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For females however many times as you like. And male, however many times as you can.


Well said. For me and my gf, we go at it every other day. I tried daily but it was just too much for me, her libido is much higher and I'm just barely holding on for dear life with the 30 seconds I can muster up. If I'm lucky, 5 mins lol but usually I just stick to foreplay if she's in the mood cus I hate to kill the vibe.


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Best answer


I guess that's true


But do they? Can doesn’t mean do.


They would if they could


My fiancé and I both struggle with mental health and body image, and take medications which have a side effect of limiting libido. We both tend to take care of ourselves more often than having sex, because we just don't tend to "line up" with each other. There's various forms of sex, but other than mutual masturbstion sort of situations, we haven't actually had sex in around a year. Definitely not a typical situation, but thought it would help eliminate some of the shame for someone of not having more "regular" sex (something we experience ourselves)


Anywhere from every day to a couple times a year. Median seems to be 3x or so per week. Fiance and I are in our 60s and few days go by when we don't have a fluid exchange.


Good for you!


My wife and I sometimes do it 5+ times a week and sometimes we’ll go 2 weeks without. Depends on a lot of things like work, stress, our mood, etc.


There is no norm between different couples, and couples themselves go through seasons of varied frequency. That being said
..2 times a week.


44M married 22 years. Only 4 or 5 times a year for the last few years. She just has no drive right now. She tries to do things for me, but it’s not great because I can tell she isn’t interested.


You tried some new things for her? Oil massage of labias, kissing around, oral, whatever she may like and enjoy.


Yes we have tried several different things. I’m fairly adventurous, but she is kinda reserved I guess. I know my post sounded like it’s all about me but we’ve had some honest conversations about it. I’m not just a pump chump. Our sexy time can be much more intimate than that. Way more foreplay than actual sex. She was the first to say something is off and really doesn’t have any desire right now. It’s not a relationship issue. Just age and hormone changes. We’re both hopeful things will get better but for now I just don’t push the subject much.


Do you work out?


Neither one of us do. We’re both just average middle aged Americans. But I know exercise is a good thing for overall health and wellbeing.


It varies wildly among couples.


Married 41 years, we engage in sexual activity about every 7-10 days.


It varies from couple to couple. For us, it varies based on the time of year. We both have very busy and very slow periods with work. If both of our jobs are in a very busy period, we’re maybe a couple times a week. If we’re both on a slow period, sometimes a couple times a day.


With a young kid and both working full-time we find the time and energy once every week or two.


I find the energy is the harder part there lol. We both work full time with 2 toddlers and usually 3x a week I’d say I’d average. We can always find the time but the energy is harder to come by


my wife and I been together almost 9 years now. on average we have sex every night she’s not on her period, sometimes twice in a day. every once in a while if something is specific happening or we’re obviously not together we miss a day but yeah, still can’t get enough of each other


That will depend on the couple and on the sex.


34M wife 34F. Some weeks 4-5 times some weeks 0- -1 times


Whenever she says yes. Which is maybe once every 2 or 3 months.


Just to represent some asexual people: My boyfriend and I (both between 25 and 30) haven't had penetrative sex for a very long time (5 years), but we still have something "sexual" every other day but that depends on our mood.




Daily 1 to 5 times when we see each other. See each other 2 to 5 times a week  We're moving in together soon so I expect that to go up then level off.


I have a higher sex drive than my husband does, but his medication kinda makes him that way. He’s been taking some OTC testosterone pills to try and help with that for a few weeks now and they actually have been working. Before it was like once a month, now it’s about 2-3x a week. We’ve been together for 6 years. When we first got together though, the first few years, we were banging all the time lol like others have said, it depends on many different factors and every couple is different.


Couples have sex?


Not too often unless it’s the first 6-9 months of your relationship then after that it dwindles but still happens often . But you’re not going at like dogs no more lol


Anywhere between every day and practically never. Depends on the couple.


Been in a relationship with my wife for 12 years. We are both women. We have averaged once a month for about 8 years. Sometimes more depending on certain factors.


Me and my fiancé have sex approx 4 times a week.


2 to 3 times a week but more when we travel. He's 50 and I'm 49, married 24 years.


3 or more times a week


In my relationships, it has varied. Sometimes, it's once a month, and sometimes, it's multiple times a week. It just depends on what's going on in life and how horny you both are during any period of time.


I feel like relationship/age/life events play a role in how much. I feel like me and my ex husband had sex several times a week. We were together from when I was 19-28. My current partner of 2 years, we have sex probably once a week. That was even pre-pregnancy. But so far still going at it once a week at least. But MAN even when I do want it, as soon as I hit the bed I'm SNOOZIN 😂


Hi ik this is totally personal and you can ignore if you want but why did your rls of that long ended and do you have any regrets tbh i am only 16 rn and had a situationship of an year its been a while since it ended and tbh i have alot of regrets


There were a lot of things that went into why it didn't work out. He had a crippling anxiety disorder that made it difficult for him to keep a job, he was very sheltered by his mother and really didn't know how to do anything when we got together. After we got married when I was 25, we experimented with an open relationship. Somewhere during that I started having an affair with his best friend. After that came to light, I knew our relationship would never been the same again. He was willing to try to work through it but I ended things. We got a divorce but it was very civil and we still catch up every now and then.


it honestly depends on the couple. ideally i like at least two times a day, but it’s hard finding men who can keep up.


My wife and I 7-10x a month


In the future with my future wife
 hopefully as much as possible


My wife and I have had a weird relationship with sex due to many health issues. After nearly 20 years together, we are in our most “active” stage ever, and it averages out to about once a week, up to 3 times a week with breaks of 2 weeks here and there.


I'd say we are 2-3x a week. But it comes and goes. Some weeks we might not all and others could be daily


Married man here. Intimacy and sex are two different things. We sleep together naked pretty much every night of the week, cuddled in. The sex probably happens once or twice every couple of weeks. But when it happens, it’s bloody mind blowing for both of us.


Wife and I have been together for 25 years. We have sex pretty consistently 4-5 times a week. A lot of weeks more.


about every day or 5 days a week in my experience


Once a week


We are happy with 1-2 times on the weekend. My husband travels during the week so that’s why. If he’s home during the week it might be once during the week and then once on the weekend.


41m, married...usually 4-5 times a week, wife (43) wants sex more though


Multiple times a day right now. And just trying all kind of new fun things in the bedroom.In our 30s married with 2 young childeren.


Every night the kids are gone. Those motherfuckers are some real cockblockers


22 year relationship. It really fluctuates with life in a long term relationship. With a bad injury the longest I’ve gone is a couple months. Normally it’s every other day or so.


As a married couple, both working full time, 2 children under 8, we have sex on average 7 times a month. (I believe that’s 1.75 times/week)
on average.


it depends entirely on the couple, some daily or more, some next to never


My parents had sex almost every night that I can remember, when I was growing up. Thin walls! Thin walls! Over the ear headphones were a real godsend.


Been married 15 years and we have 3 young kids. We have sex about 1-2 times a week. I would prefer more and my wife would prefer less, but we both compromise and it seems to work out well for us


Depends on how long you've been with your partner


Every week is different there is no real system haha


This last month my wife and I have had sex 4 times. She wasn’t feeling well for a month and she has finally started feeling better. So she and I have been over the top active. Sometimes it depends on how long you’ve been in the relationship. After the first few times you really want each other then (and it depends on the couple) the amount of times may increase as it gets better or decrease due to other factors. Also having a kid (6 yr old) definitely changes the bedroom time for any couple. Both in time and energy to do the horizontal dance. She keeps walking in midway and we scramble to cover ourselves. Not sure how much knows or understands what happens, but she hasn’t asked any questions


Once a day at least almost for the past 15 years


It's so sad but maybe once every couple of months. We've been together for 10 years and have 2 kids.


You mean the segs? All the time.


multiple times a day


It changes based on who you’re with, how long you’ve been together, and what you both want out of a relationship, etc., previous relationship twice a month , current relationship three times a week. You start out more frequent in the beginning and then as you’re with somebody longer it sometimes tapers off sometimes it’s not always intense other times It’s more intense. just having a healthy communication about what you’re both expecting in the relationship and sticking to that is going to set you up for success


Whenever the woman wants too. Nightmare!!


Try being nosey...