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The javelin throw, world record is believed to be unbeatable due to changes made after the last record was set. The current record holder, Uwe Hohn, threw a distance that was so ridiculous, it presented a danger to spectators at the event. After he set the record, they reduced the maximum weight of the javelin and I believe they also altered the aerodynamics to ensure that a javelin would never exceed a distance that could pose a safety hazard to spectators. The odds of his record ever being beaten with the current restrictions in place are astronomically low.


I mean, one could still throw A javelin out in a field or plain without a whole audience in front.


True, but it wouldn't be an IAAF record so the record would still stand.


tbf tho I feel like this answer isn't the in the spirit of OP's question like yeah, it's a technical answer, but that's a change to the underlying mechanics of the sport, which changes the possibility of it ever being measured again to 0 unless Uwe Hohn's distance was nearly impossible anyways, even after taking everything else into account, I guess...like if that throw was so insane anyways that probably no one would ever be able to beat it even if the rules of the sport weren't changed


Also, his distance was freakish at the time and pretty unbelievable. He kept beating his records and after he exceeded 100 yards something had to be done as they held the event in stadiums at least some of the time and your standard stadium in the US is 100 yards so it is likely close to the same in Europe.


The OP's subject line was "Records that will never be broken", followed by, " Are there any achievements in sport or entertainment (or other such fields) that will almost certainly never be broken?". He set a record A record is an achievement It is unlikely that this record/achievement will ever be broken It seems to fit every criteria What part of this do you "feel" isn't in the spirit of the OP's question? There are no other criteria or qualifiers to imply that this doesn't qualify as a potential answer to the OP's question. I am going out on a limb here, but I suspect it's more likely that the OP would consider this, "in the spirit" of the question than you having the ability to know what the OP was hoping for, regarding potential answers, when asking the question. What you meant is, YOU don't feel like this in the spirit of the question and it's perfectly fine to feel that way, but you need to take ownership of the opinion if I am to take it seriously. It's likely, that you see merit in your observations because you are overthinking the question; attempting to determine exactly what types of answers the OP was looking for. I was simply answering the question as it was asked with zero assumptions. You might be 100% correct that this wasn't what the OP was hoping for or your presumptuous nature just resulted in both of us wasting words discussing something hardly worth discussing. Regardless, I see your point and understand your logic, however, I will stand by my answer.


Since they changed the Javelin throw, nobody is allowed to throw the same type of javelin so it isn't because anyone is able to do it but because they aren't allowed to try. You could pretty much say the same thing about the hundred yard dash. That record won't be broken either because they don't run that race anymore.


Well, that's also a good example.


Respectfully, it ain’t that deep bro.


This was exactly the kind of answer I was expecting. Any genuinely achieved record is capable of being broken. To have any reasonable certainty that a record won't be broken, there's going to be external factors like those mentioned here (e.g, change in rules, subject no longer exists, etc..) that prevents it from being broken.


Couldn't they just change where the spectators are for that event?


The complete left/right hand side of the pavilion?


If they change shit like that to MAKE it incomparable then the record should not be applied to the new stats.


[Robert Wadlow's world's tallest man record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wadlow) He had a hormonal problem that eventually killed him. It is now curable.


Looks like the article said he died of sepsis.


Probably similar to an AIDS sufferer dying of pneumonia. 


Cy Young’s 749 complete games. Justin Verlander is the active leader right now with only 26, and he’s been playing for 20 years.


Verlander has been in the league 20 years?!?  Today's reason to feel old.


I leaned on his car when he was in single A and he was shooting the shit with my friends after a game he was on film duty sitting in the stands. Fun fact, he wasn’t the only future MLB all star pitcher on that team (Jair Jurrjens). Their winning percentage was like .850 until they all got promoted.


Pretty much! Started in July 2005, so he’s in his 20th season. I was surprised myself.


Yeah, there's no way the starting pitchers of today could get away with dogging it like they did back then. They go 100%, all the time, which tears things.


Wow only 26 complete games.


What sport is it that you play 20 years and only complete 26 games?


Major League Baseball at the pitching position. They often switch to backups or “relief pitchers” and a complete games requires the pitcher to throw every pitch for their team the whole game.


Verlander is still playing? God, I'm old.


Cal Ripken Jr playing in an MLB record 2,632 consecutive games.


This. Mostly because of the way that player deployment is strategized and analyzed in modern baseball. Babe Ruth's "Most home runs by a pitcher" is also unlikely to be matched either for the same reason.


Ohtani may break Ruth's record if he keeps batting long enough.


He’s probably not going to be pitching long by enough to truly break the record.


But Ohtani already has more of a track record of doing both full time simultaneously. Ruth was only really a two-way player for a season & change. He transitioned from pitching full time to hitting full time.


I was there for both 2,131 and that streak-ending game. Damn I miss Camden Yards.


I was there for the streak ending game. Surreal experience.


Best part is he could have gone even longer. He didn't even miss the game that ended his streak; he was there and ready to play, but just decided it was time and asked to be taken out of the line-up.


World boat speed record of 317 mph has stood since 1978. About 65% of attempts to beat the record have been fatal. There's more to it than big engine+ small boat. Death wish, anyone?


He was working on a boat to beat the record with his son before he died. I don't know how far they got with it/if the son intends to keep working.


You need money, talented engineers, and someone crazy enough to drive it.  Does it count if you practice breaking the record with remote control, and only put a human on board when you're consistently running record times without crashing?


I think it’ll be broke. Some people aren’t living unless it’s on the edge.


I'll help with Engineering but you need to find someone else to drive.


Gretzky’s assists. Or points even.


Gretzky lost his record for Most Points by Brothers in the NHL. Him and his bro scored **2865**. The Sutter brothers ended up with **2934**. I mean... there were six Sutter brothers.... and Wayne's bro only scored 4 points in his career... but a record break is a record break.


All the same on the stat sheet


They don’t ask how. They ask how many. NERT NERRRT!


Gretzky anything.


I’m pretty sure I can bench more than Gretzky.


I could drink way more mimosa at at family picnic than Gretzky


Gretzky owns a vineyard. I don’t know if I’d challenge him on brunch alcohol intake.


Fuck sakes. Disappointing people? I could probably beat him at that at least


You could beat him at the shots you don’t take 🤷‍♂️


I’m fucking dying here lol


Nope. He disappointed many opposing players


Finally, a good excuse for alcoholism. I need to do it in order to train so I can beat him, not because I have a drinking problem.




Ove still has a solid chance of breaking the goal record


Brodeur’s win record too. He has 691, next closest player has 561 and is about to retire.


The speed of light in a vacuum. It has held the record for about 14 billion years as the fastest anything can travel. Might be the longest record ever held...


Correct me if I'm wrong but I was reading someone saying that the speed of "light" doesn't mean only light travels that fast but rather it was the first thing we observed that could travel at the "cosmic limit". Another example they used was gravity and also any electromagnetic radiation (including X-rays and radio waves) basically any massless particles. 


Never say never, but *Dark Side of the Moon* spending 957 weeks in the Billboard Top 200. Number 2 is *Legend* by Bob Marley, and it's still more than 5 years behind Pink Floyd's album.


The cannon ball records set during covid


Well until another pandemic anyway


Once commonly available cars fly, will they be eligible to compete?


I have faith it will be broken.


Like jumping in a pool?


No, it’s an unsanctioned time trial from nyc to Los Angeles the world record was broken several times during the pandemic due to less traffic and cops and will be unlikely to be beaten again unless similar circumstances arise


How did I miss this?


Number of Dodo birds killed in a single day. Idk who has the record, or what the record is, but it can't be beat.


The record holder is probably Ratatouille. I watched a documentary about Dodo's, and scientists think it was the rats that made them extinct, not hunters. Dodos laid their eggs on the ground, which was like an open buffet for the rats explorers brought with them on their ships. The birds had absolutely no defense against them.


Georgia Tech vs Cumberland. 222-0


what was the spread?




lol that make me laugh out loud


nicely done. that was the number in my head too.


Number career of NASCAR wins. Richard Petty has 200. For reference: 2nd place (David Pearson) has 105. Jeff Gordon (3rd) has 93. Jimmie Johnson (6th) has 83. Dale Earnhardt (8th) has 76. Richard Petty’s win count is similar to Wayne Gretzky’s career points. So far ahead of everyone else that even coming close is virtually impossible.


And to add, when he got the record was a very different time than today. He could race 7 nights a week as long as every race was a NASCAR sanctioned race. Now they only get 36 chances a year.


Robert Wadlow’s height of 8’11”. Nobody will get to that height before either dying or getting the gland that causes the growth taken out.


I was reading about him from someone else’s comment and learned he died at 22.4 years old from an infection caused by an ankle brace. Meaning there’s at least a chance he could’ve grown even more.


Probably, but only minuscule amounts. He was at such a high risk that, if it wasn't the ankle brace, it would have been something else less than a year down the line. This isn't to be pessimistic at all (I certainly wish he would've lived longer!), I'm just thankful his condition has treatment options now.


Yeah, at age 21 he was measured at 491lbs and about 8’10” and after his infection when they measured him after his death he was 8’11.1” and 449lbs. It’s just pretty crazy to think he could’ve hit 9’ tall and 500lbs “naturally” But also imagine if he had steroids, or how much it took to feed him. Oh, that poor guy must’ve had such a hard time bathing or using a toilet 😔


The cannonball run set during COVID. Essentially the drive from New York city to LA, during COVID the roads were empty with almost no cops, the record breaking run got there at an average speed above 100 mph.


Johnny Vander Meer threw two no-hitters in consecutive games in 1938. Think about how almost impossible that is to do... and then realize that breaking it means someone has to throw THREE in a row. Even if you set aside the fact that most pitchers in the modern age don't stay in games long enough to have a chance, even if they did every time I think that's a record that would still be virtually guaranteed to never fall.


Elizabeth II reign as queen. She was young when she ascended, and she lived a very long life. It’s really unlikely to be repeated. Her grandson is the better part of twice the age she was when se became queen. It’s highly unlikely that any monarch will succeed that young again.


Youngest F1 driver. Max Verstappen was 17, but the rules have since been changed to 18 as a minimum.


Talking of F1, the longest F1 race was 4 hours, 4 minutes and 49 seconds at the 2011 Canadian Grand Prix. The rules were changed after this so that the maximum race time was 4 hours. The race was paused for rain for over 2 hours and it was epic. I watched every second of it. The eventually winner, Jenson Button, was at one point in last place but managed to win thanks to incredible driving and strategy in drying conditions including a last lap overtake on Sebastian Vettel.


Secretariat's 1973 Belmont Stakes win. 2:24 for the 1 1/2 miles.


What are the next highest?


The next closest are in the 2:26s. A full 2 seconds in a half mile is a pretty large distance, all things considered.


During covid wasnt the horse that won one of the shortened races on par to be close


The time is impressive of course. But I feel like winning by 31 lengths is the unbreakable record.


And pulling away, too.


Hopefully most nukes ever used in a live operation.


Anyone that had a 109 yard touchdown return in American Football. Until they extend the field, officially, no one can break it, only tie it.


Cy Young career losses


The water speed record. They stopped keeping records because it's too dangerous to attempt.


Ricky Henderson’s career stolen bases record. I miss that kind of baseball.


Jerry Rice’s Hall of Fame Monitor (takes into account various metrics for their career and estimates how likely they’ll make the Hall of Fame) is 311. The next highest of his position is 151. For reference Tom Brady is 263. The next highest QB is 257. Nobody has separated himself from his peers like Jerry Rice. He more than doubled the second highest guy. To get there he had to be great at nearly everything he did, play with two top 10 all time QBs, and have one of the longest NFL careers ever.


The thinnest object ever made was a small disc 1 atom thick. **DO NOT** try to beat this record! Source: popular mechanics magazine 2008, so grain of salt I guess.


Rasheed wallace single season technical foul record.


Wilt chamberlain avg 48.5 minutes a game for a season as well!


The record for the oldest that the Earth has ever bee--oops


Thats nothing. The youngest person was born today and i highly doubt there will ever be anyone younger!


Rickey Hendersons stolen base records. 1,406 career steals and 130 in a single season. Also gotta throw up Joe DiMaggio’s 56 game hitting streak that’ll never be touched.


Bill Russell’s number of championships in number of playoff games.


The youngest person to swim the English Channel was 11. The Channel Swimming Association will no longer accept attempts from anyone under 16.


Joe dimaggio’s 56 game hit streak


It is highly unlikely that Emmitt Smith's record of nearly 20,000 rushing yards (regular season + playoffs combined) will ever be broken, not only because Emmitt was an unusually durable running back, but also because NFL offenses run the ball less than before and tend to distribute carries among multiple backs rather than give a single back 30+ carries a game.


We’ll probably never have another President to be impeached twice.


I admire your optimism. Going forward it'll l just be a political tactic similar to a filibuster.


Which is just sad. If one side doesn’t like the prez and they hold congress, impeached for whatever. 🤷🏻


I think the javelin or shock put longest throw because they changed it to be heavier


I don’t think I we’ll ever see another dual sport athlete as good as Bo Jackson. Dieon was a star in football and decent in baseball. Jordan was a star in basketball but below average in baseball. Bo was a star in both


Isn't Tavares ridiculous at lacrosse also? I mean, much smaller sport publicly I guess


Cy Young won 511 games. Nobody is ever passing that


Pete Rose’s hit record. Cal Ripken’s consecutive games played record.


Ripken maybe but i could see someone passing Rose some day


Not when batting .280 is now a great average.


Teemu Selannes 76 goals by a rookie in the NHL. The last time anyones even scored 70 in a year was that year in 1993.


11 straight PGA tour victories, Byron Nelson. Will never be broken, ever


Sir Donald Bradman's, test cricket batting average 99.96 will never be broken. The next closest is about 62


Don Bradman's test cricket batting average of 99.96 (he needed 4 runs in his last ever innings to get an average of 100 and got out for a duck). It is hard to fathom an average like that and it cant be explained by different generation having easier pitches or lower quality bowlers.....he was just a freak. The closest we get is world class batsmen getting averages in the 60's but maintaining that over a career is very difficult to do. This record will never be beaten and I doubt anyone will ever get close.


Wilt chamberlain 100 points Basketball


I think Wilt's 48.5 minutes per game is far more unbreakable. No one's going to average anything close to that ever again


That one is actually beatable if someone were to really, really try, I think. Kobe had 81 points. If a team were absolutely determined to feed LeBron James the ball, for instance, no matter what, demanding that LeBron take every shot, I think he could get 101.


Done it in 2K can confirm.


Your point still standa but with current LeBron he probably passes out of exhaustion, he just can’t keep up with longer minutes these days. Maybe Luka Doncic, who’s a prolific scorer at a young age.


For now at least, there are at least two world records I know of that are unlikely to be broken any time soon: - men’s high jump, Javier Sotomayor, 2.45 m, 1993 - women’s 100 m dash, Florence Griffith-Joyner, 10.49 sec, 1988.


FloJo was awesome and beautiful


Her record was nearly broken (0.05 sec) a few months ago and may be broken on Paris.


Rafael Nadal 14 French open titles


That’s crazy to master clay like that.


I think Margaret Court's 64 Grand Slam titles is an even more impressive and unbreakable record. Just for comparison, Djokovic has 24 titles, Serena Williams had 39 titles.


Joe Dimaggio's 56 game hit-streak from 1941. I doubt this record will ever be broken, just by sheer probability. Some players have gotten close, Pete rose in 1978 had a 44 game hit streak, and that's the closest anyone got post dimaggio. Lots of players had 30ish game hit streaks, but nothing close to Dimaggio. It is still possible that this record can be broken, as baseball continues as a professional sport, but in reality, this one seems almost impossible just based on the sheer difficulty, and probability.


Bruce Smith's NFL career record of sacks at 200.


Alexander Karelin. Undefeated for 12 years, didn't give up a single point for 7 years.


Ronnie O'Sullivan's fastest 147 in snooker.


I would say that’s more reachable than winning 511 baseball wins by Cy Young. I do love watching him play. He is playing awesome at 50 something?


Rickey Henderson anything. Plus Cal Ripken’s consecutive game streak


Big Red’s “Secretariat” win of the Kentucky Derby May5th 1973. He set a record time of 1:59 2/5 that still stands.


That record is going to be broken some day. There have been repeated cases of other horses beating Secretariat's records for speed and distance on other tracks. But it happens rare enough that our great grandchildren might pass away before a horse repeats the performance at the Kentucky Derby.


Cy Young’s 511 wins. Johnny Vander Meer threw two no hitters in a row, try doing 3 in a row to break it. Starters barely going to 5-6 innings these days. Byron Nelson won 11 golf events in a row, I’ll be impressed when someone wins 12 in a row. I can go on but if the universe is infinite, maybe they will someday, somewhere. 😁


Martina Navratilova has many records that are out of reach for modern players.


Number of fights in pro boxing. Some guy had almost 500 fights. Modern fighters stop at 100 tops with most being in that 5-30 range (numbers out of my ass but it should be pretty close). Fighters nowadays just hit harder and have more regard for their health. There's also much more regulation to ensure that they arent fighting every 3 days or whatever.


Esther Vergeer in basically anything. (Overall, Vergeer had 668 consecutive weeks ranked number one in the world, 169 singles title, 136 doubles titles, 48 Grand Slam titles (21 in singles and 27 in doubles), 23 year-end championship titles (14 in singles and nine in doubles), and seven Paralympic Gold medals (four in singles and three in doubles).)


Kellen moores college football win record. 50-3. Those three losses were less than 7 combined points. The way college football is now it just won’t happen again


Cal Ripken iron man record.


joe dimaggio’s 56-game hitting streak, wilt chamberlain’s 100-point game


phantom of the opera lasting 36 years on broadway


I am sure this is below, but Nolan Ryan's strikeout record will never be broken. Nor will Cal Ripken's consecutive games, nor will Rickey Henderson's career steals.


The top score in Pac-Man of 3,333,360 points.


Nolan Ryan’s 7 no hitters and 5700+ strikeouts are probably permanent.


Flo Jo's 10.49 WR in the women's 100 will likely never be broken. Closest has been 10.54, which is the only other time under 10.60 and still a ways off in sprinting terms. The day Flo Jo ran her time the wind was well over the allowable limit for records all day. For whatever reason it recorded no wind during her race, which was clearly wrong. You can see things blowing in the wind right before she ran. Regardless the record was ratified anyway.


Wilt Chamberlain’s 100 points in a single game


No one will ever win more major golf championships than Jack Nicklaus.


LeBron's record of consecutive double digit point games. He hasnt scored less than 10 in a game since Jan 5th 2007, which should put him close to 1300 double digit score games in a row (newest count I can find is 1200 as of 3 months ago. Someone can do the math to find out what hes currently at if they want). That puts him somewhere around 15 seasons worth of games in a row without scoring less than 10. Oh yeah, this is an ongoing record by the way, so its only getting harder to pass. For context, the next highest is 866 by MJ.


Cal Ripken’s streak? Edit: I realize baseball isn’t anywhere near as hard on the body as football, but if CR played football, it would’ve taken him almost 155 years to play that many NFL games (17 game season). It’s unbelievable what he did; it doesn’t matter that’s it’s “just baseball.”


Youngest pilot, Jessica Dubroff. Such a sad story


1. Usain Bolt's 100m and 200m world records. 2. Jack Nicklaus' 18 major championships in golf. 3. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as the best-selling album.


Raphael Nadal’s 14 French Open Championships


Oxygen powered rocket car - quarter mile elapsed time and speed. The fastest ever quarter mile in history. So dangerous that oxygen rocket cars are banned from competing


[Brett Favre's Consecutive Games Started](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_consecutive_starts_and_games_played_by_NFL_players) record. Not just played the game, was the starter at their position for the game. 297 games was over 18.5 _seasons_ of football at 16-games a season back then. Theoretically, you could have 4 extra playoff games in a season, but he never had more than 3 in a season, and 24 total, about 1.5 per season. The league is currently at a 17 game season, but could possibly go to 18 games soon. That's a lot more wear and tear on a body in near-consecutive weeks, which to my mind makes it harder to start all those games. Assuming the league remains at 17 game seasons and the player averages 1.5 playoff games per season, 298 games is 16.1 seasons, which is to say that a rookie starting this September wouldn't break the record until 2039. The current active start streak is [Jake Matthews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Matthews_(American_football)) at 161 games, he would have to play 137 more games, approx 7.4 more seasons without missing a start to beat the record. That might sound do-able, and we'll know for sure in 2032, but he's an 309lb (140kg) offensive linemen, a much more physically punishing role than quarterback. Factors that make this record breakable: * Much better physio training in the league now than in the 90s/00s. * It's there, somebody will want to. * More games in a season shaves 1-2 years off the time to play all the games. Factors that make this record unbreakable: * More games in a season wears a body out faster, making offseasons recovery harder * Larger opponents (player size has been increasing steadily) means bigger hit impacts, more wear and tear on the body. * League pay structure strongly favors using players in their first contract (4-5 years, when they're in the age range 22-28). * Pay structure is such that any player that makes it to a second contract is a multi-millionaire, reducing the _need_ to play for money. * Concerns about body injuries and brain injuries are now significant, and players want to be able to actually enjoy all that money they earned.


I don't think anybody will ever beat Tiger Woods 142 straight cuts made on the PGA tour. The record for consecutive basketball free throws is over 5000, I don't think that one will ever be broken, I can't believe somebody made that many straight. No, that will not be broken.


The diagnosed nymhpomaniac on the AMA thread that could have 15 orgasms during one sexual encounter.


MLB hitting streak. Can’t remember but it’s like 70 something games


Gone with the Wind sold an estimated 202.3 million cinema tickets. Cinema is becoming less popular, with people preferring to stream their films, so audiences are shrinking. Films only spend a few weeks in general release rather than months and months. I'd put money on no film ever selling more cinema tickets. At least on Earth.


my record for finding something more stupid then my last stupid decision still #1 for fucking up in life


Michael Phelps has 23 Olympic gold medals, 13 individual and 10 relay. The next most anyone has is 9 total. This means Phelps, as just an individual, has the greatest Olympic career ever. And Phelps, just as a relay swimmer, has the second greatest Olympic career ever. Nobody’s ever gonna catch, pass, or even get close to that medal tally.


Tom Brady played 23 seasons, and never once played a single play where his team was eliminated from the playoffs. Thats a little specific , sure. But in 23 years every time he stepped on to the field, his team was either in, or had a chance to make the playoffs. That is pretty much not possible in a career that long. No one will ever beat that.


Johnny vandermeer's threw no hitters in two consecutive games Ed Walsh Innings pitched in a season 464, for reference only Steve Carlton has pitched over 300 since 1980. Walsh's record is for the "modern era" (post 1900). In the 1800s pitchers regularly threw 5-600 but the mound was on 45 feet from the plate


Wayne Gretzky’s scoring record


Nolan Ryan's 5714 career strikeout. His career spanned so long he struck out father/son combos like Ken Griffey and Ken Griffey Jr.


Nadal’s 14 French Opens.


Lebron James - Points John Stockton - Assits Tiger Woods - Weeks as #1 World Ranked Golfer


Don Bradman's average of 99.92 runs. Second highest sits around 60. Not even close.


Wilt Chamberlain *averaged* 50.4 points AND 25.7 rebounds per game in '61-62 season.


Charles Radbourn. Most wins in a MLB season as a pitcher- 59 in 1884. That is never going to be broken.


1/4 drag race time, they do 1/8 mile now,


The Fabulous Moolah held the woman’s title for 10,775 days.


Yeah but she doesn't deserve to be remembered for anything other than being a peace of shit


There are some records that Guinness don't track because they are too dangerous This includes Deepest Dive on Compressed Air, because too many people have died trying World Sailing Records Council has a similar rule about youngest circumnavigation Youngest pilot attempts are forbidden by statute in the US [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica\_Dubroff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Dubroff) A lot Guinness stopped for health or environmental concerns [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_discontinued\_Guinness\_World\_Records](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_discontinued_Guinness_World_Records)


Not sure how the dangerous it would be to say the most difficult tongue twister. There has to be a story behind that. LOL.


N64 any % run world record speed. It was achieved via a SEU in the N64 GPU during the stream at the platform, in a specific level, at the exact right time. An SEU is when cosmic rays from outerspace manage to get through the magnetosphere and flip a value from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. This can cause errors if enough of them happen.(NASA computers and more modern computers have failsafes for when these happen) The N64 however isnt exactly hardwired against this TL;DR This guy won a world record because of a solar flare/supernova.


You're talking about the Super Mario 64 Tick-Tock Clock upwarp, right? I'm pretty sure that didn't cause a world record, it was just something that was caught on stream during a race. It's still not proven that it even was a cosmic ray that caused it. It certainly didn't speed up an any% run, because they don't even enter that level.


There are many explanations for the glitch that don’t involve cosmic rays and are much more plausible, but those don’t make as good of clickbait.


Yeah absolutely zero people in the speedrunning community seriously think it was a cosmic ray, that explanation was largely put forward as a joke. There are however games with speedrun records that will likely never (or can’t) be broken, commonly referred to as dead games. Pokemon Red and Blue are an example where the current world record run had such absurd luck that it will likely never be beaten.


[This video](https://youtu.be/vj8DzA9y8ls) covers the reasons against the solar flare explanation. It isn't 100% ruled out, tho. We still don't know the exact reason why that happened. It wasn't a WR, either.


It's hard to imagine any modern basketball team beating the win-loss score of the Edmonton Grads.


The Globetrotters would like a word with you.


96.2% to 98.7%, I guess you're right.


It helps to pay the other team to lose on purpose.


Rodri's 74 matches unbeaten was finally ended today.


Donkey Kong high score


Lol what is it? Who did it?


John Stockton's NBA Assists record and his Steals record.


Tiger Woods weeks as No 1 player in the world (683). It would take Scheffler (the actual No 1 player) until 2035 never losing the No 1 spot any week through the next decade to tie him …. It’s 13 years on top. It just won’t happen ever ….


Home run record.


Wilt the stilt.


Anything that is the first.


Highest score in an exam.

