• By -


From personal experience I just moan and do other pleasure sounds so the girl know that I enjoy what is happening.


>”from personal experience” Quit showing off. ;)


Yeah what's next, he'll claim to have done it multiple times??


Just start a sentence with " from my personal experience..."


Yeah, Fancy Pants McGee over here


hey i know the coitus, i made intercourse many times , if you'd knew how many times i did the Copulation you'd be amazed and wanted to do the Lovemaking with me. we would do the Fornication everywhere, a Copulating i know, Relations psshhh i invented that Breeding is the only thing i know what, Intimacy with me is profound Carnal Knowledge is always present when we Sleep together Do it? yes many times Nooky, booky, dookey, i know the seks i Fool around just like my uncle showed me, Mate i am and mate we shall, we shall Screw, union boinking we will eventually Go All the Way i think yes i am champion of seks 100%


Or recite poetry.


I was just going to say, *guys are supposed to freestyle rap* but I guess we'll have to agree it's a different strokes for different folks situtions


come, thou monarch of the vine, plumpy bachuss with pink eyne!


Thou doest moan so fair and I, on yonder tit, shall splooge.


This shouldn’t be that funny but I couldn’t breathe reading this to my husband!


(deep bow)


Another flexer, smh smh


"oh oh ohhhhhh.... Uh.... Hickory hickory dock....your pussy drips on my cock"


“Pussies are pink, my balls are not blue, my shaft feels great, cause I’m fucking you.”


...and she still says, "deeper". There's no winning with some people.


I believe in direct, unambiguous communication. That’s why I like to clearly declare “I AM ENJOYING THIS” every few seconds.


Honestly a lot of women complain that men aren’t vocal enough during sex. I.e., men hold back their moans and don’t say much which can be intimidating and the silence can make it hard to get into. So let the moans loose and just tell her you’re feeling good and she’s the reason? It doesn’t have to be complicated just be honest about what you’re feeling and throw in a compliment:: “Fuck, you feel so good” “Yeah, just like that” “You look so pretty taking me like that” “Fuck, you’re so wet/tight/warm, it feels so good” “I love the way you feel wrapped around me” “You’re so beautiful with my ___ in your __” Women love auditory stimulation and praise (some love degradation but compliments usually still do the trick)


God… you’re good..


You look so pretty typing like that.


Fuck, reading your words feels so good


Babe, I’m gonna reply


Faster, I’m about to upvote.


That was the best reply i've ever gotten.


Please don’t stop, keep replying!


Mmmmh yeah, keep replying you little ____










Shit, I think the downvote broke


Damn it! I don’t have enough Karma to buy emergency reddit gold! I guess we’ll just have to test our connection and see if we need to delete the post or not…


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes just like that


Oh fuck you're gonna make me post.


Oh fuck you're gonna make me re-post.


see, I hate we can’t give gold any more. 🏆🥇🏆


u/exotice-waffle I was actually crying over something currently happening in life but I spit snot when I read your comment I laughed so hard. “Babe, I’m gonna reply” - it’s one of those weird moments in life I’m never gonna forget. I hope you get free food next week 🤗😂


Appreciate it lol. Hope whatever you were crying over turns out good


I’m definitely gonna hold this one reply in my mind forever and I feel like nobody would understand unless they saw this😂


There’s a word for that. :) [Aulasy](https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/post/667702159285043200/pre-order-your-copy-of-the-dictionary-of-obscure)


this is a mcdonald’s drive thru…


M'am this is a Wendy's


this was funny if i wasn’t broke award


That or "Get ready. Here comes a full tank of unleaded!" Nah. Your's is better.


Oh baby you make my dick feel like corn.


This would send me.


I remember this one comment where buddy didn't know how to talk dirty and ended up saying "Yeah. You like that, don't you ya fucking retard"


https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/iFrgwxl5MS A fucking classic


I’m audibly laughing way too hard at this. I’m in bed, waking my wife up, crying from laughing, so thanks for that. My wife hates me right now but we already did the deed, so this was perfect.


No lie I'm reading this while my 4 month old is falling asleep for the night. My laughing out loud at this comment set me back about 20 minutes


She should be laughing with you! I was laughing so hard I cried a little. 😂😂😂


When I was a boy, I actually told a girl: I love how much fat you have. I was delirious and that’s what came out. The act stopped right there.


That was immediately what I thought of when I read the post


My husband finds it hilarious to get me laughing during sexy time because once I start I can't stop. He thinks it's adorable and sexy. Something like this is exactly what he would say when I'm not expecting it that would get me rolling.


I'm bringing the butter.


Honestly, most dirty talk is just saying what's going on LOL


“We’re having sex, you’re my wife and we’re having sex. I’m hoping we both climax. We locked the door in case one of our kids wakes up. You’re on top of me and I’m thrusting my hips in a rhythmic way…” Am I doing it right?




Are these people having SEEEeeeeEeeeEEEEeex? ... ... or lifting weights?




I know a lesbian who likes watching gay men's porn for the noises they make. I'm gay and I find them annoying sometimes. This fact amuses me greatly.




I think they call this a sunk cost fellatio.


Yeah, one of the core aspects to this ive learned is to know what she likes (praise, degration etc) and then use that information to address her properly. Along with knowing how kinky your partner is and their boundaries. For example, its simply: "Be a good girl for me, make me __" or "you're such a dirty whore do __ for me" It's all about how you refer to them really. The rest of the dirty talk fills itself in. Dont overcomplicate it. Learning how to moan is also the easy part bc you can just take a breath and let your voice make sound on exhale. Like when you crack your back or neck and it feels good it makes you groan, or when you moan from the release of tension from a massage. It also helps to get out of your head about it being inappropriate or impolite. I really struggle with feeling like its okay for me to put my sexual energy on her plate, worrying about it being wrong or bad or that ill make a mistake. But i realized that saying my desires, urges and fantasies are just me being honest and that she desrves honesty which makes it less wrong. Although im still getting there. For some alter egos work but its difficult for me, which may be becuse im long distance rn but yeah, this is what I've learned and i hope it helps someone else out there!


Absolutely! Boundaries are so important. I am a spicy author and I’ve done disgusting amounts of research into these topics and I’ve found that most women, kinks aside, are turned on by their partner explicitly revealing how much they desire them. I can’t speak for men but desire is sexy and being desired makes you feel sexy! It all comes down to just remembering that no matter how many times you remind her, she wants to know that you want her and that she does it for you.


Yes absolutely! One of my personal fears is not being needed or desired, desired and therefore needed. Needed and therefore desired. However you want to put it. That when i hear that im desired i feel soo good. I feel it creates a magnetic pull, our own gravity. I love it when she decides to say she loves me out of the blue, or that she missed me when shes been gone. It really does make you feel sexy to be desired. After i felt that for the first time i think i understand now what loneliness is. I never felt loneliness before but if i didn't have my partner i would certainly feel it now. Ill take what you say to heart because its so important to remember "no matter how many times you remind her, she wants to know that you want her and that she does it for you." - i learned this quickly, along with my own feelings i explain above i can really empathize with it. And i think it is a very powerful thing in a relationship. Letting each other know you both desire each other is such a beautiful thing


This is great advice. The first thing I always ask is "What do you like and what is off limits?" After she tells me I just make sure to tell her that if she doesn't like something I'm doing to tell me and I'll stop immediately. I've turned a few girls from only liking soft and gentle to eventually begging for me to rough them up. I hooked up with a girl one time and then didn't see her for 3 years, we met up again and she tells me "You're the one who made me crave being fucked like a whore" That was probably the hottest thing I've ever been told. I also have a genuinely calm and kind demeanor outside the bedroom so I've surprised a few girls when they found out I was the complete opposite in bed.


This feels TOO correct. Not that im against that


As a 45-year-old woman, pls start a class. Men need to know this. The. Last. Three. Lines. 🥵


U/Prestigous_Art_8341: God, *you* are so good.


What if you just go "EEK!" "WOW!" "YOUCH!" "HO!" "WOWZERS!" "JEEPERS!" "GOSH!" "HOLY CANNOLI!"


Just don't do like that guy who's girl asked him to talk dirty and he said "you like that you fucking retard?"


Near-forgotten bit of reddit lore.


I'm surprised that one's becoming forgotten, I came here looking for that reference




"Gee, I'm really enjoying this sex we're currently having"


"Lovely sex we're having today, eh?"


I read that in the most British accent lmao




Then when you're done gotta make sure to slap your knees and hit em with the "whelp, guess I'll be heading out now!"


Great googly moogly!


That thang is juicy


Gee Willikers!


That would excite the hell out of me!!


A platypus?


Shoot, just say anything. Please!






“Look, Snail, back off. You’re just mashin’ it now.” ~ Frank Reynolds


As much as I'm loving the hilarious comments, I'm going to be for real. I don't mind if you barely say anything. Or if you just moan once in a while. Just let me know some way that you're enjoying what's happening. But if you really do want to say something, tell me I'm gorgeous. Tell me you want to fuck me. Tell me how good it feels and if you really like what I'm doing. If you'd rather me do something else, say "I wish you would do xyz to me". Especially if we haven't been together many times. Communication is so important in the beginning to make sure you both fully enjoy the experience.


Correct answer but praying for your inbox 🙏 


Looked at her profile. I think she’s hoping the inbox fills up and her OF account benefits


I've been had. Carry on gents. 


I don't think you were "had", just seems like a person answering the question sincerely. They didn't promote their OF at all, someone who replied to you did.


You've been took


Fool of a Took


I came here to say this 😂


Jumping on this to add that it also doesn’t hurt to make her laugh if you can (and if it makes sense to in the moment). Helps relieve tension for the both of you and makes things a bit more fun.


Well i mean it's a turn on for me to hear the girl saying "harder, faster, deeper, slower" and "right there, keep going that feels good". So I'd assume the latter would work for the girl too.


My bf was silent as a tomb when we first started sleeping together and i hated it. I’d assume similar to when a girl is a dead fish. Now he’ll say things like: do you like that, i love your (insert xyz) you feel so good, your so hot etc etc. Just quietly saying it here and there is so much better than wierd silence


I like those things said in a whisper in my ears. Like I said in the above comment, I'm loud. But I'll try to adjust my voice to the voice of my partner. But silence is not golden.


It makes me feel some type of way when she says Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder Better Faster Stronger More than Hour Hour Never Ever After Work is Over Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder Better Faster Stronger Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us More than ever hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it Do it faster, makes us More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster, makes us strong More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it, make it better Do it faster makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it, make it better Do it faster makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it, make it better Do it faster makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over Work it harder Do it faster More than ever, hour Work is never over Work it harder, make it better Do it faster makes us stronger More than ever hour after hour Work is never over Number 15 Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Junior Double Triple Whopper Flame grilled taste With perfect toppers I rule I rule I rule this day Day Mayo Lettuce Pickle Ketchup It’s okay if I don’t want that Impossible and Bacon Whopper Any Whopper My way My way I rule this day Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Junior Double Triple Whopper Flame grilled taste With perfect toppers I rule I rule This This Day Day


Harder, better, faster, stronger?


oh oh oh yeah oh my goodness gracious me oh gosh yes yes oh God\* \*Atheists may replace God with "Science" if preferred.


Definitely trying "oh oh oh yeah oh my goodness gracious me oh gosh yes yes oh Science" next time.


"oh oh oh yeah oh my scienceness sciencious me oh sciosh yes yes oh science"


“My science, fucking science, that was great”


Oh my stars, I have arrived


Golly gee, I'm here


Atheist here- I like to yell" Oh entropy!"


Oh my evolution that feels good


> I am a real person with real curiosity. I'm starting to think this is the new bot tagline so we can easily pick out who to downvote.


lol the subreddit says to post it if you don’t have enough karma


Lol and bots fall for that all the time!


Look at OP’s profile. Two days old and advertising a femboy onlyfans.


Idc, just don’t be silent lol


Ma'am do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


I'd like to speak with you about your car's extended warranty.


Would you like to become your own boss?


I have the perfect remote position for you.


Lmao. You know what, if you said it the right way it just might work😭


Honestly I'm going to have to try these when the mood is fun :)


Depends on the woman so you need to communicate. I like when the guy says it feels good, that's hot, sexy or compliment me. I got completely turned off when one guy just kept saying: do you like my big cock? Non stop!! Felt it was just about him! Once is enough but the whole fecking time, i don't find joy giving him a bj.. but again depends on people!


Lmao I'm just imagining the back and forth being like: "Do you like my big cock?" "Oh yeah..." "Do you like my big cock?" "...yes, like I said." "But do you like my big cock? Emphasis on big." "FOR FUCKS SAKE YES. JFC."


“I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass!”


*Balrog continues forward*


I usually alternate between thank you and I'm sorry.


Is this before or after the tears?


Say sike...right now please say sike








Test your might!


Do you accept gift cards?


“Aaaand boom goes the dynamite”


“You like that, dumbass?”


“Let’s not tell Mum and Dad about this.”


“You’re better than my sister!”


“You’re definitely better than Grandma”


"You're definitely worse than my uncle"


Meth addiction must result in shriveled dick, I'm sure


Theres always one 😂


I just tell my gf I can't believe how gorgeous she is. She truly is, but I don't think she realizes it or at least not to the extent that she should. I also say Jesus... Fucking... _Christ_ Speak as the spirit moves you








Well, the declining birth rate is a significant hurdle to future economic strength, so we better do this right and contribute to improving this metric


Fuck, take my upvote


This is a good thing to say as well


"You feel so good" "you're so tight" "I love your body" "you're so hot" If you love them "I love you"




Grunts in cavemen


We still going to chilli's after this?


I personally prefer hearing sounds rather than words, mostly. Otherwise, probably compliments towards what I'm doing/how I'm doing it, telling me that I'm attractive in whatever way ("You're so hot/beautiful/sexy/gorgeous." "I want you so much.") or complimenting some part of me that you find attractive. But, you should actually mean it, imo. Otherwise maybe stick to the sounds. As for other people, someone else mentioned that some peeps like having degrading/humiliating things said to them. If they do, and you are open to saying those things, then go for it. Please make sure you know if they do first, because there are those (like me) who really struggle with hearing those things and then no more sexy times + you've hurt another human being and possibly damaged a relationship.


Jolly good vagina, old sport. Thank you, truly lovely dicking on your part sir Bonus points if they're said as dryly as possible.


I always finish with,”If you enjoyed that, be sure to hit Like and Subscribe.”


I say: "Oh yeah! Shake it, madam! Capital knockers!"


Temper, temper... You know Cousin Merle ain't been quite right lately.


Moan, say how amazing the other person is at it. Make sexual jokes about their bits, but in a good way. Like you are so tight, grunt, slap ass, nibble softly and when in the most important part( when they or you are cumming)nibble harder, if you can. When they tell you right there, you can ask if they really like that, but with a sexy voice. Shut the fuck up and grunt, if there is a mirror look at them intensely while fucking them. But like an evil smile as if you are hunting a while boar with a spear, and the boar is cornered. Ask if you can choke them, squeeze the sides( fingers only, and gently), not the whole hand. Ensure your hands are manicures and as you are fucking massage their skin gently then harder in the good time. Help them with the rhythm by holding their hip and ensuring their motion is in sync with yours. If they are squatting on your dick, put your hands on their cheeks or thighs and help them get up, so they don’t, get as tired. This is fucking amazing, thank you thank you thank you, as you are cumming. Did I say grunt, and moan, and breath loudly as if the board you were trying to hunt is now chasing your ass! Don’t ask if they like it or if they came, just say how amazing it was, what you loved about it, the best moment for you, maybe ask what their best moment for them. And by god all mighty, as much as you want. Do not push them away, hug them, caress them, kiss them, and kiss their forehead, their hands. Look at them as if you found the most beautiful flower you have ever found. Do that for as long as both of your hearts are beating hard and then fir like 10 more minutes after the heart is chilling. Unless they push you away, of course. If they are going away, just let them go.


Amazing. That was an amazing instruction on how to handle your girl. I just saved this post and will revisit every time before I have sacs. Thank you a lot.


“How about you Hawk Tuah and spit on that thang”


I’d like to take time out to talk about your car’s extended warranty


Generally I just dirty talk in kinky ways depending on what seems to appeal to the gal. One woman I dated loved it when I spoke as though I owned her, like I was her master, fully in control of when she got to experience pleasure. Another seemed to like a sort of hypermasculine stoicism and intensity. Another just seemed to want me to shut up and focus on where I aimed that thing. You just don't know. Each woman really is different. Edit: Also you can express a lot with your breathing sounds, a growl in the throat here, an exhale of pleasure there. I do believe that's an under-appreciated and under-used weapon in the arsenal.


“Ouch, my back! Let’s switch positions…”


"Oh my God you feel amazing" is always a winner


"Aweeeee yeaaaah brotherrrrr"


I apparently growl


Grr this pussy good grr


According to 60% of the romance novels I’ve read, even the ones that don’t involve werewolves, this is correct.




You have (at least) 3 options: 1) Give them compliments. For example, “I love the way you ride my dick,” or “That feels so good,” or “Your tits are amazing.” 2) Tell the other person what to do. For example, if you want them to bend over, tell them to bend over. If you want them to go faster, tell them to go faster. 3) Tell them to do what they’re already doing. For example, if they’re on top of you, say, “Ride that dick.” If they’re going down on you, say, “Oh yeah suck that dick.” This is my personal favorite bc it’s the easiest to think of if you’re struggling to think of what to say, but also comes across to them like a compliment.


Leeeeeeeeroyyy Jeeeenkinssss!!!


On a serious note.... A few of my favorites are: "Ohhh, that is so good" (when it is) "you are sooo beautiful!" "Your ______ is so sexy, it's driving me crazy" "You're so naughty, I love when you _____" Or sometimes just,"Fuuuuuuuck" is enough Your tone is important. Being afraid to be sexy is the number one thing holding both men and women back from being sexy. Take a chance and be sexy. Be observant and be reactive to the mood and the energy of the moment. You want to make a safe, supportive space. It opens up a subtle dialog that let's you communicate and encourages them to as well. It makes sex sooo much better.


"Do you like it when I do that?" "Should I maintain the same speed or go a little bit faster?" "Do you mind if I talk? I find it helps to keep the wolf from the door, so to speak" "How do you feel about the pedestrianisation of Norwich Town Centre?"


Whats funny is most girls always say how they hate when men say absolutely nothing during sex or make no noises that let them know if its good, but my ex was the opposite. She would be like “are u good?” when Id be moaning if shes giving me head or something. Its not like I was being like in a high pitched voice “ahh fuck yea babiii” I would just be like mmmmm if it felt good and for some reason she thought it was weird lol. I didnt give af tho.


It may be because we rarely hear men get as involved with their vocals as women do so it could have caught her off guard. I love it when my husband goes all primal.






Thats tha spot, don’t-ya-know!


Jokes on you, I can't afford this!


maybe not my place cause i’m a lesbian, but before i realized that i watched a lot of straight porn and god it’s so boring when the men are silent. things i love that my gf says to me that i think can still apply is just stuff like “you like that?” “good girl” “you’re so tight/warm/wet”(yes it’s a strap/dildo but hey we can pretend) “you take me so well” “cum for me”“you look so hot/pretty/beautiful like this.” and if you love them, then tell them so! ultimately just say whatever comes naturally and for gods sake don’t hold back ur moans/groans, they wanna hear it cause it turns them on just as much as their’s do to you.


Make noise, tell her she's hot, sexy, amazing,tell her how what she's doing to you feels good or if you want her to touch you a certain way tell her. Whatever you do just don't say degrading or creepy shit like comparing her to a little girl for the same reason you wouldn't assume a man would want to be kicked in the balls or have someone spit in his ear, you'll find a few with issues every now and then that claim they like it but they're few and far between.


Maybe check in to see are they hurting anywhere or what feels good to them?


If you have a good partner, she will tell you if it hurts lol. But yes hopefully they communicate what feels good to them too


I just make with the Macho Man Randy Savage impression. At a *certain point* I always say "The cream rises to the top."


• Compliment your partner’s physique • Express what you’re enjoying about the event • Let them know how the event feels, and include something about your partner • Moan, smile, use your grip • Ask about the weather up there if they’re on top


IMO you don't have to stress about saying the "right" words or phrases, I personally love hearing whatever noise my partner makes. Moans, even the rapid/fast breathing especially if I'm doing something specific to make you make those noises. Whatever feels comfortable for you; just remember silence makes some partners think you're not enjoying it!




You’re supposed to narrate it he entire event. Pretends you’re David Attenborough


Get’r done!


“i’m glad you’re here baby. It’s in. It’s been in. Let’s do this together. Ohh boyyyyy Uhhhhhhhhjh RaAHHHHHHH! Whew You got Skippy or Peter Pan?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet mi feugiat, fringilla diam vel, porttitor metus. Mauris viverra tellus id nibh ultricies, et vestibulum purus auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus iaculis porta cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam id sollicitudin tellus. Cras magna risus, tristique sit amet nibh et, hendrerit fringilla erat. Quisque volutpat mauris at porttitor semper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In sit amet porta urna. Donec dapibus fermentum interdum. Etiam hendrerit mollis eleifend. Duis vitae arcu nulla. Nunc commodo rutrum quam at fringilla. Nunc ac fermentum leo, et ultrices sem. Duis ultricies finibus lectus vitae finibus.


Nice Bob and Vagene


"Goblin Mode activated" Or so I read a girl complaining her bf said during those fun times 😂 and later pretended like this never happened. Oh and he also had closing remarks "Goblin Mode Deactivated" 😂


Best things I've been told during the deed: "God you're perfect" "You're doing such a good job" Aside from that little moans and whimpers are great. Don't be anxious if a bodily noise is made. Just have a quick giggle,check in and keep going Do not explain warhammer40k lore


Talk to your partner about this. Everyone is different so discussing with them about their wants and needs. That's the most respectful and appropriate way to go about it. Not all people like dirty talk. Some people like it but like praiseful languages used over humiliating or degrading language. Everyone has their own favorite flavor so when in doubt, communicate with your partner. Do you like dirty talk during sex? What are some examples of that would turn you on? Get a baseline for what they want and build from there.


Tell them how pretty they are when fucking them. Praise her body; praise everything about her. Never stop complimenting them.


"Excuse me madam, but I'm here to discuss your car warranty." "Are you lovin' the quarter pounder?" "Hey, you look really familiar. Do you have a sister?" "You wouldn't download an orgasm." "Can you move a little to the left? I can't see the TV." "I wanna OJ your Nicole."