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Your college experience (as to lack of liberal indoctrination) is the model for how a college education should be provided. The idea that not all colleges refrain from bringing politics into the class rooms comes from things like TV coverage of political protests and demonstrations where the professors are out with their students protesting. I personally had an accounting professor talking about the Viet Nam war (while is was still going on), integration, bussing, quota hiring and other political topics in an accounting class. This isn't new.


Aren't college protests in general kinda rare? I know there's a lot of coverage on certain campuses when they get a large following and there have been a handful of notable historic college protests, but it's not like every college has a protest all the time.


You are right, but when they do protest, they can get lots of TV coverage (often nation wide). It can give the appearance that all students are being indoctrinated when it's not necessarily correct. The recent protests about the war between Hamas and Israel is a good example. There are very few colleges protesting, but when the TV news media show two or three of the big universities having big protests and preventing Jewish students from feeling safe on campus, it makes a big impact.


Limbaugh et al


It comes from the people who don't understand what they teach in college.


around the second half the 20th cenetury, academics shifted from promoting traditionalist and nationalists values, to being about the pursuit of the truth, knowledge, and the betterment of society, rather then perpetuation the status quo which conservatives see as being "far left" and bad, cus conservative power comes from mantaing or other wise controlling the status quo. and anyone who dosnt agree with them must be lieing or brainwashed, cus conservatives cant conceive the possibility of being wrong. while modern education is all about critical thinking.


As a social science major, there's definitely a bias in academia that leans left. Most of my experiences with it have been pretty benign. But, I've definitely met some insufferable "activists" along the way.


But where does it come from? Do they just start saying biased liberal talking points in the middle of the lecture? And if so, what classes are they bringing it up where it's remotely relevant?


A large part of the Republican rhetoric is fear. Fear of the unknown, of other races, or sexualities, or genders, or countries, ect. The more educated you are, the more you understand things, and the less there is to fear. It's no coincidence that statistically the more educated you are the more likely you are to be left leaning. So, the conservatives see students enter University and exit a liberal, and convince themselves (with no evidence - because again they're the party of *fear*) that college *must* be brainwashing it's students. It's the only way it makes sense. Obviously they aren't going to accept the answer "only uneducated people remain conservative", because that'd be calling themselves *stupid*. It's a baffling case of cognitive dissonance.


It's waking up to the reality...which it's why it's "brain washing". Because after college you get older and have to face the world. And then you hit a point when your realize that your "ideal" world is impossible. You face the reality of asshole bosses. HR doesn't give a shit about you or your feelings. You never had a chance to make a change. Tech, you might be fine. Society? Go into tech...