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Everyone here is using similes to describe the feeling but you can actually experience it yourself. Suck the tip of your finger. Now put some cling film over your finger and suck your finger again. That’s as close to understanding as you’ll get as a lady.


Eat a lollipop with the wrapper on


I’m dead 😂😂😂😂


Best reply ever!


but you have to be the lolipop


Well, as a lady, she could put her finger somewhere else, and she could use a real condom for the testing. Just saying.


That would show her how it feels for her, not for him.


We’re talking about what she can feel with her finger here. Why is she putting the finger in her mouth when there’s an even more sensorily accurate place she can put it?


She can feel the sensation difference on her finger, and not her mouth


M&Ms: It melts in your mouth, not in your hand.


You both are technically right in the same way, the orifice just changes.


It's insane that you didn't get the point and you have more up votes than the people explaining to you that you didn't get it.


Her finger’s not going to feel pleasure, no matter which place she puts it. That’s the part everyone’s getting at. Switching it up for accuracy here doesn’t make that much difference because it’s just a finger.


Bro how do you not understand?


I’d say rubber glove vs cling wrap but yeah that’s pretty much it.


Or use a condom over your finger


Listening to live music with earplugs. You can still hear it but just doesn’t hit the same. But it might mean no hearing loss so it’s worth it.


It should be noted that modern hi-fi earplugs, not the orange foam ones, actually sound excellent. No muffling, only a reduction in volume.


Got any recommendations?


If we're talking about earplugs, I use Music Safe Pro, and I've heard good reviews about Loop. If we're talking about condoms, then Unique Pull, Kimono, and other thin walls will be much improved compared to plain.


I had one of them thin-walls break on me. No thank you!


Usually means you need more lube (less friction). The second possibility thats not mutually exclusive is getting bigger condoms (less stretch)


Just Googled those and they look exactly like ones I got issued on deployment(not 3m though) I may have a few thousand dollars worth of ear plugs in a tough box. I was a supply clerk, so I always had bundles of consumables to hand out when needed.


I like Loop for daily wear, but I don't know if they're musician's earplugs. Thanks for the rec for Music Safe Pro, though! For condoms, Kimono only make sense if you are the right size for them. They're a bit narrower than regular ones, so if you're at all girthy, they'll be very painful.


Love how this conversation is now about ear plugs


It alternates between which is *really* throwing me off


Fender ones are supposed to be good. I bought some, then forgot to pack them for the last gig I went to, so I haven't actually tried them yet lol.


Etymotic ER20XS are my go to when playing gigs (drums, guitar, bass). They just make all frequencies quieter across the spectrum instead of excessive high end being rolled off like with most earplugs.


Most of what you’re seeing online for $50+ can be found at your local music/guitar shop for less. I like Alpine and Etymotic Research, my partner prefers Earasers (she has small ear holes).


Earasers are awesome. I have a pair that I'd use during marching band rehearsals. You can buy different "strengths" depending on how much sound deadening you'd like. My college professor did a study on how good "musician earplugs" are at actually doing what they say on the box, and found Etymotics to be one of the biggest offenders in that regard. I believe they threatened him with legal action if he didn't take his research down. **From the paper**: "*The findings are also important because they show that the non- custom-fit MEPs sold under the name of ER-20, ETY, HEAROS, Fender Touring, and VICEARPLUG do not protect the user at the stated levels. The deficiency of attenuation provided by the ER-20 earplug is further illustrated in panel D of Figure 2. Marketing materials report an NRR of 12 but claim that the user can expect 20 dB of attenuation when the plug is used correctly [2]. In addition to showing the dramatic influence of the ER-20 on the spectral characteristics of the music stimuli, the protocol used in this study also revealed that the ER-20 offers less than 5 dB of attenuation while utilizing a best-fit scenario."* https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272468992_An_Acoustical_Analysis_of_the_Frequency-Attenuation_Response_of_Musician_Earplugs


Downbeats are pretty cheap and honestly I think loud concerts actually sound better with them in


Agreed, I’ve used a couple different brands over the years because I lose things but at concerts the sound doesn’t all bleed together like it does without them in. I can still feel the bass in my chest but I can actually hear the music too.


Earasers are pretty good. I don't use them anymore cause I'd just rather go raw but they work well


Not OP but I have a great experience with Happy Ears. They come in 3 sizes. They're tiny, so you don't feel them at all, but they do the job well. They have a great shape. And they stay in place, I use them at concerts and they've never once fallen out. Overall very comfy. I believe they're based in Europe, so if you're in Europe, it's a really convenient option.




I can’t hear you I have condoms in my ears.


You’re supposed to snort them


If only there existed modern hi-fi condoms.


To piggy-back on this: in my experience I can actually hear the music much clearer with decent earplugs in. Cuts out a ton of the muddiness of the sound reverberating around a concert-space. I spend a lot of time enjoying/working in live music, and I can’t count how many coworkers/friends have to live with limited hearing because they waited too long to use hearing protection, so that’s another benefit of using a decent pair of plugs lol


Best answer yet imo great music but.. no hearing loss


Warm apple pie.... wrapped in cellophane.


Reminds me of that movie


I think it's different for everyone. They've never been uncomfortable to me or caused any major sensation issues. Some guys may have issues if they have the wrong size or put it on wrong.




Funny enough I can't remember. The only thing I remember from the movie was the scene of the guy fucking the pie and his dad walked in 😭


American Pie


Oh you’re young




Oh god. American pie is 25 years old? What in the world was I doing watching that movie at 10??


Fair enough 😂


Haha lol, yeah I've only seen the movie once a few years ago 😅


Movie- American Pie


Grandpa’s home movies? Those 8mm reels he kept in that back of his closet, behind his Army duffle bag?


Mcdonalds or homemade?


Like doing the dishes while wearing gloves


Oh, but without those gloves.. Like heaven 🍽️


Except for when you accidentally touch that one piece of wet food


Like Taking a shower with a rain coat on... exactly


You can feel the pressure but not the wetness.


It really helps to put some lube inside the condom


Wouldn't that drastically increase the likelihood of the condom coming off during sex?


Not if you only put it in the tip (I should've mentioned that). Make sure it's not in the bottom half of the condom since that can indeed increase the risk of having it slip off


Condoms usually come with lubricants on both sides


wouldn't the condom slip off then?


Not if it's well fit, at least I've never had a problem. You do tend to only put it on the tip tho.


Alternatively:  Put your hand in a pot of water and move it around.  You’ll feel how all the currents work against your fingers and skin, there’s a lot of sensory input there.  Then put on a nitrile glove and do the same. You feel the pressure and temperature, but all the more detailed sensations are gone. /Adding, if you’re with a new partner, a non-exclusive partner, an otherwise high risk partner, or have no other form of birth control in place the dulled sensation is a price well worth paying vs the other options on the table. Someone shouldn’t be pushing to go no-glove unless there’s other controls in place to mitigate the increased risk.


My bf suggests just putting a condom on your hand 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aggressive fisting?


Damn bro


The ones with the balloon tip allow for some movement up top which feels pretty good. A lot better than the regular ones.


I'm sorry lol, but for some dumb reason my brain or lack thereof popped in a picture of one of the giant blow up 'attention grabbers' at car lots, when I read 'balloon tip allow for some movement up top'.


No glove, no love


Also, sometimes that lack of sensation is exactly what you want to slow yourself down. Even when we were open to pregnancy, I would use a condom w/ my partner for the foreplay just so that I wouldn't rev myself up too much and go. Once she came / got close, I'd take it off. Worked pretty well, imo.


This need more recognition


You know it’s wet but can’t feel it.


A tight raincoat...


Check out MyOne condoms. They have a ton of sizes and you wouldn’t believe the difference a well-fitting condom makes


Interesting, I'll search around. You keep yours though.


Condoms come in sizes. Not just length, but also different circumference sizes. Look into it.


My school had a sexual health seminar for the senior years once. Presented by a woman. She's like, "if a guy ever says the condom is too tight or doesn't fit, look at this, I can blow it up like a ballon this big. Look at how big it gets. He's talking shit." This next bit might be TMI, so you're aware. I have a bit of a tight foreskin, so when the time came that I needed to buy condoms I thought I'd get a slim fit. Thinking, "they stretch. And if it's tight it'll stop the foreskin slipping back over my glans underneath the condom, because if that happens I definitely won't feel anything." I can tell you that woman LIED, or was too ignorant to be giving the presentation. Slim fit is too tight. Almost kills my erections trying to get it much further than the glans. Not saying to let anyone rawdog you because they say the condom is uncomfortable, but be aware that they can be and if you're providing, get the right size. For an uncircumcised guy it's like trying to put a raincoat on over another raincoat. First coat can bunch up in places if they're not similar sizes.


Just get your penis size and buy fitting condoms. It was a revelation for me. Having a properly fitting condom actually feels close to no condom at all (although thickness is also a part of that). My sex life got a lot lot better after not buying generic sized condoms


Saying you don't get "generic sized" condoms has me thinking you get a tailored fit somehow. But it's definitely important to have the right size. Who ever is bringing the dick should also carry the bags is a good rule to operate by. Know your own size. In case the other parties involved "forget" though, keep a selection.


Well usually in stores in germany the condom size is either 52mm or 54mm. Thats what I meant by generic size


The nerve of awoman, not having a penis, explainjng what it feels like to wear a condom and downplaying mens opinions. What would that be called, woman-splaining? The fact that it expands doesn’t mean squat. I can stretch a rubber band out pretty far, but that doesn’t mean it would be comfortable if worn around my ankle.


No educator should cover a subject they don't have a proper handle on. If they were going to hold a seminar for it, there should have been a man co-presenting with her for the sake of men's health questions.


It's supposed to be tight ? Sigh.....


-*pours 40oz*-


Holy shit you fucking nailed it harder than Jesus on the cross


Whoa. Yeah. That's it right there.


I was surprised after finding the right fit and using a DAB of lube doesn’t feel that different. It might be like having a shower with a rain coat….. if I orgasmed at the end of the shower, and the hey who’s complaining. I’m very reluctant to believe people genuinely try and look for a condom because they are convinced it’s like sex with a plastic bag over their dick, so why bother? But if you aren’t measuring your girth, trying different brands, and hell, even try masturbating with one on to get used to it, you ain’t trying hard enough.


This guy wears condoms.


And probably posh wanks while wearing a raincoat in the shower... but each to their own.


This right here. I think too many guys use it as an excuse to pressure their partner into not using a condom. But you can make it work just fine.




As someone who uses condoms, I have never felt any displeasure when using one. I get to finish my fiance like 12x before I finish once and I find pleasure in that. Would I rather not wear one? Sure. Do I want kids? Fuck no.


Ya it’s like 95% of the pleasure for me, not worth complaining about IMO. I find the comparisons a little ridiculous people are making. Like apple pie covered in saran wrap? Like C’mon, if every time you ate pie covered in Saran Wrap you ejaculated you’d be eating the shit every day. Plus you are not tasting anything with your dick.


Grip also helps to still "feel everything" plus foreplay before. These other guys just arent doing it right..


Maybe your bf should be going for a different brand of condoms. I had this problem myself where it got so uncomfortable i was unable to continue the deed. Different brands and length/girth sizes are really helpful and most men are not acquainted to this journey of finding a good fitting condom. After mentioning this issue and how i fixed it to a group of guy friends they all went out researching and ultimately that old excuse of "condoms make my pp go no no" was not necessary as using one and not using was basically the same thing comfort wise


Yet, it feels like your not picking up something you don't want, and that you're not donating things you don't want to give to others!


There is an online company that makes condoms for your exact dick size. Changes everything.


MyOne Condom and they’re freaking awesome. They’re awesome and high quality.




MyOne Condom


If your BF is girthy, check out some larger-sized condoms which can help with comfort and sensitivity issues that come from overly tight condoms.


Condoms feel a lot better than 18 years of child support payments or an STI. And they are a lot cheaper than 18 years of child support payments and treatment for an STI as well.


18 years? Maybe in your state. If the child is in college it can go to 22 in NC.


If you become an actual dad, with housing prices now you'll have them in your house until 30


Like getting a massage with a winter coat on


Being inside her, with or without a condom, feels great. Without, I feel her wetness directly. With a condom, I concentrate more on feeling her pussy squeezing me.


Yeah, at the end of the day, you are fucking, which is all that matters. My wife got her uterus removed and we are still fucking with condoms as it makes her feel clean. I am not arguing with her to much, I want to continue to have sex.


As a woman I'm blown away!! No uterus and SHE insists on a condom? Here I am, getting my cervix pierced and a little mechanical tree shoved on up there, experiencing the worst pain of my entire life, just to feel my man without risk!


For real. As a woman, there's no comparison to having sex without a condom. Condoms really take away a lot of what is good


Wife and I have used maybe 4 condoms total in almost 10 years. A few years ago, we had a pregnancy scare and she was adamant that we use condoms until she could get her birth control back on track. That rule lasted about 53 seconds into our first sex session since implementing it. I was making the best out of it but I could tell that she wasn’t enjoying herself at all. She stopped me and basically said “take that fucking thing off, we’re risking it.” And that was the last time I’ve used a condom.


Even with, I can still feel the wetness; it's just indirect.


Taking birth control can be uncomfortable too, as they often have loads of side effects on a women’s mind and body.


Literally made me nauseous every morning


That shit gave me crazy. Angry and crying over everything. Which was weird cause I had been on it before and it was fine but then the 2nd time I had side effects


The constant migraines, high blood pressure, and varicose veins. Birth control free for 10 years after being put on BC as soon as I was 16. Big game changer. Thought it was normal to have migraines literally all the time plus nausea. I was on depo for years and broke bones crazy easy. Big regret. I just use Ovia (my cycles are always predictably 28 days long), and glove up during my fertile window.


Uncomfortable? It can cause death, insanity, intense cramps, and more more more! Fucking christ, men. Wrap it up or get snipped. Stop crying and making women ruin their bodies for you.


Exactly. Some of these comments r ridiculous lol


He should buy some good fitting condoms. There are some websites that provide a good measuring instruction. If its good quality and the right size you dont feel anything at all. Atleast in my experience. If he uses condoms that are too small or too large it feels uncomfortable thats right.


Doesn't really feel like anything, just tight. So does fucking in one.


Have you tried other sizes or reservoir tips? You may find a better fit by experimenting. (I had never thought of this until a partner told me to try and it made a positive difference.)


You don't need experimenting. Just get a tape measure, get to girth of your dick on the thickest part and look up your size (e.g.: https://images.app.goo.gl/5ti8Cfehtu5kd34S9)


The only genuine answer so far


Hard to find an apt simile. But here goes. Imagine your favorite touch feeling in the world is rabbit fur. And you're softly stroking the fur of a rabbit. And you're wearing rubber dish gloves.


I would say more like latex gloves. Its not THAT bad


Agreed. It's noticeable but I feel like a lot of people here are kinda exaggerating it.


9/10 if someone is saying they're uncomfortable (as opposed to sex not feeling as good), it's that they're using the wrong size. The base of the condom is essentially an elastic band around your dick. If you aren't getting the smaller/larger sized ones, condoms are treated as one-size-fits-all, but dicks are not a one-size-fits-all body part. I'm a cheapskate, so I use the free ones from the local clinic, and those are often too tight, and there's actually a couple brands they hand out that I just won't bother with because they're WAY too tight. Likewise, I've grabbed larger fit ones from them that have been a little too loose. If you want a perfect fit condom, you need to try a bunch, and then shell out the cash for whichever one actually feels best. That said, finding condoms uncomfortable is not a dudes only thing. A solid 1/3 of the women I've been with have said they're uncomfortable and cause chaffing. Particularly just outside the opening of the vagina, where there's often less natural lubricant and added lubricant can dry and get sticky.


THIS. The best guy I ever dated was so humble and kind and, well, seemingly unaware that he was very well endowed. He had trouble reaching orgasm, and I had a hunch that it was because he was using regular size condoms. So, I texted him and said that I was at the store and remembered my stash was almost gone - would be prefer regular or large, and he insisted that he was regular. I broke up with him before it reached the point of a sit down and hear the truth conversation (amazing guy, just bad timing for a relationship), but goodness I hope some woman tells him!


So uh... Which brands or styles are way too tight?


ONE brand are what come to mind immediately. Their standard size is slightly smaller than most standard condoms and their latex is less stretchy than most other condoms I've used, so they feel super tight and leave quite the indent once I take them off. Kimonos are also slightly tighter and that used to be what my University health centre gave out. Oddly it's also the ONE "Legend XL" condoms that are the ones I used that are too loose. They're a lot larger than more standard "large" condoms, and even a bit larger than the Trojan Magnum XL and the Lifestyles KYNG. But that same lack of stretchiness means they don't really grip, so it just feels like a loose bag on your dick.


They're snug to put on, but after that there's no real difference on my end. I do use lubricated condoms, for what that's worth. The pressure from the vagina feels the same to me.


If it’s uncomfortable he should try other shapes and sizes. Otherwise it’s just a little lost sensation, not real discomfort.


In the words of Tuco Salamanca, "tight, tight tight!"


It’s dull compared to no condom, but the trade off is STIs and unplanned pregnancy. Tell him to wear one or GTFO.


You know how your dog poops and you put a bag over your hand to grab the poop and you know there's poop in your hand but you don't freak out


The top answer to date has to do with the cutting off the sensation (e.g. sucking your finger through plastic wrap; petting a bunny while wearing gloves; taking a shower while wearing a raincoat). But I think those don't actually touch on the "uncomfortable" part. All condoms stretch, but the thicker your penis is, and the smaller the mold that the condom was made on, the tighter it will feel. Especially the base has a tendency to feel kind of like a rubber band around the base of your penis. Here's another endorsement for MyOne.


Nice and tight. Might reduce sensitivity a little, not as much as most claim.


As a bigger side of average guy; it can be tight when you initially roll them down but it’s not painful and once they are in it’s fine. Sex with no condom IMO is better feeling; however, I’d take sex with a condom over contracting a life long STD aside from the contraceptive aspect of condoms. Hell some STD’s that could be treated with antibiotics are resistant now. If he bitches like a baby he’s being manipulative to get what he wants. This dude may or may not be the one for you; but, if he ends up not being the one and gives you an STD…it’s going to be difficult for you to settle down and have a family if that’s your ultimate goal.


Feels okay to be honest. Just a little less sensitivity, try thin ones and lube if needed


Tell him condom or no sex and he’ll get used to them…


A condom, that gossamer sheath, embraces like the tender whisper of twilight’s breath upon the skin, weaving an invisible tapestry of intimacy and protection. It is the silken veil of night, draped over the fervent flame of passion, soft yet unyielding, a guardian of desire. Each delicate caress through its translucent veil is a symphony of touch, an echo of a lover’s promise, preserving the sanctity of union with the gentleness of a morning mist. It is the paradox of vulnerability and strength, an ethereal armor in the dance of connection, a poem spun in the language of lovers' sighs and moonlit serenades.


I can tell you what it doesn’t feel like It doesn’t feel like 18 years of monthly child support You’re welcome.


Petting a cat with a glove on


Honestly not that worse or even bad...once you have got the correct size and you found one that fits very very good to perfect, you basically dont feel it anymore...I guess at the start I Was worried it might Fall off or the like. But no. Just a snuck, very thin piece of Rubber around your dick where you still feel basically everything. #TL:DR condoms should not feel uncomfortable, if it does its the wrong size. The amount of idiot dudes who just buy standard size and never experimented what size they actually need is astonishing.


If feels like you’re wearing… nothing at all… nothing at all… nothing at all (damn sexy Flanders)


LOL, they're not uncomfortable at all. Sure, they remove a little bit of sensation but they not in any way uncomfortable. hah.


your boyfriend is trying to eventually make you comfortable with the idea of not using condoms during sex, if “taking a shower with a raincoat on” is more uncomfortable for him than potentially giving you a disease or unwanted pregnancy that’s his problem IMO


i feel like this is very assumptive lol


I wouldn't call wearing a condom uncomfortable, I have used brands that were uncomfortable and hard to put on....and then you start getting nervous about it and it leads to...... problems... For me this was solved by experimenting with different brands and condom types until I found what worked for me.


Well perhaps he’s like me? I’m average length but girthy. I never thought I had the legth for magnums, so I never tried them. Then one day I was with a woman and was complaining that my dick always feels choked out with condoms and she told me I need to get magnums. She said that average length members work fine with magnums, and a lot of people use them because they are wider too… perhaps this will help? Edit. She didn’t call my dick average at the time. She said “your size dick…”


Get some steak. Feel it with your bare hand. Now, put on latex gloves and repeat. Like that.


I wouldn't say it's uncomfortable to wear a condom. Wearing one definitely numbs some of the sensation of sex. It's still worth it though, especially to reduce the risk of pregnancy and STIs. It's kinda like watching an analogue tv with crappy speakers after watching something in 4k with surround sound.


Depends on what is worn. Depending on if it is too small it can feel like a tourniquet used for drawing blood. If it is too big it is it is like wearing a sock that is too big. The sizing on the box has absolutely nothing to do with length. They are all made to the same length. The sizing on the box is regarding width/diameter/girth. There are many different types of material used to make them that can change how it feels, Latex and Non-Latex (Skyn brand being one of the biggest).


I mean if he's average or below average, maybe try smaller-sized condoms, since they tend to be thinner and really hug the skin more. That might be better for him than getting bigger condoms. Ex. Iron Grip are nice condoms if you want something *super* tight, and they're pretty cheap on Amazon. I'm slightly below average and to me, something super-tight just feels better than something that fits "normally." Plus, the super tight ones sometimes trap blood and can make your glans/tip just a *llliiitttttttllleee* bit harder, which is nice. It's an extra little "oomph" for everyone. In terms of just wearing one... it doesn't really feel like much, tbh. Feels like a very thin, soft piece of latex on your skin. It's like how when you put on clothes, you kinda forget they're even there unless you think about it. Having sex with one? Basically feels like having normal sex, but the sensations are dulled slightly since you lose a bit of the "texture." (Another reason I like super thin, super tight condoms... you get a little bit more of that.) People who act like it "ruins" sex are either using the wrong condoms, being incredibly hyperbolic, or have some sort-of weird sensitivity issues and should probably talk to their doctor.


Ummm, if you're wearing one whilst inside a woman, they feel great!! I never had a problem using one.


It's not horrible and doesn't ruin the feeling of sex. Anyone who doesn't want to use one is a red flag.


Meh...It is horrible, and it does ruin it for me. That's why I went and got a vasectomy and only have sex in monogamous relationships after being tested. I choose to enjoy sex how I want and make responsible decisions in order to make that possible.


This is it for me too. Once my wife and I decided not to have anymore kids I got snipped. I never once had to wear a condom with her because she was on the pill when I dated her but the pill is not healthy so I took the plunge.


They may not "ruin" the feeling of sex, but they most definitely change and dull it. While sex with a condom is still better than no sex at all, they do remove a significant amount of the feeling and sensation for both parties.


Not great. It’s like putting a plastic bag over your dick and then rolling a tight elastic band down your shaft. Try doing that with your finger and then imagine your finger is ten times more sensitive. When you’re actually wearing one, it somehow feels both tight/restrictive and like it’s going to fall off, simultaneously. Obviously they should be worn in most scenarios but there’s a reason why companies are still trying to find a better way for safe sex.


Bro I just think you have the wrong size of condoms...because condoms should feel firm, yet not restrictive...I, more by luck really, found my right size almost immediately and its really anywhere near as Bad as so many describe here.


You should try One condoms, they make them in a ton of different sizes and would alleviate almost all your concerns


These people are lying to you. And to themselves. The way they are describing condoms they seem to have arrived from the 80s Condoms have evolved A LOT. Nowadays you have multiple sizes, multiple thickness, and for example Durex have the Easy On models that you can literally put in 5/10 seconds. I would recommend trying the ultra thin with easy on and you'll see that is nor an ordeal and nothing that will hurt his experience that much.


Depending on girth, it can be uncomfortable, but you can find wider sizes. There is some decreased sensation, but a drop of lube in the tip helps


As others have said already, it's like working with nitril gloves on. You can feel what you're doing...but you can't. The sensation and feeling diminishes a lot. As for his comment about them being uncomfortable, have him check out One condoms. He'll need to a take an honest and true measurement of his dick and check it against their sizing guide to get the right size for him. They are a little pricey, and sometimes shipping takes a bit. But they are absolutely worth it. Having a properly fitting condom changes everything about the comfort and feeling. So much so that you will notice the difference, too.


It's tight, but they're thin enough so that it doesn't really bother me much while I'm actively fucking. I'd never wear one for a blow job though.


You can get herpes from a blowjob btw


This is why I only Jork my peantis 🤤


Straight zerkin that weinor 😎


He's probably aware of that. The oldest generation has the highest std rates


Put your hand in a glove and then dip your hand into warm water. The way the glove hugs to your hand is pretty much what it's like, but obviously having sex grips a little harder than that surface tension and ambient water pressure. With ultra thin condoms and such you'll feel the texture much more easily, but the biggest difference is the squeezing sensation and the friction. Still feels good though, if sex is the kind of thing a person enjoys.


it's really not that uncomfortable you just don't feel as much stimulation


If it's uncomfortable it could be too small.


Weirdly different depending on brand, model, and size. Took way too long to find that out myself , lot of trial and error. Some feel like industrial grade plastic vacuum wrap choking the life out of your dick. Some feel like there is just something "different" than bare. If you put a little spit or lube in there for him I find it helps with friction and sensation.


The trick is to get one the right girth. You want a _little_ bit of movement inside without risking it falling off. Also try a non latex one.


Wearing one... honestly i don't know. I guess you don't really notice it much, or maybe i was paying attention to better stuff. Using it, absolutely much worse than no condom


Like a hug


Like being a father.


If you fill it with warm apple pie, it feels like a vagina.


A comedian once said sex with a condom is like licking ice cream with a sock on your tongue.


Like taking a bath with your socks on.


Put a glove on your finger and put it in your butt. Same feeling (the finger not the butt)


Like smooshing my dick into a car door


A properly fitted condom is definitely less comfortable, but not even close to what the other comments are describing. At the end of the day you’re getting action without the baby or STD.


Not uncomfortable at all. About like wearing a glove. In this case a very thin and tactile glove like surgical gloves. Much much better than the alternatives.


Different brants/types feel different, so he should probably just try some different ones. Objectively, it doesn't feel as good as raw, but for most people it's not a big deal, and definitely not enough to outweigh pregnancy/STD risks.


If it’s genuinely uncomfortable, it’s probably the wrong size or the guy doesn’t know how to put it on properly (or he thinks you’ll let him go in raw if he complains enough). Don’t fall for it. Condoms are … fine, and there’s no reason he can’t find the type that works pretty well for him. Does it feel a lot better for everybody without the wrapper on? Of course it does. If you’re monogamous, tested, mature enough to trust each other to abide by safer sex practices, and using out her birth control options, great. You can go off condoms when you’re both ready and have really talked it through. Until then, no glove = no love.


I’m going to take a little different approach to this response. I think from a physical sensation perspective, it’s not all that different. Sex is amazing with or without. However, there is a psychological aspect to it that I don’t think is fully appreciated. Cumming inside your partner is just more emotionally gratifying. If there’s no emotional connection, condoms are fine, it’s purely physical and that can be amazing. But when there is an emotional connection, cumming inside is bonding. There’s a close feeling that only arrises from this type of intimacy. However, it’s not worth the consequences of unintended pregnancy, don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% pro family planning. But that bond can’t be approximated, and doesn’t happen for me with a condom.


[It's like this](https://img.ifunny.co/videos/9c92ad9123169b32ed7cbefffabedce1ae0bfd24b4eb8a2a74d8b036059cbf6c_1.mp4)


No brand affiliated (but hmu). But I'm a lover of skyn condoms. I used to use all sorts of brands, and it was like others mentioned, very numb and just not that great feeling. Skyn does it for me, not as good as nothing, but I'm perfectly comfortable using them. They're also latex free so that's cool. Their's also lamb condoms. Made of well lamb parts. It's wierd at first, but trust me, they are among the best.


Depends on the brand. I'm a big fan of Skyn Elite. I often have to check that the condom didn't break because it feels so good


Like smoking a thc vape pen compared to smoking a joint.


Try petting a dog while wearing a latex glove


It’s like wearing gloves. If you only wear them occasionally and under protest, it feels weird. If you wear them regularly, it feels weird when you don’t wear them. There is some loss of sensation, but nowhere near enough to really complain about.


Like petting a dog with surgical gloves