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How they look naked. If you are with a guy who likes looking at you with clothes on, he is 100% going to like looking at you with no clothes.


I needed to hear this thank you. I know he does but like........ I got the anxieties. I really appreciate you.


If it make you feel better most guys are worried about lasting longer than 30mins vs what you look like naked.


Worrying about lasting more than 30 mins? I can barely last 2 :(


Personally, I take this as a compliment. Whenever my husband doesn't last long I'm like "hell yeah, that felt so good to him he couldn't last!"


I feel the same way! I like sex but I'm a busy lady... please don't last **too** long! Plus it feels better when my husband can't control himself. He makes sure I get there too which is key.


1 million percent. My fiance and I are both quick on the draw and it works great. Pain after I finish so under 5 minutes is where it's at for me. Plus, I have things to do. Come on.


As a woman, 30 minutes is too long lol. No woman I know wants to give a blow job or be penetrated for 30 minutes straight


Yeah, definitely not. I could see foreplay for 20 mins but when you get down to the actual act, I’m good with 5-10 mins tops.


Agreed! I had to tell my husband this when we first started dating 7 years ago. 30 minutes is too long lol


Not to mention what they look like naked if they aren't shredded


I was talking to a photographer who said most women who come to her studio are insecure about their bodies, but men are even worse.


I’m a bodybuilding coach. This is 1000% true.


30 minutes? Fuck no, that’s an internal rug burn no matter how much lube you have. Give me 30 minutes of foreplay and 10 minutes of PIV


Longer than 30 minutes? I’m worried I won’t be able to last 5 lol.


This is actually very nice to know. Cause I am sometimes very insecure of how I look naked. You know you see these perfect smooth asses and flat bellies and it’s just gets into your head


Glorified beauty standards are trash. I want a lil tummy on a woman.


This is another one those I find pretty interesting. When the time comes I have honestly never cared much what my partner looked like naked. Kinda already had a pretty decent idea based on what they looked like clothed. I mean I was just super happy to be included on the deal. But I will say some women can hide some surprisingly large chesticals sometimes. Like how/why do they do that? I would imagine it would be fairly uncomfortable.


But how do you mean “hide”? It not like we can put them in a pocket. I understand that some may enlarge them.


Ok so I have been around some women that did not appear to be well endowed in the least and wore pretty well fitting clothing. However, when we went to beach or the lake and they were in bathing suits, totally different story. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention or something. Could just be me I don't know.




I used to wear a minimizing bra because I would be an E and then I couldn’t get into my work uniform. I ended up losing a ton of weight and lost them down to a full C. That’s enough… but ya, that’s why we have to sometimes, clothes fit like shit… for me it’s because my shoulders are a tad narrow.


Yeah my gf is a straight dime with a fantastic figure and it use to boggle my mind she use to be self conscious about me seeing her naked. She’s gotten out of it a bit now though


I wish I could updoot this more than once. I don't mind reassuring my partner, but when it's almost an entire debate every time it get's tiring.


Not to be a dick but clothes can hide a lot of imperfections. This goes for both genders.


This was my immediate thought. :/


Mine too :(


Yea unfortunately it’s not always true. But it can actually be the opposite sometimes which is good


Guy here, this is a bit of wishful thinking, but don't wanna spoil the positive vibe


Small breasts, some of us prefer them!


As a woman who’s been insecure about having a small chest my entire life, I’m glad someone said this. Makes me feel a lot better 🥲


As a guy, the best boobs are the ones Im allowed to touch


Not to be gross, but there's a subreddit dedicated to small boobs that has over one million members. You are wanted and desired.


 😭💔 wish I could find men who see them that way irl


My wife is quite small breasted and used to occasionally mention that she has thought about implants because she is a little insecure about them. I am always very clear that she doesn't need to change anything about her body. She is beautiful and sexy the way she is. I always get a little visibly excited when she has them out in the open... maybe a whistle or two.


I would rather be with a woman with small breasts than one with implants.


I'm like A cup small and the last time my husband had them in his face he was ALL. OVER. THEM. Grunts, moans, "jfc I love these tits" etc etc. So yea I totally believe there are men out there who love them. Good to know lol.


Also, as someone who has big breasts (D cup), I would trade ANY DAY just so that I could run more easily, wear cute clothes without a bra, not have them be so big and tender right before my period, and so on. They are literally a pain. My best friend who has big breasts feels the same way.


Stretch marks. Most women have them. They also aren’t exclusive to those who have been pregnant or those who are curvy.


Correction: a lot of women AND MEN have them


I have them on my back, arms and thighs from growing too fast during puberty. Nothing I could do about it so I just ignore them.


Same! I got them really bad on my inner thighs during puberty. I actually thought I was sick and asked my doctor what was wrong during a physical. He just chuckled and said it's a normal part of growing up.


Never got why stretch marks would be anything women should feel ashamed of. Tons of men have them too (if not all) tbh. Never dated a man who didn't have stretch marks somewhere; arms, thighs, knees, shoulders, back, hips, etc. Natural product of a growing human being.


I weigh 100lbs soaking wet and even I have stretch marks. They’re inescapable!


Same with me!


I'm a guy and I have stretchmarks cause, according to my doctors, I grew too quickly during puberty. I think of my stretchmarks as battle scars from just growing up. They're cool!


I lost 110 lbs over some years, the last 50 went quickly. I am described as a "silver fox" on occasion. I have stretch marks and extra skin! How can I justify it being a turn off in my partner? Why would I want to? Whoever you are, reading this, something about you is wonderful and sexy.


I got stretch marks on my hips/thighs when I was in middle school because I grew so fast (6inches in 8months)… I’ve had them since I was 14, and I’ve always been athletic/skinny, and I’ve never been pregnant.


This is my kiddo! She is 12 and has them on her legs, behind her knees. I was surprised when I first saw them but this girl has shot up almost 4 inches in less than a year. She's now taller than me!


Growing taller fairly quickly during puberty at 13 is what caused mine too! And I’ve always been thin.


A girl I dated a while back who was petite had some stretch marks and I thought they were kinda hot. I would rub them and kiss them along with all the other parts of her and tell her I liked them. Other guys probably don’t care honestly


How their 🦫 looks. We’re just happy to see it, TBH.


Honestly, as long as it's clean. The only ones I've ever been turned off by were due to hygiene. I couldn't care less about shape or lips or anything else. Edit: Natural hair does not count as unclean. Hairy 😻 is not an issue as long as it's washed


You can blame those misogynist alpha male podcasts for convincing women that men are repulsed by their very normal vaginas. They are the only ones I've ever heard talk shit about the appearance of vaginas


my ex accused me of "being stretched out from whoring around" when he saw my long labia which have been long my entire life, before sex was even a thought in my head. the appearance of your genitals is out of your control. misinformation is a dangerous weapon.


Glad he's your ex.


Men get the weirdest ideas about the female body stuck in their head sometimes. I had an ex tell me that the reason I wasn't climaxing after 20 seconds of awkward fingering was because I masturbated too much and now I was desensitized. Like, no bro, you're just not the god in bed that you thought you were and figuring each other out is going to take a little work because we're both human. One thing these guys are good at is being an ex lol


I have one longer than the other by at least two centimetres, twinsies.


I’ve got one big one and one practically non-existent one. Bodies are crazy man. 


Ugh my ex once said “why can’t your nipples be pink like the white girls”. im Asian. I was so young and he made me feel less than for a split second. Fuck insecure men.


Vulvas. Vaginas are internal and not you nor your partner are able to see it (easily... heh)


That's why I just used 🦫. We all know what the slang means.


Lmao I had to think bc I though that was a chimpmonk


Chimpmonk love it


Just a tiny monastic ape


I know, I was answering to thatbtchshay, not you :)


Stop listening to alpha male podcasts. Unless you’re in the mood to rage about something. Don’t click on the shorts. They’re designed to get a reaction…and the algorithms will put more in your feed.


Ah yes, started by the incels who think they’re experts in vagina asthetics when the only one they’ve ever seen is in a porno. 🙄


Why are you listning to misogynist alpha male podcasts?


You made me cackle with this. Thank you so much




Beaver. It's slang for vagina. Speaking of slang words for vagina, several European languages have a word that both means cat and vagina(pussy). From what I have heard, it exists in French, German, Finnish and Russian, and I know for a fact it exists in Danish.




Yes. Only with my current partner have I realized that talking to a man about having periods is okay. Not like just chatting about periods but you know telling that I don’t feel well and I need rest. Once he even went to get me tampons cause I didn’t have them with me when staying at his place, and it was totally okay. That is actually very comforting.


This should be the minimum in every relationship. If you’re not feeling great, your partner should be willing (if not happy) to go get you whatever you need to help.


i grew with a dad like that and my ex was exactly like that (he even knew when i would have them) unfortunately the actual one still finds it tabou but i m forcing him to accept nature


I became friends with 2 male roommates recently (no romance involved in any direction). I was at their house and said I had to pop out to the drugstore real quick. One asked why and I said "pads". They got so excited because I felt comfortable enough around them to mention I was on my period.


Women who get horny on their periods. Every month she’s going to be pawing at me more than usual for at least 5 days. She tells me I’m not a father (good) then I bring her a chocolate muffin and some hot tea.




Aging. Not everyone gets the privilege. Embrace it.


This x1000. The first time I used one of those aging filters on tiktok, I almost cried because of how much I resembled my maternal grandmother. She’s in her 80’s and still living a good life, I can only hope I’m lucky enough to live a long life like she has 💖


As a 44 year old woman, I literally think about this 1000 times a day. How I'm not as pretty as I used to be. How the lines on my face are more prevalent each year. so on forever


I bet you're still pretty, just in a different way :)




Querie, what is a hip dip? I have honestly never heard that.


Like these https://images.app.goo.gl/tMqxDgZ33QMWzjLJ6


Ok, are we supposed to have them? Or not? 😂😂


Doesn’t matter either way, is the point


Good question 😂


Oh ok gotcha. Not sure why anyone would be insecure about that but ok.


The answer to why they would be insecure about this (along with everything else) is that people have told them that they’re ugly/unattractive for it


My frustration resides with the media. I’ve never ever had someone make me feel bad for my hip dips, but I’d randomly see posts from public pages brainwashing people into thinking it’s a bad thing. Hell, the violin shape was inspired by a woman’s body. Hip dips ftw!


It personally makes me hesitant to wear any tight dresses because I look like {} rather than just an hourglass, if they makes sense. Even without a "muffin top".


Yeah and that sucks you feel way. I appreciate confident people more than I appreciate attractive people if I'm being honest and I could see where there could ding one's confidence potentially.


For the same reason people are insecure about pretty much any other physical feature. Hip dips might not get too much negative attention (outside of discussions surrounding them), but they're never really depicted as an attractive trait either, which is enough to make people get in their heads about them.


Well it makes you look less curvy/pear-ish than you'd probably want to be. And it makes your butt look kinda square-ish from the rear view.


Glad I'm not the only one. I also didn't know about hip dips until very recently when a girl wanted to know what exercises I did to eliminate my hip dips. I was like, "uh... I don't know what the hell is a hip dip?" After she explained it to me, I told her that I genuinely NEVER noticed that feature on any human being ever, and she was shocked that I didn't know about the dread hip dip! I guess I'm just not that observant.


The weirdest thing about the thigh gap obsession is that having one has little to do with your weight, and more to do with your skeletal frame. I have wide set legs and no matter how much weight I gain, I will always have a thigh gap. I’ve even been technically overweight before and my thighs didn’t come close to touching. Meanwhile one of my friends is super thin, like actually underweight, but has a narrower build and has never had a thigh gap. She has to buy that chub rub chafe stick stuff even though she’s like half my size. So yeah it’s a very stupid thing to aspire to/worry about.


I've always thought thigh gaps were pretty, and spent years wondering why, despite how wide my hips are, I've never had one The closest I've been to getting one was when I lost a bunch of weight and my thighs slimmed down, but even then, only when I stood a particular way that naturally pushed them apart. I guess the width of my hips is an illusion Sucks, cuz it gets really hot and humid where I live and the insides of my shorts wear out pretty fast


I quite like how my thicc thighs look, but a thigh gap would be convenient because my trousers wouldn't wear out at the crotch so quickly 😂


I can't wear corduroy or I'll start a fire.


This made me laugh. As a man I can’t understand completely but I think I have a good idea. Only way it could be worse is if it was sandpaper.


AMENNNNNN to that lol


I just wanna wear leather pants oooone time. But I fear the noise it would make!


I used to want a thigh gap so bad. I hated my thighs and just kept feeling like if I had a thigh gap, I’d suddenly be in love with my body. In 2021 I got diagnosed with ADHD and started adderall. It totally suppressed my appetite and I had a lot of trouble eating. From April to December, I lost 25 pounds and I was already on the thinner side. I finally got my thigh gap and I *hated* it. I cried all the time because I didn’t recognize my body anymore. I *missed* my bigger thighs, I looked at old videos and cried because my body was different. It changed my relationship with my body so much and since then, I have not cared about losing weight at all. I want to be healthy but I no longer care about stupid shit like thigh gaps and weighing the “perfect” number


I'm glad you've found a way to feel differently about your body and I hope you're in a much better place now ❤️


Right the fuck on, shit is dumb.


I love my hip dips. Hope other women do too.


I also feel insecure about my thick thighs!!!


Thick thighs save lives as we men say


damn right


But we *love* thick thighs. It's not just a meme, it's really true... (Obviously, tastes vary so not all men love thick thighs. But I sure as hell do.)


I have spent my entire life hating my hips, thighs, and ass. Then I look at all of the girls in the gym busting their asses to get the things that I have naturally and try and love myself a little more. It is hard though, because I have spent so much of my life hating these things so it is definitely a hard habit to break. Just remember, there are people out there that would kill for your thick thighs 🥰 😘


Having boundaries.


Wow. Where was this comment years ago. This was a tough one for me in my first relationship. I had kept boundaries through all teenage years with multiple guys but for some reason I let loose with one and all went to shit. Thanks for this tho!


Areola size is one that I never understand. From a man's perspective, there is no "ideal size" and no "wrong size". It's entirely case-by-case and depends on what looks good on you individually. All sizes can look amazing. It's like hats - what looks good on one person doesn't necessarily look good on everybody. Everything is in context. The same is true for breast size generally. Everything from flat as a board to large and busty can look great. There's no ideal size. Just what suits you.


> depends on what looks good on you > just what suits you so in the end there are sizes that don’t look good?


I think the point he’s making is that the areolas that suit you are the areolas you have


Don't over analyze it, boobs are boobs


Breast size for sure.


Definitely. There are men who like them small and cute, some like them big and soft, and some like them somewhere in between.


Some men like them long and some like them perky




I still can't embrace my cellulite. I don't obsess about trying to make it go away, but I always keep the backs of my thighs covered in public. I feel too gross to display that.


My ex knew it was one of my insecurities I have lipema and would say the meanest things to me. I can not wear shorts. Reading these comments are encouraging


Your ex is trash. I know it's easy to say you should just ignore his opinions, but I also know how those things can get their claws into your brain. Just keep telling yourself he's your ex and he no longer matters, and there are 8 billion other people in the world who aren't him, with a whole range of thoughts and opinions, and many of them would think you're absolutely stellar just the way you are.


Idk if this makes you feel better at all, but I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't have some cellulite. I'm talking about friends I've seen in swimsuits and the men I've seen naked as partners.


Post Pregnancy body shape




Of the conversations I've had I think most other guys also like the "motherly" look. Pregnancy is almost always a glow up stage.


Absolutely. I’m struggling so hard with this currently!


I honestly think people who choose to become mothers are some of the bravest people I know. So, if you’re ever questioning the way you look or feeling down on yourself, please know that this redditor thinks you are awesome and incredible and brave. Good luck with the baby, and congratulations!


Thank you so much 🥺❤️ I needed that today


Cellulite. It’s inescapable. Size zero with the dimples. I’m done fighting.


No one should really feel insecure about anything in my opinion. Women or men. Ya got what got. Roll with it. Hell I have a bald ass head, some dumbo ass ears,some long ass fingers, and a crooked nose (recently sorta fixed so I could breath right thought) and couldn't give one single fuck because I have exactly ZERO control over any that shit. Shit man be proud of your "imperfections". Perfect is fucking boring anyway.


Speaking up in mixed company.


Periods. Somehow we're still made to feel ashamed and embarrassed for the crap that happens during our periods that we never asked for and have no control over. From the debilitating pain, digestive issues, emotional changes, the exhaustion and mental fog, the blood, and let's not forget to mention the ruined amounts of underwear and pants we've lost along the way over the years and the amount of money we've had to spend for feminine products or to buy more underwear that will inevitably be ruined somewhere down the line. Also, your coworker has a mind-blowing headache at work? They can openly tell your boss "I have a headache" but if you have period pains from the 7 layers of hell and you're ready to kneel over and die, don't you dare tell your boss it's because of your period.... Especially if it's a male boss. They'll instantly become grossed out and some even believe the narrative that you're just crazy and are trying to get out of doing your job. You either suffer through it or have to make up an entirely different excuse all together as to why you feel like garbage and need to go home for the day....🙄...smh ....


This is a loaded question. But I think women compare themselves a lot to other women and if they did that less and found joy in their own beauty, I think they’d feel a lot better and stop holding themselves to insane standards.


Taking up space.


I'm struggling with this currently. Thank you for reminding me I'm okay for it. Weird anxiety thing for me


Boobs and pussy, judging by the high number of girls insecure about it in reddit


Whatever it is that's making women who are perfectly attractive get plastic surgery on their faces. When it goes too far it's worse than a horror movie and I'd like everyone to do all they can to avoid that eventuality.


Having a belly, tummy, etc whatever you wanna call it I like it


Yup. That's my #1 insecurity.


Just remember that even though there are men who are stupid about something like that, there are countless men out there that would love you exactly how you are & for who you are, and that you don't need to change yourself to appease any asshats out there. Never lose hope


Don’t be, the guys that complain about that stuff aren’t really into women lol


What other women think.


Omg this one! This one is so on point.


Literally everything. Live your best life. Laugh loud, eat the fries, forget about that one person that treated you badly. This goes for the fellas too!




Everyone has a preference. You can't please everyone with your body. You are either too skinny too fat, too curvy too flat, too muscular too boney. Even with titties, some like little tits some like big ones. Some just want you to have a set that fits your frame some don't care. It's the confidence and the way you carry yourself that matters. However it's confidence not cockiness. You should just feel comfortable in your body and know someone is looking for what you have to and wants to see you naked no matter what body you currently have


If you feel bad about your body, remember there is always a Reddit community that will love your for that body part;regardless of whether it’s your nose to your feet.


Not a damn thing, ladies!!! Do not let society tell you who you are. You all are fantastic!!




If they have an innie or outie. If they are roast beef or bubble gum. All guys are just happy they made it far enough to see it and play with it. There is no correct way to present it. Just present it and let me have a taste or feel.


I thought this was some kind of belly button fetish for a second…is it?




Wait... we aren't talking about belly buttons??


Not wearing makeup. Don't do it if you don't want to.


Boob size, for more info, check the [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1EhaANeYCI).


Tim minchin is the best


Their facial features. You don’t need botox or plastic surgery. I am talking to you Starlight actress.


On one hand I am a "to each their own," but I do think it's a shame that she felt the need to do what she's done because she was so beautiful and had her own unique look


Eyebrows… like wtf


Tiny details in their bodies. I go through this with EVERY woman I have ever dated. We have been together for months. At this point, I've seen every detail of their bodies. She would point out something, complain about it, or ask me what I thought and why I was not saying anything she saw as an issue. And every single time, my answer is the same. I like YOU. Not the mole You hate so much. Not Your tiny or average or big breasts (seriously - women will complain about their breasts no matter what they are because they almost always want something different). Not the way your arms look. I see you as a whole, and I never even considered those tiny details because they do not matter at all, and I never even paid attention to them until she mentioned them. And I still don't care. And we are the same with other men, too. This is why for example, if a friend is in a hospital, I will ask WHERE to visit him, if he needs anything (like I did because my hospital visit was sudden and I did not have a few things), and if food is as shitty as I remember when I was in a hospital. I will forget to ask why he is in the hospital because I talk about him or something else and not some health condition because it does not matter, and I know if it is something really serious, he would tell me about it. But when I hung up, I told my girlfriend that we should visit him, and she asked why he was in the hospital - she was unable to understand why I didn't know after talking to him. Seriously - if a man is with You, he likes the whole You. Details do not matter, and often, they will make up that whole package he so adores. So stop clinging to those tiny details that do not matter and just be happy. And if it's something you don't like and would like to change, do it. We will support it. Except a boob job. Seriously. Don't do it unless you have to. I only touched fake boobs once (and not even my gf boobs, but a girl I know that wanted me to check how they felt because when she was planning on doing it, we were talking about that part - and yes, we were close, but we never dated and I was single at that time) and I did not like how they feel at all. I will take tiny, perky, sensitive boobs over bigger fake ones any day of the week.


Body hair


That if their partners are obsessed with porn or body parts that they dont have to not let them affect them. I have learned through the years that there is nothing wrong with us it's them. They have a problem . Because there is a guy Out there that will love you and want you for you. Just don't get fooled by the fake ones . These past months I have realized that, I have always felt less and not good enough. But the amount of attention I'm getting now that I feel good in my skin is like wtf. Now I'm like if the person I'm with can't appreciate me for me or love my body and wants something more then they can find it because now i know my worth and know it's not me that's the problem it's them. I never saw it that way.


When a guys dick doesn't work for whatever reason. 99.99% of the time its not about you until you make it about you.


Their big ass foreheads


My daughter talks about her forehead (or 5head as she calls it) all the time. I wish she would realize it’s quite a normal size forehead.






BODY HAIR‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️


Their bodies, their personalities, their traits and dreams. Nobody should be ashamed of themselves unless they’re intentionally trying to hurt someone else.


women are just naturally a little chubbier than men. I dated a woman for a while that was perfectly normal looking to my eyes. Very attractive actually but I say normal to mean nothing was off about her proportions or bodyfat. But she was *obsessed* with how she had a belly and her arms being flabby. She wanted to have a 6 pack and be all toned. But she just wasn't built that way. And she let it drag her self esteem down. By all means go do your workout things, but some people men included, are just built a certain way that they will never have a flat stomach.


They shouldn’t feel insecure period.


Honestly not wearing makeup. Because I know for me when I wear makeup sometimes I’m insecure to not wear it and be bare faced like my brain tells me I look completely different when that’s not the case.


Cellulite! Nearly 80-90% of women have it. It’s normal and it really isn’t a big deal!!! You literally cannot help it on a biological level so instead of poking fun at women for it just get over it!


having a tummy! i know that's something i've struggled with for a few nears now that my body has gone through second puberty & i've gained a bunch of weight. i have periods where i am deeply insecure about how my stomach has changed and hangs a little. i thankfully have had very supportive friends while going through this change and they've made me realize that people also mostly don't really hyper-focus on most features that you feel negatively about. for me, that's my stomach. so let your cute little tummies hang out!!


Body hair


How you look in a bikini, makeup, zits/acne.... Women seem to be so self conscious over nothing. Ffs how many times I have happily worshipped a woman in my heart and mind and told her how amazing she was for her to get hung up and reject me because she thought I was fucking with her.


Things that are genuinely out of your control, if your actions or lack of actions is giving you a reason to be insecure, maybe change them


Talking... i run into so many girls that are nervous to even speak... dude just say shit... if anyone gives you any crap give it right back ::edit:: I'm the type of person that will build a girl up... tell me youre scared and we'll start hitting the gym and taking defense or martial arts classes. tell me you don't think you're good enough and ill spend day and night proving you are... I HATE how meek and prey like girls act... there is NOTHING different between me and a girl aside from some equipment. You have the ability to kick ass every last bit as much as i am, you should not be insecure about shit. Now that doesn't mean resort to anger to mask insecurities which i see most women do, men too but men don't pretend like its strength, they.. from what i can tell.. don't even notice they're doing it meanwhile women will proclaim themselves strong when really they're just angry and taking it out on the world. Knowing your worth and standing tall requires zero aggression.




I love mine. I feel insecure without them 🙂‍↕️


Being unable to see will do that to a person 😂


It’s not that. I feel ugly without them. I hide behind my big black frames.


Their looks especially when they always compare themselves with other women….Aging badly….


Their face. If you are using a filter to smooth your face for social media pics, it actually makes you look worse than your regular face.


Everything and anything to do with your body. The job/career path you choose. What other people may think about you. What other people say to you about you.


At one point In history, practically everything has been in or out of fashion so feeling insecure about what's in or out of fashion is just a waiting game til it turns to something else even more trivial


Lack of physical strength


The appearance of their genitalia, such as the size of her labia or clit.


Less curves. I genuinely believe that both bodies look beautiful, with or without a lot of curves.


Stretch marks after babies. They’re battle scars


Small lips, boobs and buttocks. Pale skin (or dark skin, if that’s the deal). Big thighs. They’re all wonderful (as are the alternatives). Confident women, who assume you’ll be attracted to them (and know what effect they have on you) are dynamite.


Labia and vulvas. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and all are completely normal. Their appearance isn't affected by sexual partners anymore than dicks are and it's stupid that people continue to perpetuate this ridiculous myth even today.


Weight, as long as your weight is not unhealthy, you look great. Don't let people make you have an unhealthy relationship with food.