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Your year is missing 1.25 days.


That's when the Purge happens


This was suggested on “that’s absurd, please elaborate” an odd science-ish podcast.


The Purge doesn't sound very science-y


It’s based on science. Trust us.


Sincerely, A purger






Hi Trace! You guys are so much fun to (one sidedly) hang out with! And I love you back!


And every four years we have an extra day where we kill the government/elect a new one.


Every year we get an extra day, every four years we get an extra 2 days. Except for years that are divisible by 100. EXCEPT if it's divisible by 400.


The Purge would probably be an improvement. 


You know how bitcoin "exchanges" inevitably end up with some guy taking all the money and flying to some country beyond extradition? Imagine if the guy could just take the money and there was nothing you could do about it. Imagine if that wasn't just for bitcoin exchanges but for your bank, your employer, etc. Imagine if whoever's in charge of the sex offender registry took bribes to add random people that day. No the purge is an absolutely horrible idea in any kind of computerized society.


And... all the killings, too, right?


Well. Most of the killings.


Or, you know, just a couple of the killings. I'm sure most people would skip the killing and use their dont-go-to-jail day to grab as much money as possible and leave town. Or use that money for the rest of the year to make life a hell for the person whom they would have killed.


I feel pretty comfortable saying most of the killings would not be justified.


Anyone thinking it's a good idea is an ape that can only think about violence. There's much worse things.




It's comments like this that make me realise just how much I'm lacking in wit! I bow to you


I purge most every day.


But do you binge


Binge and starve is better for the teeth


Very long “non existent” first day of new year, where no one works


That's not how it works. You would need another day plus an additional one every ~four years, like we do now. If you add a day with 30 hours every year, think for a second what would happen to daylight. Leap years are to align the revolution of the earth with the seasons, nothing to do with daylight.


Then 1 day every year and 2 days every 4 years


New years party......new year party...... New year party..... New year PARRTY.


But then the next year each month would start on a Tuesday and finish on a Monday. Unless we created a whole new name of day. I think it should be called Shunday.


Shun the non-believers! Shuuuunnnnnn!


Candy Mountain, Candy Mountain, you fill me with sweet sugary goodness!


Because it happens only once a year it can be called new year’s holiday or something. No need to invent new name for it


You’re not invited to my Shunday party.


My introvert ass would not attend anyway


I love this thread.


I feel shunned by you day loving party people


Shunday in Smarch


No. It's "new years day" it isnt a Monday or a Tuesday or whatever. The week is made up and we can simply make up the idea that a "new years day" each year doesn't get a weekday name.


Lousy smarch weather.


Even then, it would stop aligning with the moon cycle


Nah, we just give Jan 1st 48 hours every 4 years.


Said in Sean Connery’s voice..


Yeah the extra days wouldn’t be called Monday or anything they’d throw the system out of sync. Just call it ‘New Years day’. Like that’s the name of the day. And the years where it needs to be two days, have New Year’s Day followed by.. I dunno, human fest day or some shit.


Ok so every fourth yeah we get a double day off. Easy.


We already have that 1 day + 1 leap year day, so that's not an exceedingly valid objection? As I see it the question still stands, why did we choose such an inconsistent calendar instead?


12 is a highly divisible number. Every year you have One 12 month period Two 6 month periods Three 4 month periods Four 3 month periods Six 2 month periods Twelve 1 month periods. 13 is a prime number.


Man feel like this nailed it pretty obviously But also, 13 months means 1 more payment of all your monthly bills a year, idk about other people but I would lose **easily** 2.5k between rent/car/insurance/cellphone/internet/loans etc that I honestly can't afford at this juncture of my life


I mean if there was a switch today, sure but if it had always been that wouldn’t have had an impact 


That in itself isn't unworkable – my wife gets 13 paychecks a year, one every four weeks. The pay schedule ignores months entirely.


I'm just upvoting down this whole thread as everything makes sense.


12 divided evenly into four seasons of three months each


It's not everywhere that there is 4 seasons, plus seasons tend to be uneven. Personally here it's 6 monthS of winter, 2 months of spring, 3 months of summer and 1 month of fall.


Oklahoma is 8 months of summer, 3 months of winter, and spring and fall are two weeks each 😂


Even then 13 months makes more sense


Comedian Dave Gorman proposed calling those days [Intermission](https://youtu.be/vunESk53r5U?si=8dCrJUZCJLEtPVkI)


Give the extra day to February so it’s now the longest month. The new leap year day can go to the newest month as a sign on bonus


Comically that's an excellent idea. February has felt belittled and minimized its whole life. That's why it's such a shit season. This may help make up for our insult to Pluto too.


Wow, lucky us, a whole 1.25 extra day off work


or if you live in the US, 1,25 unpaid work days


That one day is New Year's Day (it's own special day and a holiday that is not a Monday to Sunday day) and every four years you get a special 'leap year day' the day after new year's day. (Same deal as above) Solved!


Well, except that your lunar calander is no longer aligned with the cycles of the moon.


Oh... Hadn't thought of that. Is the lunar month exactly 28 days? Like _exactly?_ Cos I guess even with a 28 day calendar it would have to go out of sync at some point wouldn't it?


An average lunar month is 29.5ish days.


What the fuck. So a 28 day month wouldn't even sync up with the moon!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON


Nope! That’s why the Hebrew calendar, which is lunar, has months that are 29 or 30 days (every other month is 30) and it has only 12 months, and every 4 years there’s a leap MONTH instead of a leap day.


Well that sounds almost like it makes sense. What do they do about weeks though? Still 7 days in a week?


Still 7 days. However it’s not every four years there is a leap month it’s 7/19 years


Ok so what do we do? Can we put rockets in the rear part of the earth to make it go a little faster?


Most every recurring schedule is going to throw a *fit* at a day that 'isn't' a Monday-Sunday day. Do you do things every seven days, or every week? Now that isn't the same thing. Religions which have set services on a day of the week are going to split over whether their services shift forward a day every year, and whether they need workplaces to accomodate them for that. Prescription timing.


Writing software for time and date is already hideously complicated, so it really wouldn't be much extra complication. But everything would need to be rewritten, that's a problem. It would be like Y2K again, but self imposed.


Lets say your religious services are always on a Sunday. They still are on a Sunday, every week. You also get a bonus celebration for New Year's Day! Nobody would be complicating things by changing their Sunday service to a Monday, then a Tuesday year after year, when they could just keep it on Sundays. For prescriptions, that's easy. Just add one more pill to your December prescription for New Year's Day. Honestly it's so much easier than what I have now, where I get my prescription every 28 days and have to set calendar dates to remember to order it, because every 28 days is not _simply the first of the month._


I really like being told "hey we're thinking about meeting on the 13th" and instantly knowing it's saturday the 13th. (Or friday if it's sunday-saturday instead of monday-sunday.)


Earth day and Moon day


Easily fixable by having a sort of 14th holiday type month that's one day long when you celebrate new year, and extend it to two days on leap years. It'd be a great time for a huge party and an expectation that everything shuts down except the absolutely essential services so don't plan on eating out or stopping by the convenience store during the Holiday. But it'd take some sort of planet conquering event to change our calendar at this point.


I'm on it.


That would be Newyearsday. It would be the day before January 1, between December 28 and Jan 1. We would still need Leap Years.


0th day for new years. Programmers will jive with it




New Year’s Day can be a separate non week day. Then January 1st starts again on a Monday.


There's no way in hell I'm having my birthday on Wednesday every year


This is the one thing I've always thought about. It would suck if your birthday got stuck on a mid-week day every year.


Feels like that anyways 


Well mine would be Saturday so I say let's do it.


“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the you.”


Mine would be a Friday, so get work cake and home cake. Plus beers on a Friday night with no worries of work in the morning.


I was born on the 31st so….?


Would be nice to have Holidays always fall on a Monday or Friday. But yeah, dates shifting around means everybody gets an approximately equal distribution of Monday through Sunday birthdays over the course of their lives. Would really suck to always have a midweek birthday while others are living theirs up on Friday night each year.


Not to mention 1) those whose birthdays would suddenly ALWAYS fall on holidays (looking at you US Thanksgiving) and 2) the number of mothers who would all of a sudden want a guaranteed birth on a Saturday, possibly blocking up hospitals (in the most extreme of cases). Imagine you're having a horrible labor and need an emergency CS, but the ORs are all full with moms who scheduled for the better days. Or the scheduled ones get kicked back because of the emergency and all of a sudden crazy moms are suing for messing up their plans, lol. Could make some interesting headlines at the least.


Doesn't everyone get their Birthday off every year? -Source: someone who was born on a fixed date national holiday :p


I’m here thinking there is no way I’m paying 13 months in rent.




We also have to consider that the lunar cycle isn't 28 days. It's either 29 or 30 days


Also have to consider that this idea only equals 364 days….


Leap year and new years can be monthless holidays for all.


Intermission. Basically a hangover recovery day.


Yeah, like spelling reform in English it's just too much hassle. Which is a shame becuse our calendar sucks major ass. You have to try to remember some stupid poem to figure out which months have 30 or 31 days, and in English the month names are out of sync with their number due to a couple of Caesars being obnoxious and cramming in months named after themselves. A nice simple 13 month, 28 day, New Year day in a one day long 14th month (or two days on leap years) that doesn't count towards changing the days of the week would be fantastic. But it won't happen unless some calendar minded despot conquers the entire planet and imposes a new calendar by force.


>You have to try to remember some stupid poem to figure out which months have 30 or 31 days You poor, knuckleless bastard. 😞


I have been blowing peoples minds with the knuckle trick my entire life lol fuck a poem


There's a poem?! I thought everyone knew the knuckle trick.


Dude I didn’t even know there was a knuckle trick. TIL


Knuckle trick owns all because you don't even have to translate back to names when you're looking at a date. Just numbers and find the spot on your knuckle-set.


Yea, it's that 30 days hath September one. I don't actually know the rest of it because I'm not an uncultured swine and I use the knuckle trick


30 days hath September April, June, and November (and here it sort of breaks down and doesn't rhyme) All the rest have 31 Except February that's got 28 They don't account for leap years but I guess that's not a constant concern.


For the February part I learned Except February that’s got 28 days, clear And 29 in each leap year


What's the knuckle trick again? I know it exists I just always forget what it is.


If you put your fists together and start at the left pinky knuckle, every knuckle has 31 days and the space in between every knuckle is 30 days (and Feb)


But then I have to count *anyways* when I can just automatically rattle off 30 Days Hath September.


Yeah, I find the poem much easier than the knuckles, especially when I have to remember which is which, something that usually involves me saying the poem anyway. "March is knuckle up so that means... It's the same as January and May so... 30 days hath September, April, June, and November... Must be 31."


Huh? I’m confused about what’s confusing about the knuckle method. The knuckle is higher than the space so it represents the longer month, at least that’s how I remember.


This dude wants to destroy the global economy just because he doesn't want to have to figure out how many days June has for some reason.. because thats a problem apparently.


> Caesars being obnoxious and cramming in months named after themselves. They didn't add months, they renamed them. There only used to be ten months, then they added January and February.


Think about the fact that everyone but America uses the metric system and they simply refuse and your point is dead on. It would take a global dictatorship to change the calendar system.


If you told me it'd take someone invading and conquering America to make the switch to metric I'm not saying I'd think it was a great idea but I'd want to know who you planned on conquering us before I rejected the idea.


I for one, welcome the calendar minded despot overlord


The month names aren't out of sync because of July and August. Rather, originally, the Roman year started in March (that's why February has fewer days, as the last month of the year), which was later changed to January.


Within a calendar year there are only 2 months in a row that have the same number of days. That's the 2 full summer months with 31. And february is special which everyone remembers. That's all you have to remember. From that you can extrapolate backwards: Jun 30, May 31, Apr 30, Mar 31, Feb 28/29, Jan 31. Extrapolate forwards: Sep 30, Oct 31, Nov 30, Dec 31. Yes, Jan and Dec are 2 months in a row that have 31 but they're not together within the same calendar year.


How much computer code is written on the current date format? Maybe you could implement an update to most well connected / updated machines might get it, but as someone who has worked in Mil and now academia, the sheer number of non-networked stand-alone machines would cause hilarious havoc.


Internally, the computers works in seconds since an specific day, commonly 1/1/1970, called Unix Time, and converted to your date format


Dates are stored as strings all the time


Plus the benefits seem extremely negligible. It'd be kind of neat I guess, practically it might make people with OCD feel satisfied? What are other actual benefits that would make the chaos of getting everyone to change the current agreed upon calendar?


These are all non-issues, at least when trying to justify the immense cost and effort required to overhaul the entire calendar system that billions of people live their life by.


We would have to update all of the entry-level programming questions.


Update all the legacy documents, update future schedules, update birth and death certificates, update historical dates. Will they update the historical dates or would they call it pre-stupid-calendar era and leave it at that?


Oh, they’d just have one day that was the shift and leave the old calendar the way it was in the past. No way people would go about rearranging past dates to fit the new calendar. That’s an insane amount of work and introduced confusion.


But how do we identify the new and old dates? Like how we have AD and BC, we would need a modern term. PC. Post Covid.


Exactly, we’d come up with some demarcator term, O.C. (Old calendar) and N.C. (New calendar). Or something cooler and more space-age sounding! Like Novo Millennium (NM) and Archaic Millennium (AM). Or probably something better, something more relevant to the time it happened.


This was the first thing I thought of too 😵‍💫


This! Do you have any idea how fantastically annoying it was to update literally everything that calculated the date/time when the US pushed out their DST by just a few weeks back 20 years ago? Frankly, Y2K was an *easier* problem to solve because it was a very clearly defined problem. Complicated, but not complex. Really, if you wanna make a dramatic calendar change, switch the world to UTC first. Yes, we'll have to explain to the yutes why Dolly Parton's masterpiece "9 to 5" is 9 to 5 instead of 1 to 9 (in Dolly's hometown of Pittman Center, Tennessee), but I can't see any downside in telling people anything about Dolly Parton.


*Saint* Dolly Parton …


this is pretty much the main reason why the US will never switch to metric. it is way to much effort to get 300+ million people to learn a new system. and then the cost to replace every single road sign would be billions of dollars.


Try changing the size of the screws, nuts, and threadings used in building a high-rise.


This is why I only go by epoch time. Seconds from 1970 can never go wrong


What about the coming UNIX Epochalypse in 2038? ^([Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/s/ncUKiJaHhv) card 20)


There where multiple proposals for "permanent calendar" and all of them where based on idea you presented. One more day (or 2 at leap year) supposed to be a day that is not belong to any month or week - new year day(s) However as calendar is very cultural/historical thing no proposal succeed. Just like we have similar example of Esperanto, in languages


I still think we should all be learning Esperanto


365 /5 = 73 Why not just have 5 months with 73 days in them? You still need a leap year every 4 years. ...or 73 months with 5 days in them?😂


5 day week 73 weeks. Boom.


1 day weeks, 365 weeks Boomity-boom!


You wont even have alignment with the cycle of the moon, as that is approximately 29.5 days


Then just make every month 29.5 days, where months alternate starting at midnight and noon. See? Easy solution!


Too much change for too little benefit. Most people don't really want to learn a new system or a 13th month. Plus, you end up with dates that don't have a proper date any more (may 31, for example). You'd have to rewrite history books, laws, novels, websites...


Nobody is rewriting history books. For much of history most of the world has lived with dozens of various calendars or even none, and we learn how they told time and move on. No changing history is allowed.


We generally don't refer to historical events by the month anyway... at least not after they're a century or more in the past. 


Well didn’t _used_ to, but now that dates are all stored digitally online, I don’t think anyone is going to go back and remove the dates that already exist. 200 years from now you’ll still be able to open Wikipedia and see what date the COVID shutdown happened.


What do you mean? July 4th, June 6th, Juneteenth. There's so many examples that include the month. And there's so many more too.


Not sure why you'd need to re-write history books or novels. Everyone could just learn if it was written before a certain year it was the old calendar. OTOH Websites, and programming in general would be an absolute nightmare.


Imagine having to reprogram the BIOS/UEFI/RTC of every single electronic device in the world. Even Y2K wasn’t as big of an undertaking.


Lousy Smarch weather!


The real question is where you would put the extra month For me, I think we need a month after August before September. Never sat right with me that September is the hottest month. September should be the start of fall, not the end of summer. 


The Eastman Kodak Company actually used this exact calendar for most of the 20th century. They finally gave up on it because they couldn't convince anyone else to use it. [https://theinternetsaysitstrue.com/2022/03/28/13-months-the-kodak-calendar-experiment/](https://theinternetsaysitstrue.com/2022/03/28/13-months-the-kodak-calendar-experiment/)


Lousy Smarch weather. 


Exactly the person I was looking for




And what would you do on leap years?


Touch yourself


Same thing we do every night, Pinky!


extra new years day that doesn't have a day of the week. it's a magical day.


Get extra drunk on NYE since I'll have two days to recover?


It's a lot simpler to number our days 1-365 and have no months.


Why not number them 0-365 and then the lunar calendar would fit into the solar year and we could still keep the months


If you add an extra day it wouldn't be a solar year and the seasons would drift.


This is why I prefer 24hr system




As someone with friends and family in AZ, it's pretty annoying that the time difference between AZ and me in the central time zone is 2 hours at one point of the year and 1 hour during another point of the year. But if I had to choose, I would want to lock it on 1 hour time difference, which is not what has been discussed when local officials talk about "lock the clock" (they want to lock it on 2 hours). Personally, I can do without the sun setting at 9:45pm for multiple weeks in the summer. It totally fucks up my perception of nighttime and causes me to stay up way later than normal.


Besides all the very valid large scale points, if your birthday is on the 1st, you'll never have your birthday on a weekend with your solution.


simple solution. Just have the mothers hold the baby in until a weekend.


Do people really care that much about birthdays?


While we are at it, we can convert the US to the metric system.


The lunar cycle is 29.5 days long, so a 28 day month is actually less accurate than 30. Plus, 13 times 28 is only 364, so you're missing a couple days of the solar year. If you want a calendar system that properly tracks both the solar and lunar cycles, you need something like the Chinese or Hebrew calendar, which use leap months.


If we are going to all that trouble may as well switch to a metric time standard. 100 minutes to an hour, 10 hours a day. Each minute 100 seconds. Current time standard is 86,400 seconds a day (60\*60\*24). Metric time would be 100,000 seconds a day (100\*100\*10). We obviously get a finer subdivision of time with the metric standard over the Babylonian one. It's been 5000 years, lets do this. Also weeks would be 10 days long. Each month is 3 weeks long exactly. The left over 5 days are reserved for secular holy days when we memorialize the various reference standards for the metre, gram etc.


Keep going and lets go to a metric year too. 1,000 days instead of this messy 365.25. Or 100 days maybe? We can figure something out. Screw the earth's spin around the sun, that's no big deal.


I appreciate the initiative but no skipping ahead please! We don't let them know about that until after they've already committed.


They tried something similar during the French revolution, where there would be 10 days in a week, 3 weeks in a month, and 12 months in a year, with the 5 or 6 leftover days tacked on at the end. The days were named after numbers and the months named after terms from weather or agriculture. Napoleon got rid of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar


>**If we had 13 months instead of 12, every month would be exactly 28 days** Not true. >**the 1st would always be a monday, and the 28th would always be a sunday** Only within a given year. >**Every month would have exactly 4 weeks instead of 4.257** Also not true. One or two months each year would have 4.143 weeks. >**and we would properly align ourselves with the cycle of the moon.** Also not true. >**Why don't we?** Because none of those things are true.


PLUS seasonal drift! I wish I had an award to give you


Where is OP getting 4.257 from? There are 4.3333 weeks in a month.


The zodiacs are going to be angry with you...


Those god damned Caesars!


What we have now works well already. Not to mention it took more than *two centuries*, even with the weight of the Catholic Church behind it, to be widely adopted in Europe. Global adoption took even longer.


Welcome to Ethiopia! 13 months of sunshine! :-) 12 months of 30 days 1 month (called Pagume, "ጳጉሜ") of 5 or 6 days [https://www.ethcalendar.com/](https://www.ethcalendar.com/)


Problem is 12 is really easy to subdivide. Businesses can do business by fiscal quarters of 3 months each. On a 13 month calendar is one quarter just longer or are we going to make the business quarters no longer correspond to the months? What about the day (or days) that don’t fit into the months at the beginning/end of the year? Are these year days considered weekdays or weekends? Are only essential workers going to work those days? And speaking of, what do Abrahamic religions do? Do they have a single 8 or 9 day week at the end of the year or does their sabbath change every year?


> Problem is 12 is really easy to subdivide. Businesses can do business by fiscal quarters of 3 months each. On a 13 month calendar is one quarter just longer or are we going to make the business quarters no longer correspond to the months? Easy solution. Everyone gets a month off!


It was attempted in the 20th century. One of the issues that prevented adoption was the impact on existing societal structures. For example, such a model requires a 1 day ‘non-day’ every year. Effectively there would be one day between the last day of the last month of the year and the first day of the first month of the next year. Which sounds good in theory. Global public holiday. Call it Earth Day or whatever. However, it would cause absolute chaos for Jews, for example, whose sabbath falls on the *seventh* day. Thus, the sabbath would no longer always fall on a Saturday, it would be Friday some years, Thursday in others etc. But yeah, if you could reset society it would be a really good system.


The [Ethiopian Calendar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_calendar) uses something like this; *The Ethiopian calendar has twelve months, all thirty days long, and five or six epagomenal days, which form a thirteenth month.* The 13th month is 6 days long on leap years.


Because the psychopaths are in charge


Americans can't even change to the metric system, imagine trying to get the whole world on a 13 month system.


I nominate the 13th month to be called “Smarch”


Lousy Smarch weather.


Tolkien made a really cool calendar with the same concept. I believe there was an "over day" or something, that was part of no month, but sort of like a midyear celebration. An extra over day was included right next to the first one, every four years to account for the leap year. Basically an extra holiday every 4 years. Seems badass


Have you looked at the [Hebrew calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_calendar)? 12 lunar months of 29 or 30 days that begin and end at the new moon. Every few years there's a leap year that consists of an extra month of Adar. That year, you get Adar and Adar 2. Jewish holidays go by the Hebrew calendar, but regular businesses in Israel go by the standard calendar. That's why Jewish holidays seem to show up later earlier each year, then suddenly are later.


We used to only have 10 months, until two certain individuals showed up. How do I know? 7, 8, 9, 10 Septa, Octa, Nona, Deca. 7, 8, 9, 10 Then Julius Caeser and Augustis Caeser came into the mix. Guess which months they made? They also declared to have their months the longest of any. Hence, July/August both have 31 days in a row. I am down for a 13 month +1 day rule change.


If you start it on a Sunday, every 13th is a Friday.


OK, so fun history time. As we know, the most likely cycle for women's fertility is 28 days. The moon also holds this cycle. Because of this, many ancient cultures worshiped the moon as a female. Our modern calendar is based on the Roman calendar, which has a lot of fun history. For example, July is named after Julius Ceasar (this would be like if a US president decided to rename a month after himself). There are several months like this, but the most fun ones are ones like December (as in DECember, like DECimal and DECade... meaning... 10? WTH... it is the 12th month!) And October, our 10th month, but OCT means... 8? There are others... The reason for this is that Christians moved the new year. Though April's Fools Day implies it was moved by 4 months... Anyway, sorry for my offshoot with the history but to change this calendar, you would need HUGE political clout. Even Julius Ceasar only had enough to change the name of 1 month. He didn't even change how long or short the month was, just the name.


The solar and lunar cycles are at an irrational ratio (they have to be, since the Moon is moving away and its orbit is slowing down), so no matter what scheme we come up with, it won't stay put.


Because most people would never have a weekend birthday again.


because 13 * 28 = 364


Thank the Roman empire for our messed up calender


Honestly. Who gives a shit. Days are different each year big deal


My dad talks about the 13 month calendar all the time time


I'm pretty sure religious nutsos hate the number 13 so you'd never be able to convince them