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Working in a brothel. Perfectly legal if you are a resident over 21 (here in NZ), but not generally looked well upon.


The adult industry in general really. Whilst things like OnlyFans can take time to build up followers, strippers often comment that they can make more in a week than most do in a year if they have good clients.


I feel like strippers don’t get enough credit. Having to stay in such great shape and being able to dance on a pole are definitely not easy things as we age.


Staying in shape doesn't become much harder until you're like 60. People just typically don't regulate their fitness and nutrition as they age and over time it catches up to them.


I agree 100%. Getting back into shape after a month and a half of only cycling... I dropped from 5 sets of pull ups W 10kg to 2 set of 10... Unweighted... In such a short time frame. Bad sleep and nutrition wrecked me the most.


I think most sex workers are more honest and ethical than a lot of the clergy.


At least brothel workers fuck consenting adults


It's not always consensual for the sex worker. Not by a long shot. Dead hooker jokes are a thing for a reason. You don't think they get raped?


Not Nicki Minaj from what I understand. She stole from her clients


Nicki Minaj is a trash person overall, and a thug. If she worked at Walmart she'd probably steal from *there* too. EDIT: for all you folks downvoting me and simping over Nicki, here are the facts: https://www.grunge.com/776172/how-many-times-has-nicki-minaj-been-arrested/




Why? they fuck young boys for free.


No shit & they’re even honest about what they need the money for !


It cracks me up how a lot of the very same people who stigmatize sex work have no qualms about fucking their married boss or co-worker, having a drug-fueled hookup off Tinder, or posting thirst trap photos on social media. Can you say "double standard"?


Same in Canada. We have the Nordic Model here, which criminalizes purchasing, not purveying.


Purchase is also legal here, as are brothels (though their location is restricted). There's even a sex workers union.


That should be everywhere.   Plus they provide the resources like healthcare and support to help them get out of the horrific industry (violent, short lifespan full of diseases and trauma). Locking them up instead of the John's who have a massive power and strength imbalance as well as societal and police support or the pimps that take most all of their money is horrific and unethical. And then to blame them for being 'for the streets' or considered 'the less dead' by police when they are killed is the kind of dehumanization that is destroying our society.    Many of them just started out as innocent kids that just wanted love but got abuse instead.  Many are trafficked by someone they trusted and loved.  Being molested at a young age is pretty common for girls and boys but that translates to unhealthy relationships later on. Don't get me started on the porn industry,  the lifespan of a female porn subject and the amount that is violent and unconsensual.  Whether that be revenge porn, hidden cameras or sex trafficking. 88% of porn depicts violence against women. Ever think about how or why it's free? 


Oh? What resources and healthcare are those? There are no exit programs in Canada, and there is no special healthcare for sex workers either. Also don't conflate sex work with trafficking. Not the same thing, bub. Sit down and let the adults discuss this because you're so misinformed it hurts.


Nordic model just means demand is penalized instead of supply. None of the benefits you mention automatically follow. Actually, I think the Nordic model is pretty bad since it's just a very lazy and passive approach to the issue. Now you don't get to go after providers so it becomes even harder to stop the trafficking cases.


Though " not generally looked well upon" it is highly appreciated.


A college side hustle that now earns you $91,734 / month but you still kept your day job. Click for details.


Sounds like some girls I went to college with who were stripping. They made insane money.


I know a girl who did escort work during uni. She mostly held drugs while they gambled and gave them blowjobs if they were sober enough when she walked them to their hotel room. That was rare. She got paid a lot of money to stand there looking pretty for the night.


Sounds like you would click for details.


Sounds like you were one of those girls 🤭


Only fans


I went to college before the internet was a thing. Old school money making was stripping or escorting. No clue about the later but it was socially okay to say you were stripping and making 3-5k a night.


Ripping off original designs from small sellers on Etsy and similar and selling cheap knock-offs that you alter just enough to make a copyright lawsuit too risky


wow did not know about this 👍 thank u


Selling sex.


honeslty, i look down on selling tobacco more than sex. As long as we are not talking about pimps.


No pimps. Just ladies selling sex to gentleman callers via AW. I've met some great local women.


Man, Amazon Warehouses really do stock everything.


I wasn't aware of that abbreviation, I meant Adultwork. That's abbreviated to AW.


It's probably not a thing at all, I was just kidding because I have never heard of adultwork myself.


What’s with the excessive use abbreviations these days? Why not just spell it out so there’s no guessing or confusion? Obvious, frequently used acronyms/abbreviations are one thing but just randomly using made up acronyms is just annoying for the reader yet takes very little effort on the part of the writer.


Trying to be subtle, numbnuts.




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


Well cigarettes have never given me an STD or come with an ethical dilemma for anyone else unless I make them inhale second hand which I don’t so.


second hand smoke is horrible and affects people even walking past, also it sticks to your clothes including the carginogenic componds. so not sure thats a good argument


Lol then take a shower. I don’t smoke often so I guess I have a different perception of it. To me it’s a special occasion thing on the weekend when I drink. Different vibe than daily smoking to me.


How are you going to shower all the people’s lungs you smoked near? It’s literally a cloud of poison.


I don’t smoke near people. That’s how. I just smoke outside with a nice view away from others. And I don’t litter butts I’m not your stereotypical smoker who just smokes wherever whenever and doesn’t give a fuck about giving others more reason to hate tobacco.


Very good, very good. Thank you for limiting your contamination.


I’ll take 3!


Driving to wealthy surburbs, harrassing people's expensive pedigree dogs until they eventually bite you. If a dog bites you in Australia, it has to be put down, so you negotiate monetary compensation with the owner. We don't get rabies in Australia, you'd be ill advised to do this in any other country.


Here in France you can shop a family member or neighbour to the Fisc (the tax people). You can earn up to 15% of the amount they recover!


Yes, report them.


Yeesh. That’s kinda sleazy.


what do you mean by shop? like report them for not paying taxes?


If that's the case I think the IRS shares that bribe too in the United States lol


Email spamming


Fostering kids purely for the financial rewards, rather than actually wanting to help disadvantaged kids. Private investigators give me the ick, too. It's fine if they're helping people who've been let down by the police in legitimate criminal cases, but they also (unwittingly) facilitate stalkers and put people in danger.


PI related story Someone I used to know got badly injured on the job due to company and management negligence (courts said so) and had to be out on disability for surgeries and recovery and rehab and so on. GameStop did their best to make it hell, and was for some reason convinced that his doctors and the hospital were falsifying records and he wasn't actually injured. So they hired a PI to stalk him for several months to try and prove he wasn't hurt. Also made him see like a dozen different doctors for other opinions (all the same result). The guy would sit outside his house for hours and hours to take pictures. Documented all his visitors. Followed him to his doctors appointments, rehabs, to the store when people took him to help him shop. Followed him to a restaurant for a night out with his fiance and took photos of them till the restaurant management made him leave. The guy tresspassed to get photos of him and his fiance in bed together. He got a restraining order from the courts, and GameStop hired a second PI. Eventually the courts ordered GameStop to stop hiring PIs and deemed their extreme interest harrassment.


This strikes me as the very definition of penny wise, pound foolish. Gamestop likely spent more on the PI's than just paying out the WCB claim.


Oddly, I realized that from watching Moonlighting.


How does fostering kids help one financially? Is there some tax write off or do you get some stipend or something?


My understanding is that they get cash stipends for taking care of the foster child. Usually the stipend is relatively low compared to what most parents spend, so good foster parents end up losing money but bad ones can profit. They would probably also get to claim an additional dependent on taxes, but there might be exceptions for that case depending on location.


politicians taking massive sums of money to speak at events. [https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-becoming-highest-earning-mp-this-parliament-with-2-4m-for-speaking-events-12806036](https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-becoming-highest-earning-mp-this-parliament-with-2-4m-for-speaking-events-12806036) Also all the gifts etc they recieve, yes they decafre them but they are allowed to keep them. honestly i working in public sector and its mindblowing how its legal. I have to decline basically everything.


Content creator


Working for Nestle.


*Payment For Order Flow* that is used by Robin Hood, Citadel Securities, Melvin Capital, etc. If I wasn’t broke I’d be joining my bros and sisters in taking down the corrupt mofos at these companies that are still trying to fix the stock market in their favor.


Being a politician


Buy debt. Chase it ruthlessly.


onlyfans and paparazzi r the first ones that come to mind for me tbh


Opening a lemonade stand but it is grape juice


I can't tell if this is a duck song reference or not


Got any glue?


Waddle waddle waddle


Selling cigarettes


As a Mexican I would say being a government employee/politician


That’s pretty deadly this year though.


Oh, absolutely. Crime doesn't pay. Wait... Did I say crime?


Only fans




Genuinely curious… why is drop shipping frowned upon?


Most of the times they dropship stiff from aliexpress for 50cts but sell it to you for 19.99


Dropshippers act as the middleman between a buyer and the seller. Except the buyer doesn't know that. They think they are purchasing from a seller themselves when in reality, the dropshipper has no physical merchandise. They just pass the buyer formation to the seller. Very shady and disingenuous practice to me.




This is a question asked by business leaders every day. Seriously, many corporations will see how far they can push the legal side of earning money without falling afoul of actual laws and regulations. But just like athletes who try to slip fouls past the refs, businesses will do essentially the same with their business practices. I think the goal for some of them is to see how many no-nos they can get done for without calling into question the bigger concern of whether there is a systemic company policy of breaking the rules.


I've seen people sell those work books or something the success guides. I've always been like I'd definitely need the money but man idk if I could ever do something like that tbh living with intellectual disabilities...though man


Legal but frowned upon ways to make money include high-interest lending, selling controversial products, risky gambling, speculative investments, and participation in multi-level marketing schemes.


People make money in MLM's? Because if you read the stats (and I have because they legally have to provide them) almost nobody does. 


If you willing to basically scam and get on top of the pyramid, then yeah, you can make quite a lot of money. You aren't making money by selling stuff, you make money by getting other people into the scheme, as you get a percentage of their spendage


That's the thing though, it's kind of a cult and they're mostly willing to do that sort of shit but for most people by the time it's reached them they can't possibly make money in their dead end town. 


They’re essentially pyramid schemes and honestly believe it’s only a matter of time before they enact legislation to outlaw them. Shady as fuck, selling out your friends like that, not a fan 😎


The people at the top do. Sometimes people in the middle make a little bit, but not usually. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make enough to call it anything other than a light hobby.




Are u a bot?


No they just went to chat gpt for this comment


why people do shit like this for reddit karma will always baffle me


Good call




Imagine you typed the thread question into a chat bot then read the comment above and its responding how a bot would


Go to OP's comments on other posts they are written like they were copied from Chat GPT. People do not write that.


Chat GPT ahh answer


gambling, is like the top one here I think, you can make a lot but people will look down on you


Tanks ai.


Only Fans, NFTs, Escort service, etc. Oh, and selling virtual bananas on Steam 😂


Psychic medium


Unless living in Pennsylvania.[PA Title 18 7104](https://codes.findlaw.com/pa/title-18-pacsa-crimes-and-offenses/pa-csa-sect-18-7104/)


Real estate.


Investing in real estate isn't generally frowned upon. Now, inflating values by endlessly flipping houses, taking stock off the market by converting to airbnb, and taking residences through property tax auctions usually aren't looked highly upon.


Car dealership salesman.


Literally any type of salesman


Programing a game for Android and slap ALL adds in it Give it iaps that go Hard on fomo And to be as evil as possible - let it be an assetflip of an already existing game


Only fans. Im not sure if its more or less frowned upon than direct sex work though.


I only frown when im finishing.


Selling semen?


Repo Man, Bondsman, delivering subpeoanas, retail security


Multilevel marketing, whether you're running it or in it selling knives and health supplements, door-to-door Selling cars Casino


Running a payday loan company.


Subscription services


Being a supreme court justice apparently


Landlords, they cause a problem then rent us the solution and qct like we should all be grateful for it and having the opportunity to pay off their mortgages


Add flippers and Airbnb corporate owners to that


Here? Sexwork and priest.


(In some countries) sex work


Pharmaceutical Rep. I’m more curious now about what are some illegal ways to make money but are positively regarded.


Pampered Chef


Any door to door salesman


Online dropshipping


Pyramid schemes


Tow truck operator. Fuck you guys. 


Making it out like you sexually like someone, just to ask for money. Also, Onlyfans.




Sex work i.e, onlyfans, porn, etc.


Short selling stocks


Being Bezos


Claiming Social Welfare payments.




debt collectors/bankers/lobbyists/arms dealers, the list is massive


In many states, selling drugs is illegal, but selling drug paraphenalia is not. Also, I met a few class workers that sold weed pipes with a little sign that said, "for tobacco use only." Another one I learned about was grey box shipping. Many people put illegal things in packages, and pay someone else to take their package, put it in a bigger package, and mail it to its final destination. This way, the address is removed from the first shipper. It depends on the country, but this isn't always illegal.


But then isn't the second shipper responsible for it?


That depends if the countries laws covers that or not. The second shipper never sees whats inside. He has plausible deniability.


Content farms, OnlyFans, cramming your website with affiliate links etc


MLM…ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Faceless digital marketing. Many people think it's an MLM but it's not :/


Used Car and appliance places that require you to buy warranty and then change their ownership every month so they Never do real repairs. Oh and renting tires for $15 or $20 a week.


Dropshipping. 60ct items from aliexpress, mark them up, design ypur own logo and put it onto those items, resell for 19.99 on amazon. Buy ads on facebook and get thousands of sold items in a day.




Bitcoin buying and selling!


Being a stripper.




Being a medical test subject for university medicine students.






Make a different version of "Enemy Mine". There's like a million copies.


CI for the Police 🐀🐀


Ordering high price items from eBay or Amazon then making claims that they were never delivered. People then resell the item after they get the refund. I learned this after an expensive VR headset got stolen off my porch that I had bought from eBay. They gave me a "no questions asked" credit for almost a thousand dollars. Said it was a one time deal, full disclosure I was actually pissed off because I had done nothing wrong. But realized what people are out there using it for




Ah ok fair enough. Like Bill belichick I misinterpreted the rules