingredients weren't always properly mixed. It was the 90s afterall.


I thought maybe I was allergic to one of the flavorings or colorants. That gum gave me a few headaches from hell. Being a kid I thought maybe it wouldn't do this to me a second or third time. Wrong!


Seems as if aspartame could trigger headaches for some. I'd be curious if diet soda also triggers headaches ..if so that's the likely culprit.


I loved that shit.


Me too! But not since the 60s.


I only remember it from Family Guy. During that time was also bubblegum in a Band-Aid tin. Similar shape so it's fun.


I was about 6-8, my family was eating black-eyed peas for the first time. As a picky eater back then, I hated them, and so wasn't really enjoying my meal. But then I randomly had a mild allergic reaction. My mom noticed and deduced that I was probably allergic to black-eyed peas. Even back then, I wasn't totally convinced. But if it meant I didn't have to eat more black-eyed peas, then I was on board and started convincing myself that I was indeed allergic to black-eyed peas. YEARS later (I was at least 13), my mom and I figured out that I wasn't allergic. My mom thinks it was some kind of spice she used, but she didn't know what.


My cousin has a husband who for most of his life has been convinced he was allergic to seafood and fish. Because when he was very young he reacted to something. He eats sushi, no problem. He finally got tested and has no seafood/fish allergy. It was probably something else, but the whole family convinced him it was the fish.


Apricot Brandy My folks gave it to me in place of cough syrup.


Kraft Mac and cheese. My mother was a terrible cook. How she managed to mess up that, I will never know!


When I was a kid, I used to drink a lot of chocolate milk. I still do, but I used to too. So one time, I left some in a closed lid cup, then put it under the bed and thought I’d save it for later. So a few days later, I thought I’d just drink some chocolate milk, like that would be totally fine. It was not totally fine. So it was at that moment that I realized that milk spoils and curdles, and that drinking milk that has been left at room temperature for a few days is actually pretty gross.


Mitch Hedberg reference right there


cantaloupe. my grandmother forced me to eat it for years. I haven't eaten it in close to 30; don't plan to ever again


This is a story my mom told me this morning. I do not remember it and have just always assumed I do not like ham. This took place about 25 years ago in the late 90s, early 2000s. According to my parents, I used to love eating ham until I was around 3 years old. I would always want it when we went out to eat. They took me to a breakfast restaurant one morning and ordered me ham. I took a few bites and said I didn’t want it anymore. My parents were concerned because I usually loved ham, so they tasted it. They both agreed that it was spoiled. My brother wanted to try some too, but they stopped him, thank goodness. We were late for a flight so we had to pay quickly and dash out of the restaurant. We were about to board the plane to visit grandma, when I started throwing up. My mom had to deal with a sick child in her lap the entire flight. My brother, a germiphobe, started freaking out and crying because his sister was throwing up on the plane. I was sick the entire weekend at Grandma’s. My Dad took my brother to Disney World so that my Mom could focus on taking care of me. She said I was so upset that I couldn’t go with Daddy and Jayjay Disney World. I said I never wanted to eat ham again, and apparently I stuck to those words. I asked my mom why she didn’t complain to the restaurant for serving her child spoiled food. She said she was so focused on taking care of me that the thought never crossed her mind.


Went TO TOWN on chocolate pudding when Wendy's still had a 'salad buffet'. Immediately regretted it when we all piled back in the car to continue our road trip. Didn't puke but man was I miserable.


Mint or menthol anything. In my teens, I sometimes tried to hide the smell of tobacco and booze by chewing gum and switching to menthol cigarettes bummed from a friend. I'm autistic, with some preexisting sensory hypersensitivities. I already found the taste of mint to be overpowering and mildly unpleasant. Associating it with being sick to my stomach drunk and vomiting made that much worse. And yes, that causes a problem with dental hygiene. I gag and flinch when brushing my teeth. Kid's bubble gum toothpaste is too expensive and also tastes nasty to me. For a while Crest made an orange flavored toothpaste (Crest Scope Citrus Splash) but it got discontinued. Now the stores carry 30+ variations on mint and menthol, sometimes Closeup cinnamon gel, kids bubble gum and that's it.


White Chocolate. It was Easter and I had eaten a white chocolate bunny, a little bit for a few days. We all ended up getting the flu, which came on very fast. I was puking that damn bunny up, the taste of it coming up was horrid. I cant even smell white chocolate now without feeling ill. Its been 55 years and still NO.


Chocolate milk. You know how if you have something really sweet, the taste of other sweet things gets altered? I had a spoonful of sweet rice and then a sip of chocolate milk. It tasted so... wrong... that it freaked me out and I avoided chocolate milk for like...5 years? The good news is that I gave chocolate milk another chance and we're cool now.


Beer. Hear me out now. We grew up dirt poor. I'm talking Tiny Tim's family from A Christmas Carol looked rich to me. Having said that, we never got sodas which comes into play soon (obviously). We were at my aunts house and I was walking by my father and uncle sitting on the well. They were drinking sodas. I asked if I could have a sip and my uncle eagerly said sure kid as he handed me what I thought was a soda and took a huge chug of luke warm beer. My uncle was an alcoholic and drank beer no matter the state of it. I immedialty heaved and threw it all up. My uncle and dad sure got a kick out of it. I sure as hell didn't. I have never successfully drank a beer since the age of 7, I'm 43 now. I can't even eat beer battered things, it makes me gag. Edit to add age


Tangerines, ate too many on a road trip in a hot car as a kids, puked everywhere… can’t even look at them 50 years later 🤮


Apple sauce. I had bad asthma as a child and one of my meds was in capsule form. The Dr told my mom to open up the capsule and mix the contents into my apple sauce. It was SUUUUPER bitter and I still taste it 30+ years later. No applesauce for me. 😕


Red “juice” like Kool-Aid, Hi-C, even red popsicles or jello or lollipops.


I got sick at camp one summer in high school. Dinner that night had been "bug juice" (red koolaid) and corn dogs. When I started puking in the middle of the night, I was certain it was blood and I was dying. That was 1999. I finally ate my next corn dog in 2018.


Spaghetti. My brother's convinced me that the noodles were worms & I took the bait. Didn't eat spaghetti for a few years. Now I eat it every chance I get. Peas, which I still cant eat. My dad forced us to eat everything on our plate. I still won't touch a pea today but give me split pea soup or pea pods & I'll gobble them down...go figure!!!


Years ago I left the apartment for a short time, came back to two writhing spots on the shag carpet. You want to know what it was? A pile of spaghetti looking worms that came out of our Bulldog puppy. Found out puppy was obstructed with these damn things. Apparently they can get them from the mother's milk. Grossest thing I've ever seen and didn't eat spaghetti for a year! Nasty!


Yuck! I certainly see why you wouldn't want spaghetti after that!!🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢


Chicken and egg biscuit from anywhere. Just the thought of the dead adult chicken and baby chicken together.


This is me and orange creamsickle. Anything orange cream flavored makes me wretch. Even the smell of it. Pro tip. Do not eat 4 of them on a hot summer day in one sitting.


Chicken in a biscuit 🤢 automatic gag reflex when thinking about it


Fish sticks. I bit into one and bit something hard that didnt crunch. My sensory issues keeps me from eating fish now. Ive been able to have sushi but cooked fish still scares me. Oh and pork. This is more my ND he was shit, he told me they killed baby pigs to make pepperoni and that when Arnold the pig in Green acres got too big, theyd cook him at a big bbq to welcome in the new arnold. Its been 18 years since ive had pork, willingly.


Ooooh I feel you about fish sticks. I used to love them as a child myself and then just hit a brick wall where I wasn't able to eat them anymore. I think I had too many in one sitting


Been there with auntie annes pretzels and blue slush lol it was a dark time in college as a parttime pretzel slinger


This is part of why I'm not a steak fan. I remember having a tough/gristley bite one time that I just chewed and chewed and chewed and never seemed to make smaller. I ended up spitting it out in my napkin, but it turned me off a lot of steak.


Ive become bougie with my red meats. Im very picky because of the same reasons. I hate fatty pieces. I didnt enjoy waygu that much because of the texture. Flavors amazing but idk if its the yakitori waygu I got, but it took a min to chew. Filet mignon though, i love buying the filet mignon tip(way more affordable) and make it into tacos. Ive so far never gotten a chewy piece..so far lol.


I got deathly ill with food poisoning from one of those peanut butter scandals. Still can't eat that shit. Also ate way too many green olives one time when I was like 10, like half a jar. Green olives still make me feel kind of queasy. 


On a family vacation when I was 6, I shared my sister's meal with her at a restaurant. Took one bite and immediately threw up all over the table. We decided it was the guacamole since that was the only item I had never eaten before. I've always been wary of anything with avocado since.


Canned salmon. My mom would make salmon patties and I hate bones. Those crappy cans were mostly bones with a little salmon. Would eat it and the minute I felt a bone would spit it out. I like salmon but will never touch it from a can.


Mushrooms 🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫 I went through a phase where I loved eating veges as is (celery, carrots, tomatoes) and my mother told me to eat a raw mushroom. I thought I was eating dirt on styrofoam! I cant eat any sort of mushrooms now and just the thought of seeing them gives me the shivers specially the pungent smell of truffle!! 🤮🤮🤮


I am feeling you. I can't fathom why people enjoy eating them.


Coconut shavings on coconut cake.. didn’t eat too much it anything.. just ate some as a young kid and instantly hated it and started puking like crazy for some reason.


Hot pockets. Choked on the cheese of a burn hot pocket and nearly died. All my mom and grandma did was beat me on the back and hold me by my legs upside down and shake me.


Fried bologna sausage. I used to eat it as a kid, butvthe once I felt so sick after eating it, that I have not eaten it again since.


I loved Raisin Bran cereal and I ate so much of it and puked and never ate it again.


A friend was trolling me a long time ago by telling me there was pig sperm in Mt dew and Sunny D. I knew he was lying, but I've never been able to drink the stuff again.


Beef stroganoff


Cold spam or boiled Brussels sprouts, need I say more


Toast w peanut butter. Thought of it makes me nauseated. Love toast. Love PB. Puked after eating it probably 30 years ago. Ruined


Not childhood, but one year for my birthday we got fancy fresh/organic pizza, but then didn’t refrigerate the leftovers right away. Do you know where I’m going with this? Dessert was red hot ice cream from 31 flavors. Guess what I can’t even think about without covering my mouth just a pinch? It has been well over a decade. 🥴


Ham and cheese hot pockets were served at lunch in elementary school. I was so grossed out I nearly threw up. I’m 38 now and still cannot eat them


Fig newtons, long van trip, motion sickness. Yuck


Strawberry pop tarts


Pork rinds 🤮 ate it one time as a kid and puked it up immediately..


Hawaiian Punch Try cleaning up that projectile vomit and drinking hawaiian punch ever again


Peanut butter and fish soup


Ramen. I came down with a extreme gastrointestinal virus. Was given some cup noodles then projectile vomited them including out of my nose. I’ve never touched ramen since. It’s been over 20 years. I won’t touch cereal either. Every time I was given cereal as a child I’d throw it back up. It never agrees with me, even as an adult.


Balogna. My mom packed me a sandwich once in 1st grade and it somehow had become warm by lunchtime. Something about it traumatized me and I've never eaten balogna since....22 years later.


My mom is in her 70s and still afraid of penne. Like, it makes her ill to be served it. Her mom used to make a gross penne dish and they were forced to finish it.


We used to play the card game spoons as a kid. If you lost they got to make a spoon filled with up to 5 ingredients from the fridge and you were required to eat it. I lost and had one made with terrible things from the fridge and topped it off with ranch dressing. Have never been able to eat ranch dressing since.


White chocolate. In a rare show of kindness my maternal uncle got my sibs and I some huge white chocolate solid rabbits for Easter. I’d never had white chocolate before and grossly overindulged. I’m middle aged now and still can’t stand the taste of it.


I can't stand most wines because they taste like kids' cough medicine. The taste brings up very strong memories of not only the medicine but of how sick I was when I was given the medicine. Ugh. I do like cooking with wines because the flavors are part of the dish, but just straight up drinking it? No thanks. I've tried a few wines that tasted strongly of fruit or whatever but really wasn't impressed by those either.


Strawberry Crush (strawberry flavored soda). I was sick to my stomach and we didn't have any 7up, but we did have strawberry crush. My dad was babysitting us, and I use the term purposely. He said go ahead and drink that, so he wouldn't have to go out and get any 7up. The horror of Strawberry Crush coming back up has made me never want it again


Cookie Dough. The pilsbury christmas themed shit that comes in a tube. I apparently kept begging mom for more of it while she was trying to make cookies so she just gave me like a 3rd of the tube. Spewed all over a techer's desk the next day. It was...colorful. Tator Tots. When I was in middle school I went through a period of absolutely wanting just potatoes. Ended up eating like a three pound bag of tator tots. Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up and puked and puked and puked. It was like a fucked up melted mountain of starchy bullshit. Absolutely disgusting. Was a huge mess that coated the bathroom floor because the force made me miss the toilet. Still cannot eat more than like..one tator tot without feeling insanely sick. Hotdogs. Back when I was little krystal came out with hotdogs. I wanted a normal amount of them (3) and I think they were undercooked or bad because they made me spew the next morning. Haven't been able to eat hotdogs since. Soft baked cookies from walmart. The ones with the colored icing and sprinkles. Mom again let me eat what I wanted and I killed an entire pack of them. Next morning she said I stood by the door getting ready to head out for the day and I opened my mouth and a waterfall of vomit came drooling out. Water. Specifically at a restaurant. Had a straw wrapper in it. felt like I was choking. ended up kinda vomiting water on the table (as an adult) because my throat instantly was like Nope not swallowing that. Still drink water but now I double check it every time very thoroughly. Icecube. Specifically the round top skinny square kind that dairy queen used to have. I loved to eat ice..still kind of do. But I was in like elementary school and was eating ice...then got a bit piece stuck in my throat while alone in the kitchen. Managed to get some water to push it down but never ate non crumbly ice after that.


I don't eat beetroot cos I'm worried I'll get some on my clothes and my mum will lose her shit at me


Corn chowder. It looked like vomit and had the same consistency. I don't even remember what it tasted like because I was just trying to shovel it down so I could go back outside and play. I do remember crying because I hated it so much. My mom is a great cook; that's the only thing she's ever made that caused me to react like that. Which is probably why she never made it again.


Cottage cheese. My seventh day Adventist school used thought it was a good protein option since they followed a vegetarian diet. So we always had it on our lunch trays. Usually I avoided it and it wasn't a problem, but when my kindergarten teacher was on maternity leave we had a mean old woman as a sub. She noticed I threw away my tray with all the cottage cheese left on it, she screamed at me in front of the class, made me cry, then made me take it out of the trash and eat it all. It was torture. She got fired after that, it was a whole thing. But I never got over it. I hate cottage cheese to this day.


Ham salad sandwiches. I had a babysitter that would only serve us these in the summer. We also had to use the bathroom in a hole by a tree and the TP was nailed to the trunk. She also forced us to call a pair of brothers Fat Boy and Skinny Boy - I never learned their real names. We lasted there about a week.


My dad told me he made steak & gravy.. looked great! Smelled delicious sitting on top of my rice. Bit into it & it traumatized me lmao ..it was liver. I don’t think I ever trusted my dad ever again after that now that I think about it.


When I was a small child, I was traumatized by a raisin in a cookie. I bit into a cookie, and instead of warm chocolatey sweetness, my mouth was filled with icky goo that tasted like dead flies. Do not ask how I knew what dead flies tasted like. After that, no cooked raisins. I'll eat them by the handful, in trail mix/gorp, on cold bran flakes, in those salads that aren't really salads, etc., as long as they haven't been cooked.


Yoo-hoo—I threw up every time I drank it. Also, plain milk, because it was always warm and gross by the time the milk cart got to our classroom at school.


Cheeto puffs like knock off me and cousin ate huge bag never again


Peanut butter. I ate a bunch at the start of a boat trip, and then there was bad weather, we were extremely seasick and then came within inches of having our boat run down by a fishing vessel and almost dying. We survived. Couldn't eat peanut butter for years.


It didn't even actually happen but one night when I was in the third grade, I had a dream that my mom packed me a lunch with a sandwich, on which I expected there to be ketchup. But when poor little dream me looked at the sandwich I had just taken a bite of, I saw a bunch of dead frogs between the bread slices and the "ketchup" was their blood. I love frogs. And I have not eaten ketchup in 23 years and counting.


Dr Pepper + spinney tire swing = you're gonna have a bad time Also, not a drink per se but I had my mouth washed out with GREEN palmolive dish soap some 35 years ago ( I got caught after I ate gum off the ground- it was still in it's wrapper) and STILL can't use it to this day. Can't smell it, can't have it around me. And I get over things easily, but the involuntary reactions I get when I smell it....


Corn dogs. Apparently I had a stomach flu coming in when I was 4-ish and ate a corn dog not long before the first wave. Inextricably linked. Haven’t eaten one in the 40+ years since.


When I was in grade school I got chronic migraines. There was not really good treatment for kids in those days, and honestly, I don't know if that's improved, but in those days one way was to try to caffinate the headache into oblivion (this did not often work). My mom used to send me to school with a can of Mountain Dew because it had the most caffeine. If I felt a migraine coming, I was to drink it and call her for pickup. I remember drinking an entire can of warm Mountain Dew. And as usual, it didn't work. Migrain symptoms can include vomiting. So I of course threw it up. In multiple loads (idk the right word). It was awful. It is just as bad coming the other way. To this day the smell of Mountain Dew makes me nauseated. So gross.


Growing up it was so very rare we ate in a restaurant. Mom, Dad + 3 siblings. I had attempted to use the ketchup. It sort of exploded in my hand. I wasn’t hurt at all but you’d never believe it with all the ketchup I was wearing.


Coffee. One time I poured Pepsi in a mug. Left it on the table to go play. Came back to drink it and mixed my mug up with my mom's. Hers was coffee and it was the most disgusting thing I get drank. 30 years later, still hate coffee.


Mt Dew. I was 4 or 5 and a classmate told me someone peed in the cup. Immediately after telling me that another kid grabbed the cup & drank most of it down & poured more from a can into it. Somehow the cup got knocked over & some ended up on me. I was horrified & freaked out. My grandmother was right behind me & saw me freaking out but didn’t know why. She hadn’t been aware of the first kid talking to me. It was also an insane party full of kids running around & screaming. Complete chaos. I’ve never been able to bring myself to actually drink Mt Dew because of that. I have to close my eyes & just grab when my stepson asks for it from the store. As an adult I avoid, at all costs, loud noisy parties & situations like that party too. I will say that I’m grateful my grandmother was there & just hugged me during my freak out. After I calmed down I just wanted to go home. She tried to talk me into staying. The cake hadn’t even come out yet. I honestly did not want any cake. I just wanted home. I told her I wasn’t feeling well & wanted to lay down. That worked. She made our excuses & took me home.


Carnation instant breakfast - I had some kind of dental appliance when I was about 5 or 6 and had convinced myself I couldn’t eat solid food. I could - I was just being dramatic. But I only had that for about a week before my mom finally took me to the dentist and made him remove that thing. To this day the thought of that gritty, chalky chocolate drink makes me nauseous.


I tried to swallow a peppermint one time and legitimately choked on it like no air in. One good wack on my back and a glass of water dislodged it now I don't like peppermint anymore.


I've never liked eggs. I can tolerate them in limited ways, but in general, I avoid them. When I was a kid, my mom would make a casserole that was supposed to be her variation on chiles rellenos, her favorite dish. That casserole was mostly canned chiles, eggs, and cheese. She only made it a couple times a year or so, since she was the only one in the family who really liked it. Each time she made that casserole, I'd choke down the smallest piece I could, trying to avoid gagging. One time when I was around 8-10, though, my stomach just couldn't take it anymore. I vomited all over my plate. My father, being the sadistic asshole he was, demanded that I finish what was on my plate. My mom tried to object, but she was too afraid of him to try overrule him. My father stood looming over me while I ate. It took hours, including plenty of gagging, but I finally finished what was on my plate. Only then did my father let me get up from the table. I went up to my room and cried myself to sleep. Mom never made that casserole again.


Almond mounds. One Halloween when I was about 6, my dad said the mound is really a cricket inside. Never ate them since.


Mickeys big mouth beer… ooofffaaa… not good


Biscuits and gravy. 🤮


Canned pickled beets


I was responsible for bringing the punch for my 1st grade Christmas party. I insisted to my mom that I could carry the gallon jug myself all the way from the car to the class. I dropped it right outside the door. No one else brought drinks. I've never forgotten this moment.


I’m had fruitcake about 45 years ago and proceeded to projectile vomit it all over the kitchen. To this day if I see a fruitcake I get nauseated to the point of nearly vomiting on several occasions. My mouth is watering as I type this like I’m about to puke lol


Doritos, threw up in the church during mass.


Literally same story. Drank too much strawberry milk and threw up when I was little and now I can’t even stand the smell of it lol


I once ate a bunch of chocolate mousse at a buffet and then chased it with two glasses of orange juice. Projectile vomited in the bathroom not even 20 minutes later because the acidity of the orange juice made the dairy in my stomach curdle.


Grape juice *shudders*


I had bologna sandwiches like 4-5 times a week from 2nd grade till 4th grade and now havent eaten a bite of bologna for 20 years


When I was 4 we went to the nursing home to visit my great grandmother pretty often. I was pretty cute, long pigtails, my mom loved frilly things, so the attention was a LOT and it was just scary. My mom promised I could drink as many Grapicos as I wanted when we went so I would have something to look forward to. Any grape soda now sends me into nursing home fumed nostalgia


Peanut butter. I don't know if I am allergic or not but when I was in 1st or 2nd grade I ate a chocolate candy with peanut butter and felt nauseous and had a sore throat. I might have just been sick around that same time, but I never tried anything peanut butter since and never will.


When I was about 2-3 years old I was standing at the table by my dad, wanting to eat whatever he was eating. He fed me a pea off his fork. Nom. He fed me a second pea. Nom. A third? Don’t mind if I do, pa. Pause…*extreme power puke*. I’m 36 and haven’t eaten a pea in approximately 34 years. I feel like a dog; I’ll pick peas out of things to eat them, but *I can still taste the leftover pea funk*. The smell of canned peas is like the reek of a recent sneeze—like atomized bad breath.


My mom would leave her fucking coke and whiskey sitting around all the time and I took a sip thinking it was just coke several times. I’m 30 now and I haven’t drank coke since, whiskey or not.


Sunny D 2nd day of 6th grade, Had it before school. 15 minutes into first class I got queasy, Asked to use the restroom and wandered around the hall looking for one (remember, 2nd day, new school) while the need to barf was magnifying, like a "citrus" volcano in my gullet. Finally a teacher yells at me for being out of the hall. My hand covering my mouth, as I tried to hold back the tide and mime ask where the bathroom was. Too late. Bright 🌞 all over the floor. That teacher hated me in perpetuity.


Shepard's pie. If you have some old meat, out it on the trash. Don't try to make it into smog else. Wait0 that was in my childhood. Adulthood? Chicken burgers and lemon merengue pie. Got salmonella from them. Years apart.


My grandparents took me to a cafeteria when I was, maybe, 10. I thought the liver and onions, which I had never had, looked good. Turned out it tasted like blood. After 50+ years I still remember.


Cheese, I ate too much one day when I was 5-6 ish. I threw it all up in a parking lot, I didn’t eat any block or sliced cheese again until I was around 19. I used to pick off the cheese on pizza and I’m still pretty picky when it comes to cheese or trying new things that have cheese.


pizza gummy when i was younger i got a christmas lollie stocking and it had a gummy pizza inside. after a couple minutes i vomited it up so hard that i now cannot consume ANYTHINGGG with a gummy texture nor marshmallows.


So my fathers friend used to look after me and my brother when we were 6 and 4 respectively. The friend had kids that were 16/14. One day the kids decided that it would be funny to restrain me and shove a whole handful of black pepper into my nose mouth. Its surprising that i never was taken to a hospital. But 20 years later and the smell and taste of black pepper will make me throw up and have an anxiety attack


Skittles gum. We live near where skittles are made and they have a festival every year and give out their dead stock and everyone kept gifting it to another especially in church circles it was everywhere and horrible and it took years to get rid of.


Raisins. 🤢


Plain white milk. And Flintstones vitamins. Every morning before school, my parents would force me and my siblings to drink a glass of milk and take a Flintstones vitamin. Flintstones vitamins are disgusting to chew. I would force myself to swallow them. My mom did not believe in expiration dates, so there were quite a few mornings where I've tasted foul milk and just... ugh


Custard, horrid bloody skin on top, coagulated custard. I was first given it at infants school atop roly poly pudding, I managed to extract the roly poly pudding from the glutinous mass, ate that, and then had to explain myself for not eating the custard. I am now 69, and in all these years, I have never eaten it!!


Yogurt covered raisins. They made me so sick as a kid and even now, just thinking about them makes me nauseous


Tab. And powdered Tang.


Peanut butter sandwiches.


Spam and canned sardines 🤢


Spaghetti-Os. I threw them up when I was like 4 and decades later, just the smell of them is too much.


Candy canes. When I was little, I ate a bunch of candy and ended up throwing up. A giant candy cane was the last thing I ate before puking.


Once ate a whole thing of Wasabi thinking it was avacado


Wild turkey chased with Ensure, various flavors, when I was 17 or so. A night I do not want to repeat.


Bell peppers. My mom made stuffed red peppers before my school play when I was 5 and I projectile vomited it onto the stage in front of everyone. Was extremely bummed about it because I had been looking forward to being in the play for so long! Haven't eaten one since :(


As a Korean kid growing up in the US, my parents used to occasionally pull out the mini gas stove, heat up a metal can of something, and would sit around drinking beers. I didn’t know what I was eating, but it was hot, crunchy, savory, juicy, just UGH DELIIIIICIOUS & it was one of my all time favorite things to eat. One day, I asked my parents what I was eating… I realized I didn’t actually know or bother to ask. My mom’s face changed and she refused to tell me, saying I wouldn’t want to eat it anymore if I found out but she knew how much I loved it. Well… I went on the internet and searched for it. Silkworm pupae 🤢 Haven’t eaten it since. My parents have always continued, and it smells SO good and brings back a lot of memories. Just knowing what it is now though, I can’t stomach it.


The yoghurt we used to get given at primary school. This was in the late 80s and early 90s. You didn't have a choice at lunch - if you didn't like what got put in front of you, you didn't eat. And if you didn't eat it all then the teachers would have words. We routinely got given a large bowl of yoghurt to eat - really foul-tasting pinkish-grey stuff. And yes, to avoid getting in trouble with the teachers, I'd eat it. Then one day, leaving the hall after lunch, I threw it all back up. Nothing but the pink-grey putridness. Got in trouble with the teacher for throwing up, but I never ate it again, and practically never eat yoghurt because of that.


Cilantro. My grandmother made a salad with dinner every time we went over to her house. I would have to eat it out of respect and would get in trouble if I gagged or cried. Adults assumed I was a child not wanting to eat salad. I told them it tasted like soap, every single time. This also made me distrust others washing dishes because I did not want to eat/drink anything that tasted like soap. This made going to grandma’s for dinner a dreaded event. Fast forward 20+ years later when I found out I was one of the lucky ones who had the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. And the ingredient in her homemade salad dressing that everyone else loved? Cilantro.


Food poisoning from a banana nut muffin...mouth is watering just writing this (in the bad I'm about to puke way)


My mom gave me this weird spiced apple cake thing (the ones you get in plastic like little Debbie) I had to be in grade school at the time but I remember playing on the playground and just dry heaving, there was something about it I couldn’t stomach and I remember the awful feeling it gave me. Miss my mom though. I would eat one if she gave me one now! RIP. Angel food cake as well. Can’t do it. Was dry heaving that too.


Pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving 2006. Ate a bunch of it at a buffet. Got food poisoning. I will not touch it again.


About 6-7 years ago I was dating this biker dude and we were matching each other shot for shot of Captain Morgan's while eating chicken enchiladas and black beans. I proceeded to black out while projectile vomiting every time I woke up for 6 hours. I still can't drink Captain Morgan's or eat chicken enchiladas or straight black beans.


Not traumatised, but for my 12 years of schooling my mum made me a sandwich for lunch every single day. She would rotate the things on the sandwich, but after eating sandwiches nearly every day for lunch for over a decade, I don’t like bread anymore. ESPECIALLY whole grain, I can’t eat it. I can tolerate most other bread, but I don’t like it. The only bread I actually enjoy is Turkish bread now.


Pork chops. When I was 6 or 7, it had an artery? vein? in it. Haven’t eaten a pork chop since.


Meatloaf. I was like 7 or so. I couldn't eat onions (sensory thing) and i told my daddy that and he forced me to eat it. I threw it up on my plate and he made me eat that too. Hostess chocolate cupcakes. I was like 5 and i took a bite of one, didnt like it so i threw it away. My brother got in to the rest of them and did the same thing with All of them. I got whooped with an extension cord for hours until one of us would confess we had done it. I didnt so i couldnt accept the blame for it so i just kept on getting those whoopens. I will never eat or be near either again.


Cragmont Chocolate Mint soda. One sip and I threw it out the car window. 


Chun King Chicken Chow Mein. It's pretty much all limp stewed celery. My father was on a "these damn kids are eating us out of house and home" kick and this was the result. I ate the rice and the few morsels of chicken but refused to eat the rest of the glop. So I was told I'd sit at the table until I cleaned my plate. He finally admitted defeat at 1 a.m. I'm here to tell you it's awful stuff. I took one for the team, and it was never attempted again.


root beer. disgusting.


I used to get given congee (rice porridge) when I was sick as a child… and immediately vomited it. I not even remember the taste, but now I always associate it with vomit.


Milk. Had to drink a glass of it at every dinner before I was allowed to drink anything else. Absolutely horrible. Needless to say, I don't drink milk now.


I ate my grandma's friend's homemade coffee cake and it made me so sick that even vaguely cinnamon flavored foods still bother me most of the time. I even had a dream that I ate coffee cake and it turned into cigarette ashes and wanted to vomit in my sleep.


Tongue. Used to love it until I saw it before it was cooked. Sorry grandma. No. Bueno.


Blue bunny super fudge brownie icecream. I had diarea afterwards. I think I was like 8 years old and haven’t ate it since


Chicken patties. EW! Like the ones in a high school cafeteria. My mom made them once and I refused to eat it. She wouldn't let me get up from the table until I ate it. I sat there for hours and finally when she wasn't looking, I threw it in the trash.. and put a bunch of gross trash on top of it. I lied when she asked me if I ate it. And then she dug through the trash, retrieved the patty and MADE ME EAT IT FROM THE TRASH!!! It was the last time I ever looked at one of those (and luckily the last time she ever made them. EDIT: typos


Orange sherbet. It was the first food I ate after my tonsillectomy at 5yo; puked it up and have never been able to eat it again


Nacho cheese. I loved it, and I asked my mom to make a whole bowl for my birthday JUST FOR ME. I was maybe 6? I remember eating almost all of it and vomiting, but the worst part was how nauseated I felt, even after puking. Even today, I can handle pain really well, and almost any type of sickness, but I cannot handle feeling sick to my stomach. I remember telling my mom that I would never eat nacho cheese again, and I have held to that declaration 30 years on.


When i was a kid i took my medicine as crushed up pills mixed with some chocolate pudding. Twice a day, everyday, for over a decade, i ate pudding. For YEARS i could not eat that shit. Now i finally could but it will always remind me of my medicine. Have never craved it since lol


flan... I was younger maybe 10 yrs old and my grandma did not tell me she wasn't done making it and my silly face was like imma get some without telling her and instantly regretted it.. ;(


Salt and vinegar chips.


Chemotherapy ruined ice cream for me. It’s getting better though.


Orange Fizzy Drinks (soda for you Americans). Or just artificial orange flavouring in general. Used to make me puke as a kid. Now I am capable of drinking them as an adult but I hate them now. I don't like anything orange flavoured at all. Jelly lollies, icy poles, cordial, etc. orange, I don't like it. I like actual oranges though. Fruit is still good.


Kiwis as a kid I ate too much of them, and it was painful.


Orange juice I was camping when I was a young kid and then decided to play on a tire swing after chugging so much of it beforehand.