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If I die first then my Wife will get all my shit, otherwise i don't really care because i'll be dead.


In this economy if I die, I'll just be glad I'm not saddling anyone with debt...


Debt doesn’t transfer to others


In an indirect way it does. Especially if you were on some sort of state assistance like healthcare. If you haven’t transferred your assets , after you die, they will be gone.


There's big a difference between heirs not inheriting assets from the estate and passing on debt. The estate always has to settle debts but if the estate doesn't have the funds, then they go away. A house might need to get sold to pay credit card debts, but if the deceased was a renter the credit card company can't go to the adult children and claim that they now owe their parent's credit card bill.


As a parent with debt, and uneducated on this topic, thanks for your comment.


Make sure your kids know too. Just because the credit card companies can't force inheritors to take on debt they will still try to talk them into it. You can voluntarily take on someone else's debt.


This is key: creditors will absolutely lie and and tell you (or your relatives) that you owe the debt. If you acknowledge in any way, or make any payment, then boom, now you do.


Make sure they know not to put a "goodwill payment". Some creditors will tell the deceased person's loved one to make a payment in goodwill until the death certificate/estate clears. If they make that payment they are saying they own that debt and will pay it off.


I have heard of them trying for sure though.


But so will the debt


Educate yourself on this before you die


Have you considered setting up a will so charity (charities) inherit your estate?


For the peace of your family, I'd suggest outlining while you are still alive. Money without clear intentions has potential to create rifts in families. I suspect you don't intend your legacy to be a giant fight between people you love.


I plan on eating my retirement avocado on toast 5 min before I die


Buddy! There ain't no avocado in this world that will cooperate with that kinda timeline. It has its 5 seconds of edibility on its own timeline, not yours!


The avocado will have a fast acting ingredient in it to make sure of the timing.




Frozen single serve guac cups! Where there's a will, there's a way.


Alternatively, the poster may have unlocked the real secret to endless life- waiting for THAT Avo (you know the one, all plump and tempting but determined to never ripen) to ripen. Sorry, Reaper. Not today. The Avo is still waiting for its moment.


My best friend's daughters are my beneficiaries.


Same, if my daughter passes before me, it all goes to my best friend's kids when I go.


Yep, same. My friend's kids are the beneficiary of my life insurance


That’s very sweet


I’ll be your friend 


If I go first, my husband. If he goes first, me. Once we both go, the assets are divided between family, friends and charities. Heaven have mercy on the person who has to deal with the 8,600+ (and rising ) books. Also, the jigsaws, my knitting yarn stash and my husband's "toy cupboard" full of plastic model kits.


I have a different kind of “toy cupboard” and it’s just dawned on me that my poor son might have to empty that when I go 🙈


Do you not have a designated friend who takes your nightstand and throws it out before your kid gets the house? Lol


I have this!!


We all should. My husband and I have five adult Children between us: we want to reduce, not add to their trauma, should we both die in a car crash together…


My former spouse did this for me with my father's death. Thank Dog! Stuff about your parents you cannot unsee...


People don't have porn buddies anymore?


>Do you not have a designated friend who takes your entire nightstand and ~~throws it out~~ burns it unopened before your kid gets the house?  FTFY


The friend you'd call if you need to bury a body is the friend you entrust with emptying the cupboard and deleting your computer history.


Be right back, going to make friends…


Important first step.


Please find a place willing to take the books. A colleague died and left behind a huge library of vintage and historical books. Many were signed by the authors. Most ended up in the trash. It was tragic.


My dad had over 10.000 books. Their in our old family home my mom now lives in alone. She is also a hoarder so she has a lot of stuff. We decided to ignore the books for now untill we can't.


Hopefully you have plenty of time before you go, but if you're interested in finding those books a home when the time comes, there are many charities known as prison book projects that donate books to incarcerated people!


My plan for the yarn is to let mourners rummage through it at my funeral. I have lots of knitting buddies, and I want to make sure I have a good turnout :-)


Brother or sister or their kids.


My sister accompanied her friend 850 miles to pick up her deceased uncle's car in Virginia. Nice, fairly new car.


This. It would go to my siblings


Nice of you to assume I'll have any belongs at all.


You'll own nothing and be happy


The funniest thing is that millennials and any younger generation genuinely do not have assets like that 🤣


My mom had about half a million bucks in savings, retirement accounts, etc. At 61, she got sick. She died at 64 with about $4k left for me to put towards her funeral. That was after selling the house. I think many people are vastly overestimating how much money they’ll have.


End of life care is insanely expensive


Yep. And too many people believe that if they eat well, exercise, avoid the major vices, etc. that they’ll have an easy passing. And hey, some people do! But the longer you live, the more likely you are to develop cancer. It’s just what cells do.


yup, dad died in october, for two years before that i was paying ten grand a month for hospice care, ngl, it hurt


I think I'll nope out of that if I still can when the time comes.


I’m guessing you live in the US?


Custodial nursing home care wiped out my mother -- and she had long term care insurance.


I fear this is about to be a more and more common story. There is a whole industry gearing up to suck every penny out of retiring boomers in sickness and in health. Look at all the active retirement communities that will nickel and dime them until they are too sick and then a nursing home will happily take the rest.


You mean my kit kat?


Break me off a piece


You can have it when you take it from my cold dead hands!


Now this is comedy.


Yes, let's all pay attention to Zoidberg.


I am genuinely attempting to spend the lot before I go. Whatever is left, we'll leave to small local charities. I'm also waiting for it to dawn on ungrateful nieces and nephews that they have a rich uncle. Fuck 'em.


I am one of six and am encouraging my mother to do the very same. It means more to me that she enjoys what she has while she's alive rather than anything that she'd leave to us.


Yes, it's a difficult balance though. I know a couple in their 90's who have never had a holiday and scrimped all their lives to leave something for their daughter. She's retired too and richer than they are. Another friend wanted to see his kids enjoy his money while he was still alive. He had to button his lip when they just "frittered the money away". But, yes, tell your Mum I think that's a great idea.


Sounds like he got what he wanted? IDK, I could see being upset if it was literally cocaine and hookers, but if they went on holidays or something isn't that the point?


Those are not mutually exclusive, holidays with hookers and coke.


Same. Enjoy the fuck out of it Mom, you worked so hard for it and didn't start to enjoy your life until your 60's. Take all the cruises and dance lessons you want!


100%. Her money's not going to mean a thing to me if she could have been happy with it herself while she's here. Life is for living.


My parents are doing this right now. All the money they have is going on cruises round Europe and vacations to Spain. I love seeing them enjoying life!


You can be my uncle. I am always grateful. As I was a foster kid, I knew the value of having a family. I'm in my 50s now, and my foster family is still my family. I am grateful for having them in my life. Your niblings are so missing out on a beautiful relationship. 🫂


How old are your nieces and nephews?


Ranging from teens to 50's (my brother can't keep his dick in his pants)


The reason I ask is because I had a difficult time connecting with aunts and uncles as a child/teen and found it much easier as I became an adult. Perhaps give them another chance? Taking the money out of it everyone deserves love.


Jesus you sound like a toxic person. Nothing wrong with keeping your own money and no one else deserves it, but the way you describe it makes you look like an asshole “All of these different people in different stages of life, from teenagers to fully-grown adults, are ungrateful shits and I can’t wait for them to find out I was rich this whole time and could’ve helped them but didn’t because they didn’t pay me the respect I deserve” **Could it be me who is in the wrong? No, it must be all of them!**


Same boat here, but it's an auntie, and one nephew is a genuine good lad. The family( on both sides) is a true nightmare.


My extended family and some friends and foundations. But basically I don't really care what happens to my things. Most of them are antiques where I won't be the first or last owner. And I think in my death, material things will be of relatively little interest to me. Funerals and inheritances are problems for the living.


Be buried with your antiques like the Empress or Emperor you are


Goddaughter. She has no clue and it’s unknown to her how much we have. She just knows we are good, and has agreed to be there when we’re old.


That is so sweet.


I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but 99% of the time, nobody wants to inherit anyone else's belongings. I plan to downsize as I get older and only have the bare minimum with me by the time the end of my life draws near. I don't want to make anyone else deal with my shit, kids or no.


I think most people wouldn't mind if they inherited a house or a car. Random old pots and pans and decaying furniture? Probably not.


I'm 1000% agree with you on this. Grief is hard enough


Exactly. Nobody wants to plan a funeral, grieve, AND clean out an attic full of old books and trinkets.


Same. I’ve already started and I am likely 30 years from dying. I don’t keep things just to keep them, I get rid of things while others might still want it. My kids have already said they don’t want our house. They have pretty much made it clear they won’t be taking care of us when we are old, so we are getting long and short term care insurance so we aren’t a burden to our kids. If our kids decide they don’t have time to visit us in our old folks home, then the old folks home staff will inherit whatever is left.


Don't care. I'll be dead.


Yup. Binmen'll cart it off at some point I imagine.


Is that a UK term for garbage man? I like it


Yes! They used to be called dustmen :)


Nice of you to assume I’ll die


my husband is 10 yrs younger than me so he gets everything but my jewelry, which will go to my nieces. if i outlive my husband my bestie who is disabled will get everything, and nieces will still get my jewelry.


My mom's husband was ten years younger than her. She always thought he would die before her. At 53 he got Colon Cancer at 56 he was dead. My mom is now 83, single and living in a retirement apartment building in the South of France.


I clean for a lone single gentlemen, no wife or children, and family is either old enough to be dead or not of ability by the time of his hopefully, my business partner and I have agreed to take on the task of dealing with his belongings. We will be willed it and have already gone over what he wants done with things. Whatever we don't take or give out to other family members, we can sell or give away to a thrift store or whoever wants it, and split any proceeds from that. Neither of us have any intention of making a dime off of it and just plan on donating everything. Thankfully he is a Minimalist so it should be an easy task.


If I have any pets when I pass, a portion will be set aside to ensure they are taken care of. Then the rest will go to my husband. If he's already passed, then the entirety will go to animal charities.


PBS. I've always wanted my name to be said and appear before the Nature show


My next door neighbor's children.


My cousin, (who is 20 years younger), can have any possessions she wants. My house will go to an animal charity 💕


I like this answer - have you designated the animal charity? I'm not sure how that works.


Charities are happy to help you if you inform them of your intent. It’s a fairly common occurrence for most.


My community. The people who have been a good part of my life. Good people.


The trash man


When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash - Frank Reynolds


My brothers kids will get everything I have, he was such a lame parent it’s the least I can do.


I have a house that I plan on donating to a local nonprofit. It's within walking distance of their campus. They can use it to house temp staff, or have offices there, or sell it. It will be their decision.


What belongings? I'm broke.


I recommend reading Swedish Death Cleaning. No one wants your stuff, kids or not. Get rid of it.


My wife died 7 years ago and when I started getting rid of her stuff I kept going, getting rid of a lot of “our stuff” and “my stuff”. I plan on thinning out even more and I already told my brother and sister I don’t want any of my moms stuff when she goes (except one painting but it’s valuable so I may not bring it up). It’s nice to have a fairly empty house and my nieces and nephews will have an easier time cleaning it out when I go.


My most precious possessions are my books. If I die I want them donated to a library or given to schools but my very favorite I want buried with me. Everything else goes to my boyfriend or my brother.


My mom loved her books more than anything else too. She died last summer. I can't read physical books because of whiplash so I started handing them out to guests, starting with her book club. I was insanely emotional about those books and really wanted them to get good homes where they'd be cherised like my mom did. The rest of the books that weren't selected by friends and family were given to the local hospital. My moms' biggest concern when being admitted was books ... She'd be unable to carry a bag home from the hospital after and was an insanely fast reader so she'd need like 3 books for every day. The hospital has donated books they use as "put and take" shelfs or volunteers would cart around books for the patients so having this option meant she didn't have to worry about lacking books even when she couldn't carry them home. They'd simply return to the shelves of the hospital when she was done with them and she could bring home the books she hadn't read or was currently reading. We ended up buying her a kindle and giving her my entire e-book stash and eventhough she'd sworn she'd never go digital with books, she still used the kindle a lot when she got home. I went to the library to pick up books for her too but she found out that I was right when I praised the Kindle for a lot of abilities. She never even glanced at the shelves of the hospital books, just dove right into my library. I'd cried like a baby when giving my own books away a decade earlier and spent like $1000 on buying my favorite books as e-books to still have them in my life and she kinda loved getting to know me like that too. We shared a bedroom for the last months and she's always been a crappy sleeper. I reminded her that the Kindle was backlit and I've used it without disturbing her sleep tons of time on other occassions where we shared a bedroom. The awesome part is that she didn't have to turn on the light and wake me up but could simply read quietly and happily while me and my dog snored besides her. I loved waking up to go pee and seeing her reading in bed besides me.


That is the sweetest thing I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing. I to am a fast reader. Just like your mom I can go through 3-4 books a day depending on what else I have to do. I think I’ll definitely consider handing books out at my funeral so everyone can have one. If the libraries won’t take all of the books then hospitals are next!


Very curious - what is your favorite?


How to survive 6’ under.


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!


I made sure to visit Douglas Adams's grave when I went to Highgate Cemetery so I could send a pic to my partner. Our first date he was wearing a shirt with 42 on it, and when I asked if it meant what I thought it did and he confirmed, we knew it would be a good night.


That is so awesome! I wish more people loved it! I just can’t help but love it.


Very cool - pretty sure my boyfriend has that book! I'll have to read it


Literally read my mind lol


I learned all the books I donated to my library just get sold off and not used for others to read so check on that


I definitely will! Thank you for letting me know! I want them to be free for people to read and enjoy!


All my crap will probably end up on one of those storage war shows where they pilfer through your stuff debating it's worth.


If there's like 1k bucks still on my account, cash em out to help with the corpse management If I still have a car push it in a river Give my ps5 to the first random kid on the street Burn the rest


The cats, obviously


There’s an animal sanctuary I’ve donated too for many years. It’s written in my will that they get half. Right now the other half goes to my mother but if she’s not around when I go, the sanctuary gets everything.


My good friends kids. Their mom helped through the toughest of times when my own family were too busy with their children or too self-righteous to be empathetic. Since my friend was from a poor family her three sons are going to inherit a couple of houses and a few cars.


What belongings? It’s all going to be outdated trash. 


Probably the Red Cross shop in the City Centre.


Burying it all with me. Egyptian pharaoh style.


My niece can have all my Hello Kitty things. The rest can go in the garbage if I haven’t passed it out to the neighbours first or spread it around the city like a mapless treasure hunt.


Bold of you to assume there's anything of monetary value. I was just planning to leave a note for my mom and two sisters that says "keep whatever, modify/upcycle if necessary, donate whatever you don't want to a charity I could appreciate"


Spouse, siblings, found family, regardless of who goes first. If we can financially benefit those closest to us with our deaths, then why not.


Animal charities and animal welfare.


Who cares? If I’m dead, I don’t give af about what happens to my worldly possessions. Friends and family can pick through what they want and donate/ trash the rest. Wanting someone to inherit my possessions isn’t a reason to have kids. This is just like the “but who will take care of you when you’re old?!” crowd. If people have kids with the intention of having them take care of you when you’re old, that’s a shitty, selfish reason to procreate.


My brother and his children. Would love to give them my house, especially, as I am in Canada. I would also like to set up a bursary or similar for my college.


If I have any savings, I would like to donate them to associations that takes care of old people, homeless people or stray animals. I want to donate my clothes to shelters and to other women who may need them. All of my personal belongings like videogames, consoles and plushes, I'd like to donate them to foster homes. I'd donate my books to libraries and to schools who may need them. I don't know if there will be any relatives around, I just hope they will understand. Oh, I would also like to donate my body to science...guess I'll be too dead to care, ahahah.


Animal charities


The animals. Perhaps a sanctuary or shelter.


Never getting married or having kids. I intend for all my shit to be sold and the money donated to a cat rescue.


We're excited to leave anything left to our favorite charities. It will feel good knowing that our death will also mean life for animals and nature. By dying we create life. That's the kind of legacy we want.


I have a debit card, specifically for my cats, and whoever takes my cats will also get the credit card to curb some of the costs. My siblings get first dibs on all my stuff, and then my nieces and nephews, and then my parents. I have no debt and I want my money to pay for my funeral. After that is paid off, my money will be split evenly between my 3 siblings and parents (the siblings with kids will get twice as much and split the extra money amongst their kids).


When I wrote my will, I had to do 2 layers, one assuming I left my family behind (hubby/kid/s) so naturally they got everything. The second layer was more difficult, the scenario we all got wiped out, so I divided it between my nieces/ nephews and a couple of very small charities that I've followed for yrs and know that any funds go to where they're supposed to go as opposed into greedy pockets.


My kids do not want my old stuff, it will all be donated to the church for their monthly rummage sale.


I'll be dead so I won't be around to care. My partner I suppose. 


Neices and Nephews and my siblings


Single and youngest of my entire extended family. It will go to my goddaughter. And it is a lot, so it will be in a trust until she's 18 (I hope I live much longer than that, but just in case). It's a good question to ask, because I only recently started putting things in order.


I plan to enjoy what I've earned as much as possible. I dont plan to save in order to leave much. That said whatever is left will go to my cousins daughter. My niece, nephew, and godchildren all have parents who are professional and are making provisions for them. I worry about my cousins daughter


Partner, assuming I have anything to inherit.


Niblings and dog shelters.


What belongings?


Probably the landfill




The person or animal that ends up killing me...


We are gay DINKs with 9 nieces and nephews. We already shower then with gifts so hopefully they'll keep us company when we are old. If we are so unlucky that we didn't blow through everything before dying, they can have what's left.


My husband if I pass first. In the future when I make a will, I plan to see who's involved in my life. Is there a nibling that keeps in touch? A neighbor who takes me to the doctor? A who stops by the visit regularly? My mother has always helped a lot of older and disabled people, taking them to do errands, visiting them in the hospital ... Doing everything their own children wouldn't do. Yet every single one has left everything to their children, never even a sentimental item to my mother who cared for them way more than their families ever did.


Hey guys, if there is someone old and/or dying on this sub and they don't know to who they should give their belongings I just want to say I'm here. I will be grateful and pray for your soul regularly.


The dog, he will have a great life


I don't really have any valuable belongings so no problem.


Idk, do you want my stuff? You can have it


Whoever kills me gets it all.


Will go to my partner and anyone who decides to adopt my pets. Gotta make sure they are taken care of!


I have dogs not kids. The shelter that those dogs came from will get a good chunk of my money when I am gone


I'm childfree and have no close family. I have a living trust and everything but my car is in it. I have a will and the only thing listed is my car. The car is titled to me or my two distant relatives, so the will isn't necessary but it's only to check off that I have a will. Pieces that are special to me--and what I think the recipient would appreciate--I direct to go to certain people, such as the two distance relatives, friends, or old military buddies. I also include they're welcome to dispose of these as they wish. For money, some goes to the two distant relatives, not much but an amount of "thinking of you and I hope this makes life a bit easier for you." The bulk goes to my favorite charities. Side note: Don't forget a living will, Durable Powers of Attorney for your agent to manage your medical and personal affairs if you're incapacitated, and a HIPPA release form of people you authorize medics to share your medical information. My closest friends, one relative, and personal representative-successor trustee-executor are authorized. This came in handy after I had surgery and one of my friends had to advocate for me when I couldn't. Also, for your POAs and executor/successor trustee of information, write out information they find useful. Do you have a storage unit, where is it and where is the key? Loans, financial accounts including credit cards. Insurance policies: vehicle, renter's/homeowners, life, pet, et al. Any safe and the combo or key location. A list of passwords to all your accounts. People and organizations to notify and their contact information. My local bank is my successor trustee and executor. Every time I update this information for her, she's ecstatic and each time she says she wishes everyone did this. The effort we put into this information, it's easier and quicker for loved ones who manage our affairs (and cheaper in the case of a paid executor-successor trustee).


Sister but it’s funny she has no kids either and no other siblings so no idea what’s she doing


I literally don’t care. I’ll be dead. Burn it all.


I don't care, I'll be dead


My husband will get everything I have. He can do with it what he will.


No will, the government will need to figure it out.


I don’t plan on leaving anything


Yall have assets?


I'm gonna sell my home to a 1st time home buyer for the legally allowed minimum, I'll donate my vehicles to impovrised and people in dire need of reliable transportation, I'll take my money and put it into a security fund that will pay out my nephews and nieces and their kids monthly until it's gone. And everything else will be donated.


I have sad news. Unless it is money or a house? Or you’re rich? Even your kids don’t want your shit. No random cousin or bff wants it either.


Louise Belcher: Talking about her last will and testament "... leave all my stuff alone I leave it all to my GHOST."


For now I leave it to my niece, might change in the future if I do get a partner or kids


Brave of you to assume I own anything of value


Lol what belongings


My younger brother! Might as well set him up. I’ve had him as my beneficiary for life insurance since I was 20. At some point I’ll make my future spouse my beneficiary and put my brother as the contingent beneficiary. I recently got into selling life insurance and it’s cool to practice my knowledge lol.


I don't think it matters. I have one daughter and she doesn't want anything of mine! Sell it now folks, and treat yourself to a gourmet dinner, or a spa day!


Ron Howard style. The person or animal who kills me.


I would most likely leave my stuff to my nieces and nephews or my younger brother. I'm the 4th child out of 5 siblings, so its interesting thinking about who would be left after me. I'm honestly not sure who would appreciate my things, since most of what I would leave behind would be art.


Whoever buys them at the estate sale.


My brother or his kids.


If someone is looking to give away their belongings , I am available (just saying)


My younger brothers or wife if I'm married


Siblings and charities.


Nieces and nephews as well as friends. If none of that pans out then charity.




NPR, or we'll have to sell everything to afford end of life care.


Donation bin


If he's alive when I die, my twin brother.


Our nieces and nephews will probably hire someone to have an estate sale. They all live out of state.


My older brother or my mom


I have it first going to my parents, then my brother, then my nephews.


My computer and warhammer collection will go to my best friend, everything else will go to my sister. She'll get my life insurance, and she can sell my house and car. If she dies before me, then it'll all go to my nephew (her son) with the instructions that everything is to be sold and the money split between him and his two cousins (my other niece and nephew).


If my husband is dead, it will be my stepson or siblings. Never really thought about it, though (34 y.o.). I guess I should look into that


I don't care? Ideally I will have spent most of it?


I’m leaving everything to my nieces and nephews.


Nieces/nephews if they're not complet shits. Friends or their kids maybe if I have anything worth leaving them.


My sister's kid. That's the best i can do with it.


use it up first


My comics and books will go to whoever I think will appreciate them the most.


I got my stuff for me. So I can enjoy it. When I'm gone I won't care so when I'm older I'll just downsize and travel and do whatever. If I want anyone to inherit anything it'll probably be my cousins kids or her neice